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Scott Bradley Cook 顧史考 Tan Chin Tuan Professor of Chinese Studies Saga Rector’s Office, Yale-NUS College 10 College Ave West, #01-101 Singapore 138609 Tel: (+65) 6601-3584 E-mail: [email protected] Education Ph.D. in Chinese The University of Michigan December, 1995 Ann Arbor, Michigan “Unity and Diversity in the Musical Thought of Warring States China”

Dissertation Committee: Kenneth J. DeWoskin, Advisor; Shuen-fu Lin; Donald J. Munro; Martin J. Powers

M.A. in Chinese Literature The University of Michigan August, 1990 Ann Arbor, Michigan M.M. in Music Theory The University of Michigan August, 1988 Ann Arbor, Michigan B.A. in Music University of Southern California May, 1986 Los Angeles, California Teaching (and Research) Experience Tan Chin Tuan Professor of Chinese Studies Yale-NUS College 07/14-present Singapore Chair, Chinese Studies Council, 07/14-present Head of Studies, History Major, 07/17-06/19 Division Director, Humanities (Interim), 07/15-12/15 Coordinator, Chinese Minor, 07/17-06/19 & 7/20-present Cowles-Kruidenier Chair of Chinese Studies Grinnell College 05/12-07/16 Grinnell, Iowa Professor of Chinese Grinnell College 05/09-07/16 Grinnell, Iowa Associate Professor of Chinese Grinnell College 8/02-05/09 Grinnell, Iowa Assistant Professor of Chinese Grinnell College 8/96-7/02 Grinnell, Iowa • Assisted in the Development of curriculum for a new Chinese department and in the Organization

of an East Asian Studies Concentration. Designed and taught courses in pre-modern Chinese literature, culture, philosophy, and history; and all levels of Chinese language, both classical and modern.

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• Assisted in the Establishment of a Japanese Language and Culture program at the College. • Organized major symposia and brought several prominent speakers to campus. Participated in

various academic committees, wrote grants for outside funding, and helped to implement college-wide initiatives. Served as mentor to junior colleagues and played leading role in the recruitment and retention of departmental faculty.

Visiting Scholar Department of Asian Languages and Cultures August 1-December 31, 2019 The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Short-term Visiting Scholar Institute of History and Philology May, 2018 Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Visiting Researcher Center for Excavated Texts and Paleography 5/2008; 6/2009; Fudan University, Shanghai 7-12/2010; 5/2014; 5/2015; 9-11/2016 Research Fellow National Humanities Center 2005-06 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina Visiting Research Fellow Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 2003-04 Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Short-term Visiting Lecturer Nanjing University May-June, 2001 Nanjing, China • Taught four-week mini-course on Western Sinological interpretations of Early Chinese

Philosophical texts to graduate students in the Chinese department Short-term Visiting Lecturer Tamkang University April-May, 2001 Danshui, Taiwan • Three lectures on various topics to graduate and undergraduates students Lecturer II/ Lecturer I/ TA The University of Michigan 1/91-4/93; 9/94-4/96 Ann Arbor, Michigan • Taught courses in Early Chinese Philosophy, a graduate-level Seminar in Chinese Literary Prose,

and all levels of Chinese language, both classical and modern. Other: • Served as the outside reader for a two PhD Theses for the Philosophy Department at Nanyang

Technological University, Singapore. • Served as the outside reader for a doctoral dissertation defense at the University of Wisconsin,

Madison. • Served as outside adviser for graduate student in the Department of Chinese at Tamkang 淡江

University, Taiwan. Grants and Awards

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2014: Honorable Mention, AAS China and Inner Asia Council (CIAC) Levenson Prize for 2012 Book of the Year in Chinese Studies, Pre-1900 Category (for The Bamboo Texts of Guodian: A Study and Complete Translation, Volumes I and II).

2010: ACLS American Research in the Humanities in China Grant to support four months of costs for

research at Fudan University in Shanghai, for the project: “Imbibing the Spirits: the Virtues (and Vices) of Alcohol in Early Chinese Culture”

2010: Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Translation Grant in East and Southeast Asian Archaeology and

Early History to support four months of overseas research on the project “Newly Discovered Rhymed Manuscripts from Pre-Imperial China” (declined in favor of ACLS ARHC grant)

2006-07: Japan Study grant for short-term research in Japan 2005-06: ACLS/Frederick Burkhardt Award for Recently Tenured Scholars (2003-04 Competition):

“Reinterpreting the Confucian Tradition in Light of Newly Excavated Manuscripts.” Grant for residential research at the National Humanities Center in North Carolina (second phase of 2003-04 project by the same title)

2003-04: Fulbright Research Award (10 months) for research in Taiwan (and PRC): “Reinterpreting the

Confucian Tradition in the Light of Newly Excavated Manuscripts” Conducted as Visiting Scholar, Institute of Literature and Philosophy 中國文哲所, Academia Sinica 中央研究阮, Taipei.

2003-04: Mellon-Funded Semester Research Leave (Spring 2004): “Reinterpreting the Confucian

Tradition in the Light of Newly Excavated Manuscripts” (salary support) 1997-2012: Grinnell College Research Grants (various). Research projects ranging from one to eight

weeks, conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Taipei, Tibet, Yunnan, and Japan. 1993-94: Committee on Scholarly Communication with China Award for Advanced Study and Research

in China (Host Unit: Research Institute of Music [Chinese Academy of Arts] in Beijing) 1993-94: University of Michigan Horace Rackham Dissertation Fellowship (declined) 1990-92: University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies Endowment Awards Publications Books:

1) Authored 《上博竹書孔子語錄文獻研究》(A Study of Recorded Conversations of Confucius Texts among the

Shanghai Museum Manuscripts). Shanghai: Zhongxi shuju, forthcoming 2021. 《上博等楚簡戰國逸書縱橫覽》(A Multi-Perspective Survey of Lost Warring States Texts among the

Shanghai-Museum and Other Chu Manuscripts). Shanghai: Zhongxi shuju, November 2018. 458 pages.

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The Bamboo Texts of Guodian: A Study and Complete Translation, Volumes I and II. Ithaca: Cornell

University East Asia Series, December 2012. 1200 pages. 《郭店楚簡先秦儒書宏微觀》(The Pre-Imperial Confucian Texts of Guodian: Broad and Focused

Perspectives). Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 2006.

《郭店楚簡先秦儒書宏微觀》(簡體再版)(The Pre-Imperial Confucian Texts of Guodian: Broad and Focused Perspectives) (2nd edition, simplified characters). Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2012. (Hardcover edition: Shanghai Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2018).

2) Editor

Hiding the World in the World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi, editor. Albany: State University of

New York Press, 2003. (externally peer-refereed) Articles (I): Academic Journals and Periodicals (Refereed/ peer-reviewed unless otherwise noted) 〈上博楚簡〈孔子詩論〉新編〉(“A New Reconstruction of the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘A

Discourse of Confucius on the Odes’”). Zhongguo wenzi 中國文字 (Chinese Character) 2020.4 (二○二○年冬季號,總第四期) (Chinese Characters 100th Commemorative Special Issue 中國文字出

刊百期紀念特刊), pp. 23-61. 〈上博楚簡《弟子問》再探〉(“A Further Examination of the Shanghai Museum Chu-state Bamboo

Manuscript ‘The Disciples Asked”). Chutu wenxian yu guwenzi yanjiu v. 9 出土文獻與古文字研

究》第九輯 (Ed. Fudan University Research Center on Excavated Texts and Paleography 復旦大學

出土文獻與古文字研究中心編; Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2020.11), pp. 167—194. (Invited)

〈上博簡《相邦之道》拾遺〉(“Further Research on the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘The Way to

Administer a State’”). Chutu wenxian yuyan yanjiu 3 出土文獻語言研究第三輯 (Zhang Yujin 張玉

金, ed.-in-chief; Guangzhou: Jinan daxue chubanshe, 2020.8), pp. 頁 146—152。(Invited) “Technology in a New Key: Toward a Reexamination of Musical Theory and Practice in the Zeng Hou Yi

曾侯乙 Bells.” T’oung Pao 106.3-4 (September 2020), pp. 219-65. “Confucius and the Analects Revisited, Revisited: A Review Article.” Chinese Literature: Essays,

Articles, Reviews 41 (December 2019): 125-63. (invited) 〈清華簡柒〈趙簡子〉初探〉(“A Preliminary Examination of the Qinghua v. 7 Bamboo Manuscript

‘Zhao Jianzi’”). Rao Zongyi guoxueyuan yuankan 饒宗頤國學院院刊 (Bulletin of Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology), vol. 6 (第六期) (August 2019), pp. 361-75.

〈上博竹書《魯邦大旱》篇及其形成探索〉(“The Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘The State of Lu

Encountered a Great Drought’ and an Investigation of its Formation”). Jianbo 簡帛 n. 15 (November 2017), pp. 17-30.

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〈楚簡中「犀」字新釋讀〉(“An Attempt at Reading the Character ‘xi’ in Chu Bamboo Manuscripts”). Journal of Chinese Writing Systems (中國文字) 2017, v. 1.2, pp. 117-23.

Musical Cultivation in the “Xiu Wen” 修文 Chapter of the Shuoyuan 說苑. Dao: A Journal of

Comparative Philosophy 16.3 (September 2017), pp. 389–416. (First online July 10, 2017)

〈先秦經典中「傳」字的字義源流及「傳」類文體的探索〉(“An Investigation of the Etymological Origins and Developments of the Character Zhuan [“Transmission”] and the Literary Genre of Zhuan [“Tradition-Commentary”] in Pre-imperial Chinese Classics”). Rao Zongyi guoxueyuan yuankan 饒宗頤國學院院刊 (Bulletin of Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology), vol. 4 (第四期) (May 2017), pp. 67-92.

〈甲骨文中有關酒禮字義淺探〉(“Graphs Related to Alcohol Culture and Ritual Libations in Shang Oracle-bone Inscriptions”). In 《甲骨文與殷商史‧第六輯:羅格斯商代與中國上古文明國際會

議論文專集》(Oracle-bone Inscriptions and Shang Dynasty History, v. 6: Rutgers International Conference on Shang and Early Chinese Civilization) (publication of the Research Center on Oracle-bone Studies and Shang Dynasty History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院甲

骨學殷商史研究中心集刊) (ed. Chen Guangyu 陳光宇 and Song Zhenhao 宋鎮豪; Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, June 2016), pp. 136-47.

“Confucius as Seen through the Lenses of the Zuo zhuan and Lunyu.” T’oung Pao 101-4-5 (2015), pp.

298-334. 〈上博六《孔子見季桓子》簡序追補〉(“A Re-visitation of the Strip Order for the Shanghai Museum

v. 6 Manuscript ‘Kong Zi jian Ji Huanzi’”). In《出土文獻與古文字研究》第 6輯:《復旦大學出

土文獻與古文字研究中心成立十周年紀念文集》(Chutu wenxian yu guwenzi yanjiu 6: Essays Commemorating the Tenth Anniversary of the Establishment of the Research Center on Excavated Texts and Paleography of Fudan University) (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2015), v. 1, pp. 311-325. (invited)

〈清華簡《周公之琴舞》成王首章初探〉(“A First Look into the Opening Ode of the Qinghua

Bamboo Manuscript ‘The Duke of Zhou’s Song and Dance’”). Guwenzi yanjiu 《古文字研究》n. 30 (September 2014), pp. 396-403. (invited)

〈楚簡「乁(及)」字文例試解〉(“A Trial Explanation of Textual Examples of the Graph ji in Chu

Bamboo Manuscripts”). Guwenzi yanjiu 《古文字研究》n. 29 (October 2012), pp. 621-32. (invited) 〈郭店楚簡〈尊德義〉篇簡序新案〉 (“A New Strip Order for the Guodian Chu Bamboo Manuscript

‘Zun deyi’”). 《臺大中文學報》(Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University) 36 (March 2012), pp. 117-56.

〈楚簡韻文分類探析〉 (“A Categorical Analysis of Rhyming in Chu Bamboo Manuscripts”). Chutu

wenxian yu guwenzi yanjiu 4 《出土文獻與古文字研究》第四輯 (Studies on Excavated Manuscripts and Paleography, v. 4) (December, 2011), pp. 215-58. (invited)

“What Did Zeng Zi ‘Guard Over’ in Mengzi 2A.2?” Warring States Papers: Studies in Chinese and

Comparative Philology, v. 1 (University of Massachusetts Warring States Project) 2010, pp. 46-51. (invited)

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“‘San De’ and Warring States Views on Heavenly Retribution.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy,

Supplement to Volume 37 (2010), pp.117–139. 〈「矵」字讀法試解〉(“A trial explanation of readings for the graph ‘jia’”). Guwenzi yanjiu 《古文字

研究》n. 28 (October 2010), pp. 496-503. (invited) 〈上博簡〈凡物流形〉初探〉(“A Trial Exploration of the Shanghai-Museum Bamboo Text “All

Things Flow into Form”). Guoli Taiwan daxue Zhexue lunping 國立臺灣大學哲學論評 (National Taiwan University Philosophical Review) 38 (October 2009), pp. 1-32.

〈以戰國竹書重讀《古書通例》〉(“Rereading [Yu Jiaxi’s] Gushu tongli through Warring States

Bamboo Texts”). Jianbo 簡帛 n. 4 (2009), pp. 425-42. 〈古今文獻與讀者之喜新守舊〉(“Ancient Texts, New Manuscripts, and the Radicalism or

Conservatism of the Reader”) Zhongguo zhexue yu wenhua《中國哲學與文化》(The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture) (Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Chinese University of Hong Kong) n. 6 (December 2009), pp. 45-69.

〈楚文「唬」字之雙重用法:說「競公『痼』」及苗民「五『號』之刑」〉(“The Dual Function of

the Graph hu 唬 in the Chu Script: on the readings of ‘Lord Jing had a Protracted Illness’ and the Miao People’s ‘Five Grades of Punishments’”). Guwenzi yanjiu 《古文字研究》 n. 27 (September 2008), pp. 387-93 (invited).

〈上博五〈三德〉篇與諸子對讀〉(“The Shanghai-Museum, v. 5, text ‘San de’ read alongside the

Warring States masters”). Jianbo《簡帛》n. 2 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji, November 2007), pp. 307-32. (Previously in 《中國簡帛學術國際論壇論文集》[Conference Volume of the International Forum for the Study of Chinese Excavated Texts], ed. Research Center on Chinese Excavated Texts, Wuhan University [November 8, 2006], pp. 304-330; accepted for inclusion in journal along with other conference articles, each subjected to blind peer-review).

〈從《楚辭》韻例看郭店楚簡〈語叢四〉〉(“The Guodian text ‘Yucong 4’ from the perspective of

Chuci rhyming”). 《先秦兩漢學術》(Pre-Qin and Han Academics) no. 5 (2006), pp. 187-216. (Previously in 《第四屆先秦兩漢學術國際研討會:上下求索──《楚辭》的文學藝術與文化觀照 論文

集》[Conference Volume of the Fourth International Conference on pre-Qin and Han Academics: Literary, Artistic, and Cultural reflections on the Chuci], ed. Chinese Department, Furen University 輔仁大學中國文學

系編, November, 2005, pp. 263-89; blindly refereed for journal). 〈郭店楚簡〈語叢四〉篇韻讀新解三則〉(“Three new readings for the Guodian text ‘Yucong 4’”).

Jianbo《簡帛》n. 1 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji, October 2006), pp. 59-71. (abbreviated version of the previous entry; peer-reviewed)

〈郭店楚簡〈成之〉等篇雜志〉 (“Various notes on “Cheng zhi” and other Guodian Chu bamboo

texts”). (Beijing) Qinghua University Journal (Social Sciences) 《清華大學學報(社科版)》, January 2006, pp. 80-92. Recently reprinted in Lin Qingzhang 林慶彰, Li Xueqin 李學勤, et al., Xin chutu wenxian yu xian-Qin sixiang chonggou 新出土文獻與先秦思想重構 (Recently Excavated Texts and the Reconstruction of Pre-Qin Thought ) (Taibei: Taiwan shuju, 2007), pp. 205-33. (Previously in 「新出土文獻

與先秦思想重構」國際學術研討會論文集, ed. Department of Philosophy, Soochow University, Taiwan,

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March 2005). “The Use and Abuse of History in Early China from Xun Zi 荀子 to Lüshi chunqiu 呂氏春秋.” Asia

Major (Third Series) 18.1 (2005), pp. 45-78. “The Debate over Coercive Rulership and the ‘Human Way’ in light of Recently Excavated Warring

States Texts,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 64:2 (December, 2004), pp. 399-440. 〈以新出楚簡重遊中國古代的詩歌音樂美學〉(“Revisiting Classical Chinese Musical Poetics through

Recently Excavated Chu Bamboo Texts”), 《政大中文學報》(Chinese Literature Journal of National Cheng-chih University [Taiwan]) n. 1 (June 2004), pp. 229-248. (Revised version of article under the title〈以新出楚國竹簡重遊中國的古典詩歌美學〉, previously published in 《文學與美學‧ 第七

集》 [Literature and Aesthetics, v. 7], ed. Graduate School, Department of Chinese Literature, Tamkang University (淡江大學中國文學研究所主編) [Taipei: Wenshizhe chubanshe, 2002], pp. 261-285.)

〈論《呂氏春秋》的雜入統出與博古通今〉(“On the Nature of the Lüshi chunqiu and its Integration

of Past and Present”), 《先秦兩漢學術》(Pre-Qin and Han Academics) no. 1 (March, 2004), pp. 99-122.

“The Lüshi chunqiu and the Resolution of Philosophical Dissonance.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,

62.2 (December 2002), pp. 307-345. 〈郭店楚簡儒家逸書的排列調整芻議〉(“Suggestions on the Rearrangement of Strip Placement within

the Confucian texts recovered from Guodian”) , Classical Chinese Literature and Culture Editorial Board, ed., 《中國典籍與文化論叢》 第六輯 (Essays on Classical Chinese Literature and Culture, vol. 6) (Beijing: Zhonghua, 2000), pp. 206-218.

〈從禮教與刑罰之辯看先秦諸子的詮釋傳統〉 (“The Pre-Qin Hermeneutic Tradition in light of the

Debate over Ritual Education versus Punishments”). [Taiwan Daxue] Wen-shi-zhe xuebao 〔台大〕

文史哲學報 (Humanitas Taiwanica) (National Taiwan University) 第五十三期 no. 53 (November 2000), pp. 1-32.

“Consummate Artistry and Moral Virtuosity: the ‘Wu xing 五行’ Essay and its Aesthetic Implications.”

Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, and Reviews, 22 (2000), pp. 113-146. “Zhuang Zi and his Carving of the Confucian Ox.” Philosophy East and West, 47:4 (October 1997), pp.

521-553. “Xun Zi on Ritual and Music.” Monumenta Serica, 45 (Fall, 1997), pp. 1-38. “Yue Ji 樂記—Record of Music: Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Commentary.” Asian Music, vol.

XXVI, no. 2 (Spring/Summer 1995), pp. 1-96. Articles (II): Books and Conference volumes “Confucius and the Zhou Dynasty.” In Oxford Handbook on Confucius. Oxford University Press,


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“Music and the Concept of Harmony as Seen in Unearthed Manuscripts.” In Harmony in Chinese Thought: A Philosophical Introduction. Ed. Chenyang Li, Sai Hang Kwok, and Dascha Düring (London: Roman & Littlefield, 2021), pp. 23-39.

“Bells and Music in the Zhou.” In Oxford Handbook of Early China (New York: Oxford University Press:

December 2020), pp. 471-92 (first online, November 2020). 〈上博楚簡八〈顏淵問於孔子〉新釋讀〉(“A New Reading of the Shanghai Museum vol. 8

Manuscript ‘Yan Yuan asked Kong Zi’”). In《第三十一屆中國文字學國際學術研討會論文集》 (Conference Volume of the Thirty-first International Academic Conference on Chinese Characters) (Hualien, Taiwan: Tzu Chi University 慈濟大學, National Dong Hwa University 東華大學, and the Association for Chinese Character Studies 中國文字學會, December 2020), pp. 77-94. (peer-reviewed)

“Kong Zi Had Audience with Ji Huanzi” 孔子見季桓子 and Its Place in Confucian Intellectual History of

the Warring States Era.” In Reading Through Recovered Ancient Chinese Manuscripts, ed. Shirley Chan (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2020), pp. 173-214.

〈清華竹簡五〈湯在啻門〉劄記〉(“Reading Notes on the Qinghua Volume 5 Bamboo Manuscript

‘Tang zai Dimen”). In 《清華簡研究(第三輯)——〈清華大學藏戰國竹簡(伍)〉國際學術

研討會論文集》(Conference Volume of the International Academic Conference on the Tsinghua University Bamboo Manuscripts [volume 5]),” ed. Li Xueqin 李學勤, Sarah Allan 艾蘭, and Michael Lüdke 呂德凱 (Shanghai: Zhongxi shuju, December 2019), pp. 144-48.

〈上博九〈史蒥問於夫子〉再探〉(“A Reexamination of the Shanghai Museum Vol. 9 Manuscript

‘Shi Liu asked the Master’”). In《出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋》(Excavated [Chinese] Manuscripts and the Interpretation of Transmitted Texts), ed. Fudan University Center for the Study of Excavated Manuscripts and Paleography 復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心 (Shanghai: Zhongxi shuju, November 2019), pp. 41-52.


Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘Parent of the People’ as Viewed from the ‘Resting at Leisure’ Subgenre and the Nature of Related Texts in the Book of Ritual and Family Saying of Confucius”). In《第十一屆漢代文學與思想國際學術研討會論文集》(Conference Volume of the Eleventh International Academic Conference on Han Dynasty Literature and Thought), ed. Department of Chinese Literature, National Chengchi University 國立政治大學中國文學系 (Taibei: Zhengda zhongwen xi, July 2019), pp. 279-309.

“The Debate Over Coercive Rulership and the ‘Human Way’ in Light of Recently Excavated Warring

States Texts (Updated).” In Shirley Chan, ed., Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts (Springer: 2019), pp. 285-318. (note: this is an updated version of a 2004 journal article)

〈上博楚簡〈君子為禮〉再探〉(“A Further Examination of the Shanghai Museum Chu-state Bamboo

Manuscript ‘The Noble Man Performs Ritual”). In 《第 29 屆中國文字學國際學術研討會論文集》 (Conference Volume of the Twenty-ninth International Academic Conference on Chinese Characters, 2018) (Taoyuan, Taiwan: Department of Chinese, National Central University 國立中央大學中國文

學系 and the Association for the Study of Chinese Characters 中國文字學會, May 2018), pp. 361-85. (peer-reviewed)

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〈上博楚簡五《季庚子問於孔子》新編及概述(修訂)〉(“A New Arrangement of the Shanghai

Museum Manuscript ‘Ji Kangzi Asked Confucius’ and a Summary of the Text [Revised Version]”). In Chutu wenxian yu guwenzi yanjiu 出土文獻與古文字研究, v. 7 (Ed. Center for Excavated Manuscripts and Paleography, Fudan University; Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, May 2018), pp. 146-69.

〈上博楚簡二〈子羔〉篇新編及概述〉(“A New Arrangement of the Shanghai Museum v. 2 Manuscript ‘Zigao’ and a Brief Summary of its Contents”).《出土文獻與中國古典學》 (Excavated Manuscripts and Chinese Classical Studies) (Ed. Center for Excavated Manuscripts and Paleography, Fudan University 復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心 and Tan Chin Tuan Council for Chinese Studies, Yale-NUS College 耶魯-新加坡國立大學學院陳振傳基金漢學委員會; Shanghai: Zhong-Xi shuju, March 2018), pp. 31-45.

“Confucius in Excavated Warring States Manuscripts.” In A Concise Companion to Confucius, ed. Paul.

R. Goldin. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, pp. 35-51. 〈上博楚簡三〈仲弓〉新編〉(“A New Arrangement of the Shanghai Museum v. 3 Manuscript

‘Zhonggong’”). In 戰國文字研究的回顧與展望 (Warring States Paleography: Reflections and Prospects”) (Ed. Research Center for Chinese Excavated Texts and Paleography, Fudan University 復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心; Shanghai, Zhongxi shuju, August 2017), pp. 160-72.

〈上博二〈從政〉篇拾遺〉(“Supplemental Research on the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘Practicing

Governance’”). In 第二十八屆中國文字學國際學術研討會論文集 (Conference Volume of the 28th International Conference on Chinese Character Research) (Ed. Li Longxian 李隆獻 and Zhu Qixiang 朱歧祥; Taipei: Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University, and the Chinese Character Research Association 國立臺灣大學中國文學系‧中國文字學會, May 2017), pp. 167-93. (peer-reviewed)

“The Changing Role of the Minister in the Warring States: Evidence from the Yanzi chunqiu 晏子春秋.”

In Yuri Pines, Paul R. Goldin, Martin Kern, eds., Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 181-210. (competitively selected and peer-reviewed)

〈上博楚簡五〈季庚子問於孔子〉新編及概述〉(“A New Arrangement of the Shanghai Museum

Manuscript ‘Ji Kangzi Asked Confucius’ and a Summary of the Text”). In 「經典、經學與儒家思

想的現代詮釋」國際學術研討會論文集 (Conference Volume of the International Academic Conference on “Modern Interpretations of the (Chinese) Classics, Classical Scholarship, and Confucian Thought”), v. 1 (Shenzhen: Shenzhen daxue guoxue yanjiusuo, January 24-25, 2015), pp. 227-39.

〈清華簡〈周公之琴舞〉及《周頌》之形成試探〉(“The Qinghua Bamboo Manuscript ‘Zhou Gong

zhi qin wu’ and a Trial Exploration of the Formation of the Hymns of Zhou”). In《第三屆中國古典

文獻學國際學術研討會論文集》 (Conference Volume of the Third International Conference on the Study of Classical Chinese Documents) (ed. Lin Boqian 林伯謙; Taibei: Dongwu daxue 東吳大學, September 2014) pp. 83-99.

〈從楚國簡書看強制與「人道」之辯〉(“The Debate over Coercive Rulership and the ‘Human Way’

in light of Recently Excavated Warring States Texts”) (self-translated from 2004 HJAS article). In

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Dangdai xifang Hanxue yanjiu jicui: shanggu shi juan 當代西方漢學研究集萃:上古史卷 (Treasury of Contemporary Western Sinological Research: Ancient Chinese History) (Ed. Yi Peixia 伊沛霞 , Yao Ping 姚平, and Chen Zhi 陳致; Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, November 2012), pp. 239-68. (selected for inclusion)

〈《酒誥》、《賓之初筵》與中國酒禮之濫觴〉〉 (“‘Admonition on Alcohol,’ ‘When the Guests are

First Seated,’ and the Origins of Chinese Drinking Rituals”). In Guwenxian yanjiu jikan, v. 4 古文獻

研究集刊•第四輯 (Ed. Zhao Shengqun 趙生群 and Fang Xiangdong 方向東; Nanjing: Fenghuang chubanshe, 2012), pp. 348-69.

〈上博楚簡〈用曰〉章解(選本)〉(“Selected Verse-by-verse Interpretations of The Shanghai-

Museum Chu Bamboo Text ‘Yong yue’”). In 《2007 中國簡帛國際論壇論文集》 (Conference Volume of the 2007 International Symposium on Chinese Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts, ed. Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University 國立臺灣大學中國文學系主編 (Taibei: Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University, 2011), pp. 153-81. (Abridgement of article previously published in 2009)

〈上博七《凡物流形》下半篇試解〉(“A Trial Interpretation of the Second Half of the Shanghai-

Museum manuscript ‘All Things Flow into Form’”). In 出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋:紀念譚樸森

先生逝世兩週年國際學術研討會論文集 (Collected Essays of the Conference on the Interpretation of Excavated and Received Texts: Commemorating the second anniversary of the passing of Professor Paul Thompson), ed. Research Center for Excavated Texts and Paleography, Fudan University 復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2010.10, pp. 333-359.

〈上海博物館楚簡〈用曰〉章解〉 (“Verse-by-verse Interpretation of The Shanghai-Museum Chu

Bamboo Text ‘Yong yue’”). Renwen luncong 人文論叢 2008 (ed. Feng Tianyu 馮天瑜; Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2009), pp. 717-70.

〈從「成於樂」到「移風易俗」論中國古代樂教傳統〉(“China’s Tradition of Musical Education,

from ‘Completion through Music’ to ‘Transferring Mores and Changing Customs’”). In 中國與東亞

的教育傳統(一): 中國的教育與科舉 (The Educational Traditions of China and East Asia (1): China’s Education and Examination System), ed. Li Hongqi 李弘祺. Taibei: Himalaya Foundation, 2006, pp. 21-43.

〈上博竹書〈三德〉篇逐章淺釋〉(“Passage-by-passage explanations on the Shanghai-Museum

bamboo text ‘Triumvirate of Virtues’”). In the 《屈萬里先生百歲誕辰國際學術研討會論文集》 (Collected Essays of the International Conference commemorating the 100th birthday of Qu Wanli), ed. (Taiwan) National Central Library, et al. (Taibei: Guojia tushuguan, et al., 2006), pp. 269-309.

〈前漢古文與今文之辯管窺〉 (“A Perspective on the Old-text New-text Debate in the Former Han”).

In the 《「第二屆儒道國際學術研討會:兩漢」論文集》(Collected Essays of the Second International Conference on Confucianism and Daoism: the Han Dynasty). Taipei: Guoli Taiwan shifan daxue guowenxi, 2005, pp. 733-59.

〈讀〈尊德義〉札記(增訂篇)〉(“Reading Notes on ‘Zun deyi’ [expanded version]”). In Chu

wenhua yanjiuhui 楚文化研究會, ed., Chu Wenhua yanjiu lunji, v. 6 《楚文化研究論集》第六集. Wuhan: Hubei jiaoyu chubanshe, 2005, pp. 538-51. (expanded version of a paper listed below)

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〈學誠摘錄〉(“A Digest of the Thought of Zhang Xuecheng 章學誠 [1738-1801]”), in 《章學誠研究

論叢:第四屆文獻學學術研討會會議 論文集》(Research Essays on Zhang Xuecheng: Conference Volume of the Fourth Academic Conference on Literary Artifacts), ed. Chen Shihua 陳仕

華 (Taipei: Taiwan xuesheng shuju, 2005), pp. 173-188. 〈古今文獻與史家之喜新守舊〉(“Ancient Texts, New Manuscripts, and the Radicalism or

Conservatism of the Historian”), in 中国研究集刊:特集号「戦国楚簡と中国思想研究」騰号 (第三十六号)(Journal of Chinese Studies: special edition on Warring States Chu bamboo strips and Chinese intellectual history, v. 36), ed. Department of Chinese Philosophy, Osaka University 大阪大学中国哲学研究室編輯 (December, 2004), pp. 57-74. (Earlier version of refereed journal article listed above; also recently reprinted in Lin Qingzhang 林慶彰 and Jiang Qiuhua 蔣秋華, eds., Jingdian de xingcheng, liuchuan yu quanshi (yi) 經典的形成、流傳與詮釋(一) [Taibei: Taiwan Xuesheng shuju, 2007], pp. 1-27. Also published in 《「中國上古史: 歷史編纂學的理論與實踐」國際 學術研討會論文集》 [Conference Volume of the International Workshop on Rewriting Ancient Chinese History] [Shanghai: Research Center on Ancient Civilizations of Shanghai University, the East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department of the University of Chicago, the Shanghai Museum, and the Editorial Division of Historical Research, January 2004], pp. 28-48; also previously included under the title 〈楚簡の釋讀と古今校讎者の決

擇〉[“On the Reading of Bamboo Texts and the Choices Made by Textual Collators, Old and New”], in 《国

際シンポジウム戦国楚簡と中国思想史研究會議 論文集》[Conference Volume of the International Symposium on Warring-States Chu Bamboo Texts and Chinese Intellectual History], ed. by the Reading Group for Bamboo and Silk Daoist Texts and Newly Excavated Literary Artifacts [Taiwan] [台灣]簡帛道家資料 暨新出土文獻研讀會 and the Research Group for Warring-States Bamboo Texts [Japan] [日本]戰國楚簡研究會 [Osaka: Osaka University Institute of Literature, 2004], pp. 61-77.)

〈從楚國竹簡論戰國「民道」思想〉(“On the Warring States notion of the ‘Way of the people’ as seen

in bamboo texts from the state of Chu”), in Xie Weiyang 謝維揚 and Zhu Yuanqing 朱淵清, eds.-in-chief, 《新出土文獻與古代文明 研究》(Studies on Newly Excavated Literary Artifacts and Ancient Civilization) (Shanghai: Shanghai University Press, 2004), pp. 248-258. (Revised version of article under the same title previously published in 《新出楚簡與儒學思想國際學術研討會論文集》 [Conference Volume of the International Academic Conference on Recently Excavated Chu Bamboo Strips and Confucian Thought], Liao Mingchun 廖名春, ed. [Beijing: Institute of Thought and Culture, Tsing-hua University 清華大

學思想文化研究所 and Humanities Division, Taiwan Furen University 輔仁大學文學院, 2002], pp. 187-200.) “Working Notes on the Guodian text ‘Honor Virtue and Propriety,’” in Confucianism Resurrected:

Conference Volume of the Third International Conference on Excavated Chinese Manuscripts (Mount Holyoke College: April, 2004), 25 pp.

〈論郭店楚簡的研究方法及方向〉(“On the Methodology and Direction of Research on the Guodian

Bamboo Texts”), in 《新出簡帛研究》(Studies on Newly Excavated Bamboo and Silk Texts), ed. Sarah Allan 艾蘭 and Xing Wen 邢文 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2004), pp. 218-20.

〈《呂氏春秋》新探〉 (“A New Inquiry into the Lüshi chunqiu”), in 《第三屆先秦兩漢學術研討會

「百家爭鳴: 世變中的諸子學術」 論文集 (Conference Volume of the Third Academic Conference on the pre-Qin and Han Period—Contention of the Hundred Schools: Academics of the various masters in the midst of a changing world) ([Taiwan] Furen Daxue Zhongguo Wenxue xi 輔仁

大學中國文學系, December 2003), pp. 185-205 (note: pre-cursor to March, 2004 refereed article above).

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〈讀《尊德義》札記〉(“Reading Notes on the Text ‘Zun Deyi’”), in 《第亖屆國際中國古文字 學術

研討會論文集:新世紀的古文字學與經典詮釋》(Conference Volume of the Fourth International Conference on Chinese Paleographical Research: Paleography and Interpretation of the Classics in the New Century), edited by Cheung Kwong-yue 張光裕 (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Chinese 香港中文大學中國語言 及文學系, 2003), pp. 319-329. (revised and expanded version of this article also listed above)

“Introduction” to Hiding the World in the World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi (Albany: State

University of New York Press, 2003), pp. 1-14. (volume refereed) “Harmony and Cacophony in the Panpipes of Heaven.” In Scott Cook, ed., Hiding the World in the

World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003), pp. 64-87. (volume refereed)

〈鄭衛之音與現代的和諧社會〉(“The Sounds of Zheng and Wei and Modern-day Social Harmony”).

In Department of Chinese, Tamkang University 淡江大學中國文學系, ed., 台灣儒學與現代生活

國際學術研討會論文集 (Collected Essays of the International Academic Conference on Taiwan Confucianism and Modern Life) (Taibei: Taibeishi Wenhuaju [Xuesheng shuju], 2000), pp. 35-77.

〈郭店楚簡儒家逸書與其對台灣儒學思孟傳統的意義〉 “The Confucian texts recovered from

Guodian and their significance for the Si/Meng tradition of Taiwan Confucianism”), in《第二屆臺灣

儒學國際學術研討會論文集》 (Collected Essays of the Second International Academic Conference on Taiwan Confucianism) (Tainan: Guoli Chenggong Daxue Zhongguo Wenxue Xi, 1999), pp. 169-211.

〈「自成一家」—略談金庸的《神鵰俠侶》〉 (“‘Forming a School of His Own--some remarks on Jin

Yong’s Shendiao xialü”). 縱橫武林—中國武俠小說國際 學術研討會論文集 (Traversing the Martial Forest--Essays from the International Conference on the Chinese Knight-Errant Novel) (Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 1998), pp. 61-89.

(still forthcoming): “Sima Qian and the Universal Mind.” In Michael Puett, ed., Studies on Sima Qian's Shiji (Records of the

Historian): Narrative, Authorship, and Historiography (Albany: State University of New York Press) (forthcoming[?]).

Encyclopedia articles: “Lü Buwei 呂不韋.” In Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography, ed.-in-chief Kerry Brown. Berkshire,

2014, pp. 180-90. “Han Feizi 韓非子.” In The Encyclopedia of Religion, Second Edition, ed. Lindsay Jones. Macmillan

Reference USA, December 2004. “Yue Ji 樂記.” In The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Volume II, ed. William H.

Nienhauser, Jr. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998, pp. 192-195.

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Reviews and Review Articles: Review of Sarah Allan, Buried Ideas: Legends of Abdication and Ideal Government in Early Chinese

Bamboo-Slip Manuscripts (SUNY series in Chinese philosophy and culture; Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2015; xiv + 372 pp). 《中國文化研究所學報》(Journal of Chinese Studies) 64 (January 2017), pp. 287-91.

Review of Martin J. Powers, Pattern and Person: Ornament, Society, and Self in Classical China

(Harvard East Asian monographs 262; Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006; xvi + 374 pp). Early China 32 (2008-09), pp. 221-234.

Review of Mark Csikszentmihalyi, Material Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early China (Sinica Leidensia

volume LXVI; Leiden: Brill, 2004; vi + 402 pp). Early China 30 (2005-06), pp. 189-204. Review of James D. Sellmann, Timing and Rulership in Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals (Lüshi

chunqiu) (Albany, State University of New York Press, 2002). T’oung Pao 通報 89:4/5 (December 2003), pp. 442-450.

Review (in Chinese) of Griet Vankeerberghen, The Huainanzi《淮南子》and Liu An’s 劉安 Claim to

Moral Authority (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001). In Zhongguo wenzhe yanjiu jikan 中國文哲研究集刊 (Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica) v. 22 (March 2003), pp. 310-14.

Review of Sarah Allan and Crispin Williams, The Guodian Laozi: Proceedings of the International

Conference, Dartmouth College, May 1998 (Berkeley: Society for the Study of Early China, 2000). China Review International 9.1 (Spring 2002) , pp. 53-64.

Review of Jenny F. So, ed., Music in the Age of Confucius (Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler

Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 2000). Journal of Chinese Religion, no. 29 (2001). pp. 360-361.

Review of D. C. Lau and Roger T. Ames, trs., Yuan Dao: Tracing Dao to Its Source (Ballentine, 1998).

China Review International, Spring, 2000. Translations: of primary materials: Shi Ji chapter 37, “K’ang Shu of Wey, Hereditary House 7.” In William H. Nienhauser, Jr., ed.; Weiguo

Cao, Zhi Chen, Scott Cook, et. al., trs., The Grand Scribe’s Records, v. V.1, The Hereditary Houses of Pre-Han China, Part 1. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2006, pp. 241-264.

of secondary materials: Junjie (Chün-chieh) Huang 黃俊傑, “A New Perspective in the History of East Asian Confucianism:

Some Reflections on Confucian Hermeneutics,” in Dao: a Journal of Comparative Philosophy II.2 (Summer 2003), pp. 235-260.

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Rur-bin Yang 楊儒賓, “From ‘Merging the Mind with the Body’ to ‘Roaming in Unitary Qi’—a Discussion of Zhuangzi’s Realm of the True Man and its Corporeal Basis.” In Scott Cook, ed., Hiding the World in the World: Ten Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003), pp. 88-127.

Mao Jizeng 毛繼增, “The Traditional Music of Tibet.” Article on “China: Musics of the National

Minorities: Tibet.” In Robert C. Provine, Yosihiko Tokumaru, and J. Lawrence Witzleben, eds., The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 7: East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea (New York: Routledge, 2002), pp. 471-484.

Wu Zhao 吳釗, “The Resplendent Creation of Zhou Bronze Musical Culture--the case of the colored

dancing figurines from Mt. Nülang, Zhangqiu, Shandong.” In Studies in Music Archaeology II: Music Archaeology of Early Metal Ages (Papers from the 1st Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology at Monastery Michaelstein, 18-24 May, 1988. In memoriam Hans Hickmann [1908-1968]) (eds. Ellen Hickmann, Ingo Laufs, and Ricardo Eichmann), pp. 35-41.

(with Kenneth J. DeWoskin) Wu Zhao 吳釗, “The origins of China’s musical culture. Jiahu turtleshell

shakers, bone flutes, and the eight trigrams.” In La pluridisciplinarité en archéologie musicale. Paris: Centre français d’archéologie musicale Pro Lyra, 1994, v. 2, pp. 367-9.

Conferences (organizer) International Academic Conference on Philosophy and Technology in Early China. Conference I organized for the

Tan Chin Tuan Council for Chinese Studies, Yale-NUS College, in conjunction with the Needham Research Institute and the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Cambridge, held at Yale-NUS College, Singapore, on August 18-20, 2017.

出土文獻與中國古典學國際學術研討會 (International Academic Conference on Excavated Manuscripts and

Chinese Classical Studies). Conference I organized for the Tan Chin Tuan Council for Chinese Studies, Yale-NUS College, in conjunction with the Center for Excavated Manuscripts and Paleography, Fudan University 復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心, held at Yale-NUS College, Singapore, on April 7-9, 2016.

Symposia and Panels (organizer) Rethinking Warring States History in the Light of Recently Unearthed Bamboo Manuscripts. Panel I organized for

the Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting in Chicago, March 27, 2009. Taiwan in the 21st Century: Democracy, Social Change, and Cross-Strait Relations. Symposium that I organized

under the auspices of the Rosenfield Foundation, Grinnell College, and jointly funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation; held in Grinnell, Iowa, February 8-10, 2000.

Symposium on the Guodian Bamboo Texts. Workshop I helped organize under the auspices of the Department of

East Asian Languages and Civilizations, the University of Chicago, held in Chicago on December 5-6, 1998. Who is it that Rouses them Forth? Mysticism, Perspectivism, and Illumination in Zhuang Zi’s “Qiwulun.” Panel

that I organized for the Association for Asian Studies 49th Annual Meeting in Chicago, March 14, 1997. Presentations (I): Conferences, Workshop, and Symposia

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〈上博楚簡八〈顏淵問於孔子〉新釋讀〉(“A New Reading of the Shanghai Museum vol. 8 Manuscript ‘Yan Yuan asked Kong Zi’”). Presented on December 18, 2020, at the Thirty-first International Academic Conference on Chinese Characters 第三十一屆中國文字學國際學術研討會, held by Tzu Chi University 慈濟大學, National Dong Hwa University 東華大

學, and the Association for Chinese Character Studies 中國文字學會, at Tzu Chi University and National Dong Hwa University, Hua-lien, on December 18-19, 2020.

〈上博楚簡〈孔子詩論〉新編〉(“A New Reconstruction of the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘A Discourse of Confucius on

the Odes’”). Presented at the International Academic Conference on Paleography Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the First Publication of the Journal Chinese Characters《中國文字》出刊 100 期暨文字學國際學術研討會, organized by the College of Chinese Language and Literature, Fujian Normal University 福建師範大學文學院 and Wanjuanlou Press 萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司 , held at the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan Normal University 國立臺灣師範

大學國文學系, on December 12, 2020. (Delivered virtually due to pandemic travel restrictions) 〈安徽大學藏簡〈君子偕壽〉與《毛詩》〈君子偕老〉對讀〉(“A Comparative Reading of the Anhui University Bamboo

Manuscript Ode ‘Junzi xie shou’ and the Received Mao Shijing Ode ‘Junzi xie lao’”). Presented on November 19, 2020, at the Fifth Academic Conference on ‘The Reexamination of the History of [Chinese] Classical Studies (I): A Critical Review of Textual Artifacts Dating Prior to Middle Antiquity””「經學史重探(Ⅰ) ──中世紀以前文獻的再檢討」第五次學術

研討會, held (virtually) at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 中央研究院中國文哲研究

所, Taipei, on November 19-20, 2020. (Delivered virtually due to pandemic travel restrictions) 〈上博楚竹書文字釋讀與簡序互證五則〉(“Five Examples of Mutually Elucidating Evidence between the Interpretation and

Reading of Graphs and Considerations of Strip Order among the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts”). Presented on October 31, 2020, at the 中國古文字研究會第二十三屆年會 (Twenty-third Biennial Conference on Chinese Paleographic Research). Hosted by Henan University 河南大學, Kaifeng, on October 31-November 1, 2020. (Delivered virtually due to pandemic travel restrictions)

“Asymmetries in Han Fei’s 韓非 Art of Persuasion.” Presented on April 15, 2019, at the Asymmetries of Knowledge

International Workshop, organized by the CRC 980 “Episteme in Motion” and held at Free University (Freie Universität), Berlin, on April 15-16, 2019.

“Ruan Ji’s 阮籍 ‘Discourse on Comprehending Zhuang Zi’ 達莊論.” Presented on March 8, 2019, at the Workshop on the

Global Reception of the Classic Zhuangzi 莊子: Han to Tang, held at the University of California, Berkeley, on March 8-9, 2019.

“Music and the Concept of Harmony as Seen in Excavated Manuscripts.” Presented on December 14, 2018, at the International

Workshop on Conceptions of Harmony in Chinese Thought, held at the School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, on December 13-15, 2018.

〈上博楚簡〈弟子問〉再探〉(“A Further Examination of the Shanghai Museum Chu-state Bamboo Manuscript ‘The Disciples

Asked”). Keynote Speech, presented on November 11, 2018, at the “International Academic Conference on Excavated Manuscripts and Foreign Sinology” 出土文獻與域外漢學國際學術研討會, hosted by the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan Normal University 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系, Taipei, on November 10-11, 2018.

〈上博楚簡孔子語錄文獻與《論語》對讀〉(“Recorded Conversations of Confucius among the Shanghai Museum

Manuscripts as Read against the Analects”). Presented on November 8, 2018, at the “Second Academic Conference on ‘The Reexamination of the History of [Chinese] Classical Studies (I): A Critical Review of Textual Artifacts Dating Prior to Middle Antiquity”「經學史重探(I)──中世紀以前文獻的再檢討」第二次學術研討會, held at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 中央研究院中國文哲研究所, Taipei, on November 8-9, 2018.

〈從「閒居」類文獻看上博簡〈民之父母〉及《禮記》、《孔子家語》相關篇章的性質〉(“An Examination of the Nature

of the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘Parent of the People’ and Parallel Passages in the Book of Ritual and School Conversations of Master Kong from the Standpoint of ‘Master at Leisure’ Texts”). Presented on October 27, 2018, at the “Eleventh International Academic Conference on Han-dynasty Literature and Thought” 第十一屆漢代文學與思想國際學

術研討會, held at National Chengchi University國立政治大學, Taipei, on October 27-28, 2018. “Confucius After Hours: A Preliminary Analysis of the ‘Master at Leisure’ Dialogues in the Li ji.” Presented on June 21, 2018, at

the International Seminar “All about the Rites: From Canonized Ritual to Ritualized Society,” held at the Collège de France, Paris, on June 21-22, 2018.

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〈上博楚簡〈君子為禮〉再探〉(“A Further Examination of the Shanghai Museum Chu-state Bamboo Manuscript ‘The Noble Man Performs Ritual”). Presented on May 19, 2018, at the 第 29 屆中國文字學國際學術研討會 (Twenty-ninth International Conference on Chinese Characters, 2018), hosted by the Department of Chinese, National Central University 國立中央大學中國文學系 and the Association for the Study of Chinese Character 中國文字學會 in Taoyuan, Taiwan, on May 18-19, 2018.

〈〈趙簡子〉初探〉(“A Preliminary Investigation of the Qinghua University Manuscript ‘Zhao Jianzi’”). Presented at the

University of Macau on October 27, 2017, at the《清華簡》國際會議 (International Conference on the Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts), hosted by the Hong Kong Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology 香港浸會大學饒宗頤學院, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Macau 澳門大學中國語言文學系, and the Research and Conservation Center for Excavated Texts, Tsinghua University 清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心, held from October 26-28 at Hong Kong Baptist University and the University of Macau.

〈上博九〈史蒥問於夫子〉再探〉(“A Further Investigation of the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘Shi Liu Asked the

Master’”). Presented on October 14, 2017, at the 出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋國際學術研討會 (International Academic Conference on Excavated Manuscripts and the Interpretation of Received Texts), held from October 14-15, 2017 in Shanghai, hosted by the Center for Research on Chinese Excavated Classics and Paleography of Fudan University 復旦大學

出土文獻與古文字研究中心. “Technology in a New Key: Toward a Reexamination of Musical Theory and Practice in the Zeng Hou Yi 曾侯乙 Bells.”

Presented on August 19, 2017, at the International Academic Conference on Philosophy and Technology in Early China (Hosted by the Tan Chin Tuan Council for Chinese Studies, Yale-NUS College, in conjunction with the Needham Research Institute and the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Cambridge), held at Yale-NUS College, Singapore, on August 18-20, 2017.

〈上博二〈從政〉篇拾遺〉(“Supplemental Research on the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘Practicing Governance’”).

Presented on May 12, 2017, at the 第二十八屆中國文字學國際學術研討會 (28th International Conference on Chinese Character Research), held from May 12-13, 2017, at the Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University 國立臺灣大

學中國文學系. “Two More Views of Confucius in the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts: ‘Zigao’ 子羔 and ‘Lubang da han’ 魯邦大旱.”

Presented on April 21, 2017, at the Singapore-Hong Kong-Macau Symposium on Chinese Philosophy 2017, held at the University of Macau on April 21-22, 2017.

〈上博簡〈相邦之道〉拾遺〉(“Further Research on the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘The Way to Administer a State’”).

Presented on December 18, 2016, at the 首屆古文字與出土文獻語言研究國際學術會議研討會 (Inaugural International Academic Conference on [Chinese] Paleography and Language in Excavated Manuscripts), held from December 16-19, 2016, at Huanan Normal University 華南師範大學, Guangzhou, China.

〈上博竹書〈魯邦大旱〉探源〉(“An Investigation of the Origins of the Shanghai-Museum Bamboo Manuscript ‘The State of

Lu Encountered a Great Flood”). Presented on November 5, 2016, at the Beijing Forum 北京論壇 2016, held from November 3-6, 2016, at Peking University 北京大學, Beijing.

〈上博二〈子羔〉篇新簡序下的文字釋讀〉(“The Decipherment and Reading of Graphs in the Shanghai Museum v. 2

Manuscript ‘Zigao’ under a New Strip Order”). Presented on October 21, 2016, at the 中國古文字研究會第二十一屆年會 (21st [Bi-]Annual Conference of the Chinese Paleography Research Association), held in Beijing on October 20-24, 2016.

〈清華竹簡五〈湯在啻門〉劄記〉(“Reading Notes on the Qinghua Volume 5 Bamboo Manuscript ‘Tang zai Dimen”).

Presented on May 11, 2016, at the International Conference on “Human Nature, Morality, and Fate in the Tsinghua University Bamboo Manuscripts, ‘Tang chu yu Tang qiu,’ 湯處於湯丘, ‘Tang zai Chi men’ 湯在啻門, and ‘Yin Gaozong wen yu san shou’ 殷高宗問于三壽,” held at Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, on May 10-12, 2016.

〈上博楚簡二〈子羔〉篇新編及蓋述〉(“A New Arrangement of the Shanghai Museum v. 2 Manuscript ‘Zigao’ and a Brief

Summary of its Contents”). Presented on April 7, 2016, at the 出土文獻與中國古典學國際學術研討會 (International Academic Conference on Excavated Manuscripts and Chinese Classical Studies), hosted by the Tan Chin Tuan Council for Chinese Studies, Yale-NUS College (co-hosted by the Center for Excavated Manuscripts and Paleography, Fudan University), Singapore, on April 7-9, 2016.

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〈上博楚簡三〈仲弓〉新編〉(“A New Arrangement of the Shanghai Museum v. 3 Manuscript ‘Zhonggong’”). Presented on

December 12, 2015, at the「戰國文字研究的回顧與展望」國際學術研討會 (International Academic Conference on “Warring States Paleography: Reflections and Prospects”), hosted by the Research Center for Chinese Excavated Texts and Paleography, Fudan University 復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心, Shanghai, on December 12-13, 2015.

“Musical Cultivation in the ‘Xiu wen’ 修文 Chapter of the Shuoyuan 說苑.” Presented on November 27, 2015, at the “Music

and Philosophy in Early China” International Symposium, hosted by Philosophy Programme of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, on November 27-28, 2015.

〈楚簡「犀」字試讀〉(“A Proposed Reading for the Graph xi 犀 in Chu Bamboo Manuscripts”). Presented on October 16,

2015, at the 「出土文獻與先秦經史國際學術研討會」(International Academic Conference on Excavated Texts and Pre-Qin Classics and History), hosted by the School of Chinese, Hong Kong University 香港大學中文學院 (co-organized by the Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學歷史系中國歷史

研究中心), October 16-17, 2015. 〈先秦經典中「傳」字的字義源流及「傳」類文體的探索〉(“An Investigation of the Etymological Origins and

Developments of the Character Zhuan [“Transmission”] and the Literary Genre of Zhuan [“Tradition-Commentary”] in Pre-imperial Chinese Classics”). Presented on October 3, 2015, at the 「先秦字義源流研究國際學術研討會」(International Academic Conference on the Origins and Developments of the Meanings of Graphs in Pre-Imperial China), co-hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Education 香港教育學院 and the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院, on October 3-4, 2015.

“Two Views of Confucius in the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts.” Delivered on March 15, 2015, at the Singapore-Hong Kong

Symposium on Chinese Philosophy, hosted by the Philosophy Programme, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, on March 13-14, 2015.

〈上博楚簡五〈季庚子問於孔子〉新編及概述〉(“A New Arrangement of the Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘Ji Kangzi

Asked Confucius’ and a Summary of the Text”). Presented on January 25, 2015, at the「經典、經學與儒家思想的現代詮

釋」國際學術研討會 (International Academic Conference on “Modern Interpretations of the (Chinese) Classics, Classical Scholarship, and Confucian Thought”), hosted by the Institute of National Learning, Shenzhen University 深圳大學國學研

究所 in Shenzhen, China, on January 24-25, 2015. “The Reconstruction of Early Chinese Excavated Manuscripts and Its Impact Upon How We Read Classics of the Received

Tradition.” Keynote Speech, delivered on December 9, 2014, at Reading the Old in the Light of the Newly Discovered: Chinese Philosophy and Ancient Chinese Texts International Symposium, hosted by Macquarie University, Sydney, December 8-10, 2014.

〈〈孔子見季桓子〉義理概述〉(“An Account of the Argument in ‘Kong Zi Had Audience with Ji Huanzi’”; listed in program

as “‘Kong Zi Had Audience with Ji Huanzi’ 孔子見季桓子 and Its Relation to the Figure of Confucius in Received Texts”). Presented on December 8, 2014, at Reading the Old in the Light of the Newly Discovered: Chinese Philosophy and Ancient Chinese Texts International Symposium, hosted by Macquarie University, Sydney, December 8-10, 2014.

“Early Chinese Music as Seen through Excavated Texts and Instruments.” Presented at the The History of Music in China

Symposium, hosted by the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, The University of Pennsylvania, held on November 22, 2014, at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.

〈清華簡《周公之琴舞》成王首章初探〉 (“A First Look into the Opening Ode of the Qinghua Bamboo Manuscript ‘The

Duke of Zhou’s Song and Dance’”). Presented on October 11, 2014, at the 紀念容庚教授誕辰一百二十周年學術研討會

暨中國古文字研究會第二十屆年會 (“Conference Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of Professor Rong Geng’s Birth and the 20th (Bi-)Annual Conference of the Chinese Paleography Research Association”), held from October 10-12, 2014, in Dongguan 東莞, China (revised version of paper presented the previous year at Dartmouth).

“Kong Zi (Confucius) Beyond the Lunyu (Analects).” Paper presented on September 6, 2014, at the Conference on “Reading the

‘Masters’: Contexts, Textual Structures, and Hermeneutic Strategies,” held from September 4-7, 2014, in Brno, Czech Republic (organized by Center for Chinese Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic & Department of Asian Studies, Palacký University Olomouc).

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“Paradox in Seng Zhao’s 僧肇 ‘Essay on the Non-Movement of Things’ 《物不遷論》.” Presented on August 26, 2014, at “Enigmatic Texts: A Symposium on Paradox and Contradiction in Chinese Buddhist Philosophy,” held from August 25-27, 2014, at Yale-NUS College in Singapore. (I also summarized the paper on a final panel for public audience on August 27.)

〈清華簡〈周公之琴舞〉及《周頌》之形成試探〉 (“The Qinghua Bamboo Manuscript ‘The Duke of Zhou’s Song and

Dance’ and a Trial Exploration of the Formation of the Zhou Song”). Presented on April 25, 2014, at the 第三屆中國古典文

獻學國際學術研討會 (“Third International Conference on the Study of Classical Chinese Documents”), hosted from April 25-26, 2014, by the Chinese Department of Soochow University 東吳大學 in Taibei, Taiwan.

“The Lüshi chunqiu 呂氏春秋 as Commentary on the Zhuangzi 莊子.” Presented on November 23, 2013, as part of the Chinese

Religions Group and Daoist Studies Group panel “Submerged Readings of the Zhuangzi 莊子 – An Exercise in Rescuing and Retrieving Voices Mostly Disregarded in the Contemporary Academic Discourse,” at the 2013 American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, held on November 23-26, 2013, in Baltimore, Maryland.

“Excavated Manuscripts and the Study of Early Chinese Texts.” Presented on November 1, 2013, as the Opening Keynote

Lecture of the 17th Annual Southeast Early China Roundtable, held at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, on November 1-3, 2013.

〈《周公之琴舞》初探〉 (“A Preliminary Exploration of the Manuscript ‘The Duke of Zhou’s Song and Dance’”). Presented

on August 31, 2013 at the Dartmouth–Tsinghua International Conference on the Tsinghua Manuscripts: The Fourth International Conference on Excavated Chinese Manuscripts, held at Dartmouth College from August 30-September 1, 2013.

“Taiyi sheng shui,” presented at the Workshop on the Guodian Manuscripts held at New York University’s East Asian Studies

Department on April 12, 2013. “Tang Yu zhi dao,” presented at the Workshop on the Guodian Manuscripts held at New York University’s East Asian Studies

Department on April 12, 2013. “‘Yucong’ 1-3,” presented at the Workshop on the Guodian Manuscripts held at New York University’s East Asian Studies

Department on April 12, 2013. 〈楚簡「乁(及)」字文例試解〉(“A Trial Explanation of Textual Examples of the Graph ji in Chu Bamboo Manuscripts”).

Presented on October 23, 2012, at the 中國古文字研究會第十九次國際學術研討會 (Nineteenth International Academic Conference on Chinese Paleographic Research). Hosted by the Research Centre for Chinese Excavated Texts and Paleography, Fudan University 復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心, Shanghai, on October 23-25, 2012.

〈從出土文獻看先秦版本間的關係:以齊景公病久的故事為例〉(“Connections among Pre-Qin Textual Editions as Viewed

Through Excavated Manuscripts: the Example of the Story of Lord Jing’s Protracted Illness”). Presented on June 28 at the「簡帛文獻對思想史研究的方法論啓示」工作坊 (Workshop on “Methodologies for the Research of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts and Their Impact on Intellectual History”), hosted by the Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Department of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學哲學系中國哲學與文化研究中心, on June 28-30, 2012.

“The Changing Role of Minister in the Warring States: Evidence from the Yanzi chunqiu 晏子春秋.” Presented on May 2 at the

Joint Research Conference of the IAS-ISF: “Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China,” hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, on May 1-6, 2012.

〈郭店楚簡〈尊德義〉篇簡序新案〉(“A New Proposal for the Strip Ordering of the Guodian Bamboo Manuscript ‘Zun

deyi’”). Presented on November 26 at the 出土文獻研究方法國際學術研討會 (“International Academic Conference on Research Methodology for Excavated Texts”), hosted by the Center for Humanities Research of the National Science Council and the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University 國科會人文學研究中心暨臺灣大學中國

文學系主辦、人民大學國學院協辦, held at National Taiwan University on November 26-27, 2011. 〈甲骨文中攸關酒禮字義淺探〉(“Graphs Related to Alcohol Culture and Ritual Libations in Shang Oracle-bone Inscriptions”).

Presented on November 11 at the International Conference on “Shang and Early Chinese Civilization,” hosted Rutgers University, November 11-12, 2011.

“The Book in Early China as discussed through the work of Yu Jiaxi.” Presented at the Conference on “The Rise of Writing in

Early China,” hosted by the Creel Center for Chinese Paleography, The University of Chicago, on October 15, 2011.

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“From Violence to Romance: Drinking Games in the Zuo zhuan 左傳.” Presented at the Workshop on “Women in the Zuozhuan: Narratives: Power, Chastity, Marriage, Succession,” held at New York University on September 16, 2011.

“Wine, Women, and the Creation of Ritual in Early China.” Paper presented at the International Conference on “Fate, Freedom

and Creation in Early China,” held at the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities (Internationales Kolleg für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschungon), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, on May 21, 2011.

〈《酒誥》、《賓之初筵》與中國酒禮之濫觴〉 (“‘Admonition on Alcohol,’ ‘When the Guests are First Seated,’ and the

Origins of Chinese Drinking Rituals”). Paper presented at the 2010 年中國經學國際學術研討會 (2010 International Conference on the Chinese Classics), held at Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China, on November 15, 2010.

〈「矵」字讀法試解〉(“A Trial Explanation of Readings for the Graph ‘jia’”). Presented at the 中國古文字研究會第十八次

國際學術研討會 (Eighteenth International Academic Conference on Chinese Paleographic Research). Hosted by Zhonghua Press 中華書局, Xiangshan 香山, Beijing, on October 23, 2010.

〈楚簡韻文分類探析〉 (“An Analysis of Rhyme Patterns in Chu Bamboo Manuscript Texts”). Paper presented at the 先秦文

本與思想國際學術研討會 (International Academic Conference on Pre-Imperial Chinese Texts and Philosophy), hosted by the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, on August 7, 2010.

Presented the Manuscript “Fanwu liuxing” 凡物流形 at the workshop “A Bamboo Event: Re-evaluating Early Chinese Culture

Through Excavated Texts,” at Penn State University on May 17, 2010. 〈上博七〈凡物流形〉下半篇試解〉(“A Trial Interpretation of the Shanghai Museum [v. 7] Manuscript ‘Fan wu liu xing’

[Second Half]”). Presented at the International Conference on the Interpretation of Excavated Manuscripts and Received Texts: Commemorating the Second Anniversary of Paul Thompson’s Passing (「出土文獻與傳世典籍的詮釋──紀念譚

朴森先生逝世兩週年國際學術研討會」), held at the Fudan University Center for the Research of Excavated Texts and Paleography, Shanghai, on June 13, 2009.

〈上博七〈凡物流形〉(上半篇)試探〉 (“A Trial Exploration of the Shanghai Museum [v. 7]) Manuscript ‘Fan wu liu xing’

[First Half]”). Presented at the “International Conference on Traditional Chinese Metaphysics and its Contemporary Reflections”「傳統中國形上學的當代省思」國際學術研討會, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taibei, Taiwan, May 8, 2009.

“A Case of Graphic Misrepresentation: New Possibilities for Classical Readings Suggested by the Shanghai-Museum Text ‘Lord

Jing Suffered a Chronic Illness.’” Presented at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, March 27, 2009. 〈以戰國竹書重讀《古書通例》〉(“Rereading [Yu Jiaxi’s] Gushu tongli through Warring States Bamboo Texts”). Presented

at the 2008 International Forum on Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts, co-sponsored by the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Herrlee Creel Center for Chinese Paleography, the University of Chicago; the Research Center on Chinese Excavated Texts, Wuhan University; and the Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University, at the University of Chicago, held October 30-November 2, 2008.

Introduction of the Shanghai-Museum Text “San de” 〈三德〉. Presented at the Conference on Daoist Studies, held at the

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, October 24-26, 2008. 〈楚文「唬」字之雙重用法:說「競公『痼』」及苗民「五『號』之刑」〉(“The Dual Function of the Graph hu 唬 in the

Chu Script: on the readings of ‘Lord Jing had a Protracted Illness’ and the Miao People’s ‘Five Grades of Punishments’”). Presented at the “International Academic Conference Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Chinese Paleography Research Institute” 「紀念中國古文字研究會成立三十周年國際學術研討會」held at Jilin University, Changchun, China, October 10-12, 2008.

〈上博楚簡〈用曰〉章解〉 (“Verse-by-verse Interpretation of The Shanghai-Museum Chu Bamboo Text ‘Yong yue’”).

Presented at the second 「中國簡帛學術國際論壇」(“International Forum for the Study of Chinese Excavated Texts”), co-sponsored by the Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University; the Research Center on Chinese Excavated Texts, Wuhan University; and the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Herrlee Creel Center for Chinese Paleography, the University of Chicago, at National Taiwan University on November 10, 2007.

〈慈利楚簡〈齊語〉簡及佚文零釋〉(“The ‘Sayings of Qi’ as Found in the Cili Bamboo Manuscripts and Various

Explanations of Untransmitted passages”). Delivered on June 12, 2007, at Ancient Texts and their Local Context:

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International Conference on the Early Chinese Manuscript Discoveries from Cili, Hunan, held at the Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University (Ithaca) from June 11-13, 2007.

“History and Humanity in the Analects and other Early Confucian Texts.” Delivered at the Symposium on the Analects and

Early Chinese Conceptions of History, held at the Department of East Asian Studies, New York University, on May 21, 2007.

〈上博五〈三德〉篇の思想と訓解について〉(“On the thought and interpretation of the Shanghai-Museum, v. 5, text ‘San

de’”) (presented mostly in Chinese). Delivered at the Chūgoku shutsudo shiryō gakkai 2006 nendo taikai 中国出土資料学

会 2006 年度大会 (2006 Academic Year Symposium of the Society for the Study of Chinese Excavated Texts [Tokyo University]), held at Seijo University 成城大学, Tokyo, Japan, on March 17, 2007.

〈上博五〈三德〉篇與諸子對讀〉(“The Shanghai-Museum, v. 5, text ‘San de’ read alongside the Warring States masters”).

Presented at the 「中國簡帛學術國際論壇」(“International Forum for the Study of Chinese Excavated Texts”), co-sponsored by the Research Center on Chinese Excavated Texts, Wuhan University; the Department of Chinese, Taiwan University; and the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations Herrlee Creel Center for Chinese Paleography, the University of Chicago, at Wuhan University on November 10, 2006.

〈上博竹書〈三德〉篇逐章淺釋〉(“Passage-by-passage explanations on the Shanghai-Museum bamboo text ‘Triumvirate of

Virtues’”). Presented at the 「屈萬里先生百歲誕辰國際學術研討會」 (International Conference commemorating the 100th birthday of Qu Wanli), co-sponsored by the National Central Library, the Institute of History and Philology of the Academia Sinica, and the Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University, on September 16, 2006.

“Forging a Path through the ‘Thicket of Sayings.’” Presented at the Association for Asian Studies 58th Annual Meeting, San

Francisco, April 9, 2006. 〈從《楚辭》韻例看郭店楚簡〈語叢四〉〉(“The Guodian text ‘Yucong 4’ from the perspective of Chuci rhyming”).

Presented at the 「第四屆先秦兩漢學術 國際研討會:上下求索──《楚辭》的文學藝術與文化觀照」(Fourth International Conference on pre-Qin and Han Academics: Literary, Artistic, and Cultural reflections on the Chuci), hosted by the Chinese Department of Furen University 輔仁大學中國文學系編, Taipei, on November 11, 2005.

“Rhyme and Reason in the Guodian text ‘Yucong 4,” presented at the Southeast Early China Roundtable, held at the University

of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, on November 5, 2005. 〈出土與傳世的對話-以郭店簡〈成之〉為例〉。(“The Dialogue between Excavated and Transmitted texts: using the

example of the Guodian text “Cheng zhi”), presented on May 30 at the International Conference on “Chinese Paleography: Theory and Practice,” held at the University of Chicago, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, May 28-30, 2005.

〈郭店楚簡〈語叢一〉等析論〉(“Analysis of the Guodian Text ‘Yucong, yi’”), presented at the Reading Workshop on Newly

Excavated Warring States Chu Bamboo Texts, Third Series 「新出戰國楚竹書研讀會(第三期)」 (Sponsored by the Center for Humanities Research of the National Science Council 國科會人文學研究中心 and the Taiwan Chu-culture Research Association 臺灣楚文化研究會), held at the Hanguo Bookshop 漢國冊府 (National Taiwan University) on March 28, 2005.

〈郭店楚簡〈成之〉等篇雜志〉 (“Various notes on ‘Cheng zhi’ and other Guodian Chu bamboo texts”), delivered at the 「新

出土文獻與先秦思想重構」國際學術研討會 (International Conference on Recently Excavated Texts and the Reconstruction of Pre-Qin Thought), held at the Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University 國立臺灣大學哲學

系, Taipei, on March 26, 2005. 〈前漢古文與今文之辯管窺〉 (“A Perspective on the Old-text New-text Debate in the Former Han”) , delivered at the 「第二

屆儒道國際學術研討會--兩漢」 (Second International Conference on Confucianism and Daoism: the Han Dynasty), held at National Taiwan Normal University 國立臺灣師範大學國文系, Taipei, on November 7, 2004.

〈論出土楚簡簡序編連問題〉(On the Issue of Strip Ordering within Chu Bamboo Manuscripts), presented at the Eight

Reading Workshop on Newly Excavated Warring States Chu Bamboo Texts 第八次「新出戰國楚竹書研讀會」 (Sponsored by the Center for Humanities Research of the National Science Council 國科會人文學研究中心 and the Taiwan Chu-culture Research Association 臺灣楚文化研究會), held at the Hanguo Bookshop 漢國冊府 (National Taiwan University) on May 22, 2004.

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“Working Notes on the Guodian text ‘Honor Virtue and Propriety.’” Paper presented on April 24, 2004, at Confucianism

Resurrected: the Third International Conference on Excavated Chinese Manuscripts, held from April 23-25 at Mount Holyoke College (co-sponsored by Dartmouth College and Peking University), South Hadley, Massachusetts.

〈楚簡の釋讀と古今校讎者の決擇〉(“The Interpretation of Chu Bamboo Texts and the Choices made by Collators, Past and

Present”). Paper delivered on March 26, 2004 at the 「国際シンポジウム戦国楚簡と中国思想史研究」 (“International Symposium on Warring States Chu Bamboo Texts and the Study of Chinese Intellectual History”) (co-sponsored by the [台灣]簡帛道家資料 暨新出土文獻研讀會 and the [日本]戰國楚簡研究會), held on March 26-27 at the Institute of Literature 文學院 of Osaka University 大阪大學, Japan.

〈先秦出土文獻與傳世經典的對照及其有關問題〉(“On the Textual Comparison of Unearthed Pre-Qin Texts with the

Received Classics and Related Issues”), presented at the Fifth Monthly Workshop on the “Formation of the [Chinese] Classics and Culture” of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), (臺灣中央研究院中

國文哲研究所「經典與文化 的形成」第五次 讀書月會) held on February 28, 2004. 〈古今文獻與史家之喜新守舊〉(“Ancient- and New-text Literature and the Radicalism or Conservatism of the Historian”).

Paper presented on January 8, 2004, at 〈中國上古史:歷史編纂學的理論與實踐〉國際 學術研討會 (International Workshop on Rewriting Ancient Chinese History), co-hosted by the Research Center on Ancient Civilizations of Shanghai University, the East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department of the University of Chicago, the Shanghai Museum, and the Editorial Division of Historical Research 歷史研究, held in Shanghai (She shan 佘山) on January 7-10, 2004.

〈《呂氏春秋》新探〉 (“A New Inquiry into the Lüshi chunqiu”). Paper presented on December 7 at the「第三屆先秦兩漢學

術研討會-百家爭鳴: 世變中的諸子學術」(Third Academic Conference on the pre-Qin and Han Period—Contention of the Hundred Schools: Academics of the various masters in the midst of a changing world), held on December 6-7, 2003, at Furen University 輔仁大學 in Taiwan.

〈北美地區對於諸子學術的研究焦點〉( “Focal points in North American research on the learning of the ‘Hundred

Philosophers’”). Presented on December 6 at the Third Academic Conference on pre-Qin and Han Learning (see previous entry), held at Fu-jen University 輔仁大學, Taiwan, on December 6-7, 2003.

〈學誠摘錄〉(“A Digest of the thought of Zhang Xuecheng 章學誠”). Paper presented on November 28 at the Fourth

Academic Conference on Literary Artifacts held at Danjiang University 淡江大學第四屆文獻學學術研討會, Danshui 淡, Taiwan, from November 28-29, 2003.

〈郭店儒書中的典型與處刑以及其轉型〉(“On ‘models,’ ‘punishments,’ and their transformations in the Guodian Confucian

texts”). Lecture presented on November 23, 2003, at the Eleventh Meeting of the Reading Workshop on the Confucian Texts of Shanghai and Guodian 上海、郭店儒家簡研讀會第十一 次研讀會, held at the Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University 國立臺灣大學哲學系.

〈郭店楚簡《尊德義》散釋〉(“Varied Explanations on the Guodian text ‘Zun Deyi’”). Presented at the International

Conference on Chu History and Culture and Eighth Annual Meeting of the Chu Culture Research Association of Hunan, Hubei, Henan, and Anhui Provinces 楚國歷史文化國際研討會暨 湘郘鄂豫皖楚文化研考會第八次年會, held in Yichang 宜昌, Hubei, on October 27-30, 2003.

〈讀《尊德義》札記〉(“Reading Notes on ‘Zun Deyi’”). Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Chinese

Paleography 第四屆國際中國古文字學術研討會, held from October 15-17, 2003, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學.

“Historical Continuity and Change in the Lüshi chunqiu.” Paper presented at the panel “Converging toward Empire: the Lüshi

chunqiu in the Context of Third-Century Chinese Thought” at the Association for Asian Studies 55th Annual Meeting, held in New York City on March 27, 2003.

〈從「成於樂」到「移風易俗」論中國的樂教傳統〉 (“China’s Tradition of Musical Education, from ‘Completion through

Music’ to ‘Transferring Mores and Changing Customs’”). Paper presented at the 「傳統中國教育與二十一 世紀的價值與

挑戰」,《中華文明的二十一世紀新意義》學術研討會第四次會議 (“Traditional Chinese Education and its Value and Challenges in the 21st Century,” the 4th Meeting of the Academic Conference on the New Significance of Chinese Civilization in the 21st Century [Himalaya Foundation]), held on May 30-31, 2002, at the Yuelu Academy 嶽麓書院, Hunan

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University 湖南大學. 〈從楚國竹簡論戰國「民道」思想〉 (“On the Warring States notion of the ‘Way of the people’ as seen in bamboo texts from

the state of Chu”). Paper presented at the 新出楚簡與儒學思想國際學術研討會—以上博簡為 中心 (International Academic Conference on Recently Excavated Chu Bamboo Strips and Confucian Thought—centered on the Shanghai Museum Strips), held on March 31-April 2, 2002, at Tsinghua University 清華大學, Beijing.

“On the Rearrangement of Bamboo Strips among the Guodian Confucian Texts.” Presented at the Early China Workshop,

November 10, 2001, the University of Chicago. 〈以新出楚國竹簡重遊中國的古典詩歌美學〉 (“Revisiting Classical Chinese Musical Poetics through recently excavated

Chu bamboo texts”). Presentation given at the 第七屆文學與美學國際學術研討會 (Seventh International Academic Conference on Literature and Aesthetics), held at Tamkang University, Taiwan, May 4-5, 2001, pp. 255-279.

“Musical Offerings and Emotional Rhythm in the Ritual Practices of Early China.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the

Association for Asian Studies in Chicago, March 22-25, 2001. “The Use and Abuse of History in Xun Zi’s Legalization of the Confucian Ritual Order.” Paper presented at the Conference on

Xun Zi and Chinese Philosophy, held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 10, 2001. 〈鄭衛之音與現代的和諧社會〉(“The Sounds of Zheng and Wei and Modern-day Social Harmony”). Presentation given at

the 台灣儒學與現代生活國際 學術研討會 (International Academic Conference on Taiwan Confucianism and Modern Life), held in Taipei, Taiwan, November 9-10, 2000.

〈郭店楚簡的研究方法及方向〉(“On the Methodology and Direction of Research of the Guodian Bamboo Texts”)

Presentation given at the 新出簡帛國際學術研討會 (International Conference on Recently Excavated Bamboo and Silk Texts), held at Beijing University 北京大學, August 19-22, 2000.

〈禮教與刑罰之辯及其對先秦詮釋傳統的意義〉 (“The debate over ritual teaching versus punishments and its significance for

the hermeneutical tradition in the pre-Qin period”), presented at the Sixth Conference on the Hermeneutical Tradition of the Chinese Classics 《中國的經典詮釋傳統》第六次研討會, held at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, on June 1-2, 2000.

“The Salt and Iron Debates and the Art of the Dissertation Defense.” Paper presented at the Symposium in honor of the

Retirements of Kenneth J. DeWoskin and Yi-tsi Mei Feuerwerker, held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on March 24, 2000.

〈郭店楚簡儒家逸書與其對台灣儒學思孟傳統的意義〉 (“The Confucian texts recovered from Guodian and their

significance for the Si/Meng tradition of Taiwan Confucianism”), presented at the Second International Academic Conference on Taiwan Confucianism 第二屆臺灣儒學國際學術研討會, held in Tainan, Taiwan, on December 18-19, 1999.

“The ‘Wuxing’ Essay and the Confucian Road to Virtuosity.” Paper presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for

Asian Studies, in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 13, 1999. “Strategies of Accommodation in the Lüshi chunqiu.” Paper presented at the 11th Conference of the Warring States Working

Group held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, October 11-12, 1998. 〈「自成一家」—略談金庸的《神鵰俠侶》〉 (“‘Forming a School of His Own--some remarks on Jin Yong’s Shendiao

xialü”). Paper delivered at the 中國武俠小說國際 學術研討會 (International Conference on the Chinese Knight-Errant Novel), held at the National Central Library in Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, May 28-29, 1998.

“Sima Qian and the Universal Mind.” Paper presented at the Early Chinese History and Historiography Workshop held at the

University of Wisconsin, Madison, August 18-22, 1997. “The Xici zhuan and the Question of School Affiliation in the Late Warring States.” Paper presented at the Workshop on the Xici

Zhuan held at the University of Chicago, May 31-June 2, 1997. “On Mencius 2A.2: Just What was it that Zeng Zi ‘Guarded over?’” Paper presented at the 8th Conference of the Warring States

Working Group held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 26-27, 1997.

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“Harmony and Cacophony in the Panpipes of Heaven.” Paper presented at the 49th Annual AAS Meeting in Chicago, March 14, 1997.

“Zhuang Zi and his Carving of the Confucian Ox.” Paper presented at the 5th Annual Midwest Early China Seminar held at the

University of Chicago, May 26-28, 1995. “Motivation and Change in the Xun Zi.” Paper presented at the Annual Midwest Early China Seminar held at the University of

Chicago in October, 1992. “On the Yue Ji.” Paper presented at the Annual Midwest Early China Seminar held at the University of Michigan in March, 1991. Presentations (II): College, University, Public, and Institutional Meeting Lectures 〈上博竹書文字釋讀數則〉(“Selected Interpretations and Readings of Graphs in the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts”). Xiamen

University Chinese Department Hundredth Anniversary Lecture Series Lecture 夏大中文百年系慶系列講座. Presented on November 12, 2020 (presented virtually due to pandemic travel restrictions).

“New Sources of Early Confucian Thought: Confucian Dialogue Texts among the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts.” Presented at

the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo, Norway, on May 15, 2019.

“Conversations with Confucius: New Views on History, Authenticity, and Humanity in Recently Unearthed Manuscripts.”

Presented at the China Seminar, China Centre, University of Oxford, England, on May 9, 2019. “Confucius Unearthed: New Perspectives on the Master from the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts.” Presented at the China

Research Seminar, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies University of Cambridge, England, on May 1, 2019. 〈亞洲文化的酒禮〉(“Alcohol Rituals in Asian Cultures”). Presented as the One Foundation Liberal Arts Series Lecture on The

Asian Community and Chinese Culture and Society 博雅講堂 2:亞洲共同體與華人文化社會 at National Taichung University of Education 國立臺中教育大學 (organized by the Department of Language and Literacy Education 語文教育

學系), Taichung, Taiwan, on April 26, 2019. 〈從上博楚簡兩場對話再看孔門教學的方法〉(“A View of Confucian Instructional Method as Seen through Two Dialogue

Texts among the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts”). Presented at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea, on September 29, 2018.

〈從新出竹書看孔子與魯國執政大夫的對話敘述〉(“Dialogue Narratives of Confucius in Conversation with the Ministerial

Heads of Lu as See through Recently Unearthed Bamboo Texts”). Presented to the Department of East Asian History, Seoul National University, Korea, on September 28, 2018.

“Excavated Warring States Manuscripts and the Formation of ‘Books’ in Early China.” Presented to the Department of East

Asian History, Seoul National University, on September 27, 2018. “New Perspectives on Confucius as Seen Through Unearthed Bamboo Manuscripts.” Presented at the Asian and Mediterranean

African Studies Department, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, on June 18, 2018. “Old Wine in a New Drinking Vessel: A Look at Four Confucian Dialogues in the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts.” Presented at

Institute of Sinology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, on June 13, 2018. 〈從上博楚簡的兩場對話看孔子的另一種面目〉(“A New Face to Confucius as Seen in Two Dialogues from the Shanghai

Museum Manuscripts”). Presented at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 中央研究院歷史語言研究所, Taipei, Taiwan, on May 10, 2018.

上博二〈子羔〉 、〈魯邦大旱〉兩篇之整理與對讀 (“A Cross-Reading of the Two Shanghai Museum [v. 2] Manuscripts

‘Zigao’ and ‘Lu Bang Da Han’”). Presented at the Osaka University Department of Chinese Philosophy 大阪大學中國哲學

研究室 on April 28, 2018.

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上博楚簡〈魯邦大旱〉及其與《晏子春秋》及〈子羔〉篇的關系 (“The Shanghai Museum Manuscript ‘Lu Bang Da Han’ and Its Relationship to the Yanzi chunqiu and the ‘Zigao’ Manuscript”). Presented for the Research Association of Chinese Excavated Manuscripts and Character Culture 出土資料と漢字文化研究会 at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo 東京大學東洋文化研究所, on April 23, 2018.

從出土文獻看中國先秦古書 (“Excavated Manuscripts and the Nature of ‘Books’ in Pre-Imperial China”). Presented in the 明師

經典系列講座 (“Master Classics Lecture Series”) of the Confucius Institute, Nanyang Technological University 南洋理工

大學, on November 25, 2017, at the National Library Building, Singapore. “Humanity and the Art of Effective Political Control as Seen through Warring States Bamboo Manuscripts.” Presented at the

East Asia Institute Seminar, National University of Singapore, on January 13, 2017. 〈季康子問於孔子〉的再次整理與義理探討 (“An Updated Arrangement and Investigation of the Doctrinal Principles of the

Manuscript ‘Ji Kangzi asked Confucius’”). Lecture delivered to the Research Center on Excavated Texts and Paleography出土文獻與古文字研究中心, Fudan University 復旦大學, Shanghai on May 19, 2015.

“Ruler-Minister Relations in the Yanzi chunqiu 晏子春秋 and the Dating of the Work in Light of Parallels with Other Texts.”

Lecture delivered on April 10, 2015, to the Joint Colloquium of the Philosophy Programme and the Division of Chinese, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

“On the Reconstruction of Bamboo Manuscripts from Warring States China.” Delivered as Dean of Faculty’s Research Talk at

Yale-NUS College, Singapore, on October 27, 2014. “Alcohol, Fate, and the Creation of Ritual in Early China.” Fifth Modern Languages and Literature International Scholars

Lecture, Lehigh University, presented on February 22, 2012. “The Chinese Book before the Book: Some Remarks on Written Texts in Early China.” Gallery Talk, Faulconer Gallery,

Grinnell College, delivered on November 18, 2011. “Musical Thought in Early China: from the Warring States to the Han.” Delivered as a guest lecture for Humanities 230 course

“The Qin/Han Unification of China” at Reed College on November 4, 2011. “Deciphering the Guodian and Shanghai-Museum Bamboo Manuscripts: Reflections on Twelve Years of Research.” Center for

Chinese Studies Alumni Series Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, delivered on February 1, 2011. 〈中國經典與先秦酒文化〉 (“The Chinese Classics and Pre-Qin Alcohol Culture”). Academic Discussion Series Lecture,

National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies 文史研究院, Fudan University 復旦大學, Shanghai on November 10, 2010.

〈從出土文獻看傳世典籍的訛脫情況〉 (“On Corruptions and Omissions in Received Works as Seen through Excavated

Texts”). Delivered to the Research Center on Excavated Texts and Paleography出土文獻與古文字研究中心, Fudan University 復旦大學, Shanghai on November 12, 2010.

“Excavated Chinese Texts and the Graphic Nature of Classical Misreadings.” Delivered for the “China Before Print” lecture

series, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago, on April 10, 2008. 〈郭店楚簡〈語叢四〉篇新解〉(“A New Interpretation of the Guodian Bamboo text ‘Yucong 4’”). Delivered at the Hokkaidō

Chūgoku tetsugaku reikai 北海道中国哲学会例会 (兼日本周易学会研究会 )(Hokkaido Regular Meeting on Chinese Philosophy) in the Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, Japan 北海道大学大学院文学研究科, on March 22, 2007.

A version of the same talk delivered again at the Department of Chinese Philosophy, School of Letters, Osaka University, Japan 大阪大学大学院 文学研究科、中国哲学研究室 on March 24, 2007.

〈上博五〈三德〉篇思想初探〉(A Preliminary Investigation into the thought of the Shanghai-museum bamboo text ‘Triumvirate of virtues’), delivered at the Chinese Department of National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學中國文學系 on September 13, 2006.

〈《成之聞之》新釋讀〉(A New Reading of the Text “Chengzhi wenzhi”), delivered at the Institute of Chinese Thought and

Culture 中國思想文化研究所 of Qinghua University 清華大學, Beijing, on July 6, 2004.

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〈先秦竹書之釋讀及其有關問題〉(On the Reading of pre-Qin bamboo texts and related issues), delivered to the Department of Applied Chinese, Zhongyuan University 中原大學應用華語系 on June 9, 2004.

〈以出土簡帛看古今文字之辯〉(The Debate over “New and Ancient Script” as seen through Bamboo and Silk Excavated

Texts). Delivered as the Literary Research Lecture (「文學研究專題講座」) at Foguang University 佛光大學 in Yilan on June 2, 2004.

〈戰國時代出土文獻之探討〉(On the Examination of Excavated Warring States Texts), presented as the Cultural Lecture 文化

講座 of the Ch’ien Mu House 錢穆故居 of [Taiwan] Soochow University 東吳大學 (co-sponsored by the Department of History 歷史系) on May 19, 2004.

〈戰國楚簡《性情論》與先秦音樂思想〉(“The Warring States Text ‘Xingqing lun’ and Pre-Qin Musical Thought”).

Presented as Philosophy Lecture 哲學講座 at the Philosophy Department 哲學系 of [Taiwan] Soochow University 東吳大

學 on April 14, 2004. 〈論中西校勘學方法上的異同關係〉(“On differences in methodology in Chinese and Western textual studies”). Informal

lecture presented to graduate students in Chou Feng-wu’s Warring States paleography class, Chinese Department, National Taiwan University, on December 26, 2003.

〈樂論與《郭店楚簡》〉(Essays on Music and their relation to the Guodian Chu manuscripts). Lecture presented to

professors and students in the Department of Chinese at National Taiwan Normal University 國立臺灣 師範大學國文系 on December 11, 2003.

“Horse-Driving, Flood Control, and the Art of Rulership in Early China.” Presented by invitation for the Center for Chinese

Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, on April 8, 2003. “Music and the Harmonious Society in Early Chinese Thought.” Presented by invitation at Macalester College, December 4,

2002. 〈禮教與刑罰之辯及其對先秦詮釋傳統的意義〉 (“The debate over ritual teaching versus punishments and its significance for

the hermeneutical tradition in the pre-Qin period”), presented to the Department of Chinese, Nanjing University, in May 2001 (long version of paper presented at June, 2000 conference).

〈最近出土的一些儒家逸書〉 (“Some Recently Excavated Confucian Texts”), presented at the Department of Chinese,

National Tsing-hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan, on December 15, 1999. “Harmony and Uniformity in the Lüshi chunqiu,” presented at the University of Iowa’s Center for Asian and Pacific Studies

Seminar on December 11, 1998. “Xun Zi on Ritual and Music” (II) (same as next entry), presented at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, December 1996. “Xun Zi on Ritual and Music” (I). Paper presented at the University of Michigan Humanities Seminar, Ann Arbor, Michigan,

April 1996. “Xian-Qin Rujia de Li-Yue Sixiang 先秦儒家的禮樂思想” (“Pre-Qin Ruist Thought on Ritual and Music”) Paper presented at

the Institute of Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 中央研究院文哲所, in Taipei, Taiwan, June 1994. Panels Chaired Chair, Panel on Harmony in the Zhuangzi and Tiantai Buddhism, December 14, 2018, at the International Workshop on

Conceptions of Harmony in Chinese Thought, held at School of Humanities, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, on December 13-15, 2018.

Chair, Panel on Qin and Han Bamboo Manuscripts, October 27, 2018, at the “Eleventh International Academic Conference on

Han-dynasty Literature and Thought” 第十一屆漢代文學與思想國際學術研討會, held at National Chengchi University 國立政治大學, Taipei, on October 27-28, 2018.

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Chair, Concluding Panel (panel 8) of the《清華簡》國際會議 (International Conference on the Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts), hosted by the Hong Kong Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology 香港浸會大學饒宗頤學院, the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Macau 澳門大學中國語言文學系, and the Research and Conservation Center for Excavated Texts, Tsinghua University 清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心, held from October 26-28, 2017, at Hong Kong Baptist University and the University of Macau.

Chair, Opening Panel for the Sub-Conference on Unearthed Documents and Ancient Chinese Civilizations 出土文獻與中國古代

文明, November 5, 2016, at the Beijing Forum 北京論壇 2016, held from November 3-6, 2016, at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse 釣魚台國家賓館, Beijing.

Chair, First Afternoon Panel on Warring States Paleographic Research, October 22, 2016, at the 中國古文字研究會第二十一屆

年會 (21st [Bi-]Annual Conference of the Chinese Paleography Research Association), held in Beijing on October 20-24, 2016.

Chair, Panel on the Text Reading of “Tang chuyu Tangqiu” 《湯處於湯丘》, May 11, 2016, at the International Conference on

“Human Nature, Morality, and Fate in the Tsinghua University Bamboo Manuscripts, ‘Tang chu yu Tang qiu,’ 湯處於湯丘, ‘Tang zai Chi men’ 湯在啻門, and ‘Yin Gaozong wen yu san shou’ 殷高宗問于三壽,” held at Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, on May 10-12, 2016.

Chair, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, at the 出土文獻與中國古典學國際學術研討會 (International Academic Conference

on Excavated Manuscripts and Chinese Classical Studies), hosted by the Tan Chin Tuan Council for Chinese Studies, Yale-NUS College (co-sponsored by the Center for Excavated Manuscripts and Paleography, Fudan University 復旦大學出土文

獻與古文字研究中心), held at Yale-NUS College, Singapore, on April 7-9, 2016. Chair, Panel 2, on October 16, 2015, at the 「出土文獻與先秦經史國際學術研討會」(International Academic Conference on

Excavated Texts and Pre-Qin Classics and History), hosted by the School of Chinese, Hong Kong University 香港大學中

文學院 (co-organized by the Centre for Chinese History, Department of History, Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中

文大學歷史系中國歷史研究中心), October 16-17, 2015. Chaired panel (#7) on the Shanghai Museum Manuscript “Heng xian” 恆先, on December 9, 2014, at Reading the Old in the

Light of the Newly Discovered: Chinese Philosophy and Ancient Chinese Texts International Symposium, hosted by Macquarie University, Sydney, December 8-10, 2014.

Chaired panel on the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts on August 28, 2014, at the 【出土文獻的語境】國際學術研討會暨第三

屆出土文獻青年學者論壇 (“International Academic Conference ‘The Linguistic Context of Excavated Texts’ and the Third Young-Scholars Forum on Excavated Texts”), held from August 27-29, 2014, at National Tsinghua University 國立

清華大學, Hsinchu, Taiwan (co-organized by the Chinese Department of National Taiwan University and 國立臺灣大學中

國文學系 the Chinese Department of National Tsinghua University 國立清華大學中國文學系). Chair, panel on Rethinking Warring States History in the Light of Recently Unearthed Bamboo Manuscripts, Annual Meeting for

the Association of Asian Studies, Chicago, March 27, 2009. Chair, Afternoon Session (Hsü Fu-ch’ang 徐富昌, 〈睡虎地秦簡通假釋例〉 [“Analysis of Examples of Graph Inter-loaning in

the Shuihudi Qin Bamboo Manuscripts”]), the Eighth Monthly Workshop on the “Formation of the [Chinese] Classics and Culture” of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), (臺灣中央研究院中國文哲研究

所 「經典與文化的形成」 第八次讀書月會) held on May 29, 2004. Chair, Third Panel, 「出土文獻研究方法第二次學術研討會──上博簡與出土 文獻研究方法學術 研討會」(The Second

Academic Conference on the Research Methodology of Excavated Manuscripts: Research Methods on the Shanghai Bamboo Strips and other Excavated Manuscripts), held on April 10, 2004, at the Center for the Study of East Asian Civilizations, National Taiwan University 國立臺灣大學東亞文明研究中心.

Chair, Third Session, International Workshop on Rewriting Chinese History 〈中國上古史:歷史編纂學的理論與實踐〉國際

學術研討會, co-hosted by the Research Center on Ancient Civilizations of Shanghai University, the East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department of the University of Chicago, the Shanghai Museum, and the Editorial Division of Historical Research 歷史研究, at Shanghai (She shan 佘山) on January 8, 2004.

Chair, opening panel, First Academic Conference on Chinese Culture and Education in the Classics 第一屆中華文化與經典教

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育學術研討會, held at Danjiang University, Danshui, Taiwan, on December 27, 2003. Chair, opening panel, International Academic Conference on Culture and the Environment 文化與環境國際學術會議, held on

November 20, 2003, at Danjiang University 淡江大學, Danshui 淡水, Taiwan. Discussant Discussion leader (引言人), Roundtable session (綜合討論), November 11, 2018, at the “International Academic Conference on

Excavated Manuscripts and Foreign Sinology,” hosted by the Department of Chinese Literature, National Taiwan Normal University 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系, Taipei, on November 10-11, 2018.

Discussant for Wang Hui’s 王輝 paper, 〈一粟居讀簡記(八)〉(“Bamboo-strip Reading Notes from My Modest Dwelling, n.

8”), on October 22, 2016, at the 中國古文字研究會第二十一屆年會 (21st [Bi-]Annual Conference of the Chinese Paleography Research Association), held in Beijing on October 20-24, 2016.

Discussant for Meng Pengsheng’s 孟蓬生 paper,〈「 」字補釋〉(“An Updated Explanation of the Graph xie”), on October 4,

on 2015, at the 「先秦字義源流研究國際學術研討會」(International Academic Conference on the Origins and Developments of the Meanings of Graphs in Pre-Imperial China), co-hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Education 香港

教育學院 and the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院, on October 3-4, 2015.

Discussant, Shi Ji 史記 chapter 99, at the Fourth Workshop on Early Chinese History, held at the University of Wisconsin,

Madison, on September 16, 2004. Discussant for paper by Su Yuming 蘇郁銘, 〈論二十世紀美國漢學界的《荀子》 英譯〉 (“English Translations of the Xun

Zi by American Sinologists in the 20th-century), at the Fourth National Graduate-Student Conference on pre-Qin and Han Learning 第四屆先秦兩漢學術全國研究生論文發表會, on May 2, 2004, at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Discussant for paper by Su Chien-chou 蘇建洲, 〈楚簡文字考釋五則〉(“Five Paleographic Investigations from Chu Bamboo

Strips”) at the Academic Conference on the Study of (Chinese) Writing 文字學學術研討會, held on March 13, 2004, at Tunghai University 東海大學, Taichung, Taiwan.

Lead discussant for Qiu Xigui’s 裘錫圭 paper on Ancient Myths and Newly Unearthed pre-Qin texts, on January 8, 2004, at the

International Workshop on Rewriting Chinese History held in Shanghai〈中國上古史:歷史編纂學的 理論與實踐〉國際

學術研討會, co-hosted by the Research Center on Ancient Civilizations of Shanghai University, the East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department of the University of Chicago, the Shanghai Museum, and the Editorial Division of Historical Research 歷史研究, at Shanghai (She shan 佘山) on January 7-11, 2004.

Discussion leader (引言人), Roundtable session (綜合討論), International Symposium on “Japanese Sinological Research in

Chinese Philosophy and the Guodian and Shanghai-Museum Bamboo Materials” (「日本漢學的中國哲學 研究與郭店、

上海竹簡資料」), held at National Taiwan University on December 28, 2003. Discussant, Shi Ji 史記 chapter 38, at the Third Workshop on Early Chinese History and Historiography, held at the University of

Wisconsin, Madison, on August 28, 2002. Discussant for panel of papers on early Chinese thought and textual artifacts. Presented at the Early China Workshop, November

10, 2001, the University of Chicago. Discussant for the Panel The Original Warring States Context of the Laozi Text, at The Laozi Symposium: A Roundtable

Discussion on the Context and Exegesis of Laozi, held on May 20, 2000, at the University of Chicago. Guide, Reading Seminars Reading of the Shanghai Museum Manuscript “Lu bang da han” 魯邦大旱, at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental

Languages, Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo, Norway, on May 16, 2019.

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Reading of the Shanghai Museum Manuscript “Lu bang da han” 魯邦大旱, at a Queens College Doctoral Colloquium, University of Oxford, England, on May 8, 2019.

Reading of the Shanghai Museum Manuscript “Lu bang da han” 魯邦大旱, at the Needham Research Institute, Cambridge,

England, on May 3, 2019. Invited Participation Reading Workshop on the Tsinghua Bamboo-slip Manuscripts, held at Dartmouth College on March 20, 2010. Annual Herrlee Creel Lecture and Workshop on Early Chinese Excavated Texts, held at the Department of East Asian Languages

and Civilizations, The University of Chicago, on May 11-12, 2007. Invited Participant, Workshop on Bamboo-slip Manuscripts, held from April 26-27, 2004, at Yale University, New Haven. Workshop on Early Chinese Texts, held at the University of Chicago, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations,

November 4-5, 2000. Invited Participant, 中國歷史中時間觀念國際學術研討會, International Conference on the Notion of Time in Chinese

Historical Thinking, sponsored by the Department of History, National Taiwan University and the Himalaya Foundation, held at the Howard Plaza Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan, May 26-28, 2000.

External Service Member of Editorial Board for the Society for the Study of Early China and its journal Early China

(elected), 2007-present. Member of Editorial Board for the Journal Xian-Qin Liang-Han Xueshu 《先秦兩漢學術》(Pre-Qin and

Han Academics) (Taipei), 2003-present. Member of Editorial Board for the Journal Jianbo 《簡帛》(Bamboo and Silk), 2005-present. Member of Editorial Board for the Journal Zhuzi xuekan 《諸子學刊》 (Journal of Early Chinese

Philosophers) (Shanghai), 2006-present. Senior Consultant, The Tsinghua University Warring States Bamboo Manuscripts Translation Project,

2019-present. Served as manuscript reviewer for Oxford University Press, Columbia University Press, De Gruyter

Books, Springer, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, and the Early China Monograph Series. Served as article reviewer for the journals Philosophy East & West (several), Dao: a Journal of

Comparative Philosophy (several), Asia Major (multiple), Early China (several), T’oung Pao (multiple), Asian Music, Journal of Chinese Religion, Monumenta Serica, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (multiple), Pre-Qin and Han Academics, Bamboo and Silk, Taida Wen-shi-zhe xuebao 臺大文史哲學報, Taida Zhongwen xuebao 臺大中文學報, Formosan Journal of Music Research 臺灣音樂研究, Chinese Studies 漢學研究 (Taiwan), Tsinghua Journal of Chinese Studies 清華學報, Journal of Chinese Studies 中國文化研究所學報 (Hong Kong), Journal of Oriental Studies 東方文化 (Hong Kong) (multiple), Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (BJAS),

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and for the Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy (Chinese University of Hong Kong Press) and the Dao Companion to the Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts (Springer).

Served as Programme Committee Member, the 20th International Conference on Chinese Philosophy

(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 4-7 July 2017) Served as “Expert Reviewer” for Second Bi-Annual Awards for the Best International Chinese

Sinologists “致敬國學:第二屆全球華人國學獎” (Fall 2016) Served as outside faculty reviewer for the University of Kansas (Fall 2012), Canada Research Chairs

Program (Spring 2010), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Spring 2010 and Spring 2015), Cornell University (Fall 2005), and for the City University of Hong Kong (Spring 2001).

Served as the outside reviewer of the language portion of the Beijing off-campus study program of the

International Educational Society (IES) during its full program accreditation review, April 2001. Served as outside reviewer of fellowship applicants, National Humanities Center, Winter 2008 & 2009. Served as External Reviewer for the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2011 & 2013. Served as evaluator of postdoctoral candidate for the Institute of History and Philology 歷史語言研究所,

Academia Sinica, Taiwan, March 2019 Research Interests Early Chinese excavated texts; Early Chinese philosophy, intellectual history, literature, and culture; later Chinese intellectual history and philosophy (pre-modern); the development of Chinese literary, aesthetic, and poetic traditions; Chinese language, philology, and paleography; and others. Special interest in early Chinese musical thought. Last Updated: January 2021

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