Page 1: Section -…  · Web viewThe “SAT” vocabulary word in this section is “Opulence.” Write a sentence

Chapter 5: Early Modern EuropeSection 2: The Protestant Reformation (pp. 101-104)(Part A: pp. 101-103)

Problems in the Catholic ChurchWhat was Simony?

Why was it corrupt?

What was an indulgence?

What is going on in the “woodcut” above? (Who might have etched this woodcut (think artist from section 1?)

Why were indulgences viewed by many as corrupt?

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class while we discuss the reading assignment)































Page 2: Section -…  · Web viewThe “SAT” vocabulary word in this section is “Opulence.” Write a sentence

(SAT VOCAB BUILDER) The “SAT” vocabulary word in this section is “Opulence.” Write a sentence using it below. (Create a sentence in which you use it in today’s terms or context.)

Describe the Protestant Reformation. (p. 101)

(SAT VOCAB BUILDER) What does the word “reform” mean? Use the term in a sentence describing how you could reform you performance in school.

Martin Luther & The Ninety-Five ThesesWhat was “re-born” during the Renaissance from 1350-1600?

SAT VOCAB BUILDER: The book says that Luther was incensed at the Catholic Church. What does this mean? After your answer, create a sentence about what you have been incensed with in your life.

What is Luther doing in the wood cut pictured to the right?

Additional Notes from Class Discussion (Complete these in

class while we discuss the reading assignment)































Page 3: Section -…  · Web viewThe “SAT” vocabulary word in this section is “Opulence.” Write a sentence

What was Luther’s original intention (or reason) for posting the 95?

How did the below invention below change history in terms of religion? (SAT VOCABULARY BUILDER: Use the word disseminate in your answer!)

How did the Catholic Church respond to Luther’s “95 Theses?”

How did Luther respond to the Catholic Church and Pope?

Luther’s 3 Main IdeasExplain each one in detail.

1) Salvation (or getting into heaven) by Faith Alone

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class while we discuss the reading assignment)































Page 4: Section -…  · Web viewThe “SAT” vocabulary word in this section is “Opulence.” Write a sentence

2) Bible as only source of truth

3) Priesthood of All Believers

These three main ideas of Luther led to what is called the Protestant Reformation. Other men held other ideas and opinions on religion and began forming their own new denominations. (What does this mean?)

Helping people interpret the bible as they were mass produced helped. However, originally the Bible was written in Latin. The book says that printers started to print the bibles in vernaculars. (What does this mean?)

(Part B: pp. 103-104)

Problems in the Catholic ChurchWho was John Calvin?

Explain his idea about predestination.

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class while we discuss the reading assignment)































Page 5: Section -…  · Web viewThe “SAT” vocabulary word in this section is “Opulence.” Write a sentence

Calvin set up a theocracy inIn Geneva, Switzerland. (What does this mean?)

Religious ConflictsWhy did conflicts over religion spring up during the 16th century?

Explain why conflict emerged in the Netherland.

What is occurring in the below painting?

Where was the 30 Years’ War fought?

What % of the population was destroyed?

Additional Notes from Class Discussion (Complete these in

class while we discuss the reading assignment)































Page 6: Section -…  · Web viewThe “SAT” vocabulary word in this section is “Opulence.” Write a sentence

The Counter-ReformationWhat does the term counter mean?

Why did Catholics need to counter the different denominations of Protestantism?

At famous “Council” below, the Catholics refuted the ideas of Luther and other Protestants.

What was the name of the council?

What does it mean that they refuted the ideas of Luther and other Protestants?

Who was Ignatius Loyola?

What was the goal of the new order he created?

Additional Notes from Class Discussion (Complete these in

class while we discuss the reading assignment)































Page 7: Section -…  · Web viewThe “SAT” vocabulary word in this section is “Opulence.” Write a sentence

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