Download - Scripting GeoServer

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Scripting GeoServer Jared Erickson

CUGOSDecember 2012

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Open Source (GPL) WMS Server

Main language is Java

Also implements WFS, WCS, WPS, ect...

Uses GeoTools and JTS libraries

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Scripting ModuleGeoserver Community Module

Developed by: Justin Deoliveira and Tim Schaub

I am adding Geoscript Groovy support

Python, JavaScript, Groovy, BeanShell, Ruby

Uses javax.scripting to execute scripts

Extend GeoServer on the fly

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Scripting Hooks


Web Processing Services (WPS)

Geospatial web services

Rendering Transformations in SLD

Filter Functions

String, Date, Geometry Functions in SLD

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Script Location


Scripts dynamically reloaded

Python, JavaScript, and Groovy have GeoScript API

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Generic web applications or web services

Python - WSGI

JavaScript - JSGI

Groovy - Restlet

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Hello World App

1 import*2 3 def run(request, response) {4 response.setEntity("Groovy rocks!", MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)5 }


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Color Brewer App

1 import* 2 import org.restlet.resource.OutputRepresentation 3 import javax.imageio.ImageIO 4 import geoscript.filter.Color 5 import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder 6 7 def run(request, response) { 8 String name = request.getResourceRef().getQueryAsForm().getFirstValue("name") 9 if (name) {10 def image = Color.drawToImage(Color.getPaletteColors(name))11 def output = new OutputRepresentation(MediaType.IMAGE_PNG) {12 void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException {13 ImageIO.write(image,"png",out)14 }15 }16 response.setEntity(output)17 }18 else {19 def out = new StringWriter()20 def html = new MarkupBuilder(out)21 html.html {22 head {23 title: "Color Brewer Palettes"24 }25 body {26 h1 "Color Brewer Palettes"27 ul {28 Color.paletteNames.each { nm ->29 li {30 a href: "colorbrewer?name=${nm}", "${nm}"31 }32 }33 }34 }35 }36 response.setEntity(out.toString(), MediaType.TEXT_HTML)37 }38 }


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Color Brewer App

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Function List app

1 import* 2 import geoscript.filter.Function 3 import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder 4 5 def run(request, response) { 6 def out = new StringWriter() 7 def html = new MarkupBuilder(out) 8 html.html { 9 head {10 titie: "Filter Functions"11 }12 body {13 h1 "Filter Function"14 ul {15 Function.functionNames.each { nm ->16 li "${nm}"17 }18 }19 }20 }21 response.setEntity(out.toString(), MediaType.TEXT_HTML)22 23 }


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Function List app

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Groovy Geoserver APIgeoserver

Geoserver: Main entry point for Catalog and Config

Config: Metadata about GeoServer


Catalog: Contains Workspaces, Layers, Stores

Workspace: Contains Stores

Store: Contains Layers, Converts to GeoScript Workspace

Layer: Converts to GeoScript Layer

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layer as table app

1 import* 2 import geoserver.* 3 import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder 4 5 def run(request, response) { 6 7 def layer = new GeoServer().catalog.getLayer("sf:archsites") 8 def gsLayer = layer.geoScriptLayer 9 10 def out = new StringWriter()11 def html = new MarkupBuilder(out)12 html.html {13 head {14 title: "Layer Table"15 }16 body {17 h1 "${}"18 table(border:1) {19 tr {20 gsLayer.schema.fields.each {fld ->21 td "${}"22 }23 }24 gsLayer.eachFeature { f ->25 tr {26 f.attributes.each { att ->27 td "${att.value}"28 }29 }30 }31 }32 }33 }34 response.setEntity(out.toString(), MediaType.TEXT_HTML)35 }


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Layer as table app

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Filter FunctionsTransform a value before displaying it

Format a date or a number

Capitalize a string

Manipulate a geometry

GeoTools input objects are wrapped as GeoScript objects

GeoScript result objects are unwrapped as GeoTools objects

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Filter Function

1 /** 2 * Convert a Geometry into a buffered centroid 3 * @param value The Feature 4 * @param args A List of arguments 5 * args[0] is the Geometry 6 * args[1] is the buffer distance 7 */ 8 def run(value, args) { 9 args[0].centroid.buffer(args[1] as double)10 }


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Geometry filter function 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 2 <StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0" 3 xsi:schemaLocation=" StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd" 4 xmlns="" xmlns:ogc="" 5 xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi=""> 6 <NamedLayer> 7 <Name>Buffered Centroid</Name> 8 <UserStyle> 9 <Title>Buffered Centroids Polygons</Title>10 <Abstract>Draw buffered centroids of polygons</Abstract>11 <FeatureTypeStyle>12 <Rule>13 <Name>Rule 1</Name>14 <Title>Gray Polygon with Black Outline</Title>15 <Abstract>A polygon with a gray fill and a 1 pixel black outline</Abstract>16 <PolygonSymbolizer>17 <Geometry>18 <ogc:Function name="bufferCentroid">19 <ogc:PropertyName>the_geom</ogc:PropertyName>20 <ogc:Literal>1</ogc:Literal>21 </ogc:Function>22 </Geometry>23 <Fill>24 <CssParameter name="fill">#AAAAAA</CssParameter>25 </Fill>26 <Stroke>27 <CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>28 <CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>29 </Stroke>30 </PolygonSymbolizer>31 </Rule>32 </FeatureTypeStyle>33 </UserStyle>34 </NamedLayer>35 </StyledLayerDescriptor>

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Geometry Filter Function

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Web Processing Service

Model builder for the web

Generic web services for spatial data

GeoTools inputs are wrapped as GeoScript objects

GeoScript results are unwrapped as GeoTools objects

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Geometry Buffer WPS

1 import geoscript.geom.Geometry 2 3 title = 'Buffer' 4 description = 'Buffers a geometry' 5 6 inputs = [ 7 geom: [name: 'geom', title: 'The geometry to buffer', type: Geometry.class], 8 distance: [name: 'distance', title: 'The buffer distance', type: Double.class] 9 ]10 11 outputs = [12 result: [name: 'result', title: 'The buffered geometry', type: Geometry.class]13 ]14 15 def run(input) {16 [result: input.geom.buffer(input.distance as double)]17 }18


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Buffer geometry WPS

POLYGON ((11 1, 10.807852804032304 -0.9509032201612824, 10.238795325112868 -2.826834323650898, 9.314696123025453 -4.555702330196022, 8.071067811865476 -6.071067811865475, 6.555702330196023 -7.314696123025453, 4.826834323650898 -8.238795325112868, 2.9509032201612833 -8.807852804032304, 1.0000000000000007 -9, -0.9509032201612819 -8.807852804032304, -2.826834323650897 -8.238795325112868, -4.55570233019602 -7.314696123025453, -6.071067811865475 -6.0710678118654755,

-7.314696123025453 -4.555702330196022, -8.238795325112868 -2.8268343236508944, -8.807852804032306 -0.9509032201612773, -9 1.0000000000000075, -8.807852804032303 2.950903220161292, -8.238795325112862 4.826834323650909, -7.3146961230254455 6.555702330196034, -6.071067811865463 8.071067811865486,

-4.555702330196008 9.314696123025463, -2.826834323650879 10.238795325112875, -0.9509032201612606 10.807852804032308, 1.0000000000000249 11, 2.950903220161309 10.807852804032299, 4.826834323650925 10.238795325112857, 6.555702330196048 9.314696123025435, 8.071067811865499 8.07106781186545,

9.314696123025472 6.555702330195993, 10.238795325112882 4.826834323650862, 10.807852804032311 2.9509032201612437, 11 1))


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Voronoi Layer WPS

1 import geoscript.geom.* 2 import geoscript.layer.* 3 4 title = 'VoronoiLayer' 5 description = 'Create a voronoi diagram around the features of a Layer' 6 7 inputs = [ 8 layer: [name: 'layer', title: 'The Layer', type: Layer.class], 9 ]10 11 outputs = [12 result: [name: 'result', title: 'The voronoi diagram as a Layer', type: Layer.class]13 ]14 15 def run(input) {16 def geoms = new GeometryCollection(input.layer.features*.geom.centroid)17 def output = new Layer()18 output.add([geoms.voronoiDiagram])19 [result: output]20 }21


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WPS Request Builder

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Rendering Transform sld

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 2 <StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0" 3 xsi:schemaLocation=" StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd" 4 xmlns="" 5 xmlns:ogc="" 6 xmlns:xlink="" 7 xmlns:xsi=""> 8 <!-- a Named Layer is the basic building block of an SLD document --> 9 <NamedLayer>10 <Name>default_polygon</Name>11 <UserStyle>12 <!-- Styles can have names, titles and abstracts -->13 <Title>Default Polygon</Title>14 <Abstract>A sample style that draws a polygon</Abstract>15 <!-- FeatureTypeStyles describe how to render different features -->16 <!-- A FeatureTypeStyle for rendering polygons -->17 <FeatureTypeStyle>18 <Transformation>19 <ogc:Function name="groovy:voronoi">20 <ogc:Function name="parameter">21 <ogc:Literal>layer</ogc:Literal>22 </ogc:Function>23 </ogc:Function>24 </Transformation>25 <Rule>26 <Name>rule1</Name>27 <Title>Gray Polygon with Black Outline</Title>28 <Abstract>A polygon with a gray fill and a 1 pixel black outline</Abstract>29 <PolygonSymbolizer>30 <Fill>31 <CssParameter name="fill">#AAAAAA</CssParameter>32 </Fill>33 <Stroke>34 <CssParameter name="stroke">#000000</CssParameter>35 <CssParameter name="stroke-width">1</CssParameter>36 </Stroke>37 </PolygonSymbolizer>38 </Rule>39 </FeatureTypeStyle>40 </UserStyle>41 </NamedLayer>42 </StyledLayerDescriptor>43

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Voronoi Diagram

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GeoServer is well known as a WMS, WFS, WCS, WPS server

GeoServer is also a platform for spatial web services

Scripting just finally makes it easy

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Thank you!

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