  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    Prominent American Scientists Call For Global Dictatorship Under UN

    Rule "To Save The Planet"

    Kudos to World Mathaba for pointing me towards this:

    The Scientific Dictatorship:

    In an article to be published by the American Institute of Biological Sciences in the

    march 2013 edition of the Institutes yearly journal BioScience under the title Social

    !orms and "lobal #n$ironmental %hallenges& 'of (hich I ha$e obtained a copy

    ahead of print ) read here*+ a group of prominent scientists call on go$ernment and

    their academic ad$isers to begin implementing a program of planned social

    engineering of norms& and $alues& in regards to en$ironmental policies,

    In addition to this+ they propose putting in place all sorts of en$ironmental rules and
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    regulations bac-ed up by fines and penatlies as described in the Agenda 21 document,

    .he goal is to hasten the social acceptance of increased go$ernmental control, Also+

    the authors propose that the scientific community as a (hole should align itself (ith

    go$ernment through a concerted effort to change personal and social norms&,

    Science (as e$er fascisms (hore of course so to understand (hat is really going on

    (e simply ha$e to follo( the money until the trail re$eals (ho is paying these


    .he people in$ol$ed in the upcoming publication include t(o !obel /rie (inners+

    economist enneth Arro( and political scientist #linor strom+ as (ell as

    beha$ioural scientists+ mathematicians+ biologists and population scientists+ the most

    (ell)-no(n of (hom are /aul #hrlich and "retchen %, aily) (hose professional

    relationship dates bac- to the #coscience days, .he authors start out by stating:

    Some ha$e argued that progress on these 'global

    en$ironmental* problems can be made only

    through a concerted effort to change personal and

    social norms, .hey contend that (e must+ through

    education and persuasion+ ensure that certain

    beha$iours '4* become ingrained as a matter of

    personal ethics,&

    Stating that education and persuasion are insufficient to

    accomplish beha$ioural changes+ the document states:

    Substantial numbers of people (ill ha$e to alter their e5isting beha$iors to

    address this ne( class of global en$ironmental problems, Alternati$e

    approaches are needed (hen education and persuasion alone are insufficient,

    /olicy instruments such as penalties+ regulations+ and incenti$es may therefore

    Compliant youth

  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    be re6uired to achie$e significant beha$iour modification,&

    /roposing that effecti$e policies '4*

    are ones that induce both short)term

    changes in beha$iour and longer)term

    changes in social norms&+ the collection

    of crystal ball gaers+ casters of runes+

    mathematical modelling e5perts+

    psychologists and %A"7A8.s9 assert

    that go$ernment is uni6uely obligated

    to locate the common good and formulate its policies accordingly,&

    .he upcoming report ho(e$er stresses that unelected troughers suc-ing up the s(ill

    of ta5 re$enues scientists are gi$en a role in formulating go$ernment policies

    intended to alter choices and beha$iours& such as acti$e norm management+

    changing the conditions influencing beha$iours+ financial inter$entions+ and

    regulatory measures,&

    r to put it in plain #nglish+ !ai style propaganda and So$iet style brain(ashing,

    #ach of these policy should be designed to influence personal and social norms in

    different (ays and through different mechanisms the document states, #ach also

    carries the danger of bac-firing+ (hich is often called a boomerang effect in the

    literature+ eroding compliance and reducing the pre$alence of the desired beha$iours

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    and the social norms that support those beha$iours& the document (arns,

    Ah+ this is (here the penalties come in,

    #roding compliance, 7hat a anodyne term for people recogniing (hat is happening

    and fighting for their indi$iduality and independence+ but typical of the sterile

    language ur !e( ;nhappy

  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    e5istent le$els of public permission in order to shift norms+ allo(ing public

    sentiment to later catch up (ith the regulation&,

    By admitting they are (illing to mo$e beyond

    e5istent le$els of public permission& to push

    ahead (ith draconian en$ironmental policies+

    these prominent scientists 'among (hom+

    remember+ are t(o !obel laureates and and

    numerous go$ernment and ;nited !ations

    ad$isers* ha$e pro$en their readiness to

    decei$e and mislead the American population

    in order to impose their en$ironmental control

    model, Is this perhaps the result of a fit of petulance and $indicti$eness because their

    (hole Anthopogenic "lobal 7arming scare has been e5posed as a fraud and a

    fabrication, ?ard e$idence (as replaced by projections from mathematical models

    and (hen the ans(ers gi$en by those models did not ser$e the purpose of ad$ancing

    the global dictatorship agenda+ data (as blatantly falsified,

    As Aaron y-es put it (hile inter$ie(ing global (arming sceptic

  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    8ead on through the document and (e disco$er ho( go$ernment and their scientific

    side-ic-s plan to set about shifting norms, .he scientists propose managing

    norms& through such things as ad$ertising campaigns+ information blites+ or

    appeals from respected figures&, .he other aspect they fa$our is the use of financial

    incenti$es and disincenti$es (ith the aim of conditioning the public to accept an

    increasing go$ernmental control o$er personal beha$iour, .he paper continues by

    saying that the best (ay to o$ercome resistance to changing e5isting beha$iours is

    through persuasi$e go$ernment regulations such as penalties+ regulations+ and

    incenti$es& in order to achie$e significant beha$iour modification,&

    ines can '4* be an effecti$e (ay to alter beha$iour+ in part because they 'li-e

    social norm management* signal the seriousness (ith (hich society treats the issue,&

    In other (ords+ Cou must ne$er 6uestion authority but again dont you lo$e the

    language= .he (ords seem to spring off the page or screen to resonate in the mind

    (ith the hea$y "erman accent of a !ai "auleiter in a 1DE0s (ar mo$ie, By

    e5tension+ the authors of the proposal e5press hope that beha$iours and $alues (ill

    coe$ol$e& alongside increased go$ernment control in the form of state regulations

    and fines&:

    A carbon ta5 might '4* pro$e effecti$e e$en in the face of near)term

    opposition, 7hat needs to be assessed is the possibility that beha$iours and

    $alues (ould coe$ol$e in such a (ay that a carbon ta5For other policy

    instrument that raises prices+ such as a cap)and)trade systemFultimately

    comes to be seen as (orthy+ (hich (ould therefore allo( for its long)term


    8eferring to the idea that shifting norms (ill coe$ol$e& alongside increased

    go$ernment regulations+ the authors state:

  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    #ach of the go$ernment inter$entions can influence both personal and social

    norms+ although they do so through different mechanisms, nly social norm

    management directly targets norms, %hoice architecture+ financial instruments+

    and regulations can all alter social norms by causing people to first change

    their beha$iors and then shift their beliefs to conform to those beha$iors,&

    In other (ords: the science !ais propose arousing the concept of cogniti$e

    dissonance in the minds of people in order to guide the herd to(ards

    proen$ironmental& citienship,

    7hen it comes to en$ironmental issues&+ the scientists (rite+ t(o different

    types of social norms are at play in these dynamics: social norms of conformity

    or cooperation and proen$ironment social norms, nly the first type need be

    present to induce proen$ironment beha$iors 'although proen$ironment

    personal norms may emerge from this through+ e,g,+ cogniti$e dissonance+

    e5perience+ or associating the positi$e feeling from social appro$al for an act

    (ith the act itself*,&

    In the upcoming publication the concepts of peer)pressure and cogniti$e dissonance

    are being brought into the e6uation as effecti$e tool for creating fear and insecurity

    and thus increasing dependency and e5tending control:

    '4* norms of conformity and cooperation

    are far more uni$ersal than are

    proen$ironment norms and are therefore

    far more po(erful in inducing

    proen$ironment beha$iors that do not

    conflict (ith pree5isting $alues or

    preferences, In other (ords+

    proen$ironment $alues are not a necessary

    Big Brother is watching.

  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    prere6uisite to proen$ironment beha$iors,&

    7hile the authors do not try to conceal their ambition that go$ernment e5pands

    control through all -inds of en$ironmental regulations+ they argue that scientists

    'especially life scientists ) careful here+ these people are not tal-ing about life

    sciences li-e biology+ medicine+ botany+ oology and such but psychologists+

    sociologists+ cogniti$e and beha$ioural sciences and other bullshit sciences* should

    align (ith big go$ernment+ join forces in an unrelenting campaign to gradually create

    changes in beha$iour so en$ironmental policies (ill be more easily accepted o$er the

    course of some time, In other (ords they are mo$ing to(ards creating the scientific

    dictatorship first mooted by socialist (riters and philosphers o$er a hundred years

    ago as a utopian ideal and later prophesied by (riters li-e r(ell+ ?u5ley+ /hillip

    ic-+ @argaret Att(ood+ Gohn 7yndham and 8ay Bradbury to name only a fe(,

  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    .he scientists (ould+ in such an en$ironmental dictatorship+ be responsible for

    ensuring reality complied (ith theory dreamed up in the alternati$e realities of

    uni$ersity faculties+ they appear to be saying:

    Scientists could '4* effecti$ely e5amine ho( combinations of different

    policy inter$entions and of the relati$e timing of deployment play out,&

    .he paper is concluded (ith three distinct recommendations to both scientists and

    go$ernmental agencies:

    '1* the greater inclusion of social and beha$ioral scientists in periodic

    en$ironmental policy assessments>

    '2* the establishment of teams of scholars and policyma-ers that can assess+ on

    policy)rele$ant timescales+ the short) and long)term efficiency of policy

    inter$entions> and

    '3* the alteration of academic norms to allo( more progress on these issues,&

    .his entire publication is a clear and unmista-able admission that a fascist scientific

    dictatorship is emerging under the prete5t of en$ironmentalism and that such a

    dictatorship has been the long term goal of the academic community, 7hat this

    means @ore go$ernment control through regulations and fines 'and e$entually prison

    sentences and firing s6uads=* combined (ith a proacti$e+ go$ernment managed

    policy of brain(ashing people into accepting this increasing go$ernmental control

    (here they (ould other(ise reject official inter$ention, And guess (ho should be the

    coordinating body of this scientific dictatorship+ according to the report:

    .eams might be supported by permanent entities that maintain communication

    (ith policyma-ers> these (ill differ among nations but could be attached to the

    ;nited !ations and its subsidiary bodies in the international conte5t, ne

  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    potential model is a national commitment of scientific talent in the ser$ice of

    ;nited !ations agencies,&

    .he ;nited !ations, .hat cesspit of incompetence+ self interest+ third (orld style

    corruption and generally a pathological hatred of (estern culture+ $alues and ethics+

    that cabal of decadent bureaucrats and time ser$ers+ racists and (ar mongers, .he

    ;nited chuffing !ations (here a rail(ay cler- (ith po(erful patrons can be put in

    charge of a department that could affect the future of millions of people+ and once in

    position is allo(ed to use his influence for the benefit of his patrons to the great

    detriment of ta5payers in the de$eloped nations+ the ;nited !ations that could not

    organie a piss up in a bre(ery and is not fit to be in charge of a gang of shit


    .hese teams could also be charged (ith anticipating crises and e$aluating

    potential policy responses in ad$ance+ since detailed e$aluation in the midst of

    a crisis may be problematic> such emergency preparedness (ould probably

    focus on the immediate effects of policies on beha$iors rather than on changing

    social norms+ because this is li-ely to be of greatest rele$ance in a crisis,&

    All this tal- of putting the ;! and the global scientific community behind the

    steering (heel of American and #uropean go$ernment points to the coming of age of

    the dreaded scientific dictatorship+ against (hich many obser$ers ha$e (arned us,

    S people+ (a-e up, ?a$e you e$er -no(n of a sane scientist=

    9%A"7A8.s: %arbon anthropogenic gloobal (arming alternati$e reality trolls,


    Our new unhappy lords

    Back hat biotech
  • 7/28/2019 Scientific Dictatorship: Totalitarian World Government Is Not A New Idea


    Slaes To The !achine

    "lobal #orporatocracy Set To Take Oer The $orld

    "i$e And .a-e: "uess (ho gi$es and (ho ta-es

    ederal #5change Ignores .he "oal /osts+ @o$es .he Stadium,

    Britain (ill join euro before long+ says "erman finance minister

    ebt %risis

    %alifornia: .he "lobal %apital f %ray

    "etting !a-ed In .he inancial @ar-ets

    Are .he %ultural /oles lipping

    light rom reedom

    %hemtrails %onspiracy .heory= ind ut .he .ruth

    inancial Alchemy

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