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/I: CO.

:C1l.u,,,, KlUll1UTDNtuu .."mnu

_....,._ ......... 0._....._ 0_..... _

• _ h_,,-......-_IdP _ ......'''' 1"_.... __

d, $1 per monlb. c.Utd for ud delinrcdTelepbone 236•

nuge. Nlllting. Carlleb. I'ietore lo'nme6, and e\"e.,.­

tbiug k\lpt in to first ell.illl lulniture store, go to D. Kent.

t1l"0 dool'll North Mill! Bank.

ADVtllTlSE liE lfTS.

Deal..... in, 11"'11' .ad Pro'fi.ion,. Wbol••l.. Ileef. Po~l<. Mulion,H_., Llrd. Phon.., H.

Th, Ladi" Tallol'ing and Dr... loIatlng E.t"bli,hmenl 011>1l.. Bell,Thorn,*", 11 run in eonn..,Uoo "ilb our Ito~.

L.amkln', Old Blind, South Sid' Squar•.

CO)iJ'J TO 1'11£ l"EW STORE Of' 1U. I', '1'1101111'80::"

For Dry Good', Fanc)' I)rua Good., Notion., RUge", Ladies

and Oonu. I'urnlttllnl" 1,;6.



Dry Good, QOlhiDg. H.Is, Shoa., FumWlings. WCSl Side

Squ..e Ki.kniJIe, Mi-.ri.


JlltSRCHJ={NT T,:;tIL0~S


PI .. I


."-'<1 '-_PI ."""R 050« --.,.........-­e-.; s Soo<rduy-a..... ;".....,.­



orFIURS 0' TUll. ATLAS C~II\l.

~<oN< !\l<ullOo<'pilO._.


, _1')'_.....­­R:"Itt.~

l.oft ao...


)1_ L-.. !'mor_x.,,\._........)I,. ... llott-'r_MoboIll_~loll. La.- 11- _J.r_r-~

M.... .II. DIq}l,..1 I< _k".IlIoo, 1\''-x... 1l..,- ClooII><t" .,;t...Kn. F_ A. Hun_ ..... w"'"dlk~

lIl:_CoIiaJ :0;...-

11", (l-­F.:II PI_II L. e­Job<o )./,)1_

f J.~

o A."'''....O_~.H~........I.>t To. I.> Ooboooo IDr. ~.I: C1orI< fJ""" F _

SOLeM STUDIOIIfgh grId. "ork. W. 0..0 aU01 Mr. Thom~o" n~'live.Ind "In lurDI.h prim. lromp~.


Thil"d door ellat of poflt·office. L'1JPIl6 lUO. AgentforWeeHl~ I,lllllldry.


An.tom,. Jutl <Xlt. A...... ng6<l in .. "l.,r comprebentive mllllntrmaking .~cr:t lubject .llily lce_bl. to lb. ~\ All h.. lf :\10"ooco. Pdee M 50 J. F. J ...."CISCH, AgenL




Tb. Groce., ..11 good l~ings to0\ t.:attrid.SqIl....



II,,, c

W. E.GREEN,DUllls!.

"0 {Olli",,' j(l(l.0'-'- Rni<!cntt, 181.So~lb Side Squorc. K;'ks~;U.., ~lo.

DR. W. R. L....UCHUN·S


D",p, Clndiu, To;lel A"lel".[ml'Ourd 1'ol»~






ijj;h~ Eu[(din


II•. e. ll. liD","'''''. ",IlI..., ......" lOo.ll. Riboc lIN defi.lIt'd hMfdil)" U 'bol biol<:JPo 1&..., ...."'"linc to ..lUcb lin,,!:

t>oi•• teoo lo "'I"'" IMllilch'ttI ill tboit oII'lpril~ and lo .....lIIImit to themlboir rros-tiN. Two ~_t ....... -..I to ~""' aDd uploin bereJ.ity: thebc <I. 'O"oth.lion <I. I.....l\OOftlral t ~ll': aDd the Ia.. <I. evolutiot>. The opecieIip • uDi~y, or rather all iDdividuali~J'; aDd ;t p._' ,e 11.1 ru<>damellw......~i.. tllrout;b ,....... ill. ....b a ",.......".; lhal mellor alIli..-llnd all-.111.... -.nNe eal'b olher. ~ li~~".,. bo_ve•• "'" perfect. CeliaiolIIQdifu:ationa ba,.., o<cum!<l. and it .. 'lU;I~ <fl1.ill lhal I1at civiliud man of,be niaouornth ~01W)'. DOl iMol~al witb prim"i........... All. fIYOilllioOn. ball'Iak""~ 11.1 IlifnilieaDce ..ill be b<11ft" .-:.prtbendM if it be ~ben:dW~ ".~ tw the ....,..,. .... lbat ~.,...en the indiTidual. II ....eonsider.~ f binb up to ......1Iftd old., we"""'" ill ;tthe~of tbe n ........... jua _"'-I. II III. d .... thai lhe "'u11 "odindaal ill DO~ the __ .. i.. WI rhUdbood, .Dd that he wilIltiU torlti..ue to .1_ a<!vaw:a ia)"atII.. s.,~ ill. "Pite <I. ttw. _Iinued .b&Dl! lheiDdiTidual typa .... beo.. p~..,,{....... ill the midII 01 ........,.• transr.........'*'" the i....-ilablr rou",,*tioll. ..hieh "';olai... lhe p<nOIlIoh.y or lhr iodin­ nw~ iI ....u..r ..- (II' _ l!IloOdifiable. It "01'..........n .. lhe i...tmdual. aDd alIo r- ~h 1M Ihrer ph.- of poeth.o:Ii.roa.I; aDd dtra.y. The~ ill. ~-m t~b lhe ..... and ;1 fD&iD.1aiIllI Iltroucb berodily it._~ .0 i..u jail .. peo...alilY P'_' ' ..tbot of lhe i""ividual. U .... ..-id<r illf......., heredi~y _ ",...10IIl<n pmHI. Uu~ thY ... il:l reality. a"~ defHI 01 ...... lIliDd~ if thettp....... bo alJowoed. II i. hull.... f(ll' ... to pup lha~ ..bieb <'I)J$iw'.. p<r­....ality than 10 peroei'" the "",nlDOll lrail.l. Con!oeq"""dy our all.nt;"n~ 10 , .... Iauer,.nd Ib..... __" do _Ihe dilf~ .... beli....thaI ell iDdiridllale are >d••Il.iral .Dd In ...p<rior hoiep, and par-ticularly in are i.. I.... habit of Iooklnt!; for ,he di_lIlilariti...

On ecruti..y. boa·,,·••, it i....,. 10 "j _·IItlI. tha' the .........~ are aJ ...)'I ~nl; the corn <ristiel are """'"ll1lmm>wl than 'M poillil of dill''''''...... eon-:. IIII)·, il ...0 be tha\brndi,y ia lhe rule aW ........heredil~· lhe uMJltion. Tbe I""'....L IUI\unIiMAIud I"" "'011 <e1<l>rai.M pbilolol,hel'l ha," IUU up Ill< 1\00)' of beredil)·,.od ba,·.. cud... ,·ored to UI,WII il_ liul blOII of I ....i. t.I>eoriM hdong 10 lhe



Polyclinic Summer CourseBOSTON, MA:SS.


The .0<'0nI lor the put fin "'Ol>ths. up '0Much tine, 1905. DOS btw .....e.. Ihoauoo

",,11o!ra:D ..,...,,,_a hUlld,ed, Ii 11-1'11"0 pa­

tients. D;~llt (QQ enllliDed a:>d lreal­ed 10 date ale .. fdloon: C:rH'COlOl;;"a!,sisty.~o; ere, DIMly,,,a,_ ob.uUical,

sl.r.teeu ;oI<hl discve. ooc II a lld,ed /on)'_,b_;

.-.e:ta1. ,,~..,o: opn.'io,," uod.. ""CSll>..sia, tweal,. ,""U; ...;110< Ill,&"Cry, ,.. hlla_

dud thirty•..........•.•••••.••.• ,_ ....

II .5P'ftlA:L DlrLDn#!: roll. THf to\lltsr:.

=~~~='fD. fUITHEI ,nnCUllU lDDRtU<=====

fflassacnusetls COllege or OsleovatnyPOLYCLINIO DEPARTMENT,




OF TilE ATL,I.$ A:'il) AXIS Cl.U::~:c _



(l s~u "'....... 00"',,,;, 101...... KUQ';Ut. NO, tal OUUltlft. THE BII'LLETi". ,liMl. The ,~mmul 01 Danrin, aDd 1M pWniduiell 0/ lIlCek~1 ""' Jl<I'" wellfO'f;OIoten. Tb~ HI of WeiMmaD, aloM, d_rve our alt~nlion, although theyhaYe beotn vicorou!!ly erilici8cd. .W~n oon.ablisbo:d a radical difJ~nee bet....n lhe f'6lImduellve a.nd

lbe ofber edIo of the body. The forme' ..... ewnal; lbey do noI. die, a.nd tit....1bey -..e lhe perpetuity ofl.H~

Thif ,LaIaDUlI .bid> "",y al lim .wen lo.ntaaie, fi",b Apport in lhe.OOy of unic:dlular beinp. Amoel». ~uate IbcmoeIv.. b}' /laaion. It ~not ex~ to .'1 1h&.I. ODe animal~ule hu r;iren birth to ..-her. 1bere .."";ther _he, DOl" daU/lhwr. bullhen> ""' t.o!titers. Amo:ba ""' coII&~~ and the amo:ba of t.he 19th teollllty ia Ihe!!&IDe" t.he one .hM:h ut>t<'dn ,he ~nnitl,g of t.he world. If pet<:hanC<' a Ie. am",ha die, 0' ,ite pool in"'bleh they Ii". dries lip, ~heirdeath ia merelr a t"'"leY of ""eidonl.

:-;olhilql; in the .""Iuti"u of thia 1'l'OtOloon doom<'d it to dealh. ~aluraJ.

death lor it d,..... not exist. The """. 10000i. Dlny be npI.lied 10 lhe ll.n.....tion0/ lhe ~rrs of higher Bnim.o.ilI. The only difleren"" i. thai they p""l lwodMBOll 0/ ",,110; cello who,", I.. IIotio" it i. to mnintnin the life 0/ the ~ped,,", ~nd

whieh nro oO~luently immortAl, ."d eoll. that will ""...tilule the body. the110m".•"d nro there/ore d""tin",1 lO die. The theo"y 01 the co"tinoily of thegermin&! pl....m. ""plains penooll1 the 1".....C'o·.tion 0/ the tpeeifio type. DulWciel!,,,.,, I'Wlh.. his Ih",,,·)" to> iUlul,"",,1 limit.!!.o.nd .rect3 nn imp...ible b/lrrierbel.eeo the ""matie and the gil.....ting celLo. He d_ not admit thai theformer may ha,·. any inllue""" upon \.he laltet, a.nd ""n8tquently de";... thetr....miaeibillty of ""'luiml cltr.rMte... AI un. p<>in~ "'e must make • <\ia..tinctkJn .hicb '" WI""""'" '" be of IlInwunenW intpol1.o.""". Acquired. eha......ten may be of t..., kiI>d&; they may be aeeident.o.l and IhertlOI'6 not. I.ra~ible; or they ll1&y be due to lo liona! modifie&li<>a&, and tbeD tbey an; herMi_l.arJ'. Thlo diiIIioelion lead.. '" the lollo.i,,& ...... co....I\lSi<>n: Berndit".ia lhe~ of flll>CliotW but not of .o.nat<>mical moddie&1i<>coo.wit<> de<lY lhe t..n"",iMbilitr of ""'luiml eluo'-:Ier& ~~.....lly ";ton the JniobBee. For mO,," thaD tb""" tb<>u..nd )"MI'lI eireumei!lion has beotn p..",i«damollflthem, a.nd ).~ tbe ehildren continue to be born "';tlt loroaki.... In lhe• me y ~be you,,& of oertaill dop ...m- Laila &r>d .... ha"e beotn elipped arebom ;tll tbeir devewl,oo jWlt too ""me. On the otlw:r hand, IcCWI ",,~id~r. functional dillt.orbllnce. Xothing is "" instructi"e in tltit ~I""'t

M the 1~1ll0Wl experiment 0/ II""""n i'equanl.If lho ..,ialic nerve 0/ a I\"i"o&. pig be eut the .ni",.1 boeom.. epilepti".

If it loe m"le,1 and brings lorth )'oung, 1h""" will also boeo",e epilepti". What isit,lth..n thlllhAll been tra""mitt",l in this e....,? '" it the mutilationl Nolat"n.The ..,inti. "",ve in the ofl'l'rillll i" quite normaL It is Ihe funotio""l<h5tu,b­Moe aloM whicb Iw!beon Iixedby heredity. M lh~evdopmcnt of an orgllnia ftgUlated b)" e:<=~ 0/ that 0'l!an, il is ""neeh'able that t ..N,,";tt"" lun....tiona] modi6...ti""" may be aecompaniM br anatomical alte..tio....... a ""0­

aequenee. Suppoee I.... example. for. man '" he tilted by Iteredily, 1fitb

~perior intellig.nce, he a'i11 ""'''" into the ,,'orld ';11t part.ioul.o.r .ptiludea...hioh .;n call lo"h an uoo"".1 development of lhe eerebral .."jill. In otlter.-orUa, it is oot bee&""; the brain ia hilhl)' developed, that the ;"teIligence ofue indi,idu.o.l is ""marl<able, bOI lite an&lomieal C6nltTa ...hieb "I'Ve .. the.oblt..tnm nhhe lnne1ionbau .ttainM an on--.l deYel<>pnteDl bee&uroe helIN inherited a ...perior oerebnJ po....... Our.........,tioa ~> .o.ppfie&bIe '"~t.o.Imalfonnal...... 'J1>oal, reanlli..- It'Om aecident-fOl' imt.o.nee, a..,J'U"'IIlIOon by the ombilieal oord_", analop;nw: '" ""'l,,,rod trauma,i" 1..00-1'btr IlllIlIIDlitt.ed. 11:>oM produced by luo"uOllal diaonlen. a.nd lJx.erer tinc a" lU'Te&I or an ex..- 01 de..dop_nt. or a re\.um "' anoat.ralfonn t..nomit<M to • oertai.. "umber of ~......t;"lIL 1'be id JUSt e>:_

1'.-1 notbl,,& more than the al'plioation III the ~~ Ia. that the func-lion I'~" the "'P", and exrlai"", direeta .nd rt'gllllltea ita d",·elopm"nt..·unotiOOllI ohangeo alone are loo....enul enough 10 modify ~he.""_t\·ati,·e roleof herodil)". To sum UI' ....O admit lhnt the g<lnn plum 8001I through the a.g..~·;thout manilesting ."y te,~l..""y to modification. It l're""rv"" the iDdivi_dualill' of lhc opeei..... The wmatio cerr. on the cont....ry undergo the in!l~.

one<> of evoiution. They are cfleewd by "",Icrnal ag<:nl •• and roaoting in the"lonl on the germi,,&! cens. gi"e them a new direclion. They teod til modify1100 pri'nith'e type. Alte, tbe l'rweding oonaiderntwn, &fl"in tilillll up lbe two>,~At Ia.... &!"",d)' ofleml .. accounting lor evolutioo, lYe can ..y; tite law 01"""'C'o·.tio" 0/ the aneearal tH>e fiod. its explanatinn in the persi;<t.en.,., ofIbe germ plasm. Ibe law of e~oIotion lind. ito e:<planal,()II in mo:lmeation ofthe .,matic: c:dI$.

Aceitlent.o.l "han1;8 ""' 001. ' mlaoilM bee&.... they -.:It the .,maonly. Fuodament.o.l murW.nee& a hen:ditai')' .ben the aom.o.tie mndifiea-u.- they induce~ upon the l;UU'in.ol eeIh!. If. ill lhe ~t ....., anstomie:aloltanpo ap.-r, il ~ beeauae lhe <Ie>"eiopntellt.o.OO tbe Anlcturf! of the 0I'll'"are KOverned bJ' lheIn~ 01 .h;eb they ...... lhe ...wiaI .,bIt..lum- I~

.. we belie.-~,;" 'his .....y that heredit)·.,... be undemood, and t""-t .....tiof~!.Or)" huia can be 1<MlIId for the 1"'0 Ia.... OIl ""......·.tion and evolution by ...blebil appeo..n '" be go'-.:rnI!d.

RoLl: Q~ T1IE TWO GE"E....TOIUI. In superior bei~ henodity i$ dependentupoo t,..., r""to... The<)~lienlly, ..,.,.,rdi~ to ,he dllte III embryogeny, """h.,.,I1 of the no'" bom aoimlOi <:nn""il\ll ,be ""me qu~ntiti.. of malo .od fcmnleobro"'otin. •..."""rdiugll· it ....ould """'" lhot the ,,,'0 ge"eralU.... IfiU" inllu_ceoo lhe product in a" "'Iulli d""l"OO. A.. a malte, 0/ IMt, the ,eoulto aro not110 ei"'l'lc. N"ither tho phyilicsi no, lho morai ,.,,,,,,nllia,,o. i. "" a,·cmge.On. of the parent", exe,ta a p~l",,,derant intl""""e. f:!e,·., ....1 hypothe",," h",·o~n advsncOO to explain thie ",""It Orehs""ky eiainlll Illal Ibe I'",e"t nea""eal mo,,,rity imp.rIll ita &ex .nd p." it.!! like"""" to Ihe off'pring. II is eaoyto raiae objections to lhis th""ry. I~ i•• howe"er, ~ffi~iont to ""lI1.II.rk thatIII torin p",«naney ohild"".. ""' fl'6<Juentl)" 01 a difte..,nl ..x. Thia I""t 111&.)"

rta<Jay be explained if.e a«ept lite opini<>n ...entertain"" bybro<'de~ A....

o S~DN_0 ; ... .w_, ~riJIo,YO

4 1'11I: IItlt.I..B11I1.

-.liD« 10 I"""" I~tioap.....~ or. lomalo -.:o:ordi.... it Oft'W'I.ttbe boe,;inllillf; or md 01. tbo numnia.. If lbe llOl. 01. the __ at:<

i~ it bfeaute 1"0 __ . h..... beta fmilized .1 1.-0 di«eftllt 11..-. AII>OIIttthe di""n1~....hieh...,thout doubt 1Il\l$l. be .UriooiM to .he eollsbol"ltionof Ih~ Iwo perellUl, 1",* d1l" 10 OOIliIln~"inily dOlen-e uI~nlion. Ii is II mat­l~r of eQmmOn kllQ,,'I,'tllle IhAl JMml\llCli bdw\lCll ,."IAtil'(~ ,;h"C bad rtlIUlll!.S"ch ~,"", .lerile o. ,he ohildren ""A"to" lrom malfo"""t"""". poly.d.....y!oj;lIl. a1billl8"', pilj(menlary ~ra,iorII .nd <lpeC:ia11)' 11'008 deaf_lIl"t..... nllt t.IWo is 110\ o.I....ya lbe.-..nd ill .....Ily ........... ehiId~ bono01 aueh~ ba ~ __I. Aa. malter 01 !:l he elft'CtlJ01 •• ....Ili_ rriaf:e! are .0 be upw.w.1 &impl.. U ...-tinD 01""'lJIl>OlI ~""""'t..... Aa lho,' bf:l""tll _ lama;·, lhe c"'"- .... r:reatl""llh.. pareoUl~ the .me cba....<te<Ut;"., • ...1 lhe."", ph~"liealO' roorald~f<lCUI. The)" mar bo ~Iir:hl io each one of lI'ern. bUI the)' o.dd 1i>l'",IIcl .....nnd ioc"'Ut'in lhe d"'lCel>dIlO1~,""II"'YA..:> no! rorrcclfld b)'diA"c",nldof\lCUlmquali\.iool. \\"e «IlIlcnd then 11..1 marri~ "~h'tO>n ""1.1i.·... "'W p .... llood......IUI ..ben lhe pail' do I>Ol.~~deI~ Otbenriae tbo .....dff...t ~. be «>aaiden.bly~tM ;" I"'" olfaprillr. CoaaapiJU'y """ dcd ......mlllam·e COD,"",,"'lI hered't~·, ~ .._...,....,..... .pply to....mapa lormM ~~n individ...... 01 tbe __ aocio.I .Iaat. .nd ..,........q"..uly ha,',,,,,, lbe _ .ptitude!, tallleo .Dd 1mdO'....... I,;". IOOcilII __••"'jtUini,,. ",hich nuoy be «Im(>Orrd 10 f.mily «IRM"l!"ini~y. The ......,ltt aree"i<!enlJy Allnl~OWI. Hel'<'<lil)" fi~CfI nn,l exnAA~""lr... vari""" deloct., bul' ..1"....1 ecl<>etion inl""e",," IlOOII~r or latcr. II oo"ol~rb.olan""" lho ""Ire­v-i"c efI'...LI 01 ~I lItIee1iM, and .00. ill Rentily of Ibcee det:;c.......tefamiliN. '"'" inft""""ll oIlbe 1.lher" oot ........ ff'lt b}" ,be O\"Um boo 11M j"""~""Ia!. ladj>iduaJ. bon!. bier han: '-" k........ 10 _b1~ lbe ","t

~tor ,n -.>elW1-i"IlIa... Imp~""linDoIlbe -.ther... tbe pllraee'"II, '- Iu... place. AU~.... k....... lbal • bitcb l_ndaWo:! for IIIoe &rfllime br.• dOll 01. dilf"""ol rue ,iHlI birth in the 1"0 ",,~veUI~ 10 Youn,(..-mblin, Ihe fi",,1 laU",r, ahh""gh tbe imp",,!nn'ion w... by • dOll: <>f11,c ""me nl""a, the mot he,. Cs!1l(\I n", 0" """'lrd of wom~n of lhe wloiWl nl..."'hG .11jO Io.>·inll: had • child by • " .....1"0. ha'", IIUlHoc(Jucnlly .nd as tl'e 1'O'<l11;01 'nlel'roU.... ""b. man 01 1....1' o"'n "'",c. ,;i"en blrtb to children 00 lhebod;.. 01 ..hich • f.... black pJc:moenlary opoLl rwld be __. '1'1on'P;". _ 01. ....... bdoaf':ioc to a f"",i1y;" ..h;cb lor ~llt'I""ft­

tM>IlII. o.lI Ihf maleI ""I'e hYJlMll&d;'. 1bio ""'.. marri<d bad u.- ,,~,po.

apadic .hildmo. Aller hia lkalh hia .-if" ~.....rricd ."" bad row ~hiJdren, aDoIwl>Gm "e", h)~i~.0.I1~....... _I blllband .... perf...II.. I"""",,.'fl«!R 10"1' ohihl",n Ioo.d in Ih~ir t"m "le""n .hild",,,, only OllC of ..h<.,;, IJU/fe",.Jlro,n IoYI'<>.III",dia. Tho .l"'",unll 'lelecll .... n..n;llt'<! "" /1. .....,,11 of lhe ,,,alor_nd impf'Cll.... lioll had .1l"\lCtl'd, il .l>~"'" her OfJ.anlsm 1_ d<lCI'I}', ,.;...., i,abo.-cd. ""'0,: lendmry 10 d....pJlftll'. n- f..,la ba,... _h. mJ.I~QflfCI thal oenalt> om.... u.nablc to und...."" tbemhan:rouDd't .....r 10

,deny Ibcir reo.I '""'"'~ 'I'hoiIe ..boD ba .... U;M to aplaill'hcm ha.... ad....~Ihree 1-boorioI!a; ..... oIlhem ...we-- thaI lin imperfe..t luundalioo 01. 1_ on.till in lhe 0".'" lakes pt- .t .he .in.. 01 lbe Ii.... fmiliution. ADotberadrnitt. I'~rfect l\lCundation and m""""'cr, 1IU~ lbat I"" G'"m ..aita! forroodiliu"" "'0'" f/l~ornble to iUl de"e1op","nt, 1'h_ t,,·o hl'JlOlbrees.", ovi_dmlly nol· hued "I>OIl .ny known I.eta. LI _"II 11I0'" .. li""o.I 10 admit anin'l'l'lllInalion 01 the molber by I'" f_.... The b'ler II.. inberit«l,be qual­i.... 01 the r.lher, II.! cella ba.... reori"M from lhe I~her • IllltritionoJ aDdfunctioN! dirm.iooot manller;«d by a p&<ti<ular ....I.e 01 t"'" BlIida. All.-.q........ 01 tbe «Iotin...- eha"«fS 'akin« place tbrou,h tbe placa>... oenainduble prOOlICt. melt lbe mot ..... and 1",1W1- .0 her fuoctioDal "hane­lerJO .-...b1i"C t'- 01 lhe I.t..... Art". aU,~lbe I'-'Y doeo no ....... lhanex~nd t<> Ihe ...·e"lIlo.n.. or impftll... lion lhe msult.l dCri"M from Ibo I~udy

of aYI'IUli.. All ne'l"il'<'<l d,.......,\<'~ will in tloill w.y b" horeditary nnd p....from generatOoo 10 ~encratioa indefinit<ol)', uOlil • Ii",,, .mVfll when a ,,~.....~ ...... .-lified. or ""'""" 10M.....~ ,,'itboul .-.1ainable ...-.TIlia ;. ill ""U"" .....,...... l>anria baa eollooct.ed alarr oum..... 01 eumpleo...~ ~ho.. <'UIa'1l "Ila.....t y oIip .........J p .....t....... W. aIIalIa&'",n rer", to them ..boa conIitkri"C , 0<4 .......iooo.

IIE1tl<l>iTY O' :\.".,u.,,,& D_IlJ:Q.

1\n>Ong 1"'= lunClio"" ,,·l,.,.., modificalion. may In8u,,"co herodil)', Iho onoll1IlI1 l«'ncnd "'\lilt filllt J:,., "'cnl iona!, lllll nlion. \\'o.n kno", ,he !,nrt 1,.1'<'<11.Ilu)" nlOdifit1lI00O& pia)' in tbe d""cloj"""nl 01 .... hritill and ..,rofula. ~u1 " ...Ila>'e ·n how • 1il!;h1 ,ai,,1 in ,"" Jl<II",nla P""'"I " ..,.... in tho ~nl.t.Tho f atriki"C ;" arthrilic po.-,.Dti it....aily admilO; 01 ... uplanalion.\\beIl arthriliom de~ under the WI""..... 01 u",""" ",,-.1bI: bt.~B_ adull ftlla, ..1UCh .... endonrtd wilh • ..-ell dcfi-' mode 01. ldivi~y.

Tho mod~lioa lben:fooe ill t<> alf...t fIODd,tioGlo 01 -.oy J"'UI ...odi"C,..·b•...,.,. diotu"'_ 1....""miuM 1»' beNdil,. elfecl y"""C indiridualsnol yet~lof n nutnl"'e difflCtioll. and therero", JUJily inn"enc..l by tbe im_1\.-10'" Ibo)' rooej'·e. 10 Ihill ,,'a)' ....,..dopl to the Iludy of hcrtdil~' ,100 ron·diliOlll "'hich .... ''er)' 1-';. 01 CWId"'II'1 OOuoa'iOll. III both...- )'OUJOf;...u. yield easily 10 inB_ ..bicll tbey would ......... ,It tbcir lIdullat.te. Ln~. r.miIy 01 arthritica .... bel ilt ...n&i.. 01 'U _ber's teadell...........b ""'y .henla'~, AIItO"C il.! _ pnrnl manif.-alioltl. .', ...._ ........_ all" fl'OOl. ........Isiu ."" bnnic....ia toItypocbotldri&.nd f.UydlabH8,gravft,""". n-rariou d*,"Uera _y_n;"t in the iOlln", indi,idual. but monl lreq"ently lhey ahemal<! ill hi"",,11Or hill d""""nc!anll, fo' ;...lnn.." n gOllly father til.)' lul.\·" nn artbritic cbild.1n other "'orda, In art.britic IOn ""A".riDfl; in llis )'O\uh from bcmi"..nio,l!eoo'naoanhriti" ...I",n .\.Iout fif_n, .round Ihirty or lort)' be ;" aOliotcd ,,'itb goul.DdIaler ond;""01 co-rebro.I befilOi'.. lIcredityis.......-.·Jw.lltbeduld...fI"era110<11 tbe laO., ..ben lor inata_. 11"')" .... botb artbritie

• TIl£ BllLLETlJI. THE flUl.I..BTU. ,.... ~Iy, i~ ill ealled borooIos- ...!Im the manif...t .......... djll'~l.

At\.hritianl is lbe inMrital\<e 01 .hilixd~ and 01 ""'''P!'''' n- :\I.­iDdivid.... ptud wi,b .. IO;lpo'rior 1I1t~ ..~ taiJltold b,.it. ~_ an!0I1ea Md, rul&lti<' aDd __td; tlori........... aplil..oe. hI..... d....oloptd ......«J...n,.: 1loo:T laffer lrom dt6<;,........d diooodt....hi<:b .,~ bordft-_i-";I~·. In ....h ",hjft~ ~jlY lI1Ily <"OIIl;n~ \.0 emphMiu tho ruperiorqualiti... lln"h 100 ohen it ..- l~ prodomina....e of thee~l di3-oNe.. and .ndo in "",ntal dqi;c :nuion Be i ....nll)'. We .....ll return to thesequ••niolll! ...""" l_lJ"4t of n,/'VOWI homily.

The ,,",oDd diathe-is, ICrofula. ill found in children born 0/ parenti in badh",lth, auff"ri", from .,~ chronic inlOxic"lion or infection, aleoholism,aYI.hilil aDd ~i.ol1~' 1\l~",u1 ...i.. They ...........klinglll;th Il_id ,nll"dOl,l<»lIIand .ill-y C~·.,).thlll. hn",rt.-ophied IOMil. and wide l>OlII". Duringtbcir fI..' ~-"I'$ l","y 8ll1I'"r from ""urioul adenop.olhi.... In th.i,}"OUlh tIMor.... in d.~r of 'aUill; .. prey to pulmolal'Y lUbereulolil...hie" _. noerali... and prettuo~r ftIlh Ibrir Ii..... In lhil .....y the.....,. 01d~~ .. di.pp..r~ 10 the 1:.., ..... oInatunlllelec1io:D..

n.. 01 Ilulril.ioa. u-t by ehroo>M! i.atoxi<al...... f~\lItt>Il:r

-....if_ llocir jnA, , .... i.a lbe~. ca.iId"".. 01 diJ-malliaaan!! .....,.d",,"dopcd aDd ~I nu..-- qm.ta. Their .... i.e bckror lbe aY'Cnp.The ller'''' aysIem ill rwIime..tary and Ihe ....ua1 0I'pDI an!! .malI. In addi­tion 10 lhio inr&1llilisol, bt1w rnarlced malformalio<lo .....y uio~ .....h u nanial0. 1ac:ia1 -rmlDClry. II .... po..- from lhis ttllody to lhat 01 tbe fUl'I(tioas we.haIl J>OU .."mel'OUO dilturhanrft 01 the .......ou. 1)'&I(m. A.....lhetie aDd hY!""...."'lth(ti" 1Ipo~ are obe!::...·oo, M wen M exalQl~nltoo ""flexee, lie<'!' ",ay be di..turboltJ by night",,, ..., t(m)" and frequently by urinary ;noontin(nC(. Th"dillpOlllion '" ~be aubj<:(t ill Md, mo""" and .....ibility i. exoggcnlted. In_t,ll4I:.n~ i. oIt\"fl prwlOCiOU* Ind may flOe'" to I"nounce &"""'1 intcllt!clualqualiliel. RUlln a........... O<:<:utS, 0' at Icaot a Ia.k or equilibrium, _"C.aIt__ 01 ulcntion and ";U, .nd odditiel of ideIa lind behavior will be..we-hlc. ...~ ti...... 1Ioowevc., • lew aptilllod", pcniot, particularly artiatieIalcou. But CTtD ia thill ClIO' the -.henioI 01 the "","0\>1 0:-"_ "'1'_il8tlf in a de!icien~ nwnJ ..- aDd il> bad aJ>d i..-.ub6e im.,w- AIIlOIlllU- rieOouo impuJ.. diPM""'nia I&kts a dirlinet rl-- It. 1~_lIy ... abue 0I1iott- ae.dltO; bat il.~y the~ ..hlcb..Irue- T.... lint "'.... 0Iliy lbe occUon .1Ik1l -. in lDOtioa a I'~.-t~~ W, muK baotcn 10 add thai hel'l'dily • not ;""mahle. """"..the ..... of all a1c:obo1i. illP~ from tbe influence 01 """'Uioo>aI C&~,he d"'dopmcll~ of dipenman;' ia mamoo, or enn dift,,,,,,ly prev.nted.Whllt wn have just Mid or dipll<)mllrUa, al"" IWlieo 10 mi$dNUClnOr1, Iheft.or .rim." Oll.te, "'oraUltl dw(U upon tbe inen:'a"" of ehild eriminality. Jfantee«lant. an: looked fo., it il lound thn~ moot young .rinliMI... '" ""'IS ofd'llenUal"', Ind p.nieula.l)' or a1eo1>olie.. On lhe Wght(lt I,rovoention the"'llIe'" NWealo th_ in...Wl .l'tltud.... s..veral 1_ I<'OOu. dioturball.... have

lhe __ palhof;e.-ia. C(I<I........, whicll a": too. 1"Mdilr: looIted IlJ'O'l byp&mI~ II e<>mmoa ....lioaI, take~~hid'I~ ,n 1......led ehiId~ 011 _~tcI a ~t.e, an int_,na! ....... I)t an ' P:"""'--- III.~".... mlhed~...ybtc_.,-: .. Thc'nf__y 'udf'..lhepred~ ",,"ow "'1\""', ~icalarly ill 1M lIPiD&! tord ~e &II

inf....tile p&raiysie. III 0Iht1" ..... &1l ~tal ..~ _y dClfflDllloe lhe apo­~ of lymptOOll of hr-Hia" tlplfCiaUy or~. In 8ll O\It of I~~,epilepticol.",born 01 panonlt tainled ";Ih~"'. T~ IXher ~hrotItC;"loxiCllI;"'nI are equally .l'~ 10 ~i\', rile to dlSlllrba..- 'II ~he d~­anlol- Fim 01 .U "'lurni,", m.y he eiloo, When the "'other '" JlO'I'I~'lbortion illhe ",",11, ",hen il i. Ihe lath~r attid(nll am no 1_ freqltem II"

~'II by lhe lollo,d,,« fi~u"," lak~n from C. I'aul. out.or • Wild. or 1"1 ea__there w= 52 abonioDl," pl"(tnllU'" birthl and fh.., .I\,lIho.n dllldren. Of theSO ebildren born alive hI..,nl)· di<d in the eou.... 01 a y("S" I~ bet,...,.,.. I~ limInd tbe third YeA••nd H "..,..e nilllivi....-. When lhr)' a>...~,'e ....11 ~hild"","",er fro... ,"ariouI m<lr'b;d ......iI(61aliono al......y refnnd to, IreqUftlI ........

..w.i<mI 011 lbe aIitl:llteit C&1II'e, varioatl ~_tio~ and~•.'"''''''cli-u-.........II II~, i",bcoet1iIY, idioey, Cle. \\e -r -. - upontbe od,~r i.aloDeal;"" 0I.ha1~ ilium, the intorieatieot y be" ..ben de-~.. mae'" a eenallo~, .~lity ~peo :t~, III w.,,;..,- ...-r de-feeti,..,~ dillapr-r. n.e eoosidenl_ 01"'100"'1_ lea<h _ q~Wl .....lumy 10 lhal 01 Weel"""', Ii...... it ill IhrotlKh tlorir infl_ lha~ the rnlo:roIJtIIact. I~ io a _Il k......... IaCl that ",ioerobel paaI f""", lhe moxher 10 tbe f<:l'tualbrou~b the plaetnl., and .lto that 1_ frequ,ntly tbe infeelion io communi­'d by lho fatber.In tlte ........h~ the pathogeni. n~(nt dnee no!. l""'em lhe placenla,

Ihe pl'Qdu.t JUlY p,-"t " ""rieo 01 lC<'id(tlll tailed l'"l"I.infeeli'HlIl, lIudi",-1!'Inkul.rI)' in IYI,hili," It mI)" he li"" • .peo::i.aI e<>ndition IOlnetimeocnuAlIjI;the death or Ihe f"'IUl. II ...... the 1""-1".n")· of a\)onion. I[ it con"", intott.! ororId Il all lhe ehild iI f..,ble .nd baa a bad _ilulion. 11. de,·, tee'tbi"lil ~ardtd.nddcf«tiv.;at ti...... the n\lll"lbro"of ._h it bo!IowUoc nnnuJ or ...J>ft'IIu.....,. """II itotrodu_ itael! bee.....,., lbe t-"tI a>pn-iori.......... The UoeIh 1ft d...rred: 1M IUpn-ior Jntdio,ni~freq~llv lUff...• panicalar del......liooot deoeribod by Ilntt~, ...-Ir, a _.bed dcf>..........Ut 1_ ett"itIt: of t_ I_h. 'TIlt ....... 1ft poor ito lime. oaIt8. od_paM of !be orpnilnl 1ft aloo a6mfli, aDd deal_ frequt:tllly nm... V,itl,.t.! dental a1terat t""," t04Stitutt 1_ triM! of lIlll.IIi........ Physial aDdin'eJlcttual~ nt .. olow, W.lItiliam it Irtquellt, tile IflUl" t"tDlIill""'limenllf)', ruben)' ;, mardtd, inlell<'d iI I"""",,, _itra nil. (ODvul.i<>.,. al"( flWJ.uent. I~d(l the "ariolll lIil!m.ta momi""",l, '''''f;(nit:ll mal_

['..maliona nllY be obeervoo. luoh el "pin.. bifida,ban:'lip,h)"droctl'bdlll, mi·t~pal,,". II i, p.i"eil~~n.,· metentAl J",~ll)" whi.h (tI/t.n,l... Ihe datu.1>­&nCoE'e jU'1 ,-nell'ioned. I'ulenull influ(n"., .howl il..,J1 pl"(f(l"IbJy in .bortion.Oul 01 100 ca..,. of l'''-'K",nt)" due to ","le oyphiliti,.. only 19 children


(A paper mod bd't:In" ltot. l: I. O. A. lit. I'lfau.nt, 10..... AI>riI S. 19%.)

............1:(;......", UI"IlU...crol<, 10"~.

In lbefap}" or tbt...peulOei iI .,..1lIIidnt<l .hoe d;""m.H)· IlIId applicotion." _...J_ for di_. eurs.i...,. In <It"'" ..-ordf~1 ;".be d....."...,. ..... appl;'..lion of " prinri!*. or 1hi"l! d~ft'fd ..hieh ..he<> IlPPIio=d o:.llI'ed IlOr'<llA1body IUlldionillfl .-!>o:ff .bllC)f1l:laliti.....<1 di_ p..."icusly uiatod.

From the wriline of lI"tn~r·. poem•. poior 10 the ad'-cnl 01 Hypoerit..the ",mooi.l agene'" ""e... thour;ht t.<t be h_ril: of .. n'y,"crious oaln",.'fhe aprli ...t'"'' ...... made bj' tllbbing on, Or ,ake.. internally. Th~ id...hol,l. ",i,h .. large uumher "f our ~ood 1>1'01,10 \<>-d.y. To be .(J~lu..l h "\\l$1p..... throu~h the .t"",ach Or ;sen'«] hy inunclio". Whr nott The ",gularm.thod i, ;"u"Chon, [n).elton or by d~.

JI "1III,hi& fo!.a<:;.ou. ideo. "ith iUl mul.llnd.. of biln..... lhal ...uJod Dr. A. T.~till. tbe !oUDder of our .....1lOt,.0 OIop.nd think. Life I<> hi'" ..... ,,'O<1bIlI<ln (boon all 11>0 nploded 'boo..... to be 1""'00 hd.-_ ,"" lidI of rneliiealm, II. studied _tnrt nod 101 natn",', to hi.l qUMiN. lie tdlo ...tMt ...beft ,~ io Pft"leet rimb,"'" 'beft io perf_ lI.oallh; that ullinter_n1l'tod nen-e r""", _ .... perl_ rirndal..... ' Illal ,"" b.hon.tory of the bodywithiu ill all $lfficient I' all ti..- whom! llft"'"e lol't'e ill unimp&ftd IDd the life!uidI ...d P""'" of lhe body obIli...

With 1'- h)i>Ol'- befo... til 1ft IbIR collllidc. lhe! "~r" methOOoIllftling I I.... 01 'he rn.-t ""mmon di_ .nd rom!"' ... with Ihe(lI(lropathic methOO, .nd oote reeull8.

Chronic gutritil 0' cltfo..h 01 the .'o""ch iI fim on our lilt. We teke thechronio fonn 1Jc<,1"'" thll lome fonn i. oh,·lIl'ro hy the lelv;ng off of • few meal ..With the chronie form luch is llOt lloe ._.

Etiology or ••"Ie, (I) dietetio, i"'l'ropcorl}· 1''''l'''red loodo. I'e..w;teut.... of ""'rtlin forticleo 01 ,1;", 100 much r.u. fOOlb """,lini"lltoo mu.h 01 the..rbohyd ...I.... (2) Anemil, .hIo chronic IUbcteuloU. (ll 'Loeal ron·ditiollL (I) lhe! ..omaeh iledf "'_, ulcer. elc. (b) conditio... of lheportal artub.' ........ lt>. rirrboliio, cltroNc: hH.rt diwMe ..r omlin chroniel~ alFlPC'tioN......o.Icr.

Any ..........hieh.nIl prodtlCl' .....tiJI...- mode...te ;,..,.;"";0,, to lhe ...__ bftfte of the _.II ill capable: of prod"';,. ehmnie caturho.l ~t~o.l'ODie pMriti...y be ICCOJI<b.ry to pri....rr distue d_"".... OlIpftiallytnitral diMNc of ,he Ioeoo~ IDd inteJst'tiallilcpo.titis.-Tyooa.

Local irritfotioo...·ou bca~ <ll" d*,nl~ li,"('I', then, .... the pri"",ryco..... leconiing to t1>ete distin«uishetl fomho... Thlt I dilonfered li'·ermijtlot flil to el"bo..le ,he blood IS rapidly .. it "hould fond llou. produ~ ~i,·eOOI'I~tion i. 'Iuite probable, 0. tluo' I ~fok helrt mil' Iliito brio« 10 the atom".h~'"n. I'llre blood 1...1 eno,,~h is like,,"i"" true, lout if the"" di.tin~u;.hC<f write.."·ould go bIIok • ]i\110 I.rther snd looato fond ..",ove ,l,e ..,.1 troubl., wo Ire

(l StiU !'loti"..10Jl0<,p0dI" M._.II:Itk....U... PlIO

THE BULLItTI/l.10 . ill

, • f he ).tieoll who han 1>0<:0"," chromcallyinclined to believe that m,an, ,~__ t w~ll without the aid of tne following t",,,t­in tnio pArticular would ,,,vl """,0

ment6 ",1\-;.00. pooood to .timulate the gMtri"Tree.\ment: "MedicimlOl, web M."re .u:~ columbA and mrichnia ate

"""reti"..., bitler loni.., .uol, M qu~, ~n :"0, _~ ""....rlol thonah none"h"' fK*<Itobet<'em..... r-' • 0

gi,·en. Of 11I_ Itne lUI '," lUI' t Hln"da\;'ll!: acti<lo on the _"'tioo, affect­0{ tbem ha~ probably any' err gl'efo

. h.t ,j' ion "--0.1••.ing the appetIte r& t..." •.~ and ...ith Ihit ,,".101'\1 loch .. Ca.!, Ems

Dietinll; the IJflllcnt " ".nd Wieobr.den Ire """",;"Iy rtOOffimer>ded. h <>4.fld the ...u~ {or

II ..-ill be _0 hI"" then,_rd~.I", a;:: ~:..:td ~" the kind of foodthe catan:bal ",,",h~on ~ ~ot~~e:::;v.;r or p;;lm" ry In>IIble.taken or '" .I.... 10 • ..... «6 v"""",,"" engo~Fn;m,> inacli"'~y of tbe Ih-er,it ill ,rut. ..... ma::. ak be&rt .... may

, -~-ion or,from tbe fllfccu '" a... ,ment and tJ,,.. a p"'IIl,,-e ........-. 'L_ b '~I bu~ .. ,be blond Iltlpplyho,.-e • lack of proper nu,ril.ioo 10 I"" ..oma. I , .. uominal aorta,

, "" it ~_ ohort from 1"" .""ill <lircc<. from tbe _hac artery.. -'.' _L _A '- laid .bollv.~. nal .... of &MIne ..Urm ~u "" •

i~ is liM l;kdy lha. tbe pnl ..~. ""x the.....u. of thfIlltom-lhfI door of ....k ....1'\. Co~Il~ "":::.~~ .ben! tlWs <ODdition be-­..,li and in til"" pn,,"'..e ,.n ,m~ eo 1........

bIfIea..... will be found in the

c__ ,_ ',' .........on t_t a more ,"- L_O(IInftIenruuv<, , 11"""_... 1I,f ,lta5tbtothe9tbdo....,.e""....donIa1 regioo of tbe ",nw column. en> "':~_~ fk....- to tho •..."....,,,- A 1..,,-L " -. Ilta IlHV'M .bleh «MItT'lllbe """'" ..1 L_ '..

I .." o~ '" be oil of tbot eod of 0DfI o' ..-.: ... ~"" naUd c:oudi',ion, of ~ ,-..rtfIb.. or t ..........Pliber1l to .ueb an CItenl .. to decidedlymay ...- an IIIlp"'lfIme~tof lbebe b.. Apin ,Ita drop of ,be ribs III;ntel1~ with tbfl nulnttoa to ,I :diaphnc:m'.. ia """&ht by Dr, ,\, TthiI <qioo may eballgfl, tbe~ __ --', of~ only ,he Ilo"",eb"'till and in tllia ••v ,nterf~ .'lIb ~be wvo,'''4l, end 01- , " and be .......... Thia bei"'l tbe cue, 00tha~ of the liver, tbfl heart h t~ lid yot ncitbe. ,he be&rt nor theli_tro\lble «MIld come I............ lbe primal eaUR. be ea"'" if il il the oreal< '-.n. il w'ilI be~ to

N..... to~ I " ' ...... "~hm ..... nux_vom>N ort_1 ii, and for tu .e.... ad..,~h~.-'be"'~1_m beoL miud for tho

. --' ' "d~",& on -"", '" '----'- d1lI1.~Y""J''''.' _ ' , hea lbe "aaliIleo, .lhl,n.. " and lhe uauaI]'Ullpu~ Ii II .. tlta h..... I , , L_" .on_ drop "';Ihoul inl8'"

- 1 'l...--3b1e to .dmPl1Aler I,,,,,,,, omu~laDl".... .' r-- , , bT la it ".:albic to th'e o.nJ' ""

~::.~~.~~~~'7':~a1~":y....J. atr""~ tbe h'.... ..,t~""~f ', - .:_ ..""",.b ..'ht-re &Mlrili. 1..-ev.1l11 A«"", Ibe~, L'_oml._. , ,,' 'U lofdruppool"fldinlO,tllll"'...10 fWletiol1llte U1tahouou..... any amoWl, _ ' • o. 00IfII' Ia,... "",I)'ehlli'"

hIfI'~ to _ ..16 mo..dlM patne lWt!e, , . ,<!ilion eM I , h' . douhtCuI ..·.....her i~ d_ .0)10, m_ po.enul I\J.mulAol Ut ,t II.. , ...ute"1..l1.her II..." lIle"'-'Me ·1'1 ~, h 'cioJ> do. 10 ~hfI fim pIA"" hfI

Now .ha~ do.- t.bfI ""teopat".e p )... '

• ..taught to look ahe. the "CI'Ve force tn"emi"g the blood flow to the stomach,to .... if in ,hat re,:'oo, 5tl, to Oth doreal, tl,e... ill any '-'''s, ligamentous 0.

mlUl<ular leoion ,,'hich might ioten... "'jth the no.mal nerve ;mpulse., andIhu. d.",nge Ihe blood 110'" 10 the ~tonla.h, If ,he li'·e. '" found inactive,thill ill I.ken into eoMide"'tion and Ihe work di...doo 10 ...lieve lhe trouble,Ii a weak hean, that ia .t,."ded to in lik<! manne••nd -..;Ihoul interfering inIh. I"".. with thfl .or\ti"l eondition of ,he .tomaeb, E,''''Y mo,'e made by a.kilIed _palh;. I'hJoielao is in Cavo. of .... 'u...·• effort 10 free i"",1f and one<!Ihfll"'r1I involved;n the Ieaion a" freed. ,,,,t,,.. re8Um.. her .orl<. "" has beend.mon"""tod and ia heing deOlo"'ralod every- day,

Whe.. Ibe d~hve nWd••re normally _reted••e have, .. a ....u1~ nfdip;e"t;On... ,;taliJed eoDdi,;on, Tha, is, the d~1MI.ed fondaluff... prior to ,heiJOpa3Ili"l thtouil:h thfI villi oIlhe intl!Mi_, _tain ",hilfl blood eorpwlClea whichha..... monment of tbair o.n; it eonu';l1lI immatu... I"fId blond ""'l"'""'lN;abo the e1=enu oIlibrin, n- eletn('nta ..... 10 hfI found oniyin the livingblood outaide of thfI ~ted fonda,

The~ ebemista in the _ improYflll laboft,on." hal'e D'" &!I yet t-IleDabIed 10 produ... the abo,·., rNUlu by .rtificial dig_ion- If Iltlch ia ,iM...... bow-..... OUt..-.edieal hrcth... hope 10 do anything in lhe ••)' ormNIicine .hich "",n he Ippropriated 10 ,be W'itbnut fuM hariDt: to nndertO,"" ..,tion 011"" d..i.... 8uid&1 1£ i~ dOM """ und~ \he aeli<>11 ol tbe di-­~.... lluida, tbeto ,he retoedial "S""~ do.- eha"C" lhe~.... flui<k. fnoitllft.,..." ,be)' m..... eaIl fOO'.,me of ,he vi\.ll f....... d the body bcfON I.heycan hope to .ppropriate to ,he body ,he aid inlended.

The f&elo, ~eo-, ItiII remai tlia, aD dtDf;ll 01 mlDerlol ....'u...... tt_

trelI.'d juot .. taken and do liM ha, aD)' place in bodr_)", U .. fortha. """""" lhat ., n....y ",,'ienta ha beeon>e .hronieally ill with po.ri,is.For tha, ........ ., tnally .ho .... ill _i,h ehronie t_rie eaun-h haV'fl. diA­~ liver .nd a bro/r:~n do.'n besrt. The """Iinnedd~ 01 \he pa-tienl ."e11 .... alternah, ,

'rba,tho.. may be I k lwall ..-lIb ........,h diaordfII' or lhat .... mayIilld in """"""".... witb _eb ,.....bIe a diilOnkl"fld h,'eo-, .... do DDt qua­lion. no. " olten the.,..." 10 it Ilrol.bIe, ho..........., ,ha, eilhe.- ODe or lheother or both .... the primal e...... 01 lbe dioordered Ilomaeh~ We in---di""<llo lhi.nk ,hat .. v dil.tor 610en make ,heire:ti~alont the entire rebro-apinaI ayotem, aDd ulhe eo<L!lrietor fibm."" 10 be fou""""""-I to lhe """""" lumbar, .1........ ill the donal re«i..... lI ....ted .boTe,alf""tiIlt .y",pa,hMiea.IId tl>rou&h Ihio the nu'rition 10 lbe $to""",h, illtho: founda,i"" 01 our pstrie dilturha-. A badly DOUriohrd a10maeb mer.nlI

""'" ~ion. 11tiI na fer..-.entation .Dd the • ....,,'i"" of poUnD-'1'oaUItio« from tJto. "lid "'" fonda.

.\g.oin, ,he l.....n .bo, referred '0 can l'e$Ult, U it ol'en dOell, in. ella.n&ein l>oai"nn of Ihe ribl Ind in Ihi',""ult in .bnD<' telllli....or t be dlaphnogm n:laxed eondilion oflltat mUlele, .nd U ,h;' .ould .£reel the blond Bo.. 10

" rna B1J\.LEJ1lII'. mIlIlULLIlT1R. .,the hNn, .. .rdI .. r""" the bet.n,........ \ook Ihrte lor U' .. ,..,...,.,.'1If!,"~Ur>etl1 to (hoP;si..~~ the~ po.""rtM, ,h.. &Ilf<'linl!: ,be_orr ~"I", to III>eh "'" tortenl ....0 al_ mp ,... Ii...... odie U> lhftr{Unt,iomllill by I. poi$oD!! til.... thtnwll "" thit 0tpJl. Sueh """ bfttI our n_""ri~Jl~••Dd alOeh .... bftu the ""p<'rieD,"", of at.... 110 dOllbl, .. bu beeII.pO'Oytll by tho oom!oe,i"" of """II 1eDo... follo...d loy llood di,x..' ...... Ih"oq Ilnd•,taIly heart btf,t ..nd .. healthrullllo..· ;JIg ..,10. 10 the~~ of the "incurable""",ke. for 1I....\lh.

Typboid lover. Cau&-IlMllh", 01 ,"be,th, bo.d '"cntilation, CI•. T....al_ment. Dr. 001•• _l"' in II;" pract.i<:e meaicinCII a"" not oilon """I large ml\-jontl' of lila c_ ..,,,"cr receivinll" d_. ~r~lkinal antepy""ti UlICd<> ofl~ and ruhly in In'boid lover. The preliminary ealomel p,,~. to oi~UII'd ill the .IiUli.... 'i'... IJ1:alment, ia un_ry. lIe..--t. earriulnunin,. and cold or $00# bath.

C...,-a. Matel lI>a' piI~nu the ......... purgi"ll_tment """f~ bti.Il(I: "'mil~ to hi. booopiw ~ ohrouJ" the dioalt' wilh IiUJo, or noI~'mpoonil'" II. rero...-Dd. ,be llralld ~1'lhod, cold

Tydon _ya, " til')"ret~, i..cllldinl; Ul\ilihrin, p........iti"" and ""be",of the ..."'" cia hieh..,t by l>rOOuci"l! oopiOOI pcnpirMiQ<l\ no ""Mi-tut" for oold bothe, lor "'hlIe they ro<lu~ Ihe telUpcratu"" t~r efreeta ~tl:\ l.em_ IJlOraTY, and their eontlnuollll employment tOO del'l"Olleing to tho patient.' ,

,·1ft!Mment of epoeial Iymptoml:" tbe bromid.... Ipirit of rhloral. Hoff_m..n'l anodyne """"""",r>dOO wbe"" cold bl.lh u.nnot be ~'..,n, In ......ningial .y,nptomo he .,! ..i_ klechN applicd 10 the temple ...... 01 carr.. quictinr: folknra ....h ueat_ot. n.crc ill ItO lpecifie for thill di_ .. yetThe only bcIp1ul .......dy ill the "Old to k~ do n the fe-.......

n... prin>tOl ............. p,.... by thoae diAi aUlhon, i11lhe "'..~01 t:bcnh, ted in tbe int<Olli..-J ttnrt. So boY -n and at"""!~ient. be ill pml~ to thil d.....ed d;-"'.

11uot .an\Ot Ire immune in .n epidemic ill ."it"""'t qutMion. la lhenpro;llCnce 01" the bacillus a proof Ih.1 il in lbe prim.l .._. 10~ a ou1l~

,nr<lin OOOOIIary belore thio genu ean find .. lodginK placeT Wh.t io tlle nat"'''01 thi8 defrcti"" el",t in the "Iin)ent.ry tTll"tT The ,n!'eti"ity of the l.><I\..el 01whirh tloi. inoculatiun o<:<:uno i, there for IIOme ""'.an. Thi8 IUMti"it)" fII''"min of .. gradlllli exlc,,!lion of the lume" 01" Ihe bowel luxl a ""nli""ed filii""up of f""a1 mall<:l" 10 lhat tbe inner mrf..... of the bo.-d beco"..,. paraly..,d .,be hardt'Dod ".,.;Iition oIlbe i,nl_tion and thu. Ifrom. ...itdll'l eoil lor tl.ciUU! 01 Ebcrth. lui ....Ied bel"on:. Ibcrc ill • ....- 10<' IJoe p...,.o.iling1>00 and lhal if Ul1enupted llCI'Yf' f<>roe. Tbio i"Ioet'f~ .....lto In. imfeel. cirt'ulaliooo 10 I'" put in..ohed and no .. .-It ..., hare tM """"inty"I'" bo.-cl which ill lol:Io"""- by a _ipated o<Motlibon. 011'" I*Uon.1 ."d Lo'by iml*C1.ion of I'" bonl whirh .-.1.. in eoi1 ...ilable for I"" ~nlI.

ha"iJlll: suitable ";1 to work in, il is hu~ a matler 0I.1bort lin\Ot unlil,hel..nelra~ lhe i"(I(:li,·. OO,,· it.'l deadly poioon"""" find. it' om}" in

lbe <1reubt""'. Thio ar«>mpllohed,tbe iml~w... ill t_ilt(ld 10 tbemeduUalloence I<) the heart Iond .... .-.II ore hI"e a IDOI"e rapid hal1 beal. ~hl_ of lbe ~:-.-l ill dimiNohed by ,be rflecu of lbe IOn. I.blll pt'O­

dut"'C Ift'Itet.fnelloa ID , ... peripben1 rirRla.... and Ihito Ildded 10 Ibeuu. eomOO.OI_ """""'ry ~n ......Ii",; lhe blood, 'i rioe in tc....perature: .·hieh, by lhe w.y, " bulph~ "" il in Iu"'·' ""'Ihod ofrid< J~f of the poiIOn in the "Y"tem.

The Pl'l'di""";lion, or pri",~1 c~u..,. Ihen. is no~ Ihe b~.illu8. eo ",,,eh di...euo...l, bUllIIQ eo",lition wbloh I"'rrn.i .. <>I the .""umulotion 01 • luit W "~. _.. ~e.OI,

t", '010""'1)\'" ne,,·. foree. ",ld """""'lUCOt <:J ,i",ul.tio" 10 tlo ,TJ' be' '-- n par .

.Wl 1II1 «.. 01.... we do "ot ,"'000.". that 011. noedieal bretbem h,w. thuo r.rfl,led '0 ~nd.• epecolir I~ ~)·p."oid f.,",,,. Sor are ..... IUrprilil.'d thai their onlyprlftPtabie ,nft_ .."h thlo r....". hu '-" in ~iJlll: to tbe cold hltft.'The rc:aI .._ oIlhe t'ODdilioll etill """""-'.. and they .re J:.UIi", .ilh~",~, 0<' tM ,""ult of tbe pnn>tOl........ Thio lhe _""P"'~h_ 10 OD hill Ii,..nSII. f..- lbe I>eI'n r"..,. ..-tabfishM cireuluioa and Ihe pure bloodtore'. ~"'idc, ..nied 10 lbe bo..d from the heallhy lid. 'Oilboul !tri, ',,-. ofL- . a_,fftUperatJOII lne I*to,nl al 0'"'" ~DIl. ~ f""cr, 10 much eombatted in<oJ ~odIO)' COl~oeq""")",,. unl_ the pat;"nl it 100 fa. I!:OM. ]" s10rh t'MeI lhen!.'" II........·"."n .. wet '~I paek or ,old bath m;;,;ht be rtlIOI'ted to with ad­,·."toge. 1'h,", l"'"....·er. JS the exceplion, "ot the n,lc.

Af;('.- l"'lu, noUl the ~e al \Thleh "'e find Iyphoid le"cr "'OI!~ pro,...lenl.In "'on.." Ir<>~' t.od,... 10 twenly_lour, in men from lnurt""n t.o lhin}".

Here, "'1("'0,.'. ha,·e a ~ry I>OIc 10 1M f..,1 Iltol Ihe _ ........ llWe ,I the . - . -.- '-" "C.or pnmary e..~ II r<>rred..AI thi! lICe '" hu~ the _ ..Ii,'. periodID ........ lit.: .41 Ibis • ..., hI~ lust d.e ricbl eoaditioa. 011'" anirtlbu- ....._l~oIlbe IIpiDal eolUIIID 10 odmi~~ 4 rift DlOn"....l_on. the OIbn, ..,thatJlI. an cal)' ....Iler 1.0 lunle ""y ""'" oIlbem .nd furd...· Ihat tbe 1IWf....,. th","oIippod are of lU~t hanl_ \0 hold them in ,h" luut«l ""..dillon <>IlCe

,t..y IlCt beyood their true beann,;. Thia may be on.e .....~bl1l 011 ...otherIt DUly be the roIllion 01 Ih. rib 10 tbe fl""l of tbe vfflebne n '4"l! I ',cM, " . . n"ncr.... It "'I( ,t ",tericro, II it 1""I"cutly <1_, with the ""rve imp lococon""'iur"tly Wilh tho nutrition to the I,art, or t),e "i""". i""ol\'«1 U .ft In ehild'~" this is nOt tha ellle "" of!..,o, 000... <10 IIDt ~IJ' until

!>nut 'he Jlenod .bo". "''''ed, .00 lh. luutio,," do not OCCur beclUile <>I theI'-:~m 01 ""'''.menl, ..... ,h~ Il'C'Cdom of tl_ pana to relUmot Ibeir ....1po.,~ , ]1\ oIdcr people '" ",",'. not lbe ."...eli'~t,., benee 1>01 eo"'":,,h Iihi.hood of ....b luxatione. Apia, in.lbe older rc-"" 6ndall~~'-' ""'"' CO<Pp&rt "Pi_."" Iho.l in thie there .. DOl"" mgc~ lik.liho<wl~=.!UUlioa lor ,hat l'CUOIl _ 10 mueh 01 • Jlfttliopooit;'" 10 tM

Ofl..,...lhr, I , io ".ture'a ......hnd 01 handli.. ,bil d..........thr eo.. .,. . . oncetit .. " r.m'h"". lIghl t.... 'rncOl 10 lid ill the ..irni ....liuo 01 tbe F:>OUon

rough .. ,,,,aICr 'ell'"ity of lhe "'r"'toty "y"tem .ud. better _imitation d...

.. THE BUI,.L!:;nll.•

TIIB BIlLLnl~. "to !>nett _rdion « 1M di«tsh"~ ftuida, Me..... is llf:aUI f_ to n:'tlImf: her"-oN: U",,!(h.,oclll.rld ~he p,t.tienl, instead of oon'·a'-i,. f.... -loa« period, i.&&&in able t<>.-me hio u.....1".,.,.!;on. OUen before , ... -.It'mllihe Ie\'ernona. 0<' if lbe fevf:r doe.I nm i\.l..-J ........... lbe palleal a' _ l.>oailda up......i"llhe !'t<l~... to __ to tyPhoid ..t ....u.

l'...... ll>ORia.-1lliI is. R1f limil8l d...... ,..hM:h .cconti", to 0cIer. ca........ be abonfd nor eut Ihort by I"y knoon. """"nlI.~ tbe com......Dd 01 the med­...1 pn:JI....,... '~is no ~lie lraln",nl for pnoeu.-ia. ~ you,,«pne\;tio..... mar boe&. ill mi",' thaI p&lieol.l an! man 01181~ .ha"btlpt<1 by penn~d~", ..hich io gill «> P",~Dl ........()rokor. UDdIor..-ial t,.lIn.,n, be ad,';- i. t .. Ye.-elional. tm., he -r-, is man!oh".. UItd bile in thed~ than early.

To,"eo>is.-~To oomhat i,," he ayl, '0 .. ou••hid 'II"ftlk-. We """.&1)"6 .... op«i6e, ftthe. d",« or produel of the be.etmo!of.itall.llbol".IOI')· ,,·hi.1I• ,ely and au...I,· ncuu"li.N Ihis poi!'On."

II,,", Bpin the ootoe<>l"'lh lookl for .losiop afredi"" the blood flo..' to thelullp. Tbtffl mUIt be • llro.!UlpoIi,og e.~. That "'lIte mey be II. eont.­turt<! condition 01 mu.clo \illflle in 11M) uPl'''' do....1 rqliion ,h,,, 10 a «>l<l. The"","ndurf!d ""ooi",,"l1U1y be due to all ,njul)' reeuhins In a luxalC!d ""Rdil,,,,,of a ,·trtclmo or rib, cithtt of .·hith may afl"e<:t ,he n<:"'''' I"""" or ,"e muselelen.eion Imlll lbe eoId .lMll mal' L>., ........ oftell ~n tbe talt, lIll[jtienl to PJ'O.d""" IIlbluutiona 0{ rufflcien, illlJ>Ol1a""" 10 in,trI"ere ·...i' .. I>(ne ,m~ tolbe JIIort. and in this ...y wi,h ,be cire<I1.ltloo. The Je.ion Iooat«l, the ph,.....cia.., akillC!d ." hiI ..-ort, .bouId be _bled 10 mUlO Ihe~" and \hell~ti"l! hlo u"""lioIl to Ihe hl~hetic "",lId'I""" of ,be,_ lbe polient by di_Iins the blood ItW'fttII .0 0IJ>er PNU of tbe body, ..!Uth If thep"'Lhle -.b<>d of bI....''''. ThiI!au of""" '-0 d_... ball beeal:'"idencui bythe JICIIl'PUlI:""" aDd lluabld f_ KiTi,.; ....y to a llIOft rNtJul up.-ion, ...._ II>OC'e from ,hat of dftiriun, to ...1"'.lId ","1,,11l~.

WhiJe ... do not -.iah to make reftftDee to our 0.." , obI~ todo 10 in onitr to bri. before you ~thie l'tIOlu ha., _" ,belli.

c.a. 1.-1"De<lm<>aia, t!dII)"td ......ution of 83 <J.).. lUndilll!. P.'icn~badbeea .Ut to ~1orid:l lor ~rewperation." Had~" lhere lor Ihfte wftb ..-he"betalltd dour olIitt. l'b)"licianl, tbe~Ihat""uld be had, for be had mea......nd k_ ,,-hereto 10 10ce~ Ih,beill modieal .."'·....,tokl him " ....10 alhi"ll: Unmia'C, C01,If;h in dtlaytd rtIOlUI;on ....... unknown to Ihe IIltdieall'mf<llllion."Tho J'l'1'tnt ,,'" exam,ntd, .,>tl. ou, IIlteDl;"" g"'en to ...hM we Ihough~ ,heeau"" of 1],0 tmuble. TIl" we loulld in eeeond and lltinl rilla On Ihe len sidlOup,,·.nl "nd batk ,,'llile Ihe aide .,,,1 bod)" of ,lle ribll ""'led he.,';ly on ,he fcl­10'" btlow. Co.,.,.,t'on 01 lhe IClion Wllft effecto<! on .->,'" lreaunenl. """ p&­lieOI oomll'l<lllOed 10 OOUlh .nd ""n,in"cd to do "" n1OJ'(l'" 1_ unlil e,·en'og d9 p. m., ..ben "'10 ""'.., tallod to it0l' U,e cougll, ",tIkh "" d'd, .nd pa,ienlun'ilnuld.y.bou' three p. m.• ben he .......'out f.... dri,·e. Theoou,o:h q-aioOOOl.....n.... ,.lid _"<I un,illtop~ .11Mod time to 1lI"'e p"'llen, reIt, Pa,icnl

I to ofliee DUI day I.". 'lftlmeot .nd q-ain tolDDlotn«d a.-l<>..-tiD&,after lreltmenl, bu~.......w ~trol the <OUl!:h. From t.ha~ Ii_ oa, duri'll; ~b611_ under our Irell__ Io, palkal P"'" ...pidly~. Thil ....~ lor. periodIIlIIuu Wftb. II~ lhen took. rftt I.". Ih= ..~.ndapi.. .........l \.rftt....rnt 'or two terml and iI t«br a..-dl. ....n. UpftlortD\. .... cI .........puro­leal nan,re and I......~ p.....EI>C>Mti 1OIldtI" lhe~. It iI DlnI" threeTIOUI &iote lile tim ,-tment .... P'"C'I'-i::u. :t-lAdr aet. 52, I"bjftt to hro""bitilt. Had j"", beea up ~oor wftbfrom a ""'"101'IO .Itack cI p-.m.nnilllutillg tm..e 1rffl<a .... e.~ht ," _om at_ .nd mueb apotfd ...hith ....hod in lai!;rippe oomplicaltd ...ith pl<eUD>OIlia.Tea houri aiw tbe_ ..~ .10'" ffiIod to_ the p"'1;"'~ a~ 2 p. 01. Tempera.­I..... 1000, pw.e, Hushtd fllft, fllllh,,,, ~}-.:.Dd nry~ lluehp6inin c'-, aDd 0"" u..r.J "'JiGe, fmlll 3nl to 7,11 'ncl".",. I'alp"'tion ilidi­..ted tbe in,"Oiv~mc..~ 01 .picH 01 both lnngo. lluade oonl...dion in nltD,iontd ..... ,-.:ry pmn"",..,m. I'a'n in tho.nna.nd lop ....olgll'fiunt in that it I lull l"ll;ril'P"" weU III p""nmonia ..... to be 001nbow.!. TreMmem "',," direeted Ii..t to abo,... "'lIlon .",1 then '0 ,he ~ntinl

'I'i"", 'loo~ll1y ....lui'" tlwl ..,..;~.l mu""ltII autl "1'Jlt1" dorYl. VibnlOlYIreltme"l ..... l"·~n to the i"'tKOlw inlerope......11....... lhe ~tl, at IltnWtad of rilla, 10 quict the eough. 1...I;.,ot .... trea'od \\.i.., ..·.thin ,,,... bou...."p'" My Ihe """t mominc .1Id .t noon and 10""';'" O(lhe ""'" dar. 11IeDe:IOt morning, and ()D theaf,~ of Ih. thin! da~' patienl t:lme 10 the ofIit'ftfor her lui lrealmellt. s. II'" ..eek. after thil, " .... wtlJ IUId feltbetter lhan for mll-lI)' Y prt\iou.. Sa.... aun.e ..ho in .Itft>da_.t~ 6.....k_ .... ,..;!h ""r lhililme..,d do:clarlOcl thai 1.11 htt I... yea....lUI ,""pelieoeed aun.e ..... had neTtr ..-:it.-J IlKII.....:I tID ~.tby,

t!leo, find ...hat our.-fin.! btethreo an Inokinc I.....lid llhe people ~

K :"....TlaJ<-TY...lI N ,,---,< AcrTE L'<PZCnOCIIl»sutlLEt~,_UCGa>tiI>_ ""~ to cokI .". <J.DlP, C~;Il temper-

atUrt. lo••red rilalily, lati«<>e.lid~. Dr. J. K. lfilChdl 0( I'hila.­d.lphia thiw "Ibe Dtn'e te>ttors are primarily alf.orted by coW .lid .hall'-primary di!ll~ ...wI itt ,n tnet.boliom .1ltI .he ot«UD>ulalioa. of1r.e1'~ aeill." Th," .....>tfIllOIlIe1I"hat rtr ,he OIl'"",",lhic id.., u""!'t .hal ilnma;lII Inr the 0ftf0Pa'" 10 Ifll ..'by lhe ""........ ""nl....... in"olved .lid how10 ,,",nO"e I"', ••u...

Trtal",cnt.-(rt!ulll' ,ncd'eal).-"lIedioinea ".,'.. li,lle Or DO 001111"01

O"'r tho d""I''''' or """nlD of thi. d.""•.." wh'ch, like "II Olhe' ..If lln,,'C!dIlI"eel;olll, l'm~ticall)" t.k.,.i,. O,,-n ,ime 10 d'8flp]JCOl" '1'0 .n.y lb~ I""n op'u'"lnay bo ""en 'n fon-.. of "D''''''''I Powders" nr ""'l'I'hia,II)"]'OdcrmiOlllly. IncO>llb'naUon "ith tho ..Iiorl.t.. "il.h ,he aI41', care "'UI' be 'aken to .... '.hthe heart. duri"ll: the ..,miniSlntion of IhtfIe """,edi... "'Dr<','f g:iwoo freely,the).•'" very del'.-it>I. "---()Ik!r.

TyIOD Inlkn<"tt ..itb ,hil lI.tomenl: "Salicylic.cid and alieyla_ 01


t! ""'-~'Ol • "~"'IO""!1~!: ~iij i!l. .3g- .. ~'Oi;;~-::.Ei 3,g IO'" "<:~ --l~., !!." a· -~ 3;.r:t. ; 'i. e ii ~S1~ &;.; Ii ~:.l ~ .irrr,.

·:!,Ii,f,ia"1!.~~t::.."";l 5'" g--g: .. i1

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f:;UU,.."'CRIPTIO:S, S2.00 l'ER y~;.A.,',<,"~~~~~

w. w. "A~-nI:RRI,lKOll••:.on-),I .... An',. n-.-......~ _ A<Ioo 0.1>.

if j1(*ible !Ome !l\epo taken 'Mt would brill« Ihe field a"d .tudent membersinto a eloarr "udersla"d;1lf; of their dutieo 10 eoeb other. We wll end"""orto !let • """""ill"",, al,pointed from Ihe ""t.i,.., membera and ltope !.hat indli. n'a}' mueh cood ma)' be .«'(>tltpliolted,...

The follo<r'''' ""tnet i. taken from a \eller .·rillen by Dr. E. L Kalb­~h (Jl Ne,,·too, K."""",

"n- ue my~ for not pa~ittc up .nd Pac u-d, il .. t>Ot,.hl tUI...., oIlbe 6eId membml ohould be aoked to pay NIl' """"'. inlo!.be(1ub " ..... lhey a~ buildily;, :"1_ el!.be Grftll: Iecter frau make It>eh de_,...da. Wbyot-ld I p"y my......,. in jltlC. '0 k"'P lbe erowd lhere in pan...and danoeaT Wbea ........... lhere and tbe aub .... juat ..~, .... had. a loc­........ben I"'" TO" ltan_ """ lbe aubpwll" ';tltout 6eId 1Upp<>rt. We),ad enrylhi...- 10 bur ......-, bu, .... d", down into ...... poeket.o """ poUd lbebiIb- And now ....hen tbe a"b .. fSI.I.b1i-"od, ...d ill _ oil '1.-ion wlto you,.;u han .. merrtben than il .....t lim uri yet tbey -t 'rtoDeJ"

from the fItId. No I do ..... &!>ink t.h.ot it rilIhl ...d I kM'II" that if il ahouId.~ «>me to a \"Ole you .-ould ..... thll by far aU field me-tnbers..-ould apetl

witb me, AI I aU;( in the .I.I.~ no ocher fral_ mat.. luoh demand!!. Of""".. tbeCiub nililive aOO I Ito"" do n'ell, bul it will nevtr have the oupportoIlhe lield noemben on Ionf: ... lhe UX II in foree. A. you know, lhis is j""tmy >ic-or aud ""')' not count for muoh. I ..... that one i e .ya pay up Drreturn th,C1ub pin. Ne,·er ...iIl I return Ihe pi" for thll " paid for ....ben IpaKi my '''OMY Ihe lirst >tight. It i. very plaio Ibu tbe ome..ra of tbeClubIrnow very littlo or the effort. that 'I'" ,,,aJe and tile light the ..rty grad\lOl'"had in ,tani", IheClub. or CDU",", thoy ..n he "ery indel><ndent no.... lhtthay h~ve none of the "'ony and work that "'n IlJld, bill I ,,'o\lld h"e thembo,,' thlt thoy • .-o DOW enjoying ]I,e fruita of onr labor. At Ihe .tart them....~ "'o"tlla at a li",o ",he" we ne,'cr hid Iny oI~n of I parly and the maga_tinra ..... had It...... !l;"on u. by me",bero of tbe flcullr Ind olhoro thlt "",uldInri would do il. So J"O" C"'" """ there it nO Juot,,,,, in tloe ",aller and .. thereII DOt, I no ......"t> wby I .hould be fOl'O(lOI into it, Und"",taod. I hI.,·olIOth;,,« !,ut the boat f"d,"I: lor the Oub, and iUl "..",ben, but I do lhink thl.tthia it an InjoSl.iee and that it oboold be "otOO opon by all Atlao men."• lnurnueh .. Or. KalbO...,b joined theOlub the _k he l!'rado.ltId, he"n ba e>rcuoed for w. ijl;nora.- oIaub IWaiN at tMt liIM. We eb"""", 10hrliM.... i~ 10 be i#noranee on his part. for wt eon not bel~ be .-ould willinglr.. d*ort Ihe fa.ell :lO

A<'eOtdiII( 10 the boob 01 t.l:teOnb, Dr. KaiMri..,h """<:r poUd one ""'" ;nlOthe tn:uuty aeide lrotn hi. initiation let, ... it io~I bow oh be "dUllOUt 01 bio pocket" to paJ' the bills. Dr. Kalbllft8cb thinb &tid tten.bouId...,. _hinelO tbeOub um.... ,bey ""' boildi., cit;. the f&el. lhat Greekfnttnli"", ~u"", -binf; oi lhe kiDd &.ad 1"faW'ki", lhat the Club~f... a lime lritbo<it 60ld d...... E,idtntly he OhllrtrtU the IKt t.h.ol lhee

.,., ,,~_ ......



In d.. Allao &aI _ .. lrill be found • ...,. cood -aostion Ift)al 1><. Paaill, """It. ~;...,. OIIC«>pad. ohouId k"'P' wntp book. :II.n,.. n11Oall1oo pointill fOfK'lCIftt ..1tielt if p..........-m in aueh a .............. the .boYe ml&bt pnn-e ''''''­valuable al oocne f"lure time.

Eve". Atlao aDd A:<.io _«>path ebouId bave Dr. Billie'••""Iomy. ODeit apt 10 ~I "",ty if he has nOlhing mo~ inte.-ing to radthan thei:;enen.1run (Jl .....Iomya.. Thill ...-"..k ill on Ill'T&nged .nd<'<l lhat it bol<h your ...t.enlion .. ... d.,.. the aUlhor;n lhe leelo~ room,

•••Ad"ertiei,,« ;n the Bulletin brinp quiok .-.Ita. In OIlr Ian i"""o we

IMnt.iooed that n'e n'e~ abort tll"O file cop;", tloe ~;orn rnlil brought Ull Ihed(SjJT.d uumben lrom Dr. J. A. E. ReeI<'lr of Toronto, Canada and Dr. C. W.Tanner of Mt.. Sterling, KenlUCk}'. We thonk th.... «""tie moo for their

prompt ""'1'0"".For tbe bell<61 of .tudeDI' Dot me,"ben of lhe AII.~ Dr Axi. eluho we will

i_D. ,uPl'le",on; 10 tbe June iUlle. Thi••uwle'ne"t nill Pr. Ho/['m.o.n'. adi<!e on lleruditr.o<I olber vlluable .ni<leo. If Ihere a~ InJ' of our,"<mben "'Ito would desire copieo of lbill for di>lribul,on to lheir l'atienta weeon qu","" "el)' _ble pri""" on them, We ..dll have IOweral u""lIenlani<leoaDd if the~ are tb<Noe who prefer ~e,hing wltielt would be better ap­p~.lod by Ihe laity tun Ihe "",entilie anicle Dr. 1I0/[llUtn haa ... kindlyl...nod .... " lri!l be ~Iad 10 fnmish lhem ";Ih onmet.hing thll will uOOoubltldlyM"l! sood r_lll&. ...

At. JOi.. 10 n"n......! E,....,. Axil "'«>palh ...ho alI"<>n! the1..... 1bould ~o. 11 YOlla~~, .-..d 0... ('hile', kU«;n lhi aDd. pul~'our Ibouldtr 10 lhe '-1. E'"""Y O. O. A ,~oI>otlkI be an .-\IW andAxil rn>nion. 1'btft be DO belter ny to pr-.. inte.-- in theClub I"""

to bold "" o..anUll ba"'l~I. "T"bo:ft..,.., mo.ny poin~ Lhat thouklbe~~ up"t lbio I;me. ArDOIlI1ltem t.l:te quest.ioa 01 6dd d.... oitould he d;... ! """

TIl~ BlJtUTIl'I, TIl~Bl1LLBnll. "Creek Il'lIla do not I"PIlO'! a publication.

The Atlas (.1ub got along ,"cry well wilhout field IUpport before itac fioldrnernbe,.. became an npel\llC to it. 1heu it became n""""""'y to ""U<'<:t du,," andat Ihe time Ik l\alb8ei",h "·.nl i"to tho field II", annual du... we", !2.oo butat the 01_ nf IJX):I it "'M dctcrmined to .lIt it do"'" I" $1.00 per y...r and ha,since remained at thaL figu",. It may be a ourpri.. to 110m.. of our me,u~t" kn".... that the mone)' ","""."" from the field par" ""Iy 00 pee ""nt of ,be0081. 01 pubJi.hintfhr IMlet-ln. n.c l~ metubera are a.lUaU)· pa)'i,,!,: f",'M 8llpport 01 lit.. ficld m..mbcra f*lher than the fi~d mm:"Ir""Jling 110.. ero,.d10."... in pan;"" and daltC<'fl." The qUtfllion then mtlll,'... it.orlf int" .... hether'" nClt the Atl... aDd A~i. aulle -'>aU Tt... llullMln. It has beco oorb<!lieIthal lbe field rneo,~ de<inod aClub "'Pn. I>o"""..,r. thia n'Iltllin. forIhem I" decide. It ..... inteDd"" lha, lhe Ilullelin .hould k""P r.he field metll_

~ in tQUCh ..i,h lhe ,,",,",-iop 01 OUr eolll'lte, 10 r-then' ... to lhe doinp 01"",.10 other""'" to enable then, to Ul'loil their ..-ieDti6c: dilleo,,<rlett"" IMI ..umip;ht ","",,,e Ihe benefit Iron, lhem. IneKl.... t-.llr...., h.opod ,,, p,""""t .........Ihi"'l\ 01 ,·.lne.Dd inl","",,1 from the~ of '·ari........·.,U 1<oo..... ,...;tft:a. n...."'eIl ..·e -..-I in Ireepinf: 1be Ilulletin 01 inle..-l. 01 <0<1..... dCJM',JHh opon. thesuppon ..... tet from the field. W6 ha"e 1>(1 _no 01 Iroo..-i• ..-hat you a..doing if ~·ou do 1>01 ...";te.

Dr. KaI~h',OUlemenl thal··'llhe.atan 1hrn:..-en:""",lha at. limelhat .......v.... had a ai«t> ela ~rty·'ionot borne out by ,he ...-daolthe Club.1be minu'.. ah<>w thl.l the finl (,11110 ~Iioa ..... beId April I. '99. the __ood one in Ju 01 t'" ~·..r aod at the ""l(U1a:r "-li"'l\ held Xovember29. '99, a bill allo fd for eip-n....hich had heeu _med a, 0 """,Ur.Th........ ~..., J bef_ Dr. Kalbn.-h'-ame <'OCtDCO<ted ...ilb the orp.IIiza,.lion. Tbe tutom 01 ~"i",; aDd .M-rOOr m>epli<>na, ...hich ...... eo­Iabliohed in tha~ earlr period ei the aub·oWe, it ..ill ill v~ hill they ~~"eo no II>(Ift frequentl,· ...... Ihl.n lhey ........ tbeG. 1be da.tIow beId in AllaolHill ~, ... we M'''' reptaledl,. IIIUal. paid for by Iho8e who .ttend I1>(11 OIM' ",""t el tt... Clnb·, fuoda beillf: IlIII'd for lhit purpolle.

If Dr. KalbII~b'lat.lement Ihl.t.··ila """" el. q-wn ... 10 ..

you will ha,..... ","",bent lhan il ..... al li"'l. ,. he true. it c:ertaiol)" d""" 1>01 in­dicale that the.,&D<lan:l (II" awmbtl"llbip ia k>wered.......... Mntend .

We ~ __ prelOAf<'d to "'lie,... that ~.lIlhe membera of the field wouldapt'" with the D<>et.". 00 lhia pl'Op(l'itioo of lu." Certa.iol~- t.haoe ...ho......, members 1OOjt: e"",,«h (before l..v;"1 Kirka,·ille.) to undem""'" the..-...lciap ellheClub ..illirnow thaI ,,'f mUlt eithee dioeontinue The Rull"""or eolleet duea. 1I""'",'or. if Cltbe.. '" hia opinion, we will Kbdl~· g;'"them "I>aee to eXlend IbM. M'I\i<1H>ttL

Dr K.lbniaoob .~..... ot"ee .. ill t retum the pin foe thaI...,.. paid for whenI paid lll}" motle)· lhe Ii,. .u,:hl." .-()1' """" Ihe Do"'"r ia borne out by lbereeonb, he paid 10' hi> pin ··tb. Ii"'t oi,;ht.·· Do ,·OU Ihink. l:loetor, that r""are emilled to wellr the .,nblem '" lhe All... Club ...hon you have t-n an""-


P""'" t<> it oin.e beoomin& n tn"moor and hI"e It"''ee ""o,ributed a eeot toward",eetillSJ; lhat eX!lO;:!IIC! .

TheClub will rt'd..", the pitta of Ill.,.", ,,'hn ,,'i,h t" """cr tbeir oonnecl,onwith it. Thia ia, of conroc, IIlbjeet to the indebtl'doCM of tbe one returning hispm. We """not .Olleei"e "f nn~' one d..i";lll t" "",,"de the emhlem of an onleefron> ..'hieb h.. had been o",pended fn' failu", to Ireep hi. "on"",t ",,"to it,

TIlaI lhe tent~n "'h,, OI"!llni.ed Ihe Atl... club e,·e. depeoded upon the<hl.rity ol the laculty or any ooe eloe foe their .-..di"l( toau...., _1m "Cf}' ~o_

lik"h' I" ua. We koow IMy did nol ,,'hen Dr. Kolbnei""h j<>ined. T" ,-erifylhi8 ·...e qu<>le from tM lllinutca (II" the 'llfttirv; of Ap";l 29, '99: "C<>n>rnitt«rerommenda thu the ClUb oubo<";be foe The Medical Ro:e<>rd. I'hiladelph,aJournal, .-\I""'-;can Edit;on. London Lon""'l. American lluhinittt Ree<>rd,Chi I'op !';rie""" Monthly. J)ieleti~ Cuelle. Ladi..• Hottle Journal, ).I~',

lit"a"re ""'" llevie (II" R"'·i....... C&rrifll. "In eonduaioo ·e ..-ill.y thaI it i! true IMI "the o~ellheClub kn<>....

..cry little '" the fi,o:ht the earl,· ~ ...t8 had in Maning!.he Club." TheMearly gndualca" left DO """"" ar. fiti:bt. ""'" I'" hiot<N"J, pcepared by Dr.Fred JuJiuo ••.....t .od l'ubliohed tbe """,Ib Or. Kalbfl<ioc:h joined lhe aub~V<S ......",M el DO ....h oee-u""...... W~ ...ouId ret<>tI1lDUIId lhal Dr. Kall>­IbI<lt .-..d ~hit hiato')" aod learn more ollhe pJeaoaDt "'·enla......,..ted -.lthI'" bq!inni.nt; el the ALtai t'ub.

QU~Y OOl.l:x.'I".

".. folk>..-inc q_ioIDI and lhei. a...-n have beea ~..... 10 DO by Dr.

""',Q. "ht.1 ean be done 10~I na_ ""'" '"Olnilinjl; io lhe "",rly _Iho

<Ii prtr;OlJ'CY~

A..... u (I) Diewtie trftt-..t. Keep the ~liert\ .....y lro", lhe <><lorof """*inl! fooda ""'" rat"'t ,he diellO'" oi",pIe. """ .. ~bIe_

2. Correcl Ieoiooo that ...ould oiled the _h Or ut........ that i! thebon}" aod muacular 1oettiono 01 the t.el<.od ribe.

3. A-. the uterua In ~u.ia,: ou~ of the lrue pel";' by an ....,...oonal1onol uaune,,1 by ",h~h the uterua io Wt«l.

-I. Foobid or at Jeast. ,..";ct. lhe marital relatiom.5. Gin a lifti"l( up I_t","",\ to r.he .bdominal n-ro ..-ith the patien'

in I'" knee ",- poIIitioa. Tbe ptlrticular 1_lment i> lI5UIl1y indicated by<ttIain l}"ItlptOtDI. but in lOme __ one baa 10 go Ih""'l!h lhe CD,i"" Wt andev"n I..... ia unable t" o'· ue the d""",er, Ordinarii)· ",ben the uleruo~"'" out of lhe lrue peh'io, hieh it .. the lhird _tho the 01"""" io relieved.

Q_ When shr>uId the me"- IUlrl aft.r delivery ar • <hildrAnsw....._ln nonna! ._ the mel18tll do not ..ft, il I'" ~her ou""'"

the be.b)". for at leaat lix lllOIItha but thi. d<'f'"1ldoupon the o;oodition oItMmothe•. Ihal iii, ......Iher-"" io aflC!",i~ Or atro"fli ond upon , ... ,nariUll rdalio~

c s~u Nalioul 0."01 '~Ic t.I_. PrQ.-iJle, MO:l2 TIlII\lLl.ETllI. TIi£ IlULLlTlII". »

Q1.b<,r f""tu",. ...Ici~h are important in hriJ>&i1l,ll on Ihe me..- a'ould blIlIlb.In,'Olution aad bei"ll on her feet too m...,h. I~.hal'a the molt Impol1ll1ll oac,ho...e-·.... illhe ..,.",mplioD. el Jnl.rilal rclalioDl too lOOn aft« deli,·ety.

Q. Can 1""IlWlcy lak.. p1aee a~lbin th ..... or fouul\Onlba "fter deli,""",el" child. if the n_ .re no~ " nt!

A......,r,-[ 1;_ el cue in hi~h tbe po.\.iml bad 1101 ""''''Itruated,bul bHamc I'rqlWlI U>d ..- ddh-.nd in _Ihan" )·...r .fle. '- fi... baby...... born 80 thai my UISWfl' .,.ouJd be, thn in _ ~ prqnaney a.-.I1 ...hd.beo- or _ lhe ........ _ """"",t.

Q. Do}'oo.t people "t tbe ,\. S. O. adv t.. trftltiac 1lC%~ 10 tbe ..",,'AUQ'O".-n.a~iI ad,·i!!abIe 011>I)' i el 1I~·pct'NlbeoiaaDdf~ W..

do DOC make il. pracliee bull beli i, to be~td ;" ......,...-.Q. fn" teIUia num~ ello:llionlJ aioD« tbe "'i p""'u~CODdilioa .....

be fdl.iua ... If _1hiDf: _ bftJrc cr1IIhf<I t""~. Wlut~ II lhe"_ IlIId po.liMIiac el .-11 ..-iilioD!Ana1rcr._"" van""'" fecli"ll.1oac lbe~ ia due 10 a Ihic:h"illf: cl

-~Q. In. pmtcriorcondition el the donal rqIlion ~ lhe mullilldia apirla!and rota~ 'Pi_ muaclH im·ohed alik...... boI.b aid8T

A..........-If lhe CUn.., ;" dirfttly ~crior lhe lIpinal muaci...... afFtt'ltd t"",

Q. In 1'Ornt'I;nc pooterior 1Mont. M.ouid tbe ful~",m be 1'1-' in!__dial<'ly b<!1ow lhe 1_·.._ p~ ....hkh i, promin~~or 001 il!

]\"""..r._1 "", 0( the opinion lhn in 1'Ot'1'C<!""! ..lOh • ItIlion Ihc f"k...mshould be placed belo... ~h.. ,,,ine if in the lip!",' part. or lbe .pin.1 colum". and.00'-.. the .piM, if the IOWCT limbo .... UAeJ ao" f,lIcnun.

Q. A«nrdi"ll 10 the .ction of the m"ltifidi",plnlll ""d rotMo"", Ipinmml1llrl.., if ~hMc on on.. lido only act.lhe '·r,t";mn would be rol"led. lhe .pi_DOUO 1' low."llh...ide on which mlUClo i, CO"I ..rled MId t"" l"'nll-,·c.... I' ."d dow"w.rd or fO",lIrd "nd downw.rd?

•"nlwor.-T!Ml ...ion of l~ ",u..l.. ill Q_tion ran l>etl. be .....rl-ainedby c"uaing Ihe pati..nt to a"""n", thi> "rntrai poeitlon .,I<! bend til<> bod,' In l,.thol~..1conditiot,. wch ... ocoIi.-il ,,·ilb rotation, .nd ';'ta­liotl ;1 utu.oJly preoIt'tlt. OOIlt..cture of the '''Wlfklt On one Bide draw lhal p.ur.el the coI"mn to II", ..,,'" Bide, i. e., rnnU""lum elille "'Wlfl.. 001 tlot ~ht1Iidc, prod...,.. a .........·e 10 the ri&bl ..-ilb l'"OUIlion in the OIl1OOlilt dirocUonThe I..""'·.... pro.- OIl the ,.q;ht aide.~ !bUB brnooa:ht into promi_ aaa reaull 0( tlot rntolion.

Q.. , ....-uo.. .re"ppnWmaled or ""P*r&1ed~ IW)l. the lip""",,,'n..<>I,·ed notlot. Ibn lbe musd8!Anow....-In .....rly aU. if not aD.....b~ the Ji«a-a....... all"«tcd

bofOft the.......eltL I el tbe opinioo>"~,,VNt mu.l' Ioooioao of lbe ....... ela in elthe lip....... " lIilh lhictcn.i...

Q.. e--WO<DLll, ,,".1lipo... (8 eln1drN.). Ap .6l1y_. Three

IIgO~ ec.t.Ied. lIad one ""'1'pClI.r&IICflllOlIItl fea· "lOnll.. aft..r .-lion.Pioa· I... conll""am to llow- IIDd. hal t-n 1lo"';"lI for fI•.., ........\;5. t...., OrthrtII lUIpltilll • d.y. _macb aad I)" t-l1o trnu~.

If tlot... be a IUmor tbne it ill omaU aDd oolt. IA!Ilionl found " 5th lumbar,anterior, 3rd aDd 4!b lumbar. ~r; """'" rroa-diJ>« l~ber of In,...,r ribitaDd ..n~ I. lbne ...~' da,,«"" ol....-11

AnaQl'.-h iI not likd~· that lbe pat""l .... afibroOd IUmor for il II de-ri<kdJy II ""eepUoa for.- to de>"tiop al a period an Iau_ II II _ ."",om_f"". po.t ~ 10 be quitt~r .. to the -...........1 lhis ti_ OIl Ie-

COUll of lbe DttYOUI.nd YUeUlarr~ that lbe~ nadugo.- at t.loer~ 0( life. I \I"OUld be "'" the Iootout for ..._ if llot .....-ix is 110I in aIleoIllby..-:!iUon. Examine the --.;. -.rilh .III'C'""I"'" and 110I.. color, etc.11-.ril1 ute _i.alef"" il tode-rclop ....... if it be.~nccr. I .... ellheopiaiooa.that the CUll ia OM el ~...... el tM ut..... ,~ rrom yov d-nptioaand an;t -.ril1 yftI to trftl\malU dirK-tcd to tbe rclid elt"" pekic: ""'"'E i=

Q. WOIII&tl, th.iny-li'r... e.-ditioo. ronaatiool oi "111m..." i.. tho br-eaal.lltpn five YcartI "SO.I birth el dWd, .-ben Wt lmlaot ...... Iallftd. "The lint~"""p" .ppeared "I lhe poinl Ia-' aDd hao ......,. "holly d"'ppea~.

OIhr... lulve formed .<I<'OIIlpo.nied by ..-db&« of ..ntire~ IUIo<i "",,,,~t0( ,talMla in uilla, aU ,.-hieh 1"0;: UII very I"'"ilful. N..rly 0.11 of lbelum... (which .... pert.a 1» to 2 iof.... lone and 1 iMb ,,-ide) di!lapp",,,oo;....~IIi"ll <Iee_. ""'illary glands retum to nonnallOile .ad pain almo'J\. eIl_

Iitdy relie~ed durin,; .nd julio rollowi"f!: the menol",.1 flo,,·. The condilionhad bc<'n ...holly con~ned 10 the len brean until Feb",ary 181" .-hen patienthod the ,rip. hllo...ingthio .Iump .p" in the ri$hl b......oI-, """re' to

the cireumferellce Ihan In the Iell. Thill lu",p d;,1 "ot diaal'il<'ar during nexl"'cnll",al l>Criod. nor h", it Jet Sin.c Fnb"'~I)· the Mt nilmlo tli""harg.. ntin~rv.lI • drop of liquid which looks like d.rk thin blood Itud whcn dried1..,·t'I " 4ro,,'niah ~.;u, I",t hall uo <>dar. The B,,,,,,,nl i. 1,."I,alll from Ih"'llto fi'·e d1'Oll'l in \I....aly_fou' !lou",. and i,l_ II I'llicnl dOCII nol c-~ert h....1I.The hreut. h.,·.. l>Cc.. n."th mo... ".Inlul ."d .,,'o1lcn oi""" t'tbruary. SI",hal been in the habil e' ote:ttnlng the b.....l. ""d m~;", witb ohe oil to~\ic,'e t"" l'ail1, ...-hen VOloy ..""",,,. The *"-in AroUnd tbe n;PI.\ea, ocern' <'q....lly10010 on the Ic!I U>d "bt oide8. Seilhe, nil>J>lc' io vet)·"cintrlt 110' i. tI,emrdraelion. If lhe bmlsl be al\o..-odto drol' toa-..n:\ lhe .Jill•••• ODe ~ide out­aide lbe Ill"ClI. oIl'i«_nta'ion, "dimple r........ II il the okil • ..,... adbennt todrq'fl" u.-..

n.e pat.....t ill ""'1 I'Iat eheotcd lIitb e1a,~c1.. d,. .... bac:k ...,Iotr d<*'lJ.Thto lbinI rib II.....-y protni..... t in r.....l. lhe~. thi"t and roonh tbon.c;e"'" "'lnioor, but the "mebral -u el "1'1"'\" riha Ibn 110 .brJonnaIi~y nor I....do_ The m..... oIlhe.-1; .-...., fOlUIid<o....h1y lraCted but "pparentlyno opeciI.l ...,.lr,........ Si.nee llo<n II an 0_"malioo beI_..... lhe_"naallo.- aDd lbildil!ieultyol ,he bftaat, a '-..pnai ..nmi""tion ...... 1l*ie --' """'"1'1 thaI lbe mobi1ity of utenll ...... Jo.rned. She .....

c s~n Nalioul~~i<101_., 1010~ THE lI!1I.LKTllI',

no pelvic poj". M ."y ,i",. bu~ dt"'<'ril><'ll a I,..,li"jl; of "weakn_" throughtho l'el,.ilJ after n,,~' I'rol""~"d pIoJ'~i,,~1 ,!fort.

AJUI er._The ,,_ hAl .U the .P1>e1o"',,<:e of c....~r, y"t, ha"i~ """n eo in "'hkh ".n~r ,lid n<>l dc'"d"I' \'O»$id"rablc Cn"(lUngcment <'a0 heoff""",. 'IDe illj"ry' ...... tM ~ill"h'll:0( tl,e troubl" and lIinee Ihe "i",lll.tionIhroul:h tl", I>re.., i& in iIO"'''..·.~' .11"('('too by m~tW"""liO<l, lhe ~rnl>lOh"ofOOIl_ ...ouId he ,non:l "'uhd II thlt lime. ~ ,nJ.llJ('1ncn~ l1lll$l be in oneof I/>(> n,ilk ilia...... AnotMT r~l,,", 0(;1 Ih.1 In;lIhl be cncouragi"", i. tho> fatttll.~ it Ru,tu..teo ., to .i«l'. ,'" Ofl(''''lion "'ohld "ot do m\t<:b 1:00<1 e""o ifit ,,·ere. ~n('('. sinee i~ .....,hld not e""" if tho> <'a""'" had d,,'·cloped. and, if it.....,~ ""I no'" dO'\'c1oJl~d, ~be opera""o ..'oukl it l':1'O'IF the 'oon! ....pidly.I bcIic>'e by nrd"uJlrH.ltnoenl 'I""i<><l to tlw= rihl in ",latioD.Dd lbe ,..,rtebnr.1ldby ~I~ ma.nipulal;oa 01 .he hreMl iUrif, lifti. it. and by """'''hi..ns II>.Ii..... ,.-hkh """'"" 10 ........'I......lul'ftl, ~'ou .,.0 do. 1JT"'l~ dc.! .'ilh IhI' ......l1>e p......ulion I "'ould roml"'" io, do ""t ....D;pub'~ too bud din:ctly 0,.."the .l£"""'d..... ll~' oo:f,""" ..-ould be Ul '0"1\;"''''' t_u..enl for. f..... ,.nd, if 1M -..Iilio. 00.. aor. ...... _. it 'IFOQ\d be ~'ll!, bul if thecondition Il"'''' .-one, perilar- i• ..-ould ""~ ...moetory 10 lho> ""'0 und~ .... """,,tion, allh<:>uf:b it nlOY aor. belp. 1ft"" V"1;""t ,.,;,;;;;;,.1 oJI in. _Ib or "" ..·...b il IIbooold be """""...." CIIoOUI:IIo 10 )_ and10 I"" ""....... '0 "O'I\;n"" I"" I.....llIIml ~ dttiOl.l<injl; <i lbel__1M I>i~, "'hieh .._ ",.,.....,tiQrl .Dd lbe hard......., <II lbe IMruea .'" i_ponanl i..wol'''''' <II the ~i"""" fonn 01 eant'Cr. d..)· ......,i", Ul ho> .hIellli.I~_.

Q. ll.m.d. ~ hr~IY·lhlft. l.afI_....le:I .boullbemiddloe <II July, HIO·-l. ,-".,."ht..., p"",,"nt unlillul~. It ...bil:bIi....~ abould haW"t ""'" quilL '.. IUId it><.. Old .... <II .bdomen.. ColI-rulltd I..., U. I)'....too rn.o~ for "1'1'...-.:1 _ but did DO( Mlplhe....,. Fuminot;oa "'~ I.h i..-ioal., muttd t.c1l:....... and mud>I~ al lhe ~Ib donal. Applied -"""'Il: 1 lOt..nt Ul ~~;:::......... abo -"""fl bftakill)l up ll'H.l-lnenl Ullum "'Itioa. Fa t.'quile """"'ltd bof_loa,-u., oIli"". 0... ho<trlal 1 ..... <IIDed lo home.~be llovi"fl: qwte It'>'_ prJ.... In .bnut .. hour • doot ..... upl:lled'__ "'I:...iOl(l and .bonl tbe .i... 01_'. lilt, pl:U-tbaptd aDd .....;~:~in • _bra."" I"" .....y witb tbe doot It .......nod <II fibroua.wi,b ;"t_itS filled with Llat:1I: blood t-lo4-t bul I to<I1d , .... 110 tracn 01~prcdu.u 01 ........ pllon. a.n ~ 110 bietor:r 01 abortion. Wha~ do ~'OU ~ •IhU io.nd lhe 0 ... oIlhe oood,lionT

A........ _FI'01II deot'ripl;oa. thio ....ppNn Ul he _ <II m-.:d .bortion.10 It.. .,.~ .boo1ioD the pmducla <II «ltl<eplioo upot-ll<d wiU>in. abonli_ all.... leul dealh boll ill u"""....1 _ t!w-y ma'. for _i"", 10 ""'« .. in lhe ... d_rihed. OifU>I-.;n<I;oa a.nd "'tODitf; rault10 that il 10 im,..... Ul be.w. to ""IIi"" tbe pl...,..I., ./>orion or "",bryn.A uleri"" mol~ frtqUCIIII)' de,·tl""".nd i~ .~...... ,...... 01 ci_ ..-iC"""1form. "" ill lbe .... d"""';hed ,hue Ire indifoaliooo 01 ",-..t .banion ..itbf",.".lion 01 ul"ri"" mole for the foUo...i. -...."": (I) bilIlOIy 01 ....; (2)"hars.".. of t.- upl:ll.d; (3) lime <II UpUl$ioll, i~ bl"ne .bout the nintbmOlllh.


":l'.tlns llotos.

Dr. C. O. C1i"" OI ~ .yon! d.Y" U llo..Ii""llo. Ill., lui ...""t. He..,.ponl Ik Homer Sle rt. who I... eha~e of hil 1,,..,tiC<', •• doib& ",<dy....

11--. John .'. lJoM .nd C. O. Cline oC IheSeai,.,. elN...... C'buS. Fish­~. oliN Junion .....motlK t"'=* ... 1>0 ... t&kine 1M Illinoia Su.te .~umi"'­

lion .t ":a,n St. Lou,. lbill ....k• ...Tho>aub hal """,ntly pu",halld tho> follO'lFi'll! .rtitlel: Web<.ter'. Un·

.brid&td IJitlionafy, >"If:i...I opKUIum. S",ilh ..<I J1ore1o<k·. S-.ri'll!...",110­KOpt, ~~IObalelri<:-, I__t)"_li,." .ha'''' .nd. doubledittioouy atand....

L.Mloni llo"kery 10 lIi.i,. lhe Club q...rt~'" ••hoJ'oul!:h o•..,m.u!ib&.The ...ood..-orlt. i;j bri"l': htd.I"" floor in IheKnrtll l'QOIIl "",,",inted aDdtho> ....n..nd mli'll! bri"4t J"l'tly iml.nlved by ""peri...nd~....

Thef~__ .... pubbahed ill~ witllo .-..<I......, .. pub.

IiItw:d in. :i_her JluIIetia: G. R. Borw, 3. D. e-, F. F. Cooa, J. J1,CoIl'....u, J. W. U-s...-, c. L. Kirkhalll. a.... J1 L. O. lofoeril. D. H.11.-. C, L. Riehardloo, J, 8. !'chroek, II. D. Sulli n.

•••Dr. L. N, P"".......II: 011 .... "~duI, 1IlO4, opeat • .-eeIt in Kirt.

.-iIkduri"l!;: lbe _th of April riaili"C hia air.,.nd lld.,,~dalll!hl~.

bill AI.... l"ter."" I.... QuI>. By innta."", the Doc\or p"" an ialu Ii...... i_rueli"" 1.1.111: \(I 1M aub on I....~ of ...... 1001110. in ...hich be;",-dieated _ 011 obatadeoI _ likely Ul -'nl4I che llO"itiace p.....,.i-

t.ioDer<llo.~tby bil:h"" 11I_ ....... <iIhe- to node or nD<I.u.h. .n.-~hta""'"' YCty iIpOly ....nforetd by lhe Malion n£ pl:' ""I exp<> ...Dr. l'Haocll: ......umblnd .-... I .... 1*1 01 II;. em...nd "" ~....,.. I""""f01 .... _rit b.. loia~ in lbe 1itl<I. II" Ia • IhOdeM r:<"lleman, ba.rinr:; .,..;..~o(.m~ ..... cult...... eo- "pin Oodor.----,J. S..'-.. .

M_ben inililolod Ii_ our \ut. _..e: t .... r1N A. Wibb of Sebeoecuody.:s, Y. Ur. Wilalte .."'" 10 11M A. !l. 0, from CbieoKo _bert! be .....~......hited. for. ,rail <om""n,.. lIe .. ..-ery adepl in 11M art 0(

<!rauchli•• many <II hie d of tbe ""....,.. aywtem ud of ,..rioIIO orpDlof , .... body .... '"-' by _ 0( I.... I..,ulty 10 _Le dtmotost....l;O' Ul t ....

.~ Hn bcean>I in1erl>ltN in ~Ih)' Ibrou«h .... uquainla..... 'lFithDr. K1umph .ho", .... _ at the lloulb II.."" .,,,,mer rcaort.

liT. Jolla Ri"lll"" 01 lhe Senior ~...: llr. Rioer;er .. one of the S'lau",ba$men IMt ...... rode the ACWI0l,1, II iI'lFilhll....uine p.......... lha, we p......nthim \(lour me",hen ,n tbe ficld. He is. brother 01 ... ttorntJ"1l Riqe. &; Riqerof ~bia .ity. llio..-ue hal beo:>a pra,t",ine in Rod LotI",. Monl#"* for peg

~.xis 11ot~~

r...."~ It it pcrha~ 1>ef(I_ 10 .y lllal '- IItI«>NI prompted bim I<>take ap lbe Mud,._ .-\11 ja..ilatiob~u~ Yr. Riot:... arty;" _Sop....._Ierm bul.llha~lime bedid DOllftli..e tbepnetit'alvalueof OIl.orpltilion. II is .re to at lbat DO IDOrt lOOrou,;h o:r _ient;ous lIudMlI hal::~td the A. S. O. in ""'''y a day. Uke Mr. WilIke. he ill exper1-.~ dro.oriDg.The CUI. 0: the ."n'patlleuc ")..tcm ".. hieh nPI""''' ill Anl.0ll Md Knnl 'eo I'hylliol,osr Quu .. 1M .....wI of }fro Ili~" 1"",<11"-0'1<. Till. i. by fa. Ill" best cutor t1H:l kin<! it .... • vor l«n OUr pl........rc to_.

~Inlt-Lif'e...Dd ~:_~W" IbouId be trWy J..'dulto Iif~or help IifL.IiUI8 bunl.......,."e _ ......,.~ relleeud iJl «hen. ""\\ltea in,;!e<l 10 joia Lhe Am dub OW" Ii.. thouchl ia, 'will it par! ••.. We eo '! ,t<! lhe ftfttIt triall oilhi' Club &Dd the "-hili~y i~ ....m

th~"""t the....,., .Dd <lHi<led to~. ".. All dub n",mben, .-e mWlt~ to "'lneide. leU &!oil(', .,"Whal ri@:hl ha,'" Ito e"p""1 the nK'mbc", of lheCl"b to give "M! the bene­

fi,e of lheir I no\ lin my hand to tho burd"n.""If it '.ke. m&Ohinery ,e run a cl"b-a'>d it <1001' if it "kIlO mone,' 10 run

.. dub--<l....l it d_,-whal ri@:II, ha"ll I to Ihro.. I~ hurden ba"k on athert&Dd not. bclp Iifl it.."

" We O<l&h' 10 t.hiDk ,..bethllt'.... Iiflen or ,..betbet ......... l.e&o..... ' !

~Who.teYtr...... Asia Quh. _do. u. btlped or hurt iJldivi<luaIly__m_ ".ori< for lbe Club," -&eoocI~A,..e'!1> the \'enIid.:-

)In. llille. has boallo~ud retlll'Jlo«i iii.............., ieew.

• ••lfeodan_ Ilrownlce, .115nll•. J[;- IlSI1"';,;, N""mao, P,in,Uc, lls"ll.

and McL!o<l mad.. " trip to St 1.<>",. the w""k of lIlly 101h.

• ••. y!a have n:>oei'-oo linoc 100M i_e. 11.... Lim. Colli., of Edinbu~b,

Ill""".. l.......m.v. t~'-of....,..] yea.. uptriente and ...... lWdyill«_,,",lily ..ith boor "........... lIn. Collier ... """"...... <Ii the Soploomore cIaa.

• ••A '""t!!1Y ;1l1C!....u.,; Ie'll... rrom ois&oel' 1.. A. N....ill..... .-d before theCinh

_II,.. II pnUiDtd chiely to the aeti~ _ben thert!ore DO exare IIWIe for pablin.tion but .... ..-ieh Dr, XeviwllO 1"lOw lhal her 1I'OrdI or kin<ladvlN'.nd e_'''~I.rerauch "I'ptftial«l,

• • •&>1I" Guo, """ ",," C'-'~-" T',. ",_., _", ~". '''" ,_~ 'U A'~A ~. '-'.v • "~u" N.~DAT,

A"'UL 20, 1005,

"THE '\lU.II1TUI.- "II , ..... docI't play 111,- ....~. I ,...,..'1 play.1 aU io "hild...... '.f~__..~ pa-' tbe '!hiidiall -up."

"I hooId my rit;hI ..." to YioIa'" -",-"MTl>e ,hi", OIlrClub ac.a..... for ia that,.... be more .o_nl,. _omen.""There ia. ~ood prineiple behind dllllMY of leiti"3 lhe ruajori~r rul... "" 'Xo man Ii,-eth "nto hi""",lf a"d no m.n dielll ""10 h;'" ..lI' ""1.[,.'1 .mOllC PfOIllo for too pu~ of maki"3 ,hem beUer."" nlOre P~1'01lil on "'....,. line than be-(ore the tl'Qllbl... "~You peop1e lived -Ol"ilI:ht up.t that I,me ud braucht us ..bero .... u.,"

• • •We aR &lad '0 obaen'e lhe apiril 01 hanaoay &Dd rood feelialthal pr&­ IJl6Qub.......ben. abu lite deep iJl_ takm ill all the .-ork.So 0 .... _ .,... ul'k- ue..... me" ..hen appoilll«110 • Un! dUly...b..._ oIlhoe ollken .....1 ""'mbM. 01 commil-l_ -wort like T",j.....lid _u-look ....-dy to drop hul u-'.".. mOl''''u, ill .....rd. TIIi. ia but lholivi"l!:uI'rmon of the 8JIirit lhat "'.•• e"oked laM ."Iumn duri"l OUr period of .....and Ilonll-Ihe .oti,-e ...",t!St .pint of l(l)-.Ity to In'lh .nd "'lu"'Ce of OOn'riction r....1 bl'O"i"t the Club safely ,1'I'O\lglI lhat b..rd trial and ",hicb eon-

I tinui"t baa IeeUred to it • <log at Im.]>eril,· l",...tof_ """"'eellcd ..ndpnho,pI unequoilled. Our I rer ielDnQI \Ill lhal our eo«.... aR full'lr u.....l'f'l:I" bdore illibe hiaOI'y ot lheClub dun", lhill pu\ at. lenD. Oar pnoctieal.-ort ia under full head ....,. ud ...-err ACth... memher prvrided for .nd ...._ number ..boa~ lUI,.. 1'be Ihu""'" dap u.-. lerm-UIirt«to ooce ..lid __ folk>wi"C-had tbe elfeel 01 electrXal _ C"""..lly illpmif)'inc .",1 clta.llSiDc OUr .tn>oep....... 11 ..........1ed to our _n po......alld '.u~hl '" more wiadom.nd ...reful_ in tho -.eIoc:tion of ne" men>­be~. The twd'e f.ithful 01'''' who left u~ in Januery to beeo,nc graduate""""ben in ,loe Add, ,I,e ~,,-_-nl Senior memben ."d 111_ of 11111 JUNo"_1>0 ........t that lime .ilhiD our lold, C>Ofllribuled 10Ihe~ul ianllaI>d _h reIlIoli..... pillar of llreq,h '" he. place; hutlO mucb other epleIl-

ohd _tctW hu been 1Odd~ in on' membeta admill«l oi...... I...... lho.tthe Seoion ..ho will _ depart ha DO I.... atrcI~ for OW" btIov-'" ChIb. We .... _ Iho.lI ........ hapPy lUld prwd to be An._bon.

To .........'-""" in lhe ficld, _ ,..i&h 10 up..- ..pplftil.tion oIail lhe ItiDd_erda .nd wIa..... you ha,'" ...nt ........ t.....b for I'''''''pt paymeqt at d_o.. the part of 10 toton,.. gbd ,'011 think Ille Dulletin impl'O"~. We'hink 10 100 ..nd we ••ll rOUt .tlcn'ion '0 lhe f.ot Ihn it. ~itor, Mr. V.n_derburgh, i. dMCrving of all our bou<IUtlll; 1,,~ ua gh'e Ihen' 10 hi", nowdUl"iJlg hi, life i" olf>Cll .nd not ......t 10 litre.. OIlr 110 of .pp,.,.iA'ion O"crthe oold I»er of wl'Nit;nalinll, lor he ia .. Senior "'lilt \ea"e u. in June.Hr bae proveD himtelf pcll I of UIIUlt1ai .bili~y .. ~'Iot ..nd hu u_ettioecI _ iNUlioa.nd Ulltirinc dfort ill lbe mu••noenl 01 the busi..­~ta oonneetod with lhe publicl.lic-. lie lwo entI opet>t ",,,,,I> vaJ._hie lime iu lin";", 10 oorte« I"-t yery iocone<'ll* 0I1Odd_ 01 ,rMI...


.. .

Tnx nULJ,BTlI'l. '9------,-::==---,,--,,---:...,..,,--::-'"~y ~.rti..t ..iahet 10' your """tinued "".«:eo'" Dr. I..,.belle 11o..,.

loCk, Lill«lln, Nobr. .. ."The lluUetinlooh 'luil<l fine in i~ 'lC" Congtl>lulation,."-Dr.

I".hel' V. Spalet, She""''', T"x.... .." ......"The UuUch .. i••l"'"ar- ,.,.(J "'j,ll pl_re and I hope "h'·"l·. \.() be an

~tio """nber."_Ik :\e1lie MOIIInUI. Chad"''', ~eb.. a ....

"Th6 Bulletin ollalt tIM booeD a valuable pul>litat;On. One eoold ...arcelyIf$lioe that ....b a decide<! .bao~ """kl .... b~bt about.. "-Dr. Sa", .\Iae"'n Ik>ren, ,\IIq;heny, I'a. ...

"~ly "6)'~' ......hN lor tbe ...._ oItbeOub and ,be hope lhal. in the"'""" I may be 01 mol<' al'«l\lnllO j~ lban I ba," been befn...."-Dr. Florence1ln>1I"D Slalford, l'iltal.>u.qh, I'a.

atc ",mnbf,n. 1I,lOme 81ill fall to get their Bulletin it is ""nainly not Mr.\'.nd~rl,,'rgh" fault but mWlt he laid to the hleme 01 hi. I'rOO........'" in ofli..Or ,,,,,hap., ill ,,,,,or 0...... l<> the members themeclv.. "'ho failw g;'"n ProfittIlotion or to fumiBh "_ry poolt.oge to 1""'1l it fo","ardl'd. We think he haathat oroobd lin about .'night "".... but if aOl' of )..... kIlO" of • I....on an.,"...·be", do 1'1_1IeDd ' .....r ""moe, add... DO'" and set .\ properlJ iDllerttd ;"order Ibat the body of our Club mar be. hf.nnon,' lhroucholll.

Xo.....hat do you think of that! II the Bunehn hal impro,..,.l it;" d~ lei

the """,,"en! aniel.. ,,'hieh ha"n 01 loIn ~D contribut«! to it. W. lhaU~l"," Bro"'n1~ for her OOml'limenl but d....,.., to &MUm our reade.. Ihn if tho-<..-iIh to ha,·o. I'Ndoble and io!e...-ti,,! journal, i, .-;ll be ~'}. '<I' thelll ~lead • help,. haDd._Ed.


• ••


• ••HI "'ltice _ objftl 10 p-rmftl' of d..... IIuIlkiD« lboy ....,. be bcIpi"l!l

""y lor ~I;e- ..hich art 1ll'·eQ. To ",y tnind.tbq are i"'pooUnt not onl,.ill &<quain,i", the """"ben with lbe Fl'NIuDca. but lhe part. of .....,;...;",;and H1ltr1......... a ,and t"',,,,,,, for .......,. Club mtatben. W,tb ,"Of}' bellt...-w-."_I:hl. An..: h~. 1'>:....,..00;. l'hiladd~ Pa.

• ••"It .. .-n.o. 10 .,. how I ..... pn,: to ,be aub. l.hi.Ilir. of you all

-'Y Wcd~ay afttnlOtMl aDd I couJd IttJ' UI and jom in ~~.Glad to b.o.. you .... (Mline on many ni"" JOO<I ........boers. The Club-M ""I help bu, IIoorioh ..i,h ,uoh .......peten~ _ 10 run i~ I\ioo__pro, to ~11h.C1ub """mhmo aI<>nt; "ilh ",y VOl)' boat ..w.a lor IbeOub."­IIr.JIIlia llay!'<lmm, Wuo. Teuo.

• ••.•~ put me do..." .. """ ..h.n..-ill be '"en'~ '0 oond $10 10 be

~ in buikli,. • ho_ for I'" A;<jo and Atluctubo. I think Dr. ....u·~idot.. (0011 0"". I .....,;.~cd more ItIppott. la.~ ysr from """",ben of t""Clubo

"In l.... Overton'ubRore I ..ill play c::~....mary-. l ....h 10 .....'""'" ol bo:r """tiout<! inl...... in ' ....C1ub .. billh -.ndardo oI>e Ial:>cftd ""laiUlully \.() maiDlain durio« ber praid~".,..". Or. J. A. o.-ton, n-oIa, 1Il....

"'f'h<o BWletia i. al.ays a wekomt ,iiitoo-. I>rinltinlt ..ilb io, plea.aanl ............tinna of byJ:n<wl <ta).... \\ith kindett ,.-.,.. aDd~ wisbooI for lhe «>­,inuotd .._ 011_ .,maub."-Dr. )bl>d G. R-U. Conuno<rte, Texao.

• ••~I ",...h pI.eQed 10 ~e lhe~t &ad. imP'O'""",,,,1 in lhe

~I oIlbe BnIlelin and attI pa.d OUt <lub" on p',,",*,ws c.hi:s ya,r.Tbot il _y o:oatirlue 10 prolp<r~h theoomizltl Yftl1I ill ",y ....-. wish.. '.-Dr. '~p>eI Ihndy. I"tinetto-, )In.

• ••~I. PH" the Ctub fortunate irI ban",; ;\.I !'tal« for iUl preDdctl\..

y .... .m beI~ and~ ""cry <ta" thool,.OOI 00t 1b> you~ IO.-wk. I fdod Io<UoN do proftl" to be U'N'cd by a1~, .....n,tnIJly "'"' do loo-wioloi"" ...-10 IbeClub."-Dr. c......,.11... BeaDd4, J~.lDi.......

~ With kiDdly V-inp 10 you &ad aU the ......."-Dr. adoe C. Rilo1Kew Yeri: Cit)", N. Y. ... ,>w_

"I tmat theOu" ill ia .. lIourillliJrc ~tioD. "-Dr. EthtI I.ouiMBkwwiD«\Ol'. IU.

• ••Y I ...;ah ,ho,Ctub aDd aU """"ben ,,- '- _ "-Dr. Li.... J. w,..

~'. &and;,., Ka...... ..... With bea wW>et {<II" .. ""Y ~u.l ,-r for the Qub."-Dr. $. \..

pm., R"""..... I'a. ...'''''he BuI~l" ill ;ml"'''~''ll. Ktt'P OIl wi,h .he sood...,.L ,,~_

;,.00 ,"" AN Club."-Dr. Ma,," B. ;;~rv, RutlaD(l, n.• ••

.. I am .10...,..~ 10 ~~t the Bulletin .. it koo:v- .... in lOuch .. ith IAxil Club ....,.It. bocb in ...booI &ad field. I ewd hlldeM ,oftl' .....q""" for the~ of the Club. ". -I)•• Orie Coppem<:IiI, wm , Sob...

"Hope 1M Club .. In .. Jln»PC'roo. and happy coaditioD.. PI..".,..,,__beIc ...i,""'" 10 the ........ben and l~llhea, I ba,-c _ -., .. u,~ piIbM did D<)l nlmlDd _ of the o~ I o"toe rode ill. Kirb,·ille."-Dr. XellitFisher, Youopt",.-", Ohio.

~ Witb !>Nt ""*'"- £0<" tbe pI'OIIperity of tbe Club. "-Dr.Ci"";nno.ti, Ohio.

AXI!l )'U:LI,l SOTI!S.

~ WiIhiJl« the A.... all), IIlucb pl'lll!lJlt'rity."-Dr. l.oml. L. Le'ris, Paria,D.

· . . I"Wi!.h '- ....... f~ the Ollb, £nwually. "-Dr. l.larpm. L S.........

Cle>-ftand, Ohio.



---::----:-Ife cl>telt our lin 0~1' nnce each month 10 .n! ~tive Ihe llulletin goes 10

II'" ,..w..- ...e ba..~. • ••

Dr. K. T. V~,-orl>erp; hal ~'ed hill 015"" from D )llIford Dloek, I" Room

• T.,lnl' In...., LaI.Jelte, Ind....... - ...U. D. :-;.......: "I wOllld GOI lhink or~ Illy reiati<ml :"'ith w.Club

&it" I apeec. 10 returo lor f_bet" Mudy .nd .....ld _ f-eft efluf'dy •• homeif 1 e<>Uld DOl .uead 1M praet.ial and aoeiaI CTftI\a.··.. ,

l>r.~ w. PerriJt baa ebanpi hia add..- rroao II? East 13tJo.~ .•


n. "'._ 13lb A,<eln", l:lenr..... Oc*>nd<>. He ..-nl,,", 1"br propo!IIhoo\O ...... ~ , ._~ ••. "04-' by Dr. rno.nldin .~.... ,nod <>De """ ."or ,I..,

Dr. E. E. Hard"" baa mo,'Cd from Co1umbiJ. Ci~)', Ind. 1<>3.13 S. )laiD !':t.,nutlet", I'•. Dr. H.rd"" ..... d<>!,,& wdl in CoI~",b.. Cil,' t'Onei<len"f; the_of lhe Ie..'" but did "",I-eft IUII,Md lD """"""'-"I: lhen! .1. Hillier. aPf'""l"'! 10be • D."N deoi..ble pl."" 10>" a ho",e .......u .. lor the ptulioe of b.. prof.......n... ,

thai. C. Teall. Brookl)'n, N. Y,: .. I .lIt eaili"fl; to! ltall' I..""",.O,.-.andn,u,t be eq"a", ,.-ith Clllb. !><lore leM'ing. Q;,uo<>pathy" fille for lb" pdoelll,but migbty to,,~h on the Oslt",!,.th and I go f?r nceded I"t'lt. Dr. Jolm A.DeTi"""", • v.lIiont Atl""'te, is now localed WIth me....

Dr. J. n. Slephe... in doi", .....11 in White Sulph"r Spri'o«D. ) ~Ieorritftl: "TcU the rraduali"ll: ~la. tha~ .\ is. \loot! Mall 10 ",""te 'D.While lhere an! 00' ,,,.ny rit;"" ~ ,be OIale and ""aaequrntly, .oold ""1 _mnd.te many tnOt'e ""ltOP"'llta.ltilll~are"""" \I00d Ofl<'n>Df;I.nd ,Ite p.......lire ia well advrm..d .. ..-e ha\'1! had a ,GOd la.. ben for *""" )..,.... l3cclori8beo I<> lbe aub. " ...

Or. J. 1.. HoIl<>way 01 Dallaa, Tau. -.rri",": K Any ""mote or ","crpriRn>a.Difeat«f by tbeQub is aI.....,... pItaourll 10 tbe 6eId-...ber1..-bo loot bacl<vpoa tbrit __tiona l.hen wiu. ~ni"" ~bl. CoD'''''- I .. aD my healwiabeo aad Iti""- "'P"'" I hope '0 .....lribule a IlKwt an.irIe .. peT JOUrreq_ or '- m<>nth. Am fairlr buay .ith bnc:h, P"""Pl"tL"

We willt iIllCreM Dr. lIolloway-'1 llt'IieIe wb;th will appear ;" ,he

Ju....~ • * *DI'. George W. Rrid 01 WOn:eOlel', 11..... ..-hon, ~ rqoorud as bei"" in

,"rmille ..·ltrn our Iul .... ume oul. baa ju"" t'OlIllllcted • eou al lbeDr",''''' 1I0",copatbie Coil,*" 01 Med;'i"". Dr. Hrid "',.. tha. a In !rdge 01medi.ine only .tron\llhcna him in oooopathr. I.he ~on'~'h,!: ~he'};",pIOl1' wil.ho"~ reg.rd to the """". Dr. U",d ",,11 ""n"nue to ptutlce'Grnuine ""teopaU,y." ...

.. I know my",," how 1'0m it i. to ~C, ond k,:"p n lilt of ""lltoing~"nd,?,.ided-wMrc-Io-l""ato "'omUoel'l! lor, .. I ..,d. I hHe bad IlOm. expcn·ure riltll~ Ih~", myllrll .nd I hGPO ro" ..-ill keep Ihi. in mind ,,'hen you your­ee".. vad",,~withtM bMl of wi.hen forlheQub and .. ,nucb.nd m<>"l~ to \.be ..\II l:oiDII: 'nemhers .. I have _t ",ith my",,1t I'll .,. """'b,·c."-I>.. II. K. Pil:<>u, Toronto, Canada.

1)1'. J. K. Dooier: "II ill'l'KY ,ralifying '0 DOte ho..- lbeaub in &<in ... ,Dr. J<>oeph 31. !':milh baa II'Ond fl'OO!l Sou".,. Xebr., 10 & ... B1Mt, LiI>­

rd.a. Xebr. ...

ATI,,\il YIF.U) J. L. N..r is p..weiJII ill 'l'ulare. Cali!. ....Dr. W. C. )IOlItque baa mored from Eu"",,", Calif., 10 a ....·"""nd, Tft>II.....

lhan 'IroUtd P"'Y d....... et~., for IW~Dty y...... I lJIi"k wa aU ~rociete th:benefil.l oIlbeCiubo but an! b...,. aDd oIten fOll;~~ 10.,. 110. \h~ yOll ell.dM beet IlUeecA "-Dr. J.-phi.... Door....""", St. Loui., )10.

•••"t ,ladly~~heelt to!" my Q\lb due-.. The p\NaD~ .-..i&t>ou. <.(

the Cub .1Id \.be .pIeDdid ""'"' pWl in it an! MpeeiaUy appreeiat«l in ~btMId. 1 .....n~ 10 COIIl!:lSlulate 11>& aub llpoa \.be able """"«U>cD1 01. the an.happy aft"air lal1 tnm ..-heft ...nai.a .......~ 'OOtbdrew. 1 t ..... I~ it alUlI~y ollpirit exiainlt ...... ...t lhat jOU an!;" a _ jlfG&JM'fOIlI eoDdi_The 6eId ""'"' is ptifyi"8" aDd doelif:btlul. if .t Ii_ bord and ~1lC- II ....~ ......".,. day I"em "'" o.t-;;t~ With'~~ u. thcOoJ"I .m, • .......,jy yonrs. -Dr. E1la F. IliMtll, .\IadieoA, \\ '"

•••1.Mt of A:ria _mben. in t"'e field who Iu"." paid d l.- iMue: Oro

M.ude WatHIl'l&ll DooTiew>t, )1..... H. :iherl>urne. 0 Coppernoll, Abbie J""';PelUlnek. Lorelt. L. Lewil. F.lla 11". m_lI, E1.... Ed..-ard&, II. K I~tt )1..,.caret I. Shoridau. S"lvio R. OrOl1oll, Line J. Wrilla{, ~'~IIee ll......n'Stal.Inrd. x~nir )J. F""",r. Et1>ei l,nniee n" .....r, Alire . Il.I!f:be. Agnea Oartd,Nanny It Ilo.lI-Hau,hman. om.. A. l,ynn. Emm. II. Xugellt. Ilenh A. Jl";~deeke, )laud O. Itusoell. Chine C. !liley, A"ghoy V. Spat..... SA.... Mae Vll.llV<>,..,n,>eth )1. Crow. ~.<lwlo. A. 1\·.,iuo, HeMin M. lilll:lleer, NeUi~ )! I.:arrin A. Oitman, Gmt'C II, Teall. )Ianhinc M. U.ndd....

We~ ,..".,. ",...h 10 I...... '" .1>& d..u. 01 Dr.~ II. • '.falher••'Ioieh """"""'" ill Philaddphia, Pt., on Satwdo)', Al,rillau>' Broo....Cromie baa ,be ~.",p"'thJ 01 \.be ""tiN aub....

To .ff<lffimoda'e hill ,ro.;"II: pra01~, Dr. F.....kIio Flake baa doubI..ttbe Ii.. of hill office" in lbe Coroi", binet, t.king. ron,: time '- or .....

!'oini", roomo. lie ia .loo ",.ki"fl; improvementa i" \he ollire equip""'l1l.­'01'U«e Wisoon1!iu Democrat. ...

I).... J, A. and ~l. \Y. Dcl'ie""e b~\"" ~h·"" up their P"",,\;<o ill ColoradoSprin~" C"lo., to toke <hal'l!o of Or. 1'0011', I' ....c(i<e at Ilrookl}'ll, N, Y. Ilrotb­el' 1><-'I~"nM "'-rite" "LeI the dub maintain ilos higb Itondol'lI in memlorl1lhipaud Bulletin and we will .11 be proud of oUr emblem."...

Dr. n. L. W""I ""m""'in. thaI he h» rerei"ed lhe Il\llielin ,.""Y irRl:'"luly .i...., be ~l OIl\. We ba"e ..n~ hiII::r'" to ~ C ....nd St., White .~. Y., which add..-;" on hill leU.... '-I. il Dr. W_ .... failed 10 rerei'"hit. ll\lllelin Ii""" Jan""..,-, lbe fa\lll "'.... be wilh tbe]>GR ollir6 dopana>enl

(l s~u "'....... 00_+;' M......~Uo. 1110)0 TOE lluu.E1'llf.

I.. Our 1).,1'<)8"..


...1'3ul ~l. 1'0010: "loenuil Ol~ 10 _uql'Ollo ~'ou theJ..irobilit; or the A,IIt.

C1ubpurcha.i,,~ a 10'Jle.e",,, book 10 1Jc kept in IheClub "',,"'. ur Ih" l'~'""ot;"n of "'''IlN whloh 01 It<"ts i. 1'0,:," d,·.imbl" fur Ih" mc",b~", 10 have f",",Ie",m,e, m,d whicb,i" Ihe "bsen"" of Illy on" 1'<'8l"'".ibl" lor Ihe ""lleelinD 01..",e, ,,'ould be 1001 .,L<! OO~ oo:...·e it< fnll "...ruin.... I ",.lil~l Ihe lack or",,,,ethin,o: al""1: t h.t line "be" I \l.... XoMo ~kulL but fail<d 10 I".ou;r:ural" Iheidea into MI.kin,: ord",. Illdi~"e.~r .hould be .oPI",inll'd who .!><>ukl dil'.rti<-I.. .--I,,",ble lor rul"... n-fu-....... af I'<',uinil'l; 10 I .. I'rof........" .•nd ,h.mrn,be.. abould """,ribul" t<> ,hi< ,'oIn"",.•1>o. t:~"",· o.ll'O;""llobouldl~. keepillll hia .....p boo\; "h 1M' arb<><'ol. Wi..... _ ]l:eto DIIt io ,hel'<-ld. be.iD bod lhe MN for rd"~ , ••0"'...rUcle .hi"" .......1J·he of ",ud,....-... to hi... &t tJoe IIlO<11M't. if he """lJ .......11 i~ a<'<'llr&,d,·. One ......" k......-.

",hat time be o"'y be rallod up"" to romrile au artiele 10 .n.· .". 10<><lI<O 1.1""~ha~ <I. •• opf"""""l 10 our sy>1........ nd &1 .....It Ii ll<!. 1hI' " boo/.; ",ill1',,"'" ". ""'7 p.-..' IttIp in I,,,,,, <>f 1",,,I>le.·· So "",DV ...-tiel.. "'"' ..-rill'-ll,n ...nOD!! rnap..ioea "".... "'hidl a", w"rth 1'''''' "ill~ :" _ .. '1l ....1;"n <>flil""lurc. bul wilhou~ tM oo:"'p loook hahit. I~ ...ill J'Ot ."·,,y,.nd m"eh oftl'l'ir ~ood ill IDllI.

II JOu Ihink thi. id". w""l1 eol.",i,L;l' ul",n, I olf", 1I 10 "'''' •• a iU«:/!;l'>l­Hon whieh If .dol,led. willl"o"c a ~nod thilljli lor th"(,'ub. 31.yl", it i.o l>cin~

eani,-d out DOW, ,ut il "<'I, lL'C it il j'o" tl,i"K worlh the white,ShaH Iry to g~t l"0'" "";01" (", 'he J""e i ...,,,e a' ''''Iuoot",l.''...n. L. Cbil.. , "I "'u"l '0 8"~~""t ,hal the me",l>r.. tor ,h" A11M ~"d Axlll

('Ill\....old .....uDi"" dioner io ion" it h tlte Den",... merll"f! ,>I Ih. A. 0 ...1.,n..-.e g.l!>erinp .bould he i...,it'''HI ,lIMe .nd hcrraher toe • pennao,'nlf""lun: <I. lhe .no"a1 " ......... illl:.. The ........."Ii.". """,ram "'ill PI)' ,.d',,'tof ,bit. ... it iI Vrtll..-d 10 btJld j ...t _ lon._ .......... _I, da)'-aad Ih<­ .. 0..":"",,,,1 .1""·,, eould be held u an e<o-euq d'tmer or """" lu...-band fomo a _ pIet 1 .....:I profI'ahIe fUDMion.. I ,,'oukI UI"!!I' that ,I", !«oal.bapl.... <I. tbe t ..o (,,, ,ab tlti. 01' ..nd "PI'"int <'OD,mitt_ of ~""Ie.nd "~II&I" n_hen ",Ito "ill be ill I"...'..... '0 ...... lhe detail. <>fI"" aIf..... 1)0 _ ha .... i, tla'-'ol" or ..,pruR..... I abtouId make. doI~r ordnllar fifly I"" limi~ Jl"I" l>b'~. The Il"",n-l'~ R· l<'l .. hi<h io 10 be ,I..~uart~...illl""baPS not """"e "" 1M thew I''''''''' bUl ",ho. botels of , ....~i'.,· ,,-ill. ". IIimVIe din""'" or lunrh e.o be ..... "lI,<I "';'h .V"""hef .ndl!"Ii_i'.ti",," if deaired. it .. ill at GO.... b....nme a ....,.ll"'rf. ,,r the A. O. ,\. nonllal""",tiop.OO renn .. doaer lIl'1I"" t>C ."jU.i"I.n~ alld u"io" .'n,,'''; 'he firMn,.",I.."..

I trust (1," AI"",,,i A>!OOCia(;on nl Ih" A. fl. O. snd ,he olh., ~ohool... ill""'nge f", .i",il", lunct;Ollil.

In luturn the A. O. ,\. l''''l':''''''' will ",Imit nf ,Ioem ... Ih"1' .. ill not II<' ontre"uo,,", aOO Ill ..... ll1!'Cli"!:,, "ill 1...11' m",h in hringing lhe m~mb.", out

..I 1-.. ..." iI be abooM ....... be ,,·i. enou~" t" "ot..- 11M, <>kI A, ~. 0 .....Jteo" Joeffll ~-ercd how .. illll:il:nil>eaot" Ib_ bnDd>ell .re i. ,bal i_itu';"".

11 I~ are "01i_" brand>N I .b<~,1J Ill" 1<> l ......ha' ,Iteir """'i'"""""..... l'erho.pt1 Ie:<:t boob .... ,oll~.· '0 kocp lhe bity in 19:1lOI&%ltf'.""TmotiJlo on dOlliI\ll:" or U II.",. 10 , ..",lilt o-tenpathy," .....~ m.h~ rot,~I",I~ thaI lheir bill~r Dp~i'ioo 1<> Q&\~Il<ie lc7tblati '"

in this lItate. _ d~ to l",i. (tae of Ol'l('<'I""M~ n."li......·,... in ,ht.e"mit>Or b..""hs." ]'..te .....l1~·.

Or, F"raDcil J. 1lN.U: "~'",m lbe kicu I _ of ""me of t.... Scld memoben ul" ptI~'illll: dlHll, I tllillk il wrould be all"Od id... to have it 110 a _mt­in lite field could buy a lilt -.mbuohip ....d 0-. be ,,"OUld DOl. be .nDOyM..nllt ptIriztf:: .. _II amoull~ ...,It )_•. "

We eao>not~ ..nth I>r. Bnlil u to the JId,"'biliIY d eoCabliohin&: alilt Inf'DIbenItip. It __ 10 ... tha' il Ihould not be .D &IODOJ'&_ to &end........ dll8 t>DC'e a ....1". T'" Pyloruo' boob aItow that it io """" d.D ."""".• .,.,.. 10 .nd ill a~ "bed< tha~ a -U ....... at 1_ tlte ,.,...tM porti(m ..tbe Ille<DItus ,,"'i,IC OGiy 0""' doIl.o.r ha,'C mopuooed to tlte ou.~t """'ttltem, "'h~e ooly .. few of t"'- who owe fur .,·eraJ ~..... have ",mit ted....

lIenry' Slanlt"Pl' lI"nli"ll' .. It .. a dilllin" pleaou", to !lend you my .hrekfo, ,I".. to lh"Cluh. It would have bc"n ",,,,t "",lie, but 1 h"ve ul""'led tovisit l\i,k8ville an,lthoClub for 80me ,,·..,10.. Indl-ed 1 think now I will COmedo\\'n within a 10lltlijl;ht but it would bf,ne, ~o in .d'·an"" of (l,a ill .ll"" 1 ,,&ain.m disawoinUd,

Exl'l'Cl!I! my~t .".raMioD 10 lh" n",mbe~ipOve" the «",Iinlled ~rowthand vitalily of ~M ehlb .nd it. ~r orpnizalion .1 ,he p","",,,t mO'\'cment'0 ~ all Stid ,,"''''''''''' in JOOd ,uDdi"ll,

I.hope to be .ble 10 .Itend • ..-li"ll on 011' u .....ted ,ilit to u... old""'po,..uoond.1Id if I do I will ,ell 11M, folio-... _ haW~' and fUlIlly ,Ilillpin .-.inll'Ot'lll"'jew about lbe Dight.o .ben "'e IIIart«I the .. AtIN Qub" aDdpt tJlillp 1nO'~".

•••Dr. L. C. DroIt. St>I1Jl PWte. Sf'br.: .,~ pIeue fuod d.... for 1905.-

II bM been~ ~Ii.l- lhat I han not l'tlnitt«l DO\. t-It.-....:It ....ym.aliol.etioo "';11t tbe "lult or ibr rna~enl. If I und nd .....-eell..., liteqnoJ id..... of 1M 1'1'0"""-= of ,be Club .~~ for tlte "".".,.. of p,..,p.p..l.ion and betl""lIl: Mndiliono of o"teoptllh)' al a ";enoe.nd not foe tbe Inr­the"ng of intl!1'UUl of il. indi,'id",,1 "",m"""- The 1to"'1 th.t 110 "'''''y fieldm~rn~", .re"f! abou~ (4)ing du... el.i,ni,,!,: Ihey are d~r;"'ing no apecial~nefil,lppca.. to me 10 I",. very eelhh .....y t<.> look.~ it. IVhc... "'O"kllhearleuo;e bc today il .11 of i\41 10110""." i" lloe I'a"t had in"'t..l up"" immediateret"",. for all effort" )Jut lorthr I.m gla<lto be identified ,,·ith tile AlI.. Club10" 11JcIie"a Iha' within our ,,,uh we cau hOUloi Ihe pow~, that ,.iv,," o,omen­tum 10 Ihc ,,'or!.:i .... 01 Oil .. aricn.,...

We ar-c ha,~1I,I: QUil~ an UI......'·" a,l<! .... ried p"""ti..,. Have 110m<! vervinlnnU"f! ~ ,hal I ...ill '0:" to report OD in the """r fot~. .

Wilh t- ..-i"'- to.all who ...ear .he emblem of .,d, .. grud and noble""'uot. ,. ...

"1llrouf:b tlte it>lI_ of Dr. J. W llolJand. deaJo of u... JelI"...- ll.d--ierJ Col biD boo '-" io,rnd<>eed in,o tile ~ture 10.,.,.-.oil~ta.Ito ba completed lbar-.p~ year 10 take ,be Sate bo&nI ,,"1Ilina--tion ill 10.,"·. dIe",..,:," and ph~.

Allltou,;h tbt. ar'C IIlinor bra ..., ~'-' ..'" tlte 0__ in whieh candid..t..I", lite deft- of dlle'\oe of medici oom""",I,· fail. beca.... t_"",,,, ~".~btdu"lIfl"lhelinllW.... Yft.... and .",forgot,en bel"", t""atndent ha-olio­illhed hill eou.-.e.··

I'm cnalosi"f!: .liule _lippi"g 10 llive 1'0\1 a" id"a .. 10 ho... the I'eo"",·j.v.nia 1,,~i'I"to", .'" .1.nn<d 1",,1 their lupl'ly of " ~1, D'•. " """ exh""ot<d:

l'k""" note thlll .".I<)rny. phJ·.iology an,l <ill"ui'try "'" .. ,,,i,,,,," Im",oh••!I .loo"ld like to IN.'!: the "xl''''"';ou 0" till) CoU'ltC"""OO of one <>Ilh"". "~Iedi.

estill 1'1.......~...;" W_, llU\pijlo. /olO)' THIlIlULLmJl.


TIlE nOLunll.

aoo r",,'~nl lloo "$qln:R&li<:>n hbil," faal in 0'" prof";on ... in ot~",.

'!"htlee IUlqIestio,," come to me U • 01.,.,,1.,. .I~",r, bu~ I am sure t~y»'ill .,rik. ",.n,· • ""'POn";,-e 1>e<u1.

I alll i" (1,i<at:0 fur a da~' &rn\J>,l:iu« ralffl aoo ""''''ah lor 1M Den"ern><'cli"f: and .m ]'1.-.-1 to .nnOU"""'lh~h .he Bull"lln thaI _e lIhaU ha"e10.. rat.,. from a"y point, .". e>:arnpl..-."", l.oui., l:ll, Chi...., (2.t6,Flull"alo. t3~_1r; r-ound lrip. Let ua ha"e h~ndml.o 01 AI'- &Del A"ill men &Del...."""" I·~"I." ...

A D. G~.....u: EoelOlll'd lind """ dol~r, my d...,. 10 Club for 1005. I re­...,;,'f«! a eta~",ml ...,."., time &«0, bu~ laid ,t and 100000t ll..~ I bad eH-'ftffi,~ i, till I ....ti<'ed in tbe b..t Hullol,n that _ olcbe """"ben bad hft,,,•·..lItd, OIllOtt(Jljnl 01 deli",,"""1 d...... I ..nnot bel....... chal any 00'"ha.... 'ncm.iRnallr faiW 10 "ay lheir d , haye Il>oup;htw-ty ~fdi•. j<u\ .. I ha,.... man~· nllMm are no dOlIM 1"'1P1tud _ich lbe~ and,,:HI nl buai_ lhac I"""· a,., obI"""".o n,i"", all".'" "..- n:mil>d<d of ,hM..nd thoe". ptrhapo 1,1lIY "C the mo_~_lolJ:'"'hc-m. lbe .ime co a"end to.....ri

tal,en ia ..hrn tbolo)' p"""",~ lhe,n.,I,... And I lind if I do not utend to lhema~ , ....... I"'rt'.-ular lin_ IhallhoPy of'.... .:o "t>d.""" l'''''''talliulio"ilI a dan­~.rOtUI hal,i~ and .I...~·I put_ 0"" lo lhe bold. I !w!I;e from che BuIIe~in thai,hoeC1ub ill in a '-"f)' projr""';.-e .tale &Del lhaC I.Hhf,,' lido is w<ll kepi andal,...}~ fqual t" Ihe ~on.

I woukl lik. ,'.ry mud, 10 be with yoo from 'irue t.o lime and enjoy 0"""'I'ain ~"" ~ood old ~i",... ~one by. I am proud t" l"". t"'~ our oJd l\hed00""', Dr. ('lark. ;"'m.ndin!, hy 'hetlub like a ,,00<1 lellow lie ,•• m.n thatyoo will .1",,),. lind doi"f: the n,;ht thing by }·o".

.\I" tl". liktd him au "",II that it wlUl ,,",,110' the I:lo<:tor J.() ke<p u" from"woricl"l1 o,'.r .ime." Tlw. is a liule joke. I olten ,,'on,ltr il .h. d-.", fol.1,,"'i"l1 tltftl 01 Jone, 1003, bad .0 ",any ROt",t rhftntt"',,", .""h •• "PI-"'i.list.• ,-hol" .... """n<l"",~e ",en, p....cho'"", movem'''t ",.""IMt"",,,", hm.", pun.~t ....thl,,~, ""pen di"gll""tio~"", (e,mldn" 1<111 i"'l'a,"'o" f",,,, pregnancy,)"rt;,tlj, kIl<Xke's, ~I"orc and Solem "dv,",.t",", Cal} "'LoIIIO"''' kieh... ehrOllic~'Inck_"allo .., "te. lJ,,~ I presume there is no d",eoll'" ~n "ny of the cIa"""".J,"IlIll'll from all "'1"'rIa. O.WoP",lt. a," ".t"",II)' a pn'IC",..ive <1_. Iwish ,h~CI"h ,,,,I,,,,,n,led oue"""" ",ork. Tell,ll,' l><.)'O to )0001 up "ilh\Ill the ()@I.,..,,,a'hy they cnO, po, Ihe" buanl" "n, "" wdl lUI ,ll<'lr ,.;dc burru;.Tho.'" ",,11 n"",1 it.1l ,..hen ,I,",' get i" tllo field. I'"~"":' ,,, be ""o"t""l'atl, inhirh,'ille, but lbe ",.n "llo hM the moral """rn~ 10 Ottlnd III' to Iti. oon>'i",t;o"," a",I",ldo," ll'e .,."'" and slu,. 01 p...j,,,It.... aud ill""...""" d"",,,,,.. milch~Iedit.

You ••n""••lL.., e,-"')' """'" "'It )'OU tan t·U," a ~"'.,•• I",r .....t.ha.n '''I\"(,ther phyaieiftn Ii'·i"". in ""ilc ollhe 1ft""" lhal ,'OIl .t{' tooled tllJOII" f:de.loy lifl~' I~r ""nl 01 tbe fl"Ol'Ie hn. nOl. the thv _I"" '-';'''1 ... Ito are prog""""heand "''' I~..... l)' "'-""e, ....,t and .h,nk, 1\ "de t,,"~ aTe many disad,...,..I~ ."sI 0"1 I_nl tltinp to """" I ,,·ou!dll·t I ... any thi"" ool.n 0W:0pa.rh.

It~ tboo u<ll"""'- 1'............" on earth, I'ro,"idi"" a d....or IoU a ~uine .hone·ler harki"ft him or h.-r in 'I.

And ""'11" N"'I'Ie, linle .-ure w,ll ofl... "011 a IoJ-al friend .D<Imale the Jte.rt of ~.0Il' pal;.,..1 palpi'a.e III the joy nl "'......''''1 heoJth 10 lhee~tenl of olhet,i",,: allibe t1Ilp1ftoanl Ihinp)'00 ha,'" .'·.r Man! aboo. ,-our-­IIC1f, &lid y"" .m """"I}' ......ape """Irani"" u>&,l:""", "'pn~. Onh' lui. ·......kI "*' lbe l>leullre of M1ne'lIlI; a fe' to 99'~, Chal ." .... boo... before ~~1eM! 1». lbe pi!: tail 1lJ.l. I'.'ienl d....lbly ,;..k .nd aid be .... p;oi"l: 10



'I'll! auttSf,lI,

1"''''\_ lor Ih~ hctw, I.nd. I took 1"1" ••d,ic••tll! "l111"pnlated ,be"1'1"oehn;. I......, "Ih",w ..ater Oil the fire" .f,," l>eil'll "illl 1"0' three bOIl ....lIe ..... "11)', .nd if )'OU rouW It",e """'" •It. ~"""~ eo"',,,.... OUI of him. you "'\),,,,!ha,'c gjd, A""",. for Ihe f.ther olOi'l-WIpa,h)'. II "ill do .he ..ork.nd do,,',JOU e"er daubl il.

\-,..·...........-lIu oI•!' ~ulifulltorne """d'''''' 'bou,:h eha cteri.etl 1»' -imlJllciIY....... th.t

01 WIN "''''''' ~Iae llubbani and lJr. K"m T. \ )'~crl.>u"" .. hit-h .... aol...,ui_l1..... April 12th at 8:30 o'tkd, .1 Ibe~ of lhe bride. mother, .\1",_~nh .\I., Xo. W-IllOUth Ninth 11I.-. 1be~ ">rID", of IL...-..idenee _en' attnu:ti,·dy d~kd and li«hu.1 by "U,lIft'OU& <a:>dleo and •number of~.... -.isli,,! nl lhe ",la.,,·.... and rr>OIl ,nl,,,,,,,,,,, frien1s ........-mbIM to "';c.- lhe p~hy nuptialL ltev. \\'al1e'r I). CGle.~ nlTri,t1ily 11. K .hurt:h 31"" oIfi.-iali"" "'i!lilt.....nd lhe ri"" mitt 1C1!'.-.1.A "-t mit. "u ,,;~ by 11.... William Kirtl"'"trkk. 01 ("al...-. I. T., oi;l~r

of ~be bride. and l'rol'. Frrtlrriek llapprick. a~ lhe OOlI<luoioo of ..hirh 'Mbridal ooul:'l~, -.ritl> lbe litllr Rowe.. t:Irl. :lliaa 1.ouiLoe Kirkpatrid. "Nott of t!>l-bride, lead,,,,, the ....)., en,ered t1l the ......i.... of CM to rin weddl"f: "",,,,It.I .. front of che la~ Ii.-. "t-.ilt Ihe bal-k tMor..,." "' of pat"", and <I"",...... of tn""",n r:tmhle....nd ""'" Ihr- bnclal pan)" met the minieter,"ho p...."""-,,eed lhe """,mon)·, Durinr:: ,Ite imp"";'·e ""..·i"" Uartell', ,. D Ill

~ ........ ~tlr ploy...l.The britle ..... " pi..o"" of prli>h hcotllty in a ~.." n nl ,,·hilc OI)(.ndi~ .... 1>.

o... t<ly lrimlllttl wilh cKOIm I""" at'" rihbun. 'II.. tarri'" a lo'l'e bOI1'1ue< "Ilili.", <>I the nllt)· and in her h"ir ,h~ ",ore the oolne "",,'e'" I~ttle ~Ij,," Ki.~·

l"'lrid: wu d.incly .Hired in a ~ow" 01 ... hHe, with I',nk ribl"'n. "nd tried a""~el <>I <Iai";,,,!. Follo",ing the C1II~n""lntio"• ....r"",h,,,e,,c.. ..'ere ·ed in

the dilli,'K room, .. lllll"ber 01 the brid.'" yUUl'lt lady Frie,,,I, """i.ting Th•e"ut"'l'iCC<l for U,e lablc "'M ~ b'l'" lta'~ct 01 1.i1)('r~y n,.."., eU''''''0I1"l bvI""., lIotl, Ihe front and t>.~ck porlo", worn allrn'li,. "itl, h....l<o\. of crin:_00" rnlllt.M"" arti.tioally ,,,rnug,,,l, .• nd ill " "id" roo:" ~he .01"''''i 1l" <>f elcgal.t~,r.. WII> dllpl"i""'.

'flte hride i•• )'00"& lady of "i";",,,e 1"" ....".lity. l.eing I"'_~ will, a"U""y, a",1oIM ,\i,I'""itl1l". ~he;" 1"'\,uI8. wilh .11 "ho know her. I'll" ,. a~ro,h"IC of tlte l..faF"c high etl",o ""d .100 att""dw "unlue_ I'h" h""ronllide...hle licN'''')" .hili')- and h, .. ""."1',..1 the l~",ilio" 01 """iety cdi""bOlh on tIll' ('oorier .nd Tl>e ~o"d".v Tin","" '''<':It{' """-~lll)' bei"" "illl tb.Courier. The ~rootll i5 " ri;;il~ J"UI~ ....uu"atltlc I'I'ylli";.n .nd dllrinjl hiotC>Iitlcnce Itore I... ~":;ned ",any lreind.. lie ... y00"lt "'an of high pri"",pl",,_~ ~ .bilily and .trength of int""""1 and .. w.."hy 01 th" .harmi...... hride I ...I oo_ Ur. aoo lh... \')',-cn,.,q; I..ft 011 tM rarty rnornin,; tnin for a Ln'"tnl' """tit.

The I)ritl.·. ,:<>i,"'.......)' II:""n ".... a blaek .t>d ..hile ""it ... ilh ha~ 10 "",kit.~ croon". tin to hill bride a ~"Id bn......<.. i'h 1><'ttrI &Del diamond ...... -tmp and the Iknrcr bea.rer l'tl, ,1>o-m:! _'Ih • "old rill(.

AIllOIIl< thoe ,;U""'" lrom alar , lIr ~nti lIro. llortand Binfunl. of('r"'fordo"ille; UerbeI1- \.,.,-.....wq;. of Dubuq"". I.. ; llis lknha IWa<:h. of1....l'hi: )1 ... '" _A_ Ad.",.. of C'haml"'i,:n, 10.; )I... I J. lob..... , of ~'"nbtn>-.ll~_: ~Ira, A"hur Taylor a...1 )I"... ('.";~ JohnooD ollndianapolill; lk", M:hdflriJ,:" and 1I... \";"tori: lli<:e. of _"..ira.

Dr, and 11l'lL \'y,......w1J: will be at......,. a1tor llay I .1 ~1 -"iOlhotrte\..--.';unda)' Ti,......, Lafa)·elle, Ind.


Sf'EARS STEAM LAUNDRYFiral-el_ ...ork ~o ....ring or olOlbH. Why Hnd you. laond..,.ottl "f town .hon .. do It up bttt...~ "'holM Z3.


F.."., D"1 Good', Silk" l\OIkrna. C..rpeII a.. bMl, at BNwitlgto"..nd Sona.


Ci;:...., Ciptelt...lid Tobaoc:o.

C. A OltOU, Proprietor. Phone 133 C. J. Sf£YEl<3, lJ;:r. •


)Iercb..nt T.H".. and Il·duherl, ~llddl. Wosl Side Sq.Colll.lld _ u•.

MARKS &- BERKO? In,LANE Sbop, £"erythlnltkno...n in Ih .rt. 103 S.Frlnklill, "p~'.. lI..lrd',

Hank, Ki,k,,,llI,,)(o.

COLLEGE AND FRATERNITY PINSA,~ Our 1p«;.1ty .nd wo Of' .bl~ 10 qnOt~ lbe low." pri"", as \ho,"'o,k i. dOllO ill ou, own .bol', W~ .l.e ""TrV the b'g••t alld !>eol",,,,,Il of D,amo",b, Walcb.. alld J.....elry in Ibe oily. S... oor A S O.Pia. OUld..1J.,,-el.r 10 Ihe A,lo. llnd A"I. lot.""o Sigma

=--,--,-:::::-_==,.,.,'"H"'C"~'CS':.:SA~ I)S. Tb. )hnul.ttutiol: J.",.ler.


Eaal .Id. Square, Kirkl\"i.lle, )10.

J. T. ANGEVINE, Piot"", Fra.mlng, Ind R.~palrinl:. 1:6 S Frankll.. Slrtet.

Telephone. 116.

you ARE INVITEDTo rlo" ,1>< ....... """ 1&"..., r II• .., ,0<1 -.. lao '" elt,. ...•.... I~O<d '01"'" , 111001 0 "", 11 !''''' .'N ..11 .... will .IIdI,•__,b_.. __. ca. ,-. O·CIo<k T..... It_, I~"Coo,.....,. 14 'M' pk<u. 10-. u , 1UW.".po k".lfeN.. 11". bof'o""""" ,. ,.... -e, ".., I.-Iv.

OR.ASSI.t: 8R03. • II ...~SE~.


A ..arokd mcoWo <lllbe M-...rt l'bo&ocr.plMn"CGa'tCCllbloo hdd &1 o,illlcathe, A......... ,_

K'M" Chr. 19l1Q, and "I Wia. aad~. IlL Pbotoa..pbcn' «<I.ftIl00ns, 19DJ;

Gr.1td PM"', Ptrtk Sprln.... Me., 190~

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