
SE-2840 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 1

Java Servlet-based web apps

Servlet Architecture

Recall: The interaction between web clients and servers is structured around HTTP Request and Response messages

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Server is running a web server app,like Apache or Microsoft IIS.

In the simplest scenario, the Server responds to a browser GET request by returning a pre-written, static HTML file

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Note: This diagram canbe found in your textbook

HTML file maintained on Server, returned to theBrowser as the HTTP response “payload”

HTTP GETrequest

A web server can employ a Helper App when it needs to go beyond serving static web pages

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CGI* programs can be writtenin Perl, Python, PHP, C, or – Java

*Common Gateway Interface

HTTP GET or POST request(may include parameters)

CGIHelper app

How it works in general

SE-2840 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 5Note: This diagram canbe found in your textbook

User enters a URL (or clicks a link) to a CGI program rather than a static page

Web server “sees” that the request is for a helper program, so the server runs the helper, sending along any parameters sent from the Client.

The helper app constructs the brand new (dynamic) page and sends the HTML back to the server.

How it works for Java Servlets

SE-2840 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 6Note: This diagram canbe found in your textbook

Web server app is commonly Apache

Web container app is Tomcat

Servlets are run by Tomcat

What does a Container like Tomcat do? Communication

Creates server-side sockets Listens for client connections Determines client HTTP request type and “decodes” HTTP headers

Servlet Lifecycle management Figures out which Servlet should be used to process a specific request Handles Servlet class loading Handles Servlet instantiation/construction Handles Servlet initialization

Servlet execution support Launches/manages threads that service each incoming request Handles Servlet service() method invocation Creates and passes Request and Response objects to the Servlet

Supports Security Supports JSP

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How Tomcat manages Servlets

CS-4220 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 8Note: This diagram canbe found in your textbook

Called only ONCE in the servlet’s life (and must complete before Container calls service()

Container calls destroy() to give the servlet a chance to clean up; like init(), destroy() is only called ONCE

The methods doGet() or doPost() are executed to process requests

This is where the servlet spends most of its life

Web Container(Tomcat)

Your servlet class no-arg ctor runs (you should NOT write a ctor; just use the compiler-supplied default.

Tomcat invokes a Servlet’s service() method, but your HTTPServlet-derived class should only override doGet() or doPost()

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The service() method is given animplementation in the HTTPServletbase class, where the doGet() and doPost() methods are called.

You must override these methods in your HttpServlet-derived class

class Serv let-api classes


# doDelete(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) : void# doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) : void# doHead(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) : void# doOptions(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) : void# doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) : void# doPut(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) : void# doTrace(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) : void# getLastModified(HttpServletRequest) : long+ HttpServlet() : void# service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) : void+ service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) : void


+ destroy() : void+ GenericServlet() : void+ getInitParameter(String) : String+ getInitParameterNames() : Enumeration+ getServletConfig() : ServletConfig+ getServletContext() : ServletContext+ getServletInfo() : String+ getServletName() : String+ init(ServletConfig) : void+ init() : void+ log(String) : void+ log(String, Throwable) : void+ service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) : void


«interface»Serv let

+ destroy() : void+ getServletConfig() : ServletConfig+ getServletInfo() : String+ init(ServletConfig) : void+ service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) : void


«interface»Serv letConfig

+ getInitParameter(String) : String+ getInitParameterNames() : Enumeration+ getServletContext() : ServletContext+ getServletName() : String


A Servlet is just a Java class that implements some specific interfaces (defined by the Java Servlet Specifications) that are used by the Container

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All Servlets must implement these 5 methods

Abstract class. Implements most of the basic servlet methods

Implements the service() method and calls doGet(), doPost() etc as appropriate

NOTE The Java classes pertaining to Servlets are not

part of the standard 1.6 SE They are part of the Java EE specification

Implementation of the 1.6 SE is provided in the 1.6 JDK/JRE System Library This is the library you are probably most familiar with rt.jar is the main jarfile in this library

Container vendors supply the implementation of the classes that are part of the Servlet specification Tomcat comes with its own Servlet libraries servlet-api.jar implements the Servlet-related classes

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SE-2840 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 12

Parameters: HTML <form> tag element

<form action="http://<url>" method=“post"> <!-- form elements go here --></form>

The opening <form> tag – all form elements go between the opening and closing tag.

The required action attribute specifies the url of where to send the form’s data.

…and the name of the Web Resource that will process the form data if it is submitted

The method attribute specifies which HTTP message will be used to send the data in the form to the server – default is “get”

Note: See the exampleson the course website

GET vs. POST scenarios

SE-2840 Dr. Mark L. Hornick 13Note: This diagram canbe found in your textbook

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get specifies that a HTTP GET message should be used, which appends the form data to the end of the urlhttp://<domain>/<resource>?


get requests have a limit of 256 characters

The data is plainly visible in the url (insecure!)

You can bookmark a page that is the result of submitting a form

Use GET only to submit small amounts of insensitive data which the server app will NOT use to modify its internal state

SE-2840 Dr. Mark L. Hornick


post specifies that a HTTP POST message should be used, which appends the form data to the end of the HTTP POST header

There is no limit on the size of the data packet that can be sent to the server

You cannot bookmark a url that was generated as a POST message, since the form data is not in the url

A post request can be encrypted (using HTTPS) in order to protect sensitive data, such as a credit card numbers or passwords

Use POST to send form data that Is sensitive (use encryption in that case) If the data is large (>256 bytes) Will change the state of the web application

Note: Detailed explanation on pp 112-114 in your text.Be sure to read it!

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These contain all kinds ofuseful stuff

Servlet execution – Part 1 of 2

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17Note: This diagram canbe found in your textbook

Servlet execution – Part 2 of 2

class Request classes


serv let::Serv letRequestWrapper

+ getAttribute(String) : Object+ getAttributeNames() : Enumeration+ getCharacterEncoding() : String+ getContentLength() : int+ getContentType() : String+ getInputStream() : ServletInputStream+ getLocalAddr() : String+ getLocale() : Locale+ getLocales() : Enumeration+ getLocalName() : String+ getLocalPort() : int+ getParameter(String) : String+ getParameterMap() : Map+ getParameterNames() : Enumeration+ getParameterValues(String) : String[]+ getProtocol() : String+ getReader() : BufferedReader+ getRealPath(String) : String+ getRemoteAddr() : String+ getRemoteHost() : String+ getRemotePort() : int+ getRequestDispatcher(String) : RequestDispatcher+ getScheme() : String+ getServerName() : String+ getServerPort() : int+ isSecure() : boolean+ removeAttribute(String) : void+ ServletRequestWrapper(ServletRequest) : void+ setAttribute(String, Object) : void+ setCharacterEncoding(String) : void

«property get»+ getRequest() : ServletRequest

«property set»+ setRequest(ServletRequest) : void


+ readLine(byte[], int, int) : int# ServletInputStream() : void


«interface»serv let::Serv letRequest


«interface»http::HttpServ letRequest

http::HttpServ letRequestWrapper

+ getAuthType() : String+ getContextPath() : String+ getCookies() : Cookie[]+ getDateHeader(String) : long+ getHeader(String) : String+ getHeaderNames() : Enumeration+ getHeaders(String) : Enumeration+ getIntHeader(String) : int+ getMethod() : String+ getPathInfo() : String+ getPathTranslated() : String+ getQueryString() : String+ getRemoteUser() : String+ getRequestedSessionId() : String+ getRequestURI() : String+ getRequestURL() : StringBuffer+ getServletPath() : String+ getSession(boolean) : HttpSession+ getSession() : HttpSession+ getUserPrincipal() : Principal+ HttpServletRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest) : void+ isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() : boolean+ isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() : boolean+ isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl() : boolean+ isRequestedSessionIdValid() : boolean+ isUserInRole(String) : boolean


provides access to

The HTTP Request Wrapper Class

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A reference to an HTTPServletRequest is created by the Containerand passed to the doGet() and doPost() methods of an HTTPServlet

These methods are about HTTP things like headers, sessions, and cookies

The HTTP Response Wrapper Class

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A reference to an HTTPServletResponse is created by the Containerand passed to the doGet() and doPost() methods of an HTTPServlet

class Response Classes



serv let::Serv letResponseWrapper

+ flushBuffer() : void+ getBufferSize() : int+ getCharacterEncoding() : String+ getContentType() : String+ getLocale() : Locale+ getOutputStream() : ServletOutputStream+ getWriter() : PrintWriter+ isCommitted() : boolean+ reset() : void+ resetBuffer() : void+ ServletResponseWrapper(ServletResponse) : void+ setBufferSize(int) : void+ setCharacterEncoding(String) : void+ setContentLength(int) : void+ setContentType(String) : void+ setLocale(Locale) : void

«property get»+ getResponse() : ServletResponse

«property set»+ setResponse(ServletResponse) : void

http::HttpServ letResponseWrapper

+ addCookie(Cookie) : void+ addDateHeader(String, long) : void+ addHeader(String, String) : void+ addIntHeader(String, int) : void+ containsHeader(String) : boolean+ encodeRedirectURL(String) : String+ encodeRedirectUrl(String) : String+ encodeURL(String) : String+ encodeUrl(String) : String+ HttpServletResponseWrapper(HttpServletResponse) : void+ sendError(int, String) : void+ sendError(int) : void+ sendRedirect(String) : void+ setDateHeader(String, long) : void+ setHeader(String, String) : void+ setIntHeader(String, int) : void+ setStatus(int) : void+ setStatus(int, String) : void


«interface»http::HttpServ letResponse


«interface»serv let::Serv letResponse


provides access to

These methods are also about HTTP things like headers, sessions, and cookies

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