Download - Seeking opinion

Page 1: Seeking opinion


For Senior Students.

Nageswar Rao. A

Page 2: Seeking opinion

Nageswar Rao. A

Good morning. How are you? It is very cold today, isn’t it?

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Nageswar Rao. A

Yes, it is. Man cannot keep at least this in his control. Hope you agree

with me, don’t you? How about your preparation?

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Nageswar Rao. A

Please do not ask anything about my preparation.

You know the present political situation, don’t you?

We have lost too many working hours due to frequent bandh calls, haven’t we?

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Nageswar Rao. A

A few politicians are like that, aren’t they? How do these

bandhs affect your preparation?

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Nageswar Rao. A

If the examinations are postponed, then it may be difficult to get

admission in other universities.

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Nageswar Rao. A

In our last meeting, you said that you decided to do MCA from our

college itself, didn’t you? Why do you worry about it?

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Nageswar Rao. A

We should not be so self-centered. We think about those aspirants, who dream to continue their studies


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Nageswar Rao. A

Only a few people can hardly think of such things, can they? Everything gets settled, doesn’t


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Nageswar Rao. A

Let us hope so, shall we?

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Nageswar Rao. A

Question tags too play an important role in our day to day

communications. We make a statement and often tag it on with a

yes/no type question as if we are seeking the other man’s opinion.

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Nageswar Rao. A

The general rule is a negative tag to a positive statement and a positive tag to a

negative statement.

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Nageswar Rao. A

If an “auxiliary” is present in the statement, then the tag takes that “auxiliary’ and suitable

‘pronoun’ and for a positive tag without n’t; and with n’t for a negative tag. If there is no

auxiliary ’do’; ‘does’; or ‘did’ does the job as per the tense of the sentence.

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Nageswar Rao. A

Half negatives like “hardly, little, few rarely” etc. are treated as negative

statements and therefore take positive tags.

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Nageswar Rao. A

A few, a little, take negative tags, as they convey positive sense. Requests and proposals take

positive tags.

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Nageswar Rao. A

A few, a little, take negative tags, as they convey positive sense.

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