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Throughout the years technology has continually evolved,

from 2D to 3D, type in to touch screen and cable to


In this series we take a look at the different

technologies that have evolved overtime


focusing on the developments of computers, games and


Clips of these technologies


Last week we looked at computers and how they have

evolved in time, we visited the Convent of Jesus and Mary

and observed how the use of computers has benefited

education; we also looked at the shift from home PCs to

portable forms of computing.

A video game is an electronic game that involves human

interaction. It's a form of media that is enjoyed by


In this episode, we're going tobe looking at how games

have changed, such as the improvement of graphic

resolution, players becoming more interactive and the

changes of gender representation in video games.

The resolution of video games has dramatically improved

over the years form pixelated games such as Super Mario

and Tetris compared with CGI games such as LA Noir, Final

Fantasy 13, and 3D games such as the Nintendo 3Ds.

There are 31 million active gamers in the UK, imagine how

many people are playing worldwide? Gaming is no longer a

single gaming experience; it can be enjoyed with others

around the world, through MMO known as Massively

Multiplayer Online such as C.O.D, Fifa and World of

Warcraft. This advert from Italy shows just how big this

multiplayer experience can be.

Unlike traditional games, violence within video games is

now the norm and through its common use it can even be

said to have desensitised the player to violence. In

Grand Theft Auto, the players have easy access to weapons

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and can learn different ways to kill and steal cars,

without the game showing a real consequence.

Women are now more sexualised and have now accepted

violence within video games, this idea links to the fact

that women are seen as sex objects within the media and

dominated by men. Women are also presented as powerful

and independent; they can now fight their own battles.

We asked a sociologist about the representation of women

Cuts to expert interview

After the break we will look at the mental effects and

physical effects of video games on gamers.

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