
1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYElectronic commerce, commonly known ase-commerce, is a type of industry where buying and selling of product or service is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. SNATCH.COM is a E-commerce based private owned organization. Our business idea is unique and creative. This organization has no history but full of potentiality.The three dimensions of e-commerce are Business-to-Consumers (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Government (B2G). SNATCH.COM is basically concerned with B2C & B2B based e-commerce.

B2B relation in our business = SNATCH.COM & Facebook retailer relationB2C relation in our business = SNATCH.COM & consumer relationOur businesss budget range is kind of small. But a new era of marketing is going to explode through our business policy. We need BDT 8,00,000 only to start this business initially. SNATCH.COMs share holders & directors are very much concern about further flourish in our business. Owners equity amount is BDT 3,00,000 only. Now we are looking forward to getting a financial support of BDT 5,00,000 only. Our concept is very unique & there should be no linger to start this business. Our company has been incorporated in 1st February,2013. Our marketing goal is to integrate facebook retailers & giving them a larger market with security.Our selling policy is maintain the demand of consumer. Because we believe that HAPPY CONSUMR = SALES

2.0 Company

2.1 Incorporation

SNATCH.COM has been incorporated on 1st February, 2013 as a private limited company.The incorporation details are as follows:Date of Incorporation : 1st February, 2013Certificate No. : c-549465198461984Trade License no : 0906759Next Renewal of License : 25-02-2017

2.2 Share-holding StructureShare holding structure of SNATCH.COM is as follows:

2.3 Board of DirectorsThe following is a list of the individuals that make-up SNATCH.COMs BoD:Mr. Redwan-Ul-Ahsan : ChairmanMr. SauravSarker : Managing DirectorMr. Md.Mahmudul Islam : DirectorMr. Shahidul : DirectorMr. Ryadhhossain : DirectorMr. Shahadathossain jewel : Director 2.4 Company Profile

SNATCH.COM is a recently formed private limited company in the e-commerce sector of Bangladesh. The company has been formed with a fundamental core value; to operate with seamless integrity in the pursuit of excellence in all its ventures.SNATCH.COM has a strong IT department to manage its regular business.SNATCH.COM is always concern about their customers & its service to the customers.


3.1 Organ-gram Plan:

3.2 Brief of Directors:

Mr. Redwan-Ul-Ahsan,chairman & Marketing Director:Mr. Redwan-Ul-Ahsan, is chairman & Marketing Director of SNATCH.COM. He is working as a Market & Advertising Policy Analysist. Mr. Shahadat Hossain jewel, IT DIRECTOR: Mr. Shahadat Hossain jewel, Director of IT Department of SNATCH.COM. He is good at web page development. He has created the official site of SNATCH.COM and also maintain SNATCH.COM website. Mr. Ryadh Hossain, IT DIRECTOR: Mr. Ryadh Hossain, Director of IT Department of SNATCH.COM. He established linkage between SNATCH.COM website & facebook fan page. Mr. SauravSarker, FINANCIAL DIRECTOR: Mr. SauravSarker, Director of Financial Department of SNATCH.COM. He works as a Financial & Budget Analysist of SNATCH.COM. Mr. Md.Mahmudul Islam, EVENT MANEGEMENT DIRECTOR: Mr. Md.Mahmudul Islam, Director of Event Management Department of SNATCH.COM. He works as a customer & retailer intermediary service provider & an event organizer at SNATCH.COM. Mr. Shahidul, SALES & DELIVERY DIRECTOR: Mr. Shahidul, Director of Sales & Delivery Department of SNATCH.COM. He ensures the product delivery & cash management.


4.1 Description of BusinessThe use of the Internet for business transactions has grown dramatically over the past few years. Approximately three out of five companies are using e-commerce to some extent and an additional one-fifth say they intend to participate in the future. . About 6 Million Bangladeshi people are using Internet these days and promoting any product or services to these huge amount people is very much possible these days on internet. Most of the educated portion of consumer section of Bangladesh is aware of internet usage, so its been an effective medium for media marketers and promoters.

On the other hand people are adding more and more product variation performing the same services. Now customers decision is, choose anything whatever it takes better. Here comes the problem. Eclectic consumers are always looking for the best but choosing the best is possible if only if when all the options are accumulated in front of you simultaneously.

SNATCH.COM came up with an idea in benefit of both buyer and seller of FACEBOOK shops. SNATCH.COM will provide them a common market place where both buyer and seller find out security, assurance and quality.

Nowadays facebook becomes a very popular social network. When people get fascinated by something it creates a market value. FACEBOOK is now a very good market place to run business (mostly boutique houses). In the perspective of Bangladesh facebook marketing is going to be a flourishing sector of business. There are almost 137 boutique houses continuing their business in facebook and also more than 50,000 consumers are active in those facebook shops.

SNATCH.COM plans to assemble this facebook shops or boutique houses in a group. Their products will be stored by SNATCH.COM & we will take the responsibility of marketing that product. SNATCH.COM will work as a media but the products we will serve will remain its patent to its manufacturer.

Connecting consumers & those small entrepreneurs is the mission of SNATCH.COM.

SNATCH.COM will set a store where consumers can get their ordered products through facebook or official site of SNATCH.COM. The store will also serve as a store-house for facebook-shops to storage their manufactured products & samples.

In a brief we can tell that SNATCH.COM is planning to create both tangible & intangible market place for small entrepreneurs of facebook marketing.

Our company SNATCH.COMs further vision is becoming pioneer organization in the sector of e-commerce in Bangladesh by providing people unique, creative & helpful services. 4.2 Business Activities1. Setting up StoreSNATCH.COM will set a store where consumers can get their ordered products through facebook or official site of SNATCH.COM. The store will also serve as a store-house for facebook-shops to storage their manufactured products & samples.

2. Arranging fairsSNATCH.COM will arrange 6-8 fairs regarding the demand of market. SNATCH.COM has an strong event-management team to do this huge work done with pure professionalism. Target occasions are:1. EID UL FITRE2. EID UL AZHA & DURGA PUZA3. PAHELA BOISHAKH4. POHELA FALGUN & VALENTINEs DAY5. WEEDING FAIR (DEC-JAN)3. Creating a WEB-siteSNATCH.COM has an IT team full of expertise. They are working to establish an exclusive web-site for SNATCH.COM where consumers can get all of their desired products of desired brands. 4. Intermediary serviceIf any consumer place an order it will be our responsibility to find him out perfect manufacturer to complete his order in due time. SNATCH.COM s event management team will do this job done by their expert hands.

4.3 Need AnalysisIn favor of Retailer Facebook retailers are bounded by their friend list as their customer list. SNATCH.COM can provide them a boundless customer list. It is too much costly for facebook retailers to provide their customers a market place. But SNATCH.COM provides them a secured place to market their product. Most of the facebook retailers are more concern about threw out their ideas rather than doing business. But SNATCH.COM full-fills both the purposes in much wider expansion. Lack of social security is a major concern for most of the facebook retailers which can be cured only by our business policy. Facebook retailers are actually very small entrepreneurs & SNATCH.COM provides them a store room to stock their products.

In favor of Consumer SNATCH.COM will provide customers authenticity of the products. SNATCH.COM will ensure the quality of the products. SNATCH.COM will give helpful suggestions for buying a product. SNATCH.COM will provide a large scale list of products of same services which helps consumer to choose the best for him. SNATCH.COM will provide consumers timely delivery.

4.4 Location of the Store Plan A:RAPA PLAZA, DhanmondiSpace area for rent=1500 sqft


Plan B:AZIZ SUPER MARKET, ShahbagSpace area for rent = 950 sqf



OUR marketing goal is to assemble all the facebook based fashion houses & their products. We are using methods of e-commerce to achieve our goal. Within 4-5 years internet & computer based communication will be in peak of its time in Bangladesh. Creating market for facebook based small entrepreneurs is a very effective business policy.

5.1 MARKETING STRATEGY1. Delivery Service

SNATCH.COM will provide customers product delivery service at home with its delivery man. Its delivery personnel are provided with motor-cycles to deliver products to consumers. 2. Providing Confidentiality

Consumer-retailer relation is to some extent a confidential relation. We know that facebook retailers use a fan-page on facebook to market their products. Where retailer can not give message to his customer, retailer has to post on the wall of the Fan-page which no longer remains confidential. SNATCH.COM will provide retailer a very confidential way to burgain with his customers by its web-site.3. Expanding Market

Facebook allows a person to have maximum 1000 friends in his/her friend list. It is also true for a retailer of a facebook-fashion house. But SNATCH.COM will give him a wider market than his friend list. Thus SNATCH.COM will enhance selling ratio for every retailer.4. Providing EclecticismSNATCH.COM will give many options of same services (T-shirt, jewelry, pants, sarees, etc.) from many brands to choose the best according to their need.

5. Providing Storage

Facebook retailers are basically small entrepreneurs & they can not afford store-room for their products. SNATCH.COM will give them a secured store room where they can stock their products. So they dont have to worry about previous products storage & can feel free to manufacture new products. 6. Providing a Safe Market

SNATCH.COM will ensure a safe market place for both consumer & retailer to buy & sell their products. SNATCH.COM will establish a store where consumers can come & get their ordered products.7. Creating WEB-site

SNATCH.COM with a help of its strong IT department will ensure a potential web-site where each &every product of retailers will available. The site will be linked up with the fan pages of the fashion houses, so any kind of update from the fan-pages automatically notified in our site. Customers can choose their products in both ways 1. According to brands2. According to services

5.2 Advertising Policy:

1. SNATCH.COM will advertise on FACEBOOK

2. SNATCH.COM will create a fan page on facebook.3. Posturing & Arranging events


6.1 Initial Investment


Furniture & office equipment 1,30,000

Office decoration & possession 5,25,000

Cash & Bank balance 50,000

Vehicle 40,000

Advertising For 3 Years 55,000


Loan 5,00,000

Owners equity 3,00,000

Total 8, 00,0006.2 OWNERs EQUITYShare holders of SNATCH.COM have managed Taka 3, 00,000 only according to their share in the company to run this business. Board of directors not only giving money but also invest their ideas, dedication & services to lead this business further.6.3 PROPOSAL Approval for lease Finance of Tk. 4, 45,000 only for a period of 36 months including 6 (six) months moratorium. 6.4 SECURITY, COLLATERAL & SUPPORT:Security:(a) 20 postdated Cheques against 20 equal monthly installments of Tk. 12,362 only each;(b) 01 (one) undated cheque of Tk. 2,00,000 only analysis are Collateral:

(a) Registered mortgage of the land measuring more or less 2.50.75 decimal equivalent to 7.60 bigha located at Begumpur, Hotapara, P.S. Joydebpur, Dist: Gazipur. The owner of the said land is Mrs. Shelly Ahsan who is, in relationship, the mother of Mr.Redwan-Ul-Ahsan, the Managing Director of SNATCH.COM Support:(a) Personal Guarantee of all the Directors of SNATCH.COM

6.5 Annual Projected Income Statement for 2013INCOMENOTE AMOUNT IN TAKA

Commission on Sales 1 1, 80,000

Event management 2 90,000

Intermediary services 3 40,000


Salary & Wages 4 42,000

0ffice rent 5 1, 80,000

Transportation 6 25,000

Others 10,000


Note1: estimated sale 1,200 pieces on an average price of BDT 1,500 only & the commission is counted of 10%Note 2: estimated profit BDT 15,000 only per event & estimated quantity of event is 6.Note 3: estimated income from intermediary services such (weeding arrangement, concert T-shirt, etc).Note 4: messengers wage BDT 1,500 only per month &delivery personaes wage BDT 2,000 only per monthNote 5: office rent BDT 15,000 only per month.Note 6: initially we are going to get 1 motor-cycle for our delivery purpose & its estimated cost of fuel is BDT 25,000 only.6.6 Annual Projected Income Statement for 2014INCOMENOTE AMOUNT IN TAKA

Commission on Sales 1 2,52,000

Event management 2 1,26,000

Intermediary services 3 60,000


Salary & Wages 4 66,000

0ffice rent 5 1, 80,000

Transportation 6 50,000

Others 15,000

NET PROFIT 1,27,000

Note1: sale increase 40%Note 2: event/fair participant will increase 40%Note 3: order passing will increase 50%Note 4: numbers of delivery man will increase into 2.Note 5: office rent BDT 15,000 only per month.Note 6: 1 more vehicles are added.ASSET Increase:1 motor-cycle added in the asset listNet profit price of motor cycle = 1,27,000-40,000= BDT 87,000 only6.6 Annual Projected Income Statement for 2015INCOMENOTE AMOUNT IN TAKA

Commission on Sales 1 3, 15,000

Event management 2 1, 57,500

Intermediary services 3 63,000


Salary & Wages 4 90,000

0ffice rent 5 2, 04,000

Transportation 6 75,000

Others 18,000

NET PROFIT 1, 48,500

Note1: sale increase 25%Note 2: event/fair participant will increase 25%Note 3: order passing will increase 05%Note 4: numbers of delivery man will increase into 3.Note 5: office rent BDT 17,000 only per month.Note 6: 1 more vehicles are added.ASSET Increase:1 motor-cycle added in the asset listNet profit price of motor cycle = 1, 48,000-40,000= BDT 1, 07,000 only





This two charts clearly indicate SNATCH.COMs sustainability.

CERTIFICATION by the Directors1.REDWAN-Ul-Ahsan

2.Saurav Sarkar

3.Mahmudul Islam

4.Ryadh Hossain

5.Shahadat Hossain Jewel

6.Shahidul Islam


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