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Section 7-2 Eukaryotic Cell Structure (pages 1 74-1 81)

O ~ e y Concept What are the functions of the major cell structures?

Comparing a Cell to a Factory (page 174)

1. What is an organelle?

2. Label the structures en the illustrations of the plant and animal cells.

Reading and Study Workbook 75

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3. Circle the letter of each structure that animal cells contain,

a. chloroplasts b. lvwsornes c. mitochondria

d. ER 4. Circle the letter of each stmcture that plant wUs contain.

a. cell wall

b. ER c lymsornes

d. chloroplast

Nucleus 176)

5. What is the function of the nucleus?

- - -

6. What important molecules d m .the nucleus contain?

7. The p n u l a r ma tcrial visible within the nucleus is called 8, What does chromatin consist of7

9. What am chromosomes?

10. Most nudei contain a small, dense region known as the 11. What occurs in the nuc2mlusl


12. What, is the nuclear envelope?

Ribosomes ( p q r rr) 13. What are ribosomes? 5


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EndspFarrnlc Reticulum (p- I 77-178)

14. What is khe difference k t w m rough ER and smooth ER? -

G0fgl Apparatus (page 170)

'65. Using the cell as a factory analogy, desuibe the d e of the Gslgi apparatus in the cell.

Lysosames (p.gc 179)

16. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true a h u t Iysmrnes. a. They contain enzymes that help synthesize lipids.

b, They break down arganeues that have outlived their useftllnwj. c. They produce proteins that are rndified by the ER d. They coniain enzymes that break down lipids, &hydrates, and proteins,

Vacuoles ( p w ITPI 17. What am vacuoles?

IS. What is the role of the ckn ttal vacudc in plants?

- - -

19. How does the conbactile vacuole in a paramecium help maintain homeostasis?

- - - --

Mitochondria and Chloroplasts (pw- 179-IM))

20. Is the following sentence m e or false? b f h chloroplasts and mitochondria are enclosd by two membranes.

21. ChEomplasts and mitochondria contain their own pnetic information in the forrn of

Reading and Study W o r k b k

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. -

23. & ~ t o c h a n ~ found in plant cells.s, animal cells, or both? 24. Where are chloroplasts found? -

25, Biologist Lynn Margulis has suggested that mitochondria and chloroplasts are descendants of what kind of organisms?

Cytoskeleton (p*lc 181)

26. What is the qtdskeleton?

27. Complete the table about structurrrs that make up the cytoskeleton.


Structure Descrlptlon f uncHonr

Maintain cell shepe, help build ciria and Hagella, lorm centndes tn cell d ~ ~ l d n

- Support !he cell, help cells ma#


Malch /he orffnnelltr with its dscsiptivn.

Organelte _ - . 28. Ribosome

-- 29. Endoplasmic reticulum

30- Glgi apparatus 31. Lysosome

- 32 Vacuole . 33. Chlmplast 34. Mitochondrion

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a. Uses energy from sunlight to make energy-rich 'Id

b. Stack of r n e r n h n s in which enzymes attach carbohydrates and lipids to proteins

c. Use energy from food eo make high- energy compounds

Jd. An internal membrane system in which components of celt membrane and some pmteins are constructed

e. Saclike stmcture that stom m a t d a b f. Small partide of RNA and protein that

produces pmteln following instructions fmm nucleus

g. Filled with enzymes wsed to b ~ a k down food into particles that can k used

Reading Skin %ctice A flowchart can hcl r. On a separate sheet of paper, crea tp s ate mdc in the cell. You will find that th g e 176-178. Fqt more infomation about fl ppendix A in your

, t c x t b k . 1

Reading and Study W o r k h k 79 .

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Section 7-3 Cell Boundaries (pages 182-189) Key Conccph

What are the main functions sf the cell membraneand the cell wall?

What happnsduringdiffusion?

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