Page 1: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm






Security Trusted solutions from the independent experts

Page 2: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm

Atkins Group at a glancel £1,250M revenue

l 17,000 people

l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe

l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm

Atkins overview

Atkins provides comprehensive security services and solutions that are not tied to specific vendors or technologies. With independence as our hallmark, our services incorporate all aspects, from concept masterplanning of an entire security network, through detailed design, to equipment specification and implementation.

Regardless of project size and complexity, our aim is to provide a fully integrated solution, that is innovative yet proven in its approach to emerging technologies and threats.

We deliver an extensive range of services for clients across the private and public sectors. By utilising our well-honed project lifecycle process, our highly skilled consulting teams can provide both breadth and depth of capability, tackling security projects in any geography.

Page 3: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm


Four cornerstones of security


Our work includes strategic security advice for major projects, ranging from threat assessments and risk analyses, to defining and auditing security plans. Our projects span major international sporting events, identity management for key government departments, and transportation infrastructures.


We design and develop the essential security procedures and processes which are core to securing government, defence and large corporate programmes.


Our design engineers analyse the requirements, evaluate options, create and implement innovative technical solutions that safeguard critical national infrastructure, city centres, buildings and transport systems.

Physical protection

Drawing on our in-depth engineering skills, we analyse and design hardened physical structures, access control systems and security perimeters for a wide range of global clients.

For any security challenge – international or local, complex or simple – ask Atkins. We can plan, build and enable the right solution for you.

Using a holistic approach, Atkins delivers specialist consultancy around the four cornerstones of security

Page 4: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm

Define the strategy

Analysis and strategy development

Our consultants have extensive experience in the planning and development of security strategies that will protect the value of your assets and instil confidence across your workforce.

These strategies are underpinned by established methodologies for generating impact assessments that support decision making and inform the degree of protection needed in each case. Our threat assessments and detailed risk analyses are balanced against value, to ensure that budget and effort are prioritised effectively.

Embracing a holistic approach, we consistently deliver a coherent, balanced and co-ordinated approach to security planning, and ensure effective integration with any existing security systems. Within the transport sector, for example, our security analysis and planning helps to ensure the safe movement of passengers, creating resilient, robust and sustainable transport networks.

Atkins will help you to understand the main threats to your business and develop an appropriate strategy supported by the best procedures, technical design and physical response

The Atkins approach to security is based on the Secure-by-Design model, from original concept through to detailed drawings.

This key methodology ensures that buildings, transport infrastructure and systems are fully and reliably protected against the identified threats.

Whole-life value and cost-efficiency, including environmental impacts, are included in all our assessments and designs, as part of an integrated security programme.

Adhering to Secure-by-Design principles, Atkins offers genuine and long-lasting value for security projects over the total lifecycle.

Secure-by-Design: delivering long-term value

Page 5: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm


Comprehensive programme management

We offer a comprehensive suite of security services including planning, design, programme management and project support. We bring expert planning skills to complex programmes, ensuring the essential change management required to maximise investment in new security systems, particularly on sensitive government projects.

Security accredited consultants

With nationally-accredited consultants (including personnel on the CESG Listed Advisor Scheme and BS270001 auditors), we support a wide range of Government and commercial projects including:

• BOWMAN,theUKmilitaryradiosystem• FutureRapidEffectsSystem(FRES)• High-grademessagingforUKMoD(ANSON)• FuturecryptographicprocurementprogrammeforUKMoD• GlobalInformationInfrastructure(GII)forNetworkEnabledCapability• Networkandwebserversforenterpriseorganisations

With a combination of expertise and a wealth of domain knowledge, we can help develop systems that meet the information security needs of Government departments andtheenterprisesector.OurclientsincludeForeign&Commonwealth Office, Department for Constitutional Affairs and Cabinet Office as well as independent health sector, international legal organisations, water and communications companies.

AtkinswascommissionedbyKowloon-CantonRailwayCorporation(KCRC)toprovide, manage and deliver a Threat and Vulnerability Assessment for its key assets.

WeusedUSandUKGovernmentStandards as the basis for the assessment.

The most likely threats, including the range of attack objectives and methods that could be used were assessed, together with the vulnerabilities of each asset to such threats.

Case study: transport threat assessment

Page 6: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm

Design the processWe help you to identify the right procedures to minimise risks, to secure your assets, and to protect your information and your people

Advanced security procedures

Robust procedures mean that if processes are followed and deviations and exceptions are trapped and traced, then your security system will work well and deliver real benefit.

Procedures that can be avoided, bypassed or disregarded negate even the best network or physical security system, invalidate evidential trails, and can result in wasted investment and unnecessary risk.

Atkins designed and managed the largest biometrictrialofitskindintheUKatLondonHeathrowAirport.

Technologies included face, finger, iris and palm vein recognition for a throughput of over 12,000 passengers.

The success of these trials was followed by the installation of the Atkins Passenger Authentication Scanning System (PASS) in Terminal 1, which provides the logical separation of all domestic passengers passing through the integrated departure lounges.

ThisbecomesoperationalatHeathrow’snew Terminal 5 in early 2008, and embraces more than 450 processes.

Case study: passenger and identity management

Page 7: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm


Security audits

We evaluate existing systems and procedures and provide trusted advice to meet changing threat levels. As a trusted “critical friend,” we will provide this service through a comprehensive security audit.

As an international company, we are able to call upon support from our specialists with specific cultural, country and industry sector expertise.

Maintaining standards

Designing, managing and ensuring that appropriate configurationstandardsforICTinfrastructurearemetis a core service Atkins provides to key Government Departments.

OurSCIDA(SiteCoordinationInstallationDesignAuthority)services support complex command and communications facilities, and ensure the maintenance of design standards for the availability, reliability, survivability and confidentiality ofUKMoDandothergovernmentsystems.

RWS, as one of the world’s leading patent translation and search companies, has a heavy reliance on information technology where the security of client information paramount.

RWS asked Atkins to audit its physical, network and server configurations.

We proposed several enhancements to thenetworkIntruderPreventionandIntruderDetectionSystem(IPS/IDS)aswellas other improvements to the firewalls and to the Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting (AAA) systems.

The physical aspects of security surrounding the network and the servers were also examined and recommendations on improvements were made.

Case study: security audit

Page 8: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm

Design the technical solution Being a fully vendor-independent company, our commitment is to design the best value solution to meet your security requirements

Breadth of talent

Our wide range of skills offer comprehensive plan, build and operate capabilities, from feasibility studies and system design, through to project implementation. We can support your procurement process with tender preparation and vendor selection, and specify the training requirements, system operations and maintenance schedules.

Security architecture design

Followinganalysisandsurveys,ourexpertsprovidedetaileddesign and technical specifications for single projects or for large-scale systems. We cover the whole spectrum of security, producing the concepts and architecture, designing the system and specifying components. This includes detailed design of the secure communications infrastructure, and integrating detection sensors and surveillance systems with their control and monitoring rooms.

To meet increased threat levels, Atkins has been retained to define and design a major security surveillance system for a Middle East oil company.

This required site survey of 100 locations, including wellheads, storage areas, pipelines, and offices. Our design and comprehensive specifications include more than 3,000 cameras, with a sophisticated control and recording capability.

The access control system includes perimeter detection and vehicle checks. We have designed a new resilient optical network to carry the video and data traffic, whichalsoincludesanewIPtelephonysystem.

A central control room and several satellite control rooms provide the necessary command and control facilities.

Case study: oil production security

Page 9: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm


Complex surveillance systems

Atkins provides the definition and design for wide-area surveillance schemes, with associated recording, Control Roomdesign,AutomaticNumberPlateRecognition(ANPR)and supporting systems.

Our team of experienced engineers have developed a range of skills and knowledge that places Atkins at the forefront of the planning and provision of both digital and analogue CCTV surveillance systems. Our consultants continue to play a critical and central role as Design Authority for many government and industrial projects.

Advanced identity management

Institutionsandbusinessesacrosstheglobefaceagrowingnumber of national and international security challenges, including amongst others human trafficking, illegal immigration, airport passenger management and internet identity fraud. We are experts at assisting organisations in managing these security challenges.

We can help you select and procure the right solutions to assist with establishing the true identity of an individual as part of a wider identity assurance programme. We are currently assisting several government departments in identity management projects where technical expertise, trusted partner status and delivery capability are core requirements.

Atkins was appointed by States of GuernseyCustoms&Excisetodesignandproject manage the installation of a new CCTV system in the commercial ferry port of St Peter Port and the new terminal buildingatGuernseyInternationalAirport.

The system had to monitor both airside and landside areas, including all arrivals and departures areas, car parks and approaches to both ports of entry.

Atkins designed the system and specified the optical and microwave transmission network linking sensors to the control rooms.ANPRtechnologywasdeployedonall highway approaches with evidential-quality digital video recording.

Case study: integrated sea- and airport CCTV

Page 10: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm

Design security environmentsOur approach includes the principles of Secure-by-Design and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design to provide an unobtrusive and effective security system

Perimeter, border and barrier design

Sensitive installations require effective physical perimeter security. We have extensive experience of designing physical structures, associated intrusion detection systems and sophisticated lighting. These systems can be complex, especially in environments where external triggers could create false alarms and need to be carefully specified.

Our designs for vehicle access control arrangements include road blockers, chicanes and barriers with appropriate electroniccontrolssuchasANPRidentificationsystems.

Our services incorporate all aspects, from concept masterplanning of an entire security network, through detailed design, to equipment specification and implementation.

Atkins is vendor-independent, free to specify and select systems, hardware and software that deliver the best, total value, integrated solutions.

Regardless of project size and complexity, our aim is to provide a fully integrated solution that is fully proven, innovative in its approach, and able to address current and emerging threats and technologies.

Masterplanning: from concept to delivery

Page 11: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm


Experienced blast engineering

Atkins is one of the leading specialists in the planning of critical buildings, including defence establishments. Our expertise covers blast analysis and the provision of designs to mitigate blast and weapons effects with the design of hardened structures.

Our design work is based on the detailed evaluation of potential threats and includes structures resistant to accidental damage, terrorist attack, civil insurrection and acts of nature, including: • Explosionandblast• Seismicactivity• Bombsandmissiles• Nuclear,chemicalandbiologicalattack

Drawing on our deep understanding of the security environment, which we have gained internationally, our skilled teams bring a breadth and enviable depth of engineering, operational and technical experience to every security project.

This £900m project encompassed the replacement of almost an entire military base with modern facilities, demonstrating the full range of multi-disciplinary skills within Atkins.

The design included extensive counter terrorism measures, such as advanced structural stability and integrity of beams, columns and roof rafters as well as cladding and glazing materials.

Atkins reviewed the internal layout and masonry, paying particular attention to single-storey ties and struts.

We also designed the fencing arrangements and perimeter protection systems.

Case study: secure military base

Major equipment damage

Major structural damage

Minor damage

Page 12: Security - · l £1,250M revenue l 17,000 people l The largest multi-disciplinary consultancy in Europe l The world’s fifth-largest international design firm

Our values

Atkins Ltd 2620 Aztec West Park Avenue Almondsbury Bristol BS32 4GQ UnitedKingdom

Dedicated to clients

Atkins is independent of all contractors, service providers and suppliers. We offer unbiased advice and we are committed to obtaining the best value for money through technical excellence, innovation and execution for all our clients.

Quality at the heart

Atkins and each of its business groups adopts a systematic approach to quality management and maintains a documented quality system. Our integrated managementsystemisaccreditedtoBSNISO9001:2000(QualityManagementStandard)TickITSchemeVersion5,OHSAS18001:1999(H&SManagementStandard)andISO14001:2004(EnvironmentalManagementStandard).

Respecting our people

Atkins is committed to attracting, training and retaining the best people. We are one of the top 20 “Best Big CompaniestoWorkFor”(TheTimes,2007)andoneoftheUK’stop100graduateemployers(TheTimes,2007).

Valuing the environment

We take environmental impact into account in the planning, design and implementation of our contracts to help prevent pollution, minimise our impacts on local communities and ensure that activities with high environmental risks are controlled effectively. We are proud of our reputation in the field.

The Atkins logo, the ‘open A’ device and the strapline ‘Plan Design Enable’ are trademarks of Atkins

Limited, a WS Atkins plc company. © Copyright 2008 Atkins Limited except where stated otherwise.

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