  • 7/28/2019 Save-A-Life Foundation newsletter, January 1995 (Dick Durbin, Bobby Sherman, Grant Goold, David Hasselhoff, P


    S.A.L.F. EXAMINERSave Lives Through CPR and First Aid Education

    Janaury , 1995 SAVE A LIFE FOUNDATION, INC.17479 West Dartmoor Drive , Grayslake , Illinois 60030 (708) 549-7353 Numhcr 1VO lUIlHl


    President Clinton signs Appropriation BillGovernor Edgar signs mandate into Illinois Law

    illinois CongressmanRichard (Dick) Durbin

    As illinois Governor J . Edgar signedSB#1477 into law, mandating thetraining of police an d firefightersacademy graduates in advanced CPRand First Aid , President Clinton signedan appropriation bill which illinoisCongressman Richard Durbinsponsored .

    Congressman Durbin and hisLegislative Aide Jim Jepsen , workedwith the National Highway TrafficSafety Administration for severalmonths to reach an agreeablealternative to address this nationalprohlem.As th e appropriation bill points out,"Access to emergency medical servicesis critical to prevent unnecessary loss oflife an d injury to victims of trafficaccidents. NHTSA's Bystander CareProgram is des igned to improve th eemergency care given to highwayaccident victims , particularly in ruralareas . Th e committee is concernedabout th e level of training provided topolice officers an d other emergencypersonnel, particularly in small townan d rural areas . Police officers ar eoften th e first called to th e scene in

    cases in volving trauma . In those initiallife-or dea th moments after lUl accidenthas occw-red , th e skill and training ofpolice officers an d emergency personnelin first aid an d cardiopulmonaryresuscitation (CPR) is critical .

    Th e Conunittee urges NHTSA toencourage states to require first aidan d CPR training for al l police an demergency services persolll1 ellUld toincrease th e technical assistanceprovided to s tates and localgovernment s to improve th e e me rgencymedical serv ices training provided topolice and other emergency medicalservices pe rsolUlel.

    Th e CO llnn.ittee di rects NtlTSAthrough its regional offices toen coura ge states to allocate section 402funding in th e i.r state highw ay safetyplans [or th e dev elopment of. First Aidan d CPR traiuing and certifica tionprograms for police and otheremergeney se rvices per sonn el".

    Since the signing of thisappropriations hill , Cong ressman D.Durhin has wri tten the illinoisDepartmen t of Transportation. lU'gingth em to give CPR lUld First Aidce rtification to all police andfir d ighters , high priority.H e co ntinu ed to w-ge that lDOTwork with th e Save A Life Foundationin th e development of illinois' p lan tostrengthen CPRlFirst Aid ce rtifica tionfor police and other emergen cypersolll1 el.

    SALF exte nd s our appreciation toillinois Cong ressman Durbin. SenatorRaica , Representative Hoffman , all th ecosponsors an d stall" to ma ke thishappen .

    New Federal LegislationTo Be Sponsored

    Eight months ago SALF had Ii meetingwith th e office of Massachuse tts'Congressman, Gerry E. Studds, whoha s since drafted a proposed bill. Th ebill directs the Secretary of Health andHuman Services to provide state withrecorrunendations relative toLifeSaving First Ai d. in such areas astraining for those with professionallicenses ; 9-1-1 dispatchers, fire fighters,teachers , an d daycare providers.

    OU f thanks to HUEY REPROGRAPHICS, INC. CHICAGO.IL for printing our newsletter

    Recollunendations regarding lIul.omul.icexternal defibrillators would uddrossth e placemen t of the devices inemergency vehicles und large buildings.stadilUllS and arenas; th e need forremoving barriers 1.0 expunding th epool of emergency persOlUlel and firstresponders authorized 1.0 use th edevice; and th e modification of tort lawsregarding it s us e .

    SALF would like to t.hankCong ressman Studds und hisLegis lative Aide Ke ith Lind for th eirsupport in SALF's miss ion

    This lJill is in draft form prese ntl y.for 1l10 J' C lnfornlotion . qu es tions or t.osupport t.his legislation . pleuse wri tc orcH 11 our ortiee at (708) 519 -735:3.Illinois Congressman Luis Gut.ic rr cza nd Senator Caro l Mosley-Brllun huveoffered th eir s upp or t as we ll "i"",dt.oward training CPR a nd Firs t ,\;.1 tuschoo l. tea cher s ...collcbes .. i>u5a nd supporting progrnms forstudents to rece ive CP I{ unci F ; " ~ l Aidtraining. as part of th e ir ,Iriver 'straining curri culum .

    These state rep resen./.utilJe

  • 7/28/2019 Save-A-Life Foundation newsletter, January 1995 (Dick Durbin, Bobby Sherman, Grant Goold, David Hasselhoff, P


    Dan Barb s , Bobby Sherman. Don Rothgery, Chief Allan Co wan (taking picture)ofthe LA Firefighter Assoc. met with Carol J. Spzzirr i an d daughter Ciptina


    Save A Life Foundation boardmembers were invited to discuss CPRand First Aid training as part of th eHealth, an d Welfare Reform Bill,December 13th , in Washington , DC

    Representatives of the WhiteHouse Domestic Policy Staff, met withSenator Carol Mosley-Braun'sLegislative Assistant Pa m Smith. andSALF's Carol J. Spizzirri , AdamZakrocrnski , Steve Cole, and RalphShenefeld , reviewe d the variousavenues that CPR and First Aidtraining could be incorporated in upcoming legislation.

    SALF illustrated the need to trainall public servan ts in these li fe savingskill, which in turn would en able tomaintain life until medicalprofessionals arrived. This in turnwould allow a victim to arrive at thehospital in better condition, reducingfatalities, disabilities, an d over-allhospital cost.

    Another issue that we covered inour meeting is oou "Save A Life, NotTake One", program which includesbasic training as part of a driver'seducational class. I f this programwere enacted, our youth would beprepared to take their skills .on thehighway work , or in their ownhomes, saving lives. This programsalso extends to high crimecommunities, which traindisadvantaged kids an d welfaremothers how to become a valuablepart of Emergency Medical Servicewithin their own communtity.Providing hands on training to becomea EMT an d able to work as part of th eEMS system. An alternative to crime.

    The Washington trip includedmeetings with the offices of Sen.Braun, Congo Gutierrez, CongoDurbins, Congo Porter , which are allrepresentatives from illinois.

    ChrisKit@Generates Life Saving

    InterestTh e ChrisKitT.. access th e

    ByStander in an emergency.By being trained in CPRfFirst Aidis no t always enough to preform, byequiping yourself with items that willprotect yourself and the victim youable yourself to provide th ose skills, inthe best possible way. to save a live.Refer to the enclosed brochure.

    California providedSALF with Star's

    The 1994 National Sa fety CouncilCongress was held in Sa n Diego,California this year . No t only wa s th eevents filled with powerpresentations, exhibits . a gala ofevents, but numerous meetings withSALF supporters.Bobby Sherman, former teen idol, isnow a father and making a life savingdifference.

    Since he stared on programs as"Shindig" and "Here Comes theBrides". and his singing career withhit's like "Easy Come, Easy Go" and"Cried Lik e A Baby", Bobby ha s beeninstrumental in training LA police andfir efighters in CPR and First Aid .


    While he still sings and performsfor television , Bobby's first dedicationlies with saving lives as a E1vlT ,Firefighter, Police Officer.

    Beyond Bobby's busy schedule , hetrains CPR and First Aid to police andfirefighters, and finds the mostreward, when that victim starts tobreath again, after he administere dCPR.Bobby works closely with AllanCowan, LA's Paramedic Chief. andthe members of the LA CityFirefighter's Assoc. Which SALFextends our appreciation for th eirsupport.

    SALF's - Jo e Perez, Grant Goold,Carol J. Spizzirri, daughter C iprina

    Jo e Perez (Dir. of SA.LF. LAChapter) an d his partner RockyRobinson ha d successfully taken ahigh crime area in New York. an dgave an alternative to violence. Byintroducing caring into their ow ncommunity and started the Bed StuyAll Volunteer Ambulance Corp., .(continue on page 3)training area youths and welfaremothers, to become an EMT and servetheir community.

    Within two years of it's forming ,BSVC was responsible for training1,200 persons. who now wor k for thestate of New York as EMT's ;

  • 7/28/2019 Save-A-Life Foundation newsletter, January 1995 (Dick Durbin, Bobby Sherman, Grant Goold, David Hasselhoff, P


    (SALF's Honoreecapture a moment on th eset with Carol Spizzirridaughter Cirpioa.

    Besides our mee ting with John"Ameri can Most Wanted" ,o offered his support and

    to work toge th e r on eachconcerns, SALF received

    recognition from the members.David Hasselhoff ha s recentlya new Public Servicefor SALF. This lastBAYWATCH aired a

    program based on the needlearn CPRlFirst Aid skillsSave A Life

    While on th e set, Ciprina Spizzirriyears) ha d her first experience

    th e television cameras. , whentime friend and agent

    Gluck volunteered her to be afor their last program of th eI t will ai r in March.

    e BAYWATCH show has beenfor hundreds of lives being, since it's airing on national. This ha s beenth eir weekJy episodes

    actual hands onof CPR and First AidViewers send appreciation

    to .th e producers weekJy,they saw what to do to save

    own family member's life.believes that CPR an dAid is basic an d easy to learn

    saves lives David himself ha sthe live of a womanon the se t this past.

    career has lead him to newa singer and has be come #1along with BAYWATCH

    the nwnber 1 televisionin the U.S .A. an d over no t surprising when you meetman and the BAYWATCHpeople.

    t Save A Life Week ton Focus Statewide Attentionin IllinoisSave A Life Foundation will sponsor aSave A Life Week February 20 - 27,1995, eA-panded from just a single daylast year. Co-sponsored by th e illinoisHospital Health System Association(formally illinois Hospital Assoc.) localhospitals, fire departments andhealthcare agencies. th e week's eventswill focus on training illinois residentsin CPR, along with demonstrations offirst Aid procedures. A pressconference will be held on February21st at th e Hyatt Regency Chicago at10:00 a .m . to kick off the week'sevents.illinois Governor J . Edgar'sproclamation will spearhead thelargest state-wide effort to trainillinois residents in basic first aid/CPRskills. This follows th e bipartisanpa ssage of S8#1477, mandatingadvanced first aid training for allpolice and fir e aca demy gr aduateseffective J anuary 1s t, 1995."Public e du cat ion is th e great estweapon we have in th e fight to stopthe n eedl ess dea ths of our loved one 'ssaid Car ol J . Spi zzirri , founder of th eSave A Life Foundation. Spizzirri losthe r own dau ghter in a 1992automobil e accident . According toCaroL "Firs t Responder Car e co uldprobably h ave m ade a difference formy daughter" .

    Training will be conducted byrepresentatives from th e NationalSafety Council, Illinois Red Cross.local parameclic , EMT's and privatetr aining agencies su ch as EMPIntel'llational/EMP America .According to Nancy Krier , V.I'. ofillinois Hospital Health SystemAssocia tion, "Over 40 hospitals havealready signed up to host a Save ALife Week event andacknow ledgments are still coming indaily. This is a big increase over thelast year in hospital support. I thinkhospitals are realizing th e dramaticand positive effect this type ofoutreach an d training programs canhave on their surroundingcommunities."

    Save A Life Foundation is seekingsponsors to help underwrite the costof producing and clistributing supportmaterials and services. These includea comprehensive "Event Kit" whichwill go to all sponsoring locations.

    "Corporate sponsorshipparticipation in th e 1995 Save A LifeWeek represents a significantopportunity for your company to makea clifference in your community , " saidAdam Zakroczynski, chairman of th eSave A Life Foundation and V.P. ofMeclical Devices International, whohas already signed up as a sponsor.

    "Save A Life events ca n reachhundreds of people an d bring nationalattention to this worthwhile cause."As you ar e aware, Save A LifeFoundation is a not-for-profitorganization that advocates basic firstresponder training an d first aid andCPR, for police officers, firefighters ,teachers, coaches and other publicservants . In 1995 increased focus willbe given to community awarenessprograms and ByStander training forth e general public. SALF supportsrecertifi cation legislation for all publicsafety worke rs .

    Check with your local Illinoisconununity hospital or firedepartment for location, time and dateor call the Save A Life Foundation.

    E-Mail at the WhiteHouse

    Since 1993. Eleel.roni c-Mail hasbee n pa rt of th e Presid ent Ulld VicePr esiden t 's a tt emp t to conn ectAmerican's to th e Wllite House.P resident Clinton fee ls . E-Mail willbring th e Presiden cy and thisAdministration closer and ma ke Itmore accessible to th e p eople.

    The use of this sys tem will helpSALF's efforts as well. We will he ableLo illustrate th e supporL dil'ec t.iy to th ePresident on our upcoming ll ewlegislation . Keep this Alllerictln Unline entry on hand for future [email protected]@WHITEHOUSE.GOV.


    SALF's newest Chapter is located inLos Angels, CA an d directed by Jo ePezez. I f you live in Central CA. al1dinterested in joining . please call JoePerez , at (714) 847-0080.For more information as to howyou can start a Chapter, orbecome a member, call the

    Save A Life Foundation,(708) 549-7353

    frienSs:I woulS fille to personalT-p t6anll -poufor alT t6e 6efp eac6 of -pou 6a\1e givenover t6e past mont6s, to our efforts, forour mission anS to me personalT-p_ I vrcrefor eac6 of -pou, t6crt -pour fives wilT Deecric6e6 wit6 6fessings_1'0u are t6e ones t6crt make t6is work!. 1506 Loves -pou, anS so 60!' \', I ,\ ! ",f)\

  • 7/28/2019 Save-A-Life Foundation newsletter, January 1995 (Dick Durbin, Bobby Sherman, Grant Goold, David Hasselhoff, P



    Plasco/MDIGurnee, IllinoisCPR InnovatorSan Francisco , CaliforniaL J & AssociatesWauwalosa, WisconsinAnderson Office SupplyMundelein , IllinoisCarl TemperFox Point, W isconsinBunn-O-MaticSpringfield, IllinoisC,O,D.Grayslake, IllinoisEMPAmerlcaEugene, OregonGrayslake Exchange ClubGrayslake, IllinoisHuey ReprographicsChicago, IllinoisIII. Parent Teachers Assoc ,Chicago, IllinoisInsurance Risk ManagementOakbrook, IllinoisIntergovernmental Risk Mg t,Oakbrook Terrace, IllinoisJones & Bartlett PublishingBosloll MassachuseUsKimberl y Clark CorporationDallas, TexasFlolo EquipmentGurnee, IllinoisGagewood Lions ClubGrayslake , IllinoisHoechstSomerville, New JerseyMedic First AidGlen Ellyn , Illinois

    Save" Li fe Foundation , In c.1747!-l West Da1'tmoor DriveGra ys iuite, illinois 60030

    NFL CommunicationsNew York, New YorkNorthern illinois Gas Co .Aurora, IllinoisWater-Jel TechnologiesCarlstadt, New JerseyNational Safety CouncilItasca, IllinoisMosby PublicationsSI. Louis, MissouriQuill CorporationLincolnshire, IllinoisProtect Aid, Inc.Rockwall, TexasMPI Outdoor Safety ProductsN. Andover, MassachusettsPartners for Media/MarketingBarrington, ILProtect-AideRockwall, TXactlvldeoChicago,lLillinois Hospital Assoc.Naperville, ILIII. Fire MarshallSpringfield, ILRickslmon&CompanyLombard, lLIllinois Red CrossChicago, lLillinois State PoliceSpringfield, ILPCIChicago, lLSilent WordChicago, lLDon Moss & AssociatesSpringfield, IL


    Vedder,Prlce,Kauman &KammolzChicago, IL.Cole & Martin l td.Chicago,lLWestmart Enterprises Inc. Chicago, ILWe would also like to thankthe hundreds oCvolunteersl

    numerous professionals, whohave donated their t ime and

    expertise, including media andpublication reporters; yo uhave made i t possible Cor th e

    Save A Life Foundation'snliss io n to beconle nlore of a

    reality.Save A Life Foundation

    BoardDavid Hasselhoff - BAYWATCHHonorary ChairmanAdam Zakroczymski , Medical DevisesInlernationalSteve Cole, CPA, Cole & Martin Lid.Nancy Krier , V.P. Illinois Hospital &

    HealthSyslem AssociationDonna Siegfried, Nal'l Safely Council -Ralph Shenefelt, EMP America ,Gary Barton, CPR Innovator MagazineGrant Goold, MPAlHSA, EMPTMark Westfelt , D.O. Westmark Enl.

    ConsultantPeter Safar, MD. Professor Safar Ct . forResuscitation Research Univ. PiUs .

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