Page 1: School newsletter Term 4 Week 8 3rd December 2019

‘We acknowledge that this school is built on the traditional lands of the Wongaibon people’

Hermidale Public School Ph 68 330707 Fax 68 330735

[email protected]

School newsletter Term 4 Week 8 3rd December 2019

Dear Parents and friends, Well how did we get here so quickly?! This will be the final newsletter for the year and as I look back on 2019, I am so proud of all that our school has achieved. The highlights for me have been the close bond that the students have formed with each other, seeing the brilliant learning happening in the classrooms, the successes on the sporting fields and all the wonderful excursions and opportunities the students have had. Our teaching staff are working towards implementing all aspects of the school’s 2018 – 2020 school plan and our school was validated in October with a statement Excelling in a number of the elements of the School Excellence Framework. Well done to all. Teachers for 2020 K- 2 Mrs Skye Dedman and Mrs Bek Coddington 3-6 Mrs Wendy Robb Each Wednesday Mrs Lizz Denovan (Mrs D - Principal & Learning Support release) Mrs Edge will be on maternity leave for term 1&2. Wendy has been based in Nyngan throughout her teaching career. She is a very experienced Primary school teacher and a secondary maths teacher. Wendy worked at our school during term 4, 2018 as a casual teacher. She was also employed by the 3 Hub schools to formulate the Hub’s syllabus scope and sequence project – her expertise in programming is outstanding. We look forward to having Wendy at our school. Parent teacher interviews, Thursday 12th December - Semester 2 reports will be sent home on Wednesday 11th December. If you would like to meet with the teachers to discuss these reports, please phone Kerrie to make an appointment. Appointments times will be available between 3 - 4pm. Presentation night – Thank you everyone for joining us last night. The children were so confident on the stage and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Thank you to the P&C and AECG for providing each child with a book to enjoy – how special Congratulations to Gaye Pack who was the winner of the P&C ham raffle.


Wednesday 11th December Whole School fund day Cobar Swimming Pool

Thursday 12th December Parent Teacher Meetings

Wednesday 18th December Students last day of school

Term 1 2020

Wednesday 5th February Students Return

Page 2: School newsletter Term 4 Week 8 3rd December 2019

‘We acknowledge that this school is built on the traditional lands of the Wongaibon people’

Hermidale Public School Ph 68 330707 Fax 68 330735

[email protected]

Car Rally Success! – What a fantastic team effort from everyone. It was great to have all the children presenting to the car rally team. Will’s speech entertained the hoards and Oliver read his Frank Poem so well. Special thanks to the parents who sold raffle tickets and to Mrs Coddington for giving up her Friday night to help me out. The final amount raised was $3721. This money has been deposited in the school’s Playground equipment fund. Annual Parent Survey – I have attached a short survey to this week’s newsletter. I would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this. The survey responses help our school to plan for the coming year, to reflect on practices and processes and to inform our school plan. Your responses will be anonymous. Please return as soon as possible ~ Thank you. Rain Dance – We are supporting St John’s School in Trangie who have started a media campaign across Australia! On the 13th December at 1pm, we will join Girilambone at the pool to do our rain dance …..a bit of fun that will lift our spirits and hopefully dump some rain on us! Intensive swimming – We will begin our intensive swimming lesson with swimming coach Maddie Griffiths. Our school is funding the coaching this year as we have identified swimming as a learning priority for all students given our location. Our pool visits will be on Thursday 12th, Friday 13th, Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th December. We will leave school at 11am and travel to Nyngan with Vanes’ Bus. Students need to bring their swimmers and rashie top, towel and sunscreen with them each day and bring a packed recess and lunch. Pool entry will be covered by the school. If you have a season ticket, please indicate this on the note. Children will not need extra money for the shop. Scholastic book club – buy a book for a bush fire effected public school. If you would like to order a book from Scholastic Book Club on behalf of your child, we will send it to a school affected by the recent bush fires. Please phone Kerrie and she will ensure we sit your book aside and your child will be able to put a note in the front of the book. We will post the books early next year.

Skye Dedman


Page 3: School newsletter Term 4 Week 8 3rd December 2019

‘We acknowledge that this school is built on the traditional lands of the Wongaibon people’

Hermidale Public School Ph 68 330707 Fax 68 330735

[email protected]

Whole school excursion ……

Page 4: School newsletter Term 4 Week 8 3rd December 2019

‘We acknowledge that this school is built on the traditional lands of the Wongaibon people’

Hermidale Public School Ph 68 330707 Fax 68 330735

[email protected]

Around the school being STAR students…..

Kind and generous donation from a Sydney family

The STARS of Hermidale Public School

Page 5: School newsletter Term 4 Week 8 3rd December 2019

‘We acknowledge that this school is built on the traditional lands of the Wongaibon people’

Hermidale Public School Ph 68 330707 Fax 68 330735

[email protected]

Page 6: School newsletter Term 4 Week 8 3rd December 2019

‘We acknowledge that this school is built on the traditional lands of the Wongaibon people’

Hermidale Public School Ph 68 330707 Fax 68 330735

[email protected]

Page 7: School newsletter Term 4 Week 8 3rd December 2019

‘We acknowledge that this school is built on the traditional lands of the Wongaibon people’

Hermidale Public School Ph 68 330707 Fax 68 330735

[email protected]

Cobar Pool Fun Day – Wednesday 11th December 2019 My child/ren ____________________________________ have permission to attend the Cobar Pool Fun Day on Wednesday 11th December 2019. No Cost to families. Students will be travelling to Cobar via Vane’s Bus, leaving school at 9.30 am and returning by 3 pm. Pool entry, slide entry, recess and lunch are all provided by the School. Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________

Nyngan Intensive Swimming – 12th – 17th December 2019 My child/ren ____________________________________ have permission to attend the Intensive Swimming at Nyngan Pool daily from Thursday 12th December until Tuesday 17th December 2019. Entry to the pool is funded by the School. Students will be travelling to Nyngan daily via Vanes Bus, leaving school at 11am and returning by 3 pm. Students are to bring swimmers, rashie, towels and sunscreen with them daily Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________

Yes we have a season ticket

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