

Jesus died for your sins. The

Bible says we've all blown it.

We've all made mistakes.

None of us is perfect.

We have all sinned.

The Bible says that justice

demands punishment. If you

do the crime, you pay the

time. If you break the law,

you pay the fine.

If you get caught speeding,

you get a ticket. If you break

God's laws, you pay God's

penalty and, according to the


"The wages [for our] sin is

death, but the free gift of God

is eternal life through Christ

Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23 – New Living


In other words, somebody

has to pay for all the things

you've done wrong in life:

either you pay or somebody

else pays for you.

Jesus Christ was sent to

earth to sacrifice his life on

the cross and he says, in


"I will pay for your sins.“

(Rick Warren)

Jesus made an

intentional sacrifice!

He died like an unblemished,

sacrificial lamb. And this was no

afterthought. Even though it has

only lately—at the end of the

ages—become public


God always knew he was going

to do this for you.

It’s because of this sacrificed

Messiah, whom God then raised

from the dead and glorified, that

you trust God, that you know you

have a future in God.

(1 Peter 1:19-21 – The


This was God’s plan for all of

history which he carried out

through Christ Jesus our Lord. (Ephesians 3:11 – God’s Word Translation)

Jesus was given to you, and . . .

you put him to death by nailing

him to a cross.

But this was God’s plan which

he had made long ago; he knew

all this would happen. (Acts 2:23 – New Century Version)

He thought of everything,

provided for everything we could

possibly need, letting us in on

the plans he took such delight in

making. He set it all out before

us in Christ,

a long-range plan in which

everything would be brought

together and summed up in him,

everything in deepest heaven,

everything on planet earth. (Ephesians 1:9-10 – The Message)


wanted me so much, He

planned for my salvation

Jesus made a

costly sacrifice!

You know you were not bought

and made free from sin by

paying gold or silver, which

comes to an end.

And you know you were not

saved from the punishment

of sin by the way of life that

you were given from your

early fathers.

That way of life was worth

nothing. The blood of Christ

saved you.

This blood is of great worth and

no amount of money can buy it.

Christ was given as a lamb

without sin and without spot. (1 Peter 1:18-19- New Life Version)

He is so rich in kindness and

grace that he purchased our

freedom with the blood of his

Son and forgave our sins. (Ephesians 1:7 – New Living Translation)

You have been purchased

at a great price . . .

(1 Corinthians 6:20 – The Voice)

Not one of them, though rich

as kings, can ransom his own

brother from the penalty of sin!

For God’s forgiveness does not

come that way.

For a soul is far too precious

to be ransomed by mere

earthly wealth.

There is not enough of it in all

the earth to buy eternal life

for just one soul, to keep it

out of hell.

(Psalm 49:7-9 – Living Bible)

He gave his life to purchase

freedom for everyone. (1 Timothy 2:6 – New Living Translation)


values me so much, He

sent Jesus to die for me

Jesus made a

compassionate sacrifice!

But think about this: while we

were wasting our lives in sin,

God revealed His powerful love

to us in a tangible display—

Jesus, the Anointed One

died for us.

(Romans 5:8 – The Voice)

Immense in mercy and with an

incredible love, God embraced

us. He took our sin-dead lives

and made us alive in Christ. He

did all this on his own, with no

help from us!

Then he picked us up and set us

down in highest heaven in

company with Jesus, our

Messiah . . . Saving is all his

idea, and all his work.

All we do is trust him enough

to let him do it. It’s God’s gift

from start to finish!

(Ephesians 2:6,8 – The


The greatest love a person can

show is to die for his friends. You

are my friends . . . You did not

choose me; I chose you. (John

15:13-14, 16 – New Century Version)

For God loved the world so

much that he gave his only Son,

so that every one who believes

in him shall not be lost, but

should have eternal life. (John 3:16 – Phillips Paraphrase New Testament)

Christ also suffered. He died

once for the sins of all us guilty

sinners although he himself was

innocent of any sin at any time,

that he might bring us

safely home to God.

(1 Peter 3:18 – Living Bible)


me so much, He wants

me with Him forever

Let’s Pray

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