

2012 to 2017 Capital Improvement Program

General Services

44 N. San Joaquin Street, Suite 590 Stockton, CA 95202

March 2013

San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors

Ken Vogel Fourth District

Carlos Villapudua First District

Larry Ruhstaller Second District

Steve J. Bestolarides Third District Bob Elliott

Fifth District



NEW CONSTRUCTION AND FACILITY PLANNING 5Public Health Bio-Safety Level 3 Modular Laboratory 6Hospital Replacement Phase 2 Project 7South County Government Center 8New Morgue & Forensic Pathology Facility 9Jail Expansion 10Countywide Animal Shelter 11Downtown Plaza and Underground Parking 12District Attorney Building 13Fleet Services Facility Replacement 14Short Stop Permit Center 15Public Health Facility Replacement 16

EXISTING FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS 17Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Building Upgrades 18Micke Grove Regional Park Improvements 19Hospital Underground Utility Realignment 20Human Services Agency Building Structural Upgrade 21Courthouse-Courts Wing and Administration Wing 22

APPENDIX 23Chart 1 - Expenditures by Fiscal Year 24Chart 2 - New Construction and Facility Planning 25Chart 3 - Existing Facility Improvements 26Table 1 - Anticipated Project Expenditures 27Table 2 - Anticipated Budget Appropriations 28Table 3 - Project Revenue Sources 29


Cover: Rendering of Administration Building, Weber and San Joaquin Streets, Stockton, California

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rendering of Administration Building Weber Avenue, Stockton, California



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is the spending plan anticipated to be undertaken by the County for County-owned facilities over the next five years. The CIP is the County’s plan for infrastructure development of new building construction projects generally defining the specific projects, their cost, and timing. The CIP also includes a separate listing of major repairs and renovations for existing facilities and park projects, including the Micke Grove Zoo. The CIP is a planning document that does not, by itself, appropriate funds for projects. It does however, present funding previously provided by the Board of Supervisors, identifies future funding needs, and the possible sources of funding. The 2012-17 CIP will be implemented, as presented, and updated as circumstances warrant by the General Services Director. Any significant changes will be presented to the Board of Supervisors for subsequent consideration in conjunction with the County’s annual Public Improvement Budget. The CIP is composed of two major categories: The first category is New Construction and Facilities Planning which is defined, for the purpose of this report, as new major capital construction, facilities planning projects, and projects to expand upon existing facilities. Projects in this category are subject to funding availability, which is difficult to judge at this time. The second category is Existing Facility Improvements, which includes remodeling/refurbishment of office spaces, building mechanical systems maintenance and upgrades, and park improvements. Maintaining the County’s existing facilities often becomes the higher priority when funding resources are limited. The importance of keeping existing deficiencies from getting worse and precluding deficiencies on new facilities must be acknowledged in order to preserve the County’s infrastructure and meet the facility needs of County departments. Park improvement projects, which include projects that expand, improve, or maintain County parks, are very dependent upon grant funding. The CIP is a useful tool for documenting project priorities, managing funding resources, making budget recommendations, establishing staffing levels for project management, and providing a budget-level estimate of capital requirements. The CIP also provides project schedules to indicate the time-frame for land acquisition, if necessary, and the time-frames for project development and implementation phases. The CIP also provides a forum to inform interested parties of proposed capital improvements. The CIP is the County’s blueprint for foreseeable capital needs; as such, it should be evaluated periodically, updated, and refined as new information, needs, and resources are identified. On September 4, 2007, the Board of Supervisors adopted the 2007-12 CIP (B-07-906). The 2007-12 CIP anticipated expenditures totaled approximately $384.5 million. The following 2007-12 CIP projects have been completed:

• Agricultural Center • Administration Building • South County Government Center land option purchase agreement • Secured $80 million State grant for the Jail expansion


• Acquired South County Park Land • Phase 1 of the Micke Grove Park Master Plan

On May 26, 2009, the Board of Supervisors approved the Master Plan Update (B-09-576). The projects noted below are related to the Master Plan Update and the 2007-12 CIP:

• Purchased the former Bank of the West Building, remodeled, and then relocated the Public Defender from the Human Services Agency Building.

• Remodeled the former University of California Cooperative Extension office and relocated Public Health staff from leased space.

• Remodeled vacant Courthouse-Administration Wing floors and relocated the District Attorney Investigators from leased space.

• Relocated Adult Probation to the Canlis Building from leased space. • Remodeled vacant office space at the Canlis Building for the Adult Probation Day

Reporting Center. • Sold surplus County-owned property located at 212 and 220 North San Joaquin Street. • Remodeled the former Agricultural Commissioner’s building and relocated

Environmental Health Services staff to that site. Since 2007-08, over $72 million of previously allocated funds for public improvements have been diverted to help address General Fund budget shortfalls. The shortfalls were primarily due to the prolonged recession coupled with increased labor costs. These one-time budget solutions severely eroded the County’s CIP. Replacement or improvement of outdated and aging County facilities has either been suspended or drastically reduced. On October 5, 2010, the Board of Supervisors adopted a general allocation formula for the one-time uses of Tobacco Settlement Trust Funds through 2020-21 (B-10-964). Public Improvement Projects are to receive a 20% allocation of such funds during this period. In addition, the Board of Supervisors adopted the funding guidelines for the County’s CIP noted below (B-10-965).

1. Appropriate up to $10 million of the year-end General Fund balance to the CIP annually. The year-end fund balance should be considered a one-time resource and be dedicated for one-time uses rather than for ongoing operations.

2. Direct the County Administrator, through the General Services Department, to prepare

and prioritize a project list and incorporate funding recommendations as part of the annual budget process.

These actions are intended to establish a funding plan so that the County can start to accumulate capital funds, rebuild the CIP, and re-fund viable construction and improvement projects. 2012-17 Capital Improvement Program Please note, all projects listed in the 2012-17 CIP are subject to available funding. The anticipated 2012-17 CIP expenditure totals approximately $151.3 million. The first year of the CIP, totaling approximately $3 million, is incorporated into the County’s 2012-13 Budget.


New Construction and Facility Planning accounts for approximately $146.8 million or approximately 97% of the CIP. The anticipated CIP project revenues reflect previously budgeted revenue amounts and proposed, but as yet, unbudgeted revenue amounts. Anticipated project expenditures with budgeted revenue amounts are associated with Jail Expansion, Public Health Bio-Safety Level 3 Modular Laboratory, South County Government Center, Hospital Replacement Phase 2 Project, Countywide Animal Shelter, Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Facility Improvements, Micke Grove Regional Park Improvements, and Hospital Underground Utility Realignment. The remaining projects in the CIP are not funded. In future years, revenues will be dependent upon continued planning, grant applications, budget programming, and the practicable pursuit of these funds. As noted above, the CIP is an anticipated spending plan. Budget appropriations for these projects would need to occur in the 2012-17 CIP planning period in order to have sufficient appropriations to award contracts and fund other project costs. Below are the anticipated budget appropriations by fiscal year for the 2012-17 CIP. Please note that the 2012-13 Budget includes appropriations for some projects that anticipate spending in that year and project phases that will carry over into the 2012-17 CIP planning period.

Projected Budget Appropriations ($2013) (approximate millions)





2016-17 Total 2012-17

$38.6 $91.8 $17.8 $1.7 $43.2 $193.1 Funding for the CIP projects could consist of County funds such as General Funds, County Facilities Fee (CFF) Program, Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund, bond indebtedness, Enterprise and Internal Service Funds, and other County funds. County funds that are used to finance these projects are general-purpose revenues that include, among others, tax dollars, interest income, and fund balances. On June 14, 2005, the CFF Program was adopted by the Board of Supervisors (Ordinance No. 4252 and R-05-314). The CFF Program authorizes the collection of development fees to offset a portion of facility costs required to respond to urban development that is projected within the County. CFF Program funds identified for specific projects within the 2012-17 CIP will be subject to the findings of the CFF Program Nexus Report Update that is currently underway but, at this time, has not been completed. Debt Financing funds are a form of capital project financing whereby certificates of participation, bonds, or other debt securities are issued to finance facility construction. The bonds or certificates are then repaid over time out of the County’s operating revenues. Other funds, consisting of miscellaneous revenues such as Gas Franchise Fees and Trust Funds, fall outside of the previously described categories. On May 8, 2008, the Jail Expansion Project received a conditional award of State AB 900 funding in the amount of $80 million. However, annual operating costs remain unfunded. These costs will be evaluated in the context of the proposed Jail expansion. Efforts to secure


funds necessary for the additional operating costs associated with the proposed Jail expansion have been discussed, but no specific direction has been identified. Such efforts may include a County-wide sales and use tax, special tax under a County-wide Community Facilities District, a parcel tax, or a combination of the aforementioned options. Two projects listed in the CIP are related to the Hospital: Hospital Replacement Phase 2 and Hospital Underground Utility Realignment. The Hospital has previously experienced unbudgeted operating losses and funding has been problematic for the Hospital’s short-term and long-term infrastructure maintenance projects and new building construction projects. On December 7, 2010, the Board of Supervisors approved the reorganization of the Health Care Services Agency to establish San Joaquin General Hospital as a stand-alone department (B-10-1108). Establishing the Hospital as a stand-alone department could possibly be the first step to transitioning to another governance structure. In the future, if the Hospital becomes an independent hospital district, public hospital authority, or a non-profit corporation, then the Hospital’s two projects and perhaps others would need to be reevaluated for inclusion in the CIP. A new courthouse is planned to be constructed by the State with construction anticipated to be complete by 2016. The Master Plan Update identifies two projects related to the re-use of the existing County-owned Courthouse site and they are in the 2012-17 CIP:

1) Downtown Plaza and Underground Parking Project ($11.8 million). Master planning, design, and engineering for this project is anticipated in the 2012-17 CIP, however, construction will take place outside of this planning period.

2) Courthouse-Courts Wing & Administration Wing – Demolition ($3.6 million). Engineering for demolition plans and bid documents is planned for 2016-17, however, demolition will take place outside of this planning period.

Although growth has been slow lately, south County population has risen sharply over the last several years. An Option Agreement with the City of Manteca was approved in September 2009 to secure available property for a South County Government Center. Planning, design and engineering, and the start of construction for this project are anticipated in the 2012-17 CIP. The County is also applying for Federal Energy Grants. If funding is awarded, staff will develop several energy projects, such as solar (photovoltaic) systems and existing building controls and lighting retrofits. Also, if additional funding becomes available, then other projects such as those unfunded projects listed in the 2012-13 Public Improvement Budget could be considered for prioritization and funding. The following pages present a project summary for each project, which includes project description, justification, and estimated costs. Charts and tables are at the end of this document that summarize the entire 2012-17 CIP. The project cost estimates in the 2012-17 CIP are presented in 2013 dollars.



Public Defender Building East Main Street, Stockton, CA New major capital construction, facilities planning projects, and projects that expand upon existing facilities are subject to funding availability, which is difficult to judge at this time. Since 2007-08, over $72 million of previously allocated project funds have been diverted to help address General Fund budget shortfalls.

Title Public Health Bio-Safety Level 3 Modular Laboratory Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation 1601 E. Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, CA Start FY 2011-12Department Public Health Services Finish FY 2012-13


Project DescriptionThe project consists of the acquisition of a bio-safety level 3 (BSL-3) modular laboratory including engineering, fabrication, transport, miscellaneous site work, and installation at the current main Public Health Services facility at 1601 E. Hazelton Ave, Stockton. The development of the BSL-3 modular laboratory specifications and bidding were completed in 2011-12. The contract award and the completion of BSL-3 modular laboratory occurred in 2012-13.

Justification / Project NeedThe Public Health laboratory is designated a local response network laboratory that serves a nine county region As such the laboratory is a Select Agent Laboratory and works with biological agents

Prior Costs 271,415($2013) CIP 1,081,264

Future Costs 0Total Costs 1,352,679

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 1,081,264 0 0 0 0 1,081,264Funding Sources State 1,081,264 0 0 0 0 1,081,264

Budget Appropriations 1,081,264 0 0 0 0 1,081,264

Projected CIP Expenditures

county region. As such, the laboratory is a Select Agent Laboratory and works with biological agents that require increased safety levels and protective safety practices. The previous laboratory only had bio-safety level 2 capabilities, but handled biological agents that need BSL-3 containment for optimum safety. In February 2011, the Board of Supervisors approved the budget appropriation of $950,000 for the BSL-3 modular laboratory (B-11-110 and B11-111). The project was funded by an Emergency Preparedness Grant with the State Department of Public Health in the amount of $950,000, State funding from the Impact Mitigation Agreement in the amount of $346,800, and County funds in the amount of $55,879.


Title Hospital Replacement Phase 2 Project Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation 500 W. Hospital Road, French Camp, CA Start FY 2011-12Department San Joaquin General Hospital Finish FY 2019-20

Project Description

Justification / Project NeedThe Old Towers building is approximately an 80-year old, un-reinforced brick and masonry



The project consists of the design and construction of a new two-story building abutting the newer existing Hospital building. As part of the master planning process, the Hospital will review its business operating model and determine the appropriate new or existing patient services that might be relocated from the Old Towers building to the new building. Design began in 2011-12 and construction documents are anticipated to be completed no later than January 1, 2015 per SB 90. The complete funding sources for project construction have not been identified.

Prior Costs 200,951($2013) CIP 3,100,000

Future Costs 37,699,049Total Costs 41,000,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 400,000 1,800,000 900,000 0 0 3,100,000Funding Sources General Hospital 400,000 1,800,000 900,000 0 0 3,100,000

Budget Appropriations 17,050,000 2,320,000 0 0 0 19,370,000

construction that has badly deteriorated. Under SB 1953, all general acute care hospitals are required to retrofit, replace, or remove from acute care services all hospital buildings that pose a significant risk of collapse during an earthquake. The Hospital applied for and received an extension under AB 306 to remain in the non-conforming Old Towers building through 2020. In December 2009, the Hospital submitted to the State an SB 306 Master Plan with the intent to replace the Old Towers building by January 1, 2020 (B-09-1087). In February 2012, the Board authorized the Hospital to submit SB 90 documentation, which will allow the Hospital to defer the submittal of construction documents to the State until January 1, 2015 (B-12-148).

Projected CIP Expenditures


Title South County Government Center Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation Manteca, CA Start FY 2009-10Department General Services Finish FY 2017-18

South County population has risen sharply over the last several years. Although growth has been slow recently, steady increases are expected in the future. Consolidated South C t t f iliti d t llit t ffi ill b l t d t thi


Project DescriptionAn option agreement for land acquisition was approved on September 8, 2009, to secure available property for a government center in the south County area. Possible uses could include satellite facilities for Community Development, Public Works, Public Health, Human Services Agency, Sheriff, District Attorney, Outpatient Clinic, and Public Defender. Ongoing discussion with the State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) might result in the integration of a courts building on the same site as the County Government Center (with associated costs borne by the State). Planning is anticipated for 2012-13 and 2013-14. Design and engineering is planned for 2014-15 to 2015-16. Bidding for the construction contractor and the start of construction is planned for 2016-17 and the completion of construction is planned for 2017-18.Justification / Project Need

Prior Costs 6,116($2013) CIP 22,590,000

Future Costs 38,403,884Total Costs 61,000,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-174 2012-17

Costs 440,000 440,000 1,130,000 1,130,000 19,450,000 22,590,000Funding Sources

440,000 290,000 0 0 0 730,0000 150,000 0 0 0 150,0000 0 1,130,000 1,130,000 19,450,000 21,710,000

440,000 440,000 1,130,000 1,130,000 19,450,000 22,590,000

Budget Appropriations 667,600 212,400 2,260,000 0 38,070,000 41,210,000

OXY Resources Trust


The Board of Supervisors approved an Option Agreement with the City of Manteca to purchase a 10-acre parcel for potential future development on this Project (B-09-978 and A-09-642). The County has up to 10 years to exercise its option to purchase.

County court facilities and satellite government offices will be evaluated to serve this growing population.

Projected CIP Expenditures

County Facilities Fees



Title New Morgue & Forensic Pathology Facility Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation French Camp Start FY 2012-13Department Sheriff-Coroner Finish FY 2015-16


Project DescriptionThe project consists of the design and construction of a new morgue and forensic pathology facility at the Sheriff's Office Complex in French Camp. Design is planned for 2012-13. Bidding for a construction contractor and the start of construction is planned for 2014-15, and the completion is planned for 2015-16. Assumption: 15,000 square foot, single story building at $500 per square foot.

Justification / Project NeedThe existing morgue is too small and the main building and temporary storage facilities are past their current life-cycle requiring more frequent and costly repairs to maintain operation.

Prior Costs 0($2013) CIP 7,500,000

Future Costs 0Total Costs 7,500,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 375,000 375,000 2,250,000 4,500,000 0 7,500,000Funding Sources County 0 0 2,250,000 4,500,000 0 6,750,000

375,000 375,000 0 0 0 750,000375,000 375,000 2,250,000 4,500,000 0 7,500,000

Budget Appropriations 750,000 0 6,750,000 0 0 7,500,000


Projected CIP Expenditures

Tobacco Settlement


Title Jail Expansion Category New Construction & Facility Planning

Location 7000 Michael N. Canlis Blvd., French Camp, CA Start FY 2008-09

Department Sheriff-Coroner Finish FY 2016-17

Project Description

Justification / Project Need

Prior Costs 4,000,000

($2013) CIP 76,080,000

Future Costs 24,920,000

Total Costs 105,000,000

Budget Total

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 0 2,955,000 26,790,000 46,335,000 76,080,000

Funding Sources

State 0 0 0 20,000,000 40,000,000 60,000,000

County 0 0 2,955,000 6,790,000 6,335,000 16,080,000

County Facilities Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 2,955,000 26,790,000 46,335,000 76,080,000

Budget Appropriations 17,756,980 87,243,020 0 0 0 105,000,000

The Jail Expansion project is dependent on obtaining State AB 900 financing for construction

in the amount of $80 million (conditional award received May 8, 2008). Continued

development of the project is also dependent upon securing funds required for operations.

The Board has previously stated that funding ongoing operational costs is needed before

committing to construction of the expansion. Efforts related to securing funds necessary for

the additional operating costs may include a County-wide sales and use tax, special tax under

a County-wide Community Facilities District, and parcel tax.


As reported by Sheriff staff, the current existing maximum bed count total is 1,411. The

current estimated cost of the project is approximately $105 million.

Projected CIP Expenditures

The jail project includes the addition of ten 128-bed housing units including secure corridors

and perimeters, a custody administration annex building including a jail central control room,

and a video visitation building. The goal is to obtain a total of 1,280 net-beds and the

infrastructure to support the expansion. Bidding for the construction contract and the start of

construction is planned for 2015-16. The completion of construction is planned for 2017-18.

The Board of Supervisors allocated $25 million in matching funds for the project ($16 million in

2006-07 and $9 million in 2007-08). In 2011-12 and 2012-13, a total of $3.1 million was

loaned to the General Fund. Approximately $4 million has been expended, $7.3 million is

encumbered, and $11.6 million is available.


Title Countywide Animal Shelter Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation To Be Determined Start FY 2013-14Department General Services Finish FY 2015-16

Project Description

Justification / Project Need

Prior Costs 0($2013) CIP 9,160,000

Future Costs 0Total Costs 9,160,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 725,000 4,315,000 4,120,000 0 9,160,000Funding Sources County 0 254,000 1,510,000 1,442,000 0 3,206,000

0 471,000 2,805,000 2,678,000 0 5,954,0000 725,000 4,315,000 4,120,000 0 9,160,000

Budget Appropriations 562,700 237,300 8,360,000 0 0 9,160,000


The project consists of the construction of a regional animal shelter (20,750 square feet at $250 per square foot); and also includes design and engineering, permitting and environmental studies, construction oversight and inspection, and contingencies. For the project, County or Stockton owned land is assumed to be used. Preconstruction activities, i.e., design and engineering, permitting and environmental studies, etc. are planned for 2013-14. Bidding for the construction contractor and the start of construction are planned for 2014-15 and the completion of construction is planned for 2015-16. A $237,300 loan from this project will be paid back in 2013-14.

In August 2011, the Board accepted a Countywide Animal Services Study (B-11-548). In December 2011, the Board accepted a report relative to potential Joint Animal Services between the County and the City of Stockton and authorized the County Administrator to continue discussions with the City regarding the development of a Joint Powers Authority (JPA). It is anticipated that a fully developed JPA will identify the funding mechanisms for City's capital and operating contribution for the regional animal shelter.

Projected CIP Expenditures


Total OXY Resources Trust


Title Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation Courthouse Start FY 2015-16Department General Services Finish FY 2019-20


The project consists of the master planning, design, and engineering for construction of a Downtown Plaza with underground parking. The project also includes engineering for demolition of the Courthouse-Courts Wing (three-story building) and Courthouse-Administration Wing (seven story building). Master planning would start in 2015-16 and design and engineering would be complete in 2018-19. Construction will follow demolition activities under a separate project work effort anticipated for 2019-20.

Project Description

Justification / Project NeedNote: These projects were identified in the Board approved Master Plan Update (B-09-576) to coincide with the then-known completion schedule of the new Courthouse being planned through the State Office of Court Construction and Management. Subsequent to approval of the Update, the Courthouse project completion was extended to 2016 necessitating a commensurate delay for this project. Projected CIP expenditures of $1 3 million include the master planning design and engineering portion

Downtown Plaza and Underground Parking

Prior Costs 0($2013) CIP 1,300,000

Future Costs 10,500,000Total Costs 11,800,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 0 0 1,300,000 0 1,300,000Funding Sources County 0 0 0 300,000 0 300,000 County Facilities Fees 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 1,000,000Total 0 0 0 1,300,000 0 1,300,000

Budget Appropriations 0 0 0 1,300,000 0 1,300,000

Projected CIP Expenditures

Projected CIP expenditures of $1.3 million include the master planning, design, and engineering portion of this project.


Title District Attorney Building Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation Downtown Stockton Start FY 2016-17Department General Services Finish FY 2019-20

Prior Costs 0($2013) CIP 125,000

Future Costs 13,375,000Total Costs 13,500,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 0 0 0 125,000 125,000Funding Sources County 0 0 0 0 125,000 125,000

Budget Appropriations 0 0 0 0 125,000 125,000


Project DescriptionThis project consists of the construction of a 40,000 square foot building space for the District Attorney. Planning and design is planned for 2016-17 and 2017-18, respectively. Bidding for the construction contractor and the start of construction is planned for 2018-19 and the completion of construction is planned for 2019-20.

Justification / Project NeedThis project was identified in the Board-approved Master Plan Update (B-09-576) for funding in 2011-12 to coincide with the then-known completion schedule of the new Courthouse being planned through the State Office Court Construction and Management. Subsequent to approval of the Update, the Courthouse project completion has been extended necessitating a commensurate delay for this project.

Projected CIP Expenditures



Title Fleet Services Facility Replacement Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation Hazelton Corporate Yard Start FY 2016-17Department Fleet Services Finish FY 2026-27


Project DescriptionDesign and architectural plans for a Fleet Services replacement facility at the Hazelton Corporate Yard.

Justification / Project NeedFleet Services would be consolidated with Public Works yard-related operations at a site

Prior Costs 0($2013) CIP 130,000

Future Costs 14,370,000Total Costs 14,500,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 0 0 0 130,000 130,000Funding Sources County 0 0 0 0 130,000 130,000

Budget Appropriations 0 0 0 0 130,000 130,000

Projected CIP Expenditures

Fleet Services would be consolidated with Public Works yard related operations at a site that overall has an industrial character.


Title Short Stop Permit Center Category New Facility Construction & PlanningLocation Wilson Way, Stockton, CA Start FY 2016-17Department General Services Finish FY 2023-24


Project DescriptionDesign and architectural plans for a Short Stop Permit Center for the Community Development Department, Environmental Health Department, and Public Works Department (non-yard related) at existing County-owned land located at Wilson Way, Stockton, CA. Environmental review and architectural and engineering is planned for 2020-21. Bidding for the construction contractor and the start of construction is planned for 2022-23. The completion of construction is planned for 2023-24.

Justification / Project NeedProvides better customer service for clients involved in the County permit process better

Prior Costs 0($2013) CIP 415,000

Future Costs 49,585,000Total Costs 50,000,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000Funding Sources County Facilities Fees 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000

Budget Appropriations 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000

Provides better customer service for clients involved in the County permit process, better operational efficiencies by consolidating multiple departments into a single structure, and provides potential improvement of neighborhood image along Wilson Way compatible with site/use characterstics.

Projected CIP Expenditures


Title Public Health Facility Replacement Category New Construction & Facility PlanningLocation 1601 E. Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, CA Start FY 2016-17Department General Services Finish FY 2020-21


Project DescriptionReplacement facility for Public Health Programs, excluding the laboratory facility. This project proposes an expansion of the existing Public Health Services building with the construction of a new building space. Design and engineering is planned for 2016-17. Bidding for the construction contractor and the start of construction planned for 2019-20. The completion of construction is planned for 2020-21.

Justification / Project NeedThe main facility located at 1601 E. Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, CA was constructed in the 1960's. The facility requires significant upgrade.

Prior Costs 0($2013) CIP 415,000

Future Costs 50,585,000Total Costs 51,000,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000Funding Sources County Facilities Fees 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000

Budget Appropriations 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000

Projected CIP Expenditures




San Joaquin County Agricultural Center 2101 E. Earhart Avenue, Stockton, California Maintaining the County’s existing facilities often becomes the higher priority when funding resources are limited. The importance of keeping existing deficiencies from getting worse and precluding deficiencies on new facilities must be acknowledged in order to preserve the County’s infrastructure and meet the facility needs of County departments.

Title Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Building Upgrades Category Existing Facility ImprovementsLocation Various County Facilities Start FY 2011-12Department General Services Finish Ongoing

Prior Costs 81,707($2013) CIP 1,382,310

Future CostsTotal Costs 1,464,017

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 382,310 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,382,310Funding Sources County 32,310 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,032,310 Tobacco Settlement 350,000 0 0 0 0 350,000Total 382,310 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,382,310

Budget Appropriations 382,310 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,382,310


Project DescriptionThe project consists of Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements at various existing County-owned facilities.

Justification / Project NeedWhen first occupied, County-owned buildings were compliant with the ADA requirements of the California Building Code (CBC) in effect at that time. The CBC is subject to revisions every three years, including ADA requirements. An ongoing, thorough review of County facilities needs to continue to ensure compliance with the CBC revisions.

Projected CIP Expenditures



Title Micke Grove Regional Park Improvements Category Park ImprovementsLocation 11793 Micke Grove Road Start FY 2005-06Department Parks & Recreation Finish FY 2014-15

Justification / Project NeedThe project improves approximately 23 acres of undeveloped park property bounded by the


Project DescriptionThe first phase of construction, completed in 2008, created a 2-acre lake, picnic pavilion, water play area, children's play area, and a restroom. The second phase will add picnic areas, turf, irrigation, and boat docks for paddle boat rentals. Improvements under consideration for the final phase of development at the northeast corner of the site includes a recreational vehicle campground.

Prior Costs 5,795,000($2013) CIP 800,000

Future Costs 1,700,000Total Costs 8,295,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 250,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 800,000Funding Sources OXY Resources Trust 250,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 800,000

Budget Appropriations 250,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 800,000

Union Pacific Railroad and Armstrong Road.

Note: The Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal Protection Bond Acts of 2000 and 2002 Per Capita Program provided partial funding of the project with no matching requirements in prior years.

Projected CIP Expenditures


Title Hospital Underground Utility Realignment Category Existing Facility ImprovementsLocation 500 W. Hospital Road, French Camp, CA Start FY 2011-12Department San Joaquin General Hospital Finish FY 2013-14

Project Description

Justification / Project Need


The project consists of constructing a new section of underground Hospital utilities and diverting or reconfiguring high pressure steam piping and water distribution. The project will also provide, as an alternate item of work, the installation of empty electrical conduit in a joint trench with the steam piping to construct an alternate alignment should the electrical distribution in the older tunnel section become compromised.

Justification / Project Need

Prior Costs 19,645($2013) CIP 780,355

Future Costs 0Total Costs 800,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 80,355 700,000 0 0 0 780,355Funding Sources Hospital Enterprise 80,355 700,000 0 0 0 780,355

Budget Appropriations 80,355 700,000 0 0 0 780,355

Projected CIP Expenditures

At the Hospital complex, steam, domestic water, and electrical services are routed to various buildings via underground utility tunnels. Portions of the utility tunnels are circa 1930 and in late 2007 one of the older portions developed a substantial steam leak. Upon investigation, it has been determined that the tunnel walls are deteriorating with concrete crumbling and reinforcements exposed and severely rusted. In 2009, options were studied to provide alternatives to the dependence upon this older utility tunnel section and its aged piping and wiring.


Title Human Services Agency Building Structural Upgrade Category Existing Facility ImprovementsLocation Sutter & San Joaquin Streets Start FY 2012-13Department Human Services Agency Finish FY 2013-14


Project DescriptionThe project consists of schematic slab strengthening to existing slabs to provide additional strength to resist the slab loads, as well as mitigate future slab deflections on various floors of the Human Services Agency (HSA) Building.

Justification / Project NeedSlab loads (weight) on various floors of the HSA Building exceed the Building's design/constructed limits and is causing deflection, such as the vertical and horizontal shifting of the Building. This project

Prior Costs 0($2013) CIP 750,000

Future CostsTotal Costs 750,000

Budget Total2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 750,000 0 0 0 750,000Funding Sources State 0 750,000 0 0 0 750,000

Budget Appropriations 0 750,000 0 0 750,000

g , g g p jwill provide long-term stability to the HSA Building's structure.

Projected CIP Expenditures


Courthouse-Courts Wing and Administration Wing

Title Demolition Category Existing Facility Improvements

Location Courthouse-Courts Wing Start FY 2016-17

Department General Services Finish FY 2019-20

Prior Costs 0

($2013) CIP 800,000

Future Costs 2,800,000

Total Costs 3,600,000

Budget Total

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

Costs 0 0 0 0 800,000 800,000

Funding Sources

County Facilities Fees 0 0 0 0 800,000 800,000

Budget Appropriations 0 0 0 0 3,600,000 3,600,000

This project was identified in the Board approved Master Plan Update (B-09-576) for funding

in 2011-12 to coincide with the then-known completion schedule of the new Courthouse being

planned through the State Office of Court Construction and Management. Subsequent to

approval of the Update, the Courthouse project completion was extended to 2017-18

necessitating a commensurate delay for this project.

Project Description

Projected CIP Exp[enditures


This project consists of the demolition of the Courthouse-Courts Wing (three-story building)

and the Courthouse- Administration Wing (seven-story building). Demolition will take place

after occupation of the new Courthouse constructed by the State, which is slated for

completion in 2016. Engineering for demolition plans and bid documents is planned for 2016-


Justification / Project Need

This project is subject to availability of funding and upon completion of the new State

Courthouse Building.



APPENDIX Canlis Building 24 S. Hunter Street, Stockton, CA

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-173,008,929 8,095,000 35,785,000 57,785,000 46,655,000









s (m



Chart 1Expenditures by Fiscal Year







2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17



d Ex




Chart 2New Construction and Facility Planning $146,816,264

South County Government Center, $22.6 Countywide Animal Shelter, 


District Attorney Building, $0.1Downtown Plaza and 

Underground Parking, $1.3

Short Stop Permit Center, $0.4

Public Health Bio‐Safety Modular Laboratory, $1.1

Public Health Facility Replacement, $0.4

Hospital Replacement Phase 2 Project, $3.1


New Morgue & Forensic Pathology Facility, $7.5

Fleet Services Facility Replacement, $0.1Jail Expansion, $101.0

Chart 3Existing Facilities Improvements - $4,512,665

Human Services Agency Building Structural Upgrade, $0.8

Hospital Underground Utility Realignment, $0.8

Courthouse‐Courts Wing & Administration Wing 

Demolition, $0.8


ADA Improvement Projects, $1.4

Micke Grove Regional Park Improvements, $0.8

Budget Total 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

New Construction & Facility PlanningPublic Health Bio-Safety Modular Laboratory 1,081,264 0 0 0 0 1,081,264Hospital Replacement Phase 2 Project 400,000 1,800,000 900,000 0 0 3,100,000South County Government Center 440,000 440,000 1,130,000 1,130,000 19,450,000 22,590,000New Morgue & Forensic Pathology Facility 375,000 375,000 2,250,000 4,500,000 0 7,500,000Jail Expansion 0 2,955,000 26,790,000 46,335,000 24,920,000 101,000,000Countywide Animal Shelter 0 725,000 4,315,000 4,120,000 0 9,160,000Downtown Plaza and Underground Parking 0 0 0 1,300,000 0 1,300,000District Attorney Building 0 0 0 0 125,000 125,000Fleet Services Facility Replacement 0 0 0 0 130,000 130,000Short Stop Permit Center 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000Public Health Facility Replacement 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000

2,296,264 6,295,000 35,385,000 57,385,000 45,455,000 146,816,264Existing Facility Improvements

ADA Facility Improvements 382,310 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,382,310Micke Grove Regional Park Improvements 250,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 800,000Hospital Underground Utility Realignment 80,355 700,000 0 0 0 780,355Human Service Agency Building Structural Upgrade 0 750,000 0 0 0 750,000Courthouse-Courts Wing & Administration Wing Demolition 0 0 0 0 800,000 800,000

712,665 1,800,000 400,000 400,000 1,200,000 4,512,665Total CIP 3,008,929 8,095,000 35,785,000 57,785,000 46,655,000 151,328,929



Budget Total 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2012-17

New Construction & Facility PlanningPublic Health Bio Safety Modular Laboratory 1,081,264 0 0 0 0 1,081,264Hospital Replacement Phase 2 Project 17,050,000 2,320,000 0 0 0 19,370,000South County Government Center 667,600 212,400 2,260,000 0 38,070,000 41,210,000New Morgue & Forensic Pathology Facility 750,000 0 6,750,000 0 0 7,500,000Jail Expansion 17,756,980 87,243,020 0 0 0 105,000,000Countywide Animal Shelter 562,700 237,300 8,360,000 0 0 9,160,000Downtown Plaza and Underground Parking 0 0 0 1,300,000 0 1,300,000District Attorney Building 0 0 0 0 125,000 125,000Fleet Services Facility Replacement 0 0 0 0 130,000 130,000Short Stop Permit Center 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000Public Health Facility Replacement 0 0 0 0 415,000 415,000

37,868,544 90,012,720 17,370,000 1,300,000 39,155,000 185,706,264Existing Facility Improvements

ADA Facility Improvements 382,310 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,382,310Micke Grove Regional Park Improvements 250,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 800,000Hospital Underground Utility Realignment 80,355 700,000 0 0 0 780,355Human Services Agency Building Structural Upgrade 0 750,000 0 0 0 750,000Courthouse-Courts Wing & Administration Wing Demolition 0 0 0 0 3,600,000 3,600,000

712,665 1,800,000 400,000 400,000 4,000,000 7,312,665Total CIP 38,581,209 91,812,720 17,770,000 1,700,000 43,155,000 193,018,929




State CountyDebt


Facilities Fee Other 2012-17

New Construction & Facility PlanningPublic Health Bio-Safety Modular Laboratory 1,081,264 0 0 0 0 1,081,264Hospital Replacement Phase 2 Project 0 3,100,000 0 0 0 3,100,000South County Government Center 0 730,000 0 21,710,000 150,000 22,590,000New Morgue & Forensic Pathology Facility 0 6,750,000 0 0 750,000 7,500,000Jail Expansion 80,000,000 18,600,000 0 2,400,000 0 101,000,000Countywide Animal Shelter 0 3,206,000 0 0 5,954,000 9,160,000Downtown Plaza and Underground Parking 0 300,000 0 1,000,000 0 1,300,000District Attorney Building 0 125,000 0 0 0 125,000Fleet Services Facility Replacement 0 130,000 0 0 0 130,000Short Stop Permit Center 0 0 0 415,000 0 415,000Public Health Facility Replacement 0 0 0 415,000 0 415,000

81,081,264 32,941,000 0 25,940,000 6,854,000 146,816,264Existing Facility Improvements

ADA Facility Improvements 0 1,032,310 0 0 350,000 1,382,310Micke Grove Regional Park Improvements 0 0 0 0 800,000 800,000Hospital Underground Utility Realignment 0 780,355 0 0 0 780,355Human Services Agency Building Structural Upgrade 750,000 0 0 0 0 750,000Courthouse-Courts Wing & Administration Wing Demolition 0 0 0 800,000 0 800,000

750,000 1,812,665 0 800,000 1,150,000 4,512,665Total CIP 81,831,264 34,753,665 0 26,740,000 8,004,000 151,328,929

Projected CIP Revenues



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