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Security Policyand Key Management

Centrally Manage Encryption Keys -Oracle TDE, SQL Server TDE and Vormetric. 

Tina Stewart, Vice President of Marketing

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Presentation Overview

Evolution of encryption

management systems 

and integrated key

IT operations and

will then be examined

support challenges

Review of the future

compliance regulations

industry initiatives and

Conclude with brief 

 Vormetric Key Management

introduction to

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Importance of Enterprise Key Management

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Two Types of Key Management Systems

Third PartyIntegrated

       “ i The final encrypted solution has two parts:the encrypted data itself and the keys thatcontrol the encryption and decryptionprocesses. Controlling and maintaining the keys,therefore, is the most important part of 

an enterprise encryption strategy.

Forrester Research, Inc., “Killing Data”, January 2012 

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IT Imperative: Secure Enterprise Data

Direct access to enterprisedata has increased the risk of misuse.

 Attacks on mission criticaldata are getting moresophisticated.

Security breach results insubstantial loss of revenueand customer trust.

Compliance regulations(HIPAA, PCI DSS) mandatesimproved controls.

1 2

3 4

What is needed is a powerful, integrated solution

that can enable IT to Ensure the availability,

security, and manageability of encryption keys

 Across the enterprise. 


! A Data Breach Costs > $7.2M Per Episode

2010 Annual Study: U.S. Cost of a Data Breaches, Ponemon Institute

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Enterprise Key Management 8 Requirements

Enterprise KeyManagement




Key StateManagement





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Interoperability Standards


Public Key CryptographicStandard used byOracle Transparent

Data Encryption (TDE)

Cryptographic APIs usedby Microsoft SQL server

to provide databaseencryption and secure

key management

Single comprehensiveprotocol defined by

consumers of enterprisekey management systems

!Even though vendors may agree on basic cryptographictechniques and standards, compatibility between keymanagement implementation is not guaranteed.

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Complex management: Managing a

plethora of encryption keys in millions 

Security Issues: Vulnerability of keys

from outside hackers /malicious insiders

Data Availability: Ensuring data

accessibility for authorized users

Scalability: Supporting multiple

databases, applications and standards

Governance: Defining policy-driven,

access, control and protection for data

Encryption Key Management Challenges

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Disparate Systems

Different Waysof Managing

Encryption Keys

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Industry Regulatory Standards

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Gramm LeachBliley Act (GLBA)

U.S. Health I.T. forEconomic

and Clinical Health(HITECH) Act

Payment CardIndustry Data

Security Standard(PCI DSS)

Requires encryption keymanagement systems withcontrols and procedures formanaging key use andperforming decryptionfunctions.

Requires firms inUSA to publiclyacknowledge a databreech although itcan damage theirreputation.

Includes a breachnotification clausefor which encryptionprovides safe harborin the event of adata breach.

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 Vormetric Key Management Benefits

Minimize Solution Costs

Stores Keys Securely Provides Audit and Reporting

Manages Heterogeneous Keys / FIPS 140-2 Compliant

i  VKM provides a robust, standards-based platform for

managing encryption keys. It simplifies management and

administrative challenges around key management to

ensure keys are secure.

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 Vormetric Key Management Capabilities

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Manage Vormetric



Manage3rd Party Keys

 VaultOther Keys


keys of 3rd party

encryption solutions

Provide Network HSM to

encryption solutions via PKCS#11 (Oracle 11gR2)

EKM (MSSQL 2008 R 2)

Provide Secure storage of 

security material

Key Types:

Symmetric: AES, 3DES, ARIA 

 Asymmetric: RSA 1024, RSA 

2048, RSA 4096

Other: Unvalidated security

materials (passwords, etc.).

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 Vormetric Key Management Components

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Data SecurityManager (DSM)

Report onvaulted keys

Key Vault

Provides key management

services for:

Oracle 11g R2 TDE

(Tablespace Encryption)

MSSQL 2008 R2 Enterprise

TDE (Tablespace Encryption)

Licensable Option on DSM

Web based or API level

interface for import and

export of keys

Same DSM as used with all

 VDS products

FIPS 140-2 Key Manager

with Separation of Duties

Supports Symmetric, Asymmetric, and Other

Key materials

Reporting on key types

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TDE Key Architecture before Vormetric

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Master Encryption keysare stored on the localsystem in a file with thedata by default.

TDE MasterEncryption Key


Wallet or Table

Oracle / Microsoft TDE!

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TDE Key Architecture after Vormetric

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TDE MasterEncryption Key

 Vormetric DSM acts as Network HSM for

securing keys for Oracle and Microsoft TDE

 Vormetric Key Agent is installed on the

database server

   S   S   L

   C  o  n  n  e  c   t   i  o  n 

Key Agent

Oracle / Microsoft TDE

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 VKM Architecture-Key Vault

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Command Line / API

Supported Key Types:

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Security Policy and Key Management

Protecting the enterprise’s valuabledigital assets from accidental orintentional misuse are key goals forevery IT team today 

 A centralized enterprise keymanagement solution is critical to

ensuring all sensitive enterprise data issecure and available.

 Vormetric Key Management is the onlysolution today that can:

Minimize IT operational and support burdens forencryption key management, 

Protect data without disrupting you business

Secure and control access to data across the

enterprise and into the cloud, and

Copyright 2012 Vormetric, Inc. – Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.Slide No: 15

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 Vormetric Key Management is the onlysolution today that can:

 A centralized enterprise key managementsolution is critical to ensuring all sensitiveenterprise data is secure and available.

Protecting the enterprise’s valuable digitalassets from accidental or intentionalmisuse are key goals for every IT teamtoday 

Security Policy and Key Management

Copyright 2012 Vormetric, Inc. – Proprietary and Confidential. All rights reserved.Slide No: 16

       “ i The final encrypted solution has two parts:the encrypted data itself and the keys thatcontrol the encryption and decryptionprocesses. Controlling and maintaining the keys,therefore, is the most important part of an enterprise encryption strategy.

Forrester Research, Inc., “Killing Data”, January 2012 

Minimize IT operational and support burdens forencryption key management, 

Secure and control access to data across theenterprise and into the cloud, and

Protect data without disrupting you business

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Security Policyand Key Management

Centrally Manage Encryption Keys -Oracle TDE, SQL Server TDE and Vormetric. 

Tina Stewart, Vice President of Marketing

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