Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students, and enthusiastic parents with high expectations.
- Bob Beauprez
Dear Parent
Kindly find below the ‘Home Learning Schedule’ for the students from 19th October 2020 to 22nd October 2020.
and Is)
Mathematics (Measurement
*Please keep all the worksheets in a folder. In case the child does not have the prescribed books/worksheets. *Kindly do the mentioned work in the respective subject notebook if not bought then kindly make the child do in any notebook available at home.
To Understand
Remember- the different tools used for measurement.
Understand – the use of standard and non-standard units of measurement.
Apply – acquired knowledge to measure length of different objects using different units.
Analyze – the methods of measuring length.
Create – a chart of measurement of different objects like chair, table, TV, etc. by using non-standard
units of measurement.
What will I learn? • Units of measurement- Standard and Non-Standard unit
• Different tools used for measuring length.
• Different methods of measuring length.
When we measure length, we measure how long something is.
We can measure the length of ANYTHING!
short, shorter, shortest, tall, taller, tallest, long, longer, longest
Measuring length using an object
Length of an object can be measured using another smaller object as shown.
To Do
Q Festival of Diwali is around. Ria wants to make a rangoli. Help her to find the length
and breadth of the floor required to make the rangoli. Use non-standard units of
measurement like-cubit, handspan, foot, palm, digit, etc. Make a table for the same.
What have I learnt?
• Different tools used for measuring length.
• Different methods of measuring length.
Learning Objectives
Remember-I will be able to recall the concept on the ‘Sentences’
Understand – I will be able to understand the grammatical rule to use ‘am’, ‘are’ and
‘is’. I will also be able to understand the different ways to worship Goddess Durga and
her nine forms, while reading sentences having ‘am, are and is’.
Apply-I will be able to use the acquired knowledge while speaking and writing simple
Analyze / Evaluate- I will be able to identify the incorrect usage of ‘am’, ‘are’, and ‘is’
in a sentence. I will also be able to correct these sentences.
DAY-1 Monday (19 .10.2020)
What will I learn?
I will be able: -
• to know the grammatical rule to use ‘am, ‘are’, and ‘is’
• to use is, am, are in sentences
• to identify the incorrect usage of ‘am, ‘are’ and ‘is’ in a sentence
To Introduce:
Am is shy. He has only one friend- I
Is wants to be with one person, place animal or thing.
Is has three friends -he, she and it.
Are wants to be with many persons, places, animals or things.
Are also has three friends- you, we and they
To Understand:
• Is is used when there is only one person, place, animal or thing.
• Are is used when there is more than one person, place, animal or thing.
• Am is used when we talk about ourselves.
To Do: CA –
• I will be able to revise the concept of ‘Am, Are and Is’.
• I will be able to know about Navratri of Haryana also known as Bathukamma in
Telangana, while reading sentences having ‘am, are and is’.
• I will be able to know about the nine forms of Goddess Durga
To Do: CA
• Page no.53
Students will be briefed about the festivals of Haryana and Telangana highlighting Navratri
and Bathukamma, through slides presentation.
To Create:
Draw a picture to show your way of celebrating Navratri, on A4 size sheet. Describe
the picture in 3 sentences, using ‘am, are and is’, on the back of the same sheet.
What have I learnt?
• I know the grammatical rules of Am, Are and Is.
• I know the different ways of worshipping in Haryana and Telangana.

Topic ( : ) , – 34, 35
objective • (Remember) –
• (Understand) –

• (Apply) –
• (Analyze) –
• (Evaluate) –
• (Create) –
• What

• •

• •

To Do
Day 1

‘ ’’

• •
• • •
Grade I
Topic Festivals
Learning Objectives Remember- The learners will be able to tell the names of different festivals celebrated in
different states.
Understand-The learners will be able to explain the importance of festivals celebrated in
different states.
Apply-The learners will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in their daily life.
Analyze- The learners will be able to describe the different types of festivals celebrated in India in their
own words.
Evaluate-The learners will be able to comprehend the concept they have learnt using different tools
-games, quiz and through Google form. Create- The learners will be able to draw their favorite festivals and describe them in their words.
• The learners will write the word power in their General Awareness notebook
during the session.
Page No: 31 of workbook
Subject: Music
Class: I
You are my Sunshine
:- |
, |
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away ……
Audio Link
A systematic arrangement of swaras which help the students to improve their voice is called alankar.
1. Aaroh-Sa re ga ma pa dha ni sa
Avroh-Sa ni dha pa ma ga re sa
2.Aaroh-Sasa rere gaga mama papa dhadha nini sasa
Avroh-Sasa nini dhadha papa mama gaga rere sasa
3.Aaroh-Sarega regama gamapa mapadha padhani dhanisa
Avroh-Sanidha nidhapa dhapama pamaga magare garese
How Beautiful the World Is!
Identify the words from the poem in the following word search puzzle:
This puzzle can also be played online using the following link:

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