
Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

Semester 1 Final Review

Directions: Read through the directions for each section and complete the task. The people, events,

concepts, skills, and terms included in this review are important to understand in order to do well on the

Final Exam.

Term/Concepts Meaning How does it apply to U.S. History?

1 Demobilization

2 Bill of Rights

3 Checks & Balances

4 Amendment

5 Natural Rights

6 Prohibition

Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

7 Elastic

Clause/Necessary &

Proper Clause

Document Based Questions: Use the documents provided to help you answer the questions below:


The Virginia Declaration of Rights

[George] Mason wrote that "all men are born equally free and independant [sic], and have certain inherent natural rights,...among which are the Enjoyment of Life and Liberty, with the Means of acquiring and possessing Property, and pursueing [sic] and obtaining Happiness and Safety." This uniquely influential document was also used by James Madison in drawing up the Bill of Rights (1789) and the Marquis de Lafayette in drafting the French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789). (

8. How does the Virginia Declaration of Rights reflect John Locke’s ideas presented in the Natural Rights


9. How did the Virginia Declaration of Rights influence the Bill of Rights in the Constitution?

Virginia Plan (1787)

…1. Resolved that it is the opinion of this Committee that a national government ought to be established consisting of a Supreme Legislative, Judiciary, and Executive.

2. Resolved . that the national Legislature ought to consist of Two Branches.

3. Resolved that the members of the first branch of the national Legislature ought to be elected by the People of the several States for the term of Three years. to receive fixed stipends, by which they may be compensated for the devotion of their time to public service to be paid out of the National Treasury. to be ineligible to any Office established by a particular State or under the authority of the United-States (except those peculiarly belonging to the functions of the first branch) during the term of service, and under the national government for the space of one year after it's expiration.

4. Resolved . that the members of the second Branch of the national Legislature ought to be chosen by the individual Legislatures. to be of the age of thirty years at least. to hold their offices for a term sufficient to ensure their independency, namely seven years. to receive fixed stipends, by which they may be compensated for the devotion of their time to public service — to be paid out of the National Treasury to be ineligible to any office established by a particular State, or under the authority of the United States (except those peculiarly belonging to the functions of the second branch) during the term of service, and under the national government, for the space of one year after it's expiration….

10. According to the Virginia Plan, how did it suggest the national government be organized?

Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

11. According to the Virginia Plan, who was to elect the members of the first branch of the national


12. According to the Virginia Plan, at least how old did members of the second branch of the national

Legislature need to be when elected?

Events/ Ideas What happened? (At least 2 facts) How did this impact the U.S. &

create change? (At least 2

examples with facts)

13 Red Scare

14 Stock Market Crash

15 Women’s Suffrage

16 Scopes Trial

17 Sacco & Vanzetti


18 Great Depression

Events/ Ideas What happened? (At least 2 facts) How did this impact the U.S. &

create change? (At least 2

Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

19 Harlem


20 Black Nationalism

21. Directions: Identify the 3 branches of government on the chart below and explain the main

each branch on the line provided next to the box. Then answer the question in the box next to the




Explain how this diagram illustrates

the concept of checks and balances.

Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

examples with facts)

Identify the 3 branches of government on the chart below and explain the main

each branch on the line provided next to the box. Then answer the question in the box next to the






Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

examples with facts)

Identify the 3 branches of government on the chart below and explain the main role of

each branch on the line provided next to the box. Then answer the question in the box next to the


Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

22. Directions: Using the Venn Diagram

the Great Depression providing specific facts/actions/problems faced/people’s opinion, etc….

23. Directions: Describe life in the 1920s and 1930s using the categories provided on the chart

a guide to focus the descriptions.





Living Situations


Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

Using the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast the 2 Presidential leaders during

the Great Depression providing specific facts/actions/problems faced/people’s opinion, etc….

Describe life in the 1920s and 1930s using the categories provided on the chart

a guide to focus the descriptions.


Hoover FDR (Roosevelt)

Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

2 Presidential leaders during

the Great Depression providing specific facts/actions/problems faced/people’s opinion, etc….

Describe life in the 1920s and 1930s using the categories provided on the chart below as


FDR (Roosevelt)

Name:_________________________________________________ US History _____ Date:_______

Category 1920s 1930s



Food Availability



Extended Response Questions: Make sure you are able to provide at least 4 different facts to support your answer.

24. How does the stock market crash, breadlines, unemployment, Hoovervilles, Dust Bowl, and any other problems

covered define the Great Depression era in U.S. History?

25. How can an understanding of the Great Depression help us prevent problems today?

The exam will require you to...

• Compare and contrast causes and consequences. (You will be expected to know how to

use a Venn Diagram).

• Explain how the people/events changed and influenced American society.

• Explain the historical importance of concepts/people/events/ideas.

• Explaining the main ideas of the document.

• Analyzing the statements or decisions made in primary sources.

• Selecting appropriate concrete details (facts) from primary sources or as support for


• Comparing and contrasting various points of view.

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