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Most Inspiring Videos on Internet

by Abundance Coaching

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This is a page to INSPIRE you, to help you see there is MORE to life than the obstacles we face. No matter what challenges may impose upon us, we can always conquer them, we can always control who we are and what we become if we at first control our own minds.

Our destinies truly are ours, and ours alone. With that said, more videos will be added overtime including my own to help you and inspire. Come back often, use these videos as inspiring tools to help you with your own life goals

Page 3: See the Most Inspiring Videos by Great Persons at Abundance Coaching

I am a Champion

Coach Flowers at Leland High School gave an incredible motivational speech.I will conquer what has never been conquered. Defeat will not be in my creed. I will believe where all those before me have doubted. I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and respect of my team. I have trained my mind and now my body will follow!

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No Arms. No Legs. No Worries

People are always looking down on themselves, on who they are, or what they are. Yet there is no reason, there is no affliction so fantastic or wound so grave that it can truly steal the happiness out of your life. This man is a prime example and testimonial to that statement. Born without arms, without legs, but with a brilliant mind and great heart… this man travels the world inspiring people to look at themselves in a light that makes them realize that they are great just the way they are.

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The Gift of Failure

How many times have you failed at accomplishing something? Some task or another? Maybe you have pounded your head against what seems like an unbreakable brick wall over and over again and you’re feeling very unaccomplished. Maybe you’re feeling like you’re ready to just give up. This video will put failure into perspective for you. If you feel frustrated trying to make changes in your life, that everything you do doesn’t seem to work, let this video inspire you to keep on going.

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Randy Pausch Inspires Graduates

Randy Pausch was a visionary. Diagnosed with a terminal disease that would kill him in mere months, he began to give speeches to his college that he was a professor at. His speeches consisted of following your dreams, and how even though he will be so sad to go, that he had no regrets. That he had lived an incredible life.

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Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do

Tony Robbins is a famous personal development coach that helps people re-engineer their mindsets and core values. In fact, it is what this website is all about. We are here to help you master yourself further and further into total mastery. There are reasons behind everything we do and construct in our lives. Knowing how we have built the construction of our own realities also allows us to tear down the current framing and replace it with one that is

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Will Smith Shares his Secrets of Success

You have to Believe!Will Smith is best known for his movies and his music. In this video he boldly explains his secrets to success and tells why he feels he has risen above others and a great deal is due to pure work ethic… When other people are sleeping he’s working and his goal is to become an expert craftsman at his talent.

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