  • 8/12/2019 Semi-final Exam 2014




    SEMI-FINAL EXAM-September 16-18, 2013

    NAME________________________________________________________SCORE________Schedule______________________WHITE HORSE of ALIH

    1. Choose the LETTER of the correct answer and then write it on the blank


    ____1. Some said that the___ must have made Alih lose his head.

    ____2. Omar always hated his brother a. Omar b. Alih c. Lucy

    ____3. What was betweenAlihs legs? A. sheath b. blades c. kris

    ____4. She is the Christian maid that Alih wanted to kiss.a. Lucy b. Fermina c. Balete woman

    ____5.Ferminasflowing robe caught on the edge of the

    a. bamboo b. ground c. heels

    ____6. The little American girl who had smiled at Alih

    A. Fermina b. Lucy c. balete woman

    ____7.Terror was on her face as she saw Omar coming towards her

    a. Fermina b. Lucy c. American girl

    ____8.Omar was___when he had spoken of white horses and houris

    a. recoiled b. spoken c. drunk____9.When Omar leapt in the street drawing the fatal blades the crowda. laughed b. panic c. screamed

    ____10. Is the white horse true? a. yes b. no c. maybe

    ____11. What was the native drink Omar and Alih drank

    a. beer b. tuba c. cottas

    ____12. A___seated with the driver was picking from candies and cigarettes

    a. girl b. boy c. balete woman

    ____13.Why is it that Alih said that I am too young to die? I have not yet slept with

    a. Fermina b. a girl c. a woman

    ____14. Only by ___ Alih, that we can wash away our shame, Omar said.

    a. shaving our body b. sleeping c. killing

    ____15. After they had eaten all their food and had drunk all thea. tuba b. rainwater c. houri

    ____16. ____ a village so far out of town a. Zamboanga City b. Sampang c. Curuan

    where a group of men with straw hats pulled low over their ears.

    ____17. Omar and Alih had set to sail in a small ___with a motor and out riggers

    a. small boat b. small bangka c. kumpit

    ____18.Several months ago Omar had decided they should venture out as

    a. killers b. priest c. merchants before they went to the town

  • 8/12/2019 Semi-final Exam 2014


    ____19. The___as a reward for killing is an a. houri b. white horse c. woman

    ____20. Allusion conjured by fanatics a. implied or indirect reference

    b. illusion c. direct reference or implication

    ____21.The ___ never taught of white horse a. Koran b. prophet c. fanatics

    ____22. A village priest is an a. prophet b. Imam c. hadji

    ____23. The___was passing rapid by a. sea b. procession c. big wave

    ____24. Omar had saidthat the brave Moro was the Moroa. who could make passes at Christian girls

    b.who couldmake passes at Muslim girls c. who could grabbed by the waist

    of a woman

    ____25. Fermina was pretty and good to watch. She has a ___on the corner of

    the mouth a. mule b. mole c. pimples

    ____26.He was accused by killing a man he had not killed. a. Omar b. Alih c. father

    ____27.But the___would not honor their fathersexplanation although he had been

    to Mecca a. American b. Alih c. soldiers

    ____28.Alihs father is a __of his village a. village priest b. imam c. hadji

    ____29.Alih had no money to show Omar for his work during the day. He gave him

    lashes with his leather belt. A. khaki-clad men b. Omar c. Imam

    ____30.The___were not allowed to set foot the reservation

    a Muslim b. Christian c. Moro

    ____31.She was the little girl in the reservation across the river where the

    Americans lived. A. Fermina b. the woman in Balete c. Lucy

    ____32.He had ever ridden was a ____in a merry-go-round

    a. ferris wheel b. white horse c. wooden horse

    ____33. It is wrong to kill the___had said as he sat facing in his prayer

    a. prophet b. Imam c. Alih

    ____34.The mountain warrior that defiled a whole squad of soldiers

    a. man Sampang b. Moros c. juramentados____35.White horse symbolizes a. a reward for killing b. a peaceful part

    ____36. The big American holiday that the town celebrated a. Fourth of June

    b. Fourth of July c. Fourth of August

    ____37. Nobody knew that they were in town, so their mission is

    a. to ride a pony b. sworn to kill c. pole climbing

    ____38.The author of the white horse of Alih a. Landa Jocano b. Egmidio Enriques

    c. fictionist

    ____39.Alih wore___ at the time a. white cotton shirt b. white polo

    c. white cotton polo

    ____40. Alih felt all the more alien to the town because

    a. he was there to goto paradise b.he was there to be alien

    c. he was there to kill

    B. A Letter to Pedro US Citizen Also Called Pete_____1. How did Pedro became a US citizen? A. he married an American wife

    b. he married a Pinay wife b.he just migrated to America

    _____2. What is the day when the farmers come down? A.Saturday b. Sunday c.Monday

  • 8/12/2019 Semi-final Exam 2014


    _____3. After they sell their crops, where did the farmers go? A. to the cockpit area

    b. cockpit

    _____5. What is the thing that now spans on the gray river? A. mansion b. steel bridge

    c. gate

    _____6. who owns now the long blue hills? A. mayor b.mayors son c.congressman

    _____7.The mayor owns a big mansion b. sugar plantation c. blue hills d.a fence

    _____8. How many cars did the mayor own? A. 4 cars b. 3 cars c. 2cars d. 1 car_____9. Inside the gate are guys who carry a. hi-powered weapons b. rifle c. cockpit

    _____10. We still go to the_____store for rice a.Kongo b. Konga c. Mass

    _____11. We buy sardines and sugar and _____a. nails b. rice c.sugar for coffin

    _____12. In the church the children a. sad b. talk

    _____13. And the men a. sad b. talk c. play

    _____14. Your cousin, ____a. Julia b. Elsa c.Bella has just become a whore

    _____15.Why she became a whore because she liked good clothes and ______a. good food

    b. food c. big sugar plantation d. cornfields

    _____16. When we get drunk and be carried home in a _____a. wheelbarrow

    b. wheel borrow

    III. Choose the correct answer in the following words and write in the blank.

    Epic of Labaw DonggonAnggoy Doronon, pig pen, umblical cord, fish net, eyes , magic boat

    Three, pig, bravery,Labaw Donggon, Saragnayan

    _____________________1.The second wife of Labaw Donggon from the underworld.

    _____________________2. After many years of fighting Labaw Donggon weakens

    And Saragnayan eventually defeats him and bind his arms

    And feet and puts him inside a______________________3.Buyung Baranugan, his ____is still uncut.

    ______________________4. Baranugan strikes Saragnayans

    _______________________5. Asu Mangga riding on a

    _______________________6. They finally find Labaw Donggon inside a

    _______________________7.Labaw Donggon has _______wives

    _______________________8. Saragnayans life is not within his body but kept inside the

    body of a

    _______________________9. Labaw Donggon to his full power and

    _______________________10. He has one wife that was taken from him

    III. Write the answer on the blank provided.

    PILANDOK CROSSES A RIVER1. Who crossed the river?__________________

    2. How did he crossed the river?_____________________

    3. Why does the datu want the crocodiles to be count? He wants to __________them.

    4. Pilandok asked them to form several_______extending from where he stood.

    5. When he was on the other side of the river, Pilandok ______________________

  • 8/12/2019 Semi-final Exam 2014


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