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Accelerate SalesLinkedIn + Twitter Together

ScaleSocial Selling

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Purpose & Overview 1

LinkedIn + Twitter Better Together 2

LinkedIn 3

Twitter 4

Social Selling Team


Objectives & Key Results

OKRs 5

Scaling Practices

It's a Team Sport 9

SMarketing 10

Team Alignment 11

Collaboration Platform 12

Teachable & Repeatable 6

Optimize Knowledge & Skills 7

Learning Management System 8


Readiness Checklist 13

Next Steps

FREE Online Course 14

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We highlight why LinkedIn and Twitter

are better together and provide a simple

blueprint to scale social selling.

Successful social selling takes a cross-

department team. We show how to

organize your team, facilitate

collaboration and implement processes &

procedures to achieve objectives & key


The purpose of this eBook is to help those individuals and

organizations actively adopting “social selling” to scale their

activities and accelerate the sales process.



Purpose and Overview

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LinkedIn + Twitter are Better Together

Why are LinkedIN & Twitter better together?

LinkedIn provides deeper information about members

professional profiles and their employers and it has become

an excellent publishing and content sharing platform.

Twitter is fast and frictionless; there is no permission required

to engage with any user in the world.

Get the best of both platforms using them together: deep

profile information with speed and real-time conversations.


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LinkedInThe growth in LinkedIn is amazing, growing from 37 million

in 2009 to 364 million in Q1 2014; two new members join

every second.

LinkedIn + Twitter

Easily find and engage with your ideal buyer with advanced

search filters and key word search criteria.

Amplify and build personal and brand audience and

reputation with LinkedIn's Publisher, Pulse, and Slideshare.


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Twitter’s growth is pretty amazing too. Here’s some more

interesting facts:

LinkedIn + Twitter

Twitter is used by 23 percent of online adults (that

compares favorably to LinkedIn at 26 percent)

The 55 to 64 year old is the fastest growing age


42 percent of users will learn about products or

services thru Twitter.

Twitter is rapidly transforming features and functionality to

be an even better platform for business development.


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Objectives & Key Results

OKRs can help you focus on your company goals and reflect

on progress each quarter. Some of the biggest tech

companies in the world use OKRs including Google, Zynga,

Upstart and many others.

The primary social

selling objectives are to Find,

Attract, Engage, Nurture and

Convert prospects to buyers

throughout the customer


We define Key Results as the

trackable LinkedIn & Twitter

metrics like new

connections; comments, imp

ressions, followers, and



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Teachable & Repeatable

With every task a team member performs, ask a basic

question; how can the thought process and task be taught

to someone else.

Scaling Practices

For example; create a clear picture of your ideal buyer using

LinkedIn Advanced Search filters with Key Words and Sales

Assistants can be trained to target and find new potential

prospects for each Sales Rep.

Finding prospects is teachable and repeatable.

A key to scaling social selling is

the ability to increase the activities

that fill the top of the sales funnel

and help sales reps spend more

time developing relationships &



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Optimize Knowledge & Skills

Scaling Practices

Selling today is a blend of content marketing, nurturing, and

delivering new, unexpected solutions to your prospects. For

best results each team member should do the work that

makes the most of their knowledge, skills, and interests.

Ask -- Who's best at creating content?; Presenting complex

solutions?; Consistently doing routine tasks?


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Learning Management System

Scaling Practices

The Learning Management System, LMS, is being used by

more organizations as a highly effective platform to share

knowledge across departments.

Plan to integrate LMS to educate and train all team members

on social selling best practices and training to use a mix of

cloud tools.


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It's a Team Sport

Successful selling in today’s fast changing and competitive

marketplace requires more than a talented sales rep; it takes

a team.

The Social Selling Team

The team should be built with all the disciplines that are

involved throughout the customer’s decision journey; sales,

marketing, social media, and customer service.

It's also important that the team is lead by a senior person of

authority from the C-Suite.


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HubSpot's "smarketing" refers to alignment between your

sales and marketing teams created through frequent and

direct communication between the two.


Marketing, Engagement & Promotion

Persuasion & Selling

Organization efficiency and performance optimization is best

achieved when the people with the right knowledge, skills, and

interests are the best fit for the tasks.

We divide the knowledge & skills for social selling into two

primary segments:


The Social Selling Team

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Team Alignment

A good starting point to achieve team alignment is to gather

all departments together, in an open and collaborative

environment to discuss roles and responsibilities as they

apply through all stages of the sales and marketing process.

We recommend following HubSpot's approach and

establish a Service Level Agreement between Sales &

Marketing. The goal is to have measurable goals that each

team agrees to hit so there's mutual accountability.

The Social Selling Team


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Collaboration Platform

The Social Selling Team

Things happen very fast in the digital and social world, so it's

important to have a simple and effective platform for team

communications and collaboration. Consider building your

platform with these low-cost cloud tool options.

Google Apps for Work are low cost

and very effective cloud integration

for email, IM, video chat, & sharing of

calendars & documents.

Basecamp and Asana are two cloud platform

to manage team projects and tasks.

Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom, and

GoToMeeting are video conference

meeting platforms that enable teams to

work together from anywhere in the world.


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Readiness Checklist

Launch Plan

It's important to assess your organizations readiness to

before launching your social selling program. Check off

everything on this list and you should be ready to get


C-Suite Leadership & Resource Commitment

Active Inbound Marketing

Alignment between Sales & Marketing

Establish Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

Social Selling Tools & Best Practice TrainingEstablish Collaboration Platform

Content Creation and Curation Process


Marketing Automation

Click HERE to take the FREE beyondthehedge

Assessment and Alignment Survey.


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FREE Online Course

Ready to put the Scaling Social Selling Blueprint into action?

Next Steps

We invite you join the beyondthehedge community and

get instant access to our FREE course, LinkedIn +

Twitter: Better together.


Launch Plan

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