Page 1: Sanitation/ street pavement in village naway killi

Sanitation Scheme under PEACE in

Naway Kalay Village Union Council Kot, District Malakand

Naway Kalay, a small village in UC Kot, about 45 km from district head quarters Batkhela,

comprises of 105 households, having population of 800 people. The village lack basic

infrastructure. Sanitation Scheme was the biggest problem of Naway Kalay and the residents

have to pass through dirt and drain water in the streets.

Naway Kalay Falahi Tanzeem, a local village organization accessed SRSP for financial

assistance to construct sanitation scheme under EU PEACE program in Naway kalay. The

project was initiated 0n 22nd Mar, 2013 and completed on 20th Sep, 2013 with a total cost of Rs.

2,161,000. The donor contribution is Rs. 1,940,900 and community contribution is Rs. 220,100.

“Rain & domestic drained water flow through our streets to fall in the main drainage of our

village. It was hard for our people to pass through the street; especially for the women and

elders, due to the slippery surface of the street. It was a hectic job to follow our routine work

outside our houses”, expressed by elderly Sher Zameen, president of the VO.

Page 2: Sanitation/ street pavement in village naway killi

“It was hard for us to pass through streets because our clothes got stained and in the case of

children, the scenario was worse because they had to go to schools and with stained clothes, they

had to face shame in front of their fellow students and teachers”, added by Muhammad

Yousaf, a native.

“Before the sanitation scheme, we had a lot of dirt and small ponds of standing water in our

streets. That was the major cause of mosquitoes that played a tough role in the spread of diseases

in our village. After the sanitation scheme, dirt and standing water issues are resolved. Health

and hygiene situation is improved now. We are not only having a good drainage but we got a

paved street, too. It solved both our problems, sanitation and streets pavements. About 70

households are direct beneficiaries from the scheme”, explained by Arshad Ali, secretary of

the VO.

“Beside all the utilities of the sanitation scheme, we have now another plus point that our streets

look beautiful. My classmates came from University to visit me and when they found such

quality of paved streets, they were impressed and praised our area that such kind of beautiful

infrastructure is present in a remote area like this”, said by Naik Zameen, another native.

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