Page 1: SCC PreschoolScript CreationFactory...hands,” Psalm 19:1. So, next me you look up and see what God has made in the sky, remember him, remember his love and his plan to rescue us

ÓSummit Crea+ve Company. All rights reserved.



The Creation Factory is a four-week video series where kids will see the story of creation come to life. They will watch as God creates the sky, land, and oceans and fills them with all kinds of living things. They will

learn that God created the heavens and the earth.



God Made the Sky and Everything in It, Genesis 1

God Made the Oceans and Everything in Them, Genesis 1

God Made the Land, Plants, and Trees, Genesis 1

God Made the Animals and People, Genesis 1-2


A four-week series


“God created the heavens and the

earth,” Genesis 1:1.

Page 2: SCC PreschoolScript CreationFactory...hands,” Psalm 19:1. So, next me you look up and see what God has made in the sky, remember him, remember his love and his plan to rescue us

ÓSummit Crea+ve Company. All rights reserved.



Preschool Week 1

SERIES CONCEPT The Creation Factory is a four-week video series where kids will see the story of creation come to life. They will watch as God creates the sky, land, and oceans and fills them with all kinds of living things. They will learn that God created the heavens and the earth. BIBLE TRUTH God Made the Sky and Everything in It, Genesis 1 BIBLE VERSE “God created the heavens and the earth,” Genesis 1:1. SUPPLIES

• Bible on stage • offering container • small group: print out: sky memory cards


• All yellow highlighted text are cues for audio and visual slides. Assign a volunteer to show slides.

• Both the intro and Bible truth will be on video. CIRCLE TIME Kids will play a fun sky memory card game to reinforce the story.

Page 3: SCC PreschoolScript CreationFactory...hands,” Psalm 19:1. So, next me you look up and see what God has made in the sky, remember him, remember his love and his plan to rescue us

ÓSummit Crea+ve Company. All rights reserved.


TEACHER DEVOTIONAL Read: Genesis 1:1-8, 14-19 God made everything. All that God made points us toward him and helps us get to know him. Have you ever read Bible stories and thought, none of this would be possible if God hadn’t first created it? It sounds obvious, but God created everything, literally everything, with purpose. Crea+on has a role to play in God’s story and in ours as we get to know more of him. So, as we teach the preschoolers about crea+on this month, we’ll take a look at some real examples of God using his crea+on, something tangible, to help teach us something spiritual. In the first couple days of crea+on, God separated the waters and created an expanse above and below. The expanse above, he named the sky. And in the sky, he placed a sun, a moon, planets, and a whole ton of stars. Maybe he made these things (the boundless sky, the numerous stars) so that later the Psalmist could write things like this: “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies,” Psalm 36:5. And this: “He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. Great is our Lord and abundant in strength; His understanding is infinite,” Psalm 147:4-5. These passages help us to grasp, a li_le bit more, how much God loves us and how vast and boundless that love actually is. Think about the stars. God created each one of them, and then years later one of those same stars, a very significant one, guided people from all over the world to meet Jesus. Maybe God made day and night, the cycle of the moon and the rota+on of the earth, so that we could know that he is consistent, that we can count on him and trust him. The Bible tells us that “the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands,” Psalm 19:1. So, next +me you look up and see what God has made in the sky, remember him, remember his love and his plan to rescue us through Jesus, and thank him for how big and trustworthy he is.

Page 4: SCC PreschoolScript CreationFactory...hands,” Psalm 19:1. So, next me you look up and see what God has made in the sky, remember him, remember his love and his plan to rescue us

ÓSummit Crea+ve Company. All rights reserved.


WELCOME Welcome boys and girls. I’m so glad you’re here! Before we get started with today’s lesson, let’s review our room rules so that we can have the most fun. (Go over room rules. Sample rules: join in, be a friend, be safe, leaders rule.) WORSHIP Ok, let’s do our best singing so we can let God know how much we love him! (Play a few songs for kids to sing and dance to.) FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD (Share with kids how God asks us to love all his children through giving and praying. Talk about a global or local outreach program and encourage kids to give by collec+ng an offering.) INTRO I’m so excited, because today we’re going to hear the very first story from the Bible. It’s the story of crea+on – how God created the world and everything in it. Whoa! I wonder how that happened? Want to check it out with me? Great! BIBLE TRUTH Show Video: Wk. 1 Sky CreaPon Factory APPLICATION Wow, the crea+on factory is such a cool place! It is so amazing that God created everything! Hey, let’s stand up and say our Bible verse together one more +me. Bible Verse Show Verse: “God created the heavens and the earth,” Genesis 1:1. “God created (Point straight up with both fingers.) the heavens (Bring arms to “V” overhead while you look up.) and the earth,” (Move your arms from the “V” overhead to a “V” pointed toward the ground.) Genesis 1:1. (Hold hands open like a book.) Great job, friends! Now sit right back down and let’s talk to God. PRAYER Dear God, thank you for crea+ng the heavens and the earth, just by saying the words! You are so powerful. Thank you for the beau+ful sky and filling it with amazing things. We love you, God. Amen. BIG GROUP GAME

Page 5: SCC PreschoolScript CreationFactory...hands,” Psalm 19:1. So, next me you look up and see what God has made in the sky, remember him, remember his love and his plan to rescue us

ÓSummit Crea+ve Company. All rights reserved.


I sure do love looking at the clouds in the sky God created! Do you? (Kids respond.) Put your finger on your nose if you’ve ever seen a cloud that looks like something – like maybe a heart or a lion. Cool! Me, too! Let’s play a game together where I’ll show you a picture of a cloud in the sky that looks like something else. You get to guess what the cloud looks like. Ready? Let’s begin. (Show kids clouds one at a +me and have them guess the cloud shape.) Show Graphic: Cloud 1-11 CreaPon Factory CIRCLE TIME Ok kids are you ready? It’s Circle Time! When you hear the music walk slowly to a circle and sit right down. (Play a song to transi+on kids to Circle Time.)

Page 6: SCC PreschoolScript CreationFactory...hands,” Psalm 19:1. So, next me you look up and see what God has made in the sky, remember him, remember his love and his plan to rescue us

ÓSummit Crea+ve Company. All rights reserved.



Preschool Circle Time Week 1: Sky Memory

SUPPLIES: print out: sky memory cards PURPOSE: Kids will play a fun sky memory card game to reinforce the story. Sit down and say names. ASK: What things did God make in the sky? (sun, moon, stars, etc.) What is your favorite thing God made in the sky? (Take responses.) Who created the heavens and the earth? (God created the heavens and the earth.) SAY AND SHOW: To help us remember that God made the sky and everything in it, we’re going to play a memory game. DO: Place all cards facing down in the middle of circle. Have kids, one at a +me, pick up two cards. If the two cards match, they get to keep them. If they don’t match, they put them back and it is the next kid’s turn. Con+nue to play un+l all kids have a turn and all the cards are matched up. Play again as +me allows. (For younger kids: Once kids take a turn keep cards face up, or reduce the number of memory cards.)

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