  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha



    It is our greatest pleasure to say that I am lucky to be at SAITM

    Especially we thank to Mr. Tharanaga Gunarathne and Mr. Charaka

    Satharasinghe who were our teachers. Well not actually only our

    teachers but at our times our riends and ad!isors.

    We owe "uite a lot to our amilies who pro!ided the chance to ulill ourcareer ob#ecti!es and or the support throughout our studies. We would

    like to dedicate this study to them as an indication o their signiicance

    in this study as well as our li!es. $inally% we are responsible or any

    errors that remain in this thesis

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Table of ContentsAcknowledgement...........................................................................................................................&

    Table o Contents.............................................................................................................................'

    Introduction......................................................................................................................................(Task &.&............................................................................................................................................)

    *roblem Analysis.............................................................................................................................)

    Task &.'............................................................................................................................................+

    *ro#ect *lan......................................................................................................................................+

    Sotware ,e!elopment Methodologies...................................................................................+

    The Waterall -ie Cycle Model..............................................................................................+

    The *rototyping -ie Cycle Model..........................................................................................

    The Spiral -ie Cycle Model.................................................................................................../

    Task &.0..........................................................................................................................................&1

    Select Suitable Application Sotware........................................................................................&1

    Technical 2esearch................................................................................................................&1

    Task '.&..........................................................................................................................................&&

    Identiy Clear ob#ecti!es............................................................................................................&&


    *ro#ect Scope.........................................................................................................................&&

    Task '.'..........................................................................................................................................&'


    3ser re"uirements speciication................................................................................................&'

    Task '.0..........................................................................................................................................&0

    ,esign Techni"ues to !alidate the pro#ect.................................................................................&0


    Data Entry Operator...................................................................................................................&0Entity 2elationship ,iagram.........................................................................................................&

    Task 0.'..........................................................................................................................................'&

    Testing all le!els o the System.................................................................................................'&

    Testing -ogin.........................................................................................................................'&

    Main Menu o the System......................................................................................................''

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Student ,etail System............................................................................................................'0

    Attendance 2ecord section....................................................................................................'(

    Attendance Add record orm.................................................................................................')

    E4am 2ecords orm...............................................................................................................'+

    Adding E4ams 5 Sub#ects to System....................................................................................'6

    *arent ,etails.........................................................................................................................'

    E4tra Acti!ities......................................................................................................................'/

    Sta ,etail orm....................................................................................................................01


    Teachers in the Club..............................................................................................................0&

    Adding Sta to Clubs............................................................................................................0'

    Students in the Club...............................................................................................................00

    Achie!ements o clubs and Societies....................................................................................0)

    Adding Clubs to the System..................................................................................................0+

    Sports Section........................................................................................................................06

    Adding Sports to the System.................................................................................................0

    Task (.'..........................................................................................................................................0/

    State any problems% diiculties during the pro#ect....................................................................0/

    Task (.0..........................................................................................................................................(1Compared to the clients7 original re"uirements.........................................................................(1


    Gantt chart.................................................................................................................................(&

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha



    Well irst o all it was a challenging thing to come up with an idea as to where on earth was a

    solution re"uired to make things easy% boost producti!ity so on. Then it struck to us% why notbuild a solution to keep records in an institute or a school. We know that the idea may seem

    amiliar to you guys but in most parts o the island that we li!e in% the sad truth is that we are in

    the Stone Age when it comes to the go!ernment schools

    Gi!ing a short description beore ending this part% we concentrated% ocused our minds on how to

    keep all the records o such a place and by all records we mean all areas such as sports% students%

    parents% sta and so on.

    Ater the gathering and analy8ing is o!er then came the designing part. We used 9et:eans I,E

    to create the sotware.

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Task 1.1

    Problem Analysis

    Ineiciency o the sta

    ;uman Errors

    Maintain Manual $ile System

    Waste more space to maintain $iles

    ,iicult to Search records

    I decided to create a simple effective database management system that could be used

    in a school, education institute or whatever place where students are abundant. Anyway

    what compelled us to do this as told before is seeing the inefficiency of our government

    education management system; probably you will have to wait a long while to get a

    work done. It is actually due to the inefficiency of the staff, they mostly lay blabbering

    and doing other stuff. So we developed a system to reduce the human errors of

    managing data.

    What I have done here is not totally cut down the human influence but just reduce the

    ecess human inefficiency so no worries there. I went to see a couple of places, actually

    to tell you folks the truth it is not that difficult to understand the situation, it is already

    there before you to eperience. I spoke to the main person there and the staff and

    checked the way they worked. !here were many who were not that comfortable with a

    "#, they are conventional people $mostly% who deny change. So it is a bit difficult to

    computeri&e the whole place, because then there is a serious money factor also. So

    seeing those things we created a solution which is not so aggressive while keeping the

    old rusty steel cupboards we created software in which they can keep order to the files

    by assigning a reference number. !hat is one thing we let the user benefit with this

    software. Another thing is that it is simple, any geek can use it but of course there is a

    security issue, which we have dealt with successfully. We strongly believe our software

    is actually the best solution and our hope to add further enhancements in due time .

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Task 1.

    Pro!ect Plan

    "oftware De#elopment $et%odologies

    T%e &aterfall 'ife Cycle $odel

    The waterall lie cycle was the irst attempt at the deinition o a sotware de!elopment lie

    cycle. The waterall model is a process or the creation o sotware in which de!elopment is seen

    as lowing steadily downwards

    manner. $or e4ample% one irst completes >re"uirements speciication> they set in stone the

    re"uirements o the sotware. When the re"uirements are ully completed% one proceeds to

    design. The sotware in "uestion is designed and a >blueprint> is drawn or implementers

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    The waterall model is not a good it to what actually happens in most pro#ects and se!eral o its

    assumptions actually lead to poor pro#ect management practice

    The waterall model assumes that all o the system is de!eloped at the same time. Thismay seem reasonable% but it is "uite possible to code and implement parts o the system

    in series. In eect% we loop around these stages until the whole system is a!ailable. This

    has some ad!antages% as we will see later.

    *ro#ect acti!ities are usually not as clearly deined and discrete as the model implies.

    @ery re"uently work in one stage o!erlaps another stage% either deliberately or because

    o problems encountered.

    Sometimes it is necessary to repeat or iterate7 a group o pro#ect stages in order to ully

    understand or complete an aspect o the system. This is particularly true o the system

    analysis stages.

    There is a relationship between stages that are not ne4t to each other in the waterall% but

    this is not apparent rom the model. The in!ol!ement and e4posure o the system to the owning business mangers is not clear

    rom the model.

    The waterall model ocuses most strongly on the acti!ities that are perormed in each

    stage. Most modern pro#ect management methodologies emphasi8e products

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    T%e Prototyping 'ife Cycle $odel

    The prototyping model is a sotware de!elopment process that begins with re"uirementscollection% ollowed by prototyping and user e!aluation. ten the end users may not be able to

    pro!ide a complete set o application ob#ecti!es% detailed input% processing% or output

    re"uirements in the initial stage. Ater the user e!aluation% another prototype will be built based

    on eedback rom users% and again the cycle returns to customer e!aluation. The cycle starts by

    listening to the user% ollowed by building or re!ising a mockBup% and letting the user test the

    mockBup% then back.

    In the midB&/1s% prototyping was seen as the solution to the problem o re"uirements analysis

    within sotware engineering. *rototypes are mockBups o the screens o an application which

    allow users to !isuali8e the application that is not yet constructed. *rototypes help users get anidea o what the system will look like% and make it easier or users to make design decisions

    without waiting or the system to be built. When they were irst introduced the initial results

    were considered ama8ing. Ma#or impro!ements in communication between users and de!elopers

    were oten seen with the introduction o prototypes. Early !iews o the screens led to ewer

    changes later and hence reduced o!erall costs considerably.


    A prototype can !ery "uickly resol!e misunderstanding between business managers andanalysts.

    A prototype makes an ideal tool or deining and discussing user interaction. Some

    prototyping tools are so ast and le4ible% that changes can be made whilst in discussionwith a user. This can become a !ery powerul way o gathering re"uirements.

    3sers can understand a prototype ar more easily than most o the standard ways o

    communicating re"uirements in the orm o models.


    :usiness managers may not understand the purpose o a prototype% which in the orm weha!e described is only intended to assist with deining re"uirements.

    Some prototypes are so realistic that they gi!e the impression that the pro#ect is almost

    inished whilst still at the system Analysis stage. This can put se!ere pressure on thede!elopment team.

    The eort re"uired to produce a prototype may lead to the de!elopment team using it as a

    part o the new system. This can lead to "uality problems with the resulting system%
  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    unless the prototype is designed to meet that ob#ecti!e and the lie cycle is suitably


    T%e "piral 'ife Cycle $odel

    The inal lie cycle model we will describe is the spiral lie cycle model. This e4tends the ideas

    o prototyping and iterati!e de!elopment% but it also recogni8es that one o the ma#or problemsthat are aced in any de!elopment pro#ect is an initial lack o understanding o the scope and

    technical diiculty o the pro#ect. The spiral lie cycle model e4plicitly includes a risk analysis

    stage at each rotation o the spiral. The risk analysis pro!ides the inormation needed to help thebusiness managers decide whether to proceed.


    ;igh amount o risk analysis Good or large and missionBcritical pro#ects.

    Sotware is produced early in the sotware lie cycle.


    Can be a costly model to use.

    2isk analysis re"uires highly speciic e4pertise.

    *ro#ects7 success is highly dependent on the risk analysis phase.

    ,oesn7t work well or smaller pro#ects.

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Task 1.(

    "elect "uitable Application "oftware

    Tec%nical )esearc%

    To design the sotware i needed a strong I,E so i used DA@A based 9etbeans +.1 I,E. $rom that

    we designed the interaces. And i needed to store the data% because this sotware is created to

    enter% edit and retrie!e the data% in order to do so creating a database is really mandatory.

    Why use 9etbeans +.1

    We studied 9etbeans in the class. In spite o that it is really a great tool that can be used

    to design and do coding through DA@A. And use DA@A because it is platorm independent.

    Why use mySF-

    i need a method to store our data. And we can embed SF- "ueries in #a!a plus SF- is a

    widely known database handling language so using it is timely appropriate.

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Task .1

    Identify Clear ob!ecti#es


    Gi!e the user the ability to boost eiciency by using our sotware. :y using this sotware the

    institute can store% edit and retrie!e data o students7 parents7 sta and sportssocieties. ne thing

    I let the user decide is its riendliness. I ha!e achie!ed it to some e4tent. In order to reap all these

    beneits we present the institute our sotware and the user manual. The user manual is really easy

    to reer to e!en a small kid and the sotware installation is child7s play.

    Pro!ect "cope

    I ha!e basically ocused on the issue about what i can do to help the user to help the students get

    their #ob done in time or beore. :ut the ield is large and re"uires a wide area. So we trimmed or

    in other words narrowed the scope which we set our main ocus on student details% sta details%

    clubssports details% parents7 details. What we a!oided rom dirtying our hands were library

    details% school e!ents scheduling% classes inormation% school transaction details% and salary

    details. As you can see the possibility o creating a uni!ersal% colossal sotware is "uite time

    consuming and diicult but possible. So what I ha!e de!eloped here is "uite a small but eicient

    and deinitely usable solution.

    $ain focus

    student details

    sta details

    clubssports details

    parents7 details

    For further development

    library details

    school e!ents scheduling

    school transaction details

    salary details

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Task .


    *ser re+uirements specification

    H Eiciency To enter data or retrie!e data o a student we use the inde4 number. We use

    the sotware to ind the students main details. We used the same methodology e!en in the sta

    area. That7s the way we pro!ide them eiciency.

    H 3ser riendliness ur system can a!oid many errors% has simple G3I s that can be

    understood by any user.

    H rderliness 9eatness In our system we ha!e categori8ed the main groups and by

    selecting each group the user can put any data that is needed by him or her.

    H 3pgradability Can e4tent the system according to the user7s needs. Adding new eatures

    to e4tend the le4ibility

    H Security We get a user name 5 password to login to the system.

    H Error handling In our sot ware there cannot be any data redundancy errors that means

    same data cannot be repeated again and again.

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Task .(

    Design Tec%ni+ues to #alidate t%e pro!ect


    System ,esigning

    *se case diagram

    Data Entry Operator


    2etrie!ing dataEntering ,ata

    Check a!ailability o Character

    certiicate other certiicatesGi!e reports to the


  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha




    Certiy the character

    certiicate 5 other

    documents.Check the annual


    Check current reports.

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha




    Create new usersError handling

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    S t u d e n t ' a t a ( p e r a t o r S t a f f " r i n c i p a l

    ) o t

    a v a i l a b l e

    A v a i l a b l e

    A c t i v i t y D i a g r a m f o r S c h o o l S y s t e m

    I *

    + o g i n , e t r e g i s t e r e d

    A c h i e v e m e n t s

    , e t t h e d a t a

    - p r o c e s s

    . o i n f o r a

    c l u b / s p o r t

    # h e c k

    a v a i l a b i l i ty

    # e r t i f y t h e

    0 e p o r t

    0 e 1 u e s t a

    c h a r a c t e r c e r t i f i c a t e

    S t e p t o s c h o o l

    - g e t r e g i s t e r e d

    . o i n t o a

    # l u b / S p o r t

    , i v e s t u d e n t

    d e t a i l s

    # h e c k

    a v a i l a b i l it y

    , i v e a r e p o r t in

    t h e e n d o f t h e

    2 e a r

    # e r t i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r

    c e r t i f i c a t e

    # h e c k t h e

    r e p o r t

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Entity )elations%ip Diagram

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    ,atabase Schema






    Inde no 2ear #lass !otal days Attended






    #lub name


    Staff I' Sport


    Age group 2ear




    'ate !ourname


    Status )o. of


    +ost Won



    3am 0ecord

    Inde no. 3am 2ear 3am Inde no. Subject rade









    y name

    Add. )o. Add.


    Add. #ity #om. !"

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha










    y name

    Add. )o. Add.


    Add. #ity #om. !"


    5ser name "asswor



    Inde no. #lub name Status 'ate joined


    Inde no. Sport


    Age group 2ear


    Sport I' Sport































    !" 7ard













    '(6 '(A !" Schola


    )(. Stree


    #ity 6rothe




  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha



    !ournament Sport


    Age group 'ate Inde no. Status 'escriptio




    Task (.

    Testing all le#els of t%e "ystem

    Testing 'ogin

    I ha!e tested the login system o my School system pro#ect and login component is &11J


    3ser name and password retri!e rom the SF- database

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    $ain $enu of t%e "ystem

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    This is the main Menu o my School System%

    When you entered the username and the password user will locate to this screen.

    I ha!e tested this area o my pro#ect and abo!e screen shot show the working screen o thesystem

    "tudent Detail "ystem

    When u click Student button on your Main Menu user will locate to this screen and user can

    search students by gi!ing the inde4 no% ater you retrie!e the student% user can edit the Student

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    detail by clicking E,IT button % ater amendments user should click update button to update the


    Adding Student

    In this Menu go to ile and select add new student

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    In this orm go to ile and select add a record. And sa!e student attendance records

    Attendance Add record form

    Adding "tudent attendance records

    In this orm go to ile and select add a record. And sa!e student attendance records

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    E,am )ecords form

    When u click records button on your student orm user will locate to this screen and user can

    search students e4am records by gi!ing the inde4 no

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Adding "tudent attendance records

    In this form go to file and select add a record. And save student 3am records

    Adding E,ams - "ub!ects to "ystem

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    :eore add student e4am details to the system user should insert particular e4am type to thesystem

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    When you select parent section from the main menu or from the student menu, you will

    be located to this form.

    In this form data entry operator has to feed information about parent details of the

    particular student.

    E,tra Acti#ities

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    I students ha!e e4tra acti!ities% System use can retrie!e those inormation by gi!ing the student

    inde4 no%

    "taff Detail form

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    3ser can ind sta details by using this orm and user can manage sta details also

    I ha!e used some test data and tested this section and this sta detail section is working

    accurately and eed data into the SF- database accurately.

    Above form is use to add staff details into the system.


  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Main Menu o the Club Section and this system is use to maintain clubs and societies o the

    school in a much more organi8ed and eicient way

    Teac%ers in t%e Club

    Manage teachers within the clubs and societies.

    3ser can allocate sta to the particular clubs by using this system

    Adding "taff to Clubs

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    In this abo!e orm shows% you how to add sta member to clubs and societies by inserting

    hisher sta I,

    System allows you to set the member7s status

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    :y using this orm user can manage students within clubs and societies. 3ser can add students to

    particular club and society and same as user can remo!e students rom the clubs and societies.

    Add/0emove 4embers

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Ac%ie#ements of clubs and "ocieties

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Adding Clubs to t%e "ystem

    In school% students launch new clubs and societies with the period. Thereore% system should

    allow user to add Clubs into the system.

    Abo!e orm allows user to add new clubs and Societies to the system

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    "ports "ection

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Adding "ports to t%e "ystem

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Task .

    "tate any problems/ difficulties during t%e pro!ect

    -ack o Time

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha


    Task .(

    Compared to t%e clients0 original re+uirements

    Ater I inish my pro#ect I ha!e compare my b#ecti!es with my riginal client7s re"uirements

    I ha!e archi!ed all the clients7 re"uirements? initially I ha!e identiied ew areas% which can be

    de!eloping in the uture. ,ue to lack o time I ha!e reduce the scope o my pro#ect.

    Original )e+uirements

    Student details Sta details

    Clubssports details

    *arents7 details

    In my system% I ha!e co!ered all abo!e user re"uirements. When I compare system against the

    Client7s original re"uirements% I ha!e achie!ed all user re"uirements

  • 7/24/2019 School System by Muditha



    antt c%art

    Appro4imated time period

    Time spent

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