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PCST 2014 Salvador Brazil Science Communication for Social Inclusion & Political Engagement


Wednesday, May 7 | 10.45 - 12

Room: Graciliano Ramos - S2



Presenter: Prof. Alexander Gerber Rhine Waal University and TELI, Germany

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Science Debate: the essentials A European format with global relevance

In modern democracies, the results of science and technology are increasingly

questioned by the population. Alerted by global warming and its side effects, many

people like to know about both risks and benefits of new technologies, treatments etc.

How safe is the latest generation of nuclear power plants? Are dams, wind generators

and solar energy desirable alternatives? What are the opportunities and threats of

GMOs and the application of genetic technologies in the face of a growing world

population? How thoroughly have new vaccines been tested – and is it true that

vaccinations could adversely affect children’s health?

During the past decades doubts about the blessings of scientific and technological

progress have significantly mounted. This has been counteracted also in Europe, by

funding programmes such as Public Understanding of Science (PUS) or Science in

Society, with often different effect from those intended. Now the European

Commission is undertaking another attempt. From 2014, it will launch a 70 billion Euro

programme to stimulate research throughout the continent, also in sensitive fields, to

enable Europe to compete with North America and Asia.

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In “Horizon 2020” a vast communication program is embedded in order to achieve

the involvement of citizens from the very beginning (expressing their needs) as well

as to disseminate project results and, ultimately, ensure public acceptance, especially

young people. The European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations EUSJA has

offered its expertise to EU officials in the implementation process.

The relentless drive for participatory forms of science communication has been

dubbed ‘the new tyranny’: Are these downstream campaigns really connected to

public concerns? Does engagement (so far) take place early enough, for still being able

to influence the trajectories of scientific and technological development? Otherwise

means would just become ends.

Perhaps the biggest flaw of “GM Nation?” was its timing – it took place too late to

influence the direction of GM research, or to alter the institutional commitments of

the biotechnology industry and other key players.

(the last paragraph partly quoting from Wilsdon/Willis 2004 on ‘Upstream Engagement’)

Science Debate: the essentials A European format with global relevance

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As governments everywhere are learning through bitter experience, environmental

problems will not be solved by technological innovation alone. Charles Leadbeater:

New, more sustainable forms of car transport will require scientific and technological

innovation, such as new fuel sources for cars. But the true potential will not be realised

without social innovation to create new patterns of car use, and even ways for

consumers to share and own cars through leasing schemes. It will require regulatory

innovations such as road pricing, which may well only be possible if we have political

innovations to give cities more powers to control their own transport taxation. We

need to imagine not just new technologies, but whole new social systems

for transport.

Similar stories could be told about waste, water policy or agriculture. In each of these

areas, technology is part of the solution, but it is no panacea.

Science Debate: the essentials A European format with global relevance

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So where do citizens come into play?

How can we really see them as subjects and not as objects of Public Engagement?

How can we make sure that it not only informs decisions but shapes them?

The worst-case scenario for Public Engagement would be one in which it is merely

incorporated into the bureaucratic processes of decision-making without changing the

way that decisions are made.

A major element, among a whole scope of measures such as Science Cafés and Study

Trips, are Science Debates. They will be held about controversial scientific and

technological topics and involve scientific experts, political representatives, NGOs

and the civil society organisations. Moderated by science journalists, these four

stakeholders find compromises, solutions or at least bridge controversies.

Science Debate: the essentials A European format with global relevance

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Science Debate: Empowerment Philosophy Lay people‘s knowledge mounts new societal discourse

In reference to and reverence for the Brazilian social innovators Paulo Freire (Anti-Oppressive Education) and Augusto Boal (Theatre of the Oppressed)

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Science Debate | Genesis Prototype – 1st Run – Perspective

Demography: Flexible Retirement Age – with Poverty Crash? -> July 2013, Munich

Environment: Noise Makes Sick? -> Feb. 2014, Wiesbaden

Energy: Good-bye Fossils – Surviving with Renewables -> 2014

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Science Debate | Scenarios How to apply it to our host country Brazil

• Endangered Species in Amazonia []

• Cable Cars vs. Poverty and Favelas? []

• Other themes at free choice of the audience

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Science Debate | Realisation Issues – Stakeholders – Arguments

Deforestation threatens biodiversity (1)

Gov‘t Environment Minister, Brazil: 769 endangered species identified+++home to the

8th largest number in the world+++caused by rapid industrialization+++more

regulations and policy is needed [ ]

Scientist, Rain Forest Action: 50 mio different species in rain forests+++137 are

extincted every day+++caused by logging and cattle ranching+++animals such as birds

living outside tropics suffer as well because they lose their winter quarter+++pollution

from mining kills fish population around the Amazon river+++indigenous people lose

food resources and become sick []

Blogger, Scientific American: deforestation in the Amazon has put 100 bird species at

greater risk of extinction [ ]

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Science Debate | Realisation Issues – Stakeholders – Arguments

Deforestation threatens biodiversity (2)

World Wildlife Fund WWF: Deforestation and industrialization in Amazonia not only

depletes species but enforces climate change+++in 50 yrs 17 % of Amazon forest was

lost. 15 % of greenhouse gases due to deforestation []

Global Forest Trade Network, Civil Society Organization: encourages demand for “good

wood” from well-managed forests+++habitat has been preserved for endangered

species such as the pygmy elephant, orangutan, great apes []

Science Journalist/Journalism: trend towards less deforestation might not

last+++under pressure from the financial crisis, the Brazilian government has proposed

a rapid development programme in the Amazon+++construction of more than 20

hydroelectric power plants in the Amazon basin -> [Guardian 07/12/12] []

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Science Debate | Realisation Issues – Stakeholders – Arguments

Deforestation threatens biodiversity (3)

Agribusiness, landholder Katia Abreu, senator & president of Growers’ Assoc.:

Big Agro has transformed Brazil into a breadbasket to the world+++it feeds

billions+++agribusiness accounts for 40 % of the exports and 37 % of jobs in

Brazil++satellite monitoring of the Amazon has shown a steady decline in

deforestation since 2004+++on visits to Washington, China and Europe, she lobbies for

acceptance of Brazil’s genetically modified crops and appeals to investors+++ alliance

of landowners and their supporters comprises nearly half of the 513 lawmakers in the

lower house+++ “We’re modern producers,” said Abreu, explaining that countless

farms like hers motor Brazil’s economy+++as for her critics, Abreu dismisses them as

“ideologically committed” foes -> [Washington Post, reprinted in Brazil Chamber of

Commerce 17/12/12] []

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Science Debate | Rio Cable Car (1) Positions – find other stakeholders, arguments? Generally: Cable cars have been hailed not only as a new means of public

transportation in difficult territory but also to tackle poverty. The cabins connect poor

folks with the labor market. Recently Rio de Janeiro inaugurated a cable car.

History: “Medellin [Colombia] pioneered the use of cable cars (…) moving 3,000

passengers per hour (..) ,” says Holger Dalkmann, Director at EMBARQ, the Sustainable

Transport and Urban Development Program of the World Resources Institute (WRI).

“The system has been a real breakthrough. The city transformed violence and despair

into hope and opportunity, using sustainable transport as one of the key levers to

drive this change.” []

Facts: Rio City Hall has invested R$40 million (US$20.4 million) in the project as part of

the programme called Morar Carioca (…) Morar Carioca has invested R$2.1 billion to

benefit almost 60 communities and 75,000 families. Through the programme, Rio City

Hall is providing the favelas with water and sewage networks, education, leisure and

health infrastructure and street widening. []

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Science Debate | Rio Cable Car (2) Positions – find other stakeholders, arguments?

Pro/City Officials: Until now, residents were forced to walk up and down the hill on

foot or use vans and mototaxis,” says Pierra Batista, Rio City Hall’s Housing Secretary.

“In this sense, the cable car system will reduce the need for those vehicles circling the

Morro da Providência. However the main objective is not to reduce congestion, but to

facilitate the movement of residents. Now they take about 10 to 15 minutes to get to a

bus terminal, train or metro. Using the cable car it will take them about 2 minutes. []

Contra/residents: Dolores (…) recalls, however, that by choosing the transport, the

government removed many homes and stopped investing in other priorities. For her,

one of the major shortcomings of the upper part of the favela is the lack of space for

recreation, especially for children. According to the resident, the lack of doctors in

health centers is also a big issue. Another disadvantage is that tourists come to see the

cable car and the view, and not the community itself. []

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Science Debate | Rio Cable Car (3) Positions – find other stakeholders, arguments?

Contra/engineer: The number of residents who use this transportation, then,

represents only 17% of the local population (…) Another disadvantage is the fact that

the cable car does not ease the lives of residents by being incapable of supporting

heavy cargo, or large volumes of construction materials, debris, or garbage. Finally, he

brings up the issue of tourism, which represents a loss of privacy for inhabitants.

“With the gondolas over their homes, residents have become the target of the

curiosity of strangers,” he says.-> Raul Lisboa, Technical Analyst []

Criticism/Journalism: (…) sanitation and safety might not be the problems that Rio

officials want to solve. With the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics

coming to town, making the favelas look like a theme park could convey just the right

impression. [http://]

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Science Debate | Outlook Full Paper, Collaboration and: Muito Obrigado!

• Thank you very much on behalf of the German Science Writers TELI &

European Science Writers EUSJA & Rhine Waal University

• We‘d be happy to collaborate and coach you if you wish to experiment

with this new participation format

• Together let‘s make it fly! • Science Debate web site ->

• Full PCST Sci_Deb_Paper with complete sources & references


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