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SeniorNet (Palmerston North) Inc. Suite 2/105 Princess Street,

Palmerston North 4410 Phone 06 359,4367

Email: [email protected]


Facebook/ Palmerstonnorthseniornet

Office Hours: 10am - 12pm

Monday to Friday Palmerston North


December 2018

Presidents Report / Note to Members

Well this year has almost come to a close and at Palmerston North

SeniorNet. We have enjoyed a nice range of courses and workshops and we have now been a full year in our current premises. It’s been 3 years now since I took on the honour of leading the group and committee as President. It has been a great adventure and I’m very fortunate to have gotten to know and work with some amazing people. It is time though now for me to step aside and pass the baton. We haven’t yet had any nominations for a new President and I am asking if any of you would be willing to enjoy your own adventure as our leader. I am of course hoping to stay on the com-mittee and focus my available time on tutoring and creating a Marketing plan for our learning centre, this includes getting more interaction with our Facebook page. Our AGM is March 2019 so there’s time for you to consider this option, if you’d like to be more involved in some decisions but not ready for the “big” job, maybe considering a place on our committee. Thank you to each one of you who have attended courses, workshops and membership meetings. We’ve had some informative members meetings, our guest speakers have been of very high quality and already we have arranged some interesting people for 2019. Our yearly fees will of course be due from January and you’ll need to have these paid up to make sure you stay on the list for future email updates. If there is a particular subject you’d like to know, please register your interest at the office and we’ll do our best to offer a course or workshop. Coming up in the new year will be Windows 10, Google Photos, Gmail, iPad beginners and intermediate, Social Media 101 and Internet Banking. We want you to get the best out of your membership and to do this, we need your interest and feedback. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 2018 committee and the volunteers who give their time in the office, tutoring and members days. A special thank you to Shirley Walters who has tirelessly run the office duties with her husband Allan, she’s bought the biscuits and milk and never once asked for any thanks. Next year Shirley will be stepping down from these duties. Again, if you have skills in office work, we want to hear from you!!

See you at the Christmas Party!!

Best Regards and seasons Greetings

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Join us for our annual Christmas Party

Wednesday 12th December 1.30pm - 3pm

SeniorNet learning centre on Princess Street.

We will enjoy some traditional Christmas music along

with drinks and finger food afternoon tea

All free of charge but do bring a few dollars for our special raffle prize,

sponsored and provided by Julia Wallace Retirement Village.

Wear something Christmassy — there will be a prize for the best Christmas dressed.

Please phone the office 3594367 (between 10 &12) or email the office before 5 December if you are coming

We need numbers for Catering purposes

SeniorNet Office Holiday Hours

Our Office will close on Friday 14th December

Next Year - the office will reopen for enrolments Monday day 11th February 2019

2019 Office Hours: 10am to 12pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday

For further information phone one of our committee or Allan 354,7206

iPad Learning Group Monthly Meeting

iPad User Group will meet at 1.30pm

on Wednesday 5th December

There will be a $3 fee. Please wear your

name badge. Contact: Mike Lawrence

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Tips for Handling Telemarketers Three Little Words That Work!! (1) The three little words are: 'Hold On, Please...' Saying this, while putting down your phone and walking off (instead of hanging-up immediately) would make each telemarketing call so much more time-consuming that boiler room sales would grind to a halt. Then when you eventually hear the phone company's 'beep-beep-beep' tone, you know it's time to go back and hang up your handset, which has efficiently completed its task. These three little words will help eliminate telephone soliciting.. (2) Do you ever get those annoying phone calls with no one on the other end? This is a telemarketing technique where a machine makes phone calls and records the time of day when a person answers the phone. This technique is used to determine the best time of day for a 'real' sales person to call back and get someone at home. What you can do after answering, if you notice there is no one there, is to immediately start hitting your # button on the phone, 6 or 7 times as quickly as possible. This confuses the machine that dialled the call, and it kicks your number out of their system. Gosh, what a shame not to have your name in their system any longer!!! (3) Junk Mail Help: When you get ads enclosed with your phone or utility bill, return these ads with your payment. Let the sending companies throw their own junk mail away. When you get those 'pre-approved' letters in the mail for everything from credit cards to 2nd mortgages and similar type junk, do not throw away the return envelope. Most of these come with postage-paid return envelopes, right? It costs them more than the regular postage, 'IF' and when they receive them back.

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Phone 06 358 6907 - Palmerston North

Copper Wire

After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces

of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their

ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the Brit’s, in the weeks that followed, an American ar-

chaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times:

“American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ances-

tors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the British”.

One week later, the state’s Dept. of Minerals and Energy in Western Australia, reported the following:

“After digging as deep as 30 feet in Western Australia’s Pilbara region, Jack Lucknow, a self-taught

archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing.

Jack has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Australia had already gone wireless.”

Snowman and the Rabbit

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SENIORNET (PALMERSTON NORTH) INC Nominations for Officers and Committee 2019

Nominations shall be in writing, signed by the proposer, seconder and the person

nominated. Nomination forms to be in the hands of the Secretary no later than Friday,

22nd February 2019, in time to be posted on the club noticeboard 10 days prior to the

Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 20th March 2019 at 1.30pm in

the SeniorNet Rooms 105 Princess Street, Palmerston North. If there is to be an

election, ONLY financial members will be eligible to vote.

Positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee

Nomination Form:











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