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    1. Question 1: Johor 09(a) Converge at a point F.(b) any point at the principa

    front of the mirror.

    (c) Real, inverted and dimin

    2.(a) Reflection(b) 15 cm(c) 2f = 30 cm

    Image same size with o(d)

    Objectdistance , u



    10 Virtual, uprimagnified

    20 Real, invertemagnified

    30 Real, invertesize as the o

    40 Real, invertediminished


    l axis in






    d, samebject


    3. Question 2: N9 08

    (a) Convex mirror 

    (b) Convex mirror hathan a plane mirr 



    Draw two incideneach of them reflcorrect path.Shows image for the mirror and thfront of F.



    Virtual ,upright a

    (any of two combi

    4. Question 3: Kedah

    (a) Convex mirror 

    (b) Upright / diminisvirtual

    (c) A radial ray that ithrough the centcurvature,  C  of thmirror 

    is reflected backincident path thr Determine the coof the image

    (d) To increase the fi

    5. Question 6: SBP fina

    (a) Image that cannotscreen


    Image in Diagramvice versa



    a wider viewr.

    rays andcted at the

    ed behindposition in

    d diminished.



    ed / smaller /

    s incidente of e curved

    along theugh point C

    rrect position

    eld of vision

    F4 07

    be formed on

    .1 is bigger//

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    (d) Reflection

    (e) Wide angle of reflection // wider the vision

    6. Question 7: Trengganu 07

    (a) Two reflected rays are shown(diagram)Angle of incidence = Angle of 

    reflection (diagram)

    (a)(ii) Reflection

    (a)(iii) The driver in car P cannot seecar Q // field of view verysmall

    (b)(i) Convex mirror 

    b(ii) Two reflected rays are shown(diagram)Angle of incidence = Angle of 

    reflection (diagram)

    (b)(iii) The convex mirror increasethe field of view

    c(i) Unchanged

    c(ii) The characteristics of imageof a convex mirror not

    depends on the focal length


    7. Question 2: Melaka Mid 2010(a) Refraction(b) speed and direction of light

    change when travel throughdifferent medium

    (c) 49.5⁰

    (d) n = sin 49.5⁰  = 1.5

    Sin 30⁰

    8. Question 3: Melaka 07


    Virtual / Magnified



    (b) Light ray travels from densityto less dense mediumRefracted away from normal.

    (c) Draw refracted ray correctlyDraw ray from image to theobserver.

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    9. Question 5: Trengganu 08


    Pencil in Diagram 6.2 morebending


    Density of seawater is higher 


    The higher the density thegreater the bending

    (b) The size of the pencil in thewater is greater 

    (c) Refraction

    (d) velocit


    10. Question 5: SBP 08

    (a) The gradient of the graph for liquid X is higher than thegradient of the graph for water.

    (b) The refractive index of water is

    lower than the refractive indexof the liquid X.

    (c) The higher the density of liquid,the higher the refractive index

    (d) n = real depthapparent depth

    = 1.00.6

    = 1.67

    (e) Refraction of light

    (f) Wavelength increase.

    (g) The size of image seen from theglass block is bigger.

    11. Question 5: Kedah 09(a)(i) Speed of light in air is higher than speed of light in water.(a)(ii) speed of light in air is higher than speed of light in glass

    (a)(iii) If the speed of light decreases,then the light ray will bend towardsthe normal.(a)(iv) refraction(b)(i) One light ray from point P bendaway from the normal after emerginginto the air Extrapolate the ray to point Q.

    (b)(ii) 1.6 = 1.331.2


    12. Question 4: MARA 09(a)(i) critical angle(a)(ii) n = 1 = 1.5

    Sin 42⁰


    (b)(ii) i > 42⁰, so total internal

    reflection occurs

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    (c)(ii) Angle of refraction will becomesmaller.

    13. Question 4: Trengganu 07

    (a) Refractive index is the ratio of sin i to sin r 


    ( The refracted ray is closer to the 

    normal compare to the water   )


    The glass block is denser thanwater, so the light ray isrefracted more.


    The total internal reflection –angle of reflection is equal tothe angle of incidence.


    The incident angle in thediamond is more than the

    critical angle.(d)

    Sin c = 1n

    = 12.4

    c = 24.62 °


    (ii) virtual, upright and same size

    (iii) final image of the binocular isupright and it is shorter, solighter and easy to carry.

    15. Question 2: Johor 08

    (a) Mirage


    Total internal reflection


    Density of the cool air is greater than the density of the warm air 


    The light rays will be refractedaway from the normal


    16.(a) Total internal reflection(b)(i) Q is denser (b)(ii) Q has higher refractive index.(c) sin c = 1 /2.1

    c =(d)(i) endoscope

    (ii) internet

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    5.4 LENSES


    (ii) real, inverted, magnified


    (b)(ii) virtual, upright, small

    18.(a) image at the focal point(b) real, inverted, small(c) f = 19 – 9 = 10 cm(d) u = 15 cm(e

    himage = v = 30 = 2hobject   u 15

    himage  = 2 x 4 = 8 cm

    (f) real, inverted, magnified(g) at focal point

    19. Question 2: SBP 08

    (a) Distance from the optical center to the focus point.

    (b) 1 = 1 + 1f u v

    1 = 1 - 1v 2 3

    = 16

    v = 6 cm.


    (ii) Real,inverted,magnified.


    (a)(ii) Real, inverted, magnified(b) 1 + 1 = 1

    20 v 15v = 60 cm

    (c) m = 60 = 320

    (d) virtual, upright, smaller 

    21. Question 6: Mid Melaka 09(a) Image cannot be captured on the

    screen(b)(i) Image in Diagram 6.1 is > then

    Diagram 6.2(b)(ii) Equal // same

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    (b)(iii) Image distance in Diagram 6.1is further// > than in Diagram5.2

    (c) The shorter the image distancethe smaller the image //directly

    proportional(d) m = vu

    (e)(i) blur (e)(ii) not enough light.

    22. Question 8: Kelantan 08(a)

    b Real, inverted, diminished


    1/f = 1/u + 1/vv = 15 cm


    m = v/um = 0.5


    Objective lens = convex lens YEyepiece lens = convex lens X


    Focal length convex lens Y >than focal length convex lens X


    23. Conceptual: Kelantan 08

      Density diagram 9.2 < densitydiagram 9.3

      Refractive index 9.2 < refractiveindex 9.3

      Angle of refraction in diagram 9.2 >angle of refraction in diagram 9.3

      The higher the density the smaller the angle of refraction

      The higher the refractive index thesmaller the angle of refraction

    24. Conceptual: Perak 07

    (i) Refraction / Total InternalReflection

    (ii) Block 1 (Rectangle)

    :Refracted ray smaller thenthe incidence rayBlock 2(Prism) :The incidenceray is perpendicular and thereis no refracted raysAngles of incidence in theprism = Angles of reflection inthe prismRefractive index = 1

    Sin cc= Critical angle

    The ray of light comes from adense to a less densemedium or The angle of incidence in thedense medium is greater thanthe critical angle

    25. Conceptual: Johor 08

    (i) Ratio sin of incidence angle andsine of refraction angle

    (ii) Refractive index digram9.2

    larger than diagram 9.1Refraction angle diagram 9.2 issmaller than diagram 9.1Critical angle diagram 9.1larger than diagram 9.2When the refractive index islarge, the critical angle is small

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    26. Conceptual: Melaka 08(i) A point at principle focus where

    light ray parallel with principleaxis converge/diverge to/from it.

    (ii) 1.Convex lens K more thicknessthan lens J2.The light rays refracted and

    converge to the point F3.The distance between O and F

    is focal length.4.Focal length lens K is shorter 

    than lens J5.More thickness the lens ,

    shorter the focal length

    27. Conceptual: Melaka 08

    (a)(i) Real image is an image whichcan be seen on a screen.

    (a)(ii)     the object distance indiagram 10.1 is longer than diagram 10.2

      the image distance indiagram 10.2 is longer than diagram 10.1

      the size of the image in

    diagram 10.2 is larger    the longer the imagedistance, the bigger thesize of the image

      The smaller the objectdistance the larger thesize of the image / theobject distance isinversely proportional tosize of the image.

    28. Conceptual: SBP 08   The object distance in Diagram 9.1

    is closer than in Diagram 9.2   The image distance in Diagram 9.1

    is further than in Diagram 9.2

      The size of image in Diagram9.1 is larger than in Diagram9.2

      The further the object distance,the closer the image distance

      The further the object distance,the smaller the size of image

    29. Understanding: SBP 08i. Concave mirror 

    (i) Show object at the correct

    distance , u < f Ray parallel to the principal axisreflect through the focal pointIntersection of 2 reflected rays

    behind the mirror.

    30. Understanding: Melaka 08   The convex lens with its holder is

    aimed at a distant object like atree.

      Adjust a screen until you see avery sharp and clear image of thedistant object.

      When parallel light rays from adistant object pass through a

    convex lens, they will converge toa point called focal point/ label ona diagram

      Measure the distance between theconvex lens and screen./ label ona diagram

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    31. Understanding: Kelant

    (i) Angle between incidennormal line

    (ii)     Increase the angle oincidence, i, then an

    refraction, r, will als  Keep on increasing

    of incidence until anrefraction is 90˚

     The angle of incidencalled critical angle

      Increase the angle oincidence more thancritical angle

     The ray will be totallreflected.

    32. Understanding : Johor 1. the angle of incidence is

    than critical angle2. the light travel from medi

    density to low density

    33. Understanding: SBP 08   The layers of air nearer 


      The density of air decrenearer to the road surfa

      The light travel from deless dense area.

      The light refract away fr normal

    n 08

    t ray and

    le of 

    increasehe anglegle of 

    ce is



    um high

    the road


    ser to

    om the

      When the angle of iexceed the criticalinternal reflection o

    34. Understanding: Pe1. Draw a diagram toof light

    2. Total internal reflec3. 180   0 fish eye view4. Obstacle

    35. Understanding: Ked1. Diagram shows a c

    fibre (with outer anlayer) with at least t

    internal reflection2. The refractive indeinternal layer of theis greater than theor air 

    3. Angle of incidence,angle,  c 

    4. Total internal reflec

    36. Understanding: MR

    (i) Convex mirror (ii)    Has a wider vie

      Upright image

     The image is sedistance v  ≤  f bmirror for all poobject

    (iii)    Light ray fromparallel to the pis reflected as ifrom the focal p

     Position of the i

    ncidencengle, total


    ak 07how the rays


    ah 07rved opticalinternal

    wo total

    of theoptical fibrexternal layer 

    i  > critical

    ion occur 

    SM 07

    en at ahind the

    sitions of the

    bject that isrincipal axis

    it comesoint


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    37. Understanding: Johor 07

    (a)Periscope SAll the light is reflected into theeyes of the viewer through total

    internal reflection.


      Position of mirror//position of prisms

      Ray diagram for R and S   Condition: Light ray travels

    from optically dense mediumto optically less densemedium, or angle of incidencemore than critical angle

    38. Qualitative problem: Perak 07

    (i) Draw a correct ray diagram withat least 2 raysBox

    Using two right-angled prismsArrangement of prismTotal internal reflection

    (ii) Draw a diagram to showarrangementRight angle prism which causethe the rays to bent through 1800

    4 prism2 eye piece2 objective lens

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    39. Qualitative problem: Jo

    Aspect R

    1. An inner coreof higher refractive index

    Light rareflecteeasily t

    total intreflecti

    2. Outer layer of medium with alower refractiveindex

    Light rareflecteeasily ttotal intreflecti

    3. Lower densit The optwill be l

    4. The thicknessof the glass is


    Save pbe use


    5. Strong andflexible

    Does neasily ashape cadjuste

    40. Qualitative: SBP 08

    (i) Objective lens aboveEyepiece below // dia

    Correct arrangementdiagram

    (ii) Ray from object to th

    and reflect 90 

    Second reflection 90 

    Reflection in 2nd pris

    hor 08


    y isd more



    y isd more


    ical fibreighter 

    ce / canin

    t breaknd thean be

     / diagramram

    f prisms //

    1s prism

    in 1st prism(double

    reflection)Draw another ray

    (iii) Shorter // smaller  // easy to carryProduce upright i

    41. Qualitative: Melaka

    (i)     draws theeyepiece lens

      correct labeleyepiece

      label f O and f e   draw the cor 

    the object ( f o   draw ray diag

    position of im   draw ray diag

    final image

    (ii)     Use a concav   Converge ligh

    microscope.(iii)     Decrease thedecrease thethe eyepiece lthe focal lengobjective lens

      increase thefactor.


    size of binocular 



    objective ands.

    of objective and

    correctlyect position for 

    < u1 < 2f o)ams to show the

    age 1ams to show the

    mirror t to the

    bject distance /ocal length of ens / decreaseh of the.


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    42. Making decision: Johor 07

    (a)     Design Z   Concave mirror converges all

    the light to the focal point

    (b)     Use spherical disc of concave mirror so that morelight is converge to the focalpoint, hence the intensity of light is high

      The kettle holder is made of iron

      Which is a good conductor of heat.

    (c)     No pollution   Renewable

    (d)     Restriction of the weather    High cost   Need a large area   Difficult to stop and transfer 

    to ac form

    43. Making Decision: Kedah 07

    (i) refractive index =Speed of light in vacuum

    Speed of light in the medium

    Characteristics Reason

    High refractiveindex

    Total internalreflection canoccur easily

    Small amount of light energybeing absorbedby the material

    The object under observation canbe seen clearly //more light can be

    transmittedMaterial withweak rigidity

    The optical fibrecan be bent easily

    Material withstrong strength

    The optical fibrecan last longer/noteasily spoil

    Material R High refractiveindex, low % of light energyabsorbed, weakrigidity and strong


    44. Making Decision: MRSM 07

    (i)     Diameter of fibre should besmall

      The endoscope is small /slim

      Material should be strongand of high flexibility

      Bends easily without

    breaking   The refractive index of the

    inner layer is greater thanthe refractive index of theouter layer.

      Total internal reflection canoccur 

      The most suitable is R

      Because the diameter issmall, high flexibility andrefractive index of the inner 

    layer is greater than theouter layer.

    (ii)     Objective lens: to form theimage of an object

      Eye piece: to focus theimage

    45. Quantitative problem: MRSM 07

    (i) u = 30 cm, f = -10 cm

    1/v = 1/-10 – 1/30v = - 7.5 cm

    (ii) m = v/u= 7.5/30= 0.25

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    46. Quantitative problem: Kedah 07

    (i) The coin appear bigger whenseen by observer BThe coin is nearer to theobserver B


    = 12 cm

    (iii) Add in more water//add in somesalt solution

    47. Section B:Kelantan 09(a) Distance between optical centre

    and focal point.(b)

      Lens in Diagram 9.1 is thinner    Focal length in Diagram 9.1 is

    longer.   Power of lens in Diagram 9.1 is

    lower.   The thinner the lens the longer 

    the focal length   The thinner the lens, the lower 

    the power of the lens.(c)(i) at u < f 


    Modification explanation

    P as eye piece

    lens and Q asobjective lens

    Focal length of P

    is longer 

    Fo < u < 2f o   To produce real,inverted andmagnified image

    Adjusted so thatu < f e

    To producevirtual, invertedand bigger image

     // to acts as amagnifying glass

    Distance betweenlenses > f o + f e

    To producebigger imagefrom the eyepiece

     // to increase themagnification

    Store in a cooland dry place

    To avoid fungusin the lenses.

    48. Section B: Melaka 09(a)(i) Incident angle when its

    refracted angle is 90o

    (a)(ii)   Incident angle in Diagram 9.1 <

    Incident angle in Diagram 9.2   Diagram 9.1 refraction   Diagram 9.2 total internal

    reflection   Incident angle in Diagram 9.1 is

    less than critical // incident anglein Diagram 9.2 is more thancritical angle

      when incident angle more than thecritical angle total internalreflection occurred

    (b)   Light consisting of seven colours   Red has the longest wave length

    and the last to refracted duringsunset

      A droplet of water trap in theatmosphere after raining acts alens

      Light travel through this water droplet and undergo the processof refraction ,total internal

    reflection and dispersion of lightoccurred


    1634 =

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    (c)(i)   Optical fibber consist two layers

    from two types of glass.   it consists of core at the centre

    and outer layer with difference

    refractive index   The outer layer glass has lower refractive index than the inner core glass.

      When the angle of incidence of light is greater than the criticalangle

      light rays undergo total internalreflection

      repeatedly until they emerge fromthe opposite end of the optical



    Modification Reason

    Built bundle of optical fiber 

    Carry moreinformation

    strong material not easily break

    Very flexible Easy to bend at

    the curve part

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