  • 7/30/2019 September 06, 2013.pdf


    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 06, 2013


    The political parties and the Chief

    Information Commission (CIC) are at

    variance at each other with the CIC

    terming the political parties as public

    authorities as a result they should fall

    within the ambit of RTI Act. The politi-

    cal parties Right, Left and Centre are

    united on their effort to keep them-

    selves away from RTI ambit. They are

    displaying a rare unity but when per-

    sonal interests coalesce and threat of

    transparency is common to all of them,

    a unity all but sadistic is bound to hap-

    pen. Let it be at the cost of the nation or

    at the cost of the Indian tax payers

    money but united they are, so that

    nobody raises any doubt about theirsources of income. Remember, how all

    political parties cutting across party

    lines were united when they made a

    hefty raise of their salaries and other

    perks. United they are, when they for ce

    the fragile coffers of the country to feed

    them from the kitchen of the

    Parliament all dainties and choice

    dishes at damp cheap cost. All big

    political parties are wor th hund reds o f

    crore with Congress worth more than a

    thousand crore followed by BJP. Here,

    differences do not matter, common

    cause matters. What a nation it would

    have been, had these Parties displayed

    the same unity in defeating corruption

    and terrorism. But that is least on their

    minds. With scams making headlines

    everyday, it is obvious where does theinterest of our law makers lie.




    R E A D T H E N E E D



    The incident of continuous rape and

    sexual assault on poor mentally retard-ed girls in a home that was meant to

    safeguard their lives and modesty has

    shocked all well meaning people of

    Jammu who fortunately still are in

    large numbers.

    Imagine that moment which people

    believe happened many years ago

    when a king in search of an auspicious

    place for his capital found a spot where

    a lion and a goat were drinking water

    close to each other. Every eddy of

    Tawi River bears witness to that inci-dent. The King thought that the inci-

    dent was a good omen for the con-

    struction of his capital, selected the

    spot and built Jammu. RajaJambulochan never envisaged that in

    the course of times, his progeny in the

    famed City of Temples will one day

    bring ignominy and disrepute to his

    name. This is exactly what we the citi-

    zens of Jammu are doing at present. As

    they say a single sinner sinks the boat

    and a stale fish putrefies the wholepond so has happened here in this

    famed city. We may not all be respon-

    sible for this outrage and despicable

    act but if we tolerate such people it will

    bring even more shame on us all than

    ever imagined.

    Meant to safeguard the lives of mental-

    ly retarded children especially girls the

    Rotary Home in Channi Rama, turned

    out to be the very marauders praying

    on the flesh of its innocent, ignorant

    denizens who neither have any bodyto look after nor any one to cry for.

    Destitute and desolate, these girls hud-

    dled in a ramshackle place and then

    subjected to sexual assault by the

    director and other employee of the

    Home reflects upon the fast dwindling

    standards of morals in our lives.

    It is not long ago but a recent incident

    that a woman mentally challenged and

    physically fra il was subjected to rape

    in the dead on night and after some

    time gave birth to a baby in SMGS

    hospital. The women knew nothingabout the meaning of being raped and

    getting pregnant and then giving birth

    to a baby. The child it is reported has

    been shifted to a orphan home. But the

    flesh predators who raped her knew

    what they were doing.

    If this is the tragic fact in the City of

    Temples where there is hustle and bus-

    tle and at least some rudimentary

    threat of police what should be the

    condition of the of the rural areas in

    any bodys guess. The incidents ofoutraging the modesty of girls and

    women who attend to desolate fields

    or to do some other work are choice

    target of these brutes out lurking in

    any niche and corner to stalk their

    prey and drag them to the road of

    despondency and perennial mental

    assault. The fundamental question is

    why the city of temples is getting

    slowly converted into a city of rapes

    and turning every hour unsafe for our

    daughters and sisters. The threat of

    police is its elf not a deterrent becausepeople who commit such heinous

    crimes eventually get free of the loose

    tentacles of law and again return to

    their old ways. The City of Temples

    which hosts a huge number of pil-

    grims across the world can not afford

    to be called a city unsafe. It will then

    have a highly negative effect on

    social, psychological and other param-

    eters of the city. There is a need of a

    concerted effort to monitor the activi-

    ties of orphanages and other asylumsand Homes where children, whether

    mentally retarded or otherwise are

    kept. In this incident, it is incumbent

    upon the police to unravel all interlink

    ages in the sinister act and there is a

    strong possibility that many other peo-

    ple too might also be involved in sexu-

    al exploitation of these innocent girls.

    PAGE 6 PAGE 7

    8 PagesRs: 1.00Jammu



    Vol. 2 No: 222



    HAMIRPUR, SEPT 05:The three-tier border fencingalong the LoC has turned intoa "death trap" for infiltratingmilitants, leading to despera-tion among militant ranksand has prompted repeatedfirings on Indian posts fromacross the border, the Armyhas said."It is impossible for infiltrat-ing militants to cross over thethree-tiered border fencingalong LoC. There is despera-tion in militant leadershipand Pakistani establishmentdue to failure to cross-overthe fencing", Brig ASengupta told a news agency.Commanding the front

    brigade deployed to guardthe LoC in forward sectors,Sengupta said, "There is fir-ing on the fencing at timesfrom across due to despera-tion caused as a result of fail-ure to push in armed mili-

    tants this side. They are vio-lating ceasefire, targetingIndian forward posts andresorting to mortar firing".Armed with thermal imagers

    and surveillance equipment,the fencing from Malu(Akhnoor) in Jammu districtto Kanzalwan in Kupwaradistrict of Kashmir Valleycovering 490 kms of LoCand 190 kms of InternationalBorder from Malu toPathankote in Punjab has

    become a major hurdle forinfiltrating militants.As per intelligence reports,there are over 300 militants

    waiting across the LoC toinfiltrate for the past three tofour months but they areunable to cross over due tofencing and increased vigi-

    lance by troops and groundsurveillance equipment, theArmy officer said."They fire on posts to force

    jawans to keep their move-ment restricted to posts sothat they can try and engineerinfiltration of militants," hesaid."Not even a single infiltrationhas taken place this year inthis sector. All infiltration

    bids have been foiled", Maj

    Gen VP Singh, who is look-ing after operational controlof 220 kms long LoC inRajouri-Poonch region, said.The Army Contd p2

    SRINAGAR, SEPT 05:Chief Minister, OmarAbdullah has underlined theneed for enhancing financialresources by IslamicUniversity of Science andTechnology to ensure sus-tained growth withoutdepending on outside help.Chairing the review meetingof the Islamic University ofScience and Technology hereon Thursday, the Chief

    Minister who is alsoChancellor of the Universityasked the UniversityManagement to formulateFive Year Plans identifying

    roadmap of development andfinancial requirements foracademic activities, strength-ening of faculties and build-ing of benefiting infrastruc-ture.Omar Abdullah also askedthe University to focus onconsolidation and creation ofadequate infrastructure in theUniversity complex. He saidwhatever help possiblewould be extended to the

    University for its holisticdevelopment. He appreciatedthe achievements andimprovement shown by theUniversity during the last

    some years.In a PowerPoint presentationthe Vice Chancellor of theUniversity, Dr. A. R. Tragstated that the integratedPh.D programme introducedin School of BusinessStudies. He said Ph.D pro-gramme are being offered inSchools of Humanities andSocial Sciences from currentacademic session. He saidAICTE has granted extensionof approval for the period2012-13 to IslamicUniversity of Science andTechnology for technicalcourses.Dr. Trag said that the projectentitled 'establishment ofquality control and food test-ing laboratory' has been sanc-tioned at a cost of Rs. 386.82lakhs by Union Ministry ofFood Processing andIndustries for the University.The Vice Chancellor said thatup to 80 percent construction

    has been completed in twoacademic buildings ofElectronics andCommunication Engineeringand Computer Science and

    Engineering for which foun-dation was laid by the ChiefMinister last year. He said 50

    percent construction has beencomplete in OBC girls hostelfor which foundation waslaid by the Minister forSocial Welfare, ART andTrainings and PublicGrievances in this year.He said that online admission

    process has been started cu r-rent year and fully automatedadmission process is on. Hesaid the project proposal forcreation and re-modeling ofdepartments for an integratedMaster's and Doctorate pro-gramme in Nutrition Biologyhas been submitted to theDepartment ofBiotechnology, Governmentof India.The Vice Chancellor said thatthree supernumerary seats

    per course in Engineer ingstreams introduced under

    NRI quota has been intro-

    duced from academic session2013 to enhance ownresource base of IslamicUniversity of Science andTechnology. Contd p2


    Jammu and Kashmir govern-ment has approved ex-gratiaof up to Rs 5 lakh for victimsof riots and other "extra-ordi-nary" law and order distur-

    bances for damage ordestruction to immovable

    property.The decision was taken onWednesday night in aCabinet meeting chaired byChief Minister OmarAbdullah at Civil Secretariat,an official spokesman said."The Cabinet, in superses-sion of any previous order,approved ex-gratia to the vic-tims of riots and other extra-ordinary law and order dis-

    turbances in respect ofdestruction and damage toimmovable property.

    "The amount of relief to begranted for destruction anddamage to the immovable

    property shall be equal to 50per cent of the actual loss orup to Rs 5 lakh, whichever islesser," the spokesman said.He, however, did not elabo-rate on what would constituteextra-ordinary law and orderdisturbance.The spokesman said the poli-cy would be applicable retro-spectively from April 1 thisyear, but not to the settledcases.He said the assessment of theloss due to destruction ordamage would be made bythe Tehsildar of the area and

    it would be verified by theAssistant Commissioner,Revenue. The Contd p2

    SRINAGAR, SEPT 05:Two noted Kashmiri poets,including Jnanpith awardeeRehman Rahi, have opposedthe musical concert featuringinternationally renownedconductor Zubin Mehta hereon Saturday and said they

    may not attend the high pro-file event. "Many (people)are saying it is ill-timed. I

    may not attend the concert,"Rahi, who was awarded the

    prestigious Jnanpith award in2007 for his Kashmiri poetry,told a news agency. Anothernoted Kashmiri poet, ZareefAhmad Zareef, was categori-cal in saying he will not

    attend the concert as it is"unnatural" to hold such anevent when people Contd p2

    GANDHINAGAR, SEP 05:Playing down his prime min-isterial aspirations, Gujaratchief minister NarendraModi on Thursday said henever dreams of holding thetop post as he is bound torespect the mandate given tohim by the people of his statetill 2017."Those who dream of becom-ing something end updestroying themselves. Oneshould not dream of becom-ing something, but oneshould dream of doing some-thing," Modi said when a stu-dent asked him whether hewill come and interact withthem in 2014 after 'he will

    become the Prime Minis ter'."I never see such dreams (of

    becomin g PM), nor am I

    going to see such dreams.People of Gujarat have givenme a mandate to serve themtill 2017 and I have to do thiswith my full strength," Modi

    said.The BJP strongman, who isin the race for the party's PM

    candidate, was replying toquestions asked by studentswho had gathered at a func-tion for felicitating bestteachers of the state on the

    occasion of Teacher's Day.Modi shared the dais withstate Contd p2

    SRINAGAR, SEPT 05:Stressing on the need for acomprehensive MissionMode Programme forimprovement of apple pro-duction and its marketing,Chief Minister, OmarAbdullah on Thursday saidthat the concept of SpecialPurpose Vehicle (SPV) forstrengthening the apple valueis an encouraging initiative inthis direction. He directed forconverting the VisionDocument in a viable andfeasible Detailed DraftReport (DPR) taking care ofall aspects and financialimplications.

    The Chief Minister said thepresentation on SPV made bythe NABARD is a welcome

    step towards addressing theissues of improving produc-tion, productivity and mar-keting of apple on remunera-tive prices. He said the docu-ment needed to be convertedinto a comprehensive DPR sothat it is launched in the Statetaking all stakeholders of thetrade and production on

    board.Chairing a high level meetingto receive the brief on vari-ous programmes aimed athorticulture and agriculturedevelopment, the ChiefMinister said that besidesvarious schemes underimplementation in the State

    to give boost to farm produc-tion and enhance productionand marketing of horticulture

    produce, the concept of SPVfor apple would be yet anoth-er effective measure toachieve the desired results inthe development of horticul-ture sector. Omar Abdullahlaid stress on North-SouthCold Chain Link in KashmirValley adding that investorsneed to be encouraged andsupported to establishControlled AtmosphereStores in industrial estatesand fruit markets in Sopore,Baramulla, Rafiabad andother places to provide facili-ty to the fruit growers to storetheir fruit for timely market-ing. The Chief Minister also

    underlined the importance ofadopting modern methods toenhance the Contd p2

    KABUL, SEP 05: Indianauthor Sushmita Banerjeewho was settled inAfghanistan was shot dead

    by a group of Taliban whobarged into her home tookher outside and pumped bul-lets into her body onThursday.Her memoir about her dra-matic escape from theTaliban was turned into a

    Bollywood film.Banerjee, 49, was killed out-side her home in Paktika

    province. She was married toAfghan businessman JaanbazKhan and recently moved

    back to Afghanistan to livewith him.Taliban militants arrived ather home in the provincialcapital of Kharana, tied upher husband and other mem-

    bers of the family, tookBanerjee out and shot her,

    police were quoted as saying

    by BBC. The milita ntsdumped Banerjee's body neara religious Contd p2

    NEW DELHI, SEPT 05:Deepak Sandhu, who has

    been an information commis-sioner for the last four yearsat the Centre, on Thursday

    became the first womanChief InformationCommissioner of the coun-try. A former IndianInformation Service officerof 1971 batch, she was

    administered the oath ofoffice by President PranabMukherjee at a function in

    Rashtrapati Bhavan, attendedamong others by VicePresident Hamid Ansari.Sandhu had served in manykey positions like PrincipalDirector General (Media andCommunications) in thePress Information Bureau,Director General of DD(News), Director General(News) All India Radio

    before taking over asInformation Commissionerin 2009. She had represented

    the country at internationalFilm Festivals in Cannes,Berlin, Venice and Tokyo,International Conference onTerrorism and ElectronicMass Media at Glendzhik(Russia) and Cyprus besidesHeads of News Meetings atAtlanta, USA and Beijing.Speaking to reporters shesaid the RTI journey which

    began in 2005 is just a begin-ning and she propose to takeit forward by engaging withvarious stakeholders.The new CIC said her priori-ty would be to reduce the

    pendenc y of cases at theCommission. The 64-yearold officer is joining officefor a relatively smaller tenureof nearly three months inwhich her biggest challengewould over 30,000 pendingcases with the Commission.

    "We are waiting for newCommissioners which arelikely to be Contd p2

    Hike in fuel prices: Air Indiahikes fare by 25 percent

    NEW DELHI: faced with aburgeoning cost of fuel billson account of steep rise in airturbine fuel (ATF) Air Indiaon Thursday hiked passengerfares up to 23-25 per cent onall domestic routes. It mayalso raise fares on interna-tional routes. "We havehiked fares by 23-25 per centon all domestic routes. Thishas been done to offset therecent increase in ATF

    price," an Air India officialsaid. The rupee depreciationis also a big concern for theairline, said Contd p2

    Bhatkal remarks: SPdumps Kamal FarooqiNEW DELHI: Peeved overhis controversial remarksover the arrest of IndianMujhahideen Yasin Bhatkal,

    Samajwadi Party (SP) onThursday sacked KamalFarooqi as its secretary .SP general secretary RamGopal Yadav on Thursdayshot off a letter to Farooqiinforming him that partychief Mulayam Singh Yadavhas removed him as secre-tary of the SP NationalExecutive with immediateeffect. Farooqi had saidBhatkal may Contd p2

    Child sex abuse: Victims'parents criticize PopeVATICAN CITY: PopeFrancis came under fire fromvictims groups on Thursdayfollowing news that he hadquietly sacked the Vatican'senvoy to the DominicanRepublic over allegations of

    paedophilia. "Like all of hispredecessors, Pope Francis isacting belatedly, secretivelyand recklessly," said BarbaraDorris, outreach director forthe US-based Survivors

    Network of those Abused byPriests (SNAP). "Catholicofficials Contd p2


    OF UNIVERSITIES: OMAR ABDULLAH Three-tier border fencing "deathtrap" for infiltrating militants

    News in Brief

    Compensation upto Rs 5 Lakhapproved by govt for riot victims

    Modi tones down PM aspirations,wants to serve Gujarat till 2017

    Zubin Mehta concert opposedby two Kashmiri poets

    Omar for North-South Cold ChainLink for horticulture produce

    Deepak Sandhu becomes first woman CIC Taliban kill Indian author in Afghanistan

    Lays stress on enhancing per hectare productivity, production

  • 7/30/2019 September 06, 2013.pdf



    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 06, 20132

    Need to ..He said that the AICTE Tuition Fee Waiver

    scheme has been adopted and 44 students

    benefited during 2012-13. He said that 12

    students have been given special concession

    in fees after verifying their credentials for

    their poor financial background enabling

    them to continue their studies.

    Dr. Trag said that the UGC Expert

    Committee has remarked about the Islamic

    University of Science and Technology stat-ing "the Committee noted with much satis-

    faction that the University only in its eight

    academic year, exudes vibrance, joiede-

    vivre, commitment, effective teacher student

    interaction, an open and welcoming admin-

    istration and an earnest desire for growth

    and development".

    The meeting was attended by Minister for

    Higher Education, Mohammad Akbar Lone,

    Principal Secretary Planning and

    Development, B. R. Sharma, Principal

    Secretary to the Chief Minister, B. B. Vyas,

    Secretary Higher Education and Secretary

    Technical Education.

    Three-tier bor der ..feels the border fencing along the Indo-Pak

    border has virtually turned into a death trap

    for ultras, as 28 infiltrating militants were

    killed when troops foiled bids this year.

    Passing through dense woods, narrow val-

    leys and riverine areas along the LoC and

    international border, the fence has proved to

    a major deterrent against cross-border infil-

    tration as it acts as a "round-the-clock"

    guard, the Army officers said.

    "The Army continues to maintain a state of

    high alert along LoC and work on repairing

    parts of the fence da maged due to snowfall

    continues rapidly to make this round-the-

    clock guard more effective," they said.

    The Army has also mapped new probable

    routes of infiltration and vigilance was being

    maintained by soldiers equipped with

    ground sensors, thermal imagers and battle-

    field surveillance radars, they said.The Line of Control and International

    Border in Poonch sector and Jammu frontier

    have become hot and active with Pakistani

    troops violating ceasefire and repeatedly

    attacking forward posts.

    Six jawans were killed and 11 people

    injured in ceasefire violations and firing by

    Pakistan troops on forwards post, civilian

    areas and patrolling parties along Indo-Pak

    border during August.

    People living along the LoC are relaxed as

    the fencing has brought down infiltration.

    "Earlier, militants used to stay in their hous-es, take food at gunpoint and misbehave

    with their womenfolk," they said, adding,

    "Now border dwellers are fully supporting

    Army against infiltrating militants".

    According to intelligence reports, of the

    1300-1450 militants set to be pushed into

    India, over 1000 were in 21 camps and

    launching pads along the LoC and 450 in

    four bases along the IB.

    These included Bagh, Kahuta, Hazira, Goi,

    Jandro, Nikia, Sensa, Mirpur, Khuiratta,

    Saman, Zafarwal and Sialkote forward, it


    The launching pads are at Bhimber, Bindi,

    Samani, Marar, Shakergarh, Dhallapur,

    Manana, Nikial, Goi, Sensa, Hajira, Ralaur

    and Garnun opposite Kathua in Jammu-

    Rajouri-Poonch sector.

    Around 300 militants are in Chirat-Kahuta-

    Goi area and 150-155 in Sensa-Kotli-Nakial

    belt opposite Poonch.

    Bhatkal remarks: .have been arrested because he was a

    Muslim. He had later apologized for his

    remark stating that his comments were mis-


    Farooqi's remarks had kicked up a contro-

    versy when he asked whether it is based on

    the grounds of crime or religion. Congress

    and BJP had slammed Farooqi for his com-

    ment calling it ridiculous.

    Hike in fuel ..the official, as it has affected the margins of

    its international operations.

    Compensation upto ..relief would be sanctioned by the Deputy

    Commissioner of the district concerned on

    the recommendations of a district level

    screening-cum-coordination committee, he


    The committee would comprise District

    Magistrate as Chairman, Superintendent ofdistrict, Additional Deputy Commissioner,

    ACR, Tehsildar of district, besides the

    Tehsildar assessing the loss, as its members

    and any other member co-opted by the

    Chairman, he said.

    Modi tones ..governor Kamla Beniwal at the function for

    the first time after fresh confrontation

    between them. Beniwal has returned the

    controversial Gujarat Lokayukta Bill for

    reconsideration to the government with

    stinging remarks.

    Modi's comments come at a time when

    opposition Congress is gunning for his res-

    ignation and has given a call for Gujarat

    bandh on Friday after the explosive resigna-

    tion letter of suspended IPS officer D G

    Vanzara and emergence of a sting operation

    CD involving two BJP MPs allegedly trying

    to derail the investigation in the Tusli

    Prajapati encounter case.

    Asked what prompted him to moot the idea

    of making 'statue of unity' of Sardar Patel in

    the state, Modi said every country in theworld had aspired to build something monu-

    mental which assures its name in the world

    and India has nothing to boast of anything

    like that since independence.

    "And the work done by Sardar Patel of uni-

    fying the country is considered one of the

    greatest in the world. If we want to keep our

    nation intact, mantra of unity is important

    and that gave me the idea to build a statue of

    unity of Sardar Patel," Modi said.

    At the function, Ina Solanki from Vadodara

    asked Modi how many times he gets angry

    in a day and what he does when he gets


    "I am a human being and I have all vices

    which any human being has. However, I

    don't get angry but many times I feel pain.

    Particularly it is very painful for me when

    people older then me touch my feet," he


    Modi had informal interactions with school

    children who posed questions to him on the

    subjects like how kids can convey their

    birthday wishes to him, from whom he

    learnt yoga and in his opinion which were

    the three most important development

    works he did in the state of Gujarat.

    Earlier in his address to the gathering,

    which comprised mostly teachers, he

    announced that from the next year his gov-

    ernment will also felicitate best teachers

    down from the pranth level to district and

    state levels.

    Taking an indirect dig at the central govern-

    ment, he said, "State government is also

    intending to increase the amount of awards

    to these teachers as at present rupee has lost

    its value. Our rupee has been admitted in

    ICU (intensive care unit), so we have to

    increase the amount so that teachers do not

    feel disheartened."

    He also appealed to the teachers of the state

    to focus more on imparting quality educa-tion in the state.

    "Now age of teaching has ended, now its the

    age of learning. Today for students there is

    only one guru, Google-guru. Teachers have

    to compete with this new age guru and

    unless they focus on imparting quality edu-

    cation no student will value teachers," he


    While congratulating recipients of the best

    teachers' awards, Beniwal emphasised on

    the value of good teachers and their duty to

    give back to society.

    Zubin Mehta ..of the Valley were suffering miseries due to

    non-resolution of Kashmir issue.

    "If this concert was to provide a healing

    touch to the people of Kashmir, who have

    suffered so much over the years, the victims

    and sufferers should have been the audience

    for this concert. However, it is the elite from

    outside who will form the audience for the

    concert," Zareef said.

    He said if Germany had the welfare of

    Kashmiris at its heart, the massive amountof money spent on holding the concert could

    have been better utilised in rehabilitating the

    victims of violence in Kashmir. German

    embassy is organising the event.

    The poet said all efforts should be focused

    on resolving Kashmir issue so that there is

    an end to the suffering of the pe ople. "Once

    that is done, we will invite Zubin Mehta and

    other renowned musicians from around the

    globe to perform here."

    Taliban kill Indian .school, police said.

    A senior police official said Banerjee, also

    known as Sayed Kamala, was working as a

    health worker in Paktika and had been film-

    ing the lives of local women as part of her


    No group claimed responsibility for theattack. Banerjee's book "Kabuliwalar

    Bangali Bou" (A Kabuliwala's Bengali

    Wife), about her escape from the Taliban in

    1995, became a bestseller in India and was

    made into the Bollywood film "Escape

    From Taliban" in 2003.

    The memoir focussed on her life in

    Afghanistan with her husband and her

    escape from the militants.

    The film based on the book starred actress

    Manisha Koirala and was billed as a "story

    of a woman who dares (the) Taliban".

    act only when forced to dChild sex ..o so by

    media pressure," she said in a statement

    received by AFP.

    "When they do act, they act secretively - in

    this case, by not disclosing the allegations,

    the suspension or the reason for the suspen-


    On August 21 Monsignor Josef Wesolowski,

    the papal nuncio in Santo Domingo, was

    sacked without the Vatican sharing the news

    with the public.

    On Wednesday, Vatican spokesman

    Federico Lombardi told the I.Media news

    agency on Vatican affairs that an investiga-

    tion was underway in Rome into allegations

    of child sex abuse against him.

    The Dominican press said the diplomat had

    sex for money with underage boys in the

    "Zona colonial", the historic centre of Santo


    Wesolowski, a 65-year-old Pole who has

    been the papal envoy in Santo Domingo for

    five years, was ordained in 1972 by the then

    Archbishop of Krakow, Cardinal Karol

    Wojtyla, who later became Pope John Paul

    II.John Paul II appointed him nuncio to

    Bolivia, his first posting. Wesolowski also

    worked in several countries in Central Asia

    and was appointed to the Dominican

    Republic by Pope Benedict in 2008.

    Pope Francis has vowed to crack down

    against abuse in the Catholic Church, reiter-

    ating the zero-tolerance approach eventually

    taken up by his predecessor Benedict fol-

    lowing a wave of revelations.

    In July, Francis bolstered criminal legisla-

    tion against child abuse in the Vatican, issu-

    ing a decree that included "a broader defini-

    tion of the category of crimes against

    minors" including child prostitution, sexual

    acts with children and child pornography."

    The new laws introduce specific forms of

    crime that are indicated in international con-

    ventions that the Vatican has already ratified

    including against racism and war crimes and

    on children's rights.

    "The Holy See is finally making up for a

    serious lag," the international children's

    rights organization Terre des Hommes said

    in a statement hailing the changes.

    The legislation applies to a few thousand

    people who are directly employed by the

    Vatican in Rome and abroad. Sex abuse

    cases which take place in other countries are

    dealt with under national legislations.

    Although some observers welcomed the leg-

    islation as proof of Francis's commitment to

    tackling the paedophilia crisis that has

    plagued the Church over the past several

    years, the SNAP victims group criticised it

    as window dressing, slamming the decree as

    "tweaking often-ignored and ineffective

    internal church abuse guidelines to generate

    positive headlines but nothing more."

    Omar for ..per hectare production of apple by rejuve-

    nating old orchards and providing high-den-

    sity and disease resistant planting material to

    the horticulturists.

    The meeting among others was attended by

    Minister for Agriculture, Ghulam Hassan

    Mir, Minister for Horticulture, Raman

    Bhalla, Chief Secretary, Mohammad Iqbal

    Khandey, Principal Secretary Planning and

    Development, B. R. Sharma, Principal

    Secretary Finance, B. B. Vyas,

    Commissioner Secretary Agriculture, Asgar

    Samoon, representatives of NABARD and

    SKUAST, Director Horticulture P&M,

    Showkat Ahhmad Zargar, Heads of the

    Departments of Horticulture, Agriculture,

    SIDCO, J&K Horticulture Produce

    Marketing Corporation and various senior


    In a PowerPoint presentation Commissioner

    Secretary Agriculture, Asgar Samoon pre-

    sented the present status of horticulture and

    agriculture scenario in the State and gave

    resume of the schemes and programmes in

    pipeline to catapult these sectors and

    improve the lot of farmers and growers.

    The representatives of SKUAST and

    NABARD also made presentation in the

    meeting on improvement of root stock for

    high-density plantation and SPV to address

    horticulture in a holistic and comprehensive


    Deepak Sandhu ..appointed soon. It will ease our burden of

    disposal of cases and also reduce the pen-

    dency at the Commission," she said.

    Sandhu will succeed Satyananda Mishrawho demitted office after five-years of

    tenure at the Commission yesterday during

    which he headed the Bench which declared

    political parties to be under the ambit of the

    RTI Act.


    Cancer treatments, likechemotherapy or radiationtherapy, highly hinder bothhormonal production andreproductive potential inwomen, as the treatmentsattack fast growing cells in the

    body. However, with anAustralian woman, renderedinfertile by ovarian cancertreatment, expecting twinsafter successfully undergoingovarian tissue transplantation,doctors are expecting that thenew technique could revolu-tionise fertility treatment.Though the procedure had

    been carried out previously,

    this is for the first time that thetissue has been successfullytransplanted into the abdomeninstead of the ovaries.Ovarian tissue transplant:How it is done Healthy ovari-an cortical tissue is removedusing laparoscopic surgery(keyhole surgery) from the

    woman about to undergo can-cer treatment. The minimallyinvasive procedure lastsapproximately 1 hour andrequires general anesthesia.The ovary`s cortex is cut intotiny 1 millimetre thick stripsand then frozen to be used forfuture transplantation. Once

    the patient goes into remissionpost cancer treatment and plansto have a baby several slices ofthe previously frozen ovariantissue can then be thawed andimplanted near the fallopian,either orthotopic (on the natu-ral location) or heterotopic (onthe abdominal wall).

    Ovarian tissue transplant - A newhope for female cancer survivors

    Washington: Almost 12 per-cent of adults in China haddiabetes in 2010, with eco-nomic prosperity driving thedisease to slightly higher pro-

    portions than in the UnitedStates, researchers saidTuesday.The overall prevalence ofdiabetes in China in 2010was found to be 11.6 percentof adults -- 12.1 percent inmen, and 11 percent inwomen, according to thestudy published in theJournal of the AmericanMedical Association

    (JAMA).In the United States, about11.3 percent of people over20 have diabetes according to2011 data from the USCentres for Disease Control

    and Prevention.The disease was more com-mon in China than in theUnited States even thoughthe population was slimmer -- average body mass index, aratio of height and bodyweight, was just 23.7 inChina compared to 28.7 inthe United States."The prevalence of diabeteshas increased significantly inrecent decades," said theJAMA study."These data suggest that dia-

    betes may have reached analert level in the Chinese gen-

    eral population, with thepotential for a major epidem-ic of diabetes-related compli-cations, including cardiovas-cular disease, stroke, andchronic kidney disease in

    China in the near future with-out an effective nationalintervention."

    30 percent of Chinese withdiabetes were aware of theircondition, it said.Further, about half of the

    population has high bloodsugar, or a condition knownas prediabetes, according to anationally representativesample of Chinese adults.Diabetes has been rising inChina along with the nation`seconomic growth. In 1980,the prevalence of diabetes

    was less than one percent ofthe population.The latest findings mark amore than two percentage

    point increase over 2007,when a national survey found

    a 9.7 percent prevalence ofdiabetes, or about 92.5 mil-lion adults.The current data puts the totalnumber of cases of diabetesin China at 113.9 million.Worldwide, diabetes affectsabout 8.3 percent of the glob-al population, or 371 million

    people."China is now among thecountries with the highestdiabetes prevalence in Asiaand has the largest absolutedisease burden of diabetes inthe world," said the study.The Chinese survey included

    more than 98,650 people andwas led by Guang Ning, headof the Shanghai Institute ofEndocrine and MetabolicDiseases and colleagues withthe 2010 China Non-commu-

    nicable Disease SurveillanceGroup.Diabetes was more commonin urban areas and amongyoung and middle aged peo-

    ple who were overweight orobese, and was found to beincreasing along with eco-nomic development.The research suggested thatone cause for the growingtrend could be poor nutritionamong pregnant women andyoung babies, combined withovereating later in life.Type 2 diabetes is the mostcommon form of the disease,

    and can be managed withimproved nutrition and exer-cise, as well as medication ifneeded.According to an accompany-ing editorial in JAMA by

    Juliana Chan of the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong,"rapid modernization" hasfuelled an environment thatencourages diabetes "charac-terized by food abundance,

    physical inactivity, and psy-chosocial stress." The CDCsays that diabetes is a topcause of blindness, kidneyfailure and amputations ofthe legs and feet, and was theseventh leading cause ofdeath in the US in 2007. Onein three US adults will havediabetes by 2050 if currenttrends continue, according to

    the CDC. The disease is char-acterized by the body`s short-age of insulin, or an inabilityto use the hormone efficient-ly for converting glucose intoenergy.


    NEW DELHI: When amigraine attacks, one has nochoice. Migraine can bedescribed as a chronic neuro-logical disorder epitomised

    by moderate to severeheadaches. According toexperts, women get moremigraines than men. Further,there has been a debateamongst experts worldwideif stress can trigger migraine.The answer is yes, no andmaybe, but as per studies,stress may be the biggestcause of a migraine attack. Arecent study suggests thatmigraine raises the risk of

    brain lesions, white matter

    abnormalities and alters brainvolume compared to peoplewithout the disorder. Here isa list of top 5 reasons that cantrigger a migraine attack: -Alcohol: It is a myth thatconsuming alcohol releasesfrom stress and tension,rather researchers suggest

    that alcohol can change theway the body manages stress,leading to a migraine attack. -Caffeine: Consuming caf-

    feine in a little amount isokay, but, if used excessively,caffeine can be too stimulat-ing and cause anxiety andsleep problems, ultimatelytriggering a migraine. -Inadequate sleep: Most of usdo not care about our sleep-ing schedule or do not get

    adequate sleep. It is actuallybad for our health and cancause mild to severeheadaches. -Weather change:

    Studies suggest that extremeweathers like too hot, toocold or too humid can be acause for headaches andmigraine triggers. -Loudnoise: If one is exposed toloud or high-pitched noisefor a long time, then it mightcause severe headache.

    Top 5 reasons that can trigger migraine Cataract surgery li nked to longer lifeWASHINGTON: People who have had cataract surgery toimprove their sight live longer than those who choose not toundergo the procedure, according to a new study.The research is drawn from data gathered in the BlueMountains Eye Study, a population-based cohort study ofvision and common eye diseases in an older Australian pop-ulation. A total of 354 persons aged 49 years and older anddiagnosed with cataract-related vision impairment - some ofwhom had undergone surgery and others who had not - wereassessed between 1992 and 2007. Adjustments were madefor age and gender as well as a number of mortality risk fac-tors, including hypertension, diabetes, smoking, cardiovas-cular disease, body mass index and measures of frailty andcomorbid disease. Follow-up visits took place after five andten years since the baseline exam. Jie Jin Wang, Ph.D., of theWestmead Millennium Institute and one of lead researchersof the study, said that their fiodnings suggested that correct-ing cataract patients` visual impairment in their daily prac-tice results in improved outcomes beyond that of the eye andvision, and has important impacts on general health. Wangnoted one limitation of the study is that participants withcataract-related visual impairment who did not have cataractsurgery could have had other health problems that preventedthem from undergoing surgery, and that these other health

    problems could partly explain the poorer survival amongnon-surgical participants. The study has been published inthe journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

  • 7/30/2019 September 06, 2013.pdf




    SRINAGAR, SEPT 05: TheState Government has pre-

    pared Rs. 8 crore Plan forCentre funding to create theMughal Road-Poonch touristcircuit via Kashmir Valley to

    boost the economic activity

    in the area, revealed TourismMinister, Mr. Ghulam AhmadMir while chairing a PoonchDevelopment Authoritymeeting held here onThursday.

    The Minister said that anoth-er detailed project report

    would be formulated to cre-ate way side amenities along

    Mughal Road via Jammu and

    directed the concerned

    authorities to formulate theDPRs for early submission to

    the Centre for approval offunds.

    "The creation and the upgra-dation of the necessary

    tourist infrastructure facili-

    ties are underway. New sce-

    nic spots like Pushana,

    Doogron, Chadinarh, Sailan,

    Bhuriekhat, Buffliaz, Mandi

    Phegla, Mandi Laran andBhimber Gali, would be

    brought under the jurisdic-tion of the PDA for their

    development," he said.Mir said a lake circuit is also

    being developed in the areaas a tourist attraction addingthat in this regard the Centrehas approved funding of Rs.4.19 crore and alreadyreleased Rs. 83.82 lakh as afirst installment.

    Mir said that the promotionof heritage tourism in thearea is also receiving focusedattention of the government,adding that renovation ofPoonch Fort was taken up at

    a cost of Rs. 3.79 crore andGovernment would submitanother project to the Centrefor funding so that completerenovation of heritage sites inthe area is carried out.

    Mir said that historicaltourist spots of Poonch dis-trict are also being fully

    explored by expending Rs20.00 crore under PoonchTourism DevelopmentAuthority (PTDA), fundedunder Prime MinistersReconstruction Plan

    (PMRP). He said touristspots along the way side ofMughal Road like NooriChamb, Peer-ki-Gali, TattaPanni would be developedon priority.

    MLA Poonch Aijaz Jan,

    Commissioner SecretaryTourism and Culture, Mr

    Atul Duloo, District

    Development CommissionerPoonch., Special Secretary

    Planning Department,

    Director Tourism Jammu,

    Managing Director CableCar Corporation, Managing

    Director JKTDC, ChiefExecutive Officer PDA,

    Chief Town Planner, Jammu,

    Additional Secretary

    Tourism, Joint DirectorPlanning Tourism

    Department besides othersenior officers of concerned

    departments attended themeeting.

    The meeting discussed cur-

    rent years action plan being

    carried out for constructionof tourism related infrastruc-

    ture in the district besides italso reviewed the work done

    report of last financial yearof the Authority. The

    Meeting also approved cur-rent year's action plan of Rs.

    1.50 crore

    PDA, DDA authority meets held

    Mughal Road-Poonch tourist circuit to be developed: G.A Mir'Doodhpathri promoted as major destination, another project of Rs. 4 crore taken up'

    SRINAGAR, SEPT, 05:Minister for Haj, Auqaf,Floriculture and Public

    Enterprises PeerzadaMohammad Sayeed onThursday visited Haj HouseSrinagar and took stock of thearrangements put in place forHaj pilgrimage-2013 startingSeptember 7th.

    The Minister went round vari-ous sections of the Haj House

    and enquired about the facili-ties available for the Haj pil-grims. He directed the con-cerned for maintaininghygiene in and around thecomplex. The Minister saidthat fool proof arrangementsat the Haj House and en-routehave been made for pilgrims

    to facilitate their smooth trav-el from various district andtheir stay at S rinagar.Peerzada said that properarrangements have also been

    made for smooth transfer ofpilgrims from their place ofstay to the Haj House andfrom there to the Airport. Hesaid besides, other arrange-ments, some nationalized

    bank counters have also beenset up for disbursement of for-eign exchange. He said Rs. 50

    lakh have been earmarked forfree vaccination of Haj pil-grims, moreover, the pilgrimshave also been provided freeSIM cards, he added.

    The Minister said the issue ofconcession in fare for thosewho are going 2nd time to

    perform Haj, has already beentaken up with the HajCommittee of India, Civil

    Aviation and Ministry ofExternal Affairs. He saidExternal Affairs Ministry hasalso allotted quota of 50 pil-grims to a private agency.Peerzada expressed his grati-tude to the UnionGovernment for not curtailingthe allotted quota of Haj pil-

    grims for the State.Meanwhile, the Haj pilgrimshave been advised to reportearly on September 7th at theHaj House. The reporting time

    for Ist Flight pilgrims is 9amand for 2nd flight pilgrims at11 am.

    The meeting was informedthat the first Haj flight isscheduled to operate fromSrinagar on September 7th tillSeptember 23rd, 2013 andcorresponding return flights

    shall operate from October20th to November 5th, 2013.As many as two flights with acapacity of 275 pilgrims eachshall operate daily directlyfrom Srinagar Airport toMadina Munawarah, themeeting was informed.The meeting also decided that

    Deputy CommissionersShopian and Pulwama wouldensure restrictions on move-ment of trollies and other loadcarriers plying on Mughal

    road during the period for theconvenience of pilgrims fromPoonch and Rajouri.

    Peerzada visits Haj House Srinagar,finalizes arrangements for Haj-2013


    Describing teachers like bea-con lights, Minister of Statefor Health, Shabir Ahmad

    Khan on Thursday said thatthey are nation builders andhave pivotal role in shapinglife of students, adding thatthe relation between a teacher

    and a student is a sacred rela-tion and we owe a lot to thissacred relationshipThe Minister said this whileaddressing in a functionorganized by Gandhi GlobalFamily in connection withthe Teachers-Day celebra-tions at Tyndale Biscoe

    School Srinagar here on

    Thursday.Director Health Services,

    Kashmir Dr Saleem-ul-Rehman, President GandhiGlobal Family, Mr. S PVerma, Director, Principal,

    staff and students of BiscoeSchool were present in thefunction.Mr. Shabir said Teachersshould dedicate themselves

    to their job to such an extentthat society perceives a greatregard for teacher, saying thata teacher is an inspiration, arole model, a source of kind-ness and love.The Minister said the great-ness of a teacher cannot beexplained in a few words and

    maintained that 'Teacher's

    Day on Sept. 5 is celebratedto convey the message that

    we care for our teachers andon this day we recognize andappreciate their efforts, hardwork and devotion not just

    for their academic lessons butfor the guidance, their help ineach and every sphere oflife". He also lauded the roleof GGF for spreading the

    message of peace and loveamong the society.The Minister said that gov-ernment has initiated a healthscheme for the students whofall under the age 18 yearsthrough which they can avail

    benefit of free medical treat-ment from the health depart-

    ment and asked students to

    take maximum benefit fromsuch health schemes .

    Teachers nation builders: ShabirFor inculcating sense of respect, responsibility among students

    SRINAGAR, SEPT 05:- Toreview the functioning of

    PHE Department, a Meetingof Estimate Committee of

    Jammu and KashmirLegislative Assembly was

    held here on Thursday underthe Chairmanship of Dr.Mustafa Kamal.Threadbare discussions wereheld on the issues pertaining

    to the Department. TheMembers gave their valuablesuggestions for its improve-ment and thrust for propersupply of potable drinkingwater.Legislators, Mr. AshokKhajuria, Mr. HarshdevSingh, Ashwani Sharma, Mr.

    Nayeem Akhtar Andrabi ,Syed Mohammad RafiqShah, Charanjeet Singh,Peerzada Mansoor Hussainand Mr Nizam-ud-Din Bhatwere present in the meeting.The Committee discussedvarious issues pertaining tothe PHE department andexpressed their grave concern

    over the proper supply of safepotable drinking water sup-ply to the mas ses all over theState and people living inmain cities, towns and partic-

    ularly in Kandi areas of theState. The Committee direct-

    ed concerned PHE authorityto supply potable water sup-

    ply through water tankers,engage more man power and

    also utilize its resources forthe purpose besides improv-ing the system.The Committee also stressedthe Department to complete

    all on-going pendingschemes in stipulated timeframe and also directed theconcerned authorities toimmediately start the repairwork of damaged machinesand replace the old machin-ery, which is not in use andout of order due to recent

    rains and floods in the State.During the course of deliber-ation the department apprisedthe Committee that they have

    been doi ng their best e ffortsto upgrade the system andcover all on-going schemes.Principal Secretary, PHE,Pawan Kotwal, ChiefEngineers, PHE, Jammu,

    Kashmir, ExecutiveEngineers, PHE, senior offi-cers of PHE and AssemblySecretariat attended the meet-ing.

    Mustafa chairs EstimateCommittee Meeting

    KUPWARA, SEPT 05: An

    amount of Rs. 80.56 crores

    were provided as financial

    assistance for the establish-

    ment of 5731 Income

    Generating Units in Kupwara

    district by the existing finan-

    cial institutions upto

    September 30, 2013.

    This was stated by the Lead

    District Manager, Kupwara in

    a meeting of District Level

    Review Committee held

    under the Chairmanship of

    District Development

    Commissioner, Kupwara, Mr.

    Itrat Hussain Rafique to

    review the progressive

    achieved by the financial

    institutions and line depart-

    ments' upto June 2013 under

    Annual District Credit Action

    Plan 2013-14.

    The Lead District Manager,

    Kupwara, Chief Planning

    Officer, Kupwara, JKB

    Cluster Head, representatives

    of RBI, NABARD, besides

    bankers and sponsoring agen-

    cies were also present in the

    meeting. It was informed in

    the meeting that under

    Priority Sector Rs. 64.77

    crores were credited for

    establishment of 4985 income

    generating units while under

    Non-Priority Sector Rs. 15.79

    crores stands provided for

    establishing 746 income gen-

    erating units in the district

    upto June 2013, under AAP

    2013-14, for the development

    of the area and ameliorating

    poverty and unemployment.

    Rs. 80.56 crores creditedfor 5731 IGUs in Kupwara

    SRINAGAR, SEPT 05: The Speaker,

    Jammu and Kashmir Legislative

    Assembly Mr. Mubarak Gul while

    addressing an international

    Parliamentary Conference at South

    Africa asserted that the social and eco-

    nomic inequality is detrimental to the

    health of any society especially when

    the society is diverse, multicultural, over

    populate d and undergoing rapid but

    unequal economic growth. He said that

    the desire for healthy family, healthy

    society, a healthy country and a healthy

    world, at large, drives individuals and

    governments alike.

    The 15-day conference organized by

    Common Parliamentary Association

    (CPA) on the theme "Inequitable

    Resource-Sharing: A Threat to

    Democratic Governance."

    The Speaker said that the Government,

    parti cularly under the parlia mentar y

    democratic system, is supposed to create

    set-up that will provide equal opportuni-

    ty for an individual to fulfill his desires,

    as the democratic governance rests on

    the maxim that power and authority are

    derived from the people and are used for

    the people. The Speaker said global

    financial crisis and subsequent recession

    have exposed vulnerabilities and struc-

    tural imbalances in major economies.

    He said that the income levels have

    diverged sharply in many developing

    countriesand added that stable earning

    opportunities, income security and mod-

    ern infrastructure amenities still remain

    out of reach for hundreds of millions of

    people. Mr. Gul said increas ing global-

    ization, increasing scarcity of natural

    resources, new security challenges,

    rapid technological innovation and

    demographic shifts affect the economic

    perfor mance by undermi ning social

    structure, trust and limited sources of

    growth by leaving many resources

    untapped, adding that the governments

    around the world are increasingly under

    pressure to re-think conventional eco-

    nomic policies and governance strate-

    gies in order to understand what is real-

    ly required to make the life better of

    their citizens.

    The Speaker said that developing coun-

    tries have to take steps to promote inclu-

    sive growth in their respective countries

    by reducing inequality a nd poverty and

    providing opportunities for improving

    quality of life to all segments of society.

    Mr. Gul said that the institution of

    democracy throughout the globe should

    ensure equitable sharing of the resources

    for sustainable development of the pop-

    ulation. He said parliamentarians irre-

    spective of their political ideologies

    need to rise to the occasion to suggest

    measures to their respective govern-

    ments to ensure equal distribution and

    sharing of all the available resources.

    Gul seeks support for equitable resources sharing for healthy world

    SRINAGAR, SEPT 05:While maintaining that the

    government has initiated sus-tained development of every

    part of the s tate, the Minist erfor Rural Development andPanchayati Raj, Mr. AliMohammad Sagar has saidseveral flagship programmeshave been undertaken whichhave been instrumental inchanging the socio-economic

    profile of the rural and far-flung areas. The Minister wasaddressing a huge gatheringafter dedicating to the public,the newly constructed 4-kmroad stretch at Laisoo,Damhal Hanjipora inKulgam district.The Minister for Social

    Welfare, Ms. SakinaItoo, leg-islators, Mr. Nasir AslamWani, Mrs. Bimla Luthra, Dr.

    B. A. Veeri, Mr. Abdul MajidBhat, besides other senior

    officers of district adminis-tration and different depart-ments were present on theoccasion. Asking the peopleto come forward to avail themaximum benefits of the var-ious flagship schemes intro-

    duced by the government, theMinister said that by doing sothey would be exhibiting a

    participatory involvement intheir implementation, besides

    giving the much needed feed-back about them. He said thatseveral schemes have beenlaunched which have con-tributed a lot in ensuring that

    the infrastructure creation is

    done in rural and far-flungareas, besides ensuring theirsocio-economic upliftment.Mr. Sagar appealed the peo-

    ple not to pay heed to thepropaganda being carried ou tby certain political parti es asthey are trying to create con-

    fusion in their minds for theirown vested political interests.He said that it is a recordedfact that the present govern-ment has initiated a develop-

    mental agenda which has noparallels in the annals of his-tory."We have launched several

    progra mmes which have

    been instrumental in ensuring

    that the people get the muchneeded employment opportu-nities at their doorsteps,

    besides also taking care ofthe youth of the state bylaunching schemes likeHimayat, Umeed etc", theMinister said.

    Sagar, Sakina dedicate 4-kms road to people at LaisooSustained dev priority of Govt: Sagar

    Death of a kashmiristudent of SRM

    college GaziabadJAMMU, SEPT 05: Jammuand Kashmir Police has con-

    tacted Ghaziabad Police inconnection with death of astudent of SRM collegeGaziabad namely AbdulManan Wani resident ofChannapora, Srinagar.Manan was putting up in a

    private hostel. According toSHO police station

    Modinagar under whose juris-diction the hostel falls, Policehad received an informationthat a student of SRM collegehad attempted to commit sui-cide by hanging himself inthis hostel room. He wasrushed to hospital but died onway. After taking cognizance,

    police h as se nt t he body for

    post mortem. The police islooking into the cause of thisextreme step by checking upwith his friends and the call

    details of the mobile phone ofthe deceased.

    JAMMU, SEPT 05: Two

    policemen have been arrestedwith Chinese-made pistolsand ammunition in Rajouridistrict of Jammu andKashmir, police said here onThursday. Acting on specificinformation about suspiciousactivities of some policemen,a team of Special Operation

    Group intercepted IshfaqAhmed and Mohd Zakheeron motorcycle, going fromMendhar in Poonch toRajouri yesterday, a policeofficer said.The police team of SOG led

    by Deputy SP Azad Sheikhrecovered two Chinese-made

    pistols, two magazines and

    four live rounds from theirpossession, he said, addingthat both of them were arrest-

    ed. A case has been regis-

    tered against the duo --Ahmed, of Naika Panjgrain,(Manajakote) and Zakheer, ofRajdhani (TehsilThannamandi) -- in thisregard, he said. The duo has

    been sent for questioning andsome more arrests and recov-eries are likely to be effected

    in the coming days, the offi-cer said. He did not rule outthe possibility of their linkswith militancy. The accused,who were working as policefollowers, were under thescanner for use of drugs andother activities in the past, hesaid. Zakheer was trans-ferred to Kishtwar from

    Rajouri six months back buthe did not join duty there, theofficer said.

    Policemen arrested with Chinese-made pistols and ammunition


    The three-tier border fencingalong the LoC has turned into

    a "death trap" for infiltratingmilitants, leading to despera-tion among militant ranksand has prompted repeatedfirings on Indian posts fromacross the border, the Armyhas said."It is impossible for infiltrat-ing militants to cross over thethree-tiered border fencing

    along LoC. There is despera-tion in militant leadershipand Pakistani establishmentdue to failure to cross-overthe fencing", Brig ASengupta told a news agency.Commanding the front

    brigade deployed to guard theLoC in forward sectors,

    Sengupta said, "There is fir-ing on the fencing at timesfrom across due to despera-tion caused as a result of fail-ure to push in armed militants

    this side. They are violatingceasefire, targeting Indianforward posts and resortingto mortar firing".Armed with thermal imagersand surveillance equipment,

    the fencing from Malu(Akhnoor) in Jammu districtto Kanzalwan in Kupwara

    district of Kashmir Valleycovering 490 kms of LoC and190 kms of InternationalBorder from Malu toPathankote in Punjab has

    become a major hurdle forinfiltrating militants.As per intelligence reports,there are over 300 militantswaiting across the LoC to

    infiltrate for the past three tofour months but they areunable to cross over due tofencing and increased vigi-lance by troops and groundsurveillance equipment, theArmy officer said."They fire on posts to force

    jawans to keep their move-

    ment restricted to posts sothat they can try and engineerinfiltration of militants," hesaid."Not even a single infiltration

    has taken place this year inthis sector. All infiltration

    bids have been foiled", MajGen VP Singh, who is look-ing after operational controlof 220 kms long LoC in

    Rajouri-Poonch region, said.The Army feels the borderfencing along the Indo-Pak

    border has virtually turnedinto a death trap for ultras, as28 infiltrating militants werekilled when troops foiled bidsthis year.Passing through densewoods, narrow valleys andriverine areas along the LoCand international border, thefence has proved to a major

    deterrent against cross-bor-der infiltration as it acts as a"round-the-clock" guard, theArmy officers said."The Army continues tomaintain a state of high alertalong LoC and work onrepairing parts of the fencedamaged due to snowfall

    continues rapidly to makethis round-the-clock guardmore effective," they said.The Army has also mappednew probable routes of infil-

    tration and vigilance wasbeing mainta ined by s oldiersequipped with ground sen-sors, thermal imagers and

    battl efield survei llanceradars, they said.

    Three-tier border fencing along the LoC turnsinto a "d eath trap" for infiltrating militants

    SRINAGAR, SEPT 05: Twonoted Kashmiri poets, includ-ing Jnanpith awardeeRehman Rahi, have opposed

    the musical concert featuringinternationally renownedconductor Zubin Mehta hereon Saturday and said theymay not attend the high pro-

    file event. "Many (people)are saying it is ill-timed. Imay not attend the concert,"Rahi, who was awarded the

    prestigious Jnanpith award in2007 for his Kashmiri poetry,told a news agency.Another noted Kashmiri

    poet, Zareef Ahmad Zareef,

    was categorical in saying hewill not attend the concert asit is "unnatural" to hold suchan event when people of the

    Valley were suffering mis-eries due to non-resolution ofKashmir issue."If this concert was to pro-

    vide a healing touch to thepeople of Kashmir, who havesuffered so much over theyears, the victims and suffer-ers should have been the

    audience for this concert.However, it is the elite fromoutside who will form theaudience for the concert,"

    Zareef said.He said if Germany had thewelfare of Kashmiris at itsheart, the massive amount ofmoney spent on holding the

    concert could have been bet-ter utilised in rehabilitatingthe victims of violence inKashmir.

    Zubin Mehta concert opposedby two Kashmiri poets

    JAMMU, SEPT 05: Taking

    serious note of the horrific

    practice of sexual exploita-

    tion going on in the Rotary

    Inner Wheel Home for

    Mentally retarded children at

    Channi Rama in the outskirts

    of Jammu city, BJP State

    Spokesperson Dr. Nirmal

    Kamal asserted that the State

    Government's Social Welfare

    Ministry should directly

    intervene in the matter.

    Expressing shock over the

    helpless mentally retarded

    innocent girls aging between

    10 to 16 years, who took

    shelter under a home where

    more than 45 boys and girls

    are inhabiting, so that they

    can be treated to become nor-

    mal and live a dignified life,

    Dr. Nirmal Kamal questioned

    the authorities that when

    women of the entire country

    and the state are united

    against the heinous crime ofsexual assault on women,

    how the authorities of such

    Protective Homes in con-

    nivance with sick members

    of society are engaged in

    flourishing the anti-social

    crime against women?

    Concern expressed over sexualharassment by Dr. Nirmal Kamal

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  • 7/30/2019 September 06, 2013.pdf





    Speech pathology and Audiology are allied health

    careers where the professionals are qualified by spe-cial training, education, skills and experience to pro-

    vide health care service and treatment. While the

    field is an allied health field, the practitioners are not

    physicians but rather known specifically as speech

    pathologists and audiologists. Speech language

    pathology and audiology are distinct disciplines, but

    are so interrelated that to be fully competent in either,

    one should be familiar with both. Both deal with

    speech, language and hearing impairments that dis-

    rupt the ability of the sufferer to communicate and

    interact in various social situations. Speech language

    pathologists and audiologists are concerned with the

    prevention, identification and rehabilitation of chil-

    dren and adults with communication disorders and

    hearing impairment. Audiologists examine people of

    all ages and identify symptoms of hearing loss, audi-

    tory, balance and related sensory and neural prob-

    lems. They use specialized equipments like

    audiometers, computers and other testing devices to

    evaluate and estimate the impact of auditory and bal-

    ance problems on the client's daily life. Audiologists

    then use the results from these tests to prepare a diag-

    nosis and design a course of treatment by using

    remedial measures and rehabilitation strategies

    depending on what the situation demands.

    Speech therapists or speech language pathologists

    work with people who have speech disorders like

    inability to produce sounds, speech rhythm and flu-

    ency problems and also people who have swallowing

    disorders due to problems like cleft palate or other

    medical conditions which may be congenital, devel-

    opmental or acquired. Speech language pathologists'

    work involves assessment, diagnosis, treatment and

    prevention of speech-related disorders, designing

    and employment of augmentative and alternative

    communication methods. In India, the first

    Audiology & Speech Language Therapy program

    was started in 1966 at T.N.Medical College and BYL

    Nair Charitable Hospital in Mumbai. The

    Government of India established All India Institute

    of Speech and Hearing in 1966 at Mysore. Today this

    institute is the country's leading institute in the field

    of communication disorders. There are about 20 uni-

    versities in India which provide Speech Pathology &

    Audiology programs which are accredited by

    Rehabilitation Council of India.

    The job titles for professionals working in this field

    include Audiologist, Program Director,

    Rehabilitation Counselor, Sign Language Interpreter,

    Language Specialist, Linguist, Speech Pathologist

    etc. These professions provide essential services to

    people of all ages and backgrounds in developing the

    vital human skill - communication. They offer a vari-

    ety of specialization opportunities, challenges and

    have relevance to daily living. As these professionals

    help people make their lives more productive and

    richer by improving people's communication skills

    their career is well respected and gives an opportuni-

    ty to make a difference in other people's life.


    To practice audiology, professionals need to have

    either Bachelors/Masters degree in Audiology and be

    registered with Indian Speech and Hearing

    Association (ISHA) or Rehabilitation Council of

    India (RCI).

    For undergraduate courses the applicants should

    have passed the pre-university course or 10+2 from

    a recognised institution with science subjects -

    Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics. The

    duration for an undergraduate course is 3 to 4 years.

    The various universities may grant admissions either

    on the basis of marks of the 10+2 course or they may

    conduct specific entrance tests to gauge the merit and

    aptitude of the aspirants.

    Admission to the 2 year post graduate courses

    requires a graduation in speech language pathology

    and audiology. Besides the undergraduate/ post grad-

    uate courses, several institutes offer diploma courses

    of varying durations.

    Course Areas : University courses in speech lan-

    guage pathology and audiology include acoustics,

    anatomy, assessment, counseling, hearing disorders,

    hearing aids, language development and disorders,

    linguistics, neurology and neurophysiology, nonvo-

    cal communication, parent training, psychology,

    phonetics, speech disorders, statistics, stuttering,

    voice and voice disorders, and a variety of specific

    areas (e.g., autism).

    Personal Skills: The job is not physically demand-

    ing but is emotionally demanding. The professionals

    must be able to approach problems objectively and

    provide support to patients and their families.

    Because a patient's progress may be slow, patience,

    compassion, and good listening skills are necessary.

    They must have exceptional skills in observation,

    concentration, and record keeping. Audiologists

    should be able to effectively communicate diagnos-

    tic test results, interpretation, and proposed treatment

    in a manner easily understood by their patients, rela-

    tives and other staff.


    Audiologic treatment may include examining and

    cleaning the ear canal, fitting and dispensing hearing

    aids, and fitting and programming cochlear implants.

    It also includes counseling on adjusting to hearingloss, training on the use of hearing instruments, and

    teaching communication strategies for use in a vari-

    ety of environments.

    Audiologists keep records on the initial evaluation,

    progress, and discharge of patients. In other settings,

    audiologists may work with other health and educa-

    tion providers as part of a team in planning and

    implementing services for children and adults, from

    birth to old age. Some audiologists specialize in

    work with the elderly, children, or hearing-impaired

    individuals who need special treatment programs.

    Others develop and implement ways to protect work-

    ers' hearing from on-the-job injuries. They measure

    noise levels in workplaces and conduct hearing pro-

    tection programs in factories, as well as in schools

    and communities. A few audiologists conduct

    research on types as well as treatment for hearing,

    balance, and related disorders.

    The job of a speech therapist includes diagnosing

    communication disorders and swallowing disorders.

    Planning and implementing treatment in language,

    speech, voice and swallowing disorders. Educating

    and counseling individuals, families, co-workers,

    educators, and other persons in the community

    regarding acceptance, adaptation, and decision mak-

    ing about communication, swallowing, or other

    upper aero digestive concerns.

    Certified Speech Language Pathology and

    Audiology professionals can find employment in

    Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers , Nursing Care

    Facilities , Industry , Home Health Agencies , Long-

    term Care Facilities, Research Labs, Centers for

    Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Public or

    Private Schools, Private Practice, Community

    Clinics, College/University Clinics, Health

    Department, State or Government Agencies, Adult

    Day Care Facilities and Business.


    The starting salary for speech pathologist and audiol-

    ogist is around Rs 8000/- per month initially and may

    go upto Rs 12000/-. The gross emoluments may sum

    upto Rs15,000- Rs20,000 per month. Those in the

    teaching field may earn between Rs 9000-Rs.15,000

    per month. For lecturers the pay scale lies between

    14000-18000 and the gross emoluments may go upto

    Rs25,000 per month.


    CPMT counsellingscheduled fromSep 9 to 14KANPUR: The second phase of UP-

    Combined Pre-Medical Test (CPMT)

    counselling is scheduled from

    September 9 to 14.Counselling will be held at four centres

    across the state, including Ganesh

    Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial Medical

    College (Kanpur), King George

    Medical University (Lucknow), and

    medical colleges of Meerut and


    As per the schedule declared by the

    authorities of Chatrapati Sahuji

    Maharaj University (CSJMU), all the

    successful candidates of ST category,

    SC students from rank 01 to 1000 can

    come for registration on September 9.

    The SC candidates ranked above 1001

    can appear for registration on

    September 10.

    On September 11 and 12, g eneral candi-

    dates from rank 1 to 400 and 401 to

    1000 can appear for registration,


    On September 13, general candidates

    from rank 1001 to 2500 can appear for

    registration. All the students will be

    given an opportunity to lock the seats

    on September 14. The counselling fee is

    Rs 300. The students also have to sub-

    mit Rs 5,000 as security money.

    The students will have to bring docu-

    ments like admit card, rank card, high

    school pass certificate and marksheet of

    Class XII. Photocopy sets of original

    certificates, passport size photographs

    (photos should be same as used in the

    form). Duplicate certificates will not be

    accepted. The counselling team will

    verify the photograph and signature.

    Bio-metric verification will also be


    The students who have already taken

    admission in some other MBBS or BDS

    College and have submitted their origi-

    nal certificate are required to bring an

    application letter from the principal of

    that college mentioning the submission

    of original certificate. Details regarding

    registration fee and others are available

    on the university websites

    www.upcpmt2013 .

    If the documents are found to be fake or

    the expert committee is not convinced

    about the genuineness of documents

    submitted, the students will be debarred

    from counselling.

    Impersonators will be prosecuted. If the

    candidates do not get original docu-

    ments/acknowledgments verified from

    any other organisation, they will be


    The medical education department has

    not included homeoptahy and Unani

    colleges even in the second phase of

    UP-CPMT counselling. Hence, coun-

    selling of BHMS and BUMS seats will

    not be held in the second phase.

    About 30 percent of the Chinese population cannot speak

    Mandarin, the official language of China, said the ministry of

    education Thursday.

    Although the remaining population can communicate in

    Mandarin, also known as Putonghua, a large number of them do

    not speak it well, reports.

    Ministry spokesperson Xu Mei said the country still needed to

    invest in promoting Mandarin.

    The government has been holding a campaign to promote

    Mandarin in the third week of September every year since 1998.

    This year, the ministry would focus on the remote countryside

    and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, Xu said.

    30 percent of Chinesecannot speak Mandarin

    JAIPUR: The Central Board of

    Secondary Education (CBSE)

    has termed those schools run-

    ning as franchisee of principal

    institutes as 'commercialized

    models' in the recently amended

    by-laws which govern its a ffili-

    ated schools. The move aims to

    keep the school education free

    from commercial franchisee

    models and to reduce the finan-

    cial burden on parents arising

    out of heavy franchisee fees.

    The order is giving sleepless

    nights to franchisee schools run-

    ning in the country under the

    brand names like Delhi Public

    Schools Society, Ryan

    International School Society,

    Birla Schools, Gems Group,

    EDIFY and Bal Vidhya Ashram

    Group, to name a few.The board has cleared that such

    schools have to provide an affi-

    davit that they have not entered

    into any such contract to use

    name and logo of the parent for

    consideration for their fees. The

    board has also recom mended

    that such schools should delink

    themselves from franchisee


    The amended rule said that any

    franchisee school making pay-

    ments to its parent institute for

    use of name, motto and logo or

    any other non-academic activi-

    ties would be termed as com-

    mercialization of institution.

    Sources said that parent insti-

    tutes initially charges ranging

    from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 25 lakh

    from franchisees to allow them

    use their names, logos or brand

    names. In turn, the parent insti-

    tutes only support the fran-

    chisees in recruitment, setting-

    up amenities and management

    of schools. The franchiser hasno say in syllabus and course


    A senior CBSE official in Delhi

    requesting anonymity said,

    "Franchise model is a sheer

    marketing gimmick."

    Such practice involved a lot of

    cost factors. Apart from one

    time fee, the franchisers also

    charges per student amount and

    have a certain percentage in

    annual profits. In a bid to fulfill

    the financial liabilities to be

    franchisees, the schools pass on

    the money burden to parents by

    charging hefty fees. Sources

    said a school located along the

    Jaipur-Ajmer highway gives

    20s% of its fees to the franchis-

    er. Parents have a rage for

    admitting their children on fran-

    chisees with big brand names.

    They expect that franchisee

    schools are offering the same

    quality education as they are

    being deliveri ng in the parent

    schools, but in reality it turnsout to be poles apart.

    Ajmer-based Mayoor School of

    Mayo School group has opened

    its franchisee schools in Bhopal

    and Noida with its brand name

    Mayoor School. DPS has three

    schools in Rajasthan-Jaipur,

    Udaipur and Jodhpur.

    Defending the order, the school

    owners said that brand name is a

    property and is always transfe r-

    able. "Brand names and logos

    are properties of an individual

    group and being used by fran-

    chisees is not a commercial

    activity. The CBSE is unneces-

    sarily exercising its authority in

    areas which are not in its

    domain," said Damodar Goyal,

    preside nt, Society for Privat e

    Unaided Schools in Rajasthan.

    However, parent associations

    have welcome the move and are

    expecting such schools to

    reduce fees. Such a situation

    will also pose a challenge for

    states like Rajasthan, TamilNadu an d Punj ab as the respec-

    tive state governments has

    formed committees to decide

    the schools fees on various

    paramet ers.

    New CBSE rule puts franchisee schools in afix, fee structure to be under scanner

    NEW DELHI: Based on year-

    on-year accumulation, they now

    form nearly 60% of the institu-

    tion's teaching resources and

    have been vital to the smooth

    conduct of academics since 2008.Yet they face misbehaviour from

    colleagues and administration

    and are discriminated against

    even on grounds of caste. For

    years they have been living in

    constant fear of losing their jobs

    which jeopardizes their personal


    Yes, this is the story of the ad hoc

    and temporary teachers of Delhi

    University, according to a survey

    conducted by six teachers from

    different colleges.

    While reforms are meant to bring

    in good news, the newly-

    launched four-year undergradu-

    ate programme has ironically

    added to their woes.

    The survey conducted online

    received 223 responses-cutting

    across 27 subjects-from present

    and former ad hoc teachers,

    which revealed their sorry serv-

    ice conditions.

    The average age of the respon-dents is 31 years. With over 27%

    of irregular faculty being

    retrenched in the current academ-

    ic session following the introduc-

    tion of FYUP, the claims of the

    university administration that

    there will be no job loss for ad

    hocs due to the reforms have fall-

    en flat.

    Meanwhile, being an ad hoc in

    has turned out to be a nightmare

    for many teachers. "I've been aDelhi University topper through-

    out. Working in Delhi University

    was a dream come true. But hav-

    ing worked as an ad hoc teacher

    for over a year now, I think noth-

    ing could be more humiliating

    and frustrating. Although my col-

    lege renewed my term, I'm living

    in constant fear and it is affecting

    my personal, professional and

    social life.

    If after studying (in fact

    excelling) in academics for six

    years the state can't guarantee me

    a dignified permanent job I won-

    der what job opportunities would

    be avai lable to the current FYUP

    batch who ex it a fter two ye ars?"

    commented one of the respon-


    While 64% of the respondents

    claim that they are constantly

    insecure about their job, nine

    said they have faced sexual

    harassment and 19% faced onekind of social discrimination or


    In fact, things have worsened for

    those who continued as tempo-

    rary teachers in Delhi University

    with 42% of the respondents

    claiming that their employment

    status got diminished-from tem-

    porary to ad hoc and ad hoc to


    Adverse work conditions also got

    reflected in the personal life ofrespondents with 41% delaying

    their marriages and another 26%

    the birth of children in view of

    uncertain employment. None of

    them ever received any medical

    leave or benefits even as 33% of

    the respondents or their depend-

    ents underwent major medical

    expenditure during their employ-

    ment in Delhi University.

    The allegations against the

    administration of forcing ad-hocs

    to vote en masse for a particular

    group has been reflected in the

    findings of the survey.

    Seventy percent of respondents

    said they can't express their

    views openly when it comes to

    DUTA elections and 46% said

    they are obliged to support the

    politi cal opinion s of those who

    matter in their colleges and


    In fact, one temporary respon-

    dent shared at length his case ofvictimization wherein he was

    removed after three years of

    service immediately after he con-

    tested and won the college staff

    association elections

    Ad hoc teachers get a raw deal

    Stabbing incident leavesone dead in US school

    WASHINGTON: A 17-year-old student

    was stabbed to death and three others

    were injured during a fight at a high

    school in the US state of Texas early

    Wednesday, reported. The stabbing took

    place in a hallway leading to a cafeteria on

    the Spring High School campus in

    Houston area, report. One student died on

    the spot and a 16-year-old boy in critical

    condition was flown to a medical facility.

    The boy's parents told reporters that he is

    expected to survive. 2 other students suf-

    fered minor injuries and one of them has

    been discharged from hospital, the report

    said. Officials said all the victims are stu-

    dents. Three students have been detainedby authorities. But it's not clear at this

    point if they were suspects in the stabbing.

    No details have been revealed about the

    circumstances of the campus stabbing.

    Unconfirmed reports on Twitter indicated

    it was possibly a gang fight.

    NEW DELHI: The final lists of

    contestants for students' union

    elections in Delhi University and

    Jawaharlal Nehru University

    were declared but things didn't

    progress too smoothly at JNU.

    There was a heated exchange of

    words between the election

    committee the newly-formed

    Concerned Students when a

    member had his candidature for

    the post of general secretary in

    the central panel cancelled. Late

    Wednesday evening, the EC

    called an all-party meeting todiscuss the issue.

    In all, 162 candidates are in fray

    for Delhi University Students'

    Union Elections for the four

    posts, while 22 candidates have

    filed nominations for the central

    panel of Jawaharlal Nehru

    University Students' Union elec-

    tions scheduled for Sept 13. The

    election offices of both the uni-

    versities issued the final list of

    candidates on Wednesday. In

    DU the candidates will have till

    Friday to withdraw their candi-


    Nominations of 44 candidates

    have been found valid for the

    post of president for DUSU,

    while 34 are in fray for the post

    of vice-president. For secretary

    and joint secretary there are 50and 34 candidates respectively.

    Out of 44 candidates, 13 are

    female candidates for the post of

    DUSU president. The final list

    of candidates after the withdraw-

    al will be announced on Friday.

    ABVP has filed 10 nominations

    for the four posts in DUSU, they

    will have to withdraw six of the

    candidates. NSUI too has filed

    around 12 candidates for the

    four posts. AISA however has

    filed nomination for just four

    candidates for the posts and they

    are the final candidates.

    In JNU, 103 candidates have

    made the final list of nomina-

    tions for the posts of councilors

    in the different schools with the

    maximum - 33 - for the School

    of Languages. The new groupsthis time include Concerned

    Students; and what was JNU-

    SFI last year, is now the

    Democratic Students' Federation

    (DSF). The presidential debate is

    on Sept 11 and voting is on 13.

    Delhi University, JNU students'

    unions finalize list of poll contestants

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    We do bemoan the state of education inIndia, and of course a lot needs to be doneto bring millions to literacy and numeracy.A lot more needs to be done to bring educa-tion to the literate argumentative Indian but that is a discussion for another day.Even the schools and colleges that are sup-posed to instruct their wards in standardisedcurricula may only be working towards par-tial instruction. Because of what we meas-ure.We measure our success in education by theresults students achieve. Other measuresthat explore the system in depth include theDistrict Information System for Educationdata provided via the National University ofEducational Planning and Administration tothe Union Ministry of Human Resource

    Development. The Annual Status ofEducation Report explores student achieve-ment in depth, as do the Wipro studiesassess on more holistic criteria. Muchprogress has been made in these assess-ments of education systems in the past twoyears, with J-PAL setting up monitoringsystems for helping education officers man-age their areas better by changing the waythey assess their zones by moving to a morecollaborative and supportive approach.It was interesting to realise that Indiaallowed one pilot-run of the Programme forInternational Student Assessment test, didnot do well in tha

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