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  • 8/13/2019 science fic



    I was splashing my hands blindly and pointlessly in the ocean. Itried screaming for help but in vain. Salt water gushed into my

    nostrils and mouth choking me towards death. I was seeing a few

    spaceships flying above me and far away I heard long loud


    My nightmare ended as my alarm began ringing. This was

    something that I had been experiencing from the past many days

    and always sent a chill down my spine. I always felt that this had

    something more to it and spent most of my time thinking about it.

    By the way, my name is Nishchith and I am working as an earth

    science scientist under the Ministry of arth Sciences. I quicklygot ready, packed my bag and rushed with a sandwich in my hand

    as I was late for work. But when I reached the office, I didnt see

    the regular wide and big smile on my co-worker Raghavs face.

    But instead he gave me a letter and was looking quite nervous.

    What sup Raghav? You are looking quite troubled today. Did

    you fight with somebody? I askedwinking.

    Its a letter from the boss. He says that it is very serious. I

    have no idea about the whole issue. He was calling you to his

    cabin. You better go there right now.

    I rushed towards Mr.Karunakarans cabin. He was the principle

    scientist of our department. A smart favoured man who was an

    ideal boss. He had PhD degree from the worlds most reputed

    institution. Even then he never tried to be the boss and was a very

    modest and self-effacing man. It had to be some important and

    serious issue for which he was tensed. When I entered his room

    after seeking his permission, I saw him staring outside the

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    window. I waited for him to speak. He finally spoke after the long


    Open the envelope he said.

    I slowly removed the letter and saw the recent statistics about

    the farming in India. I noticed a steep downfall in the production

    and it was something that I was aware of. The scientific tests and

    soil treatment reports declared the soil to be healthy and fertile.

    The uncertain apprehension was about the reason of why this was


    The earth science reports show the perfect stability of the soiland water table of the land. But even then it looks like this can

    prove as catastrophe for all of us. Karunakaran said.

    Sir but this is supposed to be taken care by the agriculture

    science department. I dont see what we can do anything about

    this. I think they have to improve the present pesticides and

    fertilizers. I replied.

    Twenty seven years ago, when I was working hard on my PhD, I

    had gone through many historical documents about earth

    sciences. Dr. Karunakaran said as he interrupted me.

    It was then when I had come across a few interesting

    documents from original runic manuscript of an Icelandic

    saga written by Sroupi Stinter. He had proposed many theories

    about life deep below the crust. But his studies were proved

    against the laws of life and considered to be against the gods

    wishes and was publically beheaded. So nobody after him dared to

    research on the topic and was slowly forgotten. But once again in

    1863, a professor from France developed his interest in this topic

    and he risked his life to practically prove the theories true by

    going deep down the Earths crust. He successfully completed his

    endeavour and came back with many observations and theories.

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    He said that he saw highly developed organisms and were better

    than humans in many ways. He also proposed the second set of

    eukaryotic organisms which have the ability to evolve very fast.

    But sadly, he was also considered as a clown and his theoriesslowly faded away.

    I didnt know what to say and let the huge lumpto pass down my

    throat. I cleared my throat and looked at him. He was expecting a

    reply from me and I kept staring at him.

    OK sir! I have understood what you wanted to say. I will work

    hard to research on this topic. We must bring these problems with

    proper proof to the international notice. This could be the

    commencement of a disaster and we have to remove the seed

    before it grows into a tree. I said after thinking for a few seconds.

    The next few days went on in sanctioning the research

    equipments and the man power. On the 3rdJuly of 2014, we began

    our process of visiting the various farms affected from these

    droughts. The project was declared as an emergency and the

    teams all over the county were working on every small and big

    proof and clues about the deadly droughts. After a week of

    observations, we found that the cracks in the ground were

    growing larger every day. But on the night of 13thJuly, we found

    few chips and very small and highly sophisticated electronic

    gadgets on the farms and the land throughout the country. This

    was something that daunted me and Karunakaran. We immediatelyexhibited these gadgets to the various countries of the world and

    scientists from all over the world were trying to figure out the

    functions of these.

    I began to doubt the humans as the most intelligent species on

    earth and every nights sleep was killing me with the same

    nightmare haunting my thoughts. I tried to decode the actual

    meaning of the dream with respect to the happenings but all I

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    could do is to forget the dream and work towards something


    But on the night of 26thJuly, the guards in the protected areas

    detected water gushing out in small quantities from these cracks. I

    rushed to the site and tested the water. The water turned out to

    be saline and looked as if it was from the seas and was one of the

    most surprising observations in the past month. This news was

    passed on to the different parts of the country and we found out

    that even they were experiencing such events. We also tried to

    trace the origins of this phenomenon but out technology could not

    lead us far. On the other hand, Indian Ocean waters level was

    notices to decrease rapidly. Karunakaran and I felt that we will

    have to experience the worst expected. The teams from all over

    the worlds suggested many methods of controlling the gushing of

    sea water. But all our equipments turned out to be useless in

    water and we saw the malfunctioning of many devices in water. All

    that I could say is that the foremen had planned very well and

    were fully fledged for an attack.

    On the 29thof July, we noticed uncontrollable flow of water and it

    flooded throughout the country. We were facing a dangerous

    disaster which engulfs thousands of lives in the country. We also

    noticed the most horrifying and the most path breaking scene of

    what mankind had ever seen till today. The cracks kept on

    growing bigger and bigger each day uncontrollably that I saw a

    whole new world emerging out from below the earth. They broke

    through the crust and emerged out from there without any warning

    given for us and we had to face the most dangerous consequences

    as they came out fully equipped with their army, weapons and

    vehicles. The foremen were recklessly destroying all our efforts

    that had been made from centuries together. The army, navy and

    military forces from all the countries throughout the world were

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    called for this emergency situation and all of them reacted and

    fought back bravely with all of them.

    I saw my nightmare approaching me very fast. I knew that

    I was helpless and my fear of water would not allow me do

    anything. Then from behind, I saw a huge tide of water about to

    crash over me and finish everything. I began to run aimlessly and

    began to remember everything that had happened in the dream.

    The water wall overtook me and I was splashing pointlessly in the

    huge mass of water. I could see the spaceships above me and felt

    a felt a gentle push from below. By luck, I found a wooden tree

    trunk below me and I was hanging on it to save me myself from

    the water fury. I heard the loud beep and saw thousands of

    foremen emerging from the waters. . By the stroke of luck I

    remembered something that I was never able to. In the narrow

    path between life and death, my brain worked heavily and before I

    could react better to the situation. I realised that what we had as

    the essential elements for life can prove toxic to them.

    I remained afloat for three days and on the fourth day, I found a

    few men of my own kind who saved me from the floods and I could

    join the army and told them exactly what to do. We understood

    that Beneath the Earth's crust lays the mantle which is heated by

    the radioactive decay of heavy metals. So we exposed them to

    conditions that are completely opposite to their home conditions

    and we would be able to kill them. The scientists executed the

    cloud seeding and also lowered the temperature. We forcefully

    pumped more oxygen in the atmosphere which would make these

    anaerobic organisms crumble to their death.

    On the 5th August we successfully executed the plan and

    eradicated the foremen from earth crust with the help of liquid

    nitrogen guns, antibiotic grenades, oxygen bombs etc. But at the

    end of it almost half of the population was killed and theremaining were homeless and helpless. We had nothing to build

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    back the society in which we lived. But we were united and the

    whole world helped us to earn a future that we always deserved

    and with the hope, enthusiasm zeal and manpower, I am sure that

    we will surely build a better and a happier world.

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