Page 1: Screen shots of progress front cover

Screen Shots Of ProgressFront cover

Page 2: Screen shots of progress front cover

Firstly I started off with a black background so I could build up different colours onto the plain background. Also I started off with a black background because I want my colour scheme to be bold plain colours.

Page 3: Screen shots of progress front cover

I then created a title, I tried to make it similar to the Kerrang magazine title.I did this by finding a font that is similar to Kerrang Magazine, and I then added grey stripes that made a crack like effect to give it a rock/metal look.

Page 4: Screen shots of progress front cover

In this screen shot you can see that I have added something to the mast head. I have added two blew lines by using the text tool and the symbol – over and over again.

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To the top of the title I have added a advertisement which advertises that there are 10 free posters inside. This is in the same font as the title in the colour white.

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In this screen shot you can see that I have added a image that I cut out using the cut out tool and blurred the uneven edges. I also changed the effect of the image to a more blue tone and I also controlled the brightness of the image.

Page 7: Screen shots of progress front cover

In this screen shot you can see that I have added text to my front cover. The text I have added is separated by white lines. The text also three different colours, starting with white, then working its way down to blue and then finally down to yellow. The text also varies in size from small to larger.

Page 8: Screen shots of progress front cover

This is my final product and I have added a barcode to complete the front cover

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