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I. Introduction

A. The Carolina Pregnancy Center is committed to providing long-term, comprehensive support of a women throughout her pregnancy and after her baby’s birth. The Carolina Pregnancy Center educates women of all ages on pregnancy, abortion risks and side effects, and life giving alternatives.

B. The Carolina Pregnancy Center is a option for couples because it can help women and men in their decisions for abstinence education, abortion alternatives, and parenting skills.

II. Abstinence Education

A. Education through the schools

1. Teaching grades 6-12 on risks of STD’s

2. A 4 day Abstinence program divided into 4 parts, goals, STD’s, wedding, lyrics

B. Parental Education

1. The CPC believes that they should educate parents on teaching their kids abstinence

2. The CPC goes in churches to educate the parents

C. Education at the Center

1. The CPC provides brochures that teaches visitors on STD’s and the risks of sex

2. The CPC has classes teaching about abstinence

III. Abortion Alternatives

A. Counseling for young mothers

1. “The CPC does not make you make your decision but they want you to know that you can avoid the trauma and heartbreak of abortion.” (Bethany, 10 most asked questions)

Page 2: Senior Paper OUTLINE!

Outline Sample

2. “More than one thousand women visited the CPC in Pitt and Beaufort counties, out of those women one-third or more opted to have an abortion but the other women chose adoption or to keep the child.” (Grizzard, Center battles Perception)

B. Adoption

1. “The CPC provides the pregnancy counseling for birthparents and extended families before and after birth.” (Bethany, 10 most asked questions)

2. “If you choose adoption the CPC provides post-adoption counseling.” (Bethany, 10 most asked questions)

C. Keeping the Child

1. The CPC helps by providing maternity and baby clothes, infant formula and diapers to help you with the expense of your baby.

2. The CPC provides parenting classes to make sure the father gets involved and to help train women in parenting skills.

IV. Parenting Skills

A. Hold classes for fathers and mothers

1. 8 classes: one night per week for 8 weeks

2. 20 participants, commit to attending all 8 classes, commit to homework, child care is provided

B. Shows Videos

1. They show videos on how to change a diaper

2. They show videos on how to use a car seat

C. Classroom work

1. Practice changing diapers

2. Practice CPR training

V. Conclusion

A. Abstinence Education, Abortion Alternatives, and Parenting Skills are offered at the Carolina Pregnancy Center to help women and men make decisions before and after the birth of their child.

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Outline Sample

B. No matter the income, race, or religion, The Carolina Pregnancy Center wants to help you and be with you before, during, and after your pregnancy, and wants you to make the right decision.

C. The Carolina Pregnancy Centers staff does not want you to make your decision alone and will be with you every step of the way.

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