Page 1: science a boon or bane
Page 2: science a boon or bane

Science from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge“[ is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe In an older and closely related meaning, "science" also refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied. A practitioner of science is known as a scientist.

Since classical antiquity, science as a type of knowledge has been closely linked tophilosophy. In the early modern period the words "science" and "philosophy" were sometimes used interchangeably. By the 17th century, natural philosophy (which is today called "natural science") was considered a separate branch of philosophy.However, "science" continued to be used in a broad sense denoting reliable knowledge about a topic, in the same way it is still used in modern terms such aslibrary scienceor political science.

Page 3: science a boon or bane
Page 4: science a boon or bane
Page 5: science a boon or bane

Definitely it is bane. If we consider natural disaster as bane, science is also bane. Science is curse to birds, humans, and to hole environment. If we consider hacking (using it in wrong way) is crime, we should consider the science also as a crime. Because hacking means getting the brief knowledge about the resource and using them for their own requirements means abusing. Science is also just similar to hacking. Humans getting the brief knowledge about the all resources on the earth, and abusing them for own requirements. It leads to disasters. So it is bane for all the organisms on earth.

Page 6: science a boon or bane

Science is always bane. Science is destroyed the whole environment. Animals and creatures get problems due to Harmful gases being produced from industries and factories depends upon science and technology.

Air pollution is increased Day by Day. Due to science and technology Mankind becoming more and more lazy and are badly dependent on Technology.

Page 7: science a boon or bane

According to me, science is a bane for as due to the technology mankind is becoming more and more lazy and are badly dependent on technology. There are at least two levels on which science could be considered a bane. The first is the invention of things that have had a deleterious effect on the world such as weapons of mass destruction or toxic wastes that can poison inhabitants for years. The second major group for whom science is a bane are the deeply religious who prefer to use scripture and other man-made material to explain human existence and human destiny. Science is their enemy since it has explained a lot of the mysteries that plagued early humans and in doing that has neutralized much of the power that the clergy has held over believers.

Page 8: science a boon or bane

Science was meant to be a good servant but has now turned out to be a bad master.

Science as Curse:1. Due to various scientific inventions, the jungle tracts has been destroyed thus creating harm to the ecological balance.2. Today though the vehicles have reduced the distance for us, the pollution it causes cannot be overlooked.3. Has lessened the amount of physical exercises there by increasing several ailments and posture diseases.4. Many lost their lives in the leakage of chernobyl Nuclear power plant and due to the Methyl Iso cyanate (MIC) gas leakage in Bhopal a few years back. This was due to the so called scientic advancements. This is because of human failure to anticipate the Disasters.

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Page 10: science a boon or bane

Science has given everything to mankind, it is gradually depriving man of certain values like love for fellow people, diligence, awareness about the environment and so on. Like a coin with two sides, science has its own advantages and disadvantages. In fact, science is only to assist man and not to dominate him. If all scientists of the world take a vow to use science only for constructive purposes, if the people of the world decide not to depend too much on scientific equipment's, if science contributes only to the conservation of the earth, science is really a boon to the world.

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science has given remarkable work in each and every sector which direct or indirect mix with human begins. It changed completely our way of life. Without science we cannot assume to live a second.

Electricity is a great invent of science, it gives the power of all electric device. We have reached on moon to mars because it was possible due to science only. Today we have very equipped and intelligence machines which help lot to people. Due to science treatment is possible all kind of incredible deceases which was possible in past.

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Science will always be a boon and not a curse, because without science nobody can reach in such a great position in which we are in now. Science is the only thing that helped us to go out to space and achieve many great achievements. If someone says that science is a curse, it is because they don't know that we people are the ones who use science in bad way. For this we

can't blame science but we should blame ourselves for this. If we use science in a proper way then people will start saying that science is a boon and not a curse. So I have a request to the

people who thinks that science is a curse. The thing is without science will you be able to play in your MP3 players or your


So, just think about it and change your attitude.

Page 13: science a boon or bane

Science as Boon:

One cannot regret the fact that science has done many good to humans.

1. One can compare the advancement of the nation to that of civilization. A civilized nation is one which has achieved scientific progress.

2. Fast means of transport like aeroplane, and other vehicles have made the world a global village.

3. Telephone, TV, satellite, Internet have made it possible to get the latest information.

4. It has given us new medicines to fight diseases.

5. It has revolutionized our education system.

Thus Science becomes a boon or a curse which depends on how we use it.

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Page 15: science a boon or bane

According to my point of view, science is both boon as well as a bane. For example, cell phone can connects people from nook and corner of the world. But the same cell can become a hell if we misuse or overuse.Development in medical field is marvelous. Without dropping a blood, the doctors able to do surgeries. Plastic surgery plays an important role in the field of surgery. Test tube babies become very common.As we know every coin has 2 sides, so there are good points as well as the bad points of science.

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I feel that science is a kaleidoscope. We arrive at different conclusions when we view it through different angles. Science has proved a gift to society in terms of electricity, health care, ticket booking etc. Certain developments in science has proved derogatory for the creative growth of youth, though. They now spend more time on-line chatting rather than on studies, prayer or useful discussion with friends. I don't think it is the lack of knowledge, but sheer, blind utilization of the apparent luxuries that science offers. A student today knows the latest specifications of I-phone or Ipads. But not the cost of items of daily use. Rice, vegetables, petrol. Signs of science is on the one hand encouraging and on the other hand dismal.

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