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Revival FiresChanging the Spiritual Climate | SUMMER 2013


Seeking God’s Presence, Transforming Lives


N O T T O M I S SUnited Pursuit BandTabernacles CelebrationProphetic Seers GatheringBen Cantelon Tour

A R T I C L E S B YBobby Conner

Dr. Lance WallnauWes Hall

Chloe Glassborow



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Writers of worship songs ‘Set a Fire’,‘Break Every Chain’ and ‘Fill Me Up’, and key pioneers of a fresh and genuine expression of worship which is sweeping across the globe, UNITED PURSUIT are coming to Revival Fires for a one-night-only worship event. This is Will Reagan and the band’s heart for this event:


£10 NORMAL TICKET.........£7.50 UNDER 16s TICKET..

Held at Revival Fires Apostolic Resource Centre (ARC),117-120 Wolverhampton Street, Dudley, DY1 3AL. Reg charity # 1072369

} Available at call 01384 239 943

Our mission is to create a culture of worship and of hosting God’s presence, all centred around commu-nity living. It’s in this place of God’s life-giving presence that our songs are born, which we pray will stir the heart of a generation to love Jesus and pursue Him with everything. This is our united pursuit.“ ”

Here’s what we have lined up for you in this digital edition:

‘Crown the Year with Bounty’Welcome letter from Trevor & Sharon Baker

Tabernacles Celebration - A double-harvest gathering!

‘Small is the New Big’ - Lance Wallnau challenges us to action

‘Everything in Colour Tour’ Featuring worship central artist Ben Cantelon

New Resources from Revival Fires

‘Awake, Arise, Advance’ Prophetic insight from Bobby Conner

The Prophetic Seers Gathering had become our signature event, register today and find out why!

God Over All - the new live worship album!Click the links and listen today

‘Untameable Love’ - Article by Chloe Glassborow that will help you re-think what real love is

We’ve re-dreamed and re-launched the ESL school

‘Created for Encounter with the Beautiful God’ Be refueled for intimacy by this article by Wes Hall

Itinerary - Find out where Trevor and Sharonare ministering next

Connect In - Find your place in Revival Fires

Start the year right with the Secret Place Gathering








Have your contact details changed?If you have moved house, got a new email or changed your name, then please let us know!

Email [email protected] call01384 239 943

Revival FiresApostolicResourceCentre117-120 Wolver-hampton StDudley, UKDY1 3AL

Registered Charity Number 1072369___________________

In all of our events there will be prayer ministry times for healing, anointing and impartation. The information in this magazine may be subject to change, including and not limited to dates, location and speakers.

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Dear Friend

In this season where harvest is past and

summer is ended, we believe that the spir-

itual climate this year is favourable for your

double harvest! Where have you sown and

planted and are now waiting for harvest? As

we enter into a new season, we are looking

for God to:

“Crown the year with bounty,

and your carts overflow with abundance.

The grasslands of the wilderness overflow;

the hills are clothed with gladness.

The meadows are covered with flocks

and the valleys are mantled with grain;

they shout for joy and sing.”

Psalm 65:11-13

Recently Chuck Pierce had a clear word

from God to be in Dudley for the Tabernac-

les Celebration; 19 - 21 September, where

we will also be celebrating Revival Fires’ 15th

year Anniversary! In preparation for this, the

Church at Revival Fires is entering into a 21

Day Daniel Fast. As Daniel fasted to gain

revelation, we too are looking for God to re-

lease revelation to us! We welcome you to

join us for this fast - you can find daily up-

dates on the facebook group. Click here for

this online group.

We invite you to join with us for the Prophetic

Seers Gathering which will be a time to re-

ceive wisdom, insight and revelation for the

new season God is calling you into! Save

the date: 21 - 23 November, where Bobby

Connor, Barbara Yoder and Trevor Baker will

be speaking and Nick Herbert will be lead-

ing worship along with Revival Fires’ worship


We look forward to welcoming you to these

key events this season so that we might pur-

sue His presence together!

Trevor & Sharon Baker

Crown the Year with Bounty!

We are now digital! We have made

some updates for you - you can click

the links which take you directly to

the web pages advertised and regis-

ter for conferences and events easier.

We’d love to hear from you - click

here to tell us what you think of our

new style magazine.

With Special Guest


TREVOR & SHARON BAKERSession times are Thursday 19 and Friday 20 at 7.30pm

and multiple sessions on Saturday 21 includingelectives and teaching streams.

ONLINE REGISTRATION REQUIREDThere is no registration fee, offerings will be taken.

Held at Revival Fires ARC

Celebratethe Feast of Tabernacle

and Revival Fires’ 15th Anniversary




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You are called to bea disruptive forcewherever darkness rules

You can judge the power of an idea by the amount of resistance it meets.

When you have a really profound thought, a

new paradigm, a new way of seeing things it

has the power to disrupt the status quo. The

Gospel is a disruptive force in Satan’s cos-

mos; because once it takes hold it impreg-

nates the environment with new possibilities.

You are called to be a disruptive force wher-

ever darkness rules.

When Goliath stalked the land of Israel and

mocked the armies of the living God, the

answer didn’t show up in the package most

people were expecting. Saul was the tall-

est man in Israel, but Saul couldn’t solve the

problem. God had something small, not tall,

in mind. He raised up a small shepherd boy

with a small stone who with one swing of an

anointed slingshot penetrated the forehead

of the Philistine power structure. In a mo-

ment, with the giants in his hand, the entire

demoralised army of Israel was shifted into

alignment and rose up to fight. David was

God’s solution. God was pleased to use the

weak thing of this world to take down the

thing that was mighty.

We stand at a critical ‘kairos’ moment of

decision regarding what to do as a stalled

movement. When Israel came to this mo-

ment of crossing over into their promised

land they hesitated. 10 spies rejected the

direction and 2 embraced it. A genera-

tion missed the very reason why they were

born. They saw themselves as too small. Is-

rael missed their moment and it would not

come back for 40 years. Our problem - we

don’t have 40 years. As it was then so it is


“A moment like thiswill not come again”

Patton comes to mind...

During August 1944, Patton’s Third Army had

gained more ground and taken more pris-

oners in a one month campaign than any

other army had done in such a short time

in the war. Patton’s army was moving in the

direction of the Saar (on the Southeast bor-

der of Luxembourg) when his tanks ran out

of gas. His advance moved so fast he outrun

his supply lines. The allied command gave

preferential treatment for scarce gasoline

supplies to British General Montgomery’s

army, which had fallen behind.

Actor George C. Scott, playing Patton, ob-

served the battle where his tanks ran out of

gas, and gave his perspective about the

situation at that moment, mirroring a historic

conversation Patton actually had.

Patton: “I had a dream last night. In my

dream it came to me that right now the

German Reich is mine for the taking... Now,

I have precisely the right instrument, at pre-

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We continue tooperate with old maps fighting old battles in a world that has changed faster than ourability to innovate

cisely the right moment in history, in exactly

the right place.”

Codman: “The Saar?”

Patton: “This too will change very quickly,

like planets spinning off into the universe. A

moment like this will not come again for a

thousand years. All I need is a few miserable

gallons of gasoline. Right now the weakness

is here. In ten days we could be in Berlin!”

Instead of going to Berlin in ten days, the war

in Europe lasted six more bloody months.

While Patton’s tanks were idle, the German

army rushed reinforcements to their weak-

est position in the Saar district, and moved

panzer (tank) divisions to the Ardennes For-

est to prepare for the Battle of the Bulge.

Many lives were lost because a flawed strat-

egy in the allied command did not seize the

moment. They chose rather to give gasoline

to the slow-moving Montgomery rather than

the strategically located division of Patton.

The Russian army made a textbook case of

this for the next fifty years: the Russian army

taught their generals to never repeat the

error of September 1944. Rush supplies and

reinforcements to the brigades that have

broken through enemy defences instead of

the brigades that have bogged down. We

are making the same mistake.

The last 20 years has seen outpourings of

revival, calls to prayer, the proliferation of

churches and Mega church as well as the

multiplying of Christian television to unprec-

edented levels - but in spite of all of this the

United States has been unaltered in its self-

destructive trajectory. Ministries are growing

in all three areas but the nation is collapsing.

The same is true of our colleagues in other

nations who follow too closely our model.

During our watch, we are seeing the enemy

steel our children’s inheritance.

Why are we failing? We are missing our Pat-

ton moment. This is a conversation so over-

due it ought to be the nucleus of a whole

reformation dialogue (and hopefully not a

reformation controversy).

The church needsa strategic upgrade:KINGDOM 2.0

We continue to operate with old maps fight-

ing old battles in a world that has changed

faster than our ability to innovate.

Jesus said: “I will build My church and the

gates of hell will not prevail against it.”

The church is the authorised dealer of heaven on earth

Question: Where is the tipping point in this


Answer: It is at the gates.

Question: What is the agency of this break-


Answer: The Church.

We need a fresh understanding about

‘gates,’ where they are located and what

we need to do. In ancient times walls sur-

rounded the cities. The gates were the only

way through the wall; hence they were of-

ten the weakest part of the structure and

needed to be heavily fortified. The gates

were the principle place for holding court,

performing rituals, transacting business and

making decisions that affected the welfare

of the cities in which they lived. The gates

were the place where influence shapers

and decision makers met.

The word ‘gates’ therefore is used in the Bi-

ble to describe counsels, decision-making,

decrees and authorisation. If these are the

gates ‘of hell’, they represent the place

where the churches enemies meet in the

form of spiritual wickedness, hatching plots

and strategies to hinder believers, defile and

confuse culture and ultimately, bring de-

struction on nations.

How does the devil wield his influence and

“deceive the nations”? He does it through

those he empowers. This is laid out clearly

in the temptations of Jesus in the wilder-

ness. Satan offered him world kingdoms. He

showed him “all the kingdoms of the world”

and then said: “All this authority I will give

You, and their glory; for this has been de-

livered to me, and I give it to whomever I

wish.” (Luke 4:6)

Clearly, Satan’s primary agency is people

in positions of leverage: artists, false religious

leaders, political rulers, legislators, special

interests, educators, media editors and cor-

rupt wealth merchants who control the flow

of money, energy and resources. Goats are

different to sheep. They aggressively seek

these high places, and through dense over-

lapping networks of like-minded gatekeep-

ers, they lock up their territory and take the

nation where they want it to go.

The church is the authorised dealer of heav-

en on earth. The word ‘Christ’ is the word

for ‘anointed one.’ The body of Christ is

the body of the anointed. When the Bible

uses the word ‘church’ it has three primary


• Church refers to the whole body of be-

lievers living and departed.

• Church refers to a company of believ-

ers worshipping in one place. This could

be a congregation or as in the book of

Revelation it could refer to a collective

church in a city or region.

• Church is also a smaller society such as

could meet in a single house. It is this last

definition, (different to the house church

movement) which we need to examine

more closely.

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Dr. Peter Wagner uses a term from sociology

describing the family. ‘Nuclear’ describes

the believers meeting in the gathered con-

text, and ‘extended’ church is the larger

church spread throughout the city.

When Jesus spoke about building His

‘church’ He chose an uncommon word.

Rather than the familiar synagogue or tem-

ple metaphor He picked a word right out of

Greek culture - ecclesia. The word ‘church’

or ‘ecclesia’ literally means those who are

‘called out citizens.’ The ecclesia was a

gathering of leading citizens called out from

the multitude who met at the gate to make

decisions regarding the welfare of the city in

which they lived.

This makes sense when you think about it.

Gates are the location where powers con-

gregate and the church, or ecclesia, is the

entity that meets and engages the discus-

sion. Because our citizenship is dual (citizens

of heaven and our nation) we have supe-

rior power at the gates. Our natural position

gives us access to the world system. Our spir-

itual position gives us authority over hell at

the gate.

Kingdom 2.0

The ‘gates’ are on the seven institutional

mountains that shape culture: religion, fam-

ily, education, politics, media, arts and es-

pecially - economics. It is seven mountains

of culture, or a ‘7M’ world.

The ‘church’ that needs to emerge is a 7M

‘micro-church.’ What is that? Look at Dan-

iel for a pattern. He was part of a ‘cohort’

group of believers, a victorious remnant of

Hebrews in the midst of the high places of

Babylon. A ‘micro-church’ isn’t a substitute

for a local church but it occupies a spiritual

legislative power no Pastor can equal. It is

We have been looking for a move of God and all along, heaven has been setting things up forus to move. Small isthe new big!

sphere authority like the pilot on the plane

who tells you to be seated and fasten your

seat belt or the Christian policeman who

pulls you over. When believers called to the

same sphere of influence come together

and lock their shields as one in unity - it will

be a GAME CHANGE. Gates are set up to

protect a nation, to keep harmful things

from entering. A 7M Generation is rising up

to posses the gates of their enemies.

We have been looking for a move of God

and all along, heaven has been setting

things up for us to move. Small is the new

big! Get up little David and go check out

where King Saul is stalled. You have a pro-

motion coming quickly.

Lance Wallnau is a world-class trainer, consult-ant and speaker whose students span the globe from Business to For-eign Governments, Ministry Students to Church Leaders. He directs the Lance Learning Group, a company dedicated to helping professionals by identifying their personal constraints; sharpening their unique talents and building a high trust culture. Lance blends his background as an Execu-tive in the Petroleum Industry with 20 years experience as a leader of Non Profit organisations to show people how to become dominant players in their field.

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Breakthrough• Our God is uncontainable! • He is unconquerable! • His power is unlimited! Trevor illustrates how God wants to break out in your life, just like He broke out on behalf of his people at Baal Perazim! He will come like water breaking out; He will come like a pent up flood!

MP3 download £1.50 / £4.00 CD set // teaching by Trevor Baker

Recommended RESOURCES

Click on each image to order. Please visit for more resources including MP3s, DVDs and books.

From Empty To FullIn this message from Luke 5 Trevor shares: • How to change unfruitfulness into fruitfulness • How God enlarges us under pressure • Pushing off and pressing on And ask the question ‘Are you attending to your failure - or listen-ing to the Lord?’ Move from Empty to Full today!

MP3 download £1.50 / £4.00 CD set // teaching by Trevor Baker

What I Have I Give YouSharon shares her heart and asks,• Do you know what you possess?• What is yours that you give away?Peter and John at the gate Beautiful knew what they had. Just as God asked Moses, so He asks you now, • What do you hold in your hand? • Are you living NOW in your destiny? God who has started a good work in you, will surely bring it to completion!

MP3 download £1.50 / £4.00 CD set // teaching by Sharon Baker

Four Battles To Win:Four Battles to Win: • The Heart • The Home • The Centre for Worship • The Kingdom These areas of our lives and spheres of our influence are battle-grounds where we must surrender in order to win. Trevor addresses sacrifice, serving and faithfulness in order to become victorious.

MP3 download £1.50 / £4.00 CD set // teaching by Trevor Baker

Postponed until Spring 2014

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The Call to the Wilderness

The voice of the Lord is now awakening His

sleeping Bride and the hand of the Lord is

arousing His beloved (Song of Songs 5:1-6).

Why? The King is wooing His Bride, awak-

ened and aroused believers, into the wil-

derness. There, in this place of intimacy with

the King, He is going to conform us into His

image and commission us for the end-time


The Spirit of the Lord is now releasing a pow-

erful command to the awakened church

and the message is clear! God’s word for

this last-day generation is “Awake, arise

and advance!”

The Purpose ofthe Wilderness

Indeed, we are in a season of swift, radical

change. Times of global transition are upon

us. Why, in such a time of upheaval, is the

Spirit of God wooing His Bride into the wilder-

ness? Only in the wilderness with our Belov-

ed will we learn to hear and follow His voice

without hesitation. Recognising and obey-

ing the voice of our Bridegroom without

reservation is of vital, extreme importance

in this season. We are being called to the

wilderness for intimacy... to then bear much

fruit. We are being equipped to advance

the King in His kingdom!

The King’s words will empower us for our mis-

sion of the last days. Only in this wilderness of

separation unto the Lord will we discover the

open door of hope and opportunity (Hosea


The Response of the Bride

Beloved saints, we must answer His tender

call to enter this wilderness experience with

our King. The Lord is crying, “Come away

with Me!” And we must respond, “Draw me

and I will run after You!” (Song of Songs 1:4).

The end-time church must not and will not

continue to stumble about in darkness and

indecision. This is a crucial hour; we must

walk with an intensity of vision like never be-

fore. The chief goal, aim and divine purpose

of our lives must be no less than union with

Christ (Ephesians 5:14-18).

Now, this day is the time to humble ourselves

and cleave to the Spirit of God, hearing and

obeying His voice to maximise every mo-

ment, redeeming the time (Ephesians 5:16).

There must be a swift synchronisationbetween God’s will and our walk

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dom power until we fully embrace the King.

By God’s grace, we do not have to be de-

ceived by these errors again.

Advancing HisPurposes - Not Ours

Beloved, the Almighty God will not release

His precious and powerful anointing to ad-

vance our personal agendas. We must re-

pent and turn from our selfish ambitions

and vein pursuits, die to ourselves, pick up

our cross and follow the Lamb wherever He

goes. We must seek first, foremost and only

His Kingdom and glory. Our prayer must be,

“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in

earth, as it is in heaven” (Luke 11:2 and Mat-

thew 6:10).

We are in aseason of swift, radical change

Heaven’s Trumpetsare Sounding!

The Spirit of God is demanding that the pro-

phetic trumpets make a sure sound. His rev-

elatory call is sounding in order to awaken

and arouse His sleeping church, to compel

His Body to respond in abandoned, passion-

ate love for Christ our King and the dunamis

power of His resurrection.

In these transitional times, we simply must

have ears to hear what the voice of the Lord

is saying to this generation, as well as eyes

to see what His hand is doing in order to do

exactly as He directs and speak only as He


An Apostolic AgeUnlike Others

The Spirit of Truth is releasing a pure message

concerning the establishment of the com-

ing Kingdom age but we must not compare

this new release of apostolic authority with

church ages, revivals, awakenings or move-

ments of the past. Remember what the

Lord said to Joshua: “You have never been

where you are now going” (Joshua 3:4).

As Joshua was warned to be prepared in

his day, a day unlike any other, so we, too,

are being prepared for the coming age a

wholly new, unimaginably glorious move of

the Spirit of God.

Unfortunately in the past, precious believers

have fallen prey to the misguided teach-

ings of the “Kingdom now” theology. These

teachers entertained deep error, not under-

standing that we cannot have true King-

Recognising andobeying the voice of our Bridegroomwithout reservation is of vital, extremeimportance inthis season

Bobby has an extensive ministry background as a Southern Baptist pastor and he ministers in a high level, proven prophetic anointing. He believes his calling is to equip the Body of Christ to hear and dis-cern God’s voice in these times. He is well loved and best known the world over for his sensitivity to and leading of the Holy Spirit. Highly esteemed as an in-ternationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign coun-tries as well here in the states for many years.

Who and what is at the centre of this com-

ing move of God? None other than the King

Himself, the matchless Jesus Christ! The Com-

ing Messiah! Our Bridegroom! Our Beloved!

The Fairest of Ten Thousand! In Christ alone

does the fullness of the Godhead dwell

(Colossians 2:9). Ask the Lord to search your

heart: make sure that your labours are not

to advance your own life but to advance

His cause and glory. There must be a swift

synchronisation between God’s will and our


Do not resist the wooing of your King to join

Him in the wilderness. He longs to share the

depths of His heart with you, ravish you with

His love and reveal the mysteries of His com-

ing Kingdom age. Pray this often and fer-

vently, beloved saints: “Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”

(Luke 11:2 and Matthew 6:10). Amen!


Join Bobby Conner, along with Barbara Yoder, Nick Herbert and Trevor & Sharon Baker at our upcom-ing signature conference, the Prophetic Seers 2013 Gathering, from 21 - 23 November.

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G O D O V E R A L LThe new live worship album is OUT NOW!With anthemic melodies, memorable riffs and uplifting lyrics; this live worship offering from Re-vival Fires proclaims God’s greatness, the Spirit’s nearness and the truth that Jesus is interested in the daily circumstances of your life. Your soul will be stirred to worship and your heart encouraged as you listen to this album.

This project is a compilation of 11 new songs, penned and led by worship leaders Ryan Baker-Barnes, Sharon Baker, Lumi Herber Davies and Katherine Thompson. Recorded live in 2013 as the church at Revival Fires came together to cap-ture the sound and atmosphere of this declara-tion: our God is over all.



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Untameable Love

Love raises the dead, opens the eyes of the blind, feeds the poor and brings life to the lonely.

I’ve always loved Jesus but as I’ve got older

I have started to understand my role more

as a Lover of Jesus. I’m not talking about

gushy, girly stuff. I am talking about world-

changing, life-shaking, history-making, fero-

cious love.

I am inspired by the beautiful love relation-

ship that the Father, the Son and the Holy

Spirit have together. I love that their desire

for me is to be caught up in a manifestation

of that same love relationship. I am in a sea-

son of wanting to grasp more of an under-

standing of what this looks like as a lifestyle,

in church, on mission, in friendships and in

my marriage. I am so hungry to not miss out

on the heartbeat of Heaven!

Song of Solomon is a demonstration of in-

tense love. It is a book that entices you into

a desire for intimacy with Jesus that is ab-

solutely possible. It was written to woo you

and to put a passion and a desire inside your

heart for what the relationship with Jesus is

meant to be like for you on Earth.

My husband, Stu, and I were worshipping to-

gether last month and singing ‘Song of Solo-

mon’ by Martin Smith. We felt the beautiful

tangible presence of the Holy Spirit in the

living room. We then opened our eyes and

right in front of us stood a deer staring straight

through the glass of the patio door, gazing

through the window for nearly ten minutes.

This beautiful deer did not rush away but

took its time to gaze at us intensely. I learnt

very quickly that when the Lover of my soul is

trying to capture my attention He brings into

existence a physical manifestation of what is

happening in Heaven, to awaken our heart

to attention. When you need a kiss from

Heaven in a moment of anguish, despair or

grief, or if you feel like you’re in the ashes,

ask the Father for a kiss from Heaven and He

will always come! He goes the extra mile to

ensure our hearts receive his heartbeat and

our eyes are captivated by His beauty and


Song of Solomon Chapter 2 is one of my

favourite scriptures in this season. It’s under-

standing His desire for me, understanding

that His banner over me is love, like a flag,

he is flying it over me drawing attention to

love, affection and desire.

In verse 4 the Lover says, “I charge you O

daughters of Jerusalem by the gazelles and

doe’s of the field, do not stir up nor awaken

love until it pleases.” It’s a strong plea implor-

ing us to take an oath to say “I will not say I

love you if I don’t and I can’t act on it”. Does

my love for Him stir an active thought life to-

wards Him? Is it returning that same desire

for intimacy, passion and action for Him, not

forgetting Him during the course of a day

but actively pursuing Him intentionally? Why

the gazelles? They represent being untame-

I’m not talking about gushy, girly stuff...I’m talking aboutworld-changing,life-shaking, history-making, ferocious love!

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able. He is looking for an untameable lover

who will act on the words of their lips and not

restrict love.

Untameable love in action is described

beautifully in verse 8, “The voice of my be-

loved, behold He comes leaping upon the

mountains, skipping upon the hills. My be-

loved is like a gazelle or a young stag, an

untamed stag”. Love cannot be tamed.

When you are in love with someone, you’re

excited, you talk about them all the time,

you want to hang out with them, be with

them, share things together and you will do

anything for them. It’s the same with Jesus.

Don’t try to tame Jesus. Don’t try and put His

love in a box that sits comfortably in your un-

derstanding of love. Don’t try and contain

what He’s doing in you or what he wants to

do through you.

He’s calling you to represent something dy-

namic that the world is searching for, but first

we need to respond to that love ourselves.

A lover doesn’t care what someone else

thinks. A lover will go to extremes to express

love and in the same breath doesn’t want

anyone to take His place. Like with Jesus, I

want Him to know that He’s got my gaze.

When you look at the word ‘tame’, it means

‘to make less powerful and easier to con-

trol, to tone down and restrict’. I don’t ever

want to control or restrict love. Love is strong

but never uses force. In Song of Solomon

the beloved waits for the lover to come out

He goes the extra mile to ensure our hearts receive his heartbeat

from behind their walls of protection, be-

cause that signifies a willingness and hunger.

There’s a desire to step into springtime, see-

ing that the winter has passed and the ice

has melted. He’ll wait for you. Untameable

love in action destroys the highest and hard-

est of walls. It is like the energy of a gather-

ing storm, when the clouds are heavy and

you can feel the intensity brewing in the

atmosphere. Untamed love has that same

energy. Imagine being that intense lover to

the world and the pursuing love that breaks

down walls that words can’t.

I want untameable love and passion for Je-

sus. Where I am so full of passion, so full of

desire that literally in my moment of weak-

ness I am still living in the revelation and

closeness of what it feels like to be pursued.

I desire my life to be all about untameable

love, to be a lover and to be loved back to

life by the beloved. The Father said to me,

“When I give you a mission, don’t complete

it for me, that’s works. Complete it as me do-

ing it, that’s untameable love.” My prayer for

you today is that you encounter the beauty

of His Love in all you do, think and say, and

that untameable love in action will release

Heaven on earth!

A lover doesn’t care what someone else thinks

Chloe, with her husband Stuart, have an amazing pas-sion to see the Father Heart of God impact the nations, and have a supernatural testimony of forgiveness and healing to match! They long to see the real, biblical and authentic heart of Father God revealed to his children, bringing freedom, healing and reconcilia-tion to a hurting world. They are also the founding directors of The Kenyan Children’s Project, a char-

ity that reaches out to over 40,000 orphans and street children in western Kenya. They have seen the love of Father God transform the lives of physical orphans, and this has ignited a deep longing in their hearts to see spir-itual orphans set free and truly find their home in Abba Father. In 2009 Stuart & Chloe became the Senior Pas-tors of Catch The Fire UK’s first church, CTF London, in Wembley.

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The world of todayneeds authentic, Godly leadership; men and women who will step up to the plate and be the leader God has called them to be in their assignment in one of the seven mountains of society. Our mandate for the school is to train up a generation equipped to live in the supernatural, whose passion is to see God’s Kingdom come into every area of society, and who know their message and mission. If you are stirred by this challenge, then Equipped for Supernatural Living is for you.

AboutThis is a 9 month training and equipping Apostolic School. Specific content that will be covered throughout the year reflects our focus on transformation through daily encounter, with a strong emphasis on application and experience of truth.

Modules covered includeEncountering God’s presence

• experiencing God• learn how to hear God’s voice• lifestyle of worship

Personal transformation• Sozo; saved, healed, delivered• the Father heart of God• the message of sonship• the reward of honour

Living in two realms• engage with heaven• influence earth• understanding the realms

of the supernatural• the language of heaven• the spirit of prophecy• dream interpretation• impartation and anointing

Modules are covered duringregular teaching sessions onTuesday Evenings from7.00pm - 9.30pm andEquipping Weekends(Friday Evenings from7.30pm and all day Saturday)and Conferences at Revival Fires. Registration for individual modulesis also available.

Ministry opportunities• assignments• prayer ministry team• international mission trips

Your unique gifting• your motivational gifts• the gifts of the Holy Spirit• character and gifting

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Created for Encounter

with the Beautiful God

book of Revelation reveals the impact of

this global worship movement on the heart

of God: it moves Him to release His Kingdom

on Earth as it is in Heaven (Revelation 5:9-14,

8:3-5, 22:17). Malachi prophesied that the

power of this worship movement would be

sustained by the revelation of God’s great-

ness (Malachi 1:11). His greatness includes

the beauty and glory of His personality, His

power and His plans for your life and the

whole earth.

Worship aroundGod’s Throne

It is the revelation of God Himself that em-

powers worship in Heaven as we see in Rev-

elation 4. These ancient, living creatures,

covered in eyes without and within, have

had a front row seat in the throne room of

God for all eternity. They see and experi-

ence perfectly the beauty of the One who

sits on the throne and cannot stop worship-

ping night and day as they experience

ceaseless revelation of the glory of the Lord

(Revelation 4:8).

For all eternity, they have been singing one

song, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” As a child I used to

think it must be quite boring to sing the same

song over and over again in heaven until I

You were made to live a fascinated life. In fact, you were created to experience pleasure and delight both in this life and for all eternity.

Many believers live unaware that the God

of pleasure and eternal fascination is the

One who created them with these very de-

sires. The beautiful God created you with

the capacity and desire to be fascinated

because He is infinitely fascinating. The Au-

thor of pleasure created you for the eternal

pleasures that can only be found at His right

hand and for fullness of joy in His presence!

(Psalms 16:11)

When you begin to experience the beauty

that surrounds the Father and the Son, you

begin to think differently, feel differently, live

differently, and worship differently. The pow-

er to live wholeheartedly for God flows not

from trying harder, but from enjoying God

more! Our worship is not supposed to be

dull, rigid, predictable, and boring but rather

the overflow of encounter with a God who

is indescribably beautiful, utterly fascinating

and infinitely pleasurable.

Revelation FueledWorship That Fills the Earth

The prophet Malachi spoke of a coming

day when the incense of worship would

arise before the throne of God from every

tribe, tongue and nation - from the rising

to the setting of the sun (Malachi 1:11). The

The power to live wholeheartedly for God flows not from trying harder, but from enjoyingGod more

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realised what was actually going on here.

The word Holy, roughly translated, means

simply, “there is none like You!” These four liv-

ing creatures with all those eyes, look upon

the beauty of the Lord and all they can say

is, “there is no-one like You God!” Before they

can even get to the second line of the song,

they catch another glimpse of the beauti-

ful God and all they can do is collapse in

exhilarated delight responding, “Holy! Holy!

Holy!” They are caught in a perpetual cycle

of fascination and worship!

Beholding theBeauty of the Lord

The apostle Paul prayed that God’s people

would walk in the full revelation of who God

is and how much He loves them (Ephesians

1:17) because He knew from personal expe-

rience that everything changes when we

see Him as He is! How can we even begin

to see what the Seraphim see and enter

into this realm of fascination? Primarily as we

give ourselves to “beholding” or “gazing”

upon God through His word and asking for

the Spirit of revelation to impart the knowl-

edge of God’s beauty to our hearts (2 Cor-

inthians 3:18).

Paul told the church at Rome that transfor-

mation of our hearts begins with the renewal

of our minds (Romans 12:2). Begin by medi-

tating on small portions of Scripture that de-

scribe the personality, power and emotions

of God. If we will start by filling our minds with

the simple truth of who the Bible says God

really is, how He sees us and what His plans

and desires for us are, He will ignite that word

by His Spirit and bring transformation to our

desires and emotions.

God longs to reveal himself to those, like

King David, who will set their hearts to gaze

on the beauty of the Lord (Psalms 27:4) and

experience the pleasure that flows from be-

Transformation of our hearts begins

with the renewal of our minds

The power of this worship movement would be sustained by the revelation of God’s greatness

ing fascinated with who He is and how He

feels about us in our weakness. God does

not want us spiritually bored, but rejoicing

in the pleasure of experiencing His deep

love for us, and the greatness of His power

towards us.

On Earth as in Heaven

There is coming a day when the song of the

Seraphim will be joined by the song of the

saints, when the people of God encounter

the beauty of the King and respond in a

crescendo of worship declaring His infinite

worth. As in Heaven, so God will be adored

by His people on the earth, and worship will

arise from every tribe, tongue and nation.

Wes Hall has been part of the leader-ship team of the International House of Prayer - Kansas City since 2000 and a faculty member of International House of Prayer University (IHOPU) since its in-ception. Formerly a corporate solicitor in the City of London, Wes now focuses his energies on leading worship and prayer for revival, as well as teaching Bible and Theology classes at IHOPU. After the Holy Spirit powerfully visited a class that Wes was teaching 2009, he helped give leadership to what became known as the IHOPU Student Awakening, an outpour-ing of the Spirit that has resulted in thou-sands of testimonies of physical healing, salvation, personal transformation and spiritual renewal.

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Trevor and Sharon travel nationally and interna-tionally, ministering at churches and conferences.Hear them speak in a place near you:

Ireland31 August - 1 September 2013

Hosted by Glenvarna Christian Centre& Open Arms Centre

34a Ballynure Road, NewtownabbeyCounty Antrim, BT36 5SW


India 21 October - 5 November 2013 Mission trip organised by Revival Fires - spaces are still available. If you want to see a breakout of supernatural ministry in your life, this mission trip is for you! Website:

Call: 01384 239 943

Finland 26 November - 2 December 2013 Hosted by Tabernacle Church Mestarinkatu 1B, FI-15800, Lahti, Finland Contact: [email protected] Website:

Follow Trevorand Sharon on Twitter

Get instant updates from Trevor and Sharon, wherever they are!

America5 - 8 September 2013

Head of the Year ConferenceHosted by Glory of Zion International Ministries,

Denton, Dallas, TexasWebsite:

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Outpouring meet-

ings every Thursday

night at 7.30pm,


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every Sunday morn-

ing at 10.30am at

the ARC (Apostolic

Resource Centre).



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