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Reflection and reflective practice

Reflective practice refers to ability to reflect on action, thereby engages in a procedure of uninterrupted learning. Possessing an eye for values and theoretical practices that informs routine task and actions, followed by close scrutiny of those practices reflectively and reflexively, resulting in insight development. Integral tool in practice based professional learning where salespeople learn from own work experiences, rather than developing a distinguished attitude towards personal professional growth and betterment. Competitive pressure or short-term sales focus may engender unethical sales behaviors such as lying or exaggerating, which can potentially damage the trust and trust (Jelinek and Ahearne 2006). Structured approaches for sales training through the inclusion of relevant Sales CBT practiced in developed economies can reflect the admirable sales culture within the establishment. As selling organizations consistently deals with turnover, stress and burnout aspects of their sales force, therefore infusing workplace spirituality can eliminate or reduce negativity to some extend thereby positively influences commitments, job satisfaction and ethic. Although empirical verification does not exist (Badrinarayanan & Madhavaram, 2008), but few systems already implemented spiritual development content in their training and results were phenomenal (Dent et. al 2005).

 Role of HR

HR/Sales manager can maximize long-run profits by using a typical three-step procedure to recruit salespersons.HR people have to analyze fundamental sales potential of prospective candidate and how characteristics variable affect system design approach. However, while recruiting fresh salespeople, recognizing or identifying sales attributes level wise, can certainly boost sales training effectiveness. The table provides few conceptual parameters for consideration.

Therefore, by referring these attributes along with self-generated attributes, making adjustments and modifications screen best-fit individuals likely to be an expert sales professional in the future. Incorporate orientation process followed by induction, then Sales CBT levels; included as elementary ( lower management ), advanced (middle management) and expert level (senior management) having four or three modules at each level.

It is obvious that needs analysis alone cannot guarantee training effectiveness. However, implementing appreciative inquiry approach i.e. involvement of organizational personnel irrespective of their position / level when associated prior to exhaustive analysis, maximizing concentrated focus existing resources, possibilities of alliances and collaboration supplemented with all of above stated parameters, have a positive impact on organizational highest level goal which certainly increases perceptions of training effectiveness. However, if the needs analysis procedure can additionally analyze sales CBT levels in salespeople before and after training, provokes greater perceptions of program effectiveness.

Sales Training is must

Sales training in college curriculum is considered seldom, due to insufficient practical and real life experiences. Salespeople with lack of sales preparation never yield stellar results. Without it lead to handful of new leads, decreasing business, mishandling sales calls and much other negative influence (AdinaGenn, 2004). Traditional training treats trainees as a homogeneous group, “one size fits all”. Organizations are now looking for innovative learning pedagogy coupled with emerging technology. Instructional Design for Sales-training is defined as process of formulating structure with in-depth specifications for development, evaluation, and maintenance (Richey, 1986) of agile learning modules that covers all minor and major issues of sales management relent to organization strategy. A methodological approach for structured learning involves planning of instruction, with consistency and within sales force capacity. Process initiates with communicate goals and acceptable level of performance, selecting relevant instructional interventions and close with feedback from trainees (Wager, Golas, & Keller, 2005). If training objective is new customer acquisition, then training sessions should provide feel of strategic session to get into the new account (William Keenan 2000). Sales Training instructional design for direct marketing, personal selling, group on-site training or client one-to-one training can be developed.


Proper content selection being crucial aspect and therefore it is necessary to understand that training should include contents or skill that can be taught, learned, and measured. Install field coaching procedure and systematic reinforcement as well, followed by learning and application measurement. Professional trainers can enhance effectiveness aspect by enhancing sales force credibility, by incorporating required sales behaviors, perhaps offer range of varieties.

Selling Process

Literature provides evidence of different behavioral aspect across types of selling process. Difference also exists around typologies of selling positions.

Structured Learning and Training

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Positive behavior for sales training facilitates skill, competencies and knowledge acquisitions, that enables sales people to transfer best components of selling to reach acceptable levels of performance goals. Progress and growth are simultaneously synonymous with assessment and training (People 2012). Learning can be divided into general task-related components and specific stimulus-related (Helie, 2005). Instructors usually design, develop and deliver sales training modules with best of intentions, but often without clear vision. Before initiating a sales training programme , they recommend that trainer should set a clear vision to achieve highest level goal (example profitable sale) , understand organization mission and vision statement and what it delivers to their customers along with trainees current habits , level of expertise and barriers (example, competitive issues, lack of confidence in product quality, service or lead time). Therefore a training system should not merely be a haphazard collection of contents, approaches, methods rather challenge lies in creating a balance between technology and the personal touch needed to make to enhance organizational value through sales training.

For structured approaches for sales training consider inclusion of relevant Sales CBT positioned level wise. We recommend incorporating different levels for sales training; for fresher to top executive. The levels are : orientation, induction, formal sales CBTs, followed by elementary (lower management), advanced (middle management) and expert sales professional (High level management). This will reflects admirable sales cultural within the organization. Use mix of modalities among field based, on the job training, hands on learning, conventional classroom setting and other as appropriate (Refer Table- X ). Training and field coaching should have an analogy to distinguish training result in sales results (William Keenan 2000). Learning contents are delivered by Instructors, professional practitioners, subject matter experts, consultants, strategist, developers, analyst, may be by administrator, managers and top executives.

Moreover, Trainers / Instructor can plan instructions using FLS to further enhance learning effectiveness, might considered as meaningful learning by trainees itself or stimulate learning experience. Facilitative Learning Systems (FLS) enable practitioners to achieve learning purpose much to the satisfaction of both individual and organization. It is basically a research-based methodological approach based on instructional system design (ISD), to carry out for systematic planning of instructional plan, which begins with screening individual trainee with provision of training plan and plan of action and schedule ; characterized by stating overarching, curriculum and ancillary skill goals and ends with trainees feedback.

Facilitative theory' underpins Trainers / Instructors to facilitate the true ability of the learner. Many instructors apply trial and error approach and do not consciously experience action (or experiential) learning, henceforth learner often displays a tendency for to be 'told' how to 'do' things. In contrast, Facilitative-Active Learning is characterized by planning, implementation, review, reconsideration and evaluation.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning

Learning as conceptualized by Vygotsky’s as being cognitive and social (Powell & Kalina, 2009).The sales training course include some generic contents like self-motivation, communication, handling objections, and closing. Important topics included sales presentations and demonstrations, planning sales calls, time management, and buying behavior. Some include videotapes, role-playing, audio tapes, reference materials, training manuals and case studies; whereas computer simulations and case analysis are frequently used methods (Chonko, Tanner and Weeks, 1993). The e-learning or m-learning approaches had a short history (Pachler, Bachmir & Cook, 2010); mobile learning (m-learning) refers to learning through digital mobile devices that can be carried and used anywhere, any time as well as on-the-move (O’Connell & Smith, 2007), whereas computer and network enabled electronic learning, termed as e-learning.

Among active with passive learning model, active learning is more appropriate for professional sales education (Ramon et al. 1996). Spaced training enhances training benefits over massed training practice in laboratory settings (Kauffeld et al. 2010). Winfield (1983) discussed open learning systems and self-instruction methods and briefly described self-instructional approach for induction training course.

Sales Talent Development Process: Sales CBT

Few sales people have interpersonal and technological competencies required for dynamic work environments (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Many skills, traits, and qualities are required for sales success, although personal characteristics, motivation have an impact on performance but sales training cannot teach all required traits. Proper content selection being crucial aspect and therefore it is necessary to understand that training should include contents or skill that can be taught, learned, and measured. Management and managers should realize and recognize importance of salespeople perceptions and agree on their need, followed by involvement in best practices, otherwise salespeople's interest lacks thereby sales training will be a waste of time. Moreover salespeople should follow a sales process that matches up with the customer’s buying process. Sales training design should satisfy interactions aspects, being connected and networked while facilitating theoretical knowledge necessarily considering needs, motivational aspects and learning method preferences of trainees (Day, 2012). Compassion can be enhanced in individuals through training in psychological flexibility (Atkins et al. 2012). An organization who embeds compassion in their work culture nurture values, and virtues (Kroth & Keeler 2009).

 Sales CBTs

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Each module of CBTs should include detailed procedural steps with a clear-cut statement of goals, explanation of processes, outcomes expected, behavior sought, accountability with flexibility provision to accommodate any variation during training (Broad 2005).

The uniqueness in our framework is the inclusion of Sales Talent Development Process refereed as Sales CBT (Competency, Behaviors, Traits); a structured pathway to deal dynamic market, technology and business process. We recommend classifying work function, learning objectives, set of procedures, requirements to generate topical index of skills/behaviors, now onwards known as Sales CBT (Competency, Behaviors, Traits. We propose conceptual tool referred as Sales CBT (Competency, Behaviors, Traits). Competencies, Behaviors are essential characteristics that directly impact sales- task/job performance, whereas traits refers to desirable qualities of personal nature, which build ethical behavior. It includes orientation, induction, Formal Sales CBTs, Elementary CBT for lower management sales force consists of four sub-level, Advanced CBT for middle management having three sub-level and Expert sales professional CBT for top Executive with three modules. Screen appropriate CBTs needed along with self-generated, customerized attributes relational to strategic goal followed by screening CBTs needed for respective level before initiating training process. Diagnose CBT deficiencies; determine current CBT required and self-efficacy of the trainee. Outline task analysis procedure, that instructional developer might refer for designing individual based or group based learning with related CBT. Identify knowledge elicitation techniques, forecast CBT probably needed in future.

It is perceived that methodical determination of learning content is needed for designing valued sales training. We perceive instructional system design would enhance the effectiveness of sales training. Thus it is important to understand the fundamental reason that how and which variables affect effectiveness and how different variables would enhance the sales training effectiveness, such as the importance and fundamentals of high-impact training, current training and development best practices, multiple training curriculum, develop relationship with sales managers and subject matter experts from across the industry to collect materials and contents for developing learning modules for both new hire and experienced sales people, offerings updates in order to facilitate ongoing sales development. Interventions should also convey to both new and experienced salespeople loaded with type of characteristics needed; clear pathway trainees needed to know, such as ‘present’ need and what would be needed in the future along with objectives and philosophy of sales training followed by communicating expectation and specific responsibilities after training.

Absorptive capacity plays crucial role in knowledge transfer and considered as imperative for organization progress, which identifies, assimilate, transform, and apply external knowledge through modern information technologies (Roberts 2012). Sales behaviors have significant effects on customer satisfaction; eventually success of a customer relationship strategy which wholly depends on the behaviors of salespeople (Wang 2012). The most efficient tool for salespeople is 'Communication', which enables exchange clients need and capacity to lend support or wooing customers, provide time comfort zone, let off the pressure for a meaningful benefits discussion, follow-up with occasional emails and don’t let off easily. David Sandler proposed concept of boosting self-confidence for case of rejections. A moral booster sales concept of Role and Identity draws insight that rejection is for role as salesperson not for personal identity, thus empowering salespeople to try repeatedly. Sales force effectiveness research study by El-ansary ( 1993) have presented implications in terms of managerial action through Reward-Penalty matrix. Indicated that modules which were given much importance in sales force training were: interpersonal communications, knowledge, planning, strategy and control. Although salesperson initiative and self-administered training also emerged as a high reward-high penalty method. Promote or train sales force for reflective practices; refers to ability to reflect on action thereby engages in a process of continuous learning. Having an eye for values and theoretical practices that informs routine task and actions, followed by close examination of those practices reflectively and reflexively, resulting in insight development. Integral tool in practice based professional learning where salespeople learn from own work experiences, rather than training. A positive attitude towards personal professional development and improvement. Sales manager/Trainers can also refer guide which aids decision making (Hung 2010).

Each module of CBTs should include detailed procedural steps with a clear-cut statement of goals, explanation of processes, outcomes expected, behavior sought, and accountability with flexibility provision to accommodate any variation during training (Broad 2005). Orientation content normally includes history, culture, value, basics of industry, market strategy, and product line. Induction salespeople understand system how sales system operates; internal system, how sales process works; technology involved if any such basic sales techniques and socializing new salespeople. Formal sales CBTs involves industry dynamics, ,technical knowledge-basic and advanced and product training. Delivers training to sales-force in conventional classroom, e-learning or live online.


Basic ; Manual System and Sales Application Software

Advanced ; CRM: Customer Relationship Management and Web based Online Tools

Sales organization’s ability to sustain can be projected by analysis of historical, current data and setting a future plan of action. In this relation, customer relationship management (CRM) systems can deal tangible data from financial systems and intangible data from salespeople. However, we do not mean technology to drive business rather its about management of technology in

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sales methodology, sales processes to improve workforce performance and drive growth. Implement the agreed-upon guidelines to sales cycle in CRM tool. For better results, incorporate online access for reinforcement activities.

We perceive that instruction design process for sales training could benefit sales management firms to restructure sales training. We now are in position to addressed few critical issues and much of unanswered questions can be dealt and effectiveness can be enhanced This structured process expected to deliver outcome in terms of increased job capabilities, enhanced sales-force performance, competitive advantage, retention, knowledgeable human capital, revenue and high organizational value.


The goal of sales training being master required competencies and to apply them to their day-to-day routines (Noe, 2008). Training is evaluated through an impact assessment by HR as well as by the line manager on a daily basis. The assessment will extract open feedback for corrections for future training which also reflect effectiveness relevance. Impact analysis determine weather training content developed to drive customer knowledge, sales effectiveness and sales process can meet purpose.


Salespeople reactions reflects how sales trainees conceive various activities during sales training (Honeycutt and Stevenson 1989). Salespeople should not perceive barriers like lack of support, short-sighted focus on results, not satisfying the needs, time constraints, irrelevant learning content and delivery methods. Trainers should must design a quality sales training modules that meets the specific needs of trainee (Dubinsky 1996). .Kirkpatrick’s reactions level lacks validity, hence often criticized. It is criticized for considering reactions of trainees during evaluation (Weiss, and Peterson 1999). Observation and discussion with trainees is often used to measure reaction hence validity is questionable. If learning content satisfy thinking and behavior patterns of salespeople , then only trainee participate actively otherwise dislike training (Leach and Liu 2003). As such then effective training can surpass productivity records, incorporate motivation and commitment, fine tuning of work quality, increased morale teamwork, and negligible errors thus enhancing competitive advantage (Salas et al., 2006).Sensible relationship between salespeople and their organization is a key perspective in formulating, planning, designing and implementing sales training. If that exists, trainees reflects positive reactions (Leach and Liu 2003). However, reaction measure should be considered not on pretext whether enjoyed or not (Warr and Bunce 1995) rather measured in term of usefulness and sufficient time devoted for learning, interest in learning reinforcement and enthusiasm for applying learned skill. Although positive reactions can assures motivation to participate and satisfaction however does not guarantee performance enhancement, however, satisfaction aspect do influence outcomes. Reaction measure likely provide any disparity, related to learning content or methodology, thus facilitates corrective action for future training. Theses several advantages suggests reaction measure should not be eliminated from evaluation process and given due consideration.


Monitoring, Learning Reinforcement, Assessment

Progress and growth are simultaneously synonymous to assessment and training procedure and systematic reinforcement as well, followed by learning and application measurement. We perceive that systematic procedures were lacking in many organizations. Significant reason is lack of learning reinforcement following the sales training obviously fails to produce effectiveness and value for organization. Without reinforcement trainees’ reflects inability to apply or recall learned skills, said as ineffective transfer i.e. transfer of learning has been missing phenomena, that’s being reason why most of sales training referred as “failed” as does not reflect either improved performance nor behavioral changes People (2012). Fundamentally, approach should focus on imparting best behaviors with practices preferably through interactive way, followed by evaluation. Model recommends to evaluate (observe) for specific period preferable for couple of subsequent months after training. Purposeful training does reflect significant changes in professional work and personal life. Before training, management should clearly communicate goals and acceptable level of performance (Burke & Hutchins, 2007). Now technologies also can perform competency-based assessments (Chan, 2010a; Chan, 2010, b), although conventional methods to judge learning consistency and adequacy of core content learned, using a variety of formative and summative assessment tools can be used. Training is incompatible without assessment whereby judgement is required to determine appropriate guidance. The assessment ought to be formative and not simply a measure of competence. Formative assessment leads to feedback that is developmental; while summative assessment define standard of competence. Periodic refinement, variation and experimentation with different approaches are essential. Measurement of learning should permeate the entire training process, therefore validate measurement systems followed by skill practice reinforcement plan which includes field-work or assigned activities or both supplemented by providing feedback (prescriptive assessment). For better results, incorporate online access for reinforcement activities, generate dashboard reports on learning progress, followed by ranking procedure i.e. salespeople’s learning is ranked against their peers. Assessment must measure both knowledge gain and the ability to apply, assess for a few weeks following skill training.

Self Efficacy , Aspiration, And Self-Management

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Rapid advances in emerging technologies have enabled training and learning processes that can be serviced in customized ways, previously unimaginable. Cloud computing and net tablet facilitate synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve staff’s engagement with learning and skill development. provide interactive learning with peers and experts which are context-specific Veletsianos (2010). Poon (2006), suggests that the empowerment of choices provide workforce with individualized learning pathways in control of the learners themselves which promote empowerment for personalization of learning. Trainee characteristics and Self-efficacy perceived as having crucial role in ‘ transfer’ process (Burke & Hutchins, 2007). Listening behaviors positively influence customer orientation behaviors, thereby influence adaptive behaviors, which influence listening (Pelham2008a). Sales culture considered to be key contributor to organizational success (McCarthy, 2008).


Follow review framework and record activities by developing learners portfolio that provides a focus for review and discussion. Open-ended questions create space for issues rather than closed ‘yes/no’ answers. Judge students / participants strengths and areas for development, to make formative assessment statements of progress during review. Action plan for the participant, changes, criteria for next observation. A written reflection on the process of being observed is evidence of ongoing development, shows the quality of thinking in the area of learning and teaching which contribute to Learning Portfolio. Framework that has potential to boost learning outcome i.e. effectively use/apply learning in their respective profession and routine activities thereby enhancing learners’ professional competency.


Adjustment, Future development, Appreciations

Often sales evaluation and reward procedures are dominated by sales quota measures, although recent evaluation advances leverage rewards for relationship selling behaviors (Boles et. al, 2000); customer satisfaction and retention (Peppers & Rogers, 1997). Johnston and Marshall (2008), questions the idea that only costs are evaluated in sales training, we also agree with this perception and thereby recommend to measure overall potential benefits after acquiring essential Sales CBT (competency, behaviors, traits). Our model expected to deliver outcome in terms of increased job capabilities, performance, competitive advantage, retention, knowledgeable human capital, revenue and high organizational value . Thereby much of unanswered questions can be dealt and effectiveness could be enhanced.


Continual staff development is critical to the success of any organization (Carnevale 2005; Colvin 2006).

Sales organization that grows rapidly often faces rapid turnover. Retaining existing salespeople and not losing them to competitors is primarily based on organizational culture. However, sales managers can also handle by figuring out pitfalls to avoid by salespeople and how to respond to competitors offer.

The highest order of nodes in the Maslow’s hierarchy is Self Actualization and involves seeking fulfillment by making maximum use of one’s abilities or skills. sales training is a sensible practice for improving bottom-line results (Crane et al., 2005).

MICRO-LEVEL OUTCOMEOften high valued organization incorporates successive training in career pathway, specific milestones for promotion from entry level to executive level followed by explanation of the concrete compensation programme, innovative recognition bonus, technological aids for attractive selling point. As a result, load sales force with relevant tools, techniques and enough energy thereafter challenge them to initiate independent moves to outpace competitors' moves.

Using Strategic Management In The Sales Training

Sales training is a developing subject area that has started to blossom in late years; nonetheless, a pivotal question that has been roughly for an occasion is how to restructure sales training to remain competitive. Moreover, in vibrant marketplace, organizations are revealed to a dynamic external environment that bears on the abilities of sales-force to identify or work opportunities. Herein, strategic management perhaps enhances efficiency and reliability of the sales force. A strategy offers a useful means to disposition key linkage factors to create revenues for organizations and sales-unit. The general view of strategic management is that it enlightens organizational efforts to create value by identifying opportunities, clean sources of advantage to exploit in a marketplace and reduce risk (Value, 2011). For sales organization, strategic management embodies a strategic set of decisions and actions for organizing, structuring, and executing sales training for benefits.

So why strategic management in sales training?

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Often the choice is contingent on environmental dynamics and the degree of alignment with internal affairs. Nevertheless, sales management activities, functions and resources are intricately related to maintaining competitive advantage. Thus, the choice actually becomes a strategic choice.

Ace of the important benefits of strategic management is value-creating sales force who discourse business decisions across boundaries, develop positive sales culture and ethical behavior, recognizes importance of strategic session to set out into the new story, influence commitments, decisions, and actions that organization built and put to death to exploit competitive advantages. In light of opportunity, resource planning and encouragement an ability to achieve 'miraculous phenomenal profits’ Examples where strategic interventions are applied and address several challenges in sales are:

• Efficient channel management and modern distribution channel.

• Developing sales peoples proficiency in engineering science and analytical instruments.

• Collaboration and partnerships

• Integration of sales and service,

• Customer-oriented selling,

• Self-directed learning and usage of social media for learning and building up relationships (Baron and DeCarlo, 2012).

It likewise serves to understand customer-buying processes, to establish coordination amid sales and marketing and incorporates qualified sales management personnel (Stein, 2011).

Sales Trainers exploring this strategic management.

Strategic sales promotion is important for survival in an era of market complexity, fast-paced transactions and new distinctive models where capabilities that are consistently required specialized. In ordination to make the most out of strategic management, it is necessary to see how new training interventions execute success by exploiting competitive advantages and how each salesperson made more strategically effective. Thereafter, learning and development (L&D) practitioners need to encourage intellectual and new innovative approaches and relevant content creation according to perceptions of sales director and sales peoples to share knowledge within peers.

One route to create advantage is through adoption of customer relationship management (CRM) technology, strategies for CRM, channel functioning and inter-firm relationships (Landry et. al., 2005). Therefore, sales organization, approximate and explore opportunities outside traditional domain and leverage existing business practices in doing this, for which, it is important to follow numbers steps.

Firstly, the present challenge is to shape individual as competent and technology savvy salesperson. Hence, distinguish and develop appropriate content and paste within a sales team through an appropriate delivery methodology that offers time advantages for both manager and sales peoples.


• Position strategic efforts to account/market demands.

• Align resource to execute strategic activities.

• Synchronize strategic training activities, positioned to strategic efforts.

Secondly, analytics integrated with CRM are well positioned to measure increases in sales, competency acquired, level of product knowledge and monitor sale force progress in real time. Therefore, CRM contemplates sales manager and sales team to explore ideas and share learning experiences. This enables learning reinforcement to hold station in any geography and time location. Additionally, track learning activities taking place within the organization in society to specify performance objectives and to continually monitor how sales people are making.

Thirdly, monitor how other sales organizations are carrying through on strategy; evaluate what are the most critical measurements of success and of course what are the greatest pressures. Below is a checklist that sales trainers might find useful to assist their thinking on how they might make the most of the opportunities this strategic management offer.

1. Strategy adoption:

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• What strategies commonly used to ensure relevancy of training content?

• Which specific skills, knowledge and elements of cooperative power will enable the salesperson to be a strategic orchestrator?

• How can organizations assess sales competencies and expertise needed?

• Are there incremental measurements of progress toward proper behaviors?

2. Technology Adoption

• How to use social media in the sales process?

• How analytic incorporated to better learning and reinforce learning?

• What are the technological training method options and when would they be strategically advantageous?

3. Implementation:

• Sales force role clarity is pivotal to deal sophisticated and knowledgeable customers. Therefore manager should ensure trainer identify content and information that has a high value for learning and productivity performance.

• Training must be relevant, structured, organized and focused along the strategic demands of the sales force, as an example, competencies and technical capacity that highlight capability and functionality

In summary, the successful incorporation of strategic sales training enhances current competency set that offers a strategic advantage for greater opportunities to sell and close business and consistent attainment of revenue targets. Strategic management and sales training are organizational processes that shorten and/or take advantage of the engagement to create more financial value and benefits.

1. Barone, M. J., & DeCarlo, T. E. (2012). Performance Trends and Salesperson Evaluations: The Moderating Roles of Evaluation Task, Managerial Risk Propensity, and Firm Strategic Orientation. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, XXXII (2), 207–224.

2. Landry, T. D., Arnold, T. J., & Arndt, A. (2005). “A Compendium Of Sales-Related Literature In Customer Relationship Management : Processes And Technologies With Managerial Implications”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, ,XXV(3), 231–251.

3. Stein, D. (2011). ASTD’s 2011 Report on Sales Training. ES Research Group.

4. Value, C., Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., Sirmon, D. G., & Trahms, C. A. (2011). Strategic Entrepreneurship :, 57–76.

Getting stellar sales performance: Why Sales Managers’ Mentoring, Coaching and Technology capabilities make the differencePurpose – The aim of this viewpoint is to distinguish the importance of sales managers’ attitude and role clarity in the context of mentoring, coaching and technology capabilities to achieve stellar sales force operations and performance.Design/methodology/approach – This report reviews the sales training literature to highlight how managerial interventions enhance competencies, behaviours, and advanced level of selling orientation by mentoring and coaching construct. The concept of manager’s creativity and imagination is brought out to explain why it should be adapted and carried out in an era of vibrant and dynamic selling paradigm.Findings – Adapting and implementing the concept of mentoring and coaching in a personal or industrial selling context may provide sales organization and academicians a better reason of how leadership and personality traits of manager enhance learning transfer.Practical implications – Sales managers could develop appropriate new metrics based on market orientation for building strategic relationships, thereby eliminates ambiguity in sales-force function.Social implications – Increased sales results in sales force retention, organizational sustainability and economic growth.Originality/value – This paper introduces the concept of mentoring and coaching touch as improvement tactics to transform average salespeople into exceptional performers in contemporary selling to surpass productivity records.Keywords : manager, competency, sales, mentoring, coaching, training, selling, Organization, competencies,

Sales managers,

Article Classification : Viewpoint

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Purpose – Review articles on B2B salespersons' performance in the recent past have been limited. This paper seeks to provide a review, focusing on the conceptualizations of the salespersons' performance construct, and its determinants, in a B2B context. A synthesis of the relevant predictors is presented, and new customer-centric measures of performance in industrial selling are also proposed. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides an exhaustive review and synthesis of the conceptual and empirical studies on salespersons' performance and effectiveness. It also posits a set of propositions from a customer-centric perspective. Findings – Far too many individual-level variables are used as predictors of a B2B salesperson's performance and effectiveness. Future research must focus on context-specific selling situations to identify the contextual skills required to perform the critical customer-centric activities, rather than by using generic models that fail to apply to all situations. Research limitations/implications – The review paper provides a conceptual synthesis of studies carried out in the past. Future researchers can carry out a meta-analysis of empirical studies to provide more pointed results. Practical implications – The study highlights the heterogeneity in B2B salespersons' performance, which makes unraveling its determinants more difficult. The paper makes a call for adopting measures that are customer-centric, such that predictors are anchored in the activities of salespeople rather than their individual-level characteristics. Originality/value – The paper disentangles the inconsistencies in the conceptualization and measurement of the two key focal constructs, and highlights the conceptual overlap between these constructs. The paper also proposes performance measures based on customer-centric activities, rather than being either firm-centric or based on individual characteristics.

 Social media IN commercial enterprise – Business DEFINITELY needs it? Advances in information technology, data engineering, knowledge-based society, trading platform are responsible for dynamics in commercial enterprise. Sustainability and competitiveness are now critical challenges to business of any size. The current marketplace is characterized by globalization, commoditization, competition, technology and changing demographics where organizations face sophisticated and knowledgeable customers. To sell effectively, business personnel should upgrade personal knowledge, competencies. Additionally, strategic changes are essential for survival in fast paced transactions, distinctive and unique business model, where specialized capabilities are required for more affiliations supplemented with network of relationships and collaborations to spread awareness.  Social developments have created new possibilities for both consumers and business firms. Indulgement in social activity is exponentially rising; numerous programs are available such as (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogs/communities, online issues, and lots more. Social media platform witness a high intensity of traffic (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogs). It establishes a channel for two-way communication. It facilitates relationship formation between individuals where both derive some common benefits. Participation in social media activity is a route to the development of distinctive business capabilities. Researchers emphasized social media usage as an interference to improve sales productivity. Experts perceive that in an era of knowledge based economy, business when socialized in an online environment, results in enhanced technical capabilities, critical thinking, management skills, collaboration, partnerships, etc. Researchers are at present researching the use of social networks in contemporary selling and what are the best practices. Who utilize social media to drive home sales with improvised financial outcomes? In that respect business can take advantage of online communities to pass awareness instantly with prospects and customers. Within a limited time span, improve public relations and customer service, integrate sales and service, manage, market place, commercial enterprise reputation, and educate customers for improved products, platform for expense free campaign and much more. Any commercial enterprise can incorporate social media with their overall marketing strategy. Key considerations in social media strategy are educating and informing about products, services, deals, contest etc. to visiting traffickers. Initial steps usually are products and services information, so present compelling information about your products and services, keep content easy to consume even by novices. So, create customer relevant contents, but do not saturate customers/ prospects with the same message, thus constantly maintain fresh perspectives. Try some new ideas. Integrate customer service management tool to understand customers' problems, difficulties. Provide crucial support, hand on information for their queries, and coordinate with service staff to rectify customer’s problems. Objections when reciprocated and rectified in shortest time leads to satisfied customers, thereby creation, preservation, retention of loyal customers ultimately business likely to flourish. Social media do influence the individual exposure to information and ideas, moreover, its more than knowing consumer behavior, rather build up relational ties with specific expectations. A reading of strong ties is reflected through frequent interaction, being reciprocated and willingness for information exchanges, while weak ties indicate distant, casual behavior and often nonreciprocal. These readings reflect the influence presence in social media, so that appropriate action could be projected for future initiatives. Importantly, do not forget to appraise the effectiveness of Social Media intervention, either in terms of business awareness, registrations in the firm’s social community, forum or sales. Social media participation will certainly enhance business reputation. Lastly a word of caution, don't trade, rather act for long-term business building. Social media would bring credibility to the business and act as a marketing platform for creating new business and enhanced competitiveness. Personalized System Centric View of Mobile LearningIntroduction and Context

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Upgrading workforce knowledge and skills is essential to remain competitive in dynamic market, complexity and fierce competition (Lambert 2010). Research indicates that continual staff development is critical to the success of any organization (Carnevale, 2005; Colvin, 2006). Although training has been stimulated in the past decade, the actual amount of knowledge, skills and competencies transferred by trainees to the workplace, is unfortunately much low or even non-existent. Grounded on innovative pedagogies for workforce learning (Johnson, 2012), authors aims at redefining organizational training practice by suggesting alternative approach, i.e. provision of personalized learning. Others perceive that personal learning systems are more likely to be better than classroom learning specifically for adult learners. We insist self directed learning using technology for self-development to enhance professional performance, subsequently increase effectiveness thereby organization value. Learning as conceptualized by Vygotsky’s as being cognitive and social (Powell & Kalina, 2009). Mobile learning is defined as virtual learning which facilitates use of digital, portable and mobile devices used anywhere, anytime and on-the-move as well. (O’Connell and Smith, 2007). The net tablets encompass extension of mobile learning for just-in-time, available anywhere learning opportunities (Belshaw, 2011) have fostered flexibility in training-learning processes positioned to ‘mobile’ perspective supports personalized, approach to learning. The mobile learning, approach emphasizes, on-the-movement and for-the-moment learning, leveraged to encourage open, Independent, Interactive, connective and collaborative learning where the notion of m-learning, e- learning and virtual learning also leveraged. Mobile learning favors adult learner as adult learners are learners with work and family, having priorities (Day 2012), here mobile learning, is referred as being on-move access to cloud-based applications through mobile application while learning contents and modules are stored on virtual servers at a remote location.Visualizing Organization and Workforce centric view In knowledge-based economy, the effectiveness of technology based training-learning-assessments systems and how it makes an impact on training-learning-evaluation process (Johnson 2011) were needed to restructure training methodology, for higher performance with greater effectiveness. The training needs in a knowledgeable society are elusive as clear enunciation to which particular learning modules or pedagogy sustains in knowledge-based economy. Which training can be classified as generic skilled training and task specific training, needed to be developed among, professional image, leadership skills, developing effective alliances and partnerships, time management, customer an analysis, case study, computer-based simulation, planning etc. by professional trainers. The role of traditional training in developing the motivation has been significantly constrained by pedagogical imperatives that do not empower learner-centered approach which most likely to empower the workforce with the skills needed in the knowledge economy. Many organizations were aware of the benefits of technological learning in skill development issues, but rarely using it. (Global Coaching Survey, 2009).  Different insights of emerging technologies have been explored, according to Siemens and Tittenberger (2009), technology that incorporates organizational philosophies and ideologies. In Veletsianos (2010) view emerging technologies as new technologies in specific organizational context, while Johnson et al. (2012) argues for innovative pedagogies supplemented with technology, whereas Veletsianos (2010:3) point seems to be that, a combination of tools, concepts, innovations, and advancement used for learning. The e-learning or m-learning approaches had a short history (Pachler, Bachmir & Cook, 2010); mobile learning (m-learning) refers to learning through digital mobile devices that can be carried and used anywhere, any time as well as on-the-move (O’Connell & Smith, 2007), whereas computer and network enabled electronic learning, termed as e-learning. Traditional training for development of motivation has been significantly restricted by pedagogical imperatives that enhance learner focused learning as an approach which likely to enhance skills needed in knowledge based economy. In an era of dynamic and knowledgeable market, professionals were demanding flexible and personal learning environments for skill enhancements (Johnson 2010). Workforce are in need for a learning approach that could aid mobility (Pachler et al., 2010), enables on-the-move learning thereby promote active learning. The workforce can access learning contents, in a manner that suits their work-life needs and constraints and that too without physically attending the classroom sessions of instructional training. Emerging technologies do have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships and e-learning. Emerging technologies for personalized learningUses of emerging technologies to conceptualize, design, enhance, and foster sales training by collaborating learners and trainer are evident. Some technology reduces technical barriers to e-learning (Cochrane, 2010), can perform competency-based assessments and incorporated in workplace-based learning as well (Chan, 2010a; Chan, 2010, b). Notions of continual lifelong learning in knowledgeable economy coupled with rapid advances in emerging technologies have enabled training and learning processes that can be serviced in customized ways, previously unimaginable. Mobile learning with Cloud computing and net tablet eases synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve staff’s engagement with learning and skill development. Emerging technology not only surface new technology, but also incorporate innovative pedagogy (Johnson et al. 2012), i.e. on-the-move learning likely to influence on teaching, learning, or creative expression (Johnson et al. 2011), embedded with philosophies and ideologies (Siemens and Tittenberger 2009), i.e. flexibility and empowerment and provide interactive learning with peers and experts which are context-specific Veletsianos (2010), i.e. address several challenges. Model reflect the close proximity with Veletsianos (2010:3) concept, which states of emerging technologies as ‘tools (tablet, cloud computing), concepts (flexible learning), innovations (on-the-move and for-the-moment learning) advancements (technology, pedagogy) used in diverse settings (sales training) to serve varied purposes (skill enhancement and transfer).  Its much likely that professional trainers and organization can empower staff to become lifelong learners, implement progressive pedagogies in staff learning, and focus on the role of trainer and technology within this evolving landscape. The first anomaly relates to a presumed workforce desire to learn using a learner-centered learning experience. We oppose “one size fits

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all” tendency that treating workforce as a homogeneous group. We strongly object to this approach and suggest the scope within mobile learning models to offer workforce more than one learning modules by allowing them to select their preferred module according to their need and learning philosophy. The second anomaly refers to issues of choice for training staff may it be internal or external, as learning philosophy insist the notion of ‘empowerment’ and the exercising of ‘empowered’ with authority. The need to incorporate critical behaviors, increasing numbers of performance indicators, diversity in workforces and requirements to remain flexible and responsive, has damaged learning autonomy. The third anomaly relates to workforce' perceptions of impractical and irrelevant content, improper delivery, a personal discomfort with change and motivation from seniors to resist change. (Broad and Newstrom, 1992). The term mobile learning refers freedom and diversity in selecting needed to learn modules by workforce, focus on the unique needs of individual learners, not according to trainer or manager. It totally empowers workforce to decide when, what, and how to learn, by initiating mobile and virtual learning. Thereby emerging technology could change the role of trainer from direct instruction in classroom to just a facilitator of virtual knowledge source and manage learning resources. The mobile learning, approach offers workforce and trainers the choice between two pedagogical approaches; either a learner centered virtual approach or interactive instruction approach or a mix of both. We argue that the trainer and content developers role to be central in both approaches mentioned, however, an innovative style of training, or innovative way of promoting learning, required to be practiced. Pan (2006), suggests that the empowerment of choices provides workforce with individualized learning pathways in control of the learners themselves, which promote empowerment for personalization of learning (Hartley, 2007). The empowerment of choice has appeal to both work staff and professional trainer. Contemporary and innovative pedagogies are preferable. Now organization prefers to engage with emerging technology. Authors perceives greater opportunity of success when organization simultaneously offers choice in using preferred pedagogical approach to promote workforce learning thereby to acquire skills. This advanced learning technology could provide twofold usefulness and more effective pedagogy at substantially lower costs. Notebooks, Laptop, personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also facilitate mobile learning, however, tablets have numerous advantages as tuned with appropriateness in level of technology integration supplemented with distinct features: Portability (anywhere, any time, on-the-move); Mobility (no plug-in power supply); and a range of useful generic apps with accordance to transform learning into skills.ConclusionsIn the era of knowledge based economy, learners when socialized to the online environment, results in enhanced technological capabilities, critical thinking and time management skills. Become proficient in collaborative and interactive learning by community formation. Emerging technologies does have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships and integration of sales and service, customer oriented selling, flexible, active, continuous, lifelong and active learning. Approach perceives that personal learning systems with flexibility and mobility are more likely to be better than classroom learning, i.e. direct instruction. The approach can address several challenges being currently faced by sales-force, few of these are, time constraints, changing roles, accountability, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, self-directed learning, use of social media and cultural diversity. The model does recognize sales organizations, content developers and professional trainers as a key player in the development of mobile learning mechanism. We invite further discussion of the model by academics and professional trainers and sales organizations with a view to implementation in actual practice.  ReferencesAnne M. Kressly. (2010). How Teaching Methodology Affects Learners Outcome (pp.sAlexander, B., (2008). Social Networking in Higher Education. In Richard N. Katz, ed., Te Tower and the Cloud: Higher Education in the Age of Cloud Computing. Educause: 2008.Baldwin, T.T. (1992). Effects of alternative modeling strategies on outcomes of interpersonal skill training. Journal of Applied Psychology. 77, 147-154.Belshaw, D. (2011). Mobile and wireless technologies review. London, United Kingdom: Joint Information Systems Committee.Chan.S. (2011b). Constructing e-Portfolios with mobile phones and Web 2.0. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 177, 243-253.Creanor, L., & Littlejohn, A. (2000). A cross-institutional approach to staff development in Internet communication. March, 271–279.Davidson, C.N. & Goldberg, D.T. (2009). The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age. Cambridge, Mass; London, England: The MIT Press.Derry, S. J., Murphy, D. A.(1986). Designing systems that train learning ability: from theory to practice. Rev. Educ. Res. 56:1-39.Durante, D., & Snyder, N. (1999). Mastering virtual teams. San Francisco: Josey-Bass Inc.Dweck, C. S. (1988). Goals: an approach to motivation and achievement. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 54:5. Engestrom, Y. (2004). New forms of learning in co-configuration work. Journal of Workplace Learning. 16(1/2), 11-21.Fisher, K., & Sauer, P. (2011). Enhanced learning through development of interactive etextbooks on net tablets (pp. 1–51).Garrison, D.R., & Anderson, T. (2003). E-Learning in the 21st Century. London: Routledge-Falmer.Haider, H. & Frensch, P.A. (1996). The role of information reduction in skill acquisition. Cognitive Psychology, 30, 304-337.Harrington, T., Staffo, M., & Wright, V. H. (2006). Faculty Uses of and Attitudes toward a Course Management System in Improving Instruction. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 5(2), 178–190.Hsu, Y.-C., Rice, K., & Dawley, L. (2012). Empowering educators with Google’s Android App Inventor: An online workshop in mobile app design. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E1–E5. Lambert, B. B. 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Liu, C.-H., Chiang, T.-C., & Huang, Y.-M. (2007). Assessment of Effectiveness of Web-based Training on Demand. Interactive Learning Environments. 15(3), 217–235. Mayer, R. (2003). The promise of multimedia learning: Using the same instructional design methods across different media. Learning and Instruction. 13, 125-139.Nagy, J., & Mcdonald, J. (2010). New models for learning flexibility. Negotiated choices for both academics and students. 737–746.Powell, Katherine C.; Kalina, Cody J. (2009). Cognitive and Social Constructivism: Developing Tools for an Effective Classroom. Journal of Instructional Psychology. 130 (2), 241-250Segers, J., & Group, S. H. L. (2011). Structuring and Understanding the Coaching Industry. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(2), 204–221.Wong, L.-H. (2012). A learner-centric view of mobile seamless learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E19–E23.


The first section provides a definition of human resource development (HRD), reviews the fundamental concepts of system theory and presents a definition of training and learning. The second section reviews the fundamental concepts of social learning theory. The third section provides an overview of three training approaches, structured on-the-job training (S-OJT), on-the-job training (OJT) and classroom training, and also generalized training content used.The fourth section provides an overview of the concepts of training outcomes and also defines self-efficacy and describes strategies to develop self-efficacy and the relationship of self-efficacy to training; in addition, methods which can be used to measure self-efficacy are discussed. The fifth section provides a conceptual framework for the information in the review of literature.

1 Introduction to Human Resource Development System Theory Applied to HRD Training and Learning

2 Social Learning Theory

3 Training Approach Introduction to Training Approaches Types of Training Approaches-Classroom Training; OJT; SOJT

Training contents- Generalized

4 Training Evaluation Training outcomes Self-Efficacy Developing Self efficacy Self-Efficacy and TrainingMeasurement of self-efficacy

5 Conceptual Framework

AbstractThis comprehensive literature review focuses pre and post training factors to consolidate effectiveness aspects. We explored major indexing databases (Ulriches, EBSCO, Pro Quest, Questia and Copernicus), collected articles from elite journals shortlisted around 260 papers thereafter narrowed down to 143 articles significantly relevant to sales training effectiveness issues, published between 1982 - 2012. The focus of our literature review centered on the progress and current status of sales training practices. Our review is selective and descriptive to engender training effectiveness. However, the review does not consolidate some basic issues in sales training such as instructional interventions, delivery methodologies, learning style theory, adult learning theory and socialization. The review is organized in four sections. The first part begins after discussions on initial observations and sales training theories, covers pre-training factors. Research discussion on post-training components is included in the second segment, while in third division; we discussed shortcomings, inconsistencies and gaps followed by insights for managerial implication. Lastly, in the fourth section, we suggested several key challenges as research opportunities in contemporary sales training.  INTRODUCTIONA sales reps training is a sensible practice to increase bottom-line results (Stein, 2011). Chen et. Al., (2005) reports that across 1,000 organizations, training and development activities are of highest business priorities. Based on McKinsey's global survey report, March (2010), Paradise (2007) reports that organizations around the world spending billions for training interventions every year. Such prodigious volume of investments obviously influences management and manager to recognize the genuine meaning of sales training. In this regard, top management views in context of productivity, revenue and competitive edge, whereas for managers, it is cognitive, behavioral and competency outcomes (Salas and Stagl, 2009). Although previous thirty years of sales training have been progressive; however, inconsistencies and gaps always remain in existence. Several studies noted that post-training effectiveness is missing phenomena. Many scholars perceive disconnection of synergies amid training-learning, behavior-competency and theory-practice (Arthur, 2003). Thus, the effectiveness dimension of sales training issue is of prime concern. Does continual sales ‘research’ practically make any repercussion on the functionality of salespeople or just a wild goose chase? The field is ripe for debate. An extended research effort, empirical substantiation and documentation are asked for.

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Initial Observation Sales training has been practical intervention to improve sales force productivity (Katzell and Guzzo, 1983). Holton and Bates (2005) reports that around thousand organizations emphasized training and development as topmost business priorities. In spite of periodic investments in sales training, the actual amount of knowledge and skills transferred is unfortunately much low or even non-existent. Selling inevitably reflects the changing world of commercial enterprise and communications. Many skills and traits are essentially required. Like personal features, fundamental and soft skills, motivation and technological capacity that have an impingement on the sales management process. Productivity is a major benefit proclaimed by sales organizations practicing sales training. In fact, targeted to surpass productivity records, emboss motivation and commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, negligible errors and increased morale (Salas et. al 2006).Both sales people and selling organizations perceive that training will increase organizational value through learning of critical behaviors (Johlke, 2006). Interestingly, professional practitioners of sales training, business development advisor, image consultants, sales coaches, and motivational speakers have been more progressive. The sales training resources are in abundance in varieties of delivery mode such as on-site, off-site, one-on-one, self directed, train the trainer sessions, reinforcement modules and interactive sessions. Therefore, in the actual practice, sales force strength is much lower and post-training expectations are seldom seen. This inference is drawn from report of IBM (2008), despite consistent sales training; many systems neglect to grow the sciences of their work force. Despite phenomenal investments in sales training, often sales results are less impressive (Lacy, 2008). At the same time, the skills needed to preserve competitive advantage are exponentially growing and shifting. Thus, exhaustive research is needed to provide guidelines for practitioners and professionals on how to plan, prepare, implement and evaluate sales training to heighten strength.Withal, in present buyer driven market, improvements in information technologies, technology variability, trading platform, globalizations, changing demographics, sophisticated and knowledgeable customers, brought complexities in sales management. The salespersons’ role ambiguity emerged as pivotal challenges, in a vibrant environment, fast-paced transactions, new distinctive models, uncertain selling paradigm. Consequently, sales people’s role clarity is pivotal that exigent specialized capabilities are consistently involved. We now focus pre-training factors, which includes discussion on academic sales education, followed by organizational support, need factor, the role of manager and peer factor, motivation, salespeople character tics and learning by using applied science; which focus emerging technology.  Organizational NeedPast research indicates that continued employee development (learning) is critical to the success of any organization (Phillips, 2003, Peters, 2004, Carnevale, 2005, Colvin, 2006, Homer and Griffin, 2006) and also a necessity if organizations participate in the worldwide and electronic marketplaces (Noe, 2008). Consequently, dynamisms enforce changes in procedural methods and for this fundamental reason, sales force should continuously learn to maintain competitiveness. It is already perceived that learning orientation has a positive repercussion on performance (Farell, 2000). Notwithstanding, developed systems and economic organizations, continually relied on knowledge, skills and competency to deal market dynamics.  Sales training consumes on-field time, be it conventional or technology-based training. However, the issues are getting down on the pretext that expectations are rarely met (Lacy, 2008). It is perceived that salespeople are not answering, that is evident from CSO Insights (Feb, 2011), reports that 59 percent of salespeople achieved quota that too at a discounted rate (Pettijohn et. al., 2009). Another instance, Stein (2012) reports that in billion dollar sales industry '90%’ of sales training fails. Thus clear-cut interpretation is that few sales people have required core sales competencies (Salas and Stagl, 2009). Sales force needs to continually update core sales competencies to function effectively in the current and future marketplace (Crane et. al., 2005). Therefore, across the globe, organizations pump billions for training interventions every year (Paradise, 2007). Nevertheless, recession and tough economic condition are a great time to conduct sales training. It is commendable to take down that sales training yields higher productivity, surpass productivity records, incorporate motivation and commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, increased morale teamwork, and negligible errors thus enhancing competitive advantage (Salas et. al., 2006). Therefore, the challenge lies in maintaining balance amid sales force, top management, trainers, emerging technology and demanding customers. Thus, a creative touch to the preparation process, perhaps enhances sales people's proclivity to meticulousness.

INCONSISTENCIES Kerr and Burzynski (1988) argue that sales training were not transferring the skills that are important to success. Sales managers and sales peoples have conflicting perceptions regarding the proportional importance of sales topics (Chonko et al. 1993; Chitwood 1988; Kerr and Burzynski 1988; and Smith 1991). Sales managers have not been satisfied with the academic sales (Del Giza 1987) and consider sales training programs are not very effective (Erffmeyer et al. 1991). Salovey (1991) found that effectiveness aspects were more defined by issues such as incentives. Honeycutt (1993) strongly argues that systematic procedures were not implemented by many establishments. Jacobs & Washington (2003), suggested that there exists a relationship between individual development and organisational performance. Although not a single, study projected a distinct relation between employee development and organizational development. Parker et al. (1996) findings show that sales courses taught is in academic setting often are not relevant to practitioners; practical topics often emphasized to a lesser extent in academia. Most of the managers complain about costs, quality and preparedness of students. Parker et al. (1996) advocated the creation of a more solid partnership between practice and theory, further stress that integration is necessary to consider in marketing as a highly regarded profession. However, Honeycutt et al. (1995) is on view that sales management research appears to be in in-touch with the needs of sales training practitioners, ironically, few practitioners follow academic articles. This interference is contradicting the earlier notion of ineffective sales education. Many training programs are not adequately designed and designed without the proper assessment of training needs (Wexley, 1984 and Zemke 1985). Although numerous studies exist regarding the ways to do a needs assessment, not many studies are can be found to show the impact of needs

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assessment on training outcome or the relationship between quality of needs assessment and coaching issues. Most managers convey the higher ups that training is needed; most of them without assessing training needs (Landy 1989). Our findings suggest that some needs assessment exercises have been used in designing sales training programs, but systematic formal needs assessment practices were not widely adopted (Erffmeyer, 1991). Most managers view sales training in college curriculum as seldom, which lacks practical and real life experiences. The need of the hour is to expand horizons by finding out new advanced learning opportunities to highlight capability and functionality. Rackham (2009) proposes for value-creating salespeople require retooling. Strategy formulation is all important to face ever-changing realities, while training interventions have to maintain pace with dynamic realities. Strategic issues emphasized more on organization (Sheth and Sharma 2008), as strategic decisions are responsibility of top management (Piercy and Lane 2005). To deal dynamic nature of selling, advanced, rational and new advanced approaches are pivotal for creating value and advantages. ASTD (2010) report reveals an interesting & contradicting fact, most sales representatives have expressed an inclination towards sales training to perform better, ironically, training are their last priority (3 percent), because of time shortage and inappropriate learning modules/ contents. Pre-training, self-efficacy is an important variable to understand training purpose and work performance (Stajkovic and Luthans 1998). Thus, by concentrating attention on to role clarity of sales trainees’ might help overcome many inconsistencies. Literatures have limited evidence of systematic evaluation of training (Kirkpatrick, 1968; and Saari, 1988). Landy (1989) observed some unplanned studies where definite conclusion has not been consolidated. Blume et al. (2010) undermines the learning transfer literature having mixed findings also lacks empirical evidences. Several reviews in published literature (Baldwin et al., 2009; Blume et al., 2010; Burke and Hutchins, 2007; Cheng & Hampson, 2008; Cheng & Ho, 2001; Merriam & Leahy, 2005) made conclusions with respect to learning transfer which somewhat remains ambivalent. Inconsistencies remain consistent and we are yet unclear which factors are most pivotal (Grossman 2011). Burke and Hutchins (2008) are on view that transfer of training as anecdotal in nature and vital part of the sales training process. Contempt of this fact transfer remains a field of study, which has not been explored thoroughly. Further, training often does not congruent with post-breeding, monitoring for specific points to ensure behavioral changes (Karthik 2012). Sales managers often face ambiguity while making decisions supposed to affect performance of salespeople's. This uncertainty eventually leads to faulty decision-making, which end up with salesperson failure (Dubinsky et al. 2001). Further, there is need to understand how sales managers evaluate performance as correlated with salesperson productivity and, consequently, organizations prospects for success. Many organizations are mindful of the benefits of technological learning but rarely using it (Global Coaching Survey, 2009). The technological training needs are elusive as clear enunciation to which particular technology based learning modules or pedagogy sustains in the mart. Perhaps the provision of empowerment such as personal tools/aids as if cloud computing or extracting knowledge from collaborators’ virtual private network might cut the gap between workforce and skills required in the knowledge economy.  Training process already influenced by emerging technologies, but for sales training, the use of technology is either void or inefficacious. In previous four decades, training effectiveness has been missing phenomena as post-training learning transfer is much low or even non-existent. Till date, sales researchers have made little efforts to link sales research towards the challenges facing the sales organizations (Rust 2006). As evidence, Plouffe (2008) explored a variety of sales management journals (1983-2006), reports that amid 1270 sales articles, 66 focus on sales evaluation and performance and 50 covered sales training. Moreover, gross revenue, research lack theoretical perspective except organizational psychology, therefore, editors of elite journals desperately seeks unparalleled or strategic sales articles useful for sales force and their organization (Rust, 2006). Even though sales community is mindful of the fact that under researched topics in sales needs much attention (Plouffe, 2008). Sales training is expensive and time consuming, yet few systematic efforts exist to determine strength of sales training, in particular for learning measurement, skill transfer and position modification. Practitioners are on view that the sales training is not measuring potential benefits for effectiveness, customer satisfaction and profitability.  All traditional and tested training techniques seem ineffective, clear-cut understanding required to be gained, how exactly and optimize sales training plan works. Sales peoples are not reflecting improved performance or behavior change, that it highlights the considerable gap in field performance and training interventions. Although researchers tried to reveal various aspects of ineffectiveness, however, because of inconsistencies, fails to realize the vital factors (Grossman, 2009). Few empirical studies exist and existing models fail to describe the real consequences (Gray and Herr, 1998). Compelling methodologies such as qualitative and case-based approaches, quasi-experimental purposes, network approaches, and multi-level modeling have been ignored (Evans et. al., 2000; Luke, 2004). Sales training literature strives for deep understanding and clarity of constructs through the application of rigorous methods. Research that is more empirical is required to verify sales system framework to analyze whether sales training has been efficient in reaching organizational goals. Trainer develops and delivers modules with the best of intentions, but frequently without an organization mission and vision statement to achieve high-level goal. Thither is a want of clear vision, trainers have no idea about trainees current habits, level of expertise and barriers such as competitive events, lack of confidence in product quality, service or lead time (Kirkpatrick, 2011). Learning transfer usually not held back in focus to ensure skill acquisition (Haider & Frensch, 2002).

Apart from executing a sale, selling involves establishing and maintaining relationships and customer satisfaction. A positive sales result is directly proportional to the effective sales training. Therefore, Sales management initiatives (recruitments, coaching, mentoring, and training) must lead by example, to make sales training effective. The individual salespersons’ strength does impact sales success. Therefore salesperson characteristics like sales talent and core selling competency is pivotal. It is perceived that talent is not trainable, whereas training can infuse skills and knowledge. A 'sales personality' characteristics; is reflection of sales attitude or basic sales abilities such as an optimist, resilient, assertive, social, expressive, committed to cause etc; whereas core selling competency; is

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Many skills and traits are needed; fundamental and soft skills, sales personality characteristics, core selling competencies, motivation, and technological ability.Sales Training is meant to provoke sales competency and functionality, act as trusted advisor and means for consistent attainment of revenue targets i.e. sales productivity. Sales profession has been around for a long time, however, sales training has recently become a very hot topic. Although formal sales training is more than 130 years old, most of the significant changes have taken place over the past 50 years. (Stein, 2012).

Presently, sales training is purely a tactical issue that affects the delivery of sales training to sustain in knowledge-based economy, where sales effectiveness, i.e. consistent sales performance against quotas has been an elusive goal. Effectiveness perhaps enhanced through manager support by understanding the role of salespeople and the challenges faced by them. Effectiveness will be reflected in terms of increased sales compared to the previous record, new zones, new accounts.

Overall helps to enhance performance, and salespeople productivity results. In addition to conventional sales training; customer relationship management (CRM) system also helps to manage clients, prospects, reinforce training initiatives.

The present sales environment is completely different, ever increasing mobility, time constraints, varied selling model, and knowledgeable customers. Few decades’ earlier sales training used to be primitive, regardless of industry type, but now it is necessary to be relevant. A great deal of thought and effort takes place in developing training that fits the needs of the sales force. Now sales training has to be more than delivering product knowledge.

Five content areas: sales management, selling skills, administrative and back office procedures, product knowledge, industry knowledge. Sales management training meant for improving the managers' leadership and people management skills. Administrative and back-office training handles sales orders, expense reports, and accurate sales forecasts. Selling skills training facilitates setting of new sales competencies such as creativity in the sales process, problem solving, ethical decision-making, effective listening skills. Product and industry knowledge, and Market trends.

AbstractThis comprehensive literature review focuses pre and post training factors to consolidate effectiveness aspects. We explored major indexing databases (Ulriches, EBSCO, Pro Quest, Questia and Copernicus), collected articles from elite journals shortlisted around 260 papers thereafter narrowed down to 143 articles significantly relevant to sales training effectiveness issues, published between 1982 - 2012. The focus of our literature review centred on the progress and current status of sales training practices. Our review is selective and descriptive to engender training effectiveness. However, the review does not consolidate some basic issues in sales training such as instructional interventions, delivery methodologies, contents, learning style theory, adult learning theory and socialization. The review is organized in four sections. First part begins after discussions on initial observations and sales training theories, covers pre-training factors. Research discussion on post-training components is included in the second segment, while in third division; we discussed shortcomings, inconsistencies and gaps followed by insights for managerial implication. Lastly, in fourth section, we suggested several key challenges as research opportunities in contemporary sales training.  Theories of SALES TRAINING Productivity is a major benefit proclaimed by sales organizations practicing sales training. Sales or Selling in any organization is considered as a pivotal function, where the core is competency and performance. Sales peoples are the front seams of a sales organization who are on constant move backed up by motivation and support of sales managers to accomplish overall objectives of the organisation. Most managers believe a training program is crucial to a firm's success (Bragg 1988).  Selling inevitably reflects the shifting universe of business and communications. Many skills and traits are basically needed. In increase, personal features, fundamental and soft skills, motivation, technical capability, behavioral modelling and strategic selling has an impact on public presentation. In fact, training surpasses productivity records, incorporate motivation and commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, increased morale teamwork, negligible errors, additionally reflects traits such as high morale, motivation, dedication, teamwork thus enhancing competitive advantage (Salas et. al 2006). In the earlier decades, sales training meant for novice salespeople to teach various entities of the selling process, in a comparatively short time (Weitz et. al 1986). In the first place intended for skills acquisition, for attaining competitive advantage (Salas et. al 2006). The basic target is to master the required sales competencies and use them to their day-to-day routines (Noe 2008). Possibly considered as a potent instrument for producing required competencies such as interpersonal and technological competencies (Salas and Stagl, 2009). Withal, in present buyer driven market, selling process requires a set of complexities and technical promotions. Further, globalizations, tough competitor, technology variability, changing demographics are prime concerns, whereas for sales force role clarity is pivotal to deal sophisticated and knowledgeable customers. In an era of market complexity, fast-paced transactions and new distinctive models, specialized capabilities are consistently involved. Although general sentiment is that sales training is essential (Pettijohn et. al 2009). We now focus pre-training factors, which includes discussion on academic sales education, followed by organizational support, Need factor, the role of director and peer factor, motivation, salespeople character tics and learning by utilizing applied science; which focus emerging technology.  

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Sales training has been practical intervention to improve sales force productivity (Katzell and Guzzo, 1983). Holton and Bates (2005) reports that around thousand organizations emphasized training and development as topmost business priorities. In fact selling dynamics have consistently enforced organizations to restructure sales training for gaining competitive advantage (Arguinis and Kraiger, 2009). Although ST is pivotal because few sales personnel has interpersonal and technological competencies required in a turbulent business environment (Salas and Stagl, 2009; McKinsey Global Survey, 2010; IBM, 2008). Thus, the sales rep needs to increase inventory of personal characteristics and core selling competencies (Lambert, 2010). In spite of periodic investments in sales training, the actual amount of knowledge and skills transferred is unfortunately much low or even non-existent.  Organizational NeedPast research indicates that continued employee development (learning) is vital to the success of any organization (Phillips, 2003, Peters, 2004, Carnevale, 2005, Colvin, 2006, Homer and Griffin, 2006) and also a necessity if organizations participates in the worldwide and electronic marketplaces (Noe, 2008). Consequently, dynamisms enforce changes in procedural methods and for this fundamental reason, sales force should continuously take to sustain competitiveness. It is already perceived that learning orientation has a positive repercussion on performance (Farell, 2000). Notwithstanding, developed systems and economic systems, continually relied on knowledge, skills and competency to deal market dynamics.  Sales training consumes on-field time, be it conventional or technology-based training. Still, the issues are depressing on the pretext that expectations are rarely met (Lacy, 2008). It is perceived that salespeople are not doing, that is evident from CSO Insights (Feb, 2011), reports that 59 percent of salespeople achieved quota that too at a discounted rate (Pettijohn et. al., 2009). Another case, Stein (2012) reports that in billion dollar sales industry '90%’ of sales training fails. Thus clear-cut interpretation is that few sales people have required core sales competencies (Salas and Stagl, 2009). Sales force needs to continually update core sales competencies to work effectively in the current and future marketplace (Crane et. al., 2005) . Consequently, across the globe, organizations pump billions for training interventions every year (Paradise, 2007). Nevertheless, recession and tough economic condition are a great time to conduct sales training. It is commendable to note that sales training yields higher productivity, surpass productivity records, incorporate motivation and commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, increased morale teamwork, and negligible errors thus enhancing competitive advantage (Salas et. al., 2006). Thus, the challenge lies in maintaining balance amid sales force, top management, trainers, emerging technology and taking clients. Therefore, a creative touch to the preparation process, perhaps enhances sales people's proclivity to meticulousness.

INCONSISTENCIES Kerr and Burzynski (1988) argue that sales training were not transferring the skills that are authoritative to success. Sales directors and sales peoples have conflicting perceptions regarding the proportional importance of sales topics (Chonko et al. 1993; Chitwood 1988; Kerr and Burzynski 1988; and Smith 1991). Sales managers have not been met with the academic sales (Del Giza 1987) and consider sales training programs are not really effective (Erffmeyer et al. 1991). Salovey (1991) found that effectiveness aspects were more determined by outcomes such as incentives. Honeycutt (1993) strongly argues that systematic procedures were not enforced by many organisations. Jacobs & Washington (2003), suggested that there exists a relationship between private growth and organisational functioning. Although not a single, study projected a distinct relation between employee development and organisational growth. Parker et al. (1996) findings show that sales courses taught is in academic setting often are not relevant to practitioners; practical topics often emphasized to a lesser extent in academia. Most of the managers complain about costs, quality and preparedness of students. Parker et al. (1996) advocated the foundation of a more substantial partnership between practice and theory, further stress that integration is necessary to take in selling as a highly regarded profession. However, Honeycutt et al. (1995) is on view that sales management research appears to be in in-touch with the needs of sales training practitioners, ironically, few practitioners follow academic articles. This interference is contradicting the earlier notion of ineffective sales education. Many training programs are not adequately designed and designed without the proper appraisal of training needs (Wexley, 1984 and Zemke 1985). Although numerous studies exist regarding the ways to do a needs assessment, not many studies are can be found to prove the impact of needs assessment on training outcome or the relationship between quality of needs assessment and training events. Most managers convey the higher ups that training is needed, most of them without assessing training needs (Landy 1989). Our findings suggest that some needs assessment exercises have been utilized in designing sales training programs, but systematic formal needs assessment practices were not widely adopted (Erffmeyer, 1991). Most managers view sales training in college curriculum as seldom, which lacks practical and actual life experiences. The demand of the hour is to expand horizons by finding out new advanced learning opportunities to highlight capability and functionality. Rackham (2009) proposes for value-creating salespeople require retooling. Strategy formulation is essential to confront ever-changing realities, while training interventions have to keep gait with dynamic realities. Strategic issues emphasized more on organization (Sheth and Sharma 2008), as strategic decisions are responsibility of top management (Piercy and Lane 2005). To deal dynamic nature of selling, advanced, rational and new modern approaches are pivotal for creating value and advantages. ASTD (2010) report reveals an interesting & contradicting fact, most sales representatives have shown an inclination towards sales training to execute better, ironically, training is their last priority (3 percent), because of time shortage and inappropriate learning modules/ contents. Pre-training, self-efficacy is an important variable to understand training purpose and work performance (Stajkovic and Luthans 1998). Thus, by concentrating attention on to role clarity of sales trainees’ might help overcome many inconsistencies. Literatures have limited evidence of systematic evaluation of training (Kirkpatrick, 1968; and Saari, 1988). Landy (1989) observed some unplanned studies where definite conclusion has not been consolidated. Blume et al. (2010) undermines the learning transfer literature having mixed findings also lacks empirical evidences. Several reviews in published literature (Baldwin et al., 2009; Blume et al., 2010; Burke&Hutchins, 2007; Cheng & Hampson, 2008; Cheng & Ho, 2001; Merriam & Leahy, 2005) made conclusions with respect to learning transfer which somewhat remains ambivalent. Inconsistencies remain consistent and we are yet unclear which factors

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are most pivotal (Grossman 2011). Burke and Hutchins (2008) are on view that transfer of training as anecdotal in nature and vital part of the sales training process. Contempt of this fact transfer remains a field of study, which has not been explored thoroughly. Further, training often does not congruent with post-breeding, monitoring for specific points to ensure behavioural changes (Karthik 2012). Sales managers often face ambiguity while making decisions supposed to affect performance of salespeople's. This uncertainty eventually leads to faulty decision-making, which end up with salesperson failure (Dubinsky et al. 2001). Further, there is need to understand how sales managers evaluate performance as correlated with salesperson productivity and, consequently, organizations prospects for success. Although many organizations are mindful of the benefits of technological learning, but rarely using it (Global Coaching Survey, 2009). The technological training needs are elusive as clear enunciation to which particular technology based learning modules or pedagogy sustains in the mart. Perhaps the provision of empowerment such as personal tools/aids as if cloud computing or extracting knowledge from collaborators’ virtual private network might cut the gap between workforce and skills required in the knowledge economy.  Training process already influenced by emerging technologies, but for sales training, the use of technology is either void or inefficacious. In previous four decades, training effectiveness has been missing phenomena as post-training learning transfer is much low or even non-existent. Till date, sales researchers have made little efforts to link sales research towards the challenges facing the sales organizations (Rust 2006). As evidence, Plouffe (2008) explored a variety of sales management journals (1983-2006), reports that amid 1270 sales articles, 66 focus on sales evaluation and performance and 50 covered sales training. Moreover, gross revenue, research lack theoretical perspective except organizational psychology, therefore, editors of elite journals desperately seek unparalleled or strategic sales articles useful for sales force and their organization (Rust, 2006). Even though sales community is mindful of the fact that under researched topics in sales needs much attention (Plouffe, 2008). Sales training is expensive and time consuming, yet few systematic efforts exist to determine the strength of sales training, in particular for learning measurement, skill transfer and position modification. Practitioners are on view that the sales training is not measuring potential benefits for effectiveness, customer satisfaction and profitability.  All traditional and tested training techniques seem ineffective, clear-cut understanding required to be gained, how exactly and optimize the sales training plan works. Sales peoples are not reflecting improved performance or change that behavior, it highlights the considerable gap in field performance and training interventions. Although researchers tried to reveal various aspects of ineffectiveness, however, because of inconsistencies, fails to realize the vital factors (Grossman, 2009). Few empirical studies exist and existing models fail to describe the real consequences (Gray and Herr, 1998). Compelling methodologies such as qualitative and case-based approaches, quasi-experimental purposes, network approaches, and multi-level modelling have been ignored (Evans et. al., 2000; Luke, 2004). Sales training literature strives for deep understanding and clarity of constructs through the application of rigorous methods. Research that is more empirical is required to verify sales system framework to analyze whether sales training has been efficient in reaching organizational goals. Trainer to develop and deliver modules with best of intentions, but frequently without an organization mission and vision statement to achieve high-level goal. Thither is a want of clear vision, trainers have no idea about trainees current habits, level of expertise and barriers such as competitive events, lack of confidence in product quality, service or lead time (Kirkpatrick, 2011). Learning transfer usually not held back in focus to ensure skill acquisition (Haider & Frensch, 2002).

Strategic Sales Training (SST): Creating Value for Sales Force and Organization The foci of sales training are extensive and vast, built on multifaceted, multi-disciplinary research as incorporating organizational behavior, economics, organization theory, cognitive, human factors, psychology, information technology, and computer programming. This paper examines contributions of strategic management in sales training to engender advantages and value seeking behaviors extending benefits for all stakeholders. To some extend, strategic management part of SST looks for security and forecasting while sales training endeavors adaptability and unique competency. We seek to address how SST interventions sustain competitive advantage in the present volatile market while dynamically facilitating resources to enhance sales force competencies and simultaneously identifying new opportunities to create organizational value. SST involves formulation of a unique set of commitments, decisions and actions, in light of opportunity, to achieve strategic 'miraculous-phenomenal-profits’. We aim to explore multifactor determinants relational to decisional and structured process supplements with dynamic capabilities to exaggerate knowledgeable human resources within the organizational boundaries and in turn contingent upon idiosyncratic resources in the organization. Finally, emphasize on the concept of organizational performance consequences and on future research issues. We infuse multi-level outcomes in the model of SST; perhaps motivate sales organizations to keep sales training as sustainable trend not just a management fashion.Importance of Idea Proposed:Dynamic nature of selling, advanced level of selling orientation, core selling competencies and behaviors emerged as pivotal challenges for sales organization. In the current business environment, uncertain selling paradigm and ambiguity in sales-force function are the two outcomes. Strategic management and sales training are organizational processes, which can reduce and/or take advantage of the uncertain selling paradigm and ambiguity in a sales function to create more financial value and benefits. Essence of strategic management is to develop, advance, rational and new innovative approaches, periodically float innovative training solutions to exploit competitive advantages in terms of dynamic capability. To break new ground, SST extends sensible practices and resource for continual innovative tactics to create value and benefits.

For sales organizations, globalization, tough competition, technology variability, changing demographics is prime concerns, whereas for sales force role clarity is pivotal to deal sophisticated and knowledgeable customers. Strategic sales promotion is crucial for survival in an era of market complexity, fast-paced transactions and new distinctive models. Henceforth, specialized capabilities are consistently required. Further, all traditional and tested techniques are now ineffective (Miller and Sinkovitz, 2005) henceforth sales training should be synchronized with strategic goal attainment

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context. Strategic issues emphasized more on organization (Sheth & Sharma, 2008), as strategic decisions are responsibility of top management, such as market interpretation, orientation and collaborative relationships (Piercy & Lane, 2005).

SST bridge the gap between job requirements and core selling competencies, enables the sales force to apply knowledge in present conditions, and enhance the ability to adapt changes with agility; and remains pro-active to sustain in future. Concept of SST engenders several research questions for benefits to the sales organization.

Theoretical and empirical evidence to reflect the importance of this idea:

Realization of the need is awareness, which usually flow from top to bottom, henceforth top management is more responsible (Taylor et al. 1994). A strategic decision is the responsibility of top management, such as market interpretation, orientation and collaborative relationships (Piercy & Lane, 2005). Organizational resource for sales training increases performance-related skills (Johlke, 2006), additionally reflects traits such as high morale, motivation, commitment, teamwork (Salas et al., 2006). The outcome can surpass productivity records; thereby create value for all stakeholders. Selling orientation now demands a valued and advanced level of selling orientation, competencies, behaviors supplemented with traditional approaches (Blustain, 1992). Moreover, researchers have made little efforts to link sales research with existing challenges. In sales training, the role of strategic management is void. Scattered strategies are dominant instead of focused strategies. (Sinha et al. 2001). Today editors of elite journals seek unique, counterintuitive or strategic article useful for firm. (Rust 2006).

Lucent technology director of sales training insists strategic sales training for increased profitability and customer loyalty, for which organization must engender unique thoughtfulness explicitly tied with its objectives and backup by top management and senior leadership support (Johnson 2004).

Sales organizations are facing accountability issues with sales force (Rao, 2010) because their organization were lacking in strategy formulation, henceforth not positioned to prepare themselves for facing ever-changing realities. Unfortunately, existing training interventions lags to keep pace with dynamic realities. Rackham (2009) is of view that economy demands value-creating salespeople, thus requires retooling their sales forces. For which strategic sales training is only solution worth trying.

Edmudson (2008), provided important constructs within sales management; which are organizational commitments, self-autonomy, work satisfaction, organizational support, performance and turnover. While Pelham (2008) provided sales effectiveness constructs as consulting, listening, customer orientation, adaptive selling, customer retention, and sales target. Reveals that all these behaviors positively influence the outcome.

Gonzalez,, 209, states by incorporating salesperson failure analysis and service recovery strategies positively influence economic outcome. Plemons and Fort (2010) insists on the importance of conducting extensive training for the sales team reinforce a positive sales culture and learn about the latest trends. Powell (2001) quoted Cisco team developed 4-tier approach to meet the training need; structured online learning database, specific and relevant learning modules, contents in magazine format, and audio talk with expert to sort out the complexities.

Taylor et al. 1994, stresses on the importance of customer service, as services to the customer is directly proportional to sales and profit. Most of sales training fails because of lack of coordination between marketing and sales administrator. Additionally, stress on collaborating with specialist, experts or consultant often results in effective need identification. Xerox Corporation, while executing training emphasizes on performance impact instead of increased sales. Looks for knowledge and performance support instead of ROI. Insists on identification of key competency to drive business forward (Keenan 2000).

The need of the hour is to expand horizons by finding out new opportunities and acquiring new business, in parallel satisfying needs of existing customers; to improve productivity of the sales team (Zimmerman et al. 2004). Landale (2004) discussed how a new sales training initiative by Cleanaway UK, boost its profits significantly by executing one to one tuition to executive coaches alongside sales managers training, to provide support and skills coaching. Additionally, planned innovative new approach for prospecting thereby successfully maintained pipeline of new prospects.

Blair and Reza Sisakhti (2007), conducted in-depth interviews with senior sales training from global high-tech companies. All of them were dealing with common questions: Which training interventions are most effective, and to what extend it is effective. Sales strategy can be a different process for future needs with a structured migration path. Now onwards along with restructuring, significant strategic options such as deregulation, convergence of technologies and ubiquitous connectivity are required for next practices in strategy formulation (Prahalad, 2005), thereby developing more sensitive salespeople who can work with buyers and managers having different origins, beliefs, and business practices.

Despite of due importance, adequate attention has not been devoted to socialization. Dubinsky et al. (1986) empirically tested relationship between socialization and salesperson performance and suggest a need for socialization programs for salespeople. Using Dubinsky et al. (1986) model, Barksdale Jr 2003, tested socialization behaviors of salespeople, strongly argued for socialization of new recruits for enhancing performance and reducing turnover.

In-basket exercise (Keel, et al 1989), initially utilized for assessment of measures several specific skill areas. While Castieberry’s (1990a), is of the view that In-Basket Exercise is useful to assess new graduate skills for a sales position, therefore must be utilized for recruitment of salespeople. Also, measures and develop skills need to possess by salespeople. Specifically, focus on non-verbal demonstration of energy and enthusiasm and discover critical skill areas such as degree of sensitivity, leadership, written skills, persuasiveness, planning and analysis. The common techniques used in-basket exercises, includes group discussion without leader, simulation game, interviews, presentations, exercises, and business task (Thornton & Byham 1982). Moreover Dr. Martin Seligman with over 1 million participants, unearths unique predictor of optimistic expectations, which HR (sales) can use. Development of an assessment instrument measuring selling enthusiasm is likely to provide sales managers with a useful tool for selecting sales recruits with a higher degree of selling success and to assess existing salespersons’ level of selling enthusiasm, (Bristow 2007).

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InnovativenessWe perceive that to deal dynamic nature of selling, advanced, rational and new innovative approaches are pivotal for

creating value and advantages. Based on previous models of Hitt et. al., (2011), and classical Input-Process-Output models (Steiner, 1972 and Hackman, 1987); we develop a three-stage holistic model to extend our understanding of the SST construct. We initiate with an examination of few latest trends emphasizing SST, and the key linkages to create advantage and value. These are: 1. Strategic efforts positioned to account/market needs. 2. Resource facilitation positioned for strategic activities. 3. Strategic training activities, positioned to strategic efforts. The outcome engender value and competitive advantage in terms of higher revenue, knowledgeable sales force capital, job satisfaction, thereby retention, customer retention, satisfaction, new account acquisition, economical benefits for the sales force to realize personal needs; financial benefits for shareholders and stakeholders.

Strategic interventions, perhaps address several challenges being currently faced by sales-force, few of these are, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, customer-oriented selling, self-directed learning, use of social, media and cultural diversity (Baron, 2012) changing roles of the sales force for accountability (Lassk et al. 2012). Another unique point is inclusion of Sales Talent Development Process refereed as Sales CBT (Competency, Behaviors, Traits); a structured pathway to satisfy organizational needs for a professional sales force. Incorporated Stein (2011) recommendations for strategic sales training: understanding of customer buying processes, coordination between sales and marketing, well defined selling process, and qualified sales and management personnel.

This Input-Process-Output model seeks to discuss resource facilitation relative to input factors which not only anticipates valued outcomes of SST, also formulates structural antecedents and consequences; to further advance our understanding of SST, enables to build implications that describe functioning of sales organizations as value creation paradigm and its application in the sales organization. Also unearths several research questions for scholarly examination.

Potential BeneficiariesProclaims benefits for sales organizations in many ways; providing top management and sales managers, thoughtful leaders with extended knowledge about what works and what does not for greater effectiveness and to restructure sales training interventions. Sensitive salespeople who prefers to work with buyers and managers having different origins, beliefs, and business practices. If Editors of elite journals and business magazines, Sales Management course designer, Professional sales practitioners, Sales Advisors, Sales Coach, research scholars and academicians.

Importance: Changes in business cycle lead to situational changes, which enforces changes in procedural methods. It is particularly relevant to selling domain where sales skills and competencies required to maintain competitiveness are exponentially growing and changing which is greatest challenge being faced by sales organizations. One-style fits all no longer work, additionally salespeople now face more time constraints, ever increasing mobility, varied selling model, knowledgeable customers, therefore demands innovative solutions (Stein, 2011). In face of intensifying competition, model aims at developing primary sales-force function in the present context, i.e. creating value through advice and expertise, problem solving and creativity Hence, we foresee the need for strategic interventions; a few examples are efficient channel management, innovative distribution channel, proficiency in analytical tools (Mehta et. Al., 1985) etc., utilizing real world scenarios currently experienced by the sales professional.

Sales training consumes significant training budget, ironically, the end results are often less effective, and expectations rarely met (Lacy, 2008). Moreover, limited number of sales personnel has interpersonal and technological competencies required to cope dynamic work environments (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Salespeople are not performing, which is evident from CSO Insights Press Release (Feb 2011); 59 percent of salespeople achieved quota at a discounted rate. Recently Dave Stein (2012). Despite consistent, regular, periodic sales training interventions, many organizations fail to develop the skills of their workforce (IBM,2008). In light of these developments, Miller Heiman Sales Best Practices Study in 2012 provided insights that salesperson core competencies need to be effective to create value. Therefore, strategic sales training has potential to transform the ordinary sales force into expert sales professionals for value creation (Powell, 2001).

SST incorporates a series of knowledge blocks, extracted from multiple disciplines, prominently, strategic management and sales training. The prime important blocks of SST are inspiring innovation, significance of facilitating sales training interventions and strategic management. Innovations draw rational and new innovative approaches, such as joint effort of marketing and sales departments, HR (Sales) as separate division for sales positions and collaboration with professional practitioners; significance of facilitating sales training activity such as sales talent development process, a structured pathway to deal dynamic market, technology and business process, for economic growth, while strategic management for sustainability and overall success and benefit for all stakeholders. Research in SST likely to advance exponentially as strategy implementation provides uniqueness to an organization, thereby enriches profitability (Prahalad, 2005).

Study of state of sales training, provides insight into sales training efforts within various organizations; by looking at various components of sales training, such as performance, efforts, and expenditures. This report offers members of the sales training community valuable data that will allow them to tailor their programs to help staff reach their full potential.

Usually sales training content emphasizes product features and traditional selling skills. Now the trend is shifting towards core behaviors such as adaptive selling, customer orientation, consulting orientation and active listening.Personal Selling is direct professional selling to the customer, which requires commitments and systematic approach for variable selling situations along with an understanding of personal and group selling dynamics. The purpose of a sales training

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program is to enhance the effectiveness and productivity of the sales force. Usually after orientation and induction training. Orientation and induction are sort of informational training. The orientation content normally includes history, culture, value, philosophy, various organizational functions, basics of industry, product line, current data and new developments. During induction salespeople understand the Organization’s mission/vision, value systems, how sales system operates, how the sales process works, internal system, the technology involved, if any, etc. Formal sales training involves sales and marketing function, basic sales techniques, basic and advanced and product training, practical training on-field, demand generation process, marketing strategy, Objection handling, socializing new salespeople and industry dynamics. Optional Personality development and Communication.

BASIC SALES TECHNIQUES Prospecting, Pre-Approach, how to approach prospects, various types of approaches (introductory, reference, compliment, questioning and ingredient approach); Sales presentation, handling objections, follow-up, filling the sales funnel, closing techniques (Clarification, Psychologically oriented, Straightforward, Concession closes)Training manuals are most frequently used contents while other methods include videotapes, role-playing, and audio tapes; whereas computer simulations and case analysis are infrequently used. Significant topics include selling techniques (approach, presentation, objections and close), product knowledge, negotiation skills, sales aids, technical training, and customer service (Chonko, Tanner and Weeks 1993). Important topics for the Personal Selling course include self-motivation, communication, handling objections, and closing. Important topics included sales presentations and demonstrations, planning, sales calls, time management, and buying behavior (Johnson's 1990). Salespeople prefer topics such as product knowledge, marketing, general selling skills, team management and overcoming objection (Smith 1991). Absence of a clear, comprehensive definition of many sales training topics perhaps contributing to the sales skills gap. Sales teams tend to learn differently than other professions, on a more as needed basis; therefore, reference manuals and all forms of training need to be developed so that relevant skills can be comprehended immediately, and other skills referenced later.

Grossman (2009), using Baldwin and Ford’s model identified factors, which exhibit consistent relationships with the transfer; trainee characteristics, training design, work environment. Estimates suggest that only 10 per cent of the training expenditure transfer to the job (Georgenson, 1982), Baldwin and Ford (1988) investigated existing ‘transfer’ literature and proposed insights for future research. Thereafter conceptual and empirical researches were outpoured in an effort to bridge gap between training and job performance (Burke & Hutchins, 2007).Motivation relates to trainees’ willingness and persistence toward skill acquisition (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Baldwin and Ford (1988) presented a model for the transfer process formalizing training inputs, outputs and transfer conditions. The major factors for sales failures is loose customer relationship that is perhaps due to conflicting policy, procedures or practices or lack of core selling competency or personality traits or both.

Structure for a short essay- 5 paragraph essay; each paragraph has its purpose.1 st - introductory paragraph. This should contain a thesis sentence, the main idea your paper will defend or narrate about. Sales Training in the 21st CenturySelling becomes more complex and difficult in today’s knowledgeable society and marketplace. Consequently, tried and proven approaches, no longer work to improve sales productivity. Sales peoples are facing accountability issues. They need to influence the attitude and behavior of buyers. Therefore, a lot of innovative initiatives are needed to restructure sales training. Selling in the 21st Century needs combined efforts of an art and a science, technology support, customers' problems, conflict resolution, customer service2nd, 3rd and 4th - body paragraphs. Each paragraph should represent a specific idea or thought that is important for your essay, and should contribute in supporting the key argument of your essay. 2nd – present status and constraints3rd – manager mentoring and coaching abilityDynamic market, complexity and fierce competition enforcing individuals and organizations to upgrade knowledge and skills to remain competitive (Lambert 2010). Further technological advancements enforcing sales organizations to restructure their business process and also sales training for attaining competitive advantage (Arguinis & Kraiger, 2009). Skills and competenciesRequired to maintain competitiveness thereby organizational value is exponentially growing and changing. For this, fundamental reason to break new ground, across the globe, a considerable amount of investments and time were coupled to reinforce sales training programs. Most experts agree that there is absolutely no substitute for a promising, sensible and dynamic sales team. Moreover, few sales people have interpersonal and technological competencies required for dynamic work environments (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Henceforth investing in sales training is a sensible practice for improving bottom-line results thereby organizational value.Sales training involves the systematic attempt to acquire skills, competencies and knowledge to reach acceptable levels of performance goals or systematic attempt to transfer best components of selling such as essential selling competencies that includes knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are critical for successful sales performance. The goal of the sales training being master required competencies and to apply them to their day-to-day routines (Noe, 2008). Usually treated as supplement to learning after doing by experiences or on-job-training. Sales training should not be considered as one-time affairs as rarely produce results, rather a process which consumes a significant portion of time. Plouffe (2008) recommends use of case studies or field experiments and underutilized theories such as sociology and economics, to make research more appealing to the elite marketing journals. The editors of elite journals seek unique or strategic article useful for firm. (Rust, 2006). Till date, sales researchers have made little efforts to link their research toward challenges facing the firm.An effective sales training approach should focus on imparting best behaviors and practices for enhancing organizational value, preferably through interactive way, followed by reinforcement and evaluation which of course needs considerable amount of

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time. A training system should not merely be a haphazard collection of contents, approaches, methods rather challenge lies in creating a balance between technology and the personal touch needed to make the sales force effective to enhance organizational value through sales training. During the last ten years, development of sales management systems is probably one of the greatest happening in business circuit that moved sales training from the realm of art to that of science, which also calls for consistent improvements. Now onwards, sales training activities should take on the role of educating, informing, instructing and developing the sales team, using real world scenarios currently being experienced by the sales force. Though it’s a tough challenge for sales organizations to change their sales training procedures. Moreover, there lies other factors that contribute to complexity, the changing human behavior and another is lack of understanding and know-how of what works in relationship-selling. However, top management recognizes sales training as a crucial part of having a competitive edge.

5th paragraph - conclusion. This last paragraph should not contain new ideas. It should only summarize the ideas you have already laid out in your paper and logically conclude the entire writing.In the present scenario of dynamics in globalization, complexity, fierce competition, uncertainty for a Sales Professional to function effectively in the current and future marketplace, investing in sales training is a sensible practice for improving bottom-line results. Dynamic technological advancements enforcing organizations to restructure sales training and for this fundamental reason to break new ground, across the globe, a considerable amount of investments and time were coupled to reinforce sales training programs. Sales Training can help people learn the new skills that are required to meet new expectations, both formal and informal. Sales organizations that can synchronize perfect balance between technology and the personal touch are best positioned to grow and sustain.

Sales force Job Function and Cognition AnalysisLearning objectives, work function, set of procedures, requirements, generating topical index of skills/behaviors we refer this as Sales CBT (Competency, Behaviors, Traits), screen those needed for respective training form and handed picked trainees.

Delivered by Instructors, managers, executives, professional practitioners, subject matter experts, consultants, strategist, developers, managers, analyst, and administrator. The highest order of nodes in the Maslow’s hierarchy is Self Actualization and involves seeking fulfillment by making maximum use of one’s abilities or skills. Hertzberg’s Two-Factor theory: Hygiene factors and motivational factors, Hygienic- Working conditions, job security, company policies and quality of the technical supervision and interpersonal relations; the absence of it may cause de-motivation, job contents such as responsibility, own initiative, promotion, recognition and achievement.

Four personality typesCompetitor: motivated by sales contests, plaques and perks.Achiever: perform on self motivationEgo-Driven : salespeople consider themselves best, suitable for instructor, coaches and mentors.Service oriented: strength is their empathy and ability to build relationshipsSelling Enthusiasm

Dispositional optimism, learning orientation, expectancy theory, intrinsic achievement motivation,

selling knowledge, product passion Propensity to Leave Promotion Turnover

Sales Careers, Sales Channels Customer Analysis  

For analysis of historical, current data and setting a future plan of action, sales procedure synchronize perfect balance amid salespeople – customers, technology-personal touch to grow and sustain. However, we do not mean technology to drive business rather management of technology in sales processes to improve sales force performance and drive growth. In this relation, customer relationship management (CRM) systems can deal tangible data from financial systems and intangible data from salespeople.

Sales manager's ability to use infrastructure, technology, analytic for effective coaching is tightly correlated with salespeople's performance and results. Implementation best sales practices, such as well prepared sales force, custom tailored training, sales process documentation, infusing core sales CBTs, field coaching, provision for reinforcement. Benchmark current CBTs, assess ability prior to training to exposes needed skill for each individual salesperson. Training interventions will then be well positioned as a structured solution to validate skill gaps, thereafter measure application of learning followed by defining prospecting plans and methodology to fill sales funnels, outcomes/results will be well recognized.

We contend that sales training research is here to stay and prosper. We must strive for deep understanding and clarity of constructs through the application of rigorous methods. Technology has been influencing impact on the design and delivery of sales training system and will continue to do in future. Although current applied research is going to uncover how these technologies, which can improve learning and performance of human capital. More research is needed and prospect is promising. Sales training now becomes multidisciplinary due to inclusion of cognitive, engineering, human factors, psychology, information technology, computer programming, etc. Now there is a need for collaboration and alliances in sales disciplines.

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Now sales training is no longer remains just a training programme or curriculum, it is now complex interactions of many organizational factors, and that’s why, more research should be aimed at exploring why sales training is worth, desirable and needed.Workout on: strengths and presenting features & benefits, handling stalls and objections. Sales Practices need to be extracted and documented. Implement the agreed-upon guidelines to sales cycle in CRM tool. Changing habits, in particular, adult habits are most difficult assignments for any practitioner. Sales or Selling in any organization is considered as a pivotal function as generate revenue to ensure sustainability of all organizational activities. In present buyer driven market, selling process indulges lots of technologies, hence updating is essential for sales people coping latest technological advancements. Sales peoples are the front lines of a sales organization who are on constant move backed up by motivation and support of sales managers who in turn achieve overall specific objective and role of the sales organization.

Creating specialists, sales force aligned to objectives, Vision and the Mission. Coordination and balance selling activities, administration activities and building professional relationships. Target Market segments Core competencies Flexibility, Market strategy (Push or Pull) Technology.

Training is evaluated through an impact assessment by HR as well as by the line manager on a daily basis. The assessment will extract, open feedback for corrections for future training which also reflect effectiveness relevance.

One of the biggest problem faced by salespeople is having a handful of few new business prospects, often sales funnel gets empty. Therefore, most indulged with existing customers and find it hard to prospect new business. In another way, it is like keeping field open for competitors or surrendering market share without competing. So salespeople should expand horizons by finding out new opportunities supplemented with existing customers.

Salas et al., 2006 pointed out effective sales training yields higher productivity, quality work, and minimal errors, also reflects traits such as high moral motivation, commitment and teamwork, integral for competitive advantage.

Sales system can give you a series of steps to follow. The manager should coach with a clear direction to be followed. A basic principle of effective training is to tie the learning to organizational objectives. Set clear vision and targets to be achieved. Determine exactly which lacks or much needed entity. Identify “Areas” need to be trained, not only skills but also personality traits. Set training objectives align with business requirements. Tailor every learning activity with respect to selling environment, organization strengths and value proposition of products and services. Additionally, understand the learning preferences of salespeople, probably a key to motivate adult learners.

Genn,2004 The most efficient tool for salespeople is 'Communication', which enables exchange clients need and capacity to lend support or wooing customers, provide time comfort zone, let off the pressure for a meaningful benefits discussion, follow-up with occasional emails and don’t let off easily. David Sandler proposed concept of boosting self-confidence for a case of rejections. Floats sales concept of Role and Identity. Rejection is for role as salesperson not for personal identity, thus empowering salespeople to try repeatedly.

Delivered by Instructors, managers, executives, professional practitioners, subject matter experts, consultants, strategist, developers, managers, analyst, and administrator.

Orientation content normally includes history, culture, value, basics of industry, market strategy, and product line. During induction salespeople understand system, how sales system operates; how the sales process works; technology involved if any, such as computer /IT system, internal system, basic sales techniques and socializing new salespeople. Formal sales skill involves industry dynamics, technical knowledge, Advanced technical and product training.

Essential task needed to be done is kept at bay, not in a position to execute, ineffectual goal setting, lack of accountability, not interested for cold calls, prefer an outdated conventional approach, deleterious influence of rejections.

Literature indicates primary reasons why evaluation is needed; provides information on how to improve future training, enable trainers in determining learning-content design, and to justify the existence of the training department.

Involve the sales force and managers while preparing customized sales practices.Needs-identification phase: uncovering customers' needs requires building a rapport, understanding sales process issues, determining personal and financial issues, buying influences, status and nature of competitions, approximate time-duration for making a buying decision etc.

Sales culture is a unique culture developed over a period with respect to a value such as beliefs, attitudes, ethics, care, compassion and work system of human capital incorporated by management. For example-Tata Communications have ethical and responsible conduct, Integrity, unity and Flexibility. All levels of organization imbibe it.

Organizational Analysis

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Goals, sustainability and industry leader; objective, knowledgeable human capital and Revenue; culture, engender common loyalty and enthusiastic climate, strategy implementation, resource provisions, practices and diagnostic tools,  constraints. Individual Characteristics: Cognitive ability, self efficacy, goal orientation, Motivation,

Sales force Job Function and Cognition AnalysisLearning objectives, work function, set of procedures, requirements, generating topical index of skills/behaviors we refer this as Sales CBT (Competency, Behaviors, Traits), screen those needed for respective training form and population. Diagnose CBT deficiencies; determine current CBT required and self-efficacy of the trainee. Outline task analysis procedure, that instructional developer might refer for designing individual based or group based learning with related CBT. Identify knowledge elicitation techniques, forecast CBT probably needed in future.

Sales training Bridge the gap between job requirements and competencies of the sales force (Karthik, (2012), aimed at improved behavior and performance. Karthik, (2012) Recommends to evaluate (observe) for a specific period preferable for couple of subsequent months after training. Purposeful training does reflect significant changes in professional work and personal life.

Literature review by Roberts (2012), concluded that absorptive capacity plays crucial role in knowledge transfer. Provides a framework in general form so that researchers can investigate how ICT could influence absorptive capacity. Absorptive capacity considered as imperative for organization progress. It identifies, assimilate, transform, and apply external knowledge through modern information technologies.

Progress and growth are simultaneously synonymous to assessment and training (People, 2012). For sales training to be effective, then sales force, should be allowed to contribute during content finalizing exercise. Although peer training often considered to be effective, the henceforth potential candidate should be encouraged. Apart from organizational investments and resources, impactful sales training demands investments of effort, time and imagination by managers and trainers before and prior to sales training. The combination of all these aspects can develop a world-class framework for a sales training program that is realistic, creative, thought provoking that certainly infuse Adeline rush in any sales team.

(Wang, 2012) perceives sales behaviors have significant effects on customer relationship satisfaction and success of a customer relationship strategy often depends on the behaviors of salespeople. Competitive pressure or a short-term sales focus may engender unethical sales behaviors (e.g., lying, exaggerating) that can potentially damage the confidence and trust of the customers (Jelinek and Ahearne 2006).

Research on sales force control (SFC) is largely based on the seminal works of Anderson and Oliver (1987) and Jaworski (1988). Managers should be cautious as such combination may generate role stress and role conflict and endanger salespeople’s autonomy, creativity, and motivation for effective problem solving.

Ensure active stakeholder participation in the development process. Begin with high-level customized modeling to identify a viable strategy to derive a solution. Preferably metaphors multiple models as each has its strengths and limitations. An effective developer has a range of models in their toolbox, enabling right model in the most optimal manner for varying situations and a variety of purposes. Further work down prioritized requirements and treat requirements like a prioritized stack. Obviously management support is much needed. Transform the stakeholders to develop of own learning requirements, Engender feedback to eliminate ambiguities and synergies activities as needed. Concisely design customized framework before developing model followed by documentation of complicated interventions.

Strategic Approach to Sales Training: Initiate with analyzing customers buying paradigm, Identify gap and requirement, benchmark current performance of sales-force, restructure sales training infrastructure to facilitate design and deliver learning followed by reinforcement, adjustment and finally assess through measurement.

Although present trends, demands; Johnston and Marshall (2008), questions the idea that only costs are evaluated in sales training, we do agree with this perception and thereby  recommends to measure overall potential benefits after acquiring essential sales CBT (competency, behaviors, traits). Conceptual paper analyzes sales CBT content to carry out training to increase performance level, thereby, contribute to the sales training literature.

The adaptive selling process is targeting prospects, collecting information, followed by strategy formulation and delivering tailored presentations and making adjustments/modifications as per customer response. The process calls for proficiency in well-structured sales approach.

Customer orientation process focuses on determining and understanding customer needs by probing questions thereafter providing solutions to their satisfaction (Drucker, 1994). The process calls for proficiency in diagnosis and listening approach (Ramsey & Sohi, 1997), followed by tailoring solutions to satisfy of customer (Saxe & Weitz, 1982).

Salesperson consulting orientation, diagnosis capacity and collaborating with technical personnel to derive solutions to customer problems. Supplemented with increased motivation levels influenced through intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, eventually leads to increased salesperson performance. Most sales evaluation and incentive practices considers sales target

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achievement, although recent advances leverage rewards for core selling behaviors (Boles et. al, 2000); customer satisfaction and retention (Pesppers & Rogers, 1997).

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In present buyer driven market, selling process indulges many technologies, hence updating is essential for sales people considering latest technological advancements. Sales peoples are the front lines of a sales organization who are on constant move backed up by motivation and support of sales managers who in turn achieve overall specific objective and role of the sales organization.Sales or Selling in any organization is considered as a pivotal function as generate revenue to ensure sustainability of all organizational activities. In an era of dynamic advances, organizations must be flexible for making adjustments to remain competitive. Sales organizations make strategic decision for investing billions in sales training interventions every year. Sales training is continual and consistent happening process, not a one-time affair. A sales training process in pursuit of sales result, in an era of rapidly changing economy, short-term activities should not be preferred over long- term strategies. Selling is the critical activity, where the core is competency and performance. Ironically, we know very less about how exactly to deal evaluation and effectiveness measurement issues, if reported literature is to be considered.

Sales culture is a unique culture developed over a period with respect to a value such as beliefs, attitudes, ethics, care, compassion and work system of human capital incorporated by management in which all levels of organization imbibe it. For example -Tata Communications have ethical and responsible conduct, Integrity, unity and Flexibility.Knowledge and technology aspects nowadays became dynamic phenomena, thus investing in sales training regarded as a sensible business practice. There are other reasons as well; changes in business cycle lead to situational changes that enforce changes in procedural methods and therefore both individuals and organizations must continue to learn in order to remain competitive. The combination of all these aspects in a sales training program, perhaps transforms average sales-force into realistic, creative, pro-active and pro-social sales-force.Salespeople with lack of sales preparation never yield stellar results. Without sales training, it might lead to a handful of new leads, decreasing business, mishandling sales calls and many other negativity, henceforth-sales training is crucial AdinaGenn,2004.

Progress and growth are simultaneously synonymous with assessment and training (People 2012). Effective sales training yields higher productivity, additionally reflects traits such as high morale, motivation, commitment, teamwork (Salas et al., 2006). Sales training bridge the gap between job requirements and core sales competencies; although training must congruent with post-training, monitoring for specific periods to ensure behavioral changes (Karthik 2012). Transfer of ‘Irrelevant’ knowledge is mere time wasting activity. This paper attempts to offer ‘relevant’ guidelines for practitioners and professionals about how to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate sales training functions. Now sales training is no longer remains just a training program or curriculum, it is now complex interactions of many organizational factors, and that’s why, more research should be aimed at exploring why sales training is worth, desirable and needed.Stated mechanisms drive performance and provide a realistic sales training preview to match perceptions and directly enhance salesperson's initial understanding of expectation, capacity provides clear direction to metaphors why, and which types of sales CBT are important and relevant. The process reduces ramification of sales training, thereby increase job satisfaction, additionally satisfies the organizational need for professional sales force. An organization that insists strategic implementation, then sales, people development is effective which facilitates sustainability. Lucent Technologies Director of sales training insists that for increased profitability and customer loyalty, organization must engender strategic sales training, explicitly tied with its objectives and backup by top management and senior leadership support. (Johnson 2004). Strategic approaches such as active and active learning, in the workplace and just-in- time training, lifelong and self-directed learning, are all currently being explored. The next advance would be customization of sales training in consultation with the manager or by individuals, themselves delivered on a virtual and mobile platform.Sales management experiencing more pressure, responsibility and stake yield sales force performance, we still do not know attributes of an effective sales manager. Technology’s role in analytics has been integral to improving business results. Top management should ensure all strategy and actions are concentrated on customer and customer relationship cycle, such as developing relationships, intimacy, facilitating feedback. Keeping connected with trends and visualizing priorities of managers and facilitate provisions to enrich sales performance development plans. Discuss career pathway and specific milestones to be achieved for promotion from entry level to executive level followed by an explanation of the concrete compensation program, innovative recognition bonus for attractive selling point. Load sales force with relevant tools, techniques and enough energy, thereafter challenge them to initiate independent moves to outpace competitors' moves. Now the 21st century sales paradigm needs those salespeople who can share the load of sales manager and objective of the sales organization. Concisely a brief mechanism to bring professionalism in sales force.Involve the sales force and managers while preparing customized sales practices.Needs-identification phase: uncovering customers' needs requires building a rapport, understanding sales process issues, determining personal and financial issues, buying influences, status and nature of competitions, approximate time-duration for making a buying decision etc.Workout on: strengths and presenting features & benefits, handling stalls and objectionsSales Practices need to be extracted and documented.

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Implement the agreed-upon guidelines to sales cycle in CRM tool.Changing current habits, in particular, adult habits are most difficult assignments for any practitioner. Incorporate training for higher management executives; the message automatically conveyed to middle and lower management staff that the training is essential. Sales organization’s ability to sustain can be projected by analysis of historical, current data and setting a plan of action. In this relation, customer relationship management (CRM) systems can deal tangible data from financial systems and intangible data from salespeople. However, we do not mean technology to drive business rather its about management of technology in sales methodology, sales processes to improve sales force performance and drive growth.Manager and trainer must assure that needed knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes or behaviors are well aligned to strategic business needs. That is how the relevance of sales training content is enhanced. Henceforth when there is an obvious connection between learning objectives and the strategic mission and goals of the organization, such relevancy certainly enhances effectiveness.Now there is a need for collaboration and alliances in sales disciplines.Effective sales training approach, focus on imparting best behaviors and practices, for which relevant content is pivotal. For enhancing organizational value, preferably through interactive way, followed by reinforcement and evaluation that, of course needs considerable amount of time. However, it’s a tough challenge for sales organizations to change their sales training procedures. Moreover, there lies other factors that contribute to complexity, the changing human behavior and another is lack of understanding and expertise of what works in relationship selling. However, top management recognizes sales training as a crucial part of having a competitive edge.Sales training now becomes multi-disciplinary due to inclusion of cognitive, engineering, human factors, psychology, information technology, computer programming etc. Do recognize sales force contribution is inherent, facilitate open communication and ‘listen’ through formal and informal channels. Foster a work environment that stir early identification of problems, challenges and replace them with solutions, resolution within minimal time.Value right attitudes and proactive individual with a focused approach towards customers can bring a unique value in organization with an ability to achieve 'miraculous results' in light of opportunity and encouragement. Selling in the 21st Century needs combined efforts of an art and a science. Top management needs to know, alternative ways for training-learning systems and how it makes an impact on learning process (Johnson 2011). Training and field coaching should have an analogy to distinguish training result in sales results (William Keenan 2000).Training sessions should provide feel of strategic session to get into the new account (William Keenan 2000); if suppose, training objective is new customer acquisition. Many skills, traits, and qualities are required for sales success, although personal characteristics, motivation has an impact on performance but sales training cannot teach all required traits. The proper content selection being crucial aspect and therefore it is necessary to understand that training should include contents or skill that can be taught, learned, and measured. David Sandler proposed concept of boosting self-confidence for a case of rejections. Floats sales concept of Role and Identity. Rejection is for role as salesperson not for personal identity, thus empowering salespeople to try repeatedly. AdinaGenn,2004The implications in terms of managerial action by El-Ansary (1993) stats modules which were given much importance in sales force training were: interpersonal communications, knowledge, planning, strategy and control, coupled with salesperson initiative and self-administered training.Absorptive capacity plays crucial role in knowledge transfer and considered as imperative for organization progress, which identifies, assimilate, transform, and apply external knowledge through modern information technologies (Roberts 2012). Sales behaviors have significant effects on customer satisfaction; the eventual success of a customer relationship strategy which wholly depends on the behaviors of salespeople (Wang 2012). The most efficient tool for salespeople is 'Communication', which enables exchange clients need and capacity to lend support or wooing customers, provide time comfort zone, let off the pressure for a meaningful benefits discussion, follow-up with occasional emails and don’t let off easily.David Sandler proposed concept of boosting self-confidence for a case of rejections. Floats sales concept of Role and Identity. Rejection is for role as salesperson not for personal identity, thus empowering salespeople to try repeatedly.Among active with passive learning model, active learning is more appropriate for professional sales education (Ramon et al. 1996).Spaced training enhances training benefits over massed training practice in laboratory settings (Kauffeld et al. 2010).Instructors usually design, develop and deliver sales training modules with best of intentions, but often without clear vision. Before initiating a sales training program, they recommend that trainer should set a clear vision to achieve highest level goal (example, profitable sale, understands the organization mission and vision statement and what it delivers to their customers along with trainees current habits, level of expertise and barriers (example, competitive issues, lack of confidence in product quality, service or lead time).Many organizations were aware of the benefits of technological learning in skill development issues, but rarely using it. (Global Coaching Survey, 2009).

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Hung (2010) provided a guide for training professionals which aids decision making.Each module of CBTs should include detailed procedural steps with a clear-cut statement of goals, explanation of processes, outcomes expected, behavior sought, accountability with flexibility provision to accommodate any variation during training (Broad 2005).An intervention strategy plays a significant role (Kruger et al. 1995). Motivation is a function of personality dimensions (Digman 1990). Learning and performance orientations impacts post-training, self-efficacy, which can be either positive, negative or both (Ford et al. 1998). Motivation levels that can be influenced through intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, which subsequently leads to increased salesperson performance (Jonathan et al. 2004). Conventionally, sales evaluation and incentives primarily influenced by the percentage of sales target achievement only, although recent evaluation leverage additional rewards for relationship selling behaviors (Boles et. al. 2000); customer satisfaction and retention (Peppers & Rogers 1997).However, sales training does not guarantee improved performance relational to organizational value, main reason being lack of learning “reinforcement” by trainees’ i.e. Inability to apply or recall learned skills. Ineffective transfer, i.e. application of learned competencies in the workplace or transfer of learning has been missing phenomena, that’s being reason why most of sales training fails, does not reflect either improved performance nor behavioral changes. Studies that have shown certain parameters that make an impact on learning outcomes or makes positive effects and integral to performance outcome. Planned approach and pre-training self-efficacy considered as significant variable (Stajkovic and Luthans 1998; Ford et al. 1998); organizational commitment (Cheng 2000); work attitudes (Holton et al. 2000), Trainee characteristics and work-place environment considered crucial and exhibits significant relation with learning (Grossman 2009; Burke & Hutchins 2007) training design, and training outputs perceives as important for learning outcomes (Baldwin and Ford 1988). Supervisory support or involvement (Blume et al. 2010 ; Jackson et al. 2007); Trainee motivation (Holladay et al. 2003; Baldwin et al. 2009); Positive climate (Bates 1997); Transfer climate, use of job aids and tools (Salas et al., 2006); Cognitive ability, self-efficacy (Baldwin & Ford, 1988; Burke & Hutchins, 2007; Colquitt et al., 2000); Learning motivation (Tziner et al., 2007; Baldwin et al., 2009); Specific goals or Goal setting (Burke et al. 2007; Baldwin et al. 2009; Robbins et al. 2009); Synchronization of learning content and skill to be acquired (Chiaburu & Lindsay, 2008); Post training follow up, self-management and regular feedback (Baldwin et al. 2009; Robbins et al. 2009); Peer support significantly linked with training, motivation and learning transfer as well (Holton et al. 2003; Bates and Holton 2004; Blume et al. 2010); Extended post-training surveillance might resolve few inconsistencies and enhance effectiveness (Helie 2005; Haider & Frensch 2002). By improving salesperson, satisfaction with the organization eventually results in increasing commitment and reduced turnover. Assessment can also be differentiated as per skill in a specific task domain of salespeople (Goldsmith and Kraiger 1997) and declarative knowledge (cognitive).The independent variables are trainee characteristics, delivery methods, managers’ role and trainer characteristics However, due consideration must be given to the functional role of salespeople as trainees choose either to transfer learning or not to transfer or rather how much actually wish to transfer(Cheng 2000). Therefore, individual intentions are significantly correlated with reflective attitudes, job satisfaction, commitment thereby learning transfer behavior. The variable ‘self-efficacy’ being treated as a robust and powerful motivational predictor (Maurer et al. 2002), however, it is perceived that behavioral intention probably is most influential variable which predict specific human behavior competencies is acquired. Therefore, by concentrating attention to the role of sales trainees’ intentions might help overcome many inconsistencies. Now there is a need for collaboration and conversations among disciplines. There is an obvious connection between learning objectives and the strategic mission and goals of the organization. Schedule additional conversation with department and authorities to identify required 'drivers' (example, new customer acquisition – through prospecting techniques) and 'leading indicators' (example, critical behaviors, employee retention, customer service, product quality). Leading indicators are measurements that suggest 'behaviors' are on right track towards desired 'results' (high-level goal). Within a month salespeople, account must reflect ongoing need analysis with new accounts; after a couple of months look for sales to proposal ratio thereafter a number of sales funnel filled. A basic routine to achieve sales quota and revenue.We contend that sales training research is here to stay and prosper. We must strive for deep understanding and clarity of constructs through the application of rigorous methods. Technology has been influencing impact on the design and delivery of sales training system and will continue to do in future. Although current applied research is going to uncover how these technologies, which can improve learning and performance of human capital. More research is needed and prospect is promising. Finally, we would like to conclude that sales training research is no longer receiving step motherly treatment. Assuming an optimistic trend to continue, as much research is still needed to empirically verify guidelines regarding how to optimize sales training outcomes and how to evaluate whether sales training has been effective in achieving organizational highest-level goal. A lot of innovative activities are needed with respect to sales training agendas.In near future sales organizations are likely to be dependent on individuals who can identify, maintain and manage their competencies and skills. This aspect can be researched how to develop and track self-directed learners. One of the biggest problem faced by salespeople is having a handful of few new business prospects, often sales funnel gets empty. Therefore, most indulged with existing customers and find it hard to prospect new business. In another way,

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it is like keeping field open for competitors or surrendering market share without competing. So salespeople should expand horizons by finding out new opportunities supplemented with existing customers AdinaGenn,2004.Excessive pressure on sales force may engender unethical sales behaviors that undermine trust of the customers (Jelinek and Ahearne 2006).Essential task needed to be done is kept at bay, not in a position to execute, ineffectual goal setting, lack of accountability, not interested for cold calls, prefers an outdated conventional approach, deleterious influence of rejection AdinaGenn, 2004.Sales training in college curriculum is considered seldom, which requires practical and real life experiences. Salespeople with lack of sales preparation never yield stellar results. Without sales training, it might lead to a handful of new leads, decreasing business, mishandling sales calls and many other negativity, henceforth-sales training and business development consultant and speakers are never short of audience AdinaGenn,2004 A limited number of sales force has interpersonal and technological competencies to deal dynamic work environments (Salas & Stagl, 2009).The sales manager has to handle bundles of functions such as creating specialist sales force aligned to objectives, vision and the mission, coordination and balance selling activities, administration activities and building professional relationships, target the market segments, developing core competencies for self and salespeople, develop market strategy (Push or Pull) and dealing with emerging technology. Required to understand customers and major accounts, business philosophy, focus attention on front-line sales executives and value emerging technology for improving business results. Sales managers should act as part of a knowledge application process supporting individual salespeople, monitor and review to ensure performance outcomes. Sales training facilitates skill, competencies and knowledge acquisitions, which enables sales people to transfer best components of selling to reach acceptable levels of performance goals.For impactful training, sales managers must focus on learning transfer otherwise no gains can be realized from training expenditures that has taken place. Therefore, implement interventions to ensure that training expenditures provide results, and preferably cost-effective.Peer training often considered effective, therefore potential candidate should be encouraged.Apart from organizational investments and resources, impactful sales training demands investments of effort, time and imagination by managers and trainers before and prior to sales training. The combination of all these aspects can develop a world-class framework for a sales training program that is realistic, creative, thought provoking that certainly infuse Adeline rush in any sales team.Sales system can give you a series of steps to follow. The manager should coach with a clear direction to be followed. A basic principle of effective training is to tie the learning to organizational objectives. Set clear vision and targets to be achieved. Determine exactly which locks or much needed entity. Identify “Areas” need to be trained, not only skills but also personality traits. Set training objectives align with business requirements. Tailor every learning activity with respect to selling environment, organization strengths and value proposition of products and services. Additionally, understand the learning preferences of salespeople, probably a key to motivate adult learners.Diagnose CBT deficiencies; determine current CBT required and self-efficacy of the trainee. Outline task analysis procedure, that instructional developer might refer for designing individual based or group based learning with related CBT. Identify knowledge elicitation techniques, forecast CBT probably needed in future.Sales manager's ability to use infrastructure, technology, analytic for effective coaching is tightly correlated with salespeople's performance and results. Implementation best sales practices, such as well prepared sales force, custom tailored training, sales process documentation, infusing core sales CBTs, field coaching, provision for reinforcement. Benchmark current CBTs, assess ability prior to training to exposes needed skill for each individual salesperson. Training interventions will then be well positioned as a structured solution to validate skill gaps, thereafter measure application of learning followed by defining prospecting plans and methodology to fill sales funnels, outcomes/results will be well recognized.In addition, sales managers ‘attitude’ and effectiveness to catch consistently deliver more value to their organizations. On this ground, Barone (2012) recommends ‘attitude’ examination of sales managers in predicting inferences, as optimist manager likely to infer that periodic training and coaching attains a satisfactory level of sales-force performance thereafter improves to excel in the future, whereas pessimist type may recommend termination. Sales managers who effectively plan coaching/mentoring, deliver more value to their organizations. On this background, we propose concept of sales training system with categories of instruction within the system. Many skills, traits, and qualities are required for sales success, although personal characteristics, motivation has an impact on performance but sales training cannot teach all required traits. The proper content selection being crucial aspect and therefore it is necessary to understand that training should include contents or skill that can be taught, learned, and measured. Management and managers should realize and recognize importance of salespeople perceptions and agree on their need, followed by involvement in best practices, otherwise salespeople's interest lacks thereby sales training will be a waste of time. Moreover salespeople should follow a sales process that matches up with the customer’s buying process. Sales training design should satisfy interactions aspects, being connected and networked while facilitating theoretical knowledge considering needs, and learning method preferences of trainees (Day, 2012). 

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Manager and trainer have to assure that the knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes or behaviors to be acquired can meet the strategic business needs. That's how the relevance of sales training content is enhanced. Henceforth, when there is an obvious connection between learning objectives and the strategic mission and goals of the organization, such relevancy certainly enhances effectiveness.Instructors usually design, develop and deliver sales training modules with best of intentions, but often without clear vision. Before initiating a sales training program, they recommend that trainer should set a clear vision to achieve highest level goal (example, profitable sale), understand organization mission and vision statement and what it delivers to their customers along with trainees current habits , level of expertise and barriers (example, competitive issues, lack of confidence in product quality, service or lead time).The effectiveness of sales training often considered to be dependent on ability of learner to apply newly acquired skills/competencies (Salas et al., 2006). For sales training to be effective, then sales force, should be allowed to contribute during content finalizing exercise. Things needed to be done, however, not in a position to do, such as goal setting, lack of accountability, not interested to make cold calls, avoid crossing boundaries in fear of rejections. Adult Learning Principle, with respect to the learner or trainees states higher pre-learning, motivation, useful content, support of higher authority demonstrate enhanced learning and reflects more positive reactions.Understand organization mission and vision statement and what it delivers to their customers along with trainees current habits, level of expertise and barriers (example, competitive issues, lack of confidence in product quality, service or lead time).BEST (Business Etiquette and Sales Training) sales training created by ICICI Bank Limited, Mumbai, India; structured step-by-step sales methodology through customized, video-driven classroom methods. Line managers deliver the program, and with provision of qualitative framework monitor calls and provide feedback on developments. The process develops a master trainer who then trains line managers. Within a couple of months, BEST distinctively created 233 trainers who in turn trained over 2000 agency staff. The whole procedure is coupled with facilitating customer and manager feedback, thereby much improvement have been observed relational to qualitative aspect. Training process also focuses on grooming sales force.Cisco for their Sales Associates Program (2010) developed an integrated model by combining video conferencing in real-time, desktop conferencing, collaboration, and privilege of remote access which increased learning and production speed. Thus shifting from conventional classroom lecture to interactive system having virtual and one-to-one, face-to-face approach, supplemented with collaborating video conferencing, role playing and self-directed learning. The program begins with in-class training followed by on-the-job training along with continued classroom learning to reinforce learning, and meeting respective sales quota provided a unique form of “Earn and Learn Sales Training” model. Further performance measurement framework was implemented to monitor trainees and analyzing learning through a series of tests. After the initial phase of in-class activities, trainees moved into the work field for several months to gain hands on experience along with continued classroom learning so as to reinforce the learned competencies. This “Earn and Learn” model indulged trainee to take active role that requires trainees to meet their individual sales quota during on-the-job training, thus delivering ROI for the organization. The model successfully demonstrates how blended collaborative technologies supplemented with traditional learning methodologies provide a unique form of training regardless of location constraints of trainees. Moreover, model was implemented with fewer trainer, eliminated traveling expenses of trainees.Sales training must be strategic in nature. Most importantly, the framework proposes a system design approach whereby various analyses are made to cope with dynamic change and implementing interventions for continuous improvement. Ironically, most organizations do not view design, analysis activities to be strategic. Strategic training objective enhance sales force retention, as substantial amount can be realized by cost avoidance, means bypass sales training for new recruits; saving substantially. Analytical validation has been provided by Pfizer. (Galvin et al. 2003).  Current emerging technologies now facilitating various forms of training which are coupled to variable cost factor. So organization can customized preferable and cost effective delivery intervention. Consider the case of Lucent Technologies who reported that in year 2002 used 92 percent Web-based training, whereas in 2004 , cut down Web-based training by 57 percent, which resulted in substantial saving (Johnson 2004). Which instructional methods are best suitable for increased organization value. What should be the role of trainee, trainer and how to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate sales training functions. Whether or not performance metrics are optimally aligned with organizational objectives. Is there is provision for an incremental measurement procedure to determine progress toward required behaviors? What are different parameters were related to performance metrics? Obviously, answers to these questions will vary., as selling cycle, selling process, core selling competency requirements are different for different organizations, while referring a few variables. To answer these questions sales training activities should take on the role of educating, informing, instructing and developing the sales team, using real world scenarios currently being experienced by the sales force. Sales training can play significant role in turning under performer to moderate or superior performer, if it is customized and systems.Every business sustains on performance aspect and dilemma of optimal 'performance' perceived as universal. Efforts for sales training must improve. Now onwards cost effectively training efforts are required to change the behaviors of salespeople and must align to strategic objectives. This conceptual framework helps top executives and managers to determine performance enhancement, increased job capabilities, degree to which objectives has been met by injecting

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creativity, effort and imagination (Stein 2011). It suggests sales organization must evaluate need for sales training in ten broad areas. Sales managers are required to align themselves with trends and strategic priorities of the organization to reflect salesperson's performance and to deliver sales results, emphasizes continual lifelong learning and principles of adult learning. Furthermore anticipate difficulties and constraints, exact development needs and core selling competency required. Engagement in continued interaction to exchange ideas between trainers, managers, peers, and salespeople as well with due consideration for salespeople capacity and motivation and ability to carryout reflective practices. Post training evaluation is necessary to determine sales ‘CBTs’ acquired, self efficacy attained , aspiration and self-management aspects of salespeople. Finally assess whether objectives such as sales competent human capital, has been met as exepected. The unique point in our framework is inclusion of sales talent development process refereed as Sales CBT (Competency, Behaviors, Traits); a structured pathway to deal dynamic market, technology and business process. We perceive that conceptual system design approach for sales training could benefit sales management firms to restructure sales training. Significantly consider research gaps and research questions from elite papers, we perceive these issues could be addressed by the system. We attempted to provide a insight that there is absolutely no substitute for a promising, sensible and dynamic sales team. We understand that few sales people have interpersonal and technological competencies required for dynamic work environments (Salas & Stagl, 2009, therefore application of system approach would be a sensible practice for improving bottom-line results thereby organizational value. Sales training should not be considered as one-time affairs as rarely produce results, rather a process which consumes a significant portion of time. An effective sales training approach should focus on imparting best behaviors and practices for enhancing organizational value, preferably through interactive way, followed by reinforcement and evaluation which of course needs considerable amount of time. Top management now know, alternative ways for training-learning systems and how it makes impact on learning process (Johnson 2011). It is necessary to evaluate whether performance metrics are well aligned with business objectives. Do content, design directed at required behaviors. Sales training is continual and consistent happening process, not a one-time affair. A sales training process in pursuit of sales result, in an era of rapidly changing economy, short-term activities are obviously preferred over long- term strategies henceforth quantity of activity prevails over quality of activity. Selling is the critical activity, where core has been performance and evaluation of performance. Ironically we know very less about how exactly to deal evaluation and effectiveness measurements issues, if reported literature is to be considered. Evaluation should be applied throughout the entire systems. Literature indicates primary reasons why evaluation is needed; provides information on how to improve future training, enable trainers in determining learning-content design, and to justify the existence of the training department. Designing effective sales training and transfer of learning is essential. We propose conceptual approach focus attention to achieve organizational value be setting one indicator at a time, followed by required behavior and drivers, thereafter implement training proves followed by outcome evaluation in terms of behavior (ROE) and financial performance (ROI). We must strive for deep understanding and clarity of constructs through the application of rigorous methods. Technology has been influencing that improve learning and performance of human capital. We need to know more about which instructional methods are best suitable for increased organization value. What should be role of trainee, trainer and managers in these modern systems and how effectiveness can be validated? Research can offer guidelines for practitioners and professionals on how to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate sales training functions. More research is needed to empirically verify framework to evaluate whether sales training has been effective in achieving organizational goals. For effective sales training, organization makes use of the vast literature database. We encourage research scholars to take a closer look at the variables, in particular, enhancing effectiveness of sales-force. Selling in the 21st Century needs combined efforts of an art and a science which calls for a lot of innovative activities with respect to sales training agendas. Stated mechanisms drive performance and provide a realistic sales training preview to match perceptions and directly enhance salesperson's initial understanding of expectation and capabilities together with a better understanding of core sales CBT that are important and relevant. For sales training to be effective, then sales force, should be allowed to contribute during content finalizing exercise. Although peer training often considered to be effective, the henceforth potential candidate should be encouraged. Apart from organizational investments and resources, impactful sales training demands investments of effort, time and imagination by managers and trainers before and prior to sales training. The combination of all these aspects can develop a world-class framework for a sales training program that is realistic, creative, thought provoking that certainly infuse Adeline rush in any sales team.Future research should also consider incorporating informal controls to develop a more comprehensive model of control interactions, and Researchers are encouraged to collect data from multiple informants from the same firms and analyze the effect of control from a multilevel perspective. Though it’s a tough challenge for sales organizations to change their sales training procedures. Moreover, there lies other factors that contribute to complexity, the changing human behavior and another is lack of understanding and know-how of what works in relationship-selling. However, top management recognizes sales training as a crucial part of having a competitive edge.It has been clearly understood that the effectiveness of sales training depends on whether learned skills and competencies are actually implemented in routine job activities Learning transfer in sales training, is of paramount concern (Salas and Stagl, 2009). CSO Insights Press Release (Feb 2011) reported 59 percent of salespeople met quota in 2010, that too at the cost of the substantial amount of discounts. Sales people are not performing; thereby many organizations tend to view sales training as an expense. (Pettijohn et al., 2009).

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Hung (2010) study provided directions to determine which evaluation level can be implemented as a priority. Evaluation can be initiated during process of sales training (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Literature indicates primary reasons why evaluation is needed; provides information on how to improve future training, enable trainers in determining learning-content design, and to justify the existence of the training department. The assessment will extract, open feedback for corrections for future training which also reflect effectiveness relevance.In Gumuseli (2002) view the process of the transfer of training has a significant impact on productivity, and effectiveness, Gumuseli, (2002) investigates the impact of managers reinforcement on participant's attitude, effectiveness and satisfaction.

Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation FrameworkThis part focus on most popular and widely used training evaluation model known as Kirkpatrick’s evaluation framework have acronym ‘TKM’ (The Kirkpatrick Model). Incorporating four levels as reaction, learning, behavior and results. A fifth layer of evaluation was added, by Jack Phillips (2003) referred as Return on Investment (ROI). Kirkpatrick’s first two are not effective for analyzing organizational results; empirical evidence is mounting, although it is a valuable instrument for improving sales training. Jim Kirkpatrick (2011) strongly argues that it's impossible to mathematically estimate the effect / result of operations, thereby suggested Return on Expectation (ROE). Further propose the replacement of ROE instead of ROI, emphasize that effective training is endeavoring by linking training initiatives with organization goals to limit the extent to which degree of anticipation had been met (Kirkpatrick, 2011). Kirkpatrick model (2011) was acknowledged for presenting the concept of ROE (return on expectation), considered instead ROE instead of ROI, might be practical and feasible to indicate successful training in conditions of ‘expectations’. Argues that replacing ROI by ROE, it would be possible to ascertain the level of expectation met. Five main purposes of designing evaluation by Fred Nickols (2004) feedback, quality, research, intervention, and dominance regarded as an accountable pathway. Most sales evaluations give weight age to sales volume measures (Boles et al. 2000). Some used non-financial measures such as organizational commitment, customer satisfaction, job satisfaction, retention as reflected positive relationship with performance (Leach & Liu 2003) customer satisfaction and retention (Peppers & Rogers 1997). Bramley and Newby (2007), of Instructional systems design evaluation classified as formative and summative, formative judge training worth during training while summative judge worth after training completion. Benchmark salesperson’s skills prior to training set learning goal. Measurement of learning should permeate the entire training operation, therefore validate measurement systems followed by skill practice, reinforcement plan which includes field-work or assigned activities or both supplemented by providing feedback (prescriptive assessment). For more serious effects, incorporate online access for reinforcement activities, generate dashboard reports on learning progress, followed by ranking procedure i.e. salespeople’s learning is placed against their equals. Assessment must measure both knowledge gain and the ability to apply, assess for a few weeks following skill training. Touchstones for the evaluation of sales force performance with respect to standards/ benchmarks followed within sales industry.Qualitative - long term sustainability of the public presentation, planning and prospecting records, customer database and participate in non-core sales activities, reporting and client feedback.Quantitative: Quantitative measures include sales volume, gross revenue receipts, net margins, store and fund management, collection efficiency.Emerging evaluation Methods: 360-degree performance evaluation.Critical incident appraisal: All the positives and negative behaviors are documentedEmployment-Standards method-different activities and job task, duties; Management by Objectives: purely results biased.Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS): increasing accuracy of sales force evaluation by emphasizing on objective standards rather than subjective. Family of measures (FOM): continuous evaluation process to assess the advance gained by the sales person individually over a time period.

 Conflict Management techniques: Negotiation: marketing mix, Persuasive mechanism: insist own viewpoint, Problem solving strategies: Alternative compromising solutions. Personal relationships: effective and usually used in the sales channel, issue are put to repose. Motivation levels that can be influenced through intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, which subsequently goes to increased salesperson performance (Jonathan et al. 2004). Conventionally, sales evaluation and incentives primarily influenced by the percentage of sales target achievement only, although recent evaluation leverage additional rewards for relationship selling behaviors (Boles, 2000); customer satisfaction and retention (Peppers & Rogers 1997). Among active with passive learning model, active learning is more appropriate for professional sales education (Ramon et al. 1996). Spaced training enhances training benefits over massed training practice in laboratory settings (Kauffeld et al. 2010). Salespeople must know that there will be follow-up activities and assessments after sales training. They must be held accountable by their managers. Install field coaching procedure and systematic reinforcement as well, followed by learning and application measurement. Pre and post training activities were more strongly related to learning (Khasawneh et al. 2006).IntroductionTo function effectively in the current and future marketplace, investing in sales training is a sensible practice for improv-ing bottom-line results (Crane et al., 2005). While dynamic market, enforcing organizations take aggressive approach re-

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lational to sales training to update their personal knowledge and skills. Salad & Stagl, (2009) view sales training as a mechanism for producing cognitive and behavioral learning outcomes. Fifty years of sales training have witnessed tremendous growth, particularly in the past decade. Dynamic technological advancements enforcing organizations to re-structure sales training and for this fundamental reason to break new ground, across the globe, a considerable amount of investments and time were coupled to reinforce sales training programs. Sustainability through skilled sales force serves as the primary rationale for organizations to invest in sales training. However Arguinis & Kruger (2009) argue in the present knowledge economy, skills required to maintain a competitive advantage are in vogue. Research in performance evaluations, embodies an expansive literature. How sales managers evaluate their sales force, is an issue of fundamental importance (Chonko et al. 2000). A performance evaluation of salesperson is a crucial factor for both theoretical and pragmatic reasons (Barone, 2012). Performance evaluations is a reflection of past performance, whereas its aspects are all about future, i.e. promotion, incentives, reward or termination (Podsakoff and MacKenzie, 1994). Thus, it is important to understand what exactly affect theses aspects in enhancing the effectiveness of salespeople through evaluation, thereby, firm success. Further, there is need to understand how sales managers evaluate the performance of their sales-people as it obviously correlated with salesperson productivity and, consequently, organizations prospects for success. However, top management usually finds evaluation results being too theoretical, unable to provide meaningful informa-tion for strategic s decisions. Moreover, little attention has been focused on sales training evaluation practices and trans -fer, being multifaceted, often without criterion; often sales training does not measure the potential benefits (Johnston and Marshall, 2008). In light of these aspects, the focus of our literature review centered on performance and effective-ness (evaluation) aspects of sales training. In this review, we have focused on past three decades of sales training evalua-tion research published from 1982 to August 2012 and our review is selective and descriptive. We have focused signifi-cantly on post training aspect, performance and transfer of sales training. Our review is organized as follows. In the first section we have discussed theoretical advancements and issues in sales training with respect to performance evaluation and transfer of training over the past thirty years. In the second section, we segregate inconsistent and unexpected findings, gaps and research needs followed by insights reinforcement. In the third section we conclude with some observations and recent trends and finally a conceptual framework is proposed.

Theoretical DevelopmentsSales training has been cited as the most often used interventions to improve sales productivity (Katzell and Guzzo, 1983). Sales training facilitates understanding of “selling practices" which also supplement learning by activities, experi-ences that emphasize on skills and acquisition of knowledge aligned with organizational goals. Evaluation certainly en-sures that sales training fulfills organizational needs within existing resources and culture (Goldstein and Buxton 1982). The purpose of evaluations basically identify existing value, quality, and contribution of sales training to justify training investment decisions and formalize future improvement. (Kirkpatrick, 1996). Training evaluation literature conveys that training outcomes are multi-dimensional and thus require multiple criteria to be evaluated (Landy 1989). The training evaluation practice framework has been provided by Kirkpatrick, known as Kirkpatrick’s evaluation framework have acronym ‘TKM’ (The Kirkpatrick Model). Kirkpatrick (1996), the model was proposed through a series of four articles in ASTD journals (American Society of Training Directors 1959 and 1960). Kirkpatrick initially proposed model as ‘steps’ in 1959, however re-modeled as ‘Levels’ in 1996 incorporating four levels, reaction, learning, behavior and results. These levels of TKM viewed as contemporary thought in the evaluation area. Kirkpatrick (1959; 1960) suggested that behav-ioral and results measures are useful external indicators of actual knowledge transfer. Ironically, much focus was on in-ternal measures (Alliger and Janak 1989; Saari 1988). Kirkpatrick (1996) emphasized, all four levels must be mea-sured, i.e. training must be evaluated at all four levels, as these levels are interrelated to properly assess training effec -tiveness. A fifth level of evaluation was added, through contributions of Phillips (2003) who incorporated Return on In-vestment (ROI). ROI was related to financial outcomes of sales training against the cost of training (Phillips, 1996). Stud-ies show ROI had been conducted for around 10-20% of all sales training (Frances Lilly, 2001). Earlier most sales evalua-tions were related to sales volume measures, although the shift is now taking place toward relationship selling behaviors (Barksdale, 2000). Although the Kirkpatrick model has undergone several modifications by various researchers in an at-tempt to develop a significant evaluation model, till date TKM considered as a benchmark in the evaluation process. Kirk-patrick’s four-level model commonly accepted by academics, whereas Phillips (1996) model, finds acceptance in organi-zations (Bates, 2004). Although Fred Nickols (2004) contribution of five main purposes of evaluation regarded as a di -rectional pathway towards designing an evaluation. While Jim Kirkpatrick (2007), stimulates new insights on determin-ing “Return-on-expectations" (ROE), and emphasize that effective training initiates with a targeted outcome in mind (Kirkpatrick, 2007). Further propose replacing ROI by ROE as emphasize for tying training initiatives to the organiza-tion's mission and thus, determine the extent to which degree of expectation had been met (Kirkpatrick, 2011).Hung (2010) study provided a guide for training professionals which aids decision making i.e., which evaluation level can be implemented as a priority. Stein, D. (2011) recommends sales training to be timely, relevant, realistic, recurring and robust. Strategic training approaches such as active and action learning, on-the-workplace and just-in- time training, life-long and self-directed learning, are all currently being explored. The next advance in sales training would be customiza-tion and delivering of virtual and mobile sales training modules matched to and accessed by each individual needs, cus -tomization can be done consulting with peers, manager or mentor or by individuals themselves.

Performance evaluation in Sales Training

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Performance evaluations of workforce most frequently address issues (Cascio and Aguinis 2008). Research in perfor-mance evaluations, embodies an expansive literature. The literature suggests that sales training could increase sales force performance as reinforces critical behavior and learning orientation (Walker, Churchill, & Ford, 1977). The ‘perfor-mance’ refereed as a process which emphasizes the skills required to have completed job specific task as per procedures. How sales managers evaluate their sales force, has been issued of fundamental importance. (Chonko et al. 2000). It is necessary to understand how practicing sales managers evaluate the performance of their salespeople as it is correlated with salesperson productivity and, consequently, organizations prospects for success. A performance evaluation of sales-person is a crucial factor for both theoretical and pragmatic reasons (Barone, 2012). Thus, it is important to understand-ing what exactly affect theses aspects in enhancing the effectiveness of salespeople and, thereby, firm success. Performance evaluation is a reflection of past performance, but its aspects are about future organizational value supple-mented with promotion, incentives, reward or could also be terminated (Podsakoff and MacKenzie, 1994). In nutshell, purpose of evaluation being self-correcting process, and to enhance knowledge, skills, and ability to improve work per-formance thereby organizational value. In fact, performance evaluation plays a significant role in ensuring sales training effectiveness, which also leads towards more improved future sales training (Spitzer, 1999). Martin (1957) categorized training evaluation measures as internal or external. One of ASTD research reports have shown that organizations use reaction measures for nearly 78 percent. All levels were not being measured, while ASTD researchers strongly backs the notion that sales training required to be evaluated more at Levels three and four. Baldwin and Ford (1988) suggested di-rections for future research after comprehensive review. Grossman (2009), used Baldwin and Ford’s model to identify factors relating to trainee characteristics, design and the workplace that exhibited consistent relation with transfer of training/learning. It has been already found that trainee characteristics are being crucial in learning transfer (Burke & Hutchins, 2007), self-efficacy being significant linked to both training, motivation and outcomes (Colquitt et al., 2000), cognitive ability does influence training outcomes (Burke & Hutchins, 2007) and positive relationship exists between self-efficacy and transfer (Blume et al., 2010). Further motivation to learn emerged as an integral trait to learning trans-fer or training outcomes (Baldwin et al., 2009) while supervisor support also emerged as a considerable indicator of learning transfer (Blume et al., 2010). It’s already been perceived that organizations should initiate an evaluation during process of sales training rather than to wait for completion of formal sales training (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Concordantly lack of learning reinforcement following the sales training obviously fails to produce effective and value for organization. However, the evaluation of training outcomes is complex and much difficult process. Therefore organizations must en-hance the professional evaluation capabilities of Human Resource (HR) staff or employ specialized external agency and focus on goal, objective and performance related training-learning pedagogies while conducting performance evaluation. Thoughtful approach and professional knowledge of sales training evaluation have been inadequate, which dramatically causes multifaceted difficulties during training evaluation. We perceive that HR personnel responsible for evaluating training are not competent enough in assessing behavioral changes and performance; thereby exploration for innovative approaches is need of hour.There also exists several additional perspectives on training evaluation, Bramley and Newby (2007), Instructional sys-tems design process segregates evaluation as formative and summative, where a form (internal evaluation) method judge training worth during the training process and measure Kirkpatrick’s Level 1 (reaction) and Level 2 (learning) lev-els, eventually helpful in anticipating trainer/instructor effectiveness and also training design. While summative (exter-nal evaluation) method judge the training worth only after completion of training which measures TKP’s Level 3, 4 and 5 thereafter address outcome or result. The accountable relevance of evaluation research were identification of five main purposes of evaluation, feedback (quality evaluation), quality (cost economics), research (mission), intervention (critical skills), and dominance (manipulation). Although there is a difference between measurement and evaluation, making con-clusions based on the information facilitated by measurement (Fred Nickols, 2004). Jim Kirkpatrick (2011) strongly ar-gues that it's impossible to mathematically calculate the outcome / result of performances. It's obvious that analytically, its difficult to segregate the impact of sales training from organizational financial result. ROE might be practical and feasi-ble to indicate successful training, i.e. expectations had been met. Henceforth by replacing ROI by ROE, it would be possi-ble to determine the degree of expectation met. (Kirkpatrick, 2011).

Transfer of trainingSince long time, researchers have dealt with the ‘transfer problem’, tried to uncover various aspects, ironically, inconsis-tencies, always existed thus organizations were not able to understand which factors are most critical. Researchers have expanded our understanding about various factors that affect motivation to transfer and transfer behavior, in due course, training module or learning content being most crucial of all. Helen (2005) suggests that learning can be divided into general task-related components and stimulus-related task, which can best explained by a model of partitioning. Further proposed decomposition of skills where performance can be improved either through decomposing exposure to stimuli or exposure to the task. The competencies or skills are segregated in general proficiencies category, which are easily transferable to new situations (Hillstrom & Logan, 1998). Although Haider and Frensch (2002) pointed out that during the process of training or learning transfer, strategic changes can be implemented at any time. However transfer must be studied for longer duration, hence Helie (2005) supports for the longer surveillance duration that could resolve some of the inconsistencies found in previous literature. Therefore, it has been perceived that vigil on transfer of learn -ing must be relational to longer duration in order to reveal promising impact of sales training (Haider & Frensch, 2002).

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Unexpected Findings and Inconsistency A paucity of research concerning sales training evaluation practices has been noted by several scholars. However, little attention has been devoted to training evaluation practices (Landy, 1989). Literatures have limited evidence of system-atic evaluation of training (Kirkpatrick, 1968; and Saari, 1988). In the area of training evaluation research, Landy (1989) observed some unplanned studies where definite conclusion has not been consolidated. Most of evaluations were related to trainee’s reaction only. Saari, (1988) observed easily employed methods were used frequently, as forms filling exercise by participants and feedback by supervisors or managers. Sugrue and Rivera (2005) reported training evaluation statistics as: Level 1-91%; Level 2-54%; Level 3 - 23%; Level 4- 8%. Ironically, levels of highest importance of-ten neglected, i.e. Level 3 & 4. ASTD researchers are of opinion that sales training required to be evaluated at levels three and four. The general consensus is that evaluation of training is critical and important, however, Kirkpartrick level three and four is often neglected. Some of the studies use easier approach such as yes/no responses to conclude findings (Saari, 1988). Model of Kaufman and Keller (1994) based on TKM, argues that Kirkpatrick model, has been positioned for evaluating training only. Many research questions have been targeted towards a financial outcome, but lacks empirical data to provide justification (Acemoglu & Pischke, 1999). The significant constraint had been the use of the only Level 1 to assess training output (Ham, 1994). Moreover, the self - reporting methodology has been the dominant factor over be -havioral observations (Phillips, 1990). Blume et al. (2010) undermines the learning transfer literature having mixed find-ings also lacks empirical evidences. Transfer of training is vital constituent of sales training process, despite of this fact transfer of sales training remains subject which has not been researched thoroughly. Jacobs & Washington (2003), sug-gested that there exists a relationship between individual development and organizational performance. Although not a single study has projected a clear-cut relation between employee development and organizational development. In pre-vious four decades “training evaluation” and “learning transfer” has never been effective and primarily used for theory building and methodology development (Wang, Dou, & Li, 2002).New Insights to Carry ForwardSales training is rapidly becoming a research topic of interest; henceforth this section highlights the gaps in the literature and recommends few insights. Most workforces perform at optimal level under motivated leadership. Barone (2012) recommends ‘attitude’ examination of sales managers in predicting inferences during performance evaluations, as opti-mist manager likely to infer that satisfactory level of sales-force performance will improve in excellent performance in the future, whereas pessimist type may go for termination. Another area for investigation can be mapping the different behavior trends engaged by salesperson. Tosi, and Cannella (1999) strongly argues researchers to move beyond the individual salesperson and investigate under researched arena such as firm level or even entire industries. Few effective methodologies in the past have been ignored few such as qualitative and case-based approaches, quasi-experimental designs, network approaches, and multi-level modeling. (Evans et al. 2000; Luke 2004). Researchers could map and identify essential factor that are important; before, during or after training. Although incorporating multiple factors into sales training might restricts few firms for financial reasons. Future research could investigate desirable factor considered to be valuable for organizations having limited re-sources. Future research can also design training content for delivering services after sales and recovery methods who often cope with customers complain. How Sales training can be delivered through technology. Do different types of sales-people have different needs in utilizing technology for training? What are the best practices who use social media to de-liver sales training? How are sales organizations using technology for self-directed learning programs (SDLPs) for sales training and how it can improve SDLPs. Is it possible to develop methodology for Sales training evaluation having ac-countability? How organization can discover potential skill gaps. What are various measurement approaches practiced in developing economies to determine sales-training effectiveness. How can organizations assess sales competencies and expertise needed? What should be a practical approach to determine trained skills have been actually implemented and are aligned to the organization's mission? Another challengable issue, unearthing charatcterics of “competent salesper-son”; who exhibits, dynamic competency and are technologically savvy. As a sales training evolves around collective ef -forts among sales teams, hence looking to the future of sales training, Lassk, et a. (2012) laid few key challenges for re-searchers; changing role of the salesperson, increased accountability, technological capability, and culture competency, integration of service activities into sales, customer-oriented selling, effectiveness measurement to be considered during training needs assessment, incorporating emerging technology, self-directed learning and the use of social media. An-swers to these research questions should benefit firms to by a restructuring sales training process; enabling better un-derstanding in the knowledge economy, the ultimate aim being to improve industry practice.

Conceptual InsightIn our conceptual framework we perceive ‘organization value’ as the dependent variable. Organization value refers whether or not sales training process achieves its intended purpose by indicating skills, competencies and financial per-formance through ROI & ROE. The hypothesis is ROI and ROE have a positive relationship with organization value. A next hypothesis is indicated, behavior and drivers are positively related to critical behavior and financial performance. A number of studies in the past have proved that manager, trainers and peer support is one of the critical factors for deter-mination of required drivers.


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Sales training is continual and consistent happening process, not a one-time affair. A sales training process in pursuit of sales result, in an era of rapidly changing economy, short-term activities is obviously preferred over long- term strategies henceforth quantity of activity prevails over quality of activity. Selling is the critical activity, where core has been perfor-mance and evaluation of performance. Ironically, we know very less about how exactly to deal evaluation and effective-ness measurement issues, if reported literature is to be considered. Evaluation should be applied throughout the entire systems. Literature indicates primary reasons why evaluation is needed; provides information on how to improve future training, enable trainers in determining learning-content design, and to justify the existence of the training department. Designing effective sales training and transfer of learning is essential. We propose a conceptual approach to focus atten-tion to achieve organizational value be setting one indicator at a time, followed by required behavior and drivers, there-after implement training proves followed by outcome evaluation in terms of behavior (ROE) and financial performance (ROI). We must strive for deep understanding and clarity of constructs through the application of rigorous methods. Technology has been influencing that improve learning and performance of human capital. We need to know more about which instructional methods are best suitable for increased organization value. What should be the role of trainee, trainer and managers in these modern systems and how effectiveness can be validated? Research can offer guidelines for practitioners and professionals on how to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate sales training functions. More research is needed to empirically verify framework to evaluate whether sales training has been effective in achiev-ing organizational goals.

Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation FrameworkThis section focus on most popular and widely used training evaluation model known as Kirkpatrick’s evaluation frame-work have acronym ‘TKM’ (The Kirkpatrick Model). Kirkpatrick initially proposed model as ‘steps’ in 1959, however re-modeled as ‘levels’ in 1996 incorporating four level reaction, learning, behavior and results (Kirkpatrick, 1996). Four lev-els of TKM viewed as contemporary thought in the evaluation area. Level one (reaction), participants views on training, measured through questionnaires. Level two (learning), knowledge added, assessed through performance tests. Level three (behavior), behaviors acquired from sales training, Level four (results), bottom-line contribution of the sales train-ing. A fifth level of evaluation was added, through contributions by Jack Phillips (2003) in form of Return on Investment (ROI). Jim Kirkpatrick’s (2007), suggested Return on Expectation (ROE) that emphasize effective training begins with the end in mind by tying training initiatives to the organization's mission and thus propose replacing ROI by ROE, that deter-mine the extent to which degree of expectation had been met (Kirkpatrick, 2011).Evaluation of TrainingThis part of the review focuses on sales training evaluation and performance measurement. Many research questions have been targeted towards a financial outcome, but lacks empirical data to provide justification (Acemoglu & Pischke, 1999). The significant constraint had been use of only level 1 to assess training output (Ham, 1994). It is perceived that organizations were least interested in the general form of sales training. Some studies indicate financial improvements were highly correlated with sales training. Moreover, self-reporting methodology has been the critical factor.The accountable relevance of research was the identification of “five main purposes of evaluation” which suggest articu-lation of evaluation in terms of feedback (evaluation for quality), quality (cost effectiveness), research (goal measure-ment), Intervention (critical skills), and dominance (manipulation). Growth being considered as major conventional measures to indicate organizational performance while earning is another measure (Kalleberg & Van Buren, 1996). Ironically, levels which are of highest importance is usually neglected, i.e. level 3 & 4. In previous four decades training evaluation has never been effective and primarily used for theory building and methodology development (Wang, Dou, & Li, 2002). We have done a comprehensive review of 36 articles on evaluation and found that mentioned figures have not changed much till August 2012. The general consensus considers evaluation as critical and important; however, Kirk-patrick’s step 3 and 4 have been often neglected, which can efficiently project ROI or ROE. Martin (1957) categorized training evaluation measures as internal or external. Research in performance evaluations in the workplace, embodies comprehensive literature. Performance evaluations of workforce are most frequently addressing issues (Cascio and Aguinis 2008). The ‘performance’ can be defined as a process which emphasizes the skill or expertise required to complete tasks as per established procedures. In Podsakoff and MacKenzie (1994) view, a performance evaluation is a reflection of past performance, but its aspects are about promising future; promoting, incentives, reward or could be terminated. In Rackham, Honey, & Colbert (1971), view the purpose of evaluation being the self-correcting training process, another function was to enhance trainee’s knowledge, skills, and ability to improve work performance thereby organizational value. In fact, performance evaluation plays a sig-nificant role in ensuring training, quality, improvement which also leads improved future training (Spitzer, 1999). The sales training literature suggests training influences future behavior and learning orientation. Lack of learning reinforce-ment following the training certainly fails to produce performance improvements and value for the organization.However, the evaluation of training outcomes is complex and much difficult process. Therefore organizations must en-hance the professional evaluation capabilities of Human Resource (HR) staff and focus on goal related training-learning curriculum while conducting performance evaluation. Thoughtful approach and professional knowledge of sales training evaluation have been inadequate, which dramatically causes multifaceted difficulties during training evaluation. We per-ceive that HR personnel responsible for evaluating training are not competent in assessing behavioral changes and per-formance; thereby exploration of innovative approaches is needed.

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Salespeople and their organizations perceive that sales training will increase organizational value through acquisition of critical behaviors. Moreover the sales training has been stimulated in past five years because of developments in technol-ogy aids and a variety of blended-learning enhancements. Irrespective of quality of a sales training program, the actual amount knowledge, skills and competencies transferred by trainees to workplace is unfortunately much low or even non-existent. Published literature indicates that conventional sales training need assessment and evaluation. Henceforth sustainability through skilled sales force serves as the primary rationale for organizations to invest in sales training. Many practitioners believe training program is crucial to a firm's success (Kelloway and Barling 2000). It is perceived that annual investment in sales training is measured in the billions and consumes a significant proportion of their train-ing budget (Lacy, 2008) Grossman 2011). In Burke and Hutchins (2008) view, best practice reported in training, in particular, on transfer of training, are limited, and anecdotal in nature. Sales training is an avenue for enhancing salesperson's performance. How-ever, relatively little formal knowledge exists concerning how salespeople perceive and transfer formal training materi-als. CSO Insights Press Release (Feb 2011) reported 59 percent of salespeople met quota in 2010, that too at the cost of the substantial amount of discounts.In spite of large amounts of sales training investments, sales training seems wasted owing to the inability of salespeople in learning or training transfer (Robinson and Robinson 1995).Sales people are not performing; thereby many organizations tend to view sales training as an expense. (Pettijohn et al., 2009).Sales training should be demonstrably effective, emphasizing skills and the acquisition of knowledge in direct sup-port of performance goals plus impact on individual performance. Widely adopted model is Kirkpatrick model, consisting of “levels”, first is a Reaction implying what trainee feel about training program, i.e. how trainees in the program react to it, measured by reaction questionnaires. Level 2 (Learning) actually learned skills or attitude during the learning process, measured through performance tests. Level 3 (Behavior); corresponds to Behavioral change, is defined by the extent to which behavioral change occurs after sales training, i.e. actual achievement of objectives through changes in job behavior, ensuring learning is being applied. Level 4 (Results) contribution toward training’s rationale i.e. Profitable sale, highest level goal of the organization, i.e. results that occurred because trainee attended the program. Since the introduction of Kirkpatrick model, several modifications have been proposed by various academicians and practitioners, to develop a more advanced form of evaluation.Since then Kirkpatrick's TKM has been unanimously adopted as the frame of reference for considering the value and im -pact of organizational training and development efforts. Numerous studies on training evaluation have been conducted based on this model. According to Erffmeyer, Russ,and Hair (1991); Honeycutt and Stevenson (1989); sales education training programs are not very effective as they are often not evaluated very well, thus the area is ripe for research.The manager should examine whether a particular module of sales training satisfies their needs. Managers should under-mine first critical requirement embossing learning during the course of training and specific requirements in the work-place. Manager and trainer must ensure strategic business needs. Trainees should be accountable (Taylor 1992). Manager's strategies such as Paid-for-knowledge can certainly translate learning into outcome (organization goal). Another managerial policy can be participation in training activities and demonstrating behavioral improvements, treat as a prerequisite for career progression (promotion). • Trainer characteristics. Trainer usually design, develop and deliver sales training modules with best of intentions, but often without clear vision. Before initiating a sales training program, they recommend that trainer should set a clear vision to achieve highest level goal (example, profitable sale, understands the organization mission and vision statement and what it deliver to their customers along with trainees current habits, level of expertise and barriers (example, competitive issues, lack of confidence in product quality, service or lead time). • Delivery Methods • Trainee’s characteristics considered significant to enable learning transfer (Burke & Hutchins 2007), whereas cognitive ability emerge as worthy predictor of transfer outcomes. The challenge in sales training is the determination of how to identify that classroom learning has been transferred to the workplace. Previous research indicates that gender, age or experience of the trainees does not reflect a significant relationship with a transfer of learning; however, a strong relationship exists between the attitude and perception of trainees towards the transfer of the learning (Lacy 2008). In the November 2011 issue of Training & Development magazine J.D. Kirkpatrick & W.K. Kirkpatrick argues training starts with outcomes in focus. According to them, to reflect the value of training, is to create a learning process (training) that has organizational value. They propose the concept of ROE (return on expectation). According to them learning without execution on the workplace does not create ROE. They strongly propose, evaluation or validation performed appropriately will demonstrate the degree to which their expectations have been satisfied. Trainer usually design, develop and deliver sales training modules with best of intentions, but often without clear vision. Before initiating a sales training program, they recommend that trainer should set a clear vision to achieve highest level goal (example, profitable sale), understand organization mission and vision statement and what it delivers to their customers along with trainees current habits, level of expertise and barriers (example, competitive issues, lack of confidence in product quality, service or lead time). Thereafter schedule an additional conversation with department and authorities to identify required 'drivers'(example,new customer acquisition – through prospecting techniques) and 'leading indicators' (example, critical behaviors, employee retention, customer service, product quality). Leading indicators are measurements that suggest 'behaviors' are on right track towards desired 'results' (highest level goal). They emphasize strong focus on Level three and four to translate sales training investments into organizational results. Lassk, F. G.,Ingram,T. N.Kraus,F.& Di Masci (2012) view sales training evaluation as a measurement approach for determining the impact of training effectiveness,

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assessing sales competencies and expertise needed through discovering potential skill gaps. Jim Kirkpatrick, Bramley and Newby (2007) in their, instructional systems design, categorize evaluation as formative and summative (internal and external evaluation). Formative is a method of judging the training worthiness during progression of sales training programs. A method particularly used to evaluate level one and two, where the focus is on measuring learning content and instructors/trainer effectiveness. While Summative is a method of judging training worthiness, at the end of the sales training program, where the focus is on the outcome. Here rest of three level, i.e. third, fourth and fifth levels are addressed. This research identified “five purposes of evaluation. (Bramley & Newby, 2007), Feedback, Control, Research. Intervention and Power. In another way, analytically, its very difficult to segregate the impact of sales training from organizations financial results attained.

In his view the nature of diverging results (no effects of previous training) can be explained by a model of partitioning. Researchers also propose, decomposition of skills where performance can be improved either through decomposing task exposure (Haider & Frensch 1999). Goldstone, 1998, Doane et al., 1996, investigates perceptual learning setting by using a decomposition of skills, proposed by Haider and Frensch’s (1996). Frensch (2002) pointed out that during the process of training or learning transfer, strategic changes can be implemented at any time. Therefore, the transfer must be studied for longer duration (Haider & Frensch, 2002). In.(Hale, 2005) view longer surveillance duration with respect to post training intervention. Sales training literature now becomes multidisciplinary due to inclusion of cognitive, engineering, human factors, psychology,computer experts, etc. Now there is a need for collaboration and conversations among disciplines. Kraiger provided distinction between training effectiveness and training evaluation. From this we concluded an important distinction, now sales training is no longer just a training program or curriculum, it is now complex interactions of many organizational factors, and that’s why, more research should be aimed at exploring why sales training is worth, desirable and working.

Personalized System Centric View of Mobile LearningIntroduction and ContextDynamic market, complexity and fierce competition enforcing organizations to upgrade personal knowledge and skills of their workforce to remain competitive. (Lambert 2010). Research indicates that continual staff development is critical to the success of any organization (Carnevale, 2005; Colvin, 2006). Although training has been stimulated in the past decade, the actual amount of knowledge, skills and competencies transferred by trainees to the workplace, is unfortunately much low or even non-existent. Johnson (2012) argues for innovative pedagogies for workforce learning, on this background, authors aims at redefining organizational training practice by suggesting alternative approach, i.e. provision of personalized learning. Others perceive that personal learning systems are more likely to be better than classroom learning specifically for adult learners. We insist self directed learning using technology for self-development to enhance professional performance, subsequently increase effectiveness thereby organization value. Learning as conceptualized by Vygotsky’s as being cognitive and social (Powell & Kalina, 2009). Mobile learning is defined as virtual learning which facilitates use of digital, portable and mobile devices used anywhere, anytime and on-the-move as well. (O’Connell & Smith, 2007). The net tablets encompass extension of mobile learning for just-in-time, available anywhere learning opportunities (Belshaw, 2011) have fostered flexibility in training-learning processes positioned to ‘mobile’ perspective supports personalized, approach to learning. The mobile learning, approach emphasize, on-the-movement and for-the-moment learning, leveraged to encourage open, Independent, Interactive, connective and collaborative learning where notion of m-learning, e- learning and virtual learning also leveraged. Mobile learning favors adult learner as adult learners are learners with work and family, having priorities (Day 2012), here mobile learning, is referred as being on-move access to cloud-based applications through mobile application while learning contents and modules are stored on virtual servers at a remote location.Visualizing Organization and Workforce centric view In knowledge-based economy, the effectiveness of technology based training-learning-assessments systems and how it makes an impact on training-learning-evaluation process (Johnson 2011) were needed to restructure training methodol-ogy, for higher performance with greater effectiveness. The training needs in a knowledgeable society are elusive as clear enunciation to which particular learning modules or pedagogy sustains in knowledge-based economy. Which training can be classified as generic skilled training and task specific training, needed to be developed among, professional image, leadership skills , developing effective alliances and partnerships, time management, customer a analysis, case study, computer-based simulation, planning etc. by professional trainers. The role of traditional training in developing the moti-vation has been significantly constrained by pedagogical imperatives that do not empower learner-centered approach which most likely to empower the workforce with the skills needed in the knowledge economy. Although many organiza-tions were aware of the benefits of technological learning in skill development issues, but rarely using it. (Global Coach-ing Survey, 2009).  Different insights of emerging technologies have been explored, according to Siemens and Tittenberger (2009), technol-ogy that incorporates organizational philosophies and ideologies. In Veletsianos (2010) view emerging technologies as new technologies in specific organizational context, while Johnson et al. (2012) argues for innovative pedagogies supple-mented with technology, whereas Veletsianos (2010:3) point seems to be that, a combination of tools, concepts, innova-tions, and advancement used for learning. The e-learning or m-learning approaches had a short history (Pachler, Bach-

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mir & Cook, 2010); mobile learning (m-learning) refers to learning through digital mobile devices that can be carried and used anywhere, any time as well as on-the-move (O’Connell & Smith, 2007), whereas computer and network enabled electronic learning, termed as e-learning. Traditional training for development of motivation has been significantly re-stricted by pedagogical imperatives that enhance learner focused learning as an approach which likely to enhance skills needed in knowledge based economy.In an era of dynamic and knowledgeable market, professionals were demanding flexible and personal learning environ-ments for skill enhancements (Johnson 2010). Workforce are in need for a learning approach that could aid mobility (Pachler et al., 2010), enables on-the-move learning thereby promote active learning. Workforce can access learning con-tents, in a manner that suits their work-life needs and constraints and that too without physically attending the class-room sessions of instructional training. Emerging technologies do have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships and e-learning.Emerging technologies for personalized learningSources of emerging technologies to conceptualize, design, enhance, and foster sales training by collaborating learners and trainer are evident. Few technology reduces technical barriers to e-learning (Cochrane, 2010), can perform compe-tency-based assessments and incorporated in workplace-based learning as well (Chan, 2010a; Chan, 2010, b). Notions of continual lifelong learning in knowledgeable economy coupled with rapid advances in emerging technologies have en-abled training and learning processes that can be serviced in customized ways, previously unimaginable. Mobile learning with Cloud computing and net tablet facilitate synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve staff’s en-gagement with learning and skill development. Emerging technology not only surface new technology, but also incorpo-rate innovative pedagogy (Johnson et al. 2012), i.e. on-the-move learning likely to influence on teaching, learning, or cre -ative expression (Johnson et al. 2011), embedded with philosophies and ideologies (Siemens and Tittenberger 2009), i.e. flexibility and empowerment and provide interactive learning with peers and experts which are context-specific Velet-sianos (2010), i.e. address several challenges. Model reflect the close proximity with Veletsianos (2010:3) concept, which states of emerging technologies as ‘tools (tablet, cloud computing), concepts (flexible learning), innovations (on-the-move and for-the-moment learning) advancements (technology, pedagogy) used in diverse settings (sales training) to serve varied purposes (skill enhancement and transfer).  Its much likely that professional trainers and organization can empower staff to become lifelong learners, implement progressive pedagogies in staff learning, and focus on the role of trainer and technology within this evolving landscape. The first anomaly relates to a presumed workforce desire to learn using a learner-centered learning experience. We op-pose “one size fits all” tendency that treating workforce as a homogeneous group. We strongly object to this approach and suggest the scope within mobile learning models to offer workforce more than one learning modules by allowing them to select their preferred module according to their need and learning philosophy. The second anomaly refers to is -sues of choice for training staff may it be internal or external, as learning philosophy insist the notion of ‘empowerment’ and the exercising of ‘empowered’ with authority. The need to incorporate critical behaviors, increasing numbers of per-formance indicators, diversity in workforces and requirements to remain flexible and responsive, has damaged learning autonomy. The third anomaly relates to workforce' perceptions of impractical and irrelevant content, improper delivery, a personal discomfort with change and motivation from seniors to resist change. (Broad and Newstrom 1992). The term mobile learning refers freedom and diversity in selecting needed to learn modules by workforce, focus on the unique needs of individual learners, not according to trainer or manager. It totally empowers workforce to decide when, what, and how to learn, by initiating mobile and virtual learning. Thereby emerging technology could change the role of trainer from direct instruction in classroom to just a facilitator of virtual knowledge source and manage learning re-sources. The mobile learning, approach offers workforce and trainers the choice between two pedagogical approaches; either a learner centered virtual approach or interactive instruction approach or a mix of both. We argue that the trainer and content developers role to be central in both approaches mentioned, however, an innovative style of training, or in-novative way of promoting learning, required to be practiced. Pan (2006), suggests that the empowerment of choices provides workforce with individualized learning pathways in control of the learners themselves, which promote empow-erment for personalisation of learning (Hartley, 2007). The empowerment of choice has appeal to both work staff and professional trainer. Now onwards organization likely to engage themselves with emerging technology and because of contemporary, innovative pedagogies being preferable to align with the new mobile approach. Authors perceives greater opportunity of success when organization simultaneously offers choice in using preferred pedagogical approach to pro-mote workforce learning thereby to acquire skills. This advanced learning technology could provide twofold usefulness and more effective pedagogy at substantially lower costs. Notebooks, Laptop, personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also facilitate mobile learning, however, tablets have numerous advantages as tuned with appropriateness in level of technol-ogy integration supplemented with distinct features: Portability (anywhere, any time, on-the-move); Mobility (no plug-in power supply); and a range of useful generic apps with accordance to transform learning into skills.


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In the era of knowledge based economy, learners when socialized to the online environment, results in enhanced technological capabilities, critical thinking and time management skills. Become proficient in collaborative and interactive learning by community formation. Emerging technologies does have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships, integration of sales and service, customer oriented selling, flexible, active, continuous, lifelong and active learning. Approach perceives that personal learning systems with flexibility and mobility are more likely to be better than classroom learning, i.e. direct instruction. The approach can address several challenges being currently faced by sales-force, few of these are, time constraints, changing roles, accountability, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, self-directed learning, use of social media and cultural diversity. The model does recognize sales organizations, content developers and professional trainers as a key player in the development of mobile learning mechanism. We invite further discussion of the model by academics and professional trainers and sales organizations with a view to implementation in actual practice.

Visualizing Organization and Workforce centric view In knowledge-based economy, the effectiveness of technology based training-learning-assessments systems and how it makes an impact on training-learning-evaluation process (Johnson 2011) were needed to restructure training methodology, for higher performance with greater effectiveness. The training needs in a knowledgeable society are elusive as clear enunciation to which particular learning modules or pedagogy sustains in knowledge-based economy. Which training can be classified as generic skilled training and task specific training, needed to be developed among, professional image, leadership skills, developing effective alliances and partnerships, time management, customer an analysis, case study, computer-based simulation, planning etc. by professional trainers. The role of traditional training in developing the motivation has been significantly constrained by pedagogical imperatives that do not empower learner-centered approach which most likely to empower the workforce with the skills needed in the knowledge economy. Although many organizations were aware of the benefits of technological learning in skill development issues, but rarely using it. (Global Coaching Survey, 2009).

Different insights of emerging technologies have been explored, according to Siemens and Tittenberger (2009), technology that incorporates organizational philosophies and ideologies. In Veletsianos (2010) view emerging technologies as new technologies in specific organizational context, while Johnson et al. (2012) argues for innovative pedagogies supplemented with technology, whereas Veletsianos (2010:3) point seems to be that, a combination of tools, concepts, innovations, and advancement used for learning. The e-learning or m-learning approaches had a short history (Pachler, Bachmir & Cook, 2010); mobile learning (m-learning) refers to learning through digital mobile devices that can be carried and used anywhere, any time as well as on-the-move (O’Connell & Smith, 2007), whereas computer and network enabled electronic learning, termed as e-learning. Traditional training for development of motivation has been significantly restricted by pedagogical imperatives that enhance learner focused learning as an approach which likely to enhance skills needed in knowledge based economy.

In an era of dynamic and knowledgeable market, professionals were demanding flexible and personal learning environments for skill enhancements (Johnson 2010). Workforce are in need for a learning approach that could aid mobility (Pachler et al., 2010), enables on-the-move learning thereby promote active learning. Workforce can access learning contents, in a manner that suits their work-life needs and constraints and that too without physically attending the classroom sessions of instructional training. Emerging technologies do have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships and e-learning.ConclusionsIn the era of knowledge based economy, learners when socialized to the online environment, results in enhanced technological capabilities, critical thinking and time management skills. Become proficient in collaborative and interactive learning by community formation. Emerging technologies does have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships, integration of sales and service, customer oriented selling, flexible, active, continuous, lifelong and active learning. Approach perceives that personal learning systems with flexibility and mobility are more likely to be better than classroom learning, i.e. direct instruction. Approach can address several challenges being currently faced by sales-force, few of these are, time constraints, changing roles, accountability, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, self-directed learning, use of social media and cultural diversity. Model does recognize sales organizations, content developers and professional trainers as key player in development of mobile learning mechanism. We invite further discussion of the model by academics and professional trainers and sales organizations with a view to implementation in actual practice. The educational uses of net tablets encompass extension of mobile learning for just-in-time, available anywhere learning opportunities (Belshaw, 2011). As compared to e-learning, mobile learning or m-learning, has a relatively short history (Pachler, Bachmir & Cook, 2010). Mobile learning is defined as “virtual learning facilitated and enhanced by the use of digital, portable, mobile devices, carried and used anywhere, anytime”(O’Connell & Smith, 2007).Few of these are, changing roles, accountability, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, customer-oriented selling, self-directed learning, use of social media and cultural diversity. When professional autonomy granted to sales staff to exercise professional judgments, there itself much motivation initiates for learning. Henceforth we advocate empowerment associated with a choice that underlies our approach significantly.

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The concepts of ‘one size fits all’ had been traditionally valid in universities where so-called skill and generic capabilities are common. In conventional workforce training, the authors believe this concept is discriminatory that treat sales peoples as a homogeneous group. Some employ advanced online learning techniques where trainees get conversant with multimedia, conferencing tools, computer simulations, case analysis. Learning pedagogy aids, mobility of the learner (Pachler et al., 2010). On-the-move learning, promote active learning, thereby reduce technical barriers to e-learning. (Cochrane, 2010). Perform competency-based assessments which also can be incorporated in workplace-based learning (Chan, 2010a; Chan, 2010, b). Use of emerging technologies to conceptualize, design, enhance, and foster sales training by collaborating learners and trainer are evident. PLEs (Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) for self-directed learning. Designed to provide people with individualized learning pathways that are subject to the control of the learners themselves” (Poon 2006). Literature on continual lifelong learning, emphasize self- motivation and capacity to learn, may it be formal or informal learning, whereas open learning refers to freedom or suitability with diversities in learning options positioned to learners (Poon 2006). Use of emerging technologies to conceptualize, design, enhance, and foster sales training.

Flexible – Cloud – Tablet model facilitate synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve sales staff’s engagement with learning and skill development. Conceptual model, in particular emphasize, on-the-movement and for-the-moment learning, leveraged to encourage Open, Independent, Interactive, Collaborative, Situated, m-learning and e- learning, promote active, participative learning, , provide opportunities to become constructive, constructivism learners, thereby meet notion of continual lifelong learning. Notebooks, Laptop, personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also facilitate mobile learning ,however, tablets have numerous advantage with appropriateness in level of technology integration supplemented with distinct features : Portability (anywhere, anytime, on-the-move); Mobility(no plug-in power supply); surf the internet via wireless local network (anywhere access); WiFi access (connects wireless and wired devices) through wireless access points or hotspots; access to social networking sites and reference material; reduce technical barriers to e-learning; record skill acquisition; enhance digital literacy; store multimedia content supported by text; create interactive e-textbooks; NUI for simpler navigation; touch screen, easier to learn and operate; Microphones(to record audio notes); Global positioning system (GPS); Bluetooth; long battery; no need for plug-in power supply life and range of useful generic apps with affordable to transform learning into skills. In era of knowledge-based economy, learners when socialized to the online environment, results in enhanced technological capabilities, critical thinking and time management skills, collaboratively and interactive learning by community formation. Motivation provides sales-peoples persistence toward attainment a defined goal (Robbins & Judge, 2009).

Executive Overview Sales training practices and effectiveness have recently gained widespread attention and rapidly becoming a research topic of interest. The greatest challenge being faced by sales organizations is application of sales skills and competencies required to maintain competitiveness are exponentially growing and changing. Despite negative notion (ineffective, expensive, and time consuming) supplemented with difficulty in measuring the success of sales training, practice still considered as sensible for improving bottom-line results, thereby organizational value. After providing a definition of Sales training, an overview of prior research is given, which identifies the significant parameters of important topics of earlier sales training research; such as need assessment, methodology, evaluation, transfer of training. In light of current debates about lack of systematic efforts and inability of sales-force to apply learned skill, we evaluate the literature and assess comprehensive, concrete, and scalable process plan for by applying a system design approach to keep sales training as a sustainable trend for skill transfer and attitude change not just a management fashion. On this basis, we present a conceptual framework that provides foundation for discussing system design for structured sales training and their implications at the organizational and individual level. Thus, we explore multifaceted determinants relational to decisions and process for carrying sales training. Thereafter, we propose research agenda based on our conceptual framework significantly emphasizing on concept of knowledgeable human capital, revenue and organizational performance consequences of sales training system and on future research design issues. Finally, we discuss implications for sales management education and practice, conclusion and outlook.

In entrepreneurship field, learning is considered as one of the two main variables for having knowledgeable human capital (Chaganti and Greene 2002). Past research indicates that continual employee development is critical to success of any organization (Knowles, 1990, Phillips, 2003, Peters, 2004, Carnevale, 2005; Colvin, 2006; Homer & Griffin, 2006) and is also a necessity if sales organizations are to participate in the global and electronic marketplaces (Noe, 2008). Therefore, to function effectively in the dynamic market, having the complexity and fierce competition e (Crane et al. 2005), tough economic condition, the situation demand increased inventory of personal knowledge and skills (Lambert 2010). To sustain in future marketplace, present situation enforcing individuals and organizations to upgrade knowledge and skills (Lambert 2010). Further technological advancements enforcing sales organizations to restructure their business process and sales training for attaining competitive advantage (Arguinis & Kraiger, 2009). Skills and competencies required to maintain competitiveness thereby organizational value are exponentially growing and changing. For this, fundamental reason to break new ground, across the globe, a considerable amount of investments and time were coupled to reinforce sales training programs. Most experts agree that there is absolutely no substitute for a promising, sensible and dynamic sales team. Moreover, few sales people have interpersonal and technological

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competencies required for dynamic work environments (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Henceforth investing in sales training is a sensible practice for improving bottom-line results thereby organizational value.

Many scholars perceive that sales training will increase performance-related skills (Johlke, 2006) thereby enhance competitive advantage (Salas et al., 2006). However, few managers and organization hold reservations regarding efficacy of sales training, though general sentiment is that sales training is essential (Pettijohn et al., 2009). Ironically, limited number of sales personnel has interpersonal and technological competencies required to cope dynamic work environments (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Hence, in present scenario of recession and tough economic condition is a great time to conduct sales training (Rackham, 2009) to prove its worthiness by reflecting several benefits, in particular, increase competency, performance, retention, knowledgeable human capital and most significant revenue to remain competitive in a demanding global marketplace.

However the effectiveness aspect of sales training no longer considered a vogue. McKinsey, trusted and pioneer global management consulting firm in March 2010, in their global survey result mentioned that organizations around the world have spent nearly $100 billion per year to train their employees, on the contrary, few handful workforce had acquired or applied job-work related skills and competencies. In their routine tasks. Moreover, In a nutshell, despite consistent, regular, periodic sales training interventions, many organizations fail to develop the skills of their workforce (IBM, 2008). In light of these developments, Miller Heiman Sales Best Practices Study in 2012 provided insights that sales-peoples core competencies need to be effective.

Sales Training-Lit. Rev.The 21st Century sales training process demands a return to the artful and dynamic process of communicating and bonding with people. Using real world scenarios currently being experienced by the sales professional, sales training activities should take on the role of educating, informing, instructing and developing the sales team. The challenge lies in creating a balance between technology and the personal touch needed to sell effectively, through Sales Training. To deal with such a challenge, I have selected this topic for research study. Study expected to uncover unique, innovative and thought provoking ideas and practices to assist organizations while evaluating best approaches so as to provide appropriate & effective sales training. I.e. provision of a comprehensive framework to understand effective state of sales training. Benefits are multidimensional and it is expected study will contribute to clarifying overall concepts relating to sales training strategy to maintain sustainability. This research will stimulate business organization and sales practitioners thinking and give a clear path to actions to be performed to achieve, create and drive sustainable growth and be competitive. Academician and Research students can take benefits for academic purpose. Ph.D student have ready reckon base to continue further research proposed in future scope. Academicians: Can use real data, practical and applied cases and business scenarios for clear-cut understanding of the basic and advance concepts in Sales & Marketing pedagogy.Gain Insights of Sales training effectiveness, to what extend satisfying organizational motive for Knowledgeable human capital, i.e. dignified, intellectual, ethical, compassionate and caring workforce, to deal dynamic market, technology and business process. Certain to achieve status of high organization value (EPS, range of facilities and benefits).

Introductory StatementsIntegrating Sales Training Resource and Rational Plan View for Sales TrainingUnderstanding Dynamic Competency of Sales Organizations Komal K Das, A Upadhaya, Subrata Das

Market dynamism and ever-increasing degree of complexity, especially for Indian sales organizations, stirred decision makers to accumulate right blend of resources in various domains of technology, knowledge management followed by a rational plan for sales training. There are other reasons as well; changes in business cycle lead to situational changes which enforce changes in procedural methods and therefore both sales force and their organizations must continue to learn in order to remain competitive. Even though the sales organization continually is emphasizing periodic learning apart from task-related knowledge, skills, and abilities. In this era, competing with multinational rivals depend highly on their ability to adapt changes with agility; being pro-active to sustain in the future and differentiate itself from the rest of the crowd. The notion of system design for sales training likely to bring significant changes in domain of sales management, in particular, strategic approaches towards sales training. This idea of sales management research, not only anticipates, but also formulates structural antecedents and consequences, build perceptions that describe sales organizations in particular paradigm. These perceptions, then become building blocks of different genres of research. Attempts were made to manipulate the sales training environment with an underlying goal of attaining competitive advantage.SALES TRAINING RESOURCE VIEW

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Technology and knowledge advancements require constant adjustments (Cron et al.2005); enforcing organizations to restructure sales training resources (Arguinis & Kraiger, 2009). Salespeople and organizations believe sales training will increase performance related skills (Johlke, 2006). The other advantages; yields higher productivity, quality work, and minimal errors; reflects traits such as high morale, motivation, commitment and teamwork, being integral for competitive advantage (Salas et al., 2006). Sales culture of the organization with respect to provision of Learning resources can serve as a key contributor to success, as often project influence of sales managers and executives (Lambert, 2008).

First genre, sales training resources view, focuses on sales organizational decisions and actions pertaining to sales training, and we perceive such decisions and actions are taken within the ambit of organizational boundaries. Resource view emphasis on those decisions and actions that are required for improving bottom-line results. The decision primarily concentrated for enhancing interpersonal and technological competencies required by sales force (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Varieties of communication technologies, professional training, services of experts, knowledge warehouse, and professional course modules relevant to specific requirements have enabled Sales Training intervention to be carried out in numerous ways, previously unimaginable. This not only requires optimal utilization of existing resources, but also incorporating development of new resources for enhancing organization value. Key decisions affect the resource type for which management is only responsible. In-depth understanding is required for optimal utilization, like what types of training resources are essentially required, what are the skills needed to be developed, who should be hired internal coaches, external practitioners or professional trainers. Among numerous choices organization has to decide most optimal one. Often the choice is contingent not only upon the environmental dynamics, but also on the degree of alignment with internal functions. However, sales management functions and resources are intricately linked to sustaining competitive advantage. Thus the choice actually becomes a strategic choice. In the resource-dependence view of organizations, internal arrangements and external resource providers are important.

Training process already impacted by uses of emerging technologies, but in sales training, the role of technology either void or ineffective (Rust 2006). In Lassk, (2012) view, emerging technology has potential to initiate personal learning and social media interactions in the sales process, and therefore sales training through emerging technology has been rapidly advancing as hottest topic of interest. However the use of technology to enhance learning is not new (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1994). e-learning or m-learning, has a relatively short history (Pachler, Bachmir & Cook, 2010); mobile learning (m-learning) refers to learning through digital mobile devices that can be carried and used anywhere, any time as well as on-the-move (O’Connell & Smith, 2007). Job aids tools can also enhance job performance (Salas et al. 2006). A variety of resources would enhance learning through embedded learning pedagogy with technology that could be availed by trainer, experts, peers and learners according to their own frames of reference.RATIONAL PLAN VIEWSComplexity adds up as salespeople recommend and prefer; general selling skills, communication, overcoming objections, product knowledge, marketing, presentation, handling objections, closing, negotiation skills, sales aids, technical training, and customer service. Managers usually prefer courses that includes self-motivation, team management, sales presentations and demonstrations, planning, sales calls, time management, and buying behavior. Methods are also numerous; video tapes, role-playing, audio tapes, reference materials, training manuals and case studies. Usually computer simulations and case analysis frequently use methods (Chonko, Tanner and Weeks, 1993).

Learning as conceptualized by Vygotsky’s as being cognitive and social (Powell & Kalina, 2009). An emerging learning style; mobile learning, a form of virtual learning facilitated and enhanced by the use of digital, portable, mobile devices, carried and used anywhere, anytime (O’Connell & Smith, 2007). The net tablets encompass extension of mobile learning for just-in-time, available anywhere learning opportunities (Belshaw, 2011) have fostered flexibility in training-learning processes and supports personalized, approach to learning. Mobile learning favors adult learner as adult learners are learners with work and family, having priorities (Day 2012). This form of sales training likely to consume significant resources, however leverage open, independent, interactive, connective and collaborative learning where the notion of m-learning, e- learning and virtual learning also leveraged.

Empowerment for these dynamic technological resources, i.e. tablet and cloud computing, can cope mobility of learners, for the 'moment’ learning along with on the 'movement' learning. This the empowerment of resources for interactive technology would zeal for ‘individualized’ learning (control of the learner), ‘personalized’ learning (increase success rate), and motivates self-coaching (i.e. Using technology") for self up gradation to improve their skills, consequently, the effectiveness of their organization.ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMIC CAPABILITY

Experiences had shown that continued interaction to exchange ideas between trainers, managers, peers would be a starting point for building skills effectively through emerging technologies. Not much research has been done regarding learners in this area (Laurillard, 2002). Dynamic resource provision would empower the sales force to opt convenient approach aligned to their learning philosophy and preferred learning methodology (Johnson et al., 2010). A variety of resources would enhance learning through embedded learning pedagogy with technology that could be availed by trainer, experts, peers and learners according to their own frames of reference. Innovative sales training methodology could be productive of concepts and the emerging technologies applicable to other aspects of sales management, including CRM, online collaboration, sales plan creation, reinforcement of intransitive skill. Robust learning experience would be achieved through implementation of learning management system (LMS) with integration of technological support such as excellent streaming technology with voice-over IP, optimized graphics and flash files, multimedia,

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animation, self-assessment exercises, demonstrations on video, specialized work based training videos, course access through email and the Internet. All of these resources would be appropriate to enhance motivation and confident attitude towards learning.

Innovative sales training methodology could be productive of concepts and the emerging technologies applicable to other aspects of sales management, including CRM, online collaboration, sales plan creation, reinforcement of intransitive skill. Robust learning experience would be achieved through implementation of learning management system (LMS) with integration of technological support such as excellent streaming technology with voice-over IP, optimized graphics and flash files, multimedia, animation, self-assessment exercises, demonstrations on video, specialized work based training videos, course access through email and the Internet. All of these resources would be appropriate to enhance motivation and confident attitude towards learning.

McKinsey, trusted and pioneer global management consulting firm in March 2010, in their global survey result mentioned that organizations around the world have spent nearly $100 billion per year to train their employees, on the contrary, few handful workforce had acquired or applied job-work related skills and competencies. In their routine tasks. In a nutshell, despite consistent, regular, periodic sales training interventions, many organizations fail to develop the skills of their workforce (IBM, 2008). In light of these developments, Miller Heiman Sales Best Practices Study in 2012 provided insights that sales-peoples core competencies need to be effective. Definition of Sales training system

Sales training is directed toward teaching selling process to inexperienced salespeople, in a relatively short time, the skills of the more experienced members of the sales force Weitz et al. (1986).Stein, D. (2011) recommends sales training to be Regular, Relevant, Realistic, and Reoccurring for having competitive advantage and high organizational value. Learning orientation has a positive impact on firm performance (Farell, 2000). Sales managers who are effective in coaching consistently deliver more value to their organizations. Sales training involves the systematic attempt to acquire skills, competencies and knowledge to reach acceptable levels of performance goals or systematic attempt to transfer best components of selling such as essential selling competencies that includes knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are critical for successful sales performance. The goal of the sales training being master required competencies and to apply them to their day-to-day routines (Noe, 2008). Usually treated as supplement to learning after doing by experiences or on-job-training. Sales training should not be considered as one-time affairs as rarely produce results, rather a process which consumes a significant portion of time. An effective sales training approach should focus on imparting best behaviors and practices for enhancing organizational value, preferably through interactive way, followed by reinforcement and evaluation which of course needs considerable amount of time. A training system should not merely be a haphazard collection of contents, approaches, methods rather challenge lies in creating a balance between technology and the personal touch needed to make the sales force effective to enhance organizational value through sales training. During the last ten years, development of sales management systems is probably one of the greatest happening in business circuit that moved sales training from the realm of art to that of science, which also calls for consistent improvements. Now onwards, sales training activities should take on the role of educating, informing, instructing and developing the sales team, using real world scenarios currently being experienced by the sales force. Though it’s a tough challenge for sales organizations to change their sales training procedures. Moreover, there lies other factors that contribute to complexity, the changing human behavior and another is lack of understanding and know-how of what works in relationship-selling. However, top management recognizes sales training as a crucial part of having a competitive edge.

Kirkpatrick model (2011) was recognized for introducing the concept of ROE (return on expectation), considered instead ROE instead of ROI, might be practical and feasible to indicate successful training in terms of ‘expectations’. Argues that replacing ROI by ROE, it would be possible to determine the degree of expectation met. The effectiveness of sales training often considered to be dependent on ability of learner to apply newly acquired skills/competencies (Salas et al., 2006). This original understanding needs to be amended. In addition, sales managers ‘attitude’ and effectiveness to coach consistently deliver more value to their organizations. On this ground, Barone (2012) recommends ‘attitude’ examination of sales managers in predicting inferences, as optimist manager likely to infer that periodic training and coaching attains a satisfactory level of sales-force performance thereafter improves to excel in the future, whereas pessimist type may recommend termination. These extremes, the absence of systematic and structured approach for coaching and training, less attention from researchers and academicians, mixed findings, lack of empirical evidences, inadequate thoughtful approach and professional knowledge on sales training system design, dramatically causes multifaceted difficulties and ineffectiveness. We perceive system design framework could enhance the effectiveness of sales training. Thus, it is important to understand the fundamental reason that how and which variables affect effectiveness and how can system design approach would enhance the sales training effectiveness thereby Organization's success. It has been perceived that methodical determination of training program needs is necessary for designing valued sales training, otherwise, could result in decisive effect and time wasting activity. McGehee and Thayer (1961) suggest that sales training needs assessment should focus on,” organization, task, and humans”.

Few systematic efforts have been reported in literature that endeavor effectiveness in sales research. Robertson, Dixon, and Curry (2006) observed dramatic decline in conceptual sales articles in elite journals. It's obvious that researchers have made little efforts to Thomas Stewart, in an editorial of Harvard Business Review (2006), stated ‘sales’ domain gets less attention from researchers and academicians whereas ‘sales’ is a topic, which facilitate all

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business activities. Plouffe (2008) explored a variety of journals to unearth prospects for sales management research; findings revealed that during 1983-2006, among 1270 sales articles, sales evaluation and performance article were constructed at 5.2%, whereas sales raining lags much lower at 3.9%. Therefore, we know very less about how exactly to deal sales training effectiveness issues, if reported literature is to be considered. In previous four decades, few sales training models and framework has never been effective and lags to address challenges facing the firm; majority of research primarily used for theory building and methodology development (Wang, Dou, & Li, 2002).

Kirkpatrick model (2011) was recognized for introducing the concept of ROE (return on expectation), considered instead ROE instead of ROI, might be practical and feasible to indicate successful training in terms of ‘expectations’. Argues that replacing ROI by ROE, it would be possible to determine the degree of expectation met. The effectiveness of sales training often considered to be dependent on ability of learner to apply newly acquired skills/competencies (Salas et al., 2006). This original understanding needs to be amended. In addition, sales managers ‘attitude’ and effectiveness to coach consistently deliver more value to their organizations. On this ground, Barone (2012) recommends ‘attitude’ examination of sales managers in predicting inferences, as optimist manager likely to infer that periodic training and coaching attains a satisfactory level of sales-force performance thereafter improves to excel in the future, whereas pessimist type may recommend termination.

These extremes, the absence of systematic and structured approach for coaching and training, less attention from researchers and academicians, mixed findings, lack of empirical evidences, inadequate thoughtful approach and professional knowledge on sales training system design, dramatically causes multifaceted difficulties and ineffectiveness. We perceive system design framework could enhance the effectiveness of sales training. Thus, it is important to understand the fundamental reason that how and which variables affect effectiveness and how can system design approach would enhance the sales training effectiveness thereby Organization's success. It has been perceived that methodical determination of training program needs is necessary for designing valued sales training, otherwise, could result in decisive effect and time wasting activity. McGehee and Thayer (1961) suggest that sales training needs assessment should focus on,” organization, task, and humans”.

Few empirical studies were found and existing models fail to distinguish the actual impact of sales training (Gray & Herr, 1998). We need to know more about which instructional methods are best suitable for increased organization value. What should be the role of trainee, train and how to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate sales training functions. Whether or not performance metrics are optimally aligned with organizational objectives. Is there is provision for an incremental measurement procedure to determine progress toward required behaviors? What are different parameters were related to performance metrics? More research is needed to empirically verify framework to evaluate whether sales training has been effective in achieving organizational goals. Few effective methodologies in the past have been ignored few such as qualitative and case-based approaches, quasi-experimental designs, network approaches, and multilevel modeling. (Evans et al. 2000; Luke 2004). Another significant reason for ineffectual sales training is the lack of learning reinforcement following the sales training obviously fails to produce effective and value for the organization.

We need to answer, how managers incorporating analytic to improve coaching and mentoring, Is it feasible to invest? How an organization validates whether existing resources were provided required support for sales execution activities. How does sales management act / support to develop salespersons competency / skill ? Do organizations insists for developing leadership skills? What are the optimal approaches sales managers executing to implement organizational strategy? What are the critical parameters of sale success? What are the barriers, shortcoming that results in greatest of pressures? Which training options most appropriate for providing strategic advantage? What should be the optimal length of sales training to impend skill contents in salesperson behaviors. How Sales training can be delivered through technology. How sales organizations use technology for self-directed learning programs (SDLPs) for sales? What are various Self-directed learning approaches? How an organization can discover potential skill gaps. What are various measurement approaches practiced in developing economies to determine sales-training effectiveness. How organizations can determine the skills, competencies and expertise, needed for sales? What should be a practical approach to determine trained skills have been actually implemented. How to unearthing characteristics of “competent salesperson”; who exhibits, dynamic competency and are technologically savvy. What should be the Training content to deliver post-sale service and proactive recovery methods? How social media can be incorporated in organizational sales process? Weather collaboration of any kind is feasible to resolve problems with customers. How to integrate service activities into a sales position? How can sales training increase salespeople’s cooperative power to help resolve customer issues? To what extent can empathize behavior be installed through sales training? How can research on perceived fairness, business etiquette, and joint problem-solving enhance sales training on the sportsmanship dimension? How can customer expectations for post-sale service and recovery strategies be incorporated into sales training? Are there situational contingencies? From the buyer’s perspective, which sales competencies and behaviors lead to more favorable perceptions of salespeople’s compatibility, credibility, and expertise? What specific skills, knowledge and elements of cooperative power will enable the salesperson to be a strategic orchestrator with increased accountability. How to design training content, so that the effectiveness of the training can be demonstrated? What strategies are used to ensure relevancy of training content? What are the various methods of including the customer perspective on salespeople’s training needs, and what is the relative effectiveness of these methods? What are the various techniques for identifying the skills, competencies and expertise that employees need to succeed? Enhanced Technology Capability. What are the best practices in using social media in the sales process? How do sales training

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programs currently define diversity? Why does it define this way? Do training outcomes depend on the narrow or broad definitions of culture? What are the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of culturally competent salespeople?What is essential for salespeople to know about culture's impact on negotiation, communication, and relationship building? How an organization can improve level of value provided to customers and major accounts? What are the difficulties in evaluating sales training?What are significant Barriers, Shortcomings and Challenges ahead in sales training? How to develop Behavior modeling Framework before conducting Sales Training? How can sales training increase salespeople’s cooperative power to help resolve customer issues? To what extent can empathize behavior be installed through sales training? How can research on perceived fairness, business etiquette, and joint problem-solving enhance sales training on the sportsmanship dimension can customer expectations for post-sale service and recovery strategies be incorporated into sales training? Are there situational contingencies? From the buyer’s perspective, which sales competencies and behaviors lead to more favorable perceptions of salespeople’s compatibility, credibility, and expertise? How to design training content, so that the effectiveness of the training can be demonstrated? What strategies are used to ensure relevancy of training content? What are the various methods of including the customer perspective on salespeople’s training needs, and what is the relative effectiveness of these methods? What are the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of culturally competent salespeople? What is essential for salespeople to know about culture's impact on negotiation, communication, and relationship building? Another area for investigation can be mapping the different behavior trends engaged by salesperson. Researchers can explore underutilized domains such as social networks and its role in contemporary selling, characteristics of high performing sales teams, implementing sales training at an economical cost and developing sensitive salespeople. What sources of information are considered crucial while conducting sales-force training needs assessment and evaluation? Does organizational climate and management attitude influence sales training needs assessment and/or evaluation practices? Ken, Tosi, and Cannella (1999) strongly argues researchers to move beyond the individual salesperson and investigate under researched arena such as firm level or even entire industries. Few effective methodologies in the past have been ignored few such as qualitative and case-based approaches, quasi-experimental designs, network approaches, and multilevel modeling. (Bonoma 985; Hurley 1998; Evans et al. 2000; Ostrom 1996; Luke 2004). Researchers could map and identify essential factor that are important; before, during or after training. Although incorporating multiple factors into sales training might restricts few firms for financial reasons. Future research could investigate desirable factor considered to be valuable for organizations having limited resources. Future research can also design training content for delivering services after sales and recovery methods who often cope with customers complain. How Sales training can be delivered through technology. Do different types of salespeople have different needs in utilizing technology for training? What are the best practices who use social media to deliver sales training? How are sales organizations using technology for self-directed learning programs (SDLPs) for sales training and how it can improve SDLPs. Is it possible to develop methodology for Sales training evaluation having accountability. How organization can discover potential skill gaps. What are various measurement approach practiced in developed economies to determine sales-training effectiveness. How can organizations assess sales competencies and expertise needed. What should be practical approach to determine trained skills have been actually implemented and are aligned to organization mission. Another challenging issue, unearthing desirable characteristics of “competent salesperson”; who exhibits dynamic competency and are technological savvy. As sales training evolves around collective efforts among sales teams , hence looking to the future of sales training, Lassk, et a. (2012) laid few key challenges for researchers; changing role of the salesperson, increased accountability, technological capability, and culture competency, integration of service activities into sales, customer-oriented selling, effectiveness measurement to be considered during training needs assessment, incorporating emerging technology, self-directed learning and the use of social media. Answers to these research questions should benefit firms to by a restructuring sales training process; enabling better understanding in the knowledge economy, the ultimate aim being to improve industry practice.

After examining sales training issues drawn from exhaustive literature review unearthing inconsistencies, unexpected findings and insights. We perceives that conceptual system design approach for sales training could benefit sales management firms to restructure sales training . Significantly consider research gaps and research questions from elite papers, we perceives these issues could be address by system design model. Model expected to deliver outcome in terms of increased Job capabilities, Performance, Competitive Advantage, Retention, Knowledgeable human capital, Revenue and High Organizational Value . Thereby much of unanswered questions can be dealt and effectiveness could be enhanced.DOMINANT COLLABRATIONS AND RESOURCES

Proposition 1: Sales capabilities of the organization are decided by knowledgeable human resources within the organizational boundaries and in turn contingent upon dominant collaborations and sales managers / trainers in the organization.

1. Introduction

This review paper intends to build up a multi-faceted view of the literature on ST. The paper’s contribution is organized in three levels. Level 1 draws realistic preview of current literature by identifying the meaning and use of ST in different

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contexts, as organizational need and management concerns within sales management and sales training. Second, the study seeks to gain clear-cut understanding of the major themes within the training delivery literature that perhaps influences future investigation. With this remit Level 2 focuses tactical issues, i.e. components of ST; and Level 3 view as a strategic and creative process that emphasize strategic management and use of emerging technologies.

1. A proposed line to inquire about Sales training

The importance of sales training (ST) has been embraced by scholars and practitioners in various settings, few of them are, salesperson behaviors, attitudes (Román, 2002; Jonathan, 2004; Pettijohn and Taylor, 2009;); developing client relations, strengthen relationship selling (Honeycutt, 1995; Saxe & Baroom, 1998; Schwepker, 2008; Hansen, 2008, Smith, 2009; Gonzalez, 2010 ); adaptive selling (Saxe and Weitz; 1982, Lambert, 1990, Predmore, 1994, Delvecchio, 2004, Pelham, 2008); consulting oriented and consultative selling (Powell, 2001, Pettijohn, 2007, Pelham, 2008, Homburg, and Klarmann 2011b). Despite a shared discernment of the role of sales training as a potential enabler of multidimensional benefits, it still holds a broad range of subject matters. Further, different motivations underpin the sales training process and the types of the procedural system to rely on. However, ST has potential to transform the average sales force into expert sales professionals for value creation (Powell, 2001). Therefore a starting point consists of calculating at the interpretation semantics of the term ‘sales training’, that refers to “ higher productivity, quality work, and minimal errors, additionally high morale, motivation, dedication and teamwork, integral for competitiveness" (Salas et al., 2006). 'Training' is a noun, whereas 'train' is a verb, that is, “to master the required competencies and apply in routine sales activities (Noe, 2008)’, to increase performance-related skills (Johlke, 2006). It follows that training cannot be an isolated function, but rather it should engage with the selling functions of the organization and contribute to strengthen customer relationships and experience of the buyer. From this perspective, the aim of this study is twofold: first, it seeks to sweep up the contemporary sales management literature and second, contributes to it by providing a structure for a richer understanding by segmenting it in punitive areas and supplying a physical body of reference which practitioners and scholars, amongst others, perhaps refer to. Already several recent studies attempted to review such literature to consolidate useful theoretical knowledge (Buttle, 2006; Panagopoulos and Avlonitis, 2008, Artis and Harris, 2007, Das and Upadhyay, 2013). As though, Buttle, (2006), critique SFA (sales force automation) literature on theoretical and methodological grounds. SFA , a subset of CRM, known to support the sales function through the application of software technology, often thought as consisting of people, process and technology (Buttle 2004). However, it is observed that SFA focused on people and technology issues instead of SFA process outcomes. Therefore, presented a number of specific research questions to generate more useful knowledge about SFA. Due to the absence of consensus on what constitutes a good measurement of sales force control (SFC), Panagopoulos and Avlonitis (2008), suggest ways to move forward for researchers by pertinent, relevant themes and how methodological and practical constraints might be headed. Artis and Harris (2007) reviewed organizational influence and climate for learning, to introduce the concept of self-directed learning to supplement traditional sales force training to improve the performance. Several variables such as motivation for self-directed learning, core sales skills, and need for contextual practice is examined for successful implementation. As an output, an integrated framework figure out four types of self-directed learning interventions (induced, synergistic, voluntary, and scanning) tailor independent learning. In this matter, presented a series of propositions for the development of salespeople using self-directed learning methods. In an attempt to address issues in ST evaluation, performance and transfer of training Das and Upadhyay (2013) identified gaps in the areas of performance improvement, learning adoption and trainees’ perceptions. They emphasized clarity of the constructs and application of rigorous methods to evaluate whether sales training is really productive to achieve organizational goals.Thus, it is recognized that lack of clear definition in many ‘dimensions’ in ST eventually responsible, that broadens sales skills gap. If not timely constricted, sales managers and trainers likely to face drastic challenges to meet their objectives. The ultimate scope of these studies is to classify knowledge and approaches to facilitate future research. Although these studies addressed core dimensions of sales, however, tend to overlook ST design, content and delivery methods. Nevertheless, their focus is in the first place on creating a set of concepts that can guide practitioners within the specific domains of ‘Sales Management Activities’ (SMA). They focused mainly on making a lot of theoretical ideas and concepts that keeps on mixing. It appears difficult to draw priorities, how a sales training system works; how to analyze, design, develop, carry out and evaluate ST. There are needs to identify a bar for a clear-cut differentiation. However, most of the literatures seem to share three attributes: training may refer to a process, that is goal-oriented; and the set of goals consists of improving bottom-line issues, dealing dynamic selling environments and fierce competition, improving segments core competencies or creating something new (Plemons and Fort 2010). However, the problem remains the same, most decision makers wish to accelerate sales revenue, backed up with ST, nevertheless, ambiguity exits how to live in that respect. We perceive that stakeholders need reference, guide or methodology to select the optimal delivery method and core contents within the specific regions.

In general, researchers have developed a wide range of theories about ST design across a heavy bit of disciplinary areas, cognitive, social, psychological, computer technologies and information engineering. This review introduces a segmentation of the literature that could capture how selling process, delivery methodology, and different contents interpreted ST process assigning specific meanings for performance enhancement. We specifically focus on analyzing ST

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at three primary levels; as intervention, continual and creative process. ST as intervention for organizational need and management concern, as continual process to implement and execute ST; and as a creative process to dynamically grasp the selling industry elements (Table 1). Table 1

A structure of the contemporary Sales training literatureLevel – 1 ST as Intervention

Level – 2 ST as Continual Process

Level – 3 ST as a Creative Process

Organizational need Management Concern

Selling process, Core Sales Competencies, Instructional and Training


Strategic Approach Use of Emerging


We draw upon a series of consideration as to justify splitting the literature in sub-domains. First, in moving from Level 1 to Level 3, the nature of ST moves from one extreme, to the other extreme. In between, the research included in Group B perceived as a band of the managerial aspects of execution or implementation of ST in an organizational setting. Specific research professionals handle the literature included in the different sub-groups, namely: in Level-1 scholars belong mainly to top management and Training and Development whose interest focuses on conducting training; in Level-2, management scholars from different disciplines (e.g., decision-making, technology culture and expert systems) tend to rivet on the execution of ST issues at the organizational layer. Finally, academicians and professional practitioners in Level-3 pay attention to the importance of the ST as a creative industry and explore how to shape the innovativeness and competitiveness by strategic management and use of technology by collaborating with academicians, technology expert and professional practitioners.

In general, the proposed structure offers an overarching understanding of ST to the extent that it ties together the numerous facets of the ST activity perhaps potentially complement competitiveness. It follows a wider awareness of how ST influences competency enhancement processes and growth at different levels.

Methodological Note

1. ST as Intervention

This segment reviews the stream inside the ST literature that focuses on ST theory, need and management concern.

1.1. Sales Management and Sales Training

‘Sales Management Activities’ (SMA) refers to the sales organization, process, protocols, discipline, commitments, strategies, change management, sales force recruitment, and ST. The SMA plays an indispensable role to achieve sales revenues, in turn, depends on productive sales force performance. Nevertheless, a significant issue is bottom line performance. In this paper, we aim to explore ST for development of sales teams and stimulating individual talent. In this regard, methodological and periodic training approach is pivotal, as sales training is interrelated and interdependent on each bodily function of sales management.

Sales peoples are the front lines of the sales organization; so, practitioners believe the formal ST plan is essential for the overall success (Bragg, 1988). ST has been practical intervention to improve sales force productivity (Katzell and Guzzo, 1983). However, the general sentiment is that sales training is essential, to transform ordinary sales people into expert sales professionals (Pettijohn, 2009). Moreover, several research already proved that learning orientation positively influence individual performance (Farell, 2000). Training process also focuses on grooming sales force.

Selling as now came forth as an interpersonal, influencing and related to the buyer's choice criteria. These are symbolic means to influence attractiveness and credibility. In the earlier decades, sales training meant for novice salespeople to teach various entities of the selling process, in a comparatively short time, the accomplishments of the more experienced members of the sales force (Weitz, 1986). In the first place intended for increased performance through skills acquisition, for attaining competitive advantage (Salas, 2006). The basic target is to master the required sales competencies and use them to their day-to-day routines (Noe 2008). However, it also augments or supplements learning for productive performance, surpasses productivity records, incorporate motivation and commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, increased morale, teamwork, and negligible errors (Salas, 2006). In this regard, individual salespersons’ strength does impact sales success; their efforts are building blocks to establish confidence and rapport through a combination of ‘sales personality characteristics’ and core selling competency. It is perceived that sales behaviors have significant effects on customer relationship satisfaction and success of a customer relationship strategy often depends on the behavior of sales people (Wang, 2012). Subsequently, customers also depend on them for solutions (Powell, 2001). In fact, a potent instrument for producing required competencies such as interpersonal and technological competencies. A positive sales result is directly relative to the effective sales training.

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1.2. Organizational Need

Developed business and economic systems, continually relied on knowledge, skills and competency to deal market dynamics. Across the globe, training and development activities are of highest business priorities (Chen, 2005). Past research indicates that continued employee development (learning) is vital to the success of any organization (Phillips, 2003, Peters, 2004, Carnevale, 2005, Colvin, 2006, Homer and Griffin, 2006). In recent times, ST emerges as one of critical marketing functions, where sales force productivity is a major benefit proclaimed by sales organizations that practice sales training. Accordingly, intervention is needed to serve effectively in the current and future marketplace (Crane, 2005), and if organization have to participate in the global marketplaces (Noe, 2008). In the present buyer driven market, selling process requires a set of complexities and technical promotions. Further, globalizations, tough competitor, technology variability, changing demographics, sophisticated and knowledgeable customers, fast-paced transactions and new distinctive models are prime concerns. Salespeople with lack of sales preparation never yield stellar results, might go with a smattering of new leads and decrease in existing business (Genn, 2004). Most managers concur that there is absolutely no substitute for a promising, sensible and dynamic sales team for which ST is all important. In the present era, it is purely a tactical issue affecting the legal transfer of ST to sustain in knowledge-based economy, where the core is sales effectiveness i.e. consistent sales performance against quotas is an elusive destination. Nevertheless, recession and tough economic condition are a great time to conduct sales training.

1.3. Management Concern

Every business sustains on performance aspect and the dilemma of optimal 'performance' is universal. It is necessary to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the sales force to remain competitive because of dynamic selling paradigm, complexity and fierce competition (Lambert, 2010). They need to continually update core sales competencies to work effectively in the current and future marketplace (Crane, 2005). Moreover, salespeople does not reflect either improved performance nor behavioral changes or application of learning competencies in routine sales activities, that’s being reason why most of sales training fails. It is also observed that organizations fail to understand the actual impact of sales training because of cost factors and ignores revenue generated from effective sales training (Johnston and Marshall, 2008). They are of the opinion that too many sales training were conducted without measuring potential benefits. It’s a matter of concern that clear-cut understanding is required to be gained, that's how a sales training program works or how to restructure that enables top management to set priorities. Additionally, management is also concerned for maintaining balance amid sales force, managers, trainers, emerging technology and clients. Therefore, a creative touch to the sales preparation process, perhaps enhances sales people's proclivity to meticulousness.

2. ‘Components’ of ST

Sales are the strategy of meeting needs in an opportunistic market driven by human interaction. Today's sales professionals must have a combination of a superior relationship builder as well as a trusted adviser. However, in the present era, ST is purely a tactical issue that affects the delivery of sales training to sustain in knowledge-based economy where consistent sales performance against quotas has been an elusive goal. Although there are no instant fixes, to ensure behavior change, the system needs structured long-term vision. In this regard, level-2 focus discussions on Selling Process, Core Sales Competencies, Instructional methodologies and Delivery approach.

3. ST as a Creative Process

3.1 ST and organizational strategy

Future Research DirectionSales training is rapidly becoming a research topic of interest, as it evolves around many disciplines. Hence looking at future of sales training, answers to these research questions, perhaps benefit organizations in many ways. It will help organizations to restructure sales training; facilitate knowledge about optimal measures such as improving delivery modes at lower cost and developing sensitive salespeople who can work with demanding buyers and managers. In sales management literature, important constructs are organizational commitment, self-autonomy, work satisfaction, organizational support, performance and turnover (Edmudson, 2008), whereas sales effectiveness constructs that positively influence outcomes are consulting, listening, customer orientation, adaptive selling, customer retention, and sales target (Pelham, 2008).

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As training effectiveness, significantly dependent on the ability of trainees to apply newly acquired skills/competencies (Salas et al., 2006). The future advance could be customized modules as per need and preference of each individual salesperson that is practical, relevant, and within the comfort zone. Customization can be done consulting with peers, manager or mentor or by individuals themselves.

Prahalad (2005) is of view that strategy implementation provides uniqueness to an organization. Therefore, how to formulate sales strategy for executing strategic training can be interesting research to provide direction for future needs with a structured migration path.

We perceive sales culture can significantly enhance effectiveness. A useful research agendas, do training outcomes could be depend on the narrow or broad definitions of culture, and how sales culture makes an impact on sales people's negotiation, communication, and relationship building ability?

How image consultants can develop professional image. How to develop leadership skills, time management, customer analysis and planning, using technological tools and sales aids are yet not focused.

What are the best practices for using social media to deliver sales training? How social media can be incorporated in organizational sales process?

Do different types of salespeople have different needs in utilizing technology for training? Is it feasible to apply different methodologies for different learning objectives?

How to benchmark needed sales competencies and expertise? Which sales competencies and behaviors lead to more favorable perceptions of salespeople’s compatibility, credibility, and expertise? Which sales behaviors are favorable? How can different behaviors and trends engaged by salesperson can be mapped?

How can sales training increase salespeople’ capacity to resolve customer issues? How can customer expectations for post-sale service and recovery strategies be incorporated into sales training?

How to design training content, so that the effectiveness of the training can be demonstrated? What strategies commonly used to ensure relevancy of training content? What specific skills, knowledge and elements increase accountability? What contents can enhance perceived fairness, business etiquette, and joint problem-solving?What should be contented that address essential ethical behavior, to address ethical dilemmas and to reinforce codes of conduct?

Sales training calls for consistent improvements from the realm of art to that of science. The present challenge is to shape individual as competent and technology savvy salesperson. Perhaps this is the most urgent question to answer. In a nutshell, sales training activities should take on the role of educating, informing, instructing and developing the sales team, using real world scenarios experienced in vibrant marketplace. Answers to these gaps, expected to deliver an outcome in terms of increased Job capabilities, Performance, Competitive Advantage, Retention, Knowledgeable human capital, Revenue and High Organizational Value.

Appendix-A : Common selling process in practice.Appendix C : Learning Approaches / Style Utilized  

Action learning During the learning process, teams or groups cooperate and act to find a solution for problem under guidance of the instructor (Noe, 2008).

Active learning Method engage the learner to achieve specific skills (Silberman, 2005).

Adventure Learning The method uses structured activities to develop teamwork and leadership skills (Noe, 2008).

Connectivism Method use network, produce connections, keeping track of knowledge resources, and accesses during, need.

Constructive (individual)

The method facilitates understanding through own effort and self-experience. Includes individual activities, constructs new idea or test theories. 

Constructive (social) Process facilitates inventing new ideas through collaborations, social actions, sharing thoughts, and experiment.

Discovery learning Interactive guided exploration method within a controlled environment.

Experiential (ELA) Learning

Instructor led intervention that integrates a clean statement of goals, definite learning purpose, intended effect and possible variations in activities (Broad, 2005).


Appendix-E Highlights conventional and high-tech delivery methods utilized in practice. 

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Conventional ST  

On-site or Field training / Coaching Keenan, 2000; Landale, 2004; Noonan, 2009; Sarin and Kohli, 2010

Classroom Training, Executive coaching, Out of field Matthew and Valencius,2006; Valencius, 2009

Self-directed learning (SDLPs), Self-regulation training,Self-instruction (open learning or peer-learning networks)

Cron, (2005); Artis and Harris 2007; Leach, 2005

Distance learning Longfellow, 1995,

Spaced and Massed training Kauffeld; 2010,

Socialization Of New Recruits  Barksdale Jr., 2003


High-tech ST Erffmeyer, 1989; Longfellow et. al., 1995; Honeycutt, 2002


Online learning database, Webinar based, Wireless, PDAs, e-learning

Heidecke, 2009, Anderson, 2008; Chelan, 2006; Powell, 2001

Web-based enterprise-wide resource planning software  Marler, 2006,

Mobile information system, to enhance technology adoption

 System Sciences, 2007

Expert System based on computer technology, incorporating cognitive processes and knowledge of sales performers

Rubash, 1987; Shepherd, 1990;

Microcomputer-based Collins, 1986

Video graphing skill practice (major step in sales cycle) Lippman, 1986

Interactive video system Martin and Collins 1991

Video enhanced sales training (VET); Video presentations Honeycutt et. al., 1993 ; Gehring, 1988,

Just-in-time  Holton et. al., 2006

SFA (sales force automation) Buttle et al. 2006

Sales Resource Management (SRM)  Wang 2010

Customer relationship management Tanner, 2005; Landry, 2005

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Strategic Article

Sales training, in essence, intended to amplify performance via constructive behavior change and surpass productivity records. Despite consistent, regular, periodic training, innumerable organizations fail to develop needed competencies (IBM, 2008). Limited sales-people's has interpersonal and technological capacity to face ever-changing work environments (Salas and Stagl, 2009). Salesperson does not show neither improved behavioral changes nor able to apply learned skills in routine actions. Moreover, a coordination gap amid marketing and sales administrator adds up complexities. Amid countless, one of the primary reasons is a shortsighted focus on results by management, supplemented with the absence of learning reinforcement mechanism, irrelevant contents or delivery methods. Maybe lack of perspectives or transparent systems is principal concerns. Overall, it’s unfortunate that existing procedures lags behind to keep pace with dynamic realities. Furthermore, organizations are facing accountability issues as sales-people's are not prepared to position themselves in an era of volatile competition. Across the globe, sales organizations meet a common question: Which interventions to a great extent are efficacious, and to what extent? Author perceives paucity in strategy formulation. To ease the creation of pragmatic accountable sales-force behaviors, advocate decisive and structured training as necessary. Strategic Intervention The role of strategic management in sales training is void. Regardless of how, realization of the need is the awareness that under normal condition flow from topmost to bottom. Crucial decisions are the responsibility of prime stakeholders, for example, market interpretation, orientation and collaborations (Piercy and Lane, 2005). Lucent technology director emphasized decisive training to increase profitability and customer loyalty. On that, account stirs thought-provoking ideas, straightforward tied with objectives and management support (Johnson, 2004). Today economy demands value-creating salespeople, so retooling becomes a prerequisite. Thus, a tactical approach extends noteworthy solution and worth trying (Rackham, 2009). The requisite is to expand horizons by finding out innovative interventions to heighten skills and competencies of sales-force, thereafter acquire more business opportunities, and in parallel satisfy wants of existing customers. In the future, a restructured migration path along with strategy's extent ubiquitous connectivity to develop more sensitive salespeople that can work with buyers and managers having different origins, beliefs, and business practices. In the next section, a discussion is on various dimensions and intervention that may be utilized to contrive strategic sales training. Sales Construct and Interventions Sensible relationship between salespeople and organization is a key perspective in formulating, planning, designing and implementing sales training (Crane et al., 2005). The practical constructs that govern the upshots are commitments, self-autonomy, work satisfaction, and management support, within sales management (Edmudson, 2008) since effectiveness dimensions are consulting, active listening and adaptive selling and sales target (Pelham, 2008). Failure analysis and recovery strategies have an impact on outcomes (Gonzalez, et al., 2009). At that point, remedial support is pivotal as proportional to sales revenue. Even then service marketing receives little contemplation. Plemons and Fort (2010) insist on deliberations to reinforce a sales culture to learn the latest trends. In due course, researchers have not considered sales presentation as strategic (Hershey, 2011). The trend of the time should favor more on salient conducts than improvements over ROI (return on investments). A prominent illustration, post-training expectations of Xerox Corporation fulfilled in context of functionality. Thus identified key part to drive business forward by relied on the performance impact as a replacement against increased sales. (Keenan, 2000). An empirical investigation established significant positive relationship amid socialization and salesperson productivity, ergo, suggests such a program for fresh sales recruits (Dubinsky et al., 1986). Barksdale Jr. (2003) used Dubinsky model to investigate socialite and retention rate of salespeople. The study explicates a decisive bonding between these dimensions. Thus, notion gain proliferation in context of reduced turnover. Despite due importance requisite attention never focused on socialism. Regardless of how, effective strategic issues have been those where a premium choice to transcend business credibility through social media as a marketing platform. A sales culture is a key contributor to overall success. Furthermore, categorical culture connects skill development with strategic goals for decisive climate towards periodic promotions, career put forward vital aspiration. Thus, sensible relationship and implicit culture end negative influence, fundamental to discharge under pressure. Results of an empirical research hold forth the right perception that during still in progress training group brainstorming session intensifies and strengthens propositions and suggestions. Integration of such idea generation practices, assists creativity (Baruah and Paulus, 2008). Multitudinous believe spiritual individuals are more reliable and productive on the degree of fulfillment and execute work in a meaningful way (Porter et al., 2008). Moreover, sales organizations often face turnover, for that reason meets frequent stress and burnout. Hence, motivation in context of workplace spirituality as a priority without doubt elevates commitments, ethics, and productivity. Another strategic choice, In-basket exercise at the outset utilized to access specific prerequisites in sales management while recruitment of new graduate for a sales position, so its use to gauge competencies such as non-verbal demonstration of energy,

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keenness and to uncover vital sales requisites or characteristics such as sensitivity, leadership, communication abilities, persuasiveness, planning and analysis augment more competitiveness. The common techniques used are group discussions without leader, simulation game, interviews, presentations, and business task (Thomton and Byham, 1982). Moreover, Dr. Martin Seligman with over 1 million participants, unearths unique predictor of optimistic expectations, which HR (sales) can use. As an event, the convenient instrument eases decision making, and flatter as an interpretive tool to select recruits with a higher level of selling enthusiasm (Bristow, 2007). The sales market demand increasing specialization, leaving less time for intellectual exploration. Expedition of these value-pursuing natures of decisive constructs leads to a discovery of unique model comfort organizations in plenty of ways. In particular, it develops a culture where the focus is concentrated on the acquisition of dynamic ability to dispense value accountability where knowledgeable and competent sales force capital becomes a primary rationale for organizations to invest in strategic training to drive business forward. Conclusion Traditional salespeople face failures owing to ingrained behavior patterns and restraining from skill improvement. The article proclaims well-being in a countless ways. Impart extended knowledge of what works and what doesn't; ease directions for sales course designers, professional practitioners and sales advisers, as a result enables top management, and thoughtful leaders to restructure training. An adherent of utilitarianism gives rise to a sensitive salesperson that prefers to work with buyers and managers having different origins, beliefs, and business practices.

AbstractToday crucial problem is that tried and proven approaches, no longer transcend sales execution. So the purpose of this paper is to drive sales training and offer a realistic preview to match organizational strategies, and targets. This conceptual paper extends progressing body of sales management research, in particular, training effectiveness. Four-stage model outlines an overview of the measures before the training event, explores the limits essential to make a holistic impact and to the synergies continuance commitment of both top management and sales-team. The ten steps are arranged in four categories; (1) Need Analysis (2) Training interventions Analysis (3) Impact and (4) Outcome Analysis. As an event, the proposed model offers practitioners with a convenient instrument to ease decision making, aligned with organizational strategy and challenges confronted by sales organizations. At the terminal, we conclude with insights and discussion outlining managerial implications and offers future research, deliberations to advance 'sales training’ literature. AbstractDespite of shared arrangement of sales training as a potential enabler of multidimensional benefits, it appears difficult to draw priorities, how it works to enhance sales force productivity. Eminently literature seems to partake as a continual process to improve bottom-line issues, instead of goal attainment. The report reviews the contemporary sales training literature (1962-2012) emphasizing tactical and strategic sales training methods and contents, expressing key streams of thoughts. This paper contributes by offering a structure for a deeper understanding and proposes new insights to stimulate future research.Keywords Training, Sales training, literature review, sales management, competency, organizational strategy

An exploratory review of the Sales training - Abstract (100 words). Despite a shared understanding of the role of sales training as a potential enabler of multidimensional benefits, it still acknowledges a wide range of meanings. It appears difficult to draw priorities and how it works to identify benchmark for a clear-cut differentiation. Eminently literature seems to share training as a continuing process for improving bottom-line results. The paper reviews the contemporary sales training literature (1962 to 2012). As an outcome paper provides a structure for deeper understanding by identifying the gaps and inconsistencies. The paper concludes by proposing new insights to carry forward that deserve further attention. Keywords : sales, training, sales training, coaching, salespeople, sales force, sales manager.AbstractAs trading becomes more complex and difficult in today’s knowledgeable society. Sales representatives immediately needs to find the standpoint and conduct of buyers and the marketplace. Therefore, the authors suggested research agendas to enhance salesperson's understanding of schemes and relevant content. Sales managers may reduce negative outcomes, outline reason for failures and stress, increase satisfaction and retention, and fulfil needs of a professional sales team and dispense dynamic scenarios. We explore multifaceted determinants and offer a research agenda emphasizing future design issues, and performance outcomes.Abstract: This conceptual paper extends progressing body of sales management research, in particular training effectiveness by proposing a four-stage model that facilitates top executives to carry-out  (1) Need Analysis; (2) Training Solutions and Deliverable Analysis (3) Impact Analysis and (4) Outcome Analysis. Four-analysis stages shape training anatomy aligned with organizational strategy to enhance effectiveness, thereby and eliminating the negative notion of sales training, which is greatest challenge being faced by sales organizations. As an outcome, the proposed model offers top executives, academicians and professional practitioners with a structured, convenient, extensive and exhaustive tool for making implementation decisions. We explore multifaceted determinants relational to decisions, procedures and actions. The paper provides a research agendas that emphasize knowledgeable human capital, organizational

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performance consequences and future design issues. In the end, we discuss implications for sales management education and practice, conclusion and outlook.

IntroductionIn the era of perpetual alternation, developed economies and organizations without fail relied on KSA (knowledge, skills & Abilities). Earlier research manifests continued employee development (learning) is integral to success (Knowles 1990; Phillips 2003; Peters 2004; Carnevale 2005; Colvin, 2006; Homer, 2006) and a necessity in vibrant, dynamic, and competitive marketplaces (Noe 2008). Later to stay potent in the current and future marketplace sales-force need increased inventory of sales behaviors and skills (Lambert 2010). Nevertheless to heighten core sales skills and competitiveness, training programs recognized as pivotal intervention (Johlke, 2006). To prove worthiness of training, recession is the most proper slot (Neil Rackham 2009).Developed systems and economies place reliance on knowledge, skills and competency acquisition, in an era of perpetual alteration. Past research indicates that continued employee development (learning) is accusatory to success of any organization (Knowles, 1990; Phillips, 2003; Peters, 2004; Carnevale, 2005; Colvin, 2006; Homer, 2006) and a necessity if companies are to participate in the global and electronic marketplaces (Noe, 2008). In an ironic way, few salespeople possess interpersonal and technical competencies in dynamic and vibrant sales environments (Salas et al., 2009). Moreover, to maintain in the current and future marketplace (Crane et al., 2005) and tough economic condition, competitiveness demand increased inventory of personal knowledge and skills (Lambert, 2010). Many practitioners believe training is important to organizational success, therefore invest more resources with optimism to increase performance related skills (Johlke, 2006). Moreover, recession phase is the most appropriate time to prove training worthiness (Rackham, 2009) and to remain competitive in ever-demanding market.         The evolution of thought in sales training began with relationships and rapport building, then steps to sale, followed by transaction centered (negotiation), strategic, and at last situational or diagnostic. At the outset educate sale procedures to debutantes or communicating the skills of the more experienced members in the short time (Weitz et al. 1986). It supplements academic learning, via on and off field orientation to arrive at performance goals. Nevertheless, dynamic and progressive marketplace brings on more advanced and periodic training. Because the skills and behaviors needed are growing, changing and shifting. So across the globe, core sales competencies, behaviors, traits and technical criteria, become indispensable (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Most experts advocate promising, sensible and dynamic sales-power as integral and acknowledged as imperative (Pettijohn et al. 2009). Many corresponds training should be timely, relevant, realistic, and reoccurring (Stein 2011).

The evolution of thought in sales training started with relationships and rapport building, then steps to sale, followed by transaction centred (negotiation), then strategic selling, and at last situational or diagnostic approaches. Earlier sales scholarship directed toward teaching sales procedures to inexperienced salespeople, in a short time or the skills of the more experienced members of the sales-force (Weitz et al., 1986). Known to supplements academic learning via on and off field training to acquire skills and knowledge in direct support of performance goals. Sales training in college curriculum considered seldom, short of practical and real life experiences. Salespeople without adequate field sales preparation never yield stellar results. Nevertheless, in the present era of selling, skills and competencies required to maintain competitiveness are growing, changing and to break new ground, across the globe, training leverage core competencies, behavioural and technological measures, essential to sustainability (Salas and Stagl 2009). For this, fundamental reason, organizations put in training interventions, even if consumed large proportion of the overall budget and field-hours. Most experts hold as a necessity and essential for promising, sensible, and dynamic sales force (Pettijohn et al., 2009).

Nevertheless, post-training knowledge and skills application or behaviours alas much low or even non-existent. Thus few managers and organizations hold reservations regarding efficacy. Moreover, traditional and tested techniques no longer function. The aim of this paper is to drive performance and offer a realistic sales training preview to check perceptions and enhance salesperson's initial understanding of expectation and relevant capacity, as selling becomes more complex and difficult in today’s knowledgeable society and market. The major problem is that tried and proven approaches, no longer improve sales execution. Sales-force needs to determine the conduct of purchasers. We undertake to draw a conceptual framework to execute impactful and realistic training, employing real world scenarios experienced by a sales master. An exhaustive analysis reduces negative outcomes, outline reason for failures, stress, enhance satisfaction, increase rate of retention, and engender professional sales force. This framework outlined ten assessment levels for analysis by sales managers before implementing training interventions (Figure 1). These are set up as; (1) Need Analysis (2) Instructional Design Analysis (3) Training impact analysis (4) Financial outcome analysis of the sales organization. Each level concludes with insights and discussion outlining managerial implications and provides future direction for further improvements.PROBLEM / inconsistencies Sales management in college curriculum considered seldom, as often short of practical and real field experiences. Salespeople without adequate preparation never yield stellar result. In the arena of sales training, several extreme, in particular, the absence of systematic procedures to carry-out coaching, mentoring and training got least attention from

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researchers. Furthermore, supplemented with mixed findings, limited empirical evidences, scant innovative thoughts, and disputable professional knowledge derive multifaceted repercussion. Difficulties And Constraints

               As stated by CSO Insights (2010), in a multi-billion dollar sales business 90% of training unsuccessful in achieving goals. 59.4 percent of salespeople met the target and that too at discounted rate. McKinsey (March, 2010) a trusted and pioneer consulting firm states establishments around the globe have given millions of bucks per year to coach employees, on the contrary, limited numbers acquire or apply learned skills in their everyday chores. Rambler (1995) undermines the view that traditional instruction methods were proper for 15% of organizational growth needs. Nutshell, despite consistent, regular, periodic interventions, many notice no significant maturation neither accomplishments nor behaviors (IBM, 2008). Due to such conditions, Heiman Sales Best Practices Study in 2012 advance insight that salesperson core competencies need to be effective, and we do agree with this perspective. Hence, before preparation begins, assess whether field based or online practice is an annex intervention with conventional perspective or other methods are more suited. Discover out how others are carrying out schemes and evaluate what are the most judgmental measurements of success and of course what are the greatest pressures.STATUSDespite consistent and periodic training, the true cognition and skill level stay low or even non-existent. To unwanted degree, insufficient salespeople's have interpersonal and technological competencies needed in dynamic sales environments (Salas et al. 2009). Therefore few managers and organizations hold reservations on training efficacy.WHAT TO DO?In such a contradicting scenario, the sales organization is under sizable pressure to respond to concerns of skill acquisition. Furthermore, most traditional and tested techniques show signs of inefficiency.EVALUATION      Literature view evaluation as a series of several concurrent processes within organizational systems. Performance evaluation of salesperson is crucial for both theoretical and pragmatic reasons (Barone 2012). In fact a collection of descriptive and judgmental figures, to ease future courses of actions (Goldstein 1980). Researchers developed evaluation framework to represent an approach towards effectiveness. Scholars conduct performance and effectiveness measures to adjudge organizational goals. However, the evaluating training effectiveness depends on numerous sets of data. Back in 1959, training evaluation practice framework own acronym ‘TKM’ (The Kirkpatrick Model) that undergo four levels (reaction, learning, intentions, and transfer) is widely adopted. Although Kirkpatrick (1960) advocate behavioural and results measures as useful external indicators of actual knowledge transfer or effectiveness, however, emphasized each level is important. TKM undergone several changes to advance evaluation in an attempt to develop a more elaborate and significant model, but still abide as a benchmark. Many researchers incorporated TKM to elaborate more useful measures to analyze training outcomes like standards for event analysis (Alliger et al. 1997). Other perspectives such as instructional systems design (Bramley and Newby, 2007), formative and summative assessment (Phillips, 1996) preferred in more developed organizations (Bates, 2004).  Nevertheless, Return on Investment (ROI) as a fifth level of evaluation is added as through contributions of Phillips (2003), finds acceptance in organizations (Bates 2004). So far, fifth stage appends analysis of ‘Return on Investment’ (Phillips, 2003). The work of Fred Nickols (2004) distinguishes measurement and evaluation and contribute five main purposes of evaluation in terms of feedback (evaluation for value), merit (cost potency), research (goal measurement), Intervention (censorious skills), and dominance (manipulation). Kirkpatrick (2007), stimulates new insights on determining “Return-on-expectations" (ROE), and emphasize that effective training initiates with a targeted outcome in mind. Therefore, advocates training initiatives must correlate with the organization's mission. Furthermore, argues, alike others, it's impossible, if ever possible, very difficult to derive or segregate the impact of training effectiveness based on audited or unaudited financial results to (Kirkpatrick, 2011). Therefore by choice or replacing ROI by ROE may be more practical and feasible to indicate successful training, i.e. expectations met. Many scholars support this notion of ROE documentation as more practical and realistic. Accentuation of training effectiveness begins by reasoning targeted outcome, tying training initiatives, and organization’s mission and at last determines the extent of ROE (Kirkpatrick, 2011)In the field of evaluation, analytical approaches, and organizational financial result, do not deduce or comprehend the training after-effect. Earlier most sales evaluations relate sales volume as measure, although the transition is on relationship selling behaviors as well (Barksdale 2000). Johnston and Marshall (2008), questions the idea that alone costs (gross) are evaluated. Continuous Education

               At the present organization emphasizes on continual learning to meet ever growing need of knowledgeable human capital. Most of Sales training holds on product command and traditional selling skills and close the chapter. But the drastic need is that trainers and managers must insist or empower the sales force to become lifelong learners by implementing progressive pedagogy, center on emerging technologies within this evolving landscape. In era of knowledge economy, technology upshot results in several benefits such as technological capabilities, thinking, and time management skills.Principle of Adult Learning

               Continual lifelong learning focus on adult learners. Earlier studies found that fully grown individual equip them with noteworthy developments to engage in a ‘knowledge society’.  But the notion of personal learning instead of custom favors workforce because of job and family priorities (Day 2012). Thus  self-directed or technology

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based scholarships are more potent for adults. Otherwise, if happened to be a high grade customization, contents are rational and linked to functional requirements, career advancement or promotions. Nonetheless, adults behaviours are tough to transform unless foresee large benefits or aspiration. Even then training efforts are rendered and repeated in the same formal way.

Divergent individual have dissimilar learning style, skill level and cognitions. Therefore, in modern practice, Knowles ((1970), suggested deliberations for adult learning paradigm. Instructors should never neglect this paramount thought.

Salespeople Perceptions                ASTD survey shows time constraints (45%) as greatest challenge faced by sales-force (Lambert, 2010).

However, an interesting fact, most salespeople have shown an inclination to execute better either to stay ahead in the marketplace or to outpace competitors. On the contrary same study manifest training as less significant. It could be lack of inspiration or in a penury for a learning approaches (Pachler et al., 2010). Salespeople discern barriers such as support (management, peers) and short-sighted focus on targets. Foresee a major concern over non-systematic approach leading to task ambiguities. Because not gratifying the requisites of  the team, improper need analysis, irrelevant content and delivery method. Thus, its essential to realize and recognize the importance of salespeople perceptions and concur needs, followed by involvement in best practices, otherwise interventions prevail a  remorse act. We assent Dubinsky (1996) proposition to compel or float standardized contents positioned to specific requirements. Although earlier researches specify salespeople interest in general sales skills, marketing, presentation, overcoming objections, closing technique, negotiation, sales tools, and customer service. E

Efficient and innovative approaches helps creation of accountable behaviors and skills. So future advances may be customized theoretical knowledge, as per needs of sales team or each individual's learning preferences. Noteworthy contents that match individual orientation, adaptability or customer’s buying procedure,  to prolong connections and relationships (Day, 2012) prevail in due course,Capacity and  Motivation

To upgrade performance training bridge the gap between job demands , ability and bullish behaviour (Karthik 2012). Besides personal characteristics many traits and qualities are affected. But pivotal dimensions such as motivation, aspiration, and goal attainment have immediate relevance. Trainees’ capacity and motivation entertain, formal part to transcend accomplishment. Positive correlation amid these factors and productivity acknowledge by scholars  (Blume et al. 2010).  Even though heightened motivation may be attained through intrinsic and extrinsic rewards (Jonathan et al. 2004). But capacity to learn banks more on individuals (Tziner et al. 2007). The effective strength dependent on learners to apply newly acquired skill (Salas et al., 2006). In the context of outcomes cognitive prowess is influential (Burke & Hutchins, 2007). Sales Behaviours

The favorable end results of the client relations strategy depend on salespeople's behaviors. Researches manifest distinct relationships amid conducts and its impact on performance (Franke et. al 2006). Furthermore interacting with clients is key to augment gratification and patronage (Foster and Cadogan 2000). To upshot customers’ contentment sales contacts and actions are essentials (Wang, 2012).

Earlier researchers emphasized salespeople to shift heart on consulting (Cespedes, 1995) or offer suggestions (Pettijohn et. al. 1995).  But in the present scenario, thither is a need to reinforce customer- oriented selling need consulting, listening, and adaptability (Pelham, 2008). The degree of intersection, seeing and interpreting customers' needs by probing questions thereafter advance satisfactory or custom solutions ((Saxe et al. 1982; Drucker, 1994).  Over and out consulting approach highlight diagnosis of customer problems and collaborating with technical staff office. Pay attention to unearth facts of prospect via listening (Ramsey et al. 1997). Since adaptability is decisive action and the imperative for organizational advancement. It shows, assimilate, transform, and learn external cognition via ICT (Information and communication technologies). Roberts (2012) given insight how emerging advancements influence such a vital sales conduct. Whereas adaptive selling target prospects, gather data, followed by delivery of presentations or make adjustments/alterations. Nevertheless Pelham (2008a) and Strnad (2004) contingent on evidence of the positive impact and increased profitability via stated behaviours.Role of Managers, Peers and Trainers

           Managers must align themselves with movements and strategic priorities to get performance and sales results. The basic regulation is to link the interventions with measurable goals.  Set intent aligned to job ultimatum. Line up various pursuits to fill the requests of customers, and play active role in sales execution. At the square, experiences show interaction or involvement amid trainers, managers, peers govern implicit skill building. Although limited research exists (Laurillard, 2002). However, make sure that the sales team in a position to offer suggestions on themes and delivery method. At the same time coordination is a formidable challenge (Sales 2006). The contents or module, include inputs from seniors to regulate target and aims. For successful training program sales managers manager should coach and inject innovations, effort, and imagination (Stein 2011). Thus utter more worth towards effectiveness. So the purpose of the sales manager as leaders with coaching and mentoring skills do a much impact on the organization profits. Also, command methodical and thoughtful approach and recognize strategy. Use technology and a group of cooperative instructors; collaborate with consultants to create the right solution to get the sales force more efficient. Enlist methods, options, shortlist and review advantages, and benefits to concur. Consult with each sales person,

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consider opinions, and measure pre-skill to analyze existing abilities. Share personal encounters and mastery and motivate for self-directed learning. For that needed resources are used to embark on independent learning. Prove them that the individual cease to arise because they give up discovering new advancements.

It is all important that managers extend organizational climate or environment to persuade application of learned skills. So regulate conducts needed, name and rank interventions and dictate content to confront real world scenarios and task relevant to CBTs. Furthermore, carry on physical exercise to reinforce the behavior changes through experimentation, practice sessions, role- play and games during the dressing procedure. Develop aspiration thereby more likely to transform investments into productive executions. This set the vision and aims to be achieved. Confine “Areas” need to be made, not just skills, but personality traits as well. Tailor each occupation positioned to sell trends and priorities, organization strengths and value proposition of products and services. Moreover, respect personal preferences, a key to motivate adult learners. Sales managers must exercise each and every bit or components of sales management development, Support each individual, watch, and review (William Keenan 2000), to make sure effectiveness. The works emphasize peers’ involvement (Gilpin-Jackson et al 2007; Blume et al. 2010). Peers encouragement (Kontoghiorghes, 2001), information sharing, model trained actions (Salas & Stagl 2009), feedback (Awoniyi et al., 2002) are enablers of  recognizable  dischargeStrategic sales promotionFor survival over complexity, fast-paced transactions, and new distinctive model an essential dimension. Due to unique, influential and specialized abilities are compelled. So orientation often synchronized with strategic goal attainment context. The need is twofold. In the era of globalization, tough competition, technology variability, and changing demographics, sales-force work across sophisticated, and knowledgeable customers. Over a large expanse of time traditional and proven techniques are ineffective. Both sales organizations and salespeople's face tremendous pressure to mount a performance at levels never seen and accustomed. For this underlying reason, emphasize is on sales behaviors with a dedication to continual scholarship. To favor a strategic approach towards content, delivery, assessments and rating, such conditions likely to institute many changes. Effectiveness further enhanced by building up a culture of cyclic sales management developments (McCarthy, 2008). A concrete environment connects skill development with strategic goals. The illustrative dimensions are performance based promotions and career advancement a vital aspiration. Furthermore a sensible relationship between salespeople and establishment is paramount to formulate, design and to carry out interventions (Crane et al. , 2005). Flexibility and adaptation are significant, in the present scenarios of technological advances that want constant adjustments (Arguinis & Kraiger 2009).

One of the illustrious problems is prospecting pathway and empty sales funnel. To improve productivity, the need of the hour is to expand horizons by finding out leading edge opportunities and winning clients, in parallel satisfy existing customers, (Zimmerman et al. 2004). Just make sure and extend provisions and resources. Training should instead discern strategic session to pierce accounts not covered earlier. However, field coaching should take in an analogy to distinguish scholarship outcome in sales results (William Keenan 2000). Sales leadership handles at par superlative pedagogy and techniques to prospect clients, a foremost missing entity. Decide how sales force is managing time and whether sustain professional or ‘entertainment based' relation. Fundamental is to set up and prolong the relationship besides consulting, adaptive or customer oriented selling.

The web of connections, promotes brand awareness via application of social media and/or socialization. This transcends credibility and act as a marketing platform to heighten business acquisition. At later times, these developments have created cutting edge possibilities for both consumers and sales houses. Indulgent is rising; and many platforms are available such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogs/communities and many more. Hence participation in both these links proliferates toward route to the development of distinctive capacity and functionality. Researchers too emphasized usage as an interference to improve sales productivity. Various advantages are observed such as enhanced consulting and technical abilities, management skills, collaboration, partnerships, etc. So in recent time social media/socialization programs became strategic issue. Incident of inadequacy may result in deleterious correspondence, later on lost sales. Despite of due importance, requisite attention never focussed. Dubinsky et al. (1986) investigate correlation amid socialization and sales performance and propose as pragmatic. Further, Barksdale Jr (2003) recommends as a utilitarian intervention to reduce turnover.

Self-motivated salespersons are in need of flexible and self directed learning modules to enhance skills (Johnson 2010). Therefore, executives need to know, alternative ways for training-learning interventions and how it creates an impact (Johnson 2011). How enhanced technological ability changes the outlook of the sales-force, increase accountability and how it influences present delivery method (Lassk et al. 2012). Nevertheless a progressive extent to invest, just confirms whether current resources are provided or lack documenting sales management activities.

Need  Appraisal              This dimension confers noteworthiness of link amid training objectives with strategic goals, i.e. revenue

and sustainability via professional sales-force, mutual loyalty, culture, climate and resources. However, notable action is anticipating marketplace ambiguity. To transcend development program, expression of a necessity project purposeful and logical interventions towards meaningful instructions and contents. In general, methodical determination is inevitable to value propositions otherwise, do not result in decisive effect, or stay time wasting pursuit. This mannequin holds the capacity to deals current dynamics and sustainability. On the reverse, a systematic procedure does not exist, nor implemented by many organizations (Honeycutt 1993).

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Appreciative InquiryA conceptual design framework is dynamic and evolving. It is comprehensive, concrete, and scalable plan begins with strategic needs, then implementation, monitoring, support and assessment. Here the focus is on blended and self-guided reading, ease constructive progress, and emphasize motivation enhancement to fortify performance effectiveness (Richey, 1986; Wager, Golas, & Keller, 2005). Furthermore, specific targeted outcomes are capabilities, competitiveness and organization value. We concur with this perceptual experience and offer various steps to justify overall benefits besides Sales CBT. The likely level of measurements is distinguished competency extent, percentage of salespeople within categories, sales cycle rapidness, and capacity to outpace sales quota, customer satisfaction, loyalty, new account acquisition, consulting, and the ability to assume and maintain professional relationships.

FOUR STAGE APPRECIATIVE ENQUIRY MODEL         Selling becomes more complex and difficult in today’s knowledgeable society and marketplace. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to drive sales performance and dispense realistic sales preview to match perceptions and endorse salesperson's first understanding of expectation and relevant capacity. Salespersons now required influencing the behavior of buyers. The major problem faced by business organizations today is that tried and proven approaches, no longer work improve productivity. Our model bestows a conceptual framework utilizing real world scenarios experienced by the sales team. HR or managers can reduce negative outcomes, delineate reason for failures, stress, and increase sales people contentment. The stated framework contours ten assessment stages for analysis during planning and before implementing training interventions (Figure 1). These are arranged in four categories: (1) Need Analysis (2) Instructional Design Analysis (3) Impact Analysis (4) Outcome Analysis of the sales organization. Each sub-module are addressed and conclude with insights and discussion outlining managerial implications and offers future issues for making further progress. The potential measures; (1) competency level (2) percentage of competent salespeople (3) sustainability (4)  rapidness of sales cycles (5) outpacing sales quota (6) client gratification (7)  retention (8) new accounts acquisition (9) consulting effectiveness (10) endeavor professional relationship.Thoughtful advances and knowledge have been inadequate, that causes multifaceted struggle during effectiveness evaluation. Hence we perceived appreciative inquiry supplemented with a framework to raise forte. By knowing fundamental reasons how and which genes are more responsible and how modus operandi enhance elevate effectiveness and organization's success. We offer a theoretical account that consists of four stages incorporating ten sub-points (see Figure 1). First stage appertains assessing the needs. These include analysis of organization's perception, support and need for continuous development and knowledgeable human capital interrelated with the strategic issues and anticipated problems. Thus find out what should be targeted intervention. Second stage makes sure choice of contextual procedures among best practices, alternatives, patterns and contents for sales talent development within modules and interfaces. Third stage, inspect the impact on salespeople and self-management capacity or behaviors. Fourth level looks over outcome gained by the organization and sales power. In particular, ease sales organizations in several manners. Few projected benefits are (1) enables managers and trainers to make periodic and continual improvements in interventions (2) decide effectiveness for making future investment decisions (3) ensures interventions are aligned with strategic priorities.The appreciative inquiry approach is employed to formulate development strategy via effectiveness enhancement tactics. At each level focuses on organizations strength and ability. Furthermore, everyone compels acceleration of efforts renew, development, and restructure strategic issues to cope with market dynamics, rapid change or development. Knowledge elicitation ability generates insights for complex decision-making. To stimulate each individual’s motivation, relies on discussions and interviews to conceive the concrete strength of organizations experience, and potential. The framework is dynamic, evolving and a discipline to formulate comprehensive, and scalable action plan. Moreover, carry out assessment and support training plans and continual learning, ease constructive progress, reinforcement and enhance aspiration. Model expected to deliver an outcome as increased capabilities, productivity, competitiveness, retention, revenue, and high organizational value. Foremost framework meets organizations need for knowledgeable and competent human capital (Richey 1986; Wager, Golas, & Keller 2005). We mean skills acquired, practiced, and applied in routine task or assignment with more efficacies.The framework helps sales managers with more proficient knowledge, i.e. What works and what does not, leading to high performing sales teams; update delivery modes at lower cost and greater effectiveness; and developing more sensitive salespeople who can work with buyers and managers having different origins, beliefs, and business practices. Thus, the ultimate goal of this research is to upgrade industry practice. Although methodical determination of need assessment is necessary, to design valued based interventions otherwise, refereed as mere time wasting pursuit. We perceive appreciative inquiry transcend strength and orientation. We just ask to know fundamental reasons, how and which conditions are pivotal and how to accelerate toward organization's success. The junctures under listed categories are comprehensive in the slipstream. The first stage pertain to the need assessments, organization's support, perceptions on continuous sales-force development, interrelated strategic issues, anticipating market trends, manager's role and responsibilities, and intervention targets. Second, pertains to choice of contextual practice amid best working practices in different within brackets (fresher, executive, sales director and top executives) to customize talent expansion. Here, the content diversities grouped as CBT (competency, behaviors, and traits) applicable during induction, elementary, advanced, and expert hierarchy level. Third stage concerned with scrutinizes impact. Envision reactions via observations

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or feedback. Besides check, coach, reinforce, assess and annal each trainees self-efficacy, self-management, abilities acquired corresponding to targeted CBTs straightaway post-training or during evaluation. Fourth relates to analysis of expected outcomes after predefined interval (six month or year) to record advantages gained or benefits achieved via team and individual contribution. The detailed examination decides future course of actions. We urge that these exploratory and extensive analysis ease attainment of effectiveness. The other relevant fringe enables periodic and continual sales management progression. To govern investment decisions, ensures interventions aligned with goals, and prolong salespeople's satisfaction and retentions and over the long haul heighten revenue and sustainability.

The appreciative inquiry maneuvers sales development strategy via effectiveness enhancement tactics.  A series of moves concentrates on organizations strength and ability. Engage each organizational level, and compel to renew, development, and restructure strategic issue. Further tackle market dynamics, rapid change, or competitor. This brings forth insights for complex decision-making a decision affair to trigger skills, knowledge and source experts. The ultimate goal is to paramount performing sales-team. In this regard, succeeding unique set-up in our framework is the inclusion of sales talent spread over novice to expert professional refereed as Sales CBT and a structured pathway to dispense market complexities, technology variability, and ambiguity in business. Furthermore, offers insights what does work and what does not, improving delivery modes at lower cost and developing more sensitive salespeople who can work with accounts and managers having different origins, beliefs, and sales practices.

The Training of Pharmaceutical Sales Professionals: Current Practices


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine ongoing sales training practices in pharmaceutical industry as well as to understand how it aids salesperson effectiveness.Design/methodology/approach – Utilizing a qualitative research approach, collected data usingIndepth interviews and then analysed for identifying themes with strong theoretical foundations.Findings – First, internal trainers and conventional methods are most often used. Second, the frequency, duration, and manager support vary among respondents. Third, pharmaceutical organizations are gratifying the development needs of salespeople. But sales tools and technologies complemented with creativity, innovativeness and use of high-tech methods will lead salespeople to greater heights of professionalism.Research limitations/implications – The respondents in this study are sales professionals employed in Pharmaceutical firms in Northern India. It is likely that selling paradigm and cultural differences, exist in training practices, and perceptions of effectiveness among sales professionals from other countries.Practical implications – First, the effectiveness is often considered to be dependent on ability of learner to apply acquired skills that complicates effectiveness measurement. Second, sales professionals training should incorporate creativity and innovativeness, for creation of accountable behaviours. Third, most salespeople have shown an inclination towards sales tools and latest gadgets to do better. Fourth, high-tech methods are still in their infancy. There is a need to develop proper new metrics based on market orientation.Social implications – Effective training increase sales results, retention and organizational sustainability.Originality/value – Armed with knowledge of market orientation, core competencies, automation in the sales, and sales tools, apparently eliminate role ambiguity and mould average sales professionals into star performers in dynamic markets.Keywords:Sales, Training, qualitative research, north India, Sales management, Sales training, Training practices.

1. IntroductionSales inevitably reflect the shifting universe of business and communications. In today’s dynamic and vibrant business environment sales organizations are entrusting on the sales management activities to sustain competitiveness and productivity performance. As the pressure and intensity on the sales role (market dynamics, advanced selling orientation) exponentially grows and shifts. At that place, firms must adopt a thoughtful approach to improve the skill level of the sales force (Crane et al., 2005). It is evident that sales behaviours have significant effects on customer satisfaction and success of a relationship strategy often depends on the sensibility and behaviour of salespeople (Wang, 2012). Hence sales profession considered as one of the most challenging still and sententious in management (Chitwood, 2007).

It is evident that salespeople success grounded more on the ability of salespeople to adapt, acquire and apply skills/competencies in routine sales activities (Salas et al., 2006). Literature suggests that by holding and gratifying the development needs of sales people and attracting sales talents are vital to guarantee the sustainability of business performance (Garrido et al., 2005). Salespeople face several challenges; therefore, needs an advanced skills set and sales behaviours to apply in their day-to-day routines (Noe, 2008). Although, sales training has been practical intervention to improve sales force productivity (Katzell and Guzzo, 1983). It is pivotal because sales personnel need interpersonal and technological competencies in a turbulent business environment (Salas and Stagl, 2009; McKinsey Global Survey, 2010;

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IBM, 2008). Although, training and development activities stay highest business priorities to upgrade knowledge and skills (Lambert 2010) and continue to pump billions on sales training every year(Paradise, 2007). But despite large annual investment and importance, literatures have limited evidence ofsystematic sales training and overall understanding of the method is much limited and anecdotal (Dubinsky et al., 2001). Stewart (2006), commented that among the topics in the field of business management, ‘sales’ get the least attention from researchers because sales is a core of the economy. Salas and Stagl (2009), found that limited salespeople has interpersonal and technological competencies required in vibrant and dynamic marketplace.

Limited research exists that focus on the effectiveness of pharmaceutical sales representatives training in India. The purpose of this research is to investigate the sales training effectiveness in the Indian pharmaceutical Industry. Till date, Indian scenario is not extensively covered in the literature. Therefore, this paper seeks to explore the current status of sales representative performance outcome, whether it leads to sales effectiveness and has a significant relationship to sales training. The wide range of sales training issues identified from literature and focussed for the investigation are as follows:● Which selling type is practiced and how often training is conducted?● Which sales training method is preferred, what are the type of contents and who executestraining?● How supervisor/ management support is provided in the context of continual learning?● What are the skills necessary for the sales professionals in the pharmaceutical sector?● Do sales professionals are motivated prior to training and what is the satisfaction level during and after training?● What factors are lacking and what contributes to effective sales training (role of creativity,innovativeness and technology)?

We begin by summarizing the literature on sales training and consolidates prior findings in domain sales management that is relevant to training and development needs. Next, we discuss the methodology, sample size justification and interpretation of results. Finally, the article discusses presumption, limitations, and insights for future research.

2. Literature reviewSales peoples are the front seams of a sales organization who are on constant move backed up by motivation and support of managers and top management to accomplish the overall objectives of the organisation. There exists an agreement that salespeople are not born (majority) rather made or mould into productive sales professionals. To contemplate objectives, sales training practice, is major convenience proclaimed by organizations and a sensible practice to increase bottom line results.

However, the general sentiment is that sales training is essential to ensure proactive performance (Pettijohn, 2009). Both salespeople and selling organizations perceive that training will increase organizational value through acquisition of sales behaviours (Johlke, 2006) additionally pivotal for cognitive, behavioural and competency outcomes (Salas and Stagl, 2009). In fact, training surpasses productivity records, incorporate motivation and commitment, finetuning of work quality, increased morale teamwork, negligible errors, reflects traits such as high morale, motivation, dedication, teamwork (Salas, 2006). It is self-evident that extraordinary sales behaviours correlates efficacious sales training and an authentic intervention. Sales literature contains elegant models for evaluating sales training (Attia, Honeycutt and Leach, 2005). In addition, the salesforce performance outcomes are well documented in the literature regarding the importance of sales behaviours and attitudes (Jonathan et al., 2004; Pettijohn and Taylor 2002, 2009; Román, 2002). The main purpose is the identification of organizational climate for sales training and salespeople satisfaction with the organization. The number of ‘issues’ relating to sales training are selected from studies that have shown those issues that made an impact on sales, training or make positive effects and are integral to performance outcome.Theses are:Trainee characteristics and workplace environment are crucial and exhibits significant relation totraining (Grossman, 2009; Burke and Hutchins, 2007); training design, and training outputs perceive as important (Baldwin and Ford, 1988); peer support positively linked with training motivation (Holton et al., 2003; Bates and Holton 2004; Blume et al., 2010); supervisory support or involvement (Jackson et al., 2007); trainee motivation (Holladay et al., 2003; Baldwin et al., 2009); positive climate (Bates, 1997); specific goals (Burke et al., 2007; Baldwin et al., 2009; Robbins et al., 2009); synchronization of learning content and skill to be acquired (Chiaburu and Lindsay, 2008); transfer climate, use of job aids and tools (Salas et al., 2006); cognitive ability, self-efficacy (Baldwin and Ford, 1988; Colquitt et al., 2000; Burke and Hutchins, 2007;); regular feedback (Baldwin et al., 2009; Robbins et al., 2009); pos-training surveillance enhance the effectiveness (Helen 2005; Haider and French, 2002). A pre-training planned approach and, self-efficacy are also influensive variables (Stajkovic and Luthans, 1998; Ford et al., 1998); organizational commitment (Cheng, 2000); work attitudes (Holton et al., 2000). A  study, identifies trainee characteristics (motivation and perceived utility of training), training design (realistic skills and behaviours) and organization climate and support exhibits strong bonding with training outcome (Grossman, 2011). Another study provided a mental model of influences on behaviour from the perspective of salespeople (Pelham, 2008). However, based on in-depth interviews of sales professionals we have omitted imperceptible and selected few significant issues that are highlighted and discussed below:

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Selling progressionInappropriate sales preparation or irrational sales procedure (pattern of sales decision) never yields stellar results. The effect might lead to a handful of new leads, decreasing business, mishandling sales calls and decline in overall performance. In pharma, thrust lies on professional and /or strategic selling. Professional selling is highly structured "Seven Steps of Sales" however superseded by more modern 'Open Plan' two way processes (William and Marshall, 2005). Strategic sales promotion is crucial for survival in an era of market complexity, henceforth sales training should be synchronized with strategic goal (Miller and Sinkovitz, 2005). Strategic interventions, may address several challenges faced by salesforce(Baron, 2012); changing roles of the sales force (Lassk et al., 2012). Stein (2011) recommendations for strategic sales training; understanding of customer buying processes, coordination between sales and marketing, well defined selling proceeding, and qualified sales and management personnel. Therefore, remarkably the selling procedure is a matter of convenience, therefore, it is inferred that training should be aligned with the selling procedures and must be an integral part of training agenda.Training MethodConventional classroom training has continued to lead as the training-delivery choice (ASTD Industry Report, 2008). The conventional methods for sales training includes instructor led workshops, seminars, onsite training, while the use of social media and self-directed learning programs (SDLPs) are emerging methods (Lassk et. al., 2012). Traditional classroom sales training is often practiced that involves lectures, lecturett, seminars, case studies and workshops. (Sales, 2006). However, blended learning additionally been in use. Now, many organizations are salespeople are inclined more towards e-learning (Chelan David, 2006; Anderson, 2008); and webinar based synchronous sales training (Powell, 2001) versus conventional. Although, wide variations still exist (Blair and Sisakhti, 2007). Training ContentsTraining manuals is widely used contents while other methods include videotapes, case studies,roleplaying, and audio tapes used (Chonko, Tanner and Weeks, 1993). Significant topics include selling techniques, approach, presentation, objections and close, product knowledge, negotiation skills, sales aids, technical training, and customer service. Numerous challenges are faced by salesforce few of these (but not limited to) are vibrant business environments, globalization, technology utilization, customer oriented selling, use of social media, cultural diversity, development of customer relations, and strengthen relationship selling (Honeycutt et al. 1995, Gonzalez et al. 2010; Smith,  2009; Heidecke et al., 2009; Jantana et al., 2004; Dennis et al., 2009; Ku Fan and Cheng, 2006; Challagalla, Venkatesh, and Kohli, 2009). Altogether stated issues are vital factors around that training is designed. In addition, the other significant tasks for salespeople includes ethical behaviour, ethical decision making, understanding of unethical sales behaviours, adaptability, interpersonal relationships, time management, effective listening, socialization (Schwepker, 2003; Salopek, 2009; Schwepker, Jr., 2007; Noonan, 2009; Lambert, 2010; Sergio, 2005; Barksdale Jr. et al., 2003, DeeterSchmelz, 2003). Lassk, (2012) is of view that there is an urgent need to identify training content for delivering postsale service and proactive recovery methods.Trainer (Internal/external)The trainer has to assure that the knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes or behaviours to be acquired can meet the strategic business needs. Therefore, the decision regarding who will deliver training is vital. The practical implementation of ST within the matrix of sales management activities entails three options: (i) Internal (ii) External or (iii) a combination of the both. Internal trainer is often a good choice as trainees are able to relate to the instructor (Daniels, 2003). In several instance the manager or senior peers act as the trainer and address the direction of the growth, in other cases, professional are one part of the puzzle amongst the others (Lassk,, 2012).Essential skillsSales professionals require possession of very specific skills. A few decades before sales training used to be primitive, regardless of industry type, but now it is necessary to be relevant. Many skills and traits are needed, such as soft skills, sales behaviour and proficiency in analytical tools. Although a variety of training topics that are valuable for sales organizations (Johnston and Marshall, 2006). Nevertheless, sales professionals training frequently categorized into selling skills and selling knowledge. First salespeople must learn the selling task. Followed by active listening and communication skills are crucial selling skills, may include techniques for handling objections, closing techniques, techniques to identify buyers behaviours, negotiation techniques, etc. Whereas, training in selling knowledge provides salespeople with the information regarding product knowledge, technical knowledge, legal issues, industry dynamics, territory analysis or market dynamics (Leach, Liu, Johnston, and Wesley, 2005). After primary skills associated with selling are well learned, then priority shift on secondary and supplementary skill. In this context, much focus is emphasized on empathy and sportsmanship (social judgment and professionalism); plan, prospect and manage territory (Landale, 2004); use of IT Tools (Geiger, 2006), patience, maintaining composure in difficult engagement (Ahearne, Jelinek, and Jones, 2007); strategic training session to get into the new account (Keenan, 2000) and emotional intelligence to improve competencies in sales interactions (Kidwell et al., 2011). Ethics remains an essential training focus (Valentine, 2009).Technology And ToolsThe training is now influenced by uses of emerging technologies to enlighten personal learning and social media interactions during the sales progression (Lassk, 2012). To improve levels of services provided to valued clients and major accounts, firms are incorporating advanced technology into the sales procedure and in its own sales

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management processes (Schillewaert et al., 2005). Sales automation tools represent not just means to minimize costs, but a means for creating revenues and satisfying customer needs (Román et al., 2002). Sales tools engenders improved customer satisfaction, sales effectiveness and enhance competencies in relationship selling (Geiger and Turley, 2006). In that place, Salas et al., (2006) reported that sales peoples need to use job aids, analytical tools, and sales technologies such as CRM (customer relationship management). Therefore, in present buyer driven market, selling indulge lots of technologies, and thus sales peoples are being asked to adopt a variety of sales aids and automation tools. As an instance, the varieties of technology are CRM (Tanner et al., 2005; online sales channels (Sarin and Kohli, 2010) and other new technologies (Marler et al., 2006); used in most of the sales management activities.Management/Supervisor/Peer SupportA number of studies in the past have proved that management support is one of the strongest factors for success of training programs. As an instance, Lucent technologies Director of sales training insists that for the increased profitability organization must engender training, explicitly tied with its objectives and backup by top management and senior leadership support (Johnson 2004). Therefore, it is vital that sales managers should act as part of a knowledge application supporting individual salespeople, monitor and review to ensure performance outcomes. Honeycutt et al. (1995) recommended supervisory feedback is essential to improve sales force productivity. Supervisory encouragement for training (Jackson et al., 2007), information sharing, and feedback (Awoniyi et al., 2002) has significant relationships to successful training. Peer support have significant links with training, motivation (Holton et al., 2003; Bates and Holton 2004).MotivationSales success requires knowledge, skill, behaviour and motivation. In recent times, trainee motivation emerged as a significant contributor for skill acquisition and have an impact on performance, as motivation is the ability to work harder (Baldwin et al., 2009). Therefore, motivation is pivotal for salespeople willingness and persistence to acquire skills (Robbins and Judge, 2009). It is evident that higher level of motivation is proportional to effective sales (Sujan, Weitz, and Kumar, 1994). Motivation is a standpoint of personality dimensions (Digman, 1990). Nevertheless, motivation levels can be influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, that leads to increased performance (Jonathan et al., 2004). Moreover motivational strategy such as incentives for domain knowledge; reward or promotion policy for behavioural improvement demonstration, if treated as a prerequisite for career progression enhance outcome. Recent studies had shown that specific goal setting, regular feedback, enhance motivation, thereby performance (Robbins and Judge, 2009). Chivalry and Lindsay (2008) study results show training, self-efficacy is a vital component of motivation to learn, while training instrumentality (willingness) is vital for motivation to perform.EffectivenessThe effectiveness dimension of sales training issue is of prime concern. Sales effectiveness is related to consistent sales performance against quotas When involvements (management, manager, trainer, HR) are significant before and after training, it is hypothesized that training effectiveness is much higher. Many factors are related to effectiveness paradigm. It is perceived that learning orientation of trainees has a positive repercussion on performance (Farell, 2000). Therefore, firms are now emphasizing on cultivating a learning culture and demanding commitment to continual learning. Effectiveness in the context of productive performance is related to positive transfer climate (Salas et al., 2006); recognition, rewards and encouragement (Salas and Stagl, 2009). The link between effectiveness and sales training are constructs. At that place, Pelham (2008) provided sales effectiveness constructs as consulting, listening, customer orientation, adaptive selling, customer retention, and sales target. Reveals that these behavioursinfluence the outcome. As economy now demands value creating salespeople (Rackham, 2009).Therefore, accountability and the measurement of effectiveness of sales training extends beyond post-hoc analysis and should be considered early in the training needs assessment and program design. There is a need for new thoughtful approaches by sales organization due to the changing role of the salesperson, accountability issues, technology capability, and cultural diversity (Lassk, et al., 2012).

3. MethodologyThe fundamental task in qualitative research is obtaining an adequate sample, as appropriate sample size is a precursor to credible analysis. However, prominent qualitative researchers postulate insufficient protocols for estimating sample size. In the majority of case studies, qualitative interviews are a source of primary data (Dubé and Paré, 2003). Therefore, projecting and establishing the sample size for interviews is pivotal. In qualitative research, saturation corresponds to projecting and establishing sample size. It is evident that ‘saturation’ is the key to excellent qualitative work (Morse, 1995). But limited published instructions are available to test the sample size adequacy. Although, sample size adequacy is justified as external and internal; recommendations by qualitative methodologists; and statistical demonstration of saturation within a dataset and explains how or when saturation begins (Marshall, 2013).

We have chosen best practice recommendations because of the guaranteed benefits; adds up integrity and enhances the standards of qualitative inquiry. We tried to incorporate those testimonials that provide a meaningful justification for this qualitative work. In particular, we opted best practice recommendations by Marshall, (2013), that is applicable to each qualitative research where the primary data source is ‘in-depth interviews’; qualitative studies that are based on Grounded theory, should include 20 and 30 interviews, however, 30 is appreciable. There is no evidence that research yields impressive result when 30 or more interviews conducted. Saturation occurs with 30 or fewer interviews in the vast majority (76%) of studies.

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Citation of other studies that focus, qualitative sample size are of Thompson (2004) and Goulielmos (2004). Thompson (2004) reviewed 50 grounded theory article (2002 - 04), observed that sample size begins with from 5 and up to 350, average size 31 and theoretical saturation occurs in between 10 to 30 interview. Whereas Goulielmos (2004) stated that if saturation is not achieved with 30 interviews, proceed till interview unable to yield significant new insight. Based on the above arguments, we concluded that sample size of 30 (thirty) interviews is appropriate for this qualitative study conducted on salespeople to study impact of sales training in depth than in the breath.

Data CollectionThe qualitative data are collected by in-depth interviews. We framed a discussion guide for openended questions. The participants in the study were sales professionals in the age group of 21 to 35 years old. A total of 30 sales professionals participated in the interviews, time taken for each interview was around 30 minutes. The total contact hours were around 16 hrs. The interviews are recorded using voice recording device and notes taken during the interviews. However few of the respondents were sceptical to recording and in those cases extensive notes are put in use by researcher. After the completion of the individual interview, compared and transcribe data and content analysis identifies the themes. The interviews are conducted with a target sample size of 30 respondents. The data saturation recognized around 24th interview, subsequently, no new themes emerged between 25th and 30th interview.Results and discussionThe analysis of qualitative summary, study used Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) guidelines. Each author read and reviewed the sales professionals comments, thereafter sorted the comments into groups/themes. After analysing and discussion, the authors shortlisted several useful issues related to sales training. The themes are discussed in the following paragraphs:Selling procedure, respondents mentioned use of the well defined selling procedures positioned with routine training. Majority of the respondents (60 percent) mentioned strategic selling. Although consultative and solution selling likewise exists, but few in numbers. Most of the respondents indicated that their organization consider strategic view and priorities (its markets, customers and strategic priorities) of major accounts and prospective buyers before executing training. Participants reported that in an era of market complexity, sales training is now synchronized with strategic goal. However, 40 percent responded had professional selling at entry level and trained in "Seven Steps of Sales" to enhance levels of professionalism.Training Method, 90 percent of respondents reported traditional classroom training is practiced thatinvolves instructor led workshop. A mere 8 percent responded have undergone video conferencing, webcast, and e-sales training. Most respondents mentioned that in the era of Hitechmethod, organization still rely on conventional methods. Respondents preferred interactive methods and integration of various learning methods. Few respondents state digital platform or electronic methods as ‘time-honoured’ practices that minimize travel cost and provide individual training to achieve maximum productivity and competitiveness.Training Contents, Training manuals are most often used contents, that proportionate 80 percentresponded, whereas case analysis are generally used (40 percent), followed by demonstration, role play and review case study. Few respondents have shown an inclination towards the contents in magazine format, and audio talk with experts.Trainer (Internal/external) , 84 percent of respondents rep orted that they had received training by Internal trainer (HR, Sales manager) whereas 15 percent corresponds to both internal and external trainers (industry expert and motivational speakers).Skills needed, 64 percent respondents stated effective oral communication skill is vital to ensure sales success and other generic skills were selfmotivation, handling objections, interpersonal skills and closing. Whereas mere 22 percent responded stated they had skill training in sales presentations, planning, sales calls, time management, buying behaviours, industry dynamics, technical knowledge, territory analysis, targeting, obtaining perspectives, and advanced product training. 60 percent responded are on view that the primary skills associated with selling are well learned, however, to hold a distinct superiority over competitors thoughtful approaches and core skills instill superiority. Therefore, emphasize more skills-based training, use of impression management as a technique, adaptive selling to acquire knowledge of their customers and customer oriented selling to improve sales and marketing relationship. However, few responded stating their preferred topics such as product knowledge, marketing, general selling skills, team management and overcoming objection.Management, peer and supervisor support, 60 percent participants reported to be backed up by the motivation and support of their Sales Manager. 30 per cent respondents furthermore mentioned that when they are unsure of the rational act, they have been helped through counselling of senior peers. Respondents moreover mentioned how productive performance is linked to investments of effort, time and imagination by Sales Managers. Few individuals reported managerial interventions play an essential role in their career development. Several study participants mentioned that coaching and mentoring are key professional development tool and therefore they advocate the greater use of managers’ capabilities to firmly impact sales force performance.Motivation, 65 percent participants reported that they have been motivated to acquire 'sales personality' characteristics. One individual mentioned motivation to excel by acquiring core marketing competencies that are growing, shifting and interchanging. 30 percent respondents mentioned training, willingness because of the rewards or promotions. While 35 percent participants reported that they are influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Others mentioned that they take it as a compulsion.

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Technology and tools, 90 percent respondents express their liking for a range of sales related tools and gadgets to assist sales performance. Few participants mentioned that they favour automation for reporting and analysis of different customers. Respondents likewise mentioned how provision of digital personalized tools can be used with customers as well as with colleagues. Additionally respondents indicated that their needs are improved tools that will allow them to be effective at transferring learning to the fieldEffectiveness, 70 percent responded that sales training effectiveness could be enhanced through use of high-tech methods. In fact, 30 percent respondents stated that analytical tools can be extended that may result in more accurate sales force effectiveness assessment. Moreover comments were “sales training is entirely a tactical issue”; “training is essential to sustain in knowledgebased economy, to face knowledgeable customer ”.Perceived utility of training, 90 percent responded stated increased sales, customer retention and customer feedback is significant utility of training. Many stated that creativity, innovativeness and high-tech methods in sales training supplemented with sales tools and technologies,may lead salespeople and their organization to a greater heights of professionalism.

ConclusionsThis paper discusses the importance and usefulness of sales training along with other issues commensurate tools, methods, trainers etc. The application of training interventions explains the many and varied reasons why salespeople must undergo training. The findings from the indepthinterviews provide a very rich and comprehensive understanding of how salespeople are currently being trained and what they think regarding these training exercises. How sales professionals utilize learning from training in their routine jobs. These findings will help to identify the current practices prevalent in pharmaceutical organizations.

The ‘issues’ covered in this study finds that following are the dominant themes in sales training in Pharmaceutical Industry. Strategic selling, classroom training, training manuals as training aids, internal trainer, primary sales skills, management, peer and supervisor support, motivation, demand more technology and tools, recommends creativity and innovation to enhance effectiveness, and perceived positive utility of training.

This research contributes to the extant literature in several ways. First, the paper makes the contribution of academics and practitioners that practice ‘Sales Training’ has specific relevance and should be given more and more prominence. Second, the paper’s qualitative inquiry provides a rich understanding of how and why sales people are enthusiastic for training. Last, this research provides both academics and the pharma business associations with a wealth of knowledge touching the ever expanding world of core competencies and business complexities. Although, main contribution of this article is the identification of organizational climate for sales training.

The present study suggests that there is a positive relationship between sales training and performance and identifies few important implications for sales leaders in the pharmaceutical division. Results can be used for verifying the qualitative insights throughout the role of sales training as predictors of improved sales force performance with help of future quantitative study within the pharmaceutical industry. Although, pharmaceutical organizations are gratifying the development needs of sales professionals, however, the role of technologies complemented with creativity, innovativeness and use of high-tech methods for acquiring core selling competencies need to be investigated in detail through a descriptive research. More effectiveness will be reflected in terms of increased sales compared to the previous record, new zones and new accounts.

DIAGNOSING THE CURRENT SALES TRAINING PRACTICES IN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRYAbstractThe importance of ‘Sales Training’ is acknowledged by scholars from different fields as a potential enabler of multidimensional benefits.  Sales people’s knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSA) has caused a major impact on the effectiveness, and the relationship between the organization, manager and account/client. We try to examine ongoing sales training practices in the pharmaceutical industries of Northern India as well as to understand how it aids effectiveness. We conducted a qualitative investigation based on in-depth interviews with key sales peoples from major pharmaceutical firms. Insights are generated after analyzing emerging themes with solid theoretical bases. Our results show that, indeed, many sales representatives have shown an inclination towards sales tools and latest gadgets to do better. But high-tech methods are still in their infancy. Thither is a demand to develop proper new metrics grounded on market orientation. Armed with automation and sales tools, average sales professional might transform into star performers. Topics are discussed from training effectiveness perspective (creativity and innovativeness) with implications for managers and researchers. Terminal, this written report provides both academicians and the pharmaceutical business associations with a wealth of knowledge touching the ever blowing up world of core competencies and business complexities.

Keywords : Training, Sales Training, Salespeople, Qualitative, Effectiveness

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.  In turbulent marketplace sales personnel needs interpersonal, core sales conducts and technological competencies (Salsa and Stagl, 2009). To excel in the 21st century, most blue-chip organizations encourage persistent workout to grow, stabilize and excel in business performance amidst constant change.1. The sales training imperativeTop management agree that for sales productivity issue, training is workable and practical intervention and is most important pathway to accelerate in the global environment. Training is visualized to be exercise that facilitates organizations to improve training contents and delivery method to manage competitive realities in world markets.

Over the long haul, sales organizations continue to pump billions on sales training every year (Paradise, 2007). In contrast Salsa and Stagl (2009) reports that limited salespeople have knowledge of modern behaviours’ and technology abilities. Nevertheless, despite large investment and importance, literatures have finite evidence of systematic training procedures (IBM, 2008). The overall understanding of the methods is much restricted and anecdotal (Garrido et al., 2005). Stewart (2006) mentions among the topics in the field of sales management, sales get the least attention from researchers.

Sales inevitably show the shifting universe of business and communications. In today’s vibrant business environment, the pressure and intensity on sales-peoples (market dynamics, advanced selling orientation) grows and shifts. Therefore, sales profession is seen as one of the most challenging and contentious in management. In that matter, organizations are committing on the sales management activities to support competitiveness and performance. Top management agree that for sales productivity issue, training is workable and practical intervention and is most important pathway to accelerate in the global environment. Training is visualized to be exercise that facilitates organizations to improve training contents and delivery method to manage competitive realities in world markets.

Firms are looking for thoughtful approach to improve the skill level of the sales-force (Cron, Marshall, Singh, Spiro & Harish, 2005)). It is intelligible that salespeople’s behaviours’ have significant effects on client satisfaction. Successfulness of a relationship strategy often depends on the sensibility and behaviours’ (Wang, 2012). Therefore, sales profession is seen as one of the most challenging and contentious in management (Chitwood, 2007).

The favourable results from sales-force grounded more on the ability to adapt, acquire and apply skills/competencies ( Salas, Wilson, Priest, & Guthrie, 2006)). Literature indicates that holding and gratifying the development demands of sales people and attracting the sales talents are vital to secure the sustainability of business performance (Garrido, Pérez & Antón, 2005). Furthermore, salespeople face several challenges such as limited sales opportunities, multi-channel environment, knowledgeable customers, ethical selling and discriminating buyers (Little, 2008; Midgley, 1997). So need advanced skills set to pertain in everyday field activities (Noe, 2008).

Little research exists on the effectiveness of pharmaceutical sales representatives training in India. The aim of this inquiry is to investigate the sales training effectiveness in the Indian pharmaceutical Industry. Till date, Indian specific studies are not brought out in the literature. So this report tries to research the current status. Its effect on performance, whether sales training guides to sales effectiveness is the key of this work. The extensive issues are identified from the sales literature and are the focal point of investigation in this field. These are as follows:

•      Selling practiced and frequency of training conducted.•      Preferred training method, contents of the training and trainer.•      Supervisor/ management support in the context of continual learning.•      Skills necessary for the sales professionals in the pharmaceutical industry.•      Motivation before training and satisfaction level during and after training.•      Factors lacking and constituents of effective sales training (role of creativity, innovativeness and technology).

2. What determines the intensity of sales training?  Sales peoples are the front seams of a sales organization who are along a constant move. They are backed up by support of sales managers and top management. There exists an agreement salespeople are not born, furthermore made into productive sales professionals. To contemplate intentions, productivity is a major convenience and sales training is a sensible practice to increase bottom-line results. The universal view is to make sure proactive performance (Pettijohn & Taylor, 2009). Both salespeople and organizations perceive training will increase organizational value (Johlke, 2006) via cognitive, behavioural and competency outcomes (Salas and Stagl, 2009). In fact, surpasses performance records, incorporate commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, increased self-esteem, negligible errors, reflects traits such as high motivation and dedication (Salas et. al., 2006). Extraordinary sales behaviours’ are self-evident and correlate efficacious training intervention.

Notable publications of sales development is selected from subjects that depicts the impact on performance outcome. Sales-force performance outcomes are well documented the importance of sales actions and orientation (Pettijohn and

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Taylor 2002, 2009; Román, Ruiz & Munuera, 2002). In a study, Grossman (2011) pinpoints trainee attributes (motivation and perceived usefulness of preparation), training model (realistic skills and behaviours’) and funding, exhibited strong bonding with training outcome.  In another study, Pelham (2008) offered a mental prototype of influences on behaviour from the perspective of salespeople. The other influential affairs highlighted along with supported literature are; peer support, supervisory support, specific goals, synchronization of learning content and skill to be acquired, transfer climate, use of job aids and tools, cognitive ability and self-efficacy, regular feedback, planned approach, commitment and work inclination (Burke & Hutchins, 2007; Baldwin and Ford, 1988; Baldwin et al., 2009; Bates and Holton, 2004; Blume et al., 2010; Chiaburu & Lindsay, 2008; Cheng, 2000; Colquitt et al., 2000; Ford et al., 1998; Grossman, 2009; Holladay et al., 2003; Jackson et al., 2007; Robbins et al., 2009; Salas et al., 2006; Stajkovic and Luthans, 1998). But for in depth interviews of sales professionals, we omitted imperceptible points and recognize the important ingredients relevant to Indian Pharmaceutical industry.

3. Measuring the influential training affairs  This study is exploratory in nature and uses in-depth interview as a method for gathering qualitative insights. In the bulk of case studies, qualitative interviews are root of primary data (Dube and Part, 2003). The prominent qualitative researchers postulate insufficient protocols for calculating sample size. An elusive apprehension since few concrete guidelines exists (Marshall et al., 2013). Thus, central project is receiving an adequate sample, as proper size is a precursor to credible analysis. Marshall et al., (2013) has suggested Qualitative studies based on Grounded theory, should include twenty and thirty interviews, but, thirty is many. This conclusion is supported by Thompson (2004) and Goulielmos (2004). Based along the above statements, we reasoned a sample size of at least 30 should be taken for this qualitative work or till data saturation happens.

Data Collection: The qualitative insights are collected through In Depth Interview of thirty sales professionals in the age group of 21 to 35 years with open ended queries. Each interview last for 30 to 45 minutes. The contact hours were 16 hrs. The discussions are entered utilizing the voice tape device and extensive notes taken during the negotiation. Few of the respondents were sceptical to recording and in those cases; notations are put in use by researchers. Later on the completion of the individual interview transcribed data and performed transcripts scrutiny to name the root words. Data saturation recognized around 26th interview, afterward, no new thrust emerged between 28th and 30th interview.

4. Qualitative insights The investigation of qualitative data study used Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) guidelines. Authors read and reviewed the sales professionals comments, thereafter sorted into groups/argument. After analyzing and discussion, we short-listed several useful topics related to sales training. The topics are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs:4.1.    Well defined selling procedures: Respondents mentioned use of the well defined selling procedures positioned with routine grooming. The bulk of the respondents (sixty percent) mentioned strategic selling practice. Although consultative and solution selling likewise exists, but few in numbers. Just forty percent responded experienced professional selling at entry level and trained in "Seven Steps of Sales" to heighten levels of professionalism.4.2.    Still traditional classroom training: Eighty-four percent of respondents reported traditional classroom training is practiced that involves internal instructor led workshop. A bare eight percent endure video conferencing, webcast, and e-sales training. Most respondents mentioned that in the era of Hi-tech method, organization still rely on formal methods.  Respondents preferred interactive methods and integration of diverse reading methods. Few respondents’ states digital platform or electronic methods as time-honoured practices that decreases travel cost and offer individual training to disposition greater productivity.4.3.    Training manuals are most often used: Training manuals are most often used contents. This proportionate eighty percent answers; followed case analysis (forty-two percent), demonstration and role play (ten percent). Few respondents have indicated an inclination towards the contents in magazine format and audio talk with experts.4.4.    Internal trainer holds the key:  Eighty-four percent of respondents reported that they received training by internal instructor (HR, Sales manager). Fifteen percent corresponds to both internal and external trainers (industry expert and motivational speakers).4.5.    Generic sales skills training : Sixty four percent respondents stated effective oral communication skill is vital to make sure sales success. The other generic skills supported were self-motivation, handling objections, interpersonal skills, closing and product training. These respondents’ stats preferred topics are product knowledge, marketing, general selling skills, team-management and overcoming objection. But mere twenty-two percent responded skill training in sales presentations, planning, sales calls, time - management and buying behaviours’. Although, industry dynamics, territory analysis, targeting and obtaining perspectives found missing in most respondents. Many are on view that the primary skills associated with selling are well learned. To hold a distinct superiority over competitors, in a dynamic marketplace thoughtful and domain specific contents is needed. Therefore, emphasized skills-based training, use of impression management as a technique, adaptive sales to acquire knowledge of their customers. Few favoured customer oriented selling to improve sales and marketing relationship.     4.6.    Management and supervisor support do exits: Sixty percent participant’s reports sales manager support on a regular basis. Thirty-one percent respondents mentioned that when they are unsure of the rational act, they received counselling from senior peers. Respondents moreover mentioned how aspiration is linked to investments of effort, time

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and imagination by Sales Managers. Several survey participants perceive coaching and mentoring is a key for productive performance.4.7.    Influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards: Sixty-five percent participants motivated to acquire 'sales personality' characteristics. Thirty percent respondents manifest willingness because of the rewards or promotions. While thirty-two percent are influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Rest reports training as coercion.4.8    Salespeople likes Technology and tools: Ninety percent respondents express their liking for a reach of sales related tools and widgets to aid sales performance. Few participants favour automation for reporting procedure. Respondents mentioned how provision of digital personalized tools can be utilized by clients and colleagues. Furthermore, respondents indicated that their needs are improved tools that will let them to be effective.4.9    Sales training is a tactical issue: Organizations must concentrates on training as a tactical action to sustain in knowledge-based economy and to face knowledgeable customer.Based on that, a science can be built. The tactical components, as a product of tactical knowledge should create information systems, culture, technology and structured procedures. Seventy percent responded feels that training effectiveness rose through the employment of high-tech methods and culture. In fact, thirty percent respondents stated need for transparent effectiveness assessment procedures. 4.10    Creativity and innovativeness to enhance utility of training: Eighty-two percent responded stated increased sales, customer retention and client feedback are significant utility of preparation. Many are of view that formation to greater heights of professionalism needs creativity and innovativeness in training approach supplemented with sales tools and technologies.  

5. Charactertics of effective training  programmeAlong qualitative research and existing literature, significant events are identified, highlighted for managerial implications and treatments.Sales Process: Our findings with clarity show that training is positioned to strategic targets and well aligned with sales steps. Without a rational sales procedure (pattern of sales decision) or inappropriate sales preparation never yields stellar results (Genn, 2004). The outcome might contribute to a smattering of new leads, decreasing business, mishandling sales calls and decline in overall functioning. In the pharmaceutical industry, thrust lies on professional and /or strategic selling. Professional marketing is structured "Seven Steps of Sales" but superseded by more modern 'Open Plan' or two-way method (William and Marshall, 2005). Strategic sales promotion is important for survival in an era of market complexity, so training should be synchronized (Miller and Sinkovitz, 2005). Strategic interventions may engender useful solution to several challenges faced by sales-force (Baron, 2012). For strategic training Stein (2011) recommended; understanding of customer buying approach, coordination between sales and marketing, well defined selling proceeding, and qualified sales management personnel. So the selling procedure is a matter of convenience. Thus inferred that sales development should be positioned with the sales procedures and be an integral part.Delivery Method: Formal classroom training has gone forward to lead as the training-delivery choice (ASTD Industry Report, 2008). The same is mentioned in our results. But social media and self-directed learning programs (SDLPs) are emerging methods (Lassk et. al., 2012). Traditional classroom training often involves lectures, case studies and behaviour modelling (Sales, 2006). Now, many organizations are salespeople are inclined more towards e-learning (Chelan David; 2006, Anderson, 2008); webinar based synchronous sales training (Powell, 2001) versus conventional training. Although, wide variations still exist (Blair and Sisakhti, 2007). This trend is lucid in the outcome of the survey. Here, an innovative learning technology or blended learning could offer twofold usefulness and more effective pedagogy at lower prices.Contents: Learning contents are vital factors around that training is planned. Training manuals are often used contents while other methods are videotapes, case studies, role-playing, and audio tapes used. Notable topics include selling techniques, presentation and customer-service (Chonko, Tanner and Weeks 1993). Many challenges are faced by sales-force. Few of these (but not limited to) are vibrant business environments, globalization, technology usage and cultural diversity (Gonzalez et al. 2010; Heidecke et al. 2009; Dennis et al., 2009). The progressive matters are ethical behaviour, understanding of unethical sales behaviours’, adaptability, time management and socialization (Salopek, 2009; Noonan, 2009; Lambert, 2010; Barksdale Jr. et al., 2003). Lassk, (2012) is of opinion that an urgent need to find training content for delivering post-sale and proactive recovery methods.Trainer (Internal/external): The trainer has to make sure that the knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes or behaviours’ to be acquired can meet the strategic business needs. So the determination on who will deliver training is censorious. The practical implementation of ST within the matrix of sales management activities entails three options: (i) Internal (ii) External or (iii) a combination of the both. Internal trainer is often a sound choice as trainees are capable to relate to the instructor (Daniels, 2003). In several instance the director or senior peers act as the trainer. This is depicted in qualitative results. Here, we perceive that external providers are important as well. Among many  choices managers, internal coaches, external practitioners or professional trainers; an optimal mix justify degree of alignment with internal functions.Essential skills and Behaviours’: As late, sales professionals need possession of very specific skills. A few decades before sales training used to be primitive, regardless of industry domain, but now necessary to be relevant. A variety of training topics are valuable for sales organizations (Johnston and Marshall 2006). Many competencies and traits are needed, such as soft skills, sales behaviour and skill in analytical instruments and tools. Ethics remains an essential training cynosure

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(Valentine, 2009). Although active listening and communication abilities are pivotal. Even so, may include understanding buyers’ behaviours’, domain knowledge, territory analysis and industry or market dynamics (Leach, Liu, Johnston, and Wesley, 2005). A little while back center of attentions are empathy and sportsmanship (social judgment and professionalism); territory management (Landale, 2004), maintaining composure in difficult engagement (Ahearne, Jelinek, and Jones, 2007); strategic training to set out into the new account (Keenan, 2000) and emotional intelligence to improve competencies in sales interactions (Kidwell et al. 2011). In our investigation, these recent trends not yet observed, just generic sales skills is practiced.Technology and Tools: The preparation is influenced by uses of emerging technologies to enlighten personal learning and social media during the sales progression (Lassk et al., 2012). To improve grades of services offered to valued customers and major reports. Firms are incorporating modern technology into the sales procedure and in its own sales management processes (Schillewaert et al., 2005). Sales automation represent not just means to lessen costs, but produce revenues and meeting user needs as well (Roman et al. 2002). Sales tools engender improved customer satisfaction, sales effectiveness and enhance competencies in relationship selling (Geiger and Turley, 2006). In that place, Salas et al. (2006) reports that sales peoples need to use job aids, analytical tools, and sales technology such as CRM (client relationship management). So in present buyer driven market,  selling indulge lots of applied sciences. The advances observed are; e-learning (Anderson, 2008, Powell 2001); use of IT Tools (Geiger, 2006); CRM (Tanner et al., 2005; online sales channels; Just-in-time; On-site; Online training (Sarin and Kohli, 2010) and other new automation contrivances (Marler et al. 2006); used in most of the sales management activities. Preference for tools and technologies by respondents’ for knowledge of modern trends and to gain business acumen is reflected in study. Sales peoples are being required to take on a change of sales aids and instruments, besides high-tech learning systems.Manager/Supervisor/Peer Support: A routine of works in the past have shown that management support is unrivalled of the strongest factors for success of preparation plans. As an example, Lucent Technologies’ Director of sales training insists that for the increased profitability organization must engender training.  Straight-forward tied with its objectives and backup by top management and senior leadership support (Johnson 2004). Managerial feedback is essential to improve sales force productivity (Honeycutt et al., 1995). Supervisory encouragement (Jackson et al. 2007), information sharing and feedback (Awoniyi et al., 2002) has noteworthy relationships to successful breeding. Peer brace has paramount links with training, motivation (Bates and Holton 2004). Therefore, sales managers should work every bit and part of a knowledge application, supporting individual salespeople, watch and review to make sure productive performance outcomes.Motivation: In recent times, trainee motivation emerged as foremost contributor for skill acquisition.  Motivation is ability to play hard (Baldwin et al., 2009) and pivotal for salespeople’s inclination and persistence to gain skills. Notion is straightforward that higher degree is proportional to effective sales (Sujan, Weitz and Kumar, 1994). Nevertheless, motivation levels can be influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards (Grossman, & Salas, 2009). Latest studies demonstrated that specific goal setting, regular feedback, raise motivation, thereby performance (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Chivalry and Lindsay (2008) study results show training, self-efficacy is a judgmental part, while training instrumentality (willingness) is full of life to represent. So motivational strategy such as incentives for domain knowledge; reward or promotion policy for behavioural improvement demonstration, may be treated as a need for career progression can instil motivation to learn.Effectiveness: The effectiveness dimension issue is of prime concern. Sales effectiveness is consistent sales performance against quotas. The involvements (management, manager, trainer, HR) are significant before and after training and thus hypothesized that training effectiveness is more eminent. Many elements are related to effectiveness paradigm. It is perceived that learning orientation of trainees has a positive repercussion on performance (Farell, 2000). So firms are now emphasizing on cultivating a learning culture and demanding commitment to continual learning. Effectiveness is contingent on positive transfer climate (Salas et al., 2006) and recognition, rewards and encouragement (Salas and Stagl, 2009). The link between effectiveness and sales training are constructs. At that place, Pelham (2008) provided sales effectiveness setup as consulting, listening, adaptive selling, customer retention, and sales target. Literature makes known that these behaviours influence the result. Economy demands value-creating salespeople (Rackham, 2009). So accountability and the measurement of effectiveness extend beyond post-hoc analysis and should be seen early in the training needs assessment and plan. Thither is a demand for new thoughtful approaches to revitalize sales-force via engineering ability, behavioural capacity and ethnic diversity (Lassk, et al., 2012). In this research, although the effectiveness of training is coherent, nevertheless, the constructive development procedure further needs more improvements.

6.  Summary and conclusions This paper discusses the importance and usefulness of sales training. The application interventions explains the many and varied reasons why salespeople must undergo training. The findings from the in-depth interviews offer a very ample and comprehensive understanding of how salespeople are being schooled and what they believe on these training drills. How sales professionals use learning in their everyday chores. These will aid to prove the current practices prevalent in pharmaceutical organizations.The issue covered observes prevailing ideas within Pharmaceutical context are strategic selling, classroom preparation, training manuals, and internal trainer and primary skills. However, demand more technology and tools, creativity and innovation to enhance potency, and perceived positive utility of preparation. Terminal, this written report provides both

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academicians and the pharmaceutical business associations with a wealth of knowledge touching the ever blowing up world of core competencies and business complexities.

The present work proposes a positive relationship between sales training and functioning and identifies few important implications for sales leaders in the pharmaceutical section. Effects can be used for verifying the qualitative insights throughout training. Predictors of improved sales-force performance with help of future quantitative study. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical organizations are gratifying the development demands of sales professionals. The role of technologies complemented with creativity, innovativeness and use of high-tech methods for acquiring core selling competencies need to be investigated in particular through a descriptive research. More effectiveness could be observed in terms of increased sales compared to the earlier targets, recent zones and new accounts.

AN EXPLORATORY REVIEW OF SALES TRAINING LITERATURE: INSIGHTS FOR FUTURE INQUIRYThe importance of ‘Sales Training’ is acknowledged by various scholars. Because of multi-disciplinary nature, this exploratory review intends segmentation of contemporary sales promotion and development literature. The paper’s contribution is twofold. First, the paper lends clarity to the existing sales literature via classification of the key contemplations, either with a tactical, organizational, or ingenious affair. A mitigate pathway undergone from expressing product specifications to an authoritative tool that shape organizational strategy. Second, the review seeks to name influential propositions those canister observable facts for future investigation. With this remit authors interpret and construe purpose in diverse contexts; as a gizmo for organizational development; a distress of top management; and an ingenious affair. Second, sheds light on scholars’ understanding to the extent towards organizational and market environment factors contributed to training procedures. The report goes above the extant and contributes compositions for a richer (perceptive) appreciative of sales management practices. Sales training is multi-disciplinary and bundle of innovative actions are compulsory as an expedient toward getting hold of a desired advantage.A PROPOSED LINE TO INQUIRE: SEGMENTING SALES TRAINING LITERATURE

Sales training is a value-creating theory that latent contributes to sales-force productivity and organization’s competitiveness (Johlke, 2006; Salas, Wilson, Priest, and Guthrie, 2006). The importance is acknowledged by scholars from a diversity of fields, sociology,  computer and information technology, communication, psychology, cognition (Lamb, 2010; Geiger, 2006; Smith, 2009; Jantana, Honeycutt Jr., Thelenc, Attiad, 2004; Ku Fan and Cheng, 2006; Noonan, 2009; Hansen, 2008; Valentine 2009) and of course management (Plouffe, 2008; Pelham, 2008; Wang 2010; Pettijohn, Pettijohn, Taylor, 2007; Homburg and Klarmann, 2011b). Regardless of promising enabler of revenue, retention and customer satisfaction, concede a wide scope of purposes and the types of knowledge and acquaintance to rely on (e.g., rational, subjective and expressive). Nevertheless, have potential to make over the average sales peoples into expert professional (Anderson, Hair & Bush, 1992; Powell, 2001). So the preparatory point consists of expounding the term ‘sales training’. In the earlier decades, meant for greenhorn salespeople to comprehend sales realm in a moderate time (Weitz et. al 1986). A mode to act as trusted advisor, excellence, least errors and elevated morale integral for competitiveness and performance (Salas et al., 2006) via interpersonal skills and hi-tech capability (Salas and Stagl, 2009). To  heighten consistent accomplishment of revenue targets, an eventual resource that strengthen sales competencies and deepen functionality. ‘Train' is a verb, that is, instructing the fundamental skills to develop capacity. Whereas ‘Training’ is noun, an exercise to build up the skills planned for a profession. As a consequence training cannot be a one-off or isolated affair, nevertheless remain engaged with the sales management occupations, and contribute to broaden relations and experience of the buyer.

It looks complicated to portray confines within the field and uncover criteria for unambiguous differentiation. Nevertheless, confer impression to share three attributes. One, the word ‘training’ refers to a course of action (tactical or strategic). Second, ‘skill-oriented’, and third is ‘set of skills’. Almost always lead to solving customers' inconvenience, congregate definite requirements, and advance sales or craft something functional or valuable.

From this perspective, the aim of this scholarship is twofold. First, seek out to sweep up the contemporary literature. Second, offer a constitution for improved indulgent, by segmentation in punitive areas and facilitate a standard frame of reference that scholars and practitioners, among others refer. Until now several scholarship attempts to review sales literature to amalgamate constructive theoretical knowledge (Weitz and Sujan, 1986; Cralg, 1990; El-Ansary, 1993; Taylor & Vaught, 1994; Salas & Cannon-Bowers, 2001; Landry, Arnold & Arndt, 2005; Buttle, Ang & Iriana, 2006; Lassk, 2012). However these scholarships confer the interests of particular audiences and have a propensity to overlook others. Weitz and Sujan (1986), review psychology and personal selling studies, press on propositions for salespeople’s knowledge, motivation, and adaptive behaviour. In time advance a framework for recuperating selling effectiveness. Characterized by originality the sales training handbook (Cralg, 1990), cover up abundant aspect such as development and management of training functions, importance of trainer and necessity to stay up-to-date within technology, shifting sales role, new products, services and vibrant philosophies. Training knows how to show enhancement and linkage with performance, because of broadened delivery methods and wide-range of contents. Concomitant with developments, broadened methods, sources, and contents, El-Ansary (1993) suggested strategy-oriented training and involvement of suppliers and customers at some stage during need assessments. Furthermore, Taylor & Vaught (1994) is of the view that cultured skills ease and alleviate professional development of sales team and boost account value and worthiness of organization. Salas & Cannon-bowers (2001) reviews the literature to articulate advancement in needs analysis, antecedent training conditions, methods, strategies, and post-training interventions. At

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last suggests encroachment in training design, delivery, evaluation, theory development, and extent of empirical researches’ amid factors that persuade efficacy and transfer of training. A comprehensive and systematic review suggested sales-related strategy, technology, and expertise intended for CRM (Landry, Arnold, & Arndt, 2005). The foremost themes were dynamic temperament of the sales role, channel functioning and inter-firm relationships besides strategic sales activities, endorsement of CRM by salespeople and customers. Following this Buttle, Ang & Iriana, (2006), critique sales-force automation (SFA) literature on theoretical and methodological arguments. However observed SFA focused more on technology and people’s issues. Lassk (2012) depict attention on three key scope; content development, delivery, and evaluation. Moreover the academic work laid key challenges meant for researchers; such as integration of service activities into sales, customer-oriented selling, self-directed learning, and social media. Overall, these scholarships emphasized on clarity of the constructs and application of rigorous methods. In fact, propagate training as truely productive intervention to achieve organizational goals.

This research introduce a segmentation of the novel literature based on three core areas that correspond to three different levels; ‘activities’, ‘choices’ and ‘results’. In general, researchers argue that scholars have conceptual and methodological scheme well-matched to augment two significant issues. One, develop selling KSA (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to increase organizational revenue and second performance context of training activities i.e. effectiveness (Cron, Marshall, Singh, Spiro & Sujan, 2005).

In general, researchers have developed many theories to stir training designs across several subjective areas; cognitive, social, psychological, computer technologies and information and software engineering. We introduce articulation of the literature that confines how dissimilar groups of interest interpreted ‘Sales Training’ and dispense explicit meaning and implication. For that reason we concentrate more on analysis at three main levels; at the operational level where focal point is tactical segment and the efforts made to develop a science. At the managerial level, core is on the competitiveness, organizational composition, strategy, and recognition as an ingenious or creative affair (Table 1).-----------------------------Insert Table 1 about here------------------------------

In the perspective of three dissimilar segments, we illustrate progression of underlying principle that support splitting literature in groups. While moving from Group-A to Group-C, the gist moves from one extreme (tactical deliberation) to the other supreme, ingenious sales behaviours as expression of individual. In between, the researches within Group-B regard management think tank concerning competitiveness, culture, and strategy.

Although it’s understandable that literature in dissimilar segments are tackled by specific research scholars. Within Group-A scholars belongs to sales management, psychology, cognitive, ICT and others accountable for implementing interventions. They tend to focus issue at the functioning level. The intellects in Group- B are from general, sales, marketing, and strategic management, focus organizational affair like maintaining competitiveness, structure, and culture. In the Group-C, scholars shell out significance as ingenious affair.

In general, the projected anatomy offers an overarching understanding of advantage or value propositions to the extent that links together several facets of profession and complement one’s surroundings. As an instance, to undertake market dynamics keep up associations with emerging technology (technology expert), professional (practitioners), and academicians. In particular, we follow a wider attentiveness how training influences behavioural and expertise enhancement procedures, innovation and sales-force progress at different levels.Methodological Note.

This review is not comprehensive; Table-1 develops a basic framework around that future research be positioned. The literature review supporting this format is included in Table 1.1 (Appendix A). The table specifies few details (author, source and key words). But there is a possibility of few overlaps across the different affairs and few contributions might be integrated beneath more than one segment.     The choice of the articles follows a genealogical Foucauldian approach. It focuses on diagnosis or understands the current setting, not just writing the history. It’s narrating the past of the present (Foucault, 1993). With this goal, paper elaborates how ’ST’ evolved from product description to a concern for organizations and the economy. How the underpinning body of understandings has developed. In fact, how the professional profile of researchers within each domain changes. From tactical within the domain of architects of the training in an organizational context, to ingenious when the focus shifts to the productive sales performance dimension as an ingenious affair.

The selection of the articles somewhat follows genealogical Foucauldian approaches that focused diagnosis or understand the contemporary circumstances, not just script history of a issues. As stated by Foucault, it narrates history of the present (Foucault, 1993). With this target, we elaborated how ST evolves as of product description to an apprehension intended for organizations and the economy, and how the underpinning body of understanding has developed. In fact, it is straightforward to follow how the professional profile of researchers within each domain changes from tactical to ingenious or creative. Segmentation as Tactical Affair

This section review streams within the sales literature that considers training as a tactical affair. Based on that, a science can be built on. The tactical components are artifact of competitive awareness; structure, and culture (information systems, technology and training procedures.

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Developing a Theory of ‘ST’. Most sources unanimously agree that the sales development and growth began in 1936. Era witnessed “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (Dale Carnegie's). This book by default became imperative selling notion. Many scholars consider Carnegie's view on 'influencing' people, developing 'relationships' and human 'motivation', as the foundation and lineage scope of formal theories. These dimensions later provided a framework to recognize people's needs and motive. This astonishing factor is standstill and continues into pioneering era of selling then up to the complexities of 21st century. However, advance in fact focuses on effectiveness assessments. Therefore, it is argued that sales effectiveness born earlier than training gets underway. The foremost movement headed on enhancing interpersonal interaction of sales peoples to build up trust, in due course relationship, at last the accord. The next footstep was lifting the approaches of triumphant salesperson called ‘steps to sale’, witness the start of ST era and 'selling' then documented as a professional field. The first sales model originated in the 1950’s called as 'Hierarchy of Effects'. The fundamental focus put on 'motivation' and external stimulus for winning sales even in the absence of need (Emerald Group International, 2008). At that time ethics and honesty practices were not followed, whereas enviable in present marketplace or business world.

During the sales development, training assist professional growth, hence improve marketing arrangements. Just after introducing clarity in the concept of ‘sales promotion’, afterward ST known as an indispensable marketing function within a narrow field of sales management (Suzuki, 1962).  It is perceived solidity of training in ‘sales’ literature foresees planned attempts meant for skills (Read, 1969); behavior modeling training (Meyer, 1983), microcomputer-based (Collins, 1986), technological tools (Russ, 1989), sales technology (Collins,1991), Video based (Honeycutt, 1993) and strategy-oriented training ( El-ansary, 1993), IT based interactive learning (Spikes, 1990), field coaching (Kennan, 2000), e-learning (Anderson, 2008), Web-based enterprise-wide planning software (Marler, 2006), customer relationship management (Tanner 2005) and measuring effectiveness (Valencius, 2009). However, in vibrant marketplace, dynamic selling, advanced selling orientation, core competencies, ethics and spirituality emerged as pivotal confronts, because of multi-disciplinarily. It is ascertained by the fact that the science or scholarships in the ST relies upon a diverse set of disciplines and dependent on cross-disciplinary mode. The scholars concur science is directed to craft procedure vital for the overall sensation (Bragg, 1988; Arguinis and Kraiger, 2009). Later, training incorporated other practice-oriented sphere such as communication, psychology, computers, and information technology.

Sales management courses were established within academic and professional progression, meant for enhanced grounding to get hold of entire sales process. Afterwards sales project incorporated to experience the tangible sales experience, in that way eradicate unrealistic expectation. Important topic includes self-motivation, communication, handling objections, closing, presentations, planning, time management, and buying behavior (Johnson, 1990). In fact, sales handbooks are encumbered with examples and theory around how to execute each sale step (Greer 1997). Moreover, communication and psychological theories, ICT were infused to establish relevant and effective research. In our opinion, the products training science are of four types: constructs models, methods, and implementations. Besides a basic language of constructs within higher order constructions, are the models that portray the activity, situations or artifacts. However, often sales trainers develop scheme as a way to discourse goal oriented activities, and implement explicit programs.

Although training is sales complemented by the development of theories, the major scope of ST progression is to educate neophytes to diverse entity of the sales management, interpersonal and technological competencies (Weitz, 1986); apply learned competencies in routine sales activities (Noe, 2008) in time accomplish competitive advantage (Salas, 2006). Training research not long ago emerge as a customary mode within more than a few disciplines. Although the boundaries and contours remain fuzzy, as often organizations fail to appreciate the actual repercussion because of cost factors and overlook revenue engendered via convincing training pains (Johnston and Marshall, 2008). In fact, this path of research already explored by anxious scholars to design intelligent agents to expedite performance evaluation (Podsakoff and MacKenzie, 1994), training evaluation (Mark, 2003), and sales-force effectiveness (Zolters, 2008). Regardless of forerunner involvements in both the performance and the effectiveness tradition generated in early 1990s. However, post-2000 era observer emotional intelligence (Deeter-Schmelz, 2003), technology utilization (Ku Fan and Cheng, 2006), workplace spirituality, ethics (Badrinarayanan and  Madhavaram, 2008), social media and socialization (Barksdale Jr. et al. 2003), customer relationship strategy (Wang, 2012) magnetize attention. Afterward, training procedures activated in a rational way to exceed productivity records by means of motivation, commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, teamwork and negligible errors (Salas, 2006).

Its not a matter of revelation that phase nowadays overlap with the greater than ever attention towards a science of training design and necessitate a common basis of appreciative to initiate and enlarge artifacts intended to solve customers' troubles and sales-force productivity. Is there a real science or course of action as of yet? The inquiry remains unanswered and endures attention from scholars’ in psychology, technology, management and cognitive sciences. The Training Practices. Sales development science has roots in salesperson behaviour, posture, recital (Pettijohn and Taylor 2007) and cognitive ability (Baldwin and Ford, 1988; Burke and Hutchins, 2007). Engross three central actions, needs assessment, plan or arrangement, and evaluation (Weeks and Stevens, 1997; Wexley and Latham, 1981; Lassk, 2012). Needs assessment is cognitive act of slot into gap or discrepancy amid an ideal degree of business and in progress degree of implementation, seize substantial period to pull out proper interference (Altschuld, 2003). A modus operandi to build an artifact meant for a purpose. Design customizes training on the background of learning contented and deliverance means. Whereas evaluation establish fulfilled needs within offered resources and culture (Goldstein and

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Buxton 1982). Nevertheless, an ability augmentation and dilemma solving movement that necessitates the definition of the skills needed on behalf of observed inconvenience. Follow by the identification and development of redundant answers, and to shortlist optimal one. In decree to formulate decisions, managers and trainers norm rely on self expertise and experience, stay tactical, or as a substitute, implement measures. In that premise Greer (1997) explain performance based training laden with cases and inference to assist how to bear sale steps. Although procedures are prevalent to countless scholars and authoritative progression is not always possible to characterize procedures for dynamic sales knowledge.  

Training deeds within the information system are comprehensively studied, implemented, and scheduled. Tactical and high-tech mode unearth motive to confine dynamic acquaintance and secure appropriate structure. Afterwards make it accessible in a manner that enthusiastically formalized and prop up decision-making and problem-solving (Taylor et. al., 1994). Tactical training discussed at different levels, to be precise, general epistemology, tactical epistemology, tactical science, tactical methods, and tactical practices. Although HR, managers or trainers does not operate at random regardless of the tactical nature, but use more or few sophisticated methods to structure executions. However maintain creativity's role within the framework of methodological approach (Lassk et. al., 2012). A practical deliberation impending from these operations is the judgement that perhaps extended over all the branches of tactical training.

Just before tactical advance, feedback of market knowledge is indispensable. Since it engender experience to remain connected with trends and also with priority of sales leaders. Such advances assists and enrich performance development plans and convey outcome that are acknowledged. This line of argument triggers curiosity toward distinct techniques and methods that practitioners communicate as a sensible practice. To countenance dynamic sales, fierce competition and varied segments, training in core competencies or creating something valuable is vital (Plemons and Fort 2010). In summary, augment sales behavior, attitude, interpersonal skill, strengthen relationship (Román et. al., 2002; Jonathan, 2004; Pettijohn and Taylor, 2009; Salas and Stagl, 2009; Boles, 2000; Hansen, 2008, Smith, 2009; Gonzalez, 2010).

To an extend delivery scheme persuade outcomes and financial plan. The conventional, in-person instruction at a central location (Buttle et. al., 2006) is pricey and time-consuming (Sales, 2006). Hence many entrust use of computer or microcomputer-based approaches. As model computerized "Expert" system integrate skillfulness of outstanding performer as script (Rubash, 1987). Trainers in early 90’s were unwilling to incorporate high-tech and distance learning means (Longfellow, 1995).  However, post-2000 era amplify reasonable payback using automation and technologies. An empirical investigation tender evidence that technology based schema consummates at ten percent of traditional training (Collins 1986). Similar hi-tech approach gain momentum (Lassk et al., 2012) and remote training technologies are predominantly preferred (Powers et. al., 2010). Examples are SFA, high technology instruments, tools and aids (Buttle et. al., 2006), ICT architectures for implementing e-collaboration tools (Heidecke et. al., 2009), online sales channels (Sarin and Kohli, 2010), browser-based technologies or mobile technology (I-pods), and simulation technique to convey instructions (Noe, 2008).

Training brings understanding to the creation and production of useful artifacts (Crane et al. 2005). In switching the focus towards a technological context, the term ‘tactical’ analyzed in comparison with ‘strategic’. But strategic technique is too narrow in scope. Since, generic and conventional form conceived wider notion.

An art of assigning a meaning to training effectiveness is of course evaluation or assessment. Kirkpatrick (1996) argues that evaluation demonstrate worth and justify training resolution and get better future intervention. This viewpoint experienced a change with recognition that evaluation knowledge is embedded within HR personnel’s. An evaluation consumes time, a complex exercise and speculates with reference to measuring devices. Nonetheless are statistics handicapped, and unable to prove a relationship amid training and financial results. Due to identity crisis, more superior measures triggered the rising of latest advances. These are CRM, strategic interventions, skills in analytical tools (Mehta, 1985), executive coaching (Landale, 2004) and self-regulation training (Leach et. al., 2005). These latter dimensions become significant in sales studies. It paved the way to a strand of research on the contribution of managers, trainers, HR, and content developers in various shapes to dispense ingenious affair.

Unlike technology developments, training advances are not clear-cut and often managers struggle to handle them. Research in sales management, both theoretical (Weeks and Stevens 1997; Dubinsky, 1996; Luo, 2000; Buttle et. al., 2006; Lassk et. al., 2012) and empirical (King, 1986;  Gonzalez, 2010) is yet scarce. Many scholars view theoretical perspective other than organizational psychology lacks in sales research (Bush, 1994). Many scholars observe mixed findings, limited existence of empirical evidences and learning transfer. Although, case studies or field experiments, perhaps make research more appealing (Plouffe, 2008). Further, inadequate thoughtful approach and professional knowledge caused multifaceted difficulties. Blume et al., (2010) investigated practices and attitudes toward evaluation. Segmenting as Management Affaire

Section reviews the literature on the responsibility of management as an integral element of organizational expansion and competitiveness. A noteworthy relationship exists amid the organization's choice of a strategy, environment, and sales procedure. The management promotes ingenious affair whereas capabilities and functionality are deployed by sales-force. As of high-tech training, relationship-selling (Honeycutt et al. 1995, Gonzalez et al. 2010) and sales behaviours encompass imperative effect on customer relationship and satisfaction (Wang, 2012). Here training emerges as essential part of strategic advance to synthesize and integrate external knowledge. Foremost empirical studies during 1980-90s illustrate consolidation of specialized activities. These are behaviour modelling training (Meyer

Page 71: Sales Training 2014, 1983), High technology tools, and expert systems incorporating cognitive processes (Collins, 1986; Erffmeyer, 1989; Shepherd, 1990) an indispensable ingredient of ingenious success. Since 1990s, scholars’ interest shift on how training influences organizational decision-making in an attempts to set up competitive advantage.

Universal agreement positions training as compelling mode to accomplish competitiveness. But, scholars’ contribution has developed in dissimilar directions. Like impact on organizations’ performance; tension amid internalizing or outsourcing and later forming an organizational structure or composition. The section depicts organization's criterion for sales management activities (SMA). Overall value depends on sales revenues, in turn, contingent on sales-force actions. But, a large issue is bottom-line performance and stimulating individual talent and management commitments. The following sub-sections uncover these aspects.Competitiveness. Formal training plan is essential for the overall success (Bragg, 1988). Vending dynamics have enforced organizations to restructure training (Arguinis and Kraiger, 2009). An essential phenomenon to transform ordinary salespersons’ into expert sales professionals (Pettijohn et. al., 2009), thrust competitiveness (Salas et. al., 2006) and groom sales-team. Augments or supplements learning to exceed efficiency records. At this juncture individual salespersons’ strength does have repercussion on sales success. Efforts are indispensable blocks to show trust and rapport through a combination of ‘sales personality characteristics’ and core selling competencies. Nevertheless, cooperate to appreciate both customer relationship development and customer retention (Wilson, 1993; Román, 2002; Pettijohn and Taylor 2002, 2009; Jantana, 2004) and technological abilities i.e. SFA (Buttle et. al., 2006). Although many contributions shown an influence on the relationship amid training effectiveness and organizational performance (Gumuseli et al., 2002). However, the consequences on performance depend alongside over skills and talents of personnel involved.

Referable to the knowledge-intensity, we stumble on how training is integrated with organizations’ existing practices and strategy development. In the context of this critique, recommend more research with accent on deployment of organizational procedures and commitments.

Organization Culture and Structure. An important determinant of a successful training and collaboration lies in a rich discernment of the culture, strategy, and communication access. A sales culture is a central contributor to organizational success (McCarthy, 2008). Positive culture connects skill development with organizational strategic goals, whereas positive climate such as periodic promotions, career advancement provides imperative aspiration. Plemons and Fort (2010) insists on the importance of extensive training to hit upon latest trends and styles.

The practical implementation within the matrix of sales management activities entails three options: (i) Internal (ii) External or (iii) a combination of the both. On the unitary paw, several roadblocks prevent the use external experts and professionals. Because of the costs involved, no particular arrangements exist where training should be situated; inside or external to boundaries. To an extent, manager or senior peers act as the trainer. Discuss the direction of the growth, in other cases, professional are one part of the puzzle among others (Lassk, et. al., 2012). To a certain degree because of tactical and implicit nature and  holds it as a crucial sales development process. This is how the tactical and implicit nature hold crucial quantum of the sales development. Over the long haul associate equated with creativity and behaviours.

Weeks and Stevens (1997); Wexley and Latham (1981) derived a taxonomy and profiled three likely rules for training programs:, and (3) evaluation.Needs assessment. Discuss challenges for salespeople’s accountability and improvement measures in skill set. Sooner incorporate feedback to customize training. Past research indicates needs assessment concentrate on three main areas; the governance, the project, and the individual salesperson (McGehee and Thayer 1961).Program design. En route to execute, monitor, and assess training, a process of formulating comprehensive, concrete, and scalable process plan. Objectives are stimulate learning, expedite constructive progress and learning reinforcement to fit organizational needs (Richey, 1986; Wager, Golas, & Keller, 2005). It tugs and support natural processes throughout the entire maturation process and across a filled assortment of functioning actions. Evaluation. Literature conveys training outcomes are multidimensional and need multiple archetypes to be evaluated (Goldstein 1986; Landy 1989; Wexley and Latham 1981). Martin (1957) categorized evaluation as internal or external. At that summit, behavioural change is useful external indicators of transfer (Kirkpatrick, 1960). However, evaluation focused more on intramural or casual assessments (Alliger and Janak 1989).In each of these categories, the manager/trainer/HR plays a diverse role pertaining to choices ‘a’ the ‘Expert’ by and large  involved with aesthetics, ‘b’ the trainer plays a relevant role in skill development, ‘c’ the HR expertise is a major force for creativity. As a result, stakeholder is positioned in a different way within the organization (‘a’ professional; ‘b’ management team; ‘c’ cross-functional role). A line of research in this direction perhaps investigate how other business organizations derive advantage  with trump card within three scenarios (in-house, outsource or mix of trainers).Strategy and Vision. Over the years, scholars perceive sales disappointment owed to underdeveloped customer relationship and other dimensions like core sales skills, personality traits or both. Perhaps conflicting policy, culture, composition, procedures, and practices are more responsible. Supplemented with nonexistence of clarity in many sales subject matter continued the skills gap. Besides traditional tactical and tested techniques are not much useful (Miller and Sinkovitz, 2005). Thus, immediate action is imperative because sales persons learn in different manner often as need basis, so, documented manuals of relevant skills comprehended for later usage.

Strategies always strive for reducing risk and engender novel sources of advantage. For such innovative plans, ideas must be cyclical. Nevertheless, strategies reduce the gap amid business desires and marketing competencies.

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Therefore, instigate sales personnel to exercise knowledge in present conditions. Encourage to develop ability to accommodate changes with agility and remain pro-active. Strategy provides inimitable arrangements to enrich profitability. With increasing globalization, the spotlight on strategic tool gain reputation. In an era of market complexity and knowledgeable customers   strategic sales promotion is essential for endurance. Nevertheless strategic issue emphasize more on management (Prahalad, 2005). Although decisions approximating market interpretation and collaborative relationships are task of top management (Piercy and Lane, 2005). Segmentation as Ingenious Affair

This sub-section shifts the focal point to the operating level of capacity and tries to account ingenious nature. Training intervention should be regular, relevant, realistic, and reoccurring (Stein, 2011), and pivotal for provoking competency and functionality, to act as trusted advisor and a mean for consistent attainment of revenue targets i.e. sales productivity. The trend is shifting towards core behaviours such as adaptive selling, customer orientation, consulting orientation and active listening and management of technology in sales methodology and sales processes. With clarity a state of the art best practices needs to be extracted and documented. It is crucial that compelling approach should focus on imparting best behaviours and practices, for that relevant content is pivotal.

The earlier sections illustrated how the meaning grew during the last few decades. At beginning called as instructions headed for novice salespeople. Now includes activities such as the development of behavioural and competency architecture, formulation of strategies and blending of aesthetics together with essential requirements. In other words, interpreting the sense remains one of the most mysterious subjects in sales domain and organizations fails to understand the complementary factors (Grossman, 2009).

Sales pattern reflects the shifting universe of business and communications. Thus ingenious affair aid preparations for the next change with speedy knowledge transfer, avoid overpriced incidents, and optimize assets in real-time. This argument is well supported by Tether (2006), illustrates how assorted fields grip poles apart types of knowledge, ranging from the rational, calculative to subjective. Environmental dynamics insist on revolutionize procedural methods. For this fundamental reason, wants are personal characteristics, elementary sales skill, soft sciences, technological ability, adaptive behaviour, empathy, sportsmanship, and ethics (Noonan, 2009, Ahearne et. al., 2007; Valentine, 2009). Thus because of dynamics and variability sales-force should take on ingenious affairs to sustain competitiveness.

The role of emerging technologies to conceive, design, enhances, and foster training by collaborating learners and trainer. At present to stimulate learning experience with integration of various learning methods and technological support are available. Such as excellent streaming technology with voice-over IP, self-assessment exercises, demonstrations on video, specialized work based training videos and transmission of earlier training conducted etc. Sales literature has focused attention on the implications of technologies (Tanner et al. 2005). We perceive modules and methods, as a product of concepts and the technologies. Applicable to a variety of sales management activities such as CRM, online collaboration, sales plan creation, improved services provided to valued clients (Landry 2005). But, Lassk, (2012) view emerging technology confines potential to start self regulation scholarship. The Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) offers personal pathways to achieve mastery (Poon 2006). Surface new tools and incorporate innovative ways to pedagogy (Johnson et al. 2012). In a sense, technology, delivering the self-directed learning programs (SDLPs) is more commodious to the sales organization (Boyer and Lambert 2008).

As illustration, the educational purposes of Internet enabled tablets encompass extension of just-in-time learning opportunities (Belshaw, 2011). Cloud computing and tablet facilitates synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve sales-force engagement with skill development. A mobile learning is virtual method based on digital, portable and mobile device (O’Connell & Smith, 2007). Although on comparing son with e-learning, the mobile way has a short history (Pachler, Bachmir and Cook, 2010).

The absorptive capacity, adaptive selling and behaviours play a crucial part in knowledge transfer and imperative for organization progress. Adaptive way targets prospect, collect information, followed by strategy formulation and delivering tailored presentation and making adjustments/modifications as per customers’ response. This calls for skills in well-structured sales approach. Roberts (2012) provided a framework to elaborate how ICT influence absorptive capacity. How it finds, assimilate, transform, and use external knowledge through advanced information technologies.  In the end the success of a customer relationship strategy depends on the behaviours of salespeople (Wang 2012). Thus, mission is required to drive ingenious nature or path with distinctive capacity to overcome the limited budget and resources and ease behavioural interventions.

DISCUSSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONTo gain clearer understanding authors reviews many purposes. Training cannot be relegated to a secondary role, or be seen as ‘contextual’. But a central focus is how stakeholders develop ideas or artifacts and exploits within sales environments. Training is a social phenomenon to shapes behaviours, rely on social interactions, in particular, assessments are of crucial relevance, and creates new ways of perceive social setting.The review seeks to show undergone transformation. Theoretic, this movement derives from a reciprocal interplay of a series of organizational factors. In reality, few factors come into play and generate a new body of knowledge, for example, tactical design or design management. Others, who contribute to methodical pursuit and recognition as a standalone job, are still implicit in actual practice. The abstraction has expanded and evolved, from the science to professionalization, then evaluation. At a more intangible level, each and every single step is accomplished. New sets of routines and knowledge have expedited the training adaptation in sales management to new contexts.

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Table 2 attempts to summarize the survey of the literature in a continuum between tactical and aesthetics at the two extremes. This research identifies different dimensions (purpose, audience, the importance of the market, skills) along which training can be profiled. This helps to pinpoint the major gaps within the literature and the potentials for future research.

------------------------Insert Table 2 about here

---------------------------Based on Table 2, this review paper suggests no precise boundaries between the tactical, the management and the aesthetic components; instead a multidimensional perspective is needed to understand. The following three sub-sections name and discuss key research themes. The questions emerged from the literature review, are worthy for future investigation by management practitioners and other scholars as well.How and from where knowledge is sourced?The review has highlighted the strain to recognize the actual training procedure. Efforts are made in different directions to develop a science, but, three main issues that need more examination. First and foremost, the boundaries are fuzzy. A consequence calls for consistent improvements from the realm of art to that of science (Crane, 2005). How the disciplines be established is illustrated by few contributions. For that sales researchers need to discuss changing role, increased accountability, technology ability, and cultural diversity counterfeit current sales training content, delivery, and evaluation. (Lassk, 2012). In this context, one major problem to recognize where sales knowledge is sourced from and lack of understanding what works in relationship selling. The procedure fulfils ingenious and problem-solving purposes. Little is known to which behavior, analytical, technical or ingenious skills are more or less important than the specialized know-how. The literature indicates how practical efforts relied on understanding how creativity should be shaped and conducted regardless as a team or an individual effort. Here suggestion is to develop a procedure, greater attention to addressed contribution of individual salespeople. Everybody must realize that success revolves around collective effort amid each individual in the organization. By doing so, easier are identification of tasks and the (emerging) body of knowledge that simplifies the establishment of ‘sales’ as a formal and recognized domain.A second theme worthy of scrutiny regards the level of analysis of existing literature and the extent to which that connects with specific research communities. In other words, we perceive a stronger link amid introduced themes tackled within the ICT and few other more practice-oriented domains such as psychology or organization studies. A step forward is made by identifying a common language of reference to express theories and methods, which then applied across the various disciplines.Third, the literature on sales management identifies the sales-force as the major schema through which a group of elements represented and undertaken. But, an analogous methodology is transformed by the advent of new technologies. Training relies on learning-by-doing and many sales skills are learned on the job. So, future research needs to assess the contribution of recent graduates who received much training on technologies, thereby acknowledge such differentiations; this sheds light on any likely change in knowledge. Nevertheless, use of social media and SDLPs are emerging (Lassk et. al., 2012).To conclude, the advances in ease of access to information within the ICT discipline reviewed as a fundamental link with other disciplines. This must contribute to the definition of its scope and methods. With the increased makeover of automated productivity tools, web based communications and electronic metrics management. Reporting has created a leaner, more procedure oriented approach to accumulate a body of knowledge (Ahearne, 2007).Training Designer as a ingenious professionalThe literature review as a concern for management (Section 2.2) has drawn attention to several issues emerged over earlier decades. With the progressive establishment as a distinct topic within sales developments, the organization had to tackle three main issues: how to manage training design activities; where to source the specialized abilities and manage in an organizational context (i.e., external versus internal); and how to exploit training design for strategic purposes. These three indicators segment and review the literature (Table 1). During the review, different questions emerged.With regard to the coordination of the training plays different roles, although does not have an ‘identity’. However, influences the competitiveness relevant to strategic positioning, productive sales-force and financial performance. Because of this pervasive, task is worth to look beyond the benefits. Either deploys internal peers or external professionals. Investigate how activities shape the configuration of other sales management acts. Extant literature discusses the delicate ‘relationship’ within sales and marketing (Román, 2002) or consulting oriented (Pettijohn,2007); consultative approach ( Pelham 2002, Homburg, 2011); and adaptive selling (Lambert, 1990, Predmore, 1994; Pelham, 2008). But little is known whether, and if, how a service marketing mix and ingenious affair pervades the organizational composition and form the business model (Hershey, 2011). Because of multi-disciplinarily, has relevance for competitiveness. So, rational act is to explore how the internalization of a services and socialization of new salesperson’s that relies on a diverse set of knowledge bases configure sales professionalism. Moreover, this perspective shed light on the likely emergence and affirmation of the individual as an ingenious professional. The training strategies and approaches around technology development award to insider (manager or trainer) or outsider brainstormed by exploring new opportunities that influence performance.In context of the assessment of a sales-force, performance has been that strand of the literature that tried to develop particular performance indicators. Limited integral models exist to figure out how post-training behaviour and learning

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transfer are determined and how each trainee corresponds to concrete performance. Instructional systems design evaluation classified as formative and summative, formative judge training ‘worth’ during training, whereas summative judge worth after training (Bramley and Newby, 2007). Nevertheless Hung (2010) provided directions to decide the evaluation level to carry out as a priority. But, financial indicators are often used. Altogether many emphasize that formal events by themselves do not deliver bottom-line outcomes (Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick, 2009). Kirkpatrick model (2011) backed the ROE (return on expectation) instead of ROI (return on investments), is practical and workable measure to figure out the degree of expectation met.In the context of this review, we perceives efforts should be propagated to investigate the circumstances under which organization select solutions and what are the consequences of particular choices. We do not have a formal discipline of ‘Sales Training’ yet.  Although exists agreement that the customer plays an important role. First because of the repercussion on sales and second because meanings it carry i.e. relevance for the end consumer (buyer). This indicator is of a financial nature, because with a measure of customer satisfaction or retention the extent to which the procedure affects determines whether the ‘account’ buys that same again and again. These arguments along with the advancements as a standalone undertaking, and emergence of standards speed up the development of more specific indicators. Below is literature reviewed as part of Group C (Table 1) and identifies gaps that engender investigation.Industry dimension of Sales TrainingManager often asked to name problems, select proper goals, and deliver a solution. Training is polished through a team effort. Therefore, manager is required to coordinate and motivate a group of sales peoples with diverse competencies toward the development and implementation of skill solutions. In other words, manager or trainer acts on several levels, and to move from theory to action, use personal capabilities to solve problems in empathic way. The ingenious idea and sales recreation relies upon the importance of individual talent and skills.Manager working experience in a cross-functional team holds the key. A qualitative model of creativity can be developed by integrating principles of cognitive, psychology, communication premises, ICT and management postulation, including knowledge, information, and supporting tools. Exceptions aside, the set and description of desirable competencies for a trainer/developer still represent an unexplored quarter in literature. Worthwhile investigation of those skills that trainer-developer support besides management skills, regular communication within marketing, top management still implicit.  This literature emphasizes that the lack of agreement upon the definition causes the absence of formal recognition as sales management training. Such a disagreement leads to an unclear definition of the skills set a developer should master. In the context of this review, we recommend more emphasis should be placed on investigating whether, the trainer or developer is emerging as an expert and specialist. If happens as such, then recognized as ‘accountable’ (Morris et. al., 2006) and demands the same from the sales-force. Baruah and Paulus (2008) proposed idea generation via brainstorm stretch to heighten the creativity of salespeople.

A wider focus on link with service innovation literature reflects a major gap.  Hershey (2011) argues services marketing got little attention. Furthermore researchers have not expressed sales presentation as strategic. So how sales presentations add strategic value to the service marketing would be stimulating research. There are other issues as well. Researchers can explore underutilized domains such as social networks and its role in contemporary selling to developing sensitive salespeople. What sources of information are pivotal for conducting needs assessment and evaluation? Does organizational climate and management standpoint influence these practices? Some detail developing sales professional to prerogative benefits for sales organization. First, a theory of professional design assists the understanding about types of knowledge-intensive activities that are populating modern economies. We know a limited factor contributes to prove as a standalone field. Second, this research sheds light on the role played by key actors and the wider consequences at industry level. Although an important connection amid the way training design activities manifest and advance. The way sales sectors respond and this review suggests that exhaustive research is needed in this respect.

CONCLUSIONThis paper has reviewed the extant literature on sales development with intention of providing a procedure that sheds light on scholars’ understanding of this topic. Highlighting on the metamorphosis from relationship development to organizational strategy, review draws attention to different purposes used and the meanings that have developed over a period of time. Three main levels of analysis are: a tool for methodological development; a management concern and emergence as a ingenious affair. This perspective has shows different gaps that deserve much attention by scholars’. This extensive paper suggests exhaustive efforts should be made to concentrate on: (i) how and where ST knowledge is sourced; (ii) how to embed relevant knowledge in an organizational context, to shape the configuration of other rational units; (iii) whether, and if so, in which terms, sales management as a body of knowledge undergo professionalization intended as the formalization of activities and tasks. To conclude, no precise boundaries exist among the tactical, the management and the aesthetic components. A multi-level approach is essential to analyze the ‘Sales Training’ as procedure is argued in this paper.

Proving the Effectiveness of Technological Learning

Continual learning can be a useful intervention to resolve problems in routine workforce activities or enhance individual capacity to meet deadlines. Management often recognizes that continual learning delivers real benefits. It is evident from

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the fact that developed organizations and economies were continually relied on knowledge, skills and competency, in an era of constant change. Consequently, it is already perceived that  learning orientation has a positive impact on firm performance. If it could be proved that continuous learning in high-level skill or problem resolving skills engender productive performance, the workforce would be taken more seriously by their managers or potential clients.

As continual workforce development is critical to the success of any organization, therefore, how to stimulates learning experience through technological support is pivotal. Many scholars backs the notion of innovative pedagogies for personalized learning, as a supplement or alternative to redefine organizational learning practice that is exclusively based on emerging technologies. However, being able to prove the effectiveness of technology based self directed learning is important, not only in justifying the cost factor, original purpose, i.e. self-development and professional performance but also technological capability and awareness. The role of emerging technology has been influenced in learning and performance of human capital. Although many organizations were aware of the benefits of technological learning in skill development issues, but rarely using it. (Global Coaching Survey, 2009). Even those organizations which are committed to continual learning will consider that evaluation of technology based learning is difficult and complex.

Although there are committed individuals where rigid attitudes toward learning do not apply and where learning is consistently used to resolve conflicting issues in business and development activities. However, we do not mean technology to drive business rather its about management of technology in business processes to improve workforce performance and drive growth, rather it must be part of an optimal solution to particular kinds of constraints or problems. Visualizing choiceThe role of traditional training in developing the motivation has been significantly constrained by pedagogical imperatives that do not empower learner-centered approach which is most likely to empower the workforce with the skills needed in the knowledge economy. Therefore, in recent times, professionals are demanding flexible and personal learning environments for skill enhancements (Johnson 2010). Workforce are in need for a learning approach that could aid mobility (Pachler et al., 2010). Today's workforce needs to learn contents, in a manner that suits their work-life needs and constraints that too without physically attending the classroom sessions. In fact, “one size fits all” has damaged learning autonomy because of the tendency to treat workforce as a homogeneous group. We strongly object to this approach and suggest scope within this evolving landscape ‘technology based learning’ that offers freedom, diversity over learning philosophy, allow ‘empowerment’ and the exercising of ‘empowered’ with authority. Concisely, totally empowers workforce to decide when, what, and how to learn. We perceive that technology based personal learning systems are more likely to be better than classroom learning, specifically for adult learners, as they are learners with work and family, having priorities (Day 2012).

Learning is conceptualized as cognitive and social (Powell & Kalina, 2009). The notion of m-learning, e- learning or virtual learning encompass technology based learning. The computer and network enabled electronic learning, termed as e-learning while m-learning is a form of virtual learning which facilitates use of digital, portable and mobile devices used anywhere, anytime and on-the-move as well. (O’Connell & Smith, 2007). Individual on-move can access cloud-based applications through mobile application, while learning contents are stored on virtual servers at a remote location. Moreover, it also facilitates  for-the-moment learning, and encourage individuals to select among appropriate learning style such as open, independent, interactive, connective and collaborative learning. The net tablets encompass extension of technology based learning for just-in-time, available anywhere, can  fostered flexibility in learning processes.

Judgement on emerging technologyDifferent insights of emerging technologies have been explored, the technology incorporates organizational philosophies and ideologies (Siemens and Tittenberger, 2009); is a new technologies in specific organizational context (Veletsianos, 2010); innovative pedagogies supplemented with technology (Johnson, 2012) and a combination of tools, concepts, innovations, and advancement used for learning (Veletsianos, 2010). In knowledge-based economy, the effectiveness of technology based learning-assessment systems and how it makes an impact on learning-evaluation process (Johnson 2011) is needed to for product performance. The learning needs in a knowledgeable society are elusive as clear enunciation to which particular learning pedagogy sustains in knowledge-based economy. Which learning can be classified as generic and task specific  learnings. What is needed to facilitate among professional image, leadership skills, developing effective alliances and partnerships, time management, customer analysis, etc. Emerging technologies do have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships and e-learning.

Emerging technologies for personalized learningNotions of continual lifelong learning in knowledgeable economy coupled with rapid advances in emerging technologies have enabled self directed learning into service in customized ways, previously unimaginable.  Use of emerging technologies to conceptualize, design, enhance, and foster learning by collaborating with content developers are evident.

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There are technologies for workplace-based learning that can perform competency-based assessments as well (Chan, 2010a; Chan, 2010, b).

Individual learner centered, integrated with technology, facilitate interaction with other learners, peers, mentors and experts.Self learning, interactive instructions, learning with peers and experts, or a mix of both with cloud computing and net tablet facilitate synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve individuals' engagement with learning and skill development and likely to influence creative expression (Johnson et al. 2011)It's an innovative concept that can be used in diverse settings to serve varied purposes like skill enhancement and transfer.  Its much likely that professional trainers and organization can empower staff to become lifelong learners, implement progressive pedagogies in staff learning, and focus on the role of trainer and technology within this evolving landscape. The first anomaly relates to a presumed workforce desire to learn using a learner-centered learning experience. We oppose “one size fits all” tendency that treating workforce as a homogeneous group. We strongly object to this approach and suggest the scope within mobile learning models to offer workforce more than one learning modules by allowing them to select their preferred module according to their need and learning philosophy. The second anomaly refers to issues of choice for training staff may it be internal or external, as learning philosophy insist the notion of ‘empowerment’ and the exercising of ‘empowered’ with authority. The need to incorporate critical behaviors, increasing numbers of performance indicators, diversity in workforces and requirements to remain flexible and responsive, has damaged learning autonomy. The third anomaly relates to workforce' perceptions of impractical and irrelevant content, improper delivery, a personal discomfort with change and motivation from seniors to resist change. (Broad and Newstrom, 1992). The term mobile learning refers freedom and diversity in selecting needed to learn modules by workforce, focus on the unique needs of individual learners, not according to trainer or manager. It totally empowers workforce to decide when, what, and how to learn, by initiating mobile and virtual learning. Thereby emerging technology could change the role of trainer from direct instruction in classroom to just a facilitator of virtual knowledge source and manage learning resources. The mobile learning, approach offers workforce and trainers the choice between two pedagogical approaches; either a learner centered virtual approach or interactive instruction approach or a mix of both. We argue that the trainer and content developers role to be central in both approaches mentioned, however, an innovative style of training, or innovative way of promoting learning, required to be practiced. Pan (2006), suggests that the empowerment of choices provides workforce with individualized learning pathways in control of the learners themselves, which promote empowerment for personalisation of learning (Hartley, 2007). The empowerment of choice has appeal to both work staff and professional trainer. Now onwards organization likely to engage themselves with emerging technology and because of contemporary, innovative pedagogies being preferable to align with the new mobile approach. Authors perceives greater opportunity of success when organization simultaneously offers choice in using preferred pedagogical approach to promote workforce learning thereby to acquire skills. This advanced learning technology could provide twofold usefulness and more effective pedagogy at substantially lower costs. Notebooks, Laptop, personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also facilitate mobile learning, however, tablets have numerous advantages as tuned with appropriateness in level of technology integration supplemented with distinct features: Portability (anywhere, any time, on-the-move); Mobility (no plug-in power supply); and a range of useful generic apps with accordance to transform learning into skills.ConclusionsIn the era of knowledge based economy, learners when socialized to the online environment, results in enhanced technological capabilities, critical thinking and time management skills. Become proficient in collaborative and interactive learning by community formation. Emerging technologies does have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships, integration of sales and service, customer oriented selling, flexible, active, continuous, lifelong and active learning. Approach perceives that personal learning systems with flexibility and mobility are more likely to be better than classroom learning, i.e. direct instruction. The approach can address several challenges being currently faced by sales-force, few of these are, time constraints, changing roles, accountability, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, self-directed learning, use of social media and cultural diversity. The model does recognize sales organizations, content developers and professional trainers as a key player in the development of mobile learning mechanism. We invite further discussion of the model by academics and professional trainers and sales organizations with a view to implementation in actual practice.  ReferencesBelshaw, D. (2011). Mobile and wireless technologies review. London, United Kingdom: Joint Information Systems Committee.Creanor, L., & Littlejohn, A. (2000). 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The Training of Pharmaceutical Sales Professionals: Current Practices

AbstractSales people’s knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSA) has caused a major impact on the effectiveness, and the relationship between the organization, manager and account/client. We try to examine ongoing sales training practices in the pharmaceutical industries of Northern India as well as to understand how it aids effectiveness. We conducted a qualitative investigation based on in-depth interviews with key sales peoples from major pharmaceutical firms. Insights are generated after analyzing emerging themes with solid theoretical bases. Our results show that, indeed, many sales representatives have shown an inclination towards sales tools and latest gadgets to do better. However, high-tech methods are still in their infancy. Thither is a demand to develop proper new metrics grounded on market orientation. Armed with automation and sales tools, average sales professional might transform into star performers. Topics are discussed from training effectiveness perspective (creativity and innovativeness) with implications for managers and researchers.1. Proposed Line of InquirySales inevitably show the shifting universe of business and communications. In today’s dynamic and vibrant business environment sales organizations are committing on the sales management activities to support competitiveness and performance. As the pressure and intensity on sales-peoples (market dynamics, advanced selling orientation) grows and shifts. Firms must take a thoughtful approach to improve the skill level of the sales-force (Cron, Marshall, Singh, Spiro & Harish, 2005)). It is intelligible that salespeople’s behaviours’ have significant effects on client satisfaction. Successfulness of a relationship strategy often depends on the sensibility and behaviours’ (Wang, 2012). Therefore, sales profession is seen as one of the most challenging and contentious in management (Chitwood, 2007).

The favourable results from sales-force grounded more on the ability to adapt, acquire and apply skills/competencies ( Salas, Wilson, Priest, & Guthrie, 2006)). Literature indicates that holding and gratifying the development demands of sales people and attracting the sales talents are vital to secure the sustainability of business performance (Garrido, Pérez & Antón, 2005). Furthermore, salespeople face several challenges such as limited sales opportunities, multi-channel environment, knowledgeable customers, ethical selling and discriminating buyers (Little, 2008; Midgley, 1997). So need advanced skills set to pertain in everyday field activities (Noe, 2008).

For performance issue, training is workable and practical intervention (Katzell and Guzzo, 1983). T & D activities to upgrade knowledge and skills stay highest business priorities (Lambert, 2010). In turbulent environment sales personnel needs interpersonal, core sales conducts and technological competencies (McKinsey Global Survey, 2010). Over the long haul, sales organizations continue to pump billions on sales training every year (Paradise, 2007). In contrast Salsa and Stagl (2009) reports that limited salespeople have knowledge of modern behaviours’ and technology abilities. Nevertheless, despite large investment and importance, literatures have finite evidence of systematic training procedures (IBM, 2008). The overall understanding of the methods is much restricted and anecdotal (Garrido et al., 2005). Stewart (2006) mentions among the topics in the field of sales management, sales get the least attention from researchers.

Little research exists on the effectiveness of pharmaceutical sales representatives training in India. The aim of this inquiry is to investigate the sales training effectiveness in the Indian pharmaceutical Industry. Till date, Indian specific studies are not brought out in the literature. So this report tries to research the current status. Its effect on performance, whether sales training guides to sales effectiveness is the key of this work. The extensive issues are identified from the sales literature and are the focal point of investigation in this field. These are as follows:

•      Selling practiced and frequency of training conducted.•      Preferred training method, contents of the training and trainer.•      Supervisor/ management support in the context of continual learning.•      Skills necessary for the sales professionals in the pharmaceutical industry.•      Motivation before training and satisfaction level during and after training.•      Factors lacking and constituents of effective sales training (role of creativity, innovativeness and technology).

First the summary based on the literature on sales development and prior findings in field relevant to training needs is discussed. Following the section research design and method, discusses the qualitative in-depth interview, sample size justification, data aggregation and results. The article looks at themes which come forth from the qualitative exploratory study and these topics are discussed in light of the existing literature. In the end, limitation and future scope are discussed.2. Literature Review

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Sales peoples are the front seams of a sales organization who are along a constant move. They are backed up by support of sales managers and top management. There exists an agreement salespeople are not born, furthermore made into productive sales professionals. To contemplate intentions, productivity is a major convenience and sales training is a sensible practice to increase bottom-line results. The universal view is to make sure proactive performance (Pettijohn & Taylor, 2009). Both salespeople and organizations perceive training will increase organizational value (Johlke, 2006) via cognitive, behavioural and competency outcomes (Salas and Stagl, 2009). In fact, surpasses performance records, incorporate commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, increased self-esteem, negligible errors, reflects traits such as high motivation and dedication (Salas et. al., 2006). Extraordinary sales behaviours’ are self-evident and correlate efficacious training intervention.The primary aim is the identification of organizational climate for sales training and salesperson’s satisfaction with the current patterns. Notable publications of sales development is selected from subjects that depicts the impact on performance outcome. Sales-force performance outcomes are well documented the importance of sales actions and orientation (Pettijohn and Taylor 2002, 2009; Román, Ruiz & Munuera, 2002). In a study, Grossman (2011) pinpoints trainee attributes (motivation and perceived usefulness of preparation), training model (realistic skills and behaviours’) and funding, exhibited strong bonding with training outcome.  In another study, Pelham (2008) offered a mental prototype of influences on behaviour from the perspective of salespeople. The other influential affairs highlighted along with supported literature are; peer support, supervisory support, specific goals, synchronization of learning content and skill to be acquired, transfer climate, use of job aids and tools, cognitive ability and self-efficacy, regular feedback, planned approach, commitment and work inclination (Burke & Hutchins, 2007; Baldwin and Ford, 1988; Baldwin et al., 2009; Bates and Holton, 2004; Blume et al., 2010; Chiaburu & Lindsay, 2008; Cheng, 2000; Colquitt et al., 2000; Ford et al., 1998; Grossman, 2009; Holladay et al., 2003; Jackson et al., 2007; Robbins et al., 2009; Salas et al., 2006; Stajkovic and Luthans, 1998). But for in depth interviews of sales professionals, we omitted imperceptible points and recognize the important ingredients relevant to Indian Pharmaceutical industry.Research Design and MethodThis study is exploratory in nature and uses in-depth interview as a method for gathering qualitative insights. In the bulk of case studies, qualitative interviews are root of primary data (Dube and Part, 2003). Therefore, forecasting and establishing the number of interview is pivotal. In qualitative scholarship, saturation corresponds to prove sample size and key to excellent qualitative work (Morse, 1995). The prominent qualitative researchers postulate insufficient protocols for calculating sample size. An elusive apprehension since few concrete guidelines exists (Marshall et al., 2013). Thus, central project is receiving an adequate sample, as proper size is a precursor to credible analysis.

The adequacy of trial size can be justified using external and internal measures. In the context of external justifications, a method is suggestions by qualitative methodologists. Another is citing alike studies where corresponding samples are applied to achieve saturation. In event of internal justification, statistical analysis shows saturation within a dataset. It explains how or when saturation begins. However, Marshall et al., (2013) has suggested three best exercises. First, is the internal support i.e. statistical arrangement of data saturation? Second is iterating similar research problems where right sample sizes meet saturation and third is a recommendation of qualitative methodologies.

This study uses preeminent practical guidelines because of the guaranteed benefits of adopting best practices. Affix the integrity and enhances standards of inquiry. In particular, we opted advices applied to each qualitative research where the primary data source is in-depth interviews. Directions suggested by Marshall et al., (2013) are; Qualitative studies based on Grounded theory, should include twenty and thirty interviews, but, thirty is many. Saturation occurs with thirty or fewer interviews, in the vast majority (76 percent) of studies. Acknowledgment of other researchers is of Thompson (2004) and Goulielmos (2004). Based along the above statements, we reasoned a sample size of at least 30 should be taken for this qualitative work or till data saturation happens.

Data Collection: The qualitative insights are collected through In Depth Interview of sales professionals. A treatment guide is framed which was having open ended queries. The participants in the study were sales professionals in the age group of 21 to 35 years old. A total thirty sales professionals participated in the interviews, each interview last for 30 to 45 minutes. The contact hours were 16 hrs. The discussions are entered utilizing the voice tape device and extensive notes taken during the negotiation. Few of the respondents were sceptical to recording and in those cases; notations are put in use by researchers. Later on the completion of the individual interview transcribed data and performed transcripts scrutiny to name the root words. Data saturation recognized around 26th interview, afterward, no new thrust emerged between 28th and 30th interview.

4. Results and FindingsThe investigation of qualitative data study used Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) guidelines. Authors read and reviewed the sales professionals comments, thereafter sorted into groups/argument. After analyzing and discussion, we short-listed several useful topics related to sales training. The topics are discussed in the succeeding paragraphs:Sales Process, respondents mentioned use of the well defined selling procedures positioned with routine grooming. The bulk of the respondents (sixty percent) mentioned strategic selling practice. Although consultative and solution selling

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likewise exists, but few in numbers. Just forty percent responded experienced professional selling at entry level and trained in "Seven Steps of Sales" to heighten levels of professionalism.Delivery Method, Eighty-four percent of respondents reported traditional classroom training is practiced that involves internal instructor led workshop. A bare eight percent endure video conferencing, webcast, and e-sales training. Most respondents mentioned that in the era of Hi-tech method, organization still rely on formal methods.  Respondents preferred interactive methods and integration of diverse reading methods. Few respondents’ states digital platform or electronic methods as time-honored practices that decreases travel cost and offer individual training to disposition greater productivity.Contents, Training manuals are most often used contents. This proportionate eighty percent answers; followed case analysis (forty-two percent), demonstration and role play (ten percent). Few respondents have indicated an inclination towards the contents in magazine format and audio talk with experts.Trainer (Internal/external), Eighty-four percent of respondents reported that they received training by internal instructor (HR, Sales manager). Fifteen percent corresponds to both internal and external trainers (industry expert and motivational speakers).Essential skills and Behaviours’, sixty four percent respondents stated effective oral communication skill is vital to make sure sales success. The other generic skills supported were self-motivation, handling objections, interpersonal skills, closing and product training. These respondents’ stats preferred topics are product knowledge, marketing, general selling skills, team-management and overcoming objection. But mere twenty-two percent responded skill training in sales presentations, planning, sales calls, time - management and buying behaviours’. Although, industry dynamics, territory analysis, targeting and obtaining perspectives found missing in most respondents. Many are on view that the primary skills associated with selling are well learned. To hold a distinct superiority over competitors, in a dynamic marketplace thoughtful and domain specific contents is needed. Therefore, emphasized skills-based training, use of impression management as a technique, adaptive sales to acquire knowledge of their customers. Few favoured customer oriented selling to improve sales and marketing relationship.     Management and supervisor support, sixty percent participants reports sales manager support on a regular basis. Thirty-one percent respondents mentioned that when they are unsure of the rational act, they received counselling from senior peers. Respondents moreover mentioned how aspiration is linked to investments of effort, time and imagination by Sales Managers. Several survey participants perceive coaching and mentoring is a key for productive performance.Motivation, sixty-five percent participants motivated to acquire 'sales personality' characteristics. Thirty percent respondents manifest willingness because of the rewards or promotions. While thirty-two percent are influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Rest reports training as coercion.Technology and tools, ninety percent respondents express their liking for a reach of sales related tools and widgets to aid sales performance. Few participants favour automation for reporting procedure. Respondents mentioned how provision of digital personalized tools can be utilized by clients and colleagues. Furthermore, respondents indicated that their needs are improved tools that will let them to be effective.Potency, seventy percent responded that training effectiveness rose through the employment of high-tech methods. In fact, thirty percent respondents stated need for transparent effectiveness assessment procedures. Moreover, comments were sales training is a tactical issue; essential to sustain in knowledge-based economy and to face knowledgeable customer.Perceived utility of training, Eighty-two percent responded stated increased sales, customer retention and client feedback are significant utility of preparation. Many are of view that  formation to a greater heights of professionalism needs creativity and innovativeness in training approach supplemented with sales tools and technologies.  

5. Discussion and implicationsAlong qualitative research and existing literature, significant events are identified, highlighted for managerial implications and treatments.Sales Process: Our findings with clarity show that training is positioned to strategic targets and well aligned with sales steps. Without a rational sales procedure (pattern of sales decision) or inappropriate sales preparation never yields stellar results (Genn, 2004). The outcome might contribute to a smattering of new leads, decreasing business, mishandling sales calls and decline in overall functioning. In the pharmaceutical industry, thrust lies on professional and /or strategic selling. Professional marketing is structured "Seven Steps of Sales" but superseded by more modern 'Open Plan' or two-way method (William and Marshall, 2005). Strategic sales promotion is important for survival in an era of market complexity, so training should be synchronized (Miller and Sinkovitz, 2005). Strategic interventions may engender useful solution to several challenges faced by sales-force (Baron, 2012). For strategic training Stein (2011) recommended; understanding of customer buying approach, coordination between sales and marketing, well defined selling proceeding, and qualified sales management personnel. So the selling procedure is a matter of convenience. Thus inferred that sales development should be positioned with the sales procedures and be an integral part.Delivery Method: Formal classroom training has gone forward to lead as the training-delivery choice (ASTD Industry Report, 2008). The same is mentioned in our results. But social media and self-directed learning programs (SDLPs) are emerging methods (Lassk et. al., 2012). Traditional classroom training often involves lectures, case studies and behaviour modelling (Sales, 2006). Now, many organizations are salespeople are inclined more towards e-learning (Chelan David; 2006, Anderson, 2008); webinar based synchronous sales training (Powell, 2001) versus conventional

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training. Although, wide variations still exist (Blair and Sisakhti, 2007). This trend is clear in the outcome of the survey. Here, an innovative learning technology or blended learning could offer twofold usefulness and more effective pedagogy at substantially lower prices.Contents: Learning contents are vital factors around that training is planned. Training manuals are often used contents while other methods are videotapes, case studies, role-playing, and audio tapes used. Notable topics include selling techniques, presentation and customer-service (Chonko, Tanner and Weeks 1993). Many challenges are faced by sales-force. Few of these (but not limited to) are vibrant business environments, globalization, technology usage and cultural diversity (Gonzalez et al. 2010; Heidecke et al. 2009; Dennis et al., 2009). The progressive matters are ethical behaviour, understanding of unethical sales behaviours’, adaptability, time management and socialization (Salopek, 2009; Noonan, 2009; Lambert, 2010; Barksdale Jr. et al., 2003). Lassk, (2012) is of opinion that an urgent need to find training content for delivering post-sale and proactive recovery methods.Trainer (Internal/external): The trainer has to make sure that the knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes or behaviours’ to be acquired can meet the strategic business needs. So the determination on who will deliver training is censorious. The practical implementation of ST within the matrix of sales management activities entails three options: (i) Internal (ii) External or (iii) a combination of the both. Internal trainer is often a sound choice as trainees are capable to relate to the instructor (Daniels, 2003). In several instance the director or senior peers act as the trainer. This is depicted in qualitative results. Here, we perceive that external providers are important as well. Among many  choices managers, internal coaches, external practitioners or professional trainers; an optimal mix justify degree of alignment with internal functions.Essential skills and Behaviours’: As late, sales professionals need possession of very specific skills. A few decades before sales training used to be primitive, regardless of industry domain, but now necessary to be relevant. A variety of training topics are valuable for sales organizations (Johnston and Marshall 2006). Many competencies and traits are needed, such as soft skills, sales behaviour and skill in analytical instruments and tools. Ethics remains an essential training cynosure (Valentine, 2009). Although active listening and communication abilities are pivotal. Even so, may include understanding buyers’ behaviours’, domain knowledge, territory analysis and industry or market dynamics (Leach, Liu, Johnston, and Wesley, 2005). A little while back center of attentions are empathy and sportsmanship (social judgment and professionalism); territory management (Landale, 2004), maintaining composure in difficult engagement (Ahearne, Jelinek, and Jones, 2007); strategic training to set out into the new account (Keenan, 2000) and emotional intelligence to improve competencies in sales interactions (Kidwell et al. 2011). In our investigation, these recent trends not yet observed, just generic sales skills is practiced.Technology and Tools: The preparation is influenced by uses of emerging technologies to enlighten personal learning and social media during the sales progression (Lassk et al., 2012). To improve grades of services offered to valued customers and major reports. Firms are incorporating modern technology into the sales procedure and in its own sales management processes (Schillewaert et al., 2005). Sales automation represent not just means to lessen costs, but produce revenues and meeting user needs as well (Roman et al. 2002). Sales tools engender improved customer satisfaction, sales effectiveness and enhance competencies in relationship selling (Geiger and Turley, 2006). In that place, Salas et al. (2006) reports that sales peoples need to use job aids, analytical tools, and sales technology such as CRM (client relationship management). So in present buyer driven market,  selling indulge lots of applied sciences. The advances observed are; e-learning (Anderson, 2008, Powell 2001); use of IT Tools (Geiger, 2006); CRM (Tanner et al., 2005; online sales channels; Just-in-time; On-site; Online training (Sarin and Kohli, 2010) and other new automation contrivances (Marler et al. 2006); used in most of the sales management activities. Preference for tools and technologies by respondents’ for knowledge of modern trends and to gain business acumen is reflected in study. Sales peoples are being required to take on a change of sales aids and instruments, besides high-tech learning systems.Manager/Supervisor/Peer Support: A routine of works in the past have shown that management support is unrivalled of the strongest factors for success of preparation plans. As an example, Lucent Technologies’ Director of sales training insists that for the increased profitability organization must engender training.  Straight-forward tied with its objectives and backup by top management and senior leadership support (Johnson 2004). Managerial feedback is essential to improve sales force productivity (Honeycutt et al., 1995). Supervisory encouragement (Jackson et al. 2007), information sharing and feedback (Awoniyi et al., 2002) has noteworthy relationships to successful breeding. Peer brace has paramount links with training, motivation (Bates and Holton 2004). Therefore, sales managers should work every bit and part of a knowledge application, supporting individual salespeople, watch and review to make sure productive performance outcomes.Motivation: In recent times, trainee motivation emerged as foremost contributor for skill acquisition.  Motivation is ability to play hard (Baldwin et al., 2009) and pivotal for salespeople’s inclination and persistence to gain skills. Notion is straightforward that higher degree is proportional to effective sales (Sujan, Weitz and Kumar, 1994). Nevertheless, motivation levels can be influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards (Grossman, & Salas, 2009). Latest studies demonstrated that specific goal setting, regular feedback, raise motivation, thereby performance (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Chivalry and Lindsay (2008) study results show training, self-efficacy is a judgmental part, while training instrumentality (willingness) is full of life to represent. So motivational strategy such as incentives for domain knowledge; reward or promotion policy for behavioural improvement demonstration, may be treated as a need for career progression can instil motivation to learn.

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Effectiveness: The effectiveness dimension issue is of prime concern. Sales effectiveness is consistent sales performance against quotas. The involvements (management, manager, trainer, HR) are significant before and after training and thus hypothesized that training effectiveness is more eminent. Many elements are related to effectiveness paradigm. It is perceived that learning orientation of trainees has a positive repercussion on performance (Farell, 2000). So firms are now emphasizing on cultivating a learning culture and demanding commitment to continual learning. Effectiveness is contingent on positive transfer climate (Salas et al., 2006) and recognition, rewards and encouragement (Salas and Stagl, 2009). The link between effectiveness and sales training are constructs. At that place, Pelham (2008) provided sales effectiveness setup as consulting, listening, adaptive selling, customer retention, and sales target. Literature makes known that these behaviours influence the result. Economy demands value-creating salespeople (Rackham, 2009). So accountability and the measurement of effectiveness extend beyond post-hoc analysis and should be seen early in the training needs assessment and plan. Thither is a demand for new thoughtful approaches to revitalize sales-force via engineering ability, behavioural capacity and ethnic diversity (Lassk, et al., 2012). In this research, although the effectiveness of training is coherent, nevertheless, the constructive development procedure further needs more improvements.

6. ConclusionsThis paper discusses the importance and usefulness of sales training. The application interventions explains the many and varied reasons why salespeople must undergo training. The findings from the in-depth interviews offer a very ample and comprehensive understanding of how salespeople are being schooled and what they believe on these training drills. How sales professionals use learning in their everyday chores. These will aid to prove the current practices prevalent in pharmaceutical organizations.

The issue covered observes prevailing ideas within Pharmaceutical context are strategic selling, classroom preparation, training manuals, and internal trainer and primary skills. However, demand more technology and tools, creativity and innovation to enhance potency, and perceived positive utility of preparation. Terminal, this written report provides both academicians and the pharmaceutical business associations with a wealth of knowledge touching the ever blowing up world of core competencies and business complexities.

The present work proposes a positive relationship between sales training and functioning and identifies few important implications for sales leaders in the pharmaceutical section. Effects can be used for verifying the qualitative insights throughout training. Predictors of improved sales-force performance with help of future quantitative study. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical organizations are gratifying the development demands of sales professionals. The role of technologies complemented with creativity, innovativeness and use of high-tech methods for acquiring core selling competencies need to be investigated in particular through a descriptive research. More effectiveness could be observed in terms of increased sales compared to the earlier targets, recent zones and new accounts.

7. Limitations and Future ScopeThis research is an exploratory study grounded on qualitative research using In Depth Interview as a method for data aggregation. The topics identified are positioned on a sample of just 30 respondents and so lack the methodological validity of a quantitative intervention. In parliamentary law to have decisive findings, need is to design a study utilizing a bigger sample size. Nevertheless, has helped us in distinguishing the relevant topics in the precinct of sales training which can be further corroborated through a conclusive research.


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AN EXPLORATORY REVIEW OF SALES TRAINING LITERATURE: INSIGHTS FOR FUTURE INQUIRYThe importance of ‘Sales Training’ is accredited by scholars from numerous fields as a prospective enabler of revenue, competitiveness and sustainability. However, this exploratory scholarship intends to fabricate a multifaceted view by segmenting the cerebral sales management and development contributions. Article spots a possibility of justifications and directions, diverse motivation and the types of knowledge to rely on (e.g., rational, subjective and expressive). A multiplicity of existing intention contributes to three attributes; development that is adroitness and competencies oriented; work out customer tribulations, and craft something valuable. Nevertheless, literature provide the impression that regardless of widespread conformity on multidimensional benefits, where the core knowledge is generated and how to bring into play for the sake of value creation still undiscovered. This insinuates hard to portray boundaries and settle on benchmark for explicit specialization.  Study attracts attention to diverse purposes used, cracks within the literature and imports that developed over a point of time. This expose concludes a multi-level advance is indispensable and offers thought-provoking avenues for future inquiry.

The importance of ‘Sales Training’ is acknowledged by various scholars. Because of multi-disciplinary nature, this exploratory review intends segmentation of contemporary sales promotion and development literature. The paper’s contribution is twofold. First, the paper lends clarity to the existing sales literature via classification of the key contemplations, either with a tactical, organizational, or ingenious affair. A mitigate pathway undergone from expressing product specifications to an authoritative tool that shape organizational strategy. Second, the review seeks to name influential propositions those canister observable facts for future investigation. With this remit authors interpret and construe purpose in diverse contexts; as a gizmo for organizational development; a distress of top management; and an ingenious affair. Second, sheds light on scholars’ understanding to the extent towards organizational and market environment factors contributed to training procedures. The report goes above the extant and contributes compositions for a richer (perceptive) appreciative of sales management practices. Sales training is multi-disciplinary and bundle of innovative actions are compulsory as an expedient toward getting hold of a desired advantage.


This indispensable tie is a value-creating theory that latent contributes to sales-force productivity and organization’s competitiveness (Johlke, 2006; Salas, Wilson, Priest, and Guthrie, 2006). The importance is acknowledged by scholars from a diversity of fields, sociology,  computer and information technology, communication, psychology, cognition (Lamb, 2010; Geiger, 2006; Smith, 2009; Jantana, Honeycutt Jr., Thelenc, Attiad, 2004; Ku Fan and Cheng, 2006; Noonan, 2009; Hansen, 2008; Valentine 2009) and of course management (Plouffe, 2008; Pelham, 2008; Wang 2010; Pettijohn, Pettijohn, Taylor, 2007; Homburg and Klarmann, 2011b). Regardless of promising enabler of revenue, retention and customer satisfaction, concede a wide scope of purposes and the types of knowledge and acquaintance to rely on (e.g., rational, subjective and expressive). Nevertheless, have potential to make over the average sales peoples into expert professional (Anderson, Hair & Bush, 1992; Powell, 2001). So the preparatory point consists of expounding the term ‘sales training’. In the earlier decades, meant for greenhorn salespeople to comprehend sales realm in a moderate time (Weitz et. al 1986). A mode to act as trusted advisor, excellence, least errors and elevated morale integral for competitiveness and performance (Salas et al., 2006) via interpersonal skills and hi-tech capability (Salas and Stagl, 2009). To  heighten consistent accomplishment of revenue targets, an eventual resource that strengthen sales competencies and deepen functionality. ‘Train' is a verb, that is, instructing the fundamental skills to develop capacity. Whereas ‘Training’ is noun, an exercise to build up the skills planned for a profession. As a consequence training cannot be a one-off or isolated affair, nevertheless remain engaged with the sales management occupations, and contribute to broaden relations and experience of the buyer.

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It looks complicated to portray confines within the field and uncover criteria for unambiguous differentiation. Nevertheless, confer impression to share three attributes. One, the word ‘training’ refers to a course of action (tactical or strategic). Second, ‘skill-oriented’, and third is ‘set of skills’. Almost always lead to solving customers' inconvenience, congregate definite requirements, and advance sales or craft something functional or valuable.

From this perspective, the aim of this scholarship is twofold. First, seek out to sweep up the contemporary literature. Second, offer a constitution for improved indulgent, by segmentation in punitive areas and facilitate a standard frame of reference that scholars and practitioners, among others refer. Until now several scholarship attempts to review sales literature to amalgamate constructive theoretical knowledge (Weitz and Sujan, 1986; Cralg, 1990; El-Ansary, 1993; Taylor & Vaught, 1994; Salas & Cannon-Bowers, 2001; Landry, Arnold & Arndt, 2005; Buttle, Ang & Iriana, 2006; Lassk, 2012). However these scholarships confer the interests of particular audiences and have a propensity to overlook others. Weitz and Sujan (1986), review psychology and personal selling studies, press on propositions for salespeople’s knowledge, motivation, and adaptive behaviour. In time advance a framework for recuperating selling effectiveness. Characterized by originality the sales training handbook (Cralg, 1990), cover up abundant aspect such as development and management of training functions, importance of trainer and necessity to stay up-to-date within technology, shifting sales role, new products, services and vibrant philosophies. Training knows how to show enhancement and linkage with performance, because of broadened delivery methods and wide-range of contents. Concomitant with developments, broadened methods, sources, and contents, El-Ansary (1993) suggested strategy-oriented training and involvement of suppliers and customers at some stage during need assessments. Furthermore, Taylor & Vaught (1994) is of the view that cultured skills ease and alleviate professional development of sales team and boost account value and worthiness of organization. Salas & Cannon-bowers (2001) reviews the literature to articulate advancement in needs analysis, antecedent training conditions, methods, strategies, and post-training interventions. At last suggests encroachment in training design, delivery, evaluation, theory development, and extent of empirical researches’ amid factors that persuade efficacy and transfer of training. A comprehensive and systematic review suggested sales-related strategy, technology, and expertise intended for CRM (Landry, Arnold, & Arndt, 2005). The foremost themes were dynamic temperament of the sales role, channel functioning and inter-firm relationships besides strategic sales activities, endorsement of CRM by salespeople and customers. Following this Buttle, Ang & Iriana, (2006), critique sales-force automation (SFA) literature on theoretical and methodological arguments. However observed SFA focused more on technology and people’s issues. Lassk (2012) depict attention on three key scope; content development, delivery, and evaluation. Moreover the academic work laid key challenges meant for researchers; such as integration of service activities into sales, customer-oriented selling, self-directed learning, and social media. Overall, these scholarships emphasized on clarity of the constructs and application of rigorous methods. In fact, propagate training as truely productive intervention to achieve organizational goals.

This research introduce a segmentation of the novel literature based on three core areas that correspond to three different levels; ‘activities’, ‘choices’ and ‘results’. In general, researchers argue that scholars have conceptual and methodological scheme well-matched to augment two significant issues. One, develop selling KSA (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to increase organizational revenue and second performance context of training activities i.e. effectiveness (Cron, Marshall, Singh, Spiro & Sujan, 2005).

In general, researchers have developed many theories to stir training designs across several subjective areas; cognitive, social, psychological, computer technologies and information and software engineering. We introduce articulation of the literature that confines how dissimilar groups of interest interpreted ‘Sales Training’ and dispense explicit meaning and implication. For that reason we concentrate more on analysis at three main levels; at the operational level where focal point is tactical segment and the efforts made to develop a science. At the managerial level, core is on the competitiveness, organizational composition, strategy, and recognition as an ingenious or creative affair (Table 1).-----------------------------Insert Table 1 about here------------------------------

In the perspective of three dissimilar segments, we illustrate progression of underlying principle that support splitting literature in groups. While moving from Group-A to Group-C, the gist moves from one extreme (tactical deliberation) to the other supreme, ingenious sales behaviours as expression of individual. In between, the researches within Group-B regard management think tank concerning competitiveness, culture, and strategy.

Although it’s understandable that literature in dissimilar segments are tackled by specific research scholars. Within Group-A scholars belongs to sales management, psychology, cognitive, ICT and others accountable for implementing interventions. They tend to focus issue at the functioning level. The intellects in Group- B are from general, sales, marketing, and strategic management, focus organizational affair like maintaining competitiveness, structure, and culture. In the Group-C, scholars shell out significance as ingenious affair.

In general, the projected anatomy offers an overarching understanding of advantage or value propositions to the extent that links together several facets of profession and complement one’s surroundings. As an instance, to undertake market dynamics keep up associations with emerging technology (technology expert), professional (practitioners), and academicians. In particular, we follow a wider attentiveness how training influences behavioural and expertise enhancement procedures, innovation and sales-force progress at different levels.

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Methodological Note. This review is not comprehensive; Table-1 develops a basic framework around that future research be

positioned. The literature review supporting this format is included in Table 1.1 (Appendix A). The table specifies few details (author, source and key words). But there is a possibility of few overlaps across the different affairs and few contributions might be integrated beneath more than one segment.     The choice of the articles follows a genealogical Foucauldian approach. It focuses on diagnosis or understands the current setting, not just writing the history. It’s narrating the past of the present (Foucault, 1993). With this goal, paper elaborates how ’ST’ evolved from product description to a concern for organizations and the economy. How the underpinning body of understandings has developed. In fact, how the professional profile of researchers within each domain changes. From tactical within the domain of architects of the training in an organizational context, to ingenious when the focus shifts to the productive sales performance dimension as an ingenious affair.

The selection of the articles somewhat follows genealogical Foucauldian approaches that focused diagnosis or understand the contemporary circumstances, not just script history of a issues. As stated by Foucault, it narrates history of the present (Foucault, 1993). With this target, we elaborated how ST evolves as of product description to an apprehension intended for organizations and the economy, and how the underpinning body of understanding has developed. In fact, it is straightforward to follow how the professional profile of researchers within each domain changes from tactical to ingenious or creative.

Segmentation as Tactical AffairThis section review streams within the sales literature that considers training as a tactical affair. Based on that, a

science can be built on. The tactical components are artifact of competitive awareness; structure, and culture (information systems, technology and training procedures.Developing a Theory of ‘ST’. Most sources unanimously agree that the sales development and growth began in 1936. Era witnessed “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (Dale Carnegie's). This book by default became imperative selling notion. Many scholars consider Carnegie's view on 'influencing' people, developing 'relationships' and human 'motivation', as the foundation and lineage scope of formal theories. These dimensions later provided a framework to recognize people's needs and motive. This astonishing factor is standstill and continues into pioneering era of selling then up to the complexities of 21st century. However, advance in fact focuses on effectiveness assessments. Therefore, it is argued that sales effectiveness born earlier than training gets underway. The foremost movement headed on enhancing interpersonal interaction of sales peoples to build up trust, in due course relationship, at last the accord. The next footstep was lifting the approaches of triumphant salesperson called ‘steps to sale’, witness the start of ST era and 'selling' then documented as a professional field. The first sales model originated in the 1950’s called as 'Hierarchy of Effects'. The fundamental focus put on 'motivation' and external stimulus for winning sales even in the absence of need (Emerald Group International, 2008). At that time ethics and honesty practices were not followed, whereas enviable in present marketplace or business world.

During the sales development, training assist professional growth, hence improve marketing arrangements. Just after introducing clarity in the concept of ‘sales promotion’, afterward ST known as an indispensable marketing function within a narrow field of sales management (Suzuki, 1962).  It is perceived solidity of training in ‘sales’ literature foresees planned attempts meant for skills (Read, 1969); behavior modeling training (Meyer, 1983), microcomputer-based (Collins, 1986), technological tools (Russ, 1989), sales technology (Collins,1991), Video based (Honeycutt, 1993) and strategy-oriented training ( El-ansary, 1993), IT based interactive learning (Spikes, 1990), field coaching (Kennan, 2000), e-learning (Anderson, 2008), Web-based enterprise-wide planning software (Marler, 2006), customer relationship management (Tanner 2005) and measuring effectiveness (Valencius, 2009). However, in vibrant marketplace, dynamic selling, advanced selling orientation, core competencies, ethics and spirituality emerged as pivotal confronts, because of multi-disciplinarily. It is ascertained by the fact that the science or scholarships in the ST relies upon a diverse set of disciplines and dependent on cross-disciplinary mode. The scholars concur science is directed to craft procedure vital for the overall sensation (Bragg, 1988; Arguinis and Kraiger, 2009). Later, training incorporated other practice-oriented sphere such as communication, psychology, computers, and information technology.

Sales management courses were established within academic and professional progression, meant for enhanced grounding to get hold of entire sales process. Afterwards sales project incorporated to experience the tangible sales experience, in that way eradicate unrealistic expectation. Important topic includes self-motivation, communication, handling objections, closing, presentations, planning, time management, and buying behavior (Johnson, 1990). In fact, sales handbooks are encumbered with examples and theory around how to execute each sale step (Greer 1997). Moreover, communication and psychological theories, ICT were infused to establish relevant and effective research. In our opinion, the products training science are of four types: constructs models, methods, and implementations. Besides a basic language of constructs within higher order constructions, are the models that portray the activity, situations or artifacts. However, often sales trainers develop scheme as a way to discourse goal oriented activities, and implement explicit programs.

Although training is sales complemented by the development of theories, the major scope of ST progression is to educate neophytes to diverse entity of the sales management, interpersonal and technological competencies (Weitz, 1986); apply learned competencies in routine sales activities (Noe, 2008) in time accomplish competitive advantage (Salas, 2006). Training research not long ago emerge as a customary mode within more than a few disciplines.

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Although the boundaries and contours remain fuzzy, as often organizations fail to appreciate the actual repercussion because of cost factors and overlook revenue engendered via convincing training pains (Johnston and Marshall, 2008). In fact, this path of research already explored by anxious scholars to design intelligent agents to expedite performance evaluation (Podsakoff and MacKenzie, 1994), training evaluation (Mark, 2003), and sales-force effectiveness (Zolters, 2008). Regardless of forerunner involvements in both the performance and the effectiveness tradition generated in early 1990s. However, post-2000 era observer emotional intelligence (Deeter-Schmelz, 2003), technology utilization (Ku Fan and Cheng, 2006), workplace spirituality, ethics (Badrinarayanan and  Madhavaram, 2008), social media and socialization (Barksdale Jr. et al. 2003), customer relationship strategy (Wang, 2012) magnetize attention. Afterward, training procedures activated in a rational way to exceed productivity records by means of motivation, commitment, fine-tuning of work quality, teamwork and negligible errors (Salas, 2006).

Its not a matter of revelation that phase nowadays overlap with the greater than ever attention towards a science of training design and necessitate a common basis of appreciative to initiate and enlarge artifacts intended to solve customers' troubles and sales-force productivity. Is there a real science or course of action as of yet? The inquiry remains unanswered and endures attention from scholars’ in psychology, technology, management and cognitive sciences. The Training Practices. Sales development science has roots in salesperson behaviour, posture, recital (Pettijohn and Taylor 2007) and cognitive ability (Baldwin and Ford, 1988; Burke and Hutchins, 2007). Engross three central actions, needs assessment, plan or arrangement, and evaluation (Weeks and Stevens, 1997; Wexley and Latham, 1981; Lassk, 2012). Needs assessment is cognitive act of slot into gap or discrepancy amid an ideal degree of business and in progress degree of implementation, seize substantial period to pull out proper interference (Altschuld, 2003). A modus operandi to build an artifact meant for a purpose. Design customizes training on the background of learning contented and deliverance means. Whereas evaluation establish fulfilled needs within offered resources and culture (Goldstein and Buxton 1982). Nevertheless, an ability augmentation and dilemma solving movement that necessitates the definition of the skills needed on behalf of observed inconvenience. Follow by the identification and development of redundant answers, and to shortlist optimal one. In decree to formulate decisions, managers and trainers norm rely on self expertise and experience, stay tactical, or as a substitute, implement measures. In that premise Greer (1997) explain performance based training laden with cases and inference to assist how to bear sale steps. Although procedures are prevalent to countless scholars and authoritative progression is not always possible to characterize procedures for dynamic sales knowledge.  

Training deeds within the information system are comprehensively studied, implemented, and scheduled. Tactical and high-tech mode unearth motive to confine dynamic acquaintance and secure appropriate structure. Afterwards make it accessible in a manner that enthusiastically formalized and prop up decision-making and problem-solving (Taylor et. al., 1994). Tactical training discussed at different levels, to be precise, general epistemology, tactical epistemology, tactical science, tactical methods, and tactical practices. Although HR, managers or trainers does not operate at random regardless of the tactical nature, but use more or few sophisticated methods to structure executions. However maintain creativity's role within the framework of methodological approach (Lassk et. al., 2012). A practical deliberation impending from these operations is the judgement that perhaps extended over all the branches of tactical training.

Just before tactical advance, feedback of market knowledge is indispensable. Since it engender experience to remain connected with trends and also with priority of sales leaders. Such advances assists and enrich performance development plans and convey outcome that are acknowledged. This line of argument triggers curiosity toward distinct techniques and methods that practitioners communicate as a sensible practice. To countenance dynamic sales, fierce competition and varied segments, training in core competencies or creating something valuable is vital (Plemons and Fort 2010). In summary, augment sales behavior, attitude, interpersonal skill, strengthen relationship (Román et. al., 2002; Jonathan, 2004; Pettijohn and Taylor, 2009; Salas and Stagl, 2009; Boles, 2000; Hansen, 2008, Smith, 2009; Gonzalez, 2010).

To an extend delivery scheme persuade outcomes and financial plan. The conventional, in-person instruction at a central location (Buttle et. al., 2006) is pricey and time-consuming (Sales, 2006). Hence many entrust use of computer or microcomputer-based approaches. As model computerized "Expert" system integrate skillfulness of outstanding performer as script (Rubash, 1987). Trainers in early 90’s were unwilling to incorporate high-tech and distance learning means (Longfellow, 1995).  However, post-2000 era amplify reasonable payback using automation and technologies. An empirical investigation tender evidence that technology based schema consummates at ten percent of traditional training (Collins 1986). Similar hi-tech approach gain momentum (Lassk et al., 2012) and remote training technologies are predominantly preferred (Powers et. al., 2010). Examples are SFA, high technology instruments, tools and aids (Buttle et. al., 2006), ICT architectures for implementing e-collaboration tools (Heidecke et. al., 2009), online sales channels (Sarin and Kohli, 2010), browser-based technologies or mobile technology (I-pods), and simulation technique to convey instructions (Noe, 2008).

Training brings understanding to the creation and production of useful artifacts (Crane et al. 2005). In switching the focus towards a technological context, the term ‘tactical’ analyzed in comparison with ‘strategic’. But strategic technique is too narrow in scope. Since, generic and conventional form conceived wider notion.

An art of assigning a meaning to training effectiveness is of course evaluation or assessment. Kirkpatrick (1996) argues that evaluation demonstrate worth and justify training resolution and get better future intervention. This

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viewpoint experienced a change with recognition that evaluation knowledge is embedded within HR personnel’s. An evaluation consumes time, a complex exercise and speculates with reference to measuring devices. Nonetheless are statistics handicapped, and unable to prove a relationship amid training and financial results. Due to identity crisis, more superior measures triggered the rising of latest advances. These are CRM, strategic interventions, skills in analytical tools (Mehta, 1985), executive coaching (Landale, 2004) and self-regulation training (Leach et. al., 2005). These latter dimensions become significant in sales studies. It paved the way to a strand of research on the contribution of managers, trainers, HR, and content developers in various shapes to dispense ingenious affair.

Unlike technology developments, training advances are not clear-cut and often managers struggle to handle them. Research in sales management, both theoretical (Weeks and Stevens 1997; Dubinsky, 1996; Luo, 2000; Buttle et. al., 2006; Lassk et. al., 2012) and empirical (King, 1986;  Gonzalez, 2010) is yet scarce. Many scholars view theoretical perspective other than organizational psychology lacks in sales research (Bush, 1994). Many scholars observe mixed findings, limited existence of empirical evidences and learning transfer. Although, case studies or field experiments, perhaps make research more appealing (Plouffe, 2008). Further, inadequate thoughtful approach and professional knowledge caused multifaceted difficulties. Blume et al., (2010) investigated practices and attitudes toward evaluation.

Segmenting as Management Affaire Section reviews the literature on the responsibility of management as an integral element of organizational

expansion and competitiveness. A noteworthy relationship exists amid the organization's choice of a strategy, environment, and sales procedure. The management promotes ingenious affair whereas capabilities and functionality are deployed by sales-force. As of high-tech training, relationship-selling (Honeycutt et al. 1995, Gonzalez et al. 2010) and sales behaviours encompass imperative effect on customer relationship and satisfaction (Wang, 2012). Here training emerges as essential part of strategic advance to synthesize and integrate external knowledge. Foremost empirical studies during 1980-90s illustrate consolidation of specialized activities. These are behaviour modelling training (Meyer, 1983), High technology tools, and expert systems incorporating cognitive processes (Collins, 1986; Erffmeyer, 1989; Shepherd, 1990) an indispensable ingredient of ingenious success. Since 1990s, scholars’ interest shift on how training influences organizational decision-making in an attempts to set up competitive advantage.

Universal agreement positions training as compelling mode to accomplish competitiveness. But, scholars’ contribution has developed in dissimilar directions. Like impact on organizations’ performance; tension amid internalizing or outsourcing and later forming an organizational structure or composition. The section depicts organization's criterion for sales management activities (SMA). Overall value depends on sales revenues, in turn, contingent on sales-force actions. But, a large issue is bottom-line performance and stimulating individual talent and management commitments. The following sub-sections uncover these aspects.Competitiveness. Formal training plan is essential for the overall success (Bragg, 1988). Vending dynamics have enforced organizations to restructure training (Arguinis and Kraiger, 2009). An essential phenomenon to transform ordinary salespersons’ into expert sales professionals (Pettijohn et. al., 2009), thrust competitiveness (Salas et. al., 2006) and groom sales-team. Augments or supplements learning to exceed efficiency records. At this juncture individual salespersons’ strength does have repercussion on sales success. Efforts are indispensable blocks to show trust and rapport through a combination of ‘sales personality characteristics’ and core selling competencies. Nevertheless, cooperate to appreciate both customer relationship development and customer retention (Wilson, 1993; Román, 2002; Pettijohn and Taylor 2002, 2009; Jantana, 2004) and technological abilities i.e. SFA (Buttle et. al., 2006). Although many contributions shown an influence on the relationship amid training effectiveness and organizational performance (Gumuseli et al., 2002). However, the consequences on performance depend alongside over skills and talents of personnel involved.

Referable to the knowledge-intensity, we stumble on how training is integrated with organizations’ existing practices and strategy development. In the context of this critique, recommend more research with accent on deployment of organizational procedures and commitments.

Organization Culture and Structure. An important determinant of a successful training and collaboration lies in a rich discernment of the culture, strategy, and communication access. A sales culture is a central contributor to organizational success (McCarthy, 2008). Positive culture connects skill development with organizational strategic goals, whereas positive climate such as periodic promotions, career advancement provides imperative aspiration. Plemons and Fort (2010) insists on the importance of extensive training to hit upon latest trends and styles.

The practical implementation within the matrix of sales management activities entails three options: (i) Internal (ii) External or (iii) a combination of the both. On the unitary paw, several roadblocks prevent the use external experts and professionals. Because of the costs involved, no particular arrangements exist where training should be situated; inside or external to boundaries. To an extent, manager or senior peers act as the trainer. Discuss the direction of the growth, in other cases, professional are one part of the puzzle among others (Lassk, et. al., 2012). To a certain degree because of tactical and implicit nature and  holds it as a crucial sales development process. This is how the tactical and implicit nature hold crucial quantum of the sales development. Over the long haul associate equated with creativity and behaviours.

Weeks and Stevens (1997); Wexley and Latham (1981) derived a taxonomy and profiled three likely rules for training programs:, and (3) evaluation.

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Needs assessment. Discuss challenges for salespeople’s accountability and improvement measures in skill set. Sooner incorporate feedback to customize training. Past research indicates needs assessment concentrate on three main areas; the governance, the project, and the individual salesperson (McGehee and Thayer 1961).Program design. En route to execute, monitor, and assess training, a process of formulating comprehensive, concrete, and scalable process plan. Objectives are stimulate learning, expedite constructive progress and learning reinforcement to fit organizational needs (Richey, 1986; Wager, Golas, & Keller, 2005). It tugs and support natural processes throughout the entire maturation process and across a filled assortment of functioning actions. Evaluation. Literature conveys training outcomes are multidimensional and need multiple archetypes to be evaluated (Goldstein 1986; Landy 1989; Wexley and Latham 1981). Martin (1957) categorized evaluation as internal or external. At that summit, behavioural change is useful external indicators of transfer (Kirkpatrick, 1960). However, evaluation focused more on intramural or casual assessments (Alliger and Janak 1989).In each of these categories, the manager/trainer/HR plays a diverse role pertaining to choices ‘a’ the ‘Expert’ by and large  involved with aesthetics, ‘b’ the trainer plays a relevant role in skill development, ‘c’ the HR expertise is a major force for creativity. As a result, stakeholder is positioned in a different way within the organization (‘a’ professional; ‘b’ management team; ‘c’ cross-functional role). A line of research in this direction perhaps investigate how other business organizations derive advantage  with trump card within three scenarios (in-house, outsource or mix of trainers).Strategy and Vision. Over the years, scholars perceive sales disappointment owed to underdeveloped customer relationship and other dimensions like core sales skills, personality traits or both. Perhaps conflicting policy, culture, composition, procedures, and practices are more responsible. Supplemented with nonexistence of clarity in many sales subject matter continued the skills gap. Besides traditional tactical and tested techniques are not much useful (Miller and Sinkovitz, 2005). Thus, immediate action is imperative because sales persons learn in different manner often as need basis, so, documented manuals of relevant skills comprehended for later usage.

Strategies always strive for reducing risk and engender novel sources of advantage. For such innovative plans, ideas must be cyclical. Nevertheless, strategies reduce the gap amid business desires and marketing competencies. Therefore, instigate sales personnel to exercise knowledge in present conditions. Encourage to develop ability to accommodate changes with agility and remain pro-active. Strategy provides inimitable arrangements to enrich profitability. With increasing globalization, the spotlight on strategic tool gain reputation. In an era of market complexity and knowledgeable customers   strategic sales promotion is essential for endurance. Nevertheless strategic issue emphasize more on management (Prahalad, 2005). Although decisions approximating market interpretation and collaborative relationships are task of top management (Piercy and Lane, 2005).

Segmentation as Ingenious AffairThis sub-section shifts the focal point to the operating level of capacity and tries to account ingenious nature.

Training intervention should be regular, relevant, realistic, and reoccurring (Stein, 2011), and pivotal for provoking competency and functionality, to act as trusted advisor and a mean for consistent attainment of revenue targets i.e. sales productivity. The trend is shifting towards core behaviours such as adaptive selling, customer orientation, consulting orientation and active listening and management of technology in sales methodology and sales processes. With clarity a state of the art best practices needs to be extracted and documented. It is crucial that compelling approach should focus on imparting best behaviours and practices, for that relevant content is pivotal.

The earlier sections illustrated how the meaning grew during the last few decades. At beginning called as instructions headed for novice salespeople. Now includes activities such as the development of behavioural and competency architecture, formulation of strategies and blending of aesthetics together with essential requirements. In other words, interpreting the sense remains one of the most mysterious subjects in sales domain and organizations fails to understand the complementary factors (Grossman, 2009).

Sales pattern reflects the shifting universe of business and communications. Thus ingenious affair aid preparations for the next change with speedy knowledge transfer, avoid overpriced incidents, and optimize assets in real-time. This argument is well supported by Tether (2006), illustrates how assorted fields grip poles apart types of knowledge, ranging from the rational, calculative to subjective. Environmental dynamics insist on revolutionize procedural methods. For this fundamental reason, wants are personal characteristics, elementary sales skill, soft sciences, technological ability, adaptive behaviour, empathy, sportsmanship, and ethics (Noonan, 2009, Ahearne et. al., 2007; Valentine, 2009). Thus because of dynamics and variability sales-force should take on ingenious affairs to sustain competitiveness.

The role of emerging technologies to conceive, design, enhances, and foster training by collaborating learners and trainer. At present to stimulate learning experience with integration of various learning methods and technological support are available. Such as excellent streaming technology with voice-over IP, self-assessment exercises, demonstrations on video, specialized work based training videos and transmission of earlier training conducted etc. Sales literature has focused attention on the implications of technologies (Tanner et al. 2005). We perceive modules and methods, as a product of concepts and the technologies. Applicable to a variety of sales management activities such as CRM, online collaboration, sales plan creation, improved services provided to valued clients (Landry 2005). But, Lassk, (2012) view emerging technology confines potential to start self regulation scholarship. The Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) offers personal pathways to achieve mastery (Poon 2006). Surface new tools and incorporate

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innovative ways to pedagogy (Johnson et al. 2012). In a sense, technology, delivering the self-directed learning programs (SDLPs) is more commodious to the sales organization (Boyer and Lambert 2008).

As illustration, the educational purposes of Internet enabled tablets encompass extension of just-in-time learning opportunities (Belshaw, 2011). Cloud computing and tablet facilitates synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve sales-force engagement with skill development. A mobile learning is virtual method based on digital, portable and mobile device (O’Connell & Smith, 2007). Although on comparing son with e-learning, the mobile way has a short history (Pachler, Bachmir and Cook, 2010).

The absorptive capacity, adaptive selling and behaviours play a crucial part in knowledge transfer and imperative for organization progress. Adaptive way targets prospect, collect information, followed by strategy formulation and delivering tailored presentation and making adjustments/modifications as per customers’ response. This calls for skills in well-structured sales approach. Roberts (2012) provided a framework to elaborate how ICT influence absorptive capacity. How it finds, assimilate, transform, and use external knowledge through advanced information technologies.  In the end the success of a customer relationship strategy depends on the behaviours of salespeople (Wang 2012). Thus, mission is required to drive ingenious nature or path with distinctive capacity to overcome the limited budget and resources and ease behavioural interventions.


To gain clearer understanding authors reviews many purposes. Training cannot be relegated to a secondary role, or be seen as ‘contextual’. But a central focus is how stakeholders develop ideas or artifacts and exploits within sales environments. Training is a social phenomenon to shapes behaviours, rely on social interactions, in particular, assessments are of crucial relevance, and creates new ways of perceive social setting.The review seeks to show undergone transformation. Theoretic, this movement derives from a reciprocal interplay of a series of organizational factors. In reality, few factors come into play and generate a new body of knowledge, for example, tactical design or design management. Others, who contribute to methodical pursuit and recognition as a standalone job, are still implicit in actual practice. The abstraction has expanded and evolved, from the science to professionalization, then evaluation. At a more intangible level, each and every single step is accomplished. New sets of routines and knowledge have expedited the training adaptation in sales management to new contexts.Table 2 attempts to summarize the survey of the literature in a continuum between tactical and aesthetics at the two extremes. This research identifies different dimensions (purpose, audience, the importance of the market, skills) along which training can be profiled. This helps to pinpoint the major gaps within the literature and the potentials for future research.

------------------------Insert Table 2 about here

---------------------------Based on Table 2, this review paper suggests no precise boundaries between the tactical, the management and the aesthetic components; instead a multidimensional perspective is needed to understand. The following three sub-sections name and discuss key research themes. The questions emerged from the literature review, are worthy for future investigation by management practitioners and other scholars as well.How and from where knowledge is sourced?The review has highlighted the strain to recognize the actual training procedure. Efforts are made in different directions to develop a science, but, three main issues that need more examination. First and foremost, the boundaries are fuzzy. A consequence calls for consistent improvements from the realm of art to that of science (Crane, 2005). How the disciplines be established is illustrated by few contributions. For that sales researchers need to discuss changing role, increased accountability, technology ability, and cultural diversity counterfeit current sales training content, delivery, and evaluation. (Lassk, 2012). In this context, one major problem to recognize where sales knowledge is sourced from and lack of understanding what works in relationship selling. The procedure fulfils ingenious and problem-solving purposes. Little is known to which behavior, analytical, technical or ingenious skills are more or less important than the specialized know-how. The literature indicates how practical efforts relied on understanding how creativity should be shaped and conducted regardless as a team or an individual effort. Here suggestion is to develop a procedure, greater attention to addressed contribution of individual salespeople. Everybody must realize that success revolves around collective effort amid each individual in the organization. By doing so, easier are identification of tasks and the (emerging) body of knowledge that simplifies the establishment of ‘sales’ as a formal and recognized domain.A second theme worthy of scrutiny regards the level of analysis of existing literature and the extent to which that connects with specific research communities. In other words, we perceive a stronger link amid introduced themes tackled within the ICT and few other more practice-oriented domains such as psychology or organization studies. A step forward is made by identifying a common language of reference to express theories and methods, which then applied across the various disciplines.Third, the literature on sales management identifies the sales-force as the major schema through which a group of elements represented and undertaken. But, an analogous methodology is transformed by the advent of new technologies. Training relies on learning-by-doing and many sales skills are learned on the job. So, future research needs to assess the contribution of recent graduates who received much training on technologies, thereby acknowledge such

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differentiations; this sheds light on any likely change in knowledge. Nevertheless, use of social media and SDLPs are emerging (Lassk et. al., 2012).To conclude, the advances in ease of access to information within the ICT discipline reviewed as a fundamental link with other disciplines. This must contribute to the definition of its scope and methods. With the increased makeover of automated productivity tools, web based communications and electronic metrics management. Reporting has created a leaner, more procedure oriented approach to accumulate a body of knowledge (Ahearne, 2007).Training Designer as a ingenious professionalThe literature review as a concern for management (Section 2.2) has drawn attention to several issues emerged over earlier decades. With the progressive establishment as a distinct topic within sales developments, the organization had to tackle three main issues: how to manage training design activities; where to source the specialized abilities and manage in an organizational context (i.e., external versus internal); and how to exploit training design for strategic purposes. These three indicators segment and review the literature (Table 1). During the review, different questions emerged.With regard to the coordination of the training plays different roles, although does not have an ‘identity’. However, influences the competitiveness relevant to strategic positioning, productive sales-force and financial performance. Because of this pervasive, task is worth to look beyond the benefits. Either deploys internal peers or external professionals. Investigate how activities shape the configuration of other sales management acts. Extant literature discusses the delicate ‘relationship’ within sales and marketing (Román, 2002) or consulting oriented (Pettijohn,2007); consultative approach ( Pelham 2002, Homburg, 2011); and adaptive selling (Lambert, 1990, Predmore, 1994; Pelham, 2008). But little is known whether, and if, how a service marketing mix and ingenious affair pervades the organizational composition and form the business model (Hershey, 2011). Because of multi-disciplinarily, has relevance for competitiveness. So, rational act is to explore how the internalization of a services and socialization of new salesperson’s that relies on a diverse set of knowledge bases configure sales professionalism. Moreover, this perspective shed light on the likely emergence and affirmation of the individual as an ingenious professional. The training strategies and approaches around technology development award to insider (manager or trainer) or outsider brainstormed by exploring new opportunities that influence performance.In context of the assessment of a sales-force, performance has been that strand of the literature that tried to develop particular performance indicators. Limited integral models exist to figure out how post-training behaviour and learning transfer are determined and how each trainee corresponds to concrete performance. Instructional systems design evaluation classified as formative and summative, formative judge training ‘worth’ during training, whereas summative judge worth after training (Bramley and Newby, 2007). Nevertheless Hung (2010) provided directions to decide the evaluation level to carry out as a priority. But, financial indicators are often used. Altogether many emphasize that formal events by themselves do not deliver bottom-line outcomes (Kirkpatrick and Kirkpatrick, 2009). Kirkpatrick model (2011) backed the ROE (return on expectation) instead of ROI (return on investments), is practical and workable measure to figure out the degree of expectation met.In the context of this review, we perceives efforts should be propagated to investigate the circumstances under which organization select solutions and what are the consequences of particular choices. We do not have a formal discipline of ‘Sales Training’ yet.  Although exists agreement that the customer plays an important role. First because of the repercussion on sales and second because meanings it carry i.e. relevance for the end consumer (buyer). This indicator is of a financial nature, because with a measure of customer satisfaction or retention the extent to which the procedure affects determines whether the ‘account’ buys that same again and again. These arguments along with the advancements as a standalone undertaking, and emergence of standards speed up the development of more specific indicators. Below is literature reviewed as part of Group C (Table 1) and identifies gaps that engender investigation.Industry dimension of Sales TrainingManager often asked to name problems, select proper goals, and deliver a solution. Training is polished through a team effort. Therefore, manager is required to coordinate and motivate a group of sales peoples with diverse competencies toward the development and implementation of skill solutions. In other words, manager or trainer acts on several levels, and to move from theory to action, use personal capabilities to solve problems in empathic way. The ingenious idea and sales recreation relies upon the importance of individual talent and skills.Manager working experience in a cross-functional team holds the key. A qualitative model of creativity can be developed by integrating principles of cognitive, psychology, communication premises, ICT and management postulation, including knowledge, information, and supporting tools. Exceptions aside, the set and description of desirable competencies for a trainer/developer still represent an unexplored quarter in literature. Worthwhile investigation of those skills that trainer-developer support besides management skills, regular communication within marketing, top management still implicit.  This literature emphasizes that the lack of agreement upon the definition causes the absence of formal recognition as sales management training. Such a disagreement leads to an unclear definition of the skills set a developer should master. In the context of this review, we recommend more emphasis should be placed on investigating whether, the trainer or developer is emerging as an expert and specialist. If happens as such, then recognized as ‘accountable’ (Morris et. al., 2006) and demands the same from the sales-force. Baruah and Paulus (2008) proposed idea generation via brainstorm stretch to heighten the creativity of salespeople.

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A wider focus on link with service innovation literature reflects a major gap.  Hershey (2011) argues services marketing got little attention. Furthermore researchers have not expressed sales presentation as strategic. So how sales presentations add strategic value to the service marketing would be stimulating research. There are other issues as well. Researchers can explore underutilized domains such as social networks and its role in contemporary selling to developing sensitive salespeople. What sources of information are pivotal for conducting needs assessment and evaluation? Does organizational climate and management standpoint influence these practices? Some detail developing sales professional to prerogative benefits for sales organization. First, a theory of professional design assists the understanding about types of knowledge-intensive activities that are populating modern economies. We know a limited factor contributes to prove as a standalone field. Second, this research sheds light on the role played by key actors and the wider consequences at industry level. Although an important connection amid the way training design activities manifest and advance. The way sales sectors respond and this review suggests that exhaustive research is needed in this respect.

CONCLUSIONThis paper has reviewed the extant literature on sales development with intention of providing a procedure that sheds light on scholars’ understanding of this topic. Highlighting on the metamorphosis from relationship development to organizational strategy, review draws attention to different purposes used and the meanings that have developed over a period of time. Three main levels of analysis are: a tool for methodological development; a management concern and emergence as a ingenious affair. This perspective has shows different gaps that deserve much attention by scholars’. This extensive paper suggests exhaustive efforts should be made to concentrate on: (i) how and where ST knowledge is sourced; (ii) how to embed relevant knowledge in an organizational context, to shape the configuration of other rational units; (iii) whether, and if so, in which terms, sales management as a body of knowledge undergo professionalization intended as the formalization of activities and tasks. To conclude, no precise boundaries exist among the tactical, the management and the aesthetic components. A multi-level approach is essential to analyze the ‘Sales Training’ as procedure is argued in this paper.

Expand Sales Training Horizons: A Strategic InterventionIn vibrant marketplace, organizations subsist dynamic external environment, globalization, tough competitors, technology variability and changing demographics. At that place salespeople's role clarity is pivotal to understand sophisticated and knowledgeable customers. In an era of limited sales opportunity, discriminating buyers and multi-channel environments and other crises are impacting on the economic system. In such a state of affairs, the sales rep has to work as a trusted advisor, follow ethical selling, explore internet footprint, engage with social media and keep knowledge of modern trends to acquire business acumen. Nevertheless, the success rate of sales peoples depends more on acquiring long term relations, inter-department coordination, team selling and revitalizing skills. Sustainability carries on the abilities of sales-team to pinpoint or exploit opportunities, extend a utilitarian substance to produce revenues and make sure competitiveness. So an organization endorses consistent and periodic training to unfold needed skillfulness, uphold sales performance via constructive behavior change and to surpass productivity records.

However, the end results (productivity and effectiveness) contradict the basic purposes and sales performances are getting down. In summation, many times expectations are not met (Lacy, 2008). The training  investments turn into expenditures. Despite a shared discernment of the training act as a possible enabler of multidimensional benefits. It's difficult to delineate limits and set benchmark for clear-cut differentiation. CSO Insights Press Release (Feb 2011) reports that 59 percent of salespeople achieved targets that too at a discounted rate. Inspite of periodic training, limited sales personnel have interpersonal and technological competencies (Salas & Stagl, 2009). Furthermore, perhaps unavailability of systems approach, co-ordination gap amid marketing and sales administrator, learning reinforcement dearth are a few ineffectiveness reasons amid many.  Supplemented with management short-sighted focus on sales targets, irrelevant learning content and delivery methods.  As aftermath salespeople having an adverse cause on productivity. Obviously the training effectiveness dimension is an effect of prime concern.

Assessing the present situation.Scholars perceive disconnection of synergies amid training-learning, behavior-competency and theory-practice (Arthur et. al., 2003). In the current sales business, uncertain selling paradigm and ambiguity in sales role are the reverberations. Sales behaviors emerged as pivotal confrontation. Traditional salespeople restrain skill improvement, therefore, over the long haul upholds ingrained behavior patterns. Moreover, existence deliberations, contemplation ceased to keep a steadier with dynamic realities. Even when the mastery required to sustain competitiveness are growing, shifting and changing. Do tactical training makes any repercussion on the functionality of salespeople is a major concern. We require to focus why top-notch training crash on effectiveness. Why salespeople's unable to use learned expertness. Why do not cast back improved performance or behavioral change. Researchers have made small efforts to link sales research with existing provocations. The present economic circumstances are unfavorable supplemented with ever-shifting realities. Moreover, spotlights of sales training are vast, built on multifaceted and multidisciplinary inquiry. Across the globe, sales organizations have a common question: To build accountable sales-force behaviors, which training interventions are superlative and to what extent practical. Sales training is a growing discipline that has begun to blossom in recent years.

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Nevertheless, a pivotal question still abides as undiscovered for an occasion is how to ‘formalize’ training to prevail competitiveness.

The demand of the hour is to expand horizons by finding out advanced and original training measures take on new commercial enterprise chances. Today's economy command value-creating salespeople, thus requires retooling sales force.

Here strategic management enhances efficiency and reliability of the sales-force. A strategy offers a useful means to disposition key linkage factors to create revenues. Enlightens organizational efforts to create value by identifying opportunities, clean sources of leads to exploit in a marketplace and reduce risk (Value et. al., 2011).  Thus essence is to develop, advance, rational and innovative approaches.

A restructured migration path dispenses ubiquitous connectivity to grow more sensitive salespeople who can work with purchasers and managers having different origins, beliefs, and business practices. So as a potential solution, Director of Lucent technology emphasized strategic training for increased profitability and client loyalty (Johnson 2004). In that affair strategic training have the potential to transform the average sales-force into expert professionals  (Powell, 2001; Rackham, 2009).

Strategic management in sales promotion.Changes in business cycle contribute to situational changes and enforce alterations in procedural methods. It is more relevant to sales domain where salespeople are facing more time constraints, ever increasing mobility, varied selling model and knowledgeable customer, hence need innovative solutions (Stein, 2011). In sales training, making use of strategic management is void. Scattered strategies are dominant instead of focused strategies (Sinha et al. 2001) and specialized capabilities are required at stretch. Today editors of elite sales and marketing journals seek unique, counterintuitive or strategic article useful for firm (Rust 2006).  

Strategic management in sales promotion is now crucial for survival in an era of market complexity, fast-paced transactions and new distinctive models. Further more traditional and tested techniques are now ineffective (Miller and Sinkovitz, 2005). Thus training needs to be synchronized with strategic interventions and goals. This report tries to embed strategic interventions in the training of salespeople's to engender advantages and value seeking behaviors, at last sales results. To an extend, strategic part looks for security, sustainability and overall stakeholder's success. We seek to discourse several postulations and aim to explore multifactorial determinants to exaggerate knowledgeable sales-force capital within the organisational limits. Idea involves formulation of a distinctive set of commitments, decisions and actions, in turn, contingent upon idiosyncratic resources. Although  strategy intervention anticipates multi-level outcomes motivate sales organizations to keep training as a sustainable trend to achieve 'miraculous-phenomenal-profits’ and sales peoples accountability.

In sales, strategic management embodies a strategic set of decisions and actions to organize and  execute potent training. Both are organizational processes that diminish uncertain selling paradigm and ambiguities in a sales role to create more financial values.  So in context of dynamic needs extends sensible practices, resort continuous innovative tactics, break new ground, float advanced and original  solutions, to exploit competitive advantages.

Benefits of Strategic Interventions.Strategy implementation provides uniqueness to an organization, enriches profitability (Prahalad, 2005). Often the way is contingent on environmental dynamics and the degree of alignment with internal affairs. Still, sales management activities, roles and resources are entangled to sustain competitiveness. Therefore, the choice becomes a strategic alternative. In the face of escalating competition, the authors propose to develop primary sales-force acts. These are creating value through advice and abilities, problem solving and creativity. Hence, we expect more demand for strategic interventions.One of the significant benefits of strategic management is value-creating sales force. They discourse business decisions across boundaries, develop culture and ethical behavior. Furthermore,  recognizes importance of strategic session to set out into the new accounts, influence commitments, decisions, and actions that organization built and put to death to exploit competitive advantages. So in light of opportunity, resources and encouragement engender an ability to achieve 'miraculous phenomenal profits’. Strategic interventions discuss several challenges faced by the sales-unit. Few of these are, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, customer-oriented selling, self-directed learning, and cultural diversity (Baron, 2012). Besides understand customer-buying processes, set up coordination amid sales and marketing (Stein, 2011).The outcomes engender value and competitiveness in terms of higher revenue, knowledgeable sales force capital, job contentment and  customer satisfaction.The process of invoking Strategic Interventions.Sales force role clarity is pivotal. The prime blocks are inspiring innovation, training interventions and strategic management. Training must be relevant, structured, organized and focused on the strategic needs of the sales force, as an example, competencies and technical content that highlight ability and functionality. Below is a checklist that  trainers or HR personnels find useful to aid thinking on how they might make the most of the opportunities via strategic management.

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The key linkages to create edge and value are:

1. Strategy adoption: Position strategic interventions relevant to customer/market needs.Manager should make sure that trainer name informations that has a high value for learning and productivity. Its important to scan how competitors are carrying through on strategies. Track activities taking place within the marketplace to define performance objectives. Distinguish and develop measures that offers time advantages for both manager and sales peoples. Strategies draw rational and new approaches, so, workout  what strategies  are used to make sure relevancy of training content?• Which specific skills, knowledge and elements of cooperative power will enable the salesperson to be a strategic orchestrator?• How can organizations assess sales competencies and  abilities needed?• Are there incremental measurements of progress toward proper behaviour?• How to utilize social media in sales management?

2. Technology Adoption:  Key Strategic action.Prefer analytics integrated with CRM well positioned to measure increase in sales, competency acquired and level of product knowledge. One prominent edge is provision to check sales-force progress in real time. CRM contemplates manager and sales team to explore ideas and share learning experiences. This enables learning reinforcement to hold station in any geography and time location.•   How analytic can be incorporated to endeavor learning, monitoring and reinforce learning.?• Which technological training options are practiced and feasible.3. Implementation: Training positioned to strategic goals.The present challenge is to shape individual as competent salespeople's. Strategic needs are understanding customer buying processes, coordination amid sales and marketing personnels, well defined selling procedures and qualified sales management personnel (Stein, 2011). Evaluate what are the most censorious measurements of success and  what are the greatest pressures. Develop a structured pathway to pass around dynamic market, technology and business task for economic growth. In ordination to get the most out of strategic management, necessary to examine how new training interventions execute success by exploiting competitive advantages. How each one in  team made more effectual. To share knowledge within peer learning and development (L&D) practitioners need to encourage intellectual and innovative approaches.Robust Interventions.The authors advocate sales organizations to explore opportunities outside traditional business practices. In answering this, pivotal is to conform to a number of steps. A series of knowledge block, are pulled from multiple studies. In the next section, a discussion is on various dimensions, recourse and intervention decisive to formulate a strategic preparation.1.    Endeavor a rational Sales CultureSales culture is a unique culture developed over a period with respect to a value such as beliefs, attitudes, ethics, care, compassion and work system of human capital incorporated by management. A key contributor to organizational success and connects skill development of sales force with organizational strategic goals (McCarthy, 2008). A concrete culture governs ease, convenience to  carry out objectives under pressure. Plemons and Fort (2010) insists organizational climate to learn latest trends. Furthermore, periodic promotions, career advancement are vital aspiration. Setup culture of improved services.  Comment by Taylor et al., (1994) stresses on service importance, as often proportional to sales and profit. In spite, marketing for an improved grade of services got little attention. Hence, develop contents for failure analysis and service recovery strategies to influence economic outcomes (Gonzalez, et. al., 2009). Moreover researchers have not considered sales presentation as strategic (Hershey,2011). A change in trend as such organizations emphasize more on sales competencies or behaviors, not return on investments (ROI). To prove point, prominent example is of Xerox Corporation, first identified key competency to drive business forward and stress on performance impact in place of increased sales. Expectations were enhanced skills and functionality not ROI (Keenan 2000). Most training fails because of lack of coordination between marketing and sales administrator. Stress on collaborating with specialist, experts or consultant often results in effective need identification.2.            Foster Sensible RelationshipA realistic, rational connection amid sales-force and organization is a key perspective in formulating, planning, designing and implementing training (Crane et al. 2005). Within sales management, understand important constructs for enhanced outcomes such as organizational commitments, support, self-autonomy and work satisfaction (Edmudson, 2008). For sales effectiveness, noteworthy conducts are consulting, listening, customer orientation, adaptive marketing, client retention, and gross revenue target (Pelham, 2008).3.            Contrivance Socialization Program and social MediaEmpirical investigation by Dubinsky et al., (1986) established positive correlation amid socialization and productive performance. Further, Barksdale Jr (2003) used this model to test social behaviors of salespeople. As advocated by Dubinsky argues socialization programme in s strong manner for new recruits to reduce turnover rate. Despite noteworthiness adequate attention is never abode by trainers. High intensity of traffic witnessed by social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Blogs) every day. Thus, social media now seen as channel to increase sales that too without substantial expenses. Researchers emphasized social media usage as an interference to improve sales

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productivity. Experts perceive that in an era of knowledge based economy, business when socialized in an online environment, results in enhanced technical capabilities, critical thinking, management skills, collaboration and partnerships. Researchers are at present exploring use of social networks in contemporary selling and best practices. Indeed a relevant choice to transcend credibility to business through social media as social platform been strategic issue. Social media influence the individual exposure to information and ideas, moreover, its more than knowing consumer behavior, build up relational ties with specific expectations. A reading of strong ties is reflected through frequent interaction, being reciprocated and willingness for information exchanges, while weak ties indicate distant, casual behavior and often nonreciprocal.4.            Trigger Group Brainstorming.Consequences of an empirical research with clarity stated brainstorming session during training engenders quality and quantity of ideas. Incorporating such event instigate creativity of salespeople (Baruah and Paulus, 2008). These thoughts reflect the influence on appropriate action or future initiatives.5.            Manage stress and burnout via SpiritualityIt is realized that spiritual individuals are more reliable and productive with degree of fulfillment and execute work in a meaningful way (Porter et. al., 2008). Moreover, in sales organizations needs to overcome problems of sales-force turnover. So propel salespeople's to indulge in workplace spirituality as organizational priority to build up commitments, ethics and productivity.6.        Gauge sales skills: In-Basket Exercise.One of managerial attribute is ability to identify individual with agile sales trait (Johnston 1981), for that overall characteristics are required to be traced according to industry type. Still, the study shows traits that contribute to failure or lack of learning orientation, first steps and clear finishes. Therefore, in parliamentary procedure to measure skills or to assess new graduate aptitude for a sales position. Set up In-Basket intervention for recruitment of salespeople, to quantify and develop competencies to hold sales unit. A powerful approach to identify and institute core such as non-verbal demonstration of energy, enthusiasm, a stage of sensitivity, leadership, persuasiveness, planning and analysis to withhold more competitiveness. The usual techniques are group discussion without leader, simulation game, interviews, presentations and job task (Thornton & Byham 1982).7.       Assess Selling EnthusiasmFor higher degree of sales success Dr. Martin Seligman covered over 1 million participants to  unearths unique predictor of optimistic expectations,  assess salespersons’ existing level of enthusiasm. This assessment caters HR with a handy contrivance for sales recruitment (Bristow 2007).8.        Enact CRM TechnologyUses of emerging technologies to conceptualize, design, enhance, and foster sales training by collaborating learners and trainer are evident.  In this relation, customer relationship management (CRM) deal tangible data from financial systems and intangible data from salespeople. Analysis of historical, current data and setting a future plan of action. Another purpose of CRM is to create leads, channel functioning and  inter-firm relationships (Landry et. al., 2005).  Nevertheless, we do not mean technology to drive business rather its about management of technology in sales procedures to improve sales force execution and cause development.9.      Strive for Innovative ApproachesTo improve sales team productivity, need of the hour is to expand horizons and detect new opportunities and acquire new business, in parallel satisfying needs of existing customers; (Zimmerman et al., 2004).  Therefore, plan innovative new approach for prospecting and to keep the pipeline of new prospects. As an illustration Landale (2004) discussed how a new initiative by Cleanaway UK, boost its profits to sizable extent. In particular executed one to one executive tuition alongside sales managers training to coach and mentor respective sales team. Another example is of 4-tier approach to meet the training need by Cisco team. Developed  online learning database by incorporating specific and relevant learning modules. Arranged contents in magazine format, and introduce audio talk with expert to sort out the complexities (Powell, 2001).

ConclusionsIn summary, the successful incorporation of strategic sales training enhances current competency set. Provides a strategic edge for greater opportunities to trade and close business and consistent attainment of revenue targets. Strategic management and sales training are organizational processes that shorten and/or take  on superior engagement to create more financial value. Idea benefits top management, thoughtful leaders, Sales practitioner and academicians with an extended knowledge concerning what might work. By exploring and tailoring advantage-pursuing natures, a discovery of unique model or culture, acquisition of dynamic behavioural ability to drive business forward. Thus competent sales force capital becomes primary rationale for organizations to invest. Now onwards along with restructuring, significant strategic options such as deregulation, convergence of technologies and ubiquitous connectivity are required for next practices in strategy formulation (Prahalad, 2005). Overall objective is to develop more sensitive salespeople who can work with buyers and managers having different origins, beliefs, and business practices.


The purpose of the present research advance understanding of effective training design by investigating factors that

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significantly affect the success of training.t.

The benefit lead to generalizable training design guidelines that will increase the probability of effective training with a relatively small investment. In order to accomplish this goal, a comprehensive model of training effectiveness was developed by synthesizing several diverse literatures. This basis then conducted to specify with testable Navy recruits hypotheses. as an A initial large-scale test data of predictions model used as a ion effort was from the model. Results indicated that on training outcomes in task-related attitudes, expectations this several setting. "non-technical" for These training, factors training included: had fulfilment, a self-confidence, significant and impact pro- training motivation. efficacy, commitment in addition, it and training motivation was found that training expectations, self-were all significant predictors of attrition (i.e., those trainees with higher expectation, self-efficacy, commitment and motivation were more likely to complete training). is, Overall, training these effectiveness results imply will that not be no optimized matter how without well designed a consideration a training system fo pertinent individual effectiveness and should organizational yield dividends factors. in Therefore, terms of a process an improved view of understanding training of crucial training here can variables guide future and, research in turn, and enhanced continue training to increase outcomes. Our understanding The framework of developed why training is effective.


Recent advances in technology and rapid changes in the world have placed increasingly stringent demands on the human operator in many military systems. The need for improved and more varied skill levels, coupled with current fiscal constraints, requires that modern military training systems impart the complicated, higher-order skills required to operate modern combat systems. Furthermore, this must be accomplished in less time, and with a lower dollar investment than in recent history. Therefore, the modern training challenge demands an optimization of training resources--a return on investment that results in an uncompromisingly high level of readiness at the lowest possible cost, and in the shortest time.


The purpose of the present research was to advance understanding of effective training system design by investigating factors that may significantly affect the success of training in terms of performance improvement in the operational environment. The benefit of such work is that it can lead to generalizable training design guidelines that will increase the probability of effective training, with a relatively small investment.


In order to accomplish this goal, a comprehensive model of training effectiveness was developed by synthesizing several diverse literatures. This model was used as a basis to specify testable hypotheses. A large-scale data collection effort was then conducted with Navy recruits as an initial test of predictions from the model.


Results indicated that several "non-technical" factors had a significant impact on training outcomes in this setting. These factors included, self-confidence, task-related attitudes, expectations for training, training fulfillment, and pre-training motivation.


Overall, these results imply that no matter how well designed a training system is, training effectiveness will not be optimized without a consideration of pertinent individual and organizational factors. Therefore, a process view of training effectiveness should yield dividends in terms of an improved understanding of crucial training variables, and in turn, enhanced training outcomes. The framework developed here can guide future research and continue to increase our understanding of why training is effective.


As a result of this effort, several preliminary recommendations for training can be offered. These include:

1) The level of self-efficacy of trainees should be assessed prior to training.

2) Remedial training to raise self-efficacy levels prior to training will enhance the probability of positive training outcomes.

3) Trainees should be led to have realistic expectations for training. Interventions to meet this objective should be

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4) Interventions designed to increase trainee commitment to the organization will enhance the likelihood of successful training.

5) Efforts to improve trainee motivation prior to training can lead to better training outcomes.

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Measuring Training Effectiveness

Relationship Among Training Outcomes

Variables in the Training Effectiveness Model

Organizational/Situational Individual Characteristics


Longitudinal Expectations/Desires Training

Training Maintenance Field Motivation Program

Interventions Investigation: Characteristics


Subjects Procedure Measurement Scales

Expectation/Desire Training Expectation

Individual Motivation Variables Fulfilment

Analytic Training

Training Strategy Reactions Performance


Expectations and Desires

Training Attrition

Pre-Training Post-Training Reactions


Premise & Surmise

Sales as a matter of course show the changing world of commercial enterprise and communications. The pressure and intensity of market dynamics, advanced selling orientation grow and shifts. Over and out Sales-force face several challenges such as limited opportunities, multi-channel domain, knowledgeable customers, and discriminating buyers. So, the Sales and Marketing profession is regarded as one of the most challenging and contentious in Sales management.

Sales peoples always at front seam, on a constant move, backed by motivating force and brace of managers and management carry out overall task objectives. Moreover, there exists an agreement that individuals in Sales are not more than born instead training matrix frame, sculpts a productive professional. Nevertheless, the general sentiment contemplates as requisite to proactive performance. Consequently, development practices are major convenience and a sensible practice to improve on bottom line consequences. In fact, incorporate dedication, and commitment, fine tune work quality, increased morale, negligible errors and this way, surpass productivity records. It is self-evident that extraordinary conducts correlate efficacious discourse and a pragmatic intervention. Sales management literature well documented the importance in context of Sales-force satisfaction.

Sales professionals need possession of very specific skills. A few decades before scholarship procedures used to be primitive, regardless of industry, but now distinct, specific and relevant. Furthermore, inappropriate preparation or irrational procedure (pattern of Sales decision) never yields stellar results. The outcome might contribute to a smattering of new leads, decreasing business, calls mishandling, at last decline in overall discharge. Thus, structured actions are matters of convenience.

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In the 21st century to be preeminent beyond par, most blue-chip conglomerate encourages persistent learning, workout leverage business accomplishments amidst constant change. In turbulent marketplace, interpersonal skills, core conducts, and technological competencies follow stepwise routine. On that account Training envisages improved contents and delivery method to manage competitive realities. For these mentioned rationales, experts hold as a necessity to extend horizons.

Across the globe, Relationship Selling, Customer-Oriented, Adaptive and Consulting Selling is indispensable. Irrespective of that management gratify orientations, even when gobble up a big portion of the overall budget, supplemented with field-hours. In that subject, commits management support relative to carrying out goals. Nevertheless, dynamic and progressive marketplace necessitates advanced, periodic, and formal instruction event. Literature indicates that holding and gratifying the development needs of Sales team and drawing talents are vital to assure sustainability of commercial endeavour. Managers and executives of conglomerates back on promising, sensitive, and dynamic Sales powerhouse as integral. Furthermore acknowledge as imperative and a prominent pathway to accelerate revenue. From these facts anyone can infer that training interventions are integral agenda to achieve targeted goals of Sales and Marketing management.

Selling or sales certain to happen earlier, now display shifting universe of business and communications. Today’s in vibrant marketplace, the pressure and complexities such as market dynamics, multi-channel environment, advanced selling orientation multiply and shifts. Moreover sales professionals need training to get acclimated to competencies and engagements such as limited sales opportunities, knowledgeable customers, ethical selling and discriminating buyers (Little, 2008; Midgley, 1997). Therefore, selling is seen as one of the most challenging and contentious in management. In that matter, organizations are committing on the sales management activities to support competitiveness and performance. Top management agree that training is workable, practical and foremost pathway to accelerate performance. Even then visualize as exercise to update and upgrade training contents and delivery methods to manage competitive realities in world markets.

Despite consistent and periodic training, the true cognition and skill level stay behind, low or even non-existent. To unwanted degree, insufficient salespeople's have interpersonal and technological competencies needed in dynamic sales environments (Salas et al. 2009). Therefore few managers and organizations hold reservations on training programmes. Literatures have finite evidence of systematic procedures (IBM, 2008). Furthermore, overall understanding is much restricted and anecdotal (Garrido et al., 2005). Organizations are under sizable pressure to respond to concerns of skill acquisition. However, an interesting fact, most salespeople have shown an inclination to execute better either to act as trusted advisor, have knowledge of modern trend or to outpace competitors to gain business acumen (Lambert, 2010).

Little research exists on the effectiveness of pharmaceutical sales training in India. The aim of this inquiry is to investigate the same. Till date, Indian focused studies are scarce. So this report tries to overcome this gap. The eclectic issues are identified and kept as focal point of investigation. These are as follows:

• Sales practices and frequency of orientations.

• Delivery methods, contents, and trainers.

• Supervisor/ management support.

• Skills imperative in in the pharmaceutical sales industry.

• Motivation and satisfaction level.

• Barriers to effectiveness (role of creativity, innovativeness, and technology).

First sales promotion need, growth, and earlier perspectives in the context of training as disciplines are discussed. Along the section of research design and method we confer about pros and cons of the qualitative in-depth interview, sample size justification, data aggregation, and results. Authors deliberate issues that came off from qualitative investigation study and discoursed in light of existing literature.

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Literature Review

In this paper, the objective is identification of organizational conditions and salespersons satisfaction with the current measures and practices. Sales peoples are the front seams of a sales organization who are along a constant move. They are backed up by support of sales managers and top management. To contemplate training intentions, productive performance is a major convenience and a sensible practice. The universal view make sure proactive inducements (Pettijohn & Taylor, 2009), enhance value (Johlke, 2006) via cognitive, behavioural and competency outcomes (Salas and Stagl, 2009). At times surpasses sales records, fine-tune service quality, and negligible errors. In addition, reflects traits such as high dedication (Salas et. al., 2006). Thus, extraordinary sales behaviours are self-evident and correlate efficacious upshot. Literature views performance evaluation of salesperson is crucial for both theoretical and pragmatic reasons (Barone 2012). In fact a collection of descriptive and judgmental figures, to ease future courses of actions (Goldstein 1980). Grossman (2011) pinpoints trainee attributes (effort, pre-training motivation and perceived usefulness), training model (realistic skills and behaviours) show firm bonding. Pelham (2008) offered a mental prototype of influences on behaviour from the perspective of salespeople. The other influential affairs highlighted are; peer and supervisory support, specific goals, synchronization of learning content and skills to be acquired, transfer climate, use of job aids and tools, and self-efficacy, regular feedback, planned approach and commitment (Burke & Hutchins, 2007; Baldwin et al., 2009; Bates and Holton, 2004; Blume et al., 2010; Chiaburu & Lindsay, 2008). Nevertheless during interviews, we omitted few imperceptible points and recognize issues relevant to Indian Pharmaceutical industry.

Research Design and Method

This study is exploratory in nature and uses in-depth discussions to gather qualitative insights. In qualitative case, data saturation corresponds to prove requisite number of representatives for usability, a key to excellent work (Morse, 1995). However, the prominent qualitative scholars postulate insufficient protocols and elusive apprehension since few concrete guidelines exists. Although the sampling acceptability are justified by external and internal measures, apart from suggestions of qualitative methodologists. Over and out significant method is statistical analysis to show saturation within a dataset, as it explains how or when saturation begins. Moreover, alike scholarships may be cited where typical representation or iterating similar research problems where right sample size achieve saturation.

We opt Marshall et al., (2013) advice to affix the integrity and standards of interrogation. States grounded qualitative investigation should include 20-30 individual conclave. The vast majority (76 percent) researches illustrated, saturation occurs within thirty interviews or less. The same inferences put forward by Thompson (2004) and Goulielmos (2004). Based on these perspectives, we extrapolate one additional above recommended size to achieve saturation.

Data Collection: The qualitative insights are collected through In Depth Interview of sales professionals. A reference guide is cast with open ended questions. The participants in the study fall amid 21 to 35 age. Thirty-one sales representatives willingly participated for one-to-one conversation, each last 30 to 45 minutes. Sum of total point-on discussion time comes out 16.2 hours . The deliberations recorded in voice tape device along with extensive notes. Few respondents were skeptical to recording and in those cases; notations are put to use. At the end, we transcribed data and scrutiny to name influential dimensions. Data saturation recognized around 26th interview, afterward, no new dimension surfaced between 28th and 31 interviews.

Results and Findings

The analysis of qualitative data is done using Lincoln and Guba‟s (1985) guidelines. The authors reviewed the comments and sorted as groups/argument. After extensive analysis and discussion, we shortlisted several useful themes followed by discussions in the succeeding paragraphs:

Sales Process, respondents allude to structured sales operations. Many (sixty percent) instigate strategic sales training practices. Although consultative and solution selling likewise exist but in limited cases. Just forty percent experienced professional preparations at entry level and trained in "Seven Steps" to heighten levels of professionalism.

Delivery Method, Eighty-four percent reported traditional classroom interventions. A bare eight percent endures video conferencing, webcast, and e-sales training. Respondents stated organizations still rely on conventional ways instead of Hi-tech automation. Many preferred digital platforms and interactive or electronic approach as time-honored practice.

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Contents, Manuals are most very often employed. This proportionate eighty percent answers; followed by case analysis (forty-two percent), demonstration and role play (ten percent). Few had an inclination towards learning contents in magazine format and video talk with experts.

Trainer, Eighty-four percent reported internal staff either HR personnel or manager deliver instructions since fifteen percent corresponds to both (industry expert and motivational speakers).

Essential skills and behaviors, sixty four percent believe communication and interpersonal skill as pivotal. The other useful dimensions were self-motivation, managing objections, closing and product preparation. Mere twenty-two percent seems inclined towards presentation techniques and planning. Even many view primary sales competencies are well taken. In a dynamic marketplace, to accommodate a distinct superiority over competitors, innovative contents are imperative. Few favored customer oriented sales to improve sales and marketing relationship.

Management and supervisor support, sixty percent participants show manager brace on a steady base. Thirty-one percent cited that they had mentored and counseling from senior peers. Few mentioned how individual aspiration is linked to investments of effort, time and imagination by Sales Managers to engender productive performance.

Motivation, sixty-five percent respondents shown inclination to acquire 'sales personality' characteristics. Even though 30% manifest willingness because of the rewards or promotions, whereas bare minimum influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic bounty.

Learning orientation, Larger part (seventy percent) reveals effectiveness get heightened via high-tech methods. In fact, a mere 20% stated need for transparent assessment procedures and management support to enhance orientation towards skills acquisition.

Perceived utility, Eighty-two percent respondents proclaim increased sales, customer retention and client feedback are the parameters that reflect value of preparations. Even many publicize creativity and innovativeness to reach greater heights with addition of sales aids, tools and technology skills.

Along qualitative research and existing literature, significant events are identified, highlighted for managerial implications and treatments.

Sales Process: Findings manifest as integral part training do focus strategic goals, and line up with sales management development initiatives. Without a rational sales procedure (pattern of sales decision) or inappropriate sales preparation never yields stellar results (Genn, 2004). Inadequacy may never bestow new leads, mismanage sales actions, falsification, eventually decline in overall functions. In the pharmaceutical industry, thrust is on professional and /or strategic selling besides "Seven Steps of Sales", but recently superseded by more modern 'Open Plan' or two-way method (William and Marshall, 2005). Furthermore in an era of complexity, strategic sales promotion likely to have a profound effect on success (Miller and Sinkovitz, 2005). Strategic interventions perhaps engender convenient alternatives to overpower several challenges faced by sales-force (Baron, 2012). At that point Stein (2011) advocate strategic training to understand customer’s buying approach, unfold coordination amid sales and marketing, structured sales proceeding, and qualified sales management personnels.

Delivery Method: Formal and conventional classroom methods gone forward to lead as the training-delivery choice (ASTD Industry Report, 2008). Many a times incorporate lectures, case studies and behaviour modelling (Sales, 2006). This study exhibits the same. Although in recent times salespeople are inclined more towards IT Tools (Geiger, 2006) and hi-tech practices like e-learning (Anderson, 2008, David, 2006); synchronous sales training webinar based (Powell, 2001 and Just-in-time; On-site; Online training (Sarin and Kohli, 2010). Over and above self regulation learning utilizing social media and mobile information systems are emerging trend (System Sciences, 2007). Nevertheless in actual practice wide variations still exist (Blair and Sisakhti, 2007). However, innovative pedagogics or blended, action targeted learning such as interactive video graphing skill practice, Knowledge-Expert method incorporating computer technology, simulation training perhaps offer twofold usefulness and more effective that too at lower costs.

Contents: Learning modalities leverage cognition and transcend skill enhancement. Training manuals are often deployed. Even though other methods practiced are case studies, role-play, and audio-video tapes.. Notable topics includes selling techniques, presentation and customer-service (Chonko, Tanner and Weeks 1993). Transformative thrust on ethical

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behaviour, understanding of unethical sales behaviours’, adaptability, time management and socialization are much acclaimed (Salopek, 2009; Noonan, 2009; Lambert, 2010; Barksdale Jr. et al., 2003). Lassk, (2012) evoke need for concrete contents to deliver post-sale and proactive recovery strategies.

Trainer: The trainer has to make sure that the knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes or behaviours’ to be acquired meet the strategic business needs. So the determination on who will deliver training is censorious. The practical implementation of ST within the matrix of sales management activities entails three options: (i) Internal (ii) External or (iii) a combination of the both. Internal trainer is often a sound and convenient choice (Daniels, 2003). For instance the director, managers or senior peers act as instructor, coach or mentor. The trend is well illustrated in qualitative result. Here, we delineate professionals practitioners are prime. Among respective choices, however, an optimal mix perhaps justify degree of alignment and skills engagements.

Essential skills and Behaviours’: As late, sales professionals need possession of very specific skills. A few decades before sales training used to be primitive, regardless of industry domain, but now necessary to be relevant. A variety of training topics are valuable for sales organizations (Johnston and Marshall 2006). Many competencies and traits are needed, such as soft skills, sales behaviour and skill in analytical instruments and tools. Ethics remains an essential training cynosure (Valentine, 2009). Although active listening and communication abilities are pivotal. Even so, may include understanding buyers’ behaviours’, domain knowledge, market analysis and industry dynamics (Leach, Liu, Johnston, and Wesley, 2005). A little while back center of attentions are empathy and sportsmanship (social judgment and professionalism); zone management (Landale, 2004), maintaining composure in difficult engagement (Ahearne, Jelinek, and Jones, 2007); strategic training to set out into the new account (Keenan, 2000) and emotional intelligence to improve interactions competencies (Kidwell et al. 2011). In our investigation, these contemporary shift not yet observed, just generic sales skills are practiced.

Technology and Tools: Present-day preparations are influenced modern technology. In particular, application of emerging technologies in sales management to improve grades of services offered to valued accounts. Sales indulge lots of applied sciences for learning reinforcement and reporting purposes (Schillewaert et al., 2005). Noteworthy, sales peoples needs to use aids, analytical tools, and sales technology such as CRM (Tanner et al., 2005), online sales channels (Sarin and Kohli, 2010) and other contrivances to ascertain value propositions. Furthermore, SFA (sales force automation) known to support sales function ( prospect pipelines, contacts) through software technology. Sales tools engender improved customer satisfaction and strengthen relationship selling (Geiger and Turley, 2006). In literature, these advances observed in most of the sales management activities. We strongly favor endeavor such as sales aids, tools, besides high-tech learning systems to hold business acumen. Unprecedented sales people's preference towards ICT and other relevant technology, well reflected in this study.

Manager/Supervisor/Peer Support: A routine of works in the past have shown that management support is unrivalled of the strongest factors for success of preparation plans. As an example, Lucent Technologies’ Director of sales training insists that for the increased profitability organization must engender training. Straight-forward tied with its objectives and backup by top management and senior leadership support (Johnson 2004). Managerial feedback is essential to improve sales force productivity (Honeycutt et al., 1995). Supervisory encouragement (Jackson et al. 2007), information sharing and feedback (Awoniyi et al., 2002) has noteworthy relationships to successful breeding. Peer brace has paramount links with training, motivation (Bates and Holton 2004). Therefore, sales managers should work every bit and part of a knowledge application, supporting individual salespeople, watch and review to make sure productive performance outcomes.

Motivation: In recent times, trainee motivation emerged as foremost contributor for skill acquisition. Motivation is ability to play hard (Baldwin et al., 2009) and pivotal for salespeople’s inclination and persistence to gain skills. Notion is straightforward that higher degree is proportional to effective sales (Sujan, Weitz and Kumar, 1994). Nevertheless, motivation levels can be influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards (Grossman, & Salas, 2009). Latest studies demonstrated that specific goal setting, regular feedback, raise motivation, thereby performance (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Chivalry and Lindsay (2008) study results show training, self-efficacy is a judgmental part, while training instrumentality (willingness) is full of life to represent. So motivational strategy such as incentives for domain knowledge; reward or promotion policy for behavioural improvement demonstration, may be treated as a need for career progression can instil motivation to learn.

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Effectiveness: The effectiveness dimension correlates consistent sales performance against quotas and issue of prime concern. The stakes and involvements are significant before and after training. Many parameters affect effectiveness paradigm. It is perceived that learning orientation of trainees has a positive repercussion on performance (Farell, 2000). So firms are shifting attention on cultivating a learning culture and expect commitment for continual learning. The magnitude of potency is contingent more on positive transfer climate (Salas et al., 2006), closely followed by recognition, rewards and encouragement (Salas and Stagl, 2009). Even though the link amid sales training and productiveness are constructs. Notwithstanding that, Pelham (2008) impart effectiveness setup factors, these are adaptive behavior, consulting and Customer Oriented Selling, active listening, customer satisfaction, retention, reduced turnover and increased revenue. Literature makes known such behaviours influence the result. Economy demands value-creating salespeople (Rackham, 2009). So accountability and the measurement of effectiveness extend beyond post-hoc analysis and should be seen early in the needs assessment and planning. Thither is a demand for new thoughtful approaches to revitalize sales-force via engineering ability, behavioural capacity and ethnic diversity (Lassk, et al., 2012). In this research, although the effectiveness of training is coherent, nevertheless, the constructive development procedure have to compel more innovative expedients.

6. Conclusions

This paper discusses the importance and usefulness of sales training. The study explain many and varied reasons why salespeople must undergo training. The findings from the in-depth interviews offer ample and comprehensive understanding of how salespeople are being trained and what they believe on these training drills. How sales professionals use learning in everyday chores to prove the current practices prevalent in pharmaceutical organizations.

The prevailing issues within Pharmaceutical context are strategic selling, classroom preparation, training manuals, and internal trainer and primary skills. However, we demand more technology and tools, creativity and innovation to enhance potency, and perceived positive utility. Terminal, this written report provides wealth of knowledge touching over world of core competencies and business complexities.

The present work proposes a positive relationship amid training and function or task and identifies few important implications for sales leaders. Effects can be used for verifying the qualitative insights as predictors of improved sales-force performance. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical organizations are gratifying the development demands and needs. The role of technologies complemented with creativity, innovativeness, and use of high-tech methods for acquiring core selling competencies need to be investigated in particular through a descriptive research.

In era of limited sales opportunity, crises are impacting on the economy, moreover, supplemented with discriminating buyers and multi-channel environments. Sales-peoples act as trusted advisor, follow ethical selling, explore internet footprint, social media and encounter modern trends to gain business acumen. Success rate of sales professionals depends on sales interface, long term relationships, inter-department coordination, team selling and last not the least up gradation of knowledge inventory. It is well recognized that traditional and prescriptive sales skills revitalization is attained via typically Sales Training.

Premise & Surmise

v Sales inevitably show the shifting universe of business. In today’s vibrant environment, the pressure and intensity on sales-peoples (market dynamics, advanced selling orientation) grows and shifts. Additionally, face several challenges such as limited sales opportunities, multi-channel environment, knowledgeable customers, and discriminating buyers. Therefore, sales profession is seen as one of the most challenging and contentious in management.

v Sales peoples are the front seams of a sales organization who are on constant move backed up by motivation and support of managers and management to accomplish the overall objectives of the organisation. Moreover, there exists an agreement that salespeople not only born (a minority) rather made or mould into productive sales

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professionals. Nevertheless general sentiment contemplates as requisite to proactive performance. Therefore, to training practices are major convenience and a sensible practice to increase bottom line results. Both salespeople and organizations perceive that training increase organizational value by acquisition of cognitive, behavioural and competency outcomes. In fact, incorporate motivation, dedication, and commitment, fine tune work quality, increased morale, negligible errors and this way, surpass productivity records. It is self-evident that extraordinary sales behaviours correlate efficacious training and a pragmatic intervention. Sales management literature well documented the importance in context of behaviours, attitudes, and sales-force satisfaction with the organization.

v Sales professionals need possession of very specific skills. A few decades before sales development procedures used to be primitive, regardless of industry type, but now it is necessary to be relevant. Furthermore inappropriate preparation or irrational procedure (pattern of sales decision) never yields stellar results. The effect might lead to a handful of new leads, decreasing business, mishandling sales calls and eventually decline in overall performance. Thus structured actions are matter of convenience, therefore, it is inferred that to achieve targeted goals; a sales development is an integral agenda.

v In era of globalization and turbulent marketplace, continuous training in context of interpersonal skills, core conducts, and technological competencies follows routines. To excel in the 21st century, most blue-chip organizations encourage persistent workout to grow, stabilize, and excel in business performance amidst constant change. Training is visualized to be exercise that facilitates organizations to improve training contents and delivery method to manage competitive realities in world markets.

For all these stated reasons, organizations put in training interventions, even if consume large proportion of overall budget and field-hours. Most experts hold as a necessity to expand horizons. In that matter, organizations are committing on the sales management activities to support competitiveness and performance. Nevertheless, dynamic and progressive marketplace necessitates advanced and periodic training. So across the globe, core sales behaviours, traits and technical criteria, becomes indispensable.

Literature indicates that holding and gratifying the development demands of sales people and attracting the sales talents are vital to secure sustainability of business and economic stability. Most practitioners back on promising, sensible, and dynamic sales-force as integral and acknowledge as imperative. Moreover many management boards agree the notion that for sales productivity issue, Sales promotion is a prominent pathway to accelerate in the global environment. However, interventions need to be timely, relevant, realistic, and reoccurring.

Methods for Conducting Needs Assessment

One of the major topics discussed most frequently in needs assessment are data gathering techniques. They include observation, survey questionnaires, subject matter expertise’ consultants, interview, group discussion, tests, review or reference of relevant documents, and work samples. Scholars categorized needs assessment data gathering methods into three types based on data sources such as archival data, non-interactive and interactive communication, and analytic data.

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Archival data includes records, logs, demographic data, census data, epidemiological studies, and social indicators. Non-interactive communication data sources come from written questionnaires, key information interviews, or critical incident technique. Interactive communication data comes from nominal group techniques, focus group interviews, or futures scenarios. Analytical data can be gathered from fishboning, success mapping, task analysis, fault tree analysis, risk analysis, or trend analysis. McClelland published a series of articles regarding data gathering methods, specifically for training needs assessment such as survey questionnaires (McClelland, 1994a), individual interviews (McClellan, 1994b), focus group interviews (McClelland, 1994c), and on-site observation (McClelland, 1994d). His articles provided weaknesses and strengths for each data gathering method. Because circumstances, timeline, budget, and other environmental and political factors influence the quality of data gathering practice, many techniques have been introduced to identify the most appropriate techniques given limited resources. Many studies described the advantages and disadvantages of different techniques for data gathering. These studies are briefly reviewed. Archival data can be used to identify training needs include production records, defect records, accident logs, social indicators, and other data related to the training area. The archival data are mainly quantitative which assists in determining the current status of a problem or training needs. It is relatively easy to gather this type of data, but many times provides only limited information related to training needs .

Survey methods are the most frequently used methods in training needs assessment. Surveys are relatively simple to administer to a large number of people. Surveys can collect a large amount of information from many people and can minimize some forms of bias. It also has many statistical inference methods to analyze these collected data . Because surveys are very structured, identified needs are uniformly collected but mainly the data is mostly qualitative such as perceptions, opinions, judgment, or based on observation’s of the respondents. On the other hand, surveys also have some disadvantages. Surveys might take a longer period of time to collect the data, even though it may be administered through Internet or email. Surveys may provide unclear, often subjective results, but it is difficult to ask follow-up questions to participants. In addition, people can easily provide an expected or socially accepted answer rather than their true opinion. The interview is another common method in training needs assessment. Interviewing includes key consultation with those who understand the training needs for a group or organization, individual interviews with persons who will participate in training sessions, and focus group interviews with individuals who are knowledgeable regarding training needs. Interviews provide ample opportunities for respondents to express their opinions and feelings more completely than other methods.

In particular, those opinions and judgments can be from experts if they interview experienced experts in specific areas. Unlike other methods focus group interviews allow the group to reach a certain level of consensus for potential solution generation. Focus group interviews and various group procedures also uniquely allow follow-up discussion to inquire further regarding the rationale for suggestions or the genesis of ideas in order to refine the expressions through discussion with others. Group techniques additionally play a function of informing people about what taking place, thereby encouraging their support for the efforts.

Because various group techniques are also able to gain unexpected results or ideas regarding training needs, and because they serve various purpose of training needs assessment, they, like focus group interviews, are one of the most widely used techniques for gathering information regarding training needs . The disadvantages of individual interviews and focus group interviews include the amount of time required and the skills necessary as an interviewer or facilitator of the group .

Training needs assessment can be conducted through observation at the work site by subject matter experts. Although the observation method requires a great amount of time and the observers should have content and process knowledge, it can provide highly relevant information to the work setting Because relatively few subjects can be observed, this technique is usually limited to a specific job level. Besides the conventional training needs assessment technique mentioned earlier, currently, people use a specific model or analytical framework for training needs assessment. They

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are fish boning, success mapping, fault tree analysis, and human resource competency model specific for training needs. Using these frameworks helps identify root causes of the problems or causal relationship for the organizational problems. However, it requires highly experienced experts in using these techniques.

Role of the Training Needs Assessment

Another fundamental research area on needs assessment is to identify the roles or purposes of the needs assessment. Obviously the first purpose of needs assessment is a gap analysis between desired performance and current measured performance to identify training needs . However, that is not the only purpose expected. Many studies found there are more roles of training needs assessment that are beneficial.

A study of public organizations stated that the top three roles of training needs assessment are (1) to introduce new programs, (2) to address performance and productivity problems, and (3) to link employee performance with organizational goals (Gray et al., 1997). Rossett (1987) described six main purposes of training needs assessment. (1) to seek optimal and actual status to determine detailed discrepancies, (2) to understand perceptions of real people and in the real world, (3) to look for causes of a problem, (4) to seek priorities, (5) to make significant parties involved, and (6) to train management in ways of looking at problems. described training needs assessment as a process of managing interactive relationship among three components. They are organizational characteristics, decision maker characteristics, and analyst characteristics. Training needs assessment is not a process of searching for the right answer to the organizational problems. It is a dynamic process, and thus, it enables organizations to negotiate limited resources.

Brown (2002) also described four main roles of training needs assessment. The first role is to identify specific organizational problems which will guide training direction. Although individual departments recommend a specific training program to an HRD department, no one really knows which kind of specific training program solves specific problems. Thus, training needs assessment should first identify specific problems in an organization.

The second role is to obtain management support for the training program. In general, it is not easy for managers to see the actual impact of training programs on their department or organization’s performances, training needs assessment can help managers see potential results of the training program. The third role is to generate data for evaluation. Because training needs assessment sets specific goals of the training programs, those goals can be the criteria when the results of training programs are evaluated. Thus, training needs assessment also can serve as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the training program.

According to Brown, the fourth role of training needs assessment is to analyze the costs and benefits of training. A training needs assessment is able to identify potential benefits from specific training by discrepancy analysis in performance and potential costs to conduct training. The training costs and benefits analysis assist top management in making decisions to invest in training based on identified needs.

In summary, few studies were found that address the actual impact of needs assessment on training. Most existing studies on training needs assessment discuss the ways to conduct needs assessment, the level or areas to be assessed, and role and purpose of needs assessment. The appropriate selection of data gathering methods is important, and appropriate levels and areas assessed is also important, but most of all, how carefully needs assessment is planned and implemented might be the most critical piece of information to gather to demonstrate training impact.

takes prearrange to extract right measures?

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Sales leads are a remarkable fragment of the sales job. Today in vibrant marketplace, complexities, market dynamics, multi-channel environment multiplies and shifts. At late times, the term ‘Selling’ postulated as most challenging and contentious. Thus, sales management measures are continually updated, amended, and improved. As an intervention, top management contemplate training as a viable and foremost pathway to accelerate performance and revenues. Over and out, organizations are committed on sales development activities to manage competitive marketplace realities.

Not long ago, a dash in a pharmaceutical sale generation showed the influence of competition and price pressures on overall revenue growth (Seget, 2004). Most handlers are of opinion that salespeople’s are not generating enough leads (Accent, 2003). Experts perceive salespeople's are not able to acclimate conditions such as limited sales opportunities, knowledgeable customers, and ethical selling (Little, 2008; Midgley, 1997). Nevertheless, whatsoever be the set of circumstances, an interesting fact, most of the salespersons shown inclination to act as trusted advisors, gain experiential knowledge of modern trends to outpace competitors (Lambert, 2010).

Limited research exists on training effectiveness that focuses Indian pharmaceutical industry. Till date, Indian focused studies are scarce. Thus, this report attempts to sweep over this gap. The present research suggests structured sales management activities underpin success and effectiveness. Thus eclectic issues are identified and maintained at the focal spot of investigation. A few of them are discussed as follows:

• Sales practices and frequency of training.

• Delivery methods, contents, and use of emerging technologies

• Supervisor and management support.

• Trainers

• Skills imperative in the pharmaceutical industry.

• Motivation and satisfaction level.

In the next sections, we set out by surveying the current literature on training in sales management and key performance indexes. We deliberate issues that came off from qualitative investigation and data aggregation. We then explain the research method used before reporting the findings. At last, the determinations are discussed in light of existing literature and discuss the outcomes.


In this paper, the aim is the identification of organizational conditions and salesperson satisfaction with the current measures and practices. Sales peoples are the front seams of a sales organization who are along a constant move. They are backed up by support of sales managers and top management. To contemplate training intentions, productive performance is a major convenience and a sensible practice. The universal view makes sure proactive inducements (Pettijohn and Taylor, 2009) enhance the value (Johlke, 2006) via cognitive, behavioral and competency outcomes (Salas and Stagl, 2009). At times surpasses sales records, fine-tune service quality, and negligible errors. In addition, reflects traits such as high dedication (Salas et. al., 2006). The gravity of extraordinary sales behaviors’ is explicit and correlate efficacious upshot. Literature views performance evaluation of salesperson is crucial for both theoretical and pragmatic reasons (Barone 2012). Grossman (2011) pinpoints trainee attributes (effort, pre-training motivation and perceived

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usefulness) training model (realistic skills and behaviors’) show firm binding. Pelham (2008) offered a mental prototype of influences on behavior from the perspective of salespeople. The other influential affairs are manager support, specific goals, synchronization of learning content and skills to be acquired, transfer climate, use of job aids and tools, and self-efficacy, regular feedback, planned approach and commitment (Burke & Hutchins, 2007; Baldwin et al., 2009; Bates and Holton, 2004; Blume et al., 2010; Chiaburu and Lindsay, 2008). Nevertheless, during interviews, we omitted few imperceptible points and recognize issues relevant to Indian Pharmaceutical industry.

Sales management literature holds finite evidence of systematic training procedures (IBM, 2008). Furthermore, overall understanding is much restricted and anecdotal (Garrido et al., 2005). To an extent handful of salespeople posses interpersonal and technical competencies needed in dynamic sales environments (Salas et al., 2009). To gain business acumen, organizations are under sizable pressure to respond to concerns of skill learning’s.

Research Design and Method

This study is exploratory in nature and uses in-depth discussions to gather qualitative insights. In qualitative case, data saturation corresponds to prove a requisite number of representatives for usability, a key to excellent work (Morse, 1995). Even so the prominent qualitative scholars postulate insufficient protocols, and elusive apprehensions since few concrete guidelines exist. Apart from the suggestions of qualitative methodologists sampling acceptability are justified by external and internal measures. Over and out significant method is a statistical analysis to show saturation within a dataset, as it explains how or when saturation begins. Moreover, alike scholarships may be cited where typical representation or iterating similar research problems where right sample size to achieve saturation.

We opt Marshall et al., (2013) advice to affix the integrity and standards of interrogation. States grounded qualitative investigation should include 20-30 individual conclaves. The vast majority (76 percent) researches illustrated, saturation occurs within thirty interviews or less. The same inferences put forward by Thompson (2004) and Goulielmos (2004). Based on these perspectives, we extrapolate one more above recommended size to achieve saturation.

Data Collection: The qualitative insights are collected through In Depth Interview of sales professionals. A reference guide is cast with open ended questions. Thirty-one sales representatives in the age group 21 to 35 years get involved in one-to-one conversation, each last 30 to 45 minutes. The sum of total point-of discussion time comes out 16.2 hours. The deliberations recorded in the voice tape device along with extensive notes. Few respondents were sceptical to recording and in those cases; notations are put to use. At the end, we transcribed data and scrutiny to name influential dimensions. Data saturation recognized around 26th interview, afterward, no new dimension surfaced between 28th and 31 interviews.


The findings from the in-depth interviews offer ample and comprehensive understanding of how to train and what they believe on training drills. How sales professionals use learning in everyday chores to prove the current practices prevalent in pharmaceutical organizations.

The analysis of qualitative data is done using Lincoln and Guba (1985) guidelines. The authors reviewed the comments and sorted as groups/argument. After extensive scrutiny and discussion, we shortlisted several useful themes followed by discussions in the succeeding paragraphs:

Sales Procedure, respondents allude to structured sales operations. Sixty percent representatives instigate strategic sales training practices. Although consultative and solution selling likewise exists, but in limited cases. Still forty percent experienced professional preparations at entry level and trained in "Seven Steps" to heighten levels of professionalism.

Delivery Method, Eighty-four percent reported traditional classroom methods usage. Respondents state most trainers still rely on conventional ways instead of automated and Hi-tech methods. Nevertheless, many preferred digital platforms and adjudge interactive or electronic approach as time-honoured practice.

Contents, Manuals on product information's proportionate to eighty percent. Others are case analysis (forty-two percent) and demonstration and role play (ten percent). Although few sales reps had an inclination towards learning contents in magazine format and prefer audio-video talk with experts.

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Trainer, Eighty-four percent population stated top management prefer internal staff (HR or manager) to deliver instructions. Nonetheless fifteen percent corresponds to both inner and external trainers (industry expert and motivational speakers).

Skills and behaviours, sixty four percent believe communication and interpersonal skill is pivotal. The other useful dimensions mentioned were managing objections, closing and product training. Mere twenty-two percent had shown an inclination for presentation techniques and planning. Many view primary sales competencies are well chosen. Nevertheless, few favours customer oriented selling to improve sales and marketing relationship. However, in a dynamic marketplace, to accommodate a distinct superiority over competitors, innovative contents are imperative.

Management and supervisor support, Sixty percent participants hold the opinion that the managers’ role clarity in the context of coaching and mentoring the team influences a salesperson’s performance. Noteworthy press out how individual aspiration is linked to investments of effort, time, and imagination by Sales Managers to engender productive performance.

Motivation, Many respondents (sixty-five percent) had the inclination to acquire 'sales personality' characteristics. Even though, 30% had distinct willingness because of the rewards or promotions. In fact, many participants get motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic bounty.

Learning orientation, In larger part (seventy percent) respondents conclude effectiveness gets heightened via high-tech methods and self organized learning. In fact, half of them stated need for transparent assessment procedures and management backing to enhance orientation towards skills acquisition.

Perceived utility, Eighty-two percent of salespersons proclaim increased sales, customer retention and client feedback are the bounds that show the value of preparations. Even many publicize creativity and ingenuity to reach greater heights supplemented with sales aids, tools, and engineering science.


This paper discusses the importance and usefulness of sales training. This study gives an explanation of many and varied reasons why sales force must undergo particular skills and behaviors through practice and instruction over a period. The prevailing issues within Pharmaceutical context are strategic selling, classroom preparation, training manuals, and internal trainer and primary skills. Nonetheless, we demand more technology and tools, creativity and innovation to enhance potency, and perceived positive utility. Terminal, this written report provides a wealth of knowledge touching over world of core competencies and business complexities. The present work proposes a positive relationship amid training and roles/responsibilities. As a consequence, its exact orbital dimensions identified implications for sales leaders. The effects can be used for verifying the qualitative insights as predictors of improved sales-force performance.

Along qualitative research and existing literature, significant events are identified, highlighted for managerial implications and treatments.


Findings manifest training as an integral character, concentrate on strategic goals, and seam up with sales management development initiatives. In the pharmaceutical industry, the push is on professional and /or strategic selling besides Seven Steps of Sales.

It is perceived that without a rational form of sales decision or inappropriate sales preparation never yields stellar results (Genn, 2004). Inadequacy may never bestow new leads, mismanage sales actions and falsification. At that point Stein (2011) advocates strategic training to understand customer’s buying approach, unfold coordination amid sales and marketing, structured sales proceeding, and qualified sales management personnel’s. In sales, making use of strategic management is void. Hence, we propel more thrust on strategic interventions to overcome several challenges faced by sales-force (Baron, 2012). Here strategic training involves creating value through advice and abilities, problem solving and creativity. Embodies a judicious set of decisions and actions to organize and execute potent training. To a greater extent, strategic part looks for security, sustainability, and overall success.

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In recent times salespeople prefer latest and cutting-edge tools (Geiger, 2006) and hi-tech practices such as e-learning (Anderson, 2008, David, 2006); web based synchronous sales training (Powell, 2001 and Just-in-time; On-site; Online training (Sarin and Kohli, 2010).

The literature states conventional classroom methods gone forward to lead as the delivery choice (ASTD Industry Report, 2008). Over and above self regulated learning and social media usages are emerging trend. Furthermore, innovative pedagogies, Field tested cognition experiences (role-playing experiences or observations) modeled as scripts, blended and action learning like interactive video graphing skill practice, simulation training based on computer technology are efficacious and time honored practices.


As seen, training manuals are often deployed. Notable topics include selling techniques, presentation and customer-service. Learning modalities expected to leverage cognition and transcend skill enhancement. Organization nowadays emphasizes spirituality and thrust on ethics, understanding of unethical sales behaviour, adaptability, time management and socialization (Salopek, 2009; Noonan, 2009; Lambert, 2010; Barksdale Jr. et al., 2003). Not long ago Lassk, (2012) put forward latest need for contents to make post-sale and proactive recovery strategies.


The trainer has to make sure that the knowledge, skills, concepts, attitudes or behaviours to be acquired to meet the strategic business needs. So the determination of who will deliver training is censorious. The practical implementation of ST within the matrix of sales management activities entails three options: (i) Internal (ii) External or (iii) a combination of the both. Internal trainer is often a sound and convenient choice (Daniels, 2003). The trend is well illustrated in qualitative result. Here, we delineate professional practitioners are prime. Among respective choices, degree of alignment and skills engagements as an optimal mix that everyone may justify


A few decades earlier sales training used to be primitive, regardless of industry domain, but now imperative to be relevant. Several competencies are needed, such as soft skills, sales contacts and skill in analytical instruments and tools. Furthermore a variety of supplementary topics are valuable for sales organizations (Johnston and Marshall 2006). Ethics remains an essential training cynosure (Valentine, 2009). A short while back centre of care is on empathy and sportsmanship (social judgment and professionalism, strategic training to pierce new account (Keenan, 2000) and emotional intelligence (Kidwell et al. 2011). In our investigation, these contemporary shifts not yet observed, just generic sales skills are practiced.


Present-day preparations are influenced by modern technology. In particular, application of emerging technologies in sales management to improve the grades of services offered to valued accounts. Sales indulge lots of applied sciences for learning reinforcement and reporting purposes (Schillewaert et al., 2005). Noteworthy, salespeople need to use aids, analytical tools, sales and technology such as CRM (Tanner et al., 2005), online sales channels (Sarin and Kohli, 2010) and other contrivances to find out value propositions. To support sales role (prospect pipelines, contacts) SFA (sales force automation) adds convenience based on software technology. Sales tools engender improved customer satisfaction and strengthen relationship selling (Geiger and Turley, 2006). In literature, these advances observed in most of the sales management activities. We favour and seek sales aids, tools, besides high-tech learning systems to uplift business acumen. Unprecedented sales people's preference towards ICT and other relevant technology well reflected in this study.


A routine of works in the past have shown that management support is unrivalled of the strongest factors for success of preparation plans. As an example, Lucent Technologies’ Director of sales training insists that for the increased profitability organization must engender training. Managerial feedback is essential to improve sales force productivity (Honeycutt et al., 1995). Supervisory encouragement (Jackson et al. 2007) information sharing and feedback (Awoniyi et al., 2002) has noteworthy relationships to successful breeding. Ergo sales managers should work every bit and part of a

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knowledge application, supporting individual salespeople, watch and review to make sure productive performance outcomes.


In recent times, trainee motivation emerged as a foremost contributor for skill acquisition. Motivation is the ability to play hard (Baldwin et al., 2009) and pivotal for salespeople’s inclination and persistence to gain skills. The notion is straightforward that higher degree is proportional to effective sales (Sujan, Weitz and Kumar, 1994). Nevertheless, motivation levels can be influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards (Grossman, & Salas, 2009). Later studies demonstrated that specific goal setting, regular feedback, raises motivation, thereby performance (Robbins & Judge, 2009). Chivalry and Lindsay (2008) study results show training, self-efficacy is a judgmental part, while training instrumentality (willingness) fulfils satisfaction. Thus, compelling strategies can express incentives for domain knowledge; career progression, reward or promotion policy for demonstration of enhanced skills may instill motivation to learn.


The effectiveness dimension correlates consistent sales performance against quotas and issue of prime concern. The stakes and involvements are significant before and after training. Even if the details are fuzzy, the extensive dimensions affect effectiveness paradigm. It is perceived that learning orientation of trainees has a positive repercussion on performance (Farell, 2000). So firms are shifting attention on cultivating a learning culture and expect commitment to continual learning. The link amid sales training and productiveness are constructs. Pelham (2008) imparts effectiveness setup factors, these are adaptive behaviour, consulting and customer oriented Selling, active listening, customer satisfaction, retention, reduced turnover and increased revenue. Literature makes known such behaviours influence the result. Economy demands value-creating salespeople (Rackham, 2009). So accountability and the measurement of effectiveness extend beyond post-training analysis continued up to evaluation. But data generation should be seen early in the needs assessment and planning. Thither is a demand for new thoughtful approaches to revitalize sales-force via engineering ability, behavioural capacity and ethnic diversity (Lassk, et al., 2012). In this research, although the effectiveness of training is coherent, nevertheless, the constructive development procedures have to compel more innovative expedients.

6. Conclusions

The findings are dissimilar to those from similar surveys in other industries, and name important implications for sales leaders. The solutions may offer insights for predictors of improved performance in sales management within the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical organizations are gratifying the development demands and needs. The role of technologies complemented with creativity, informativeness, and use of high-tech methods for acquiring core selling competencies need to be investigated in particular through a descriptive research.

Personalized System Centric View of Mobile Learning  Introduction and Context Dynamic market, complexity and fierce competition enforcing organizations to upgrade workforce knowledge and skills to remain competitive. (Lambert 2010). Research indicates that continual staff development is critical to the success of any organization (Carnevale, 2005; Colvin, 2006).Although training has been stimulated in the past decade, the actual amount of knowledge, skills and competencies transferred by trainees to the workplace, is unfortunately much low or even non-existent. Johnson (2012) argues for innovative pedagogies for workforce learning, on this background, authors aims at redefining organizational training practice by suggesting alternative approach, i.e. provision of personalized learning. Others perceive that personal learning systems are more likely to be better than classroom learning specifically for adult learners. We insist self directed learning using technology for self-development to enhance professional performance, subsequently increase effectiveness thereby organization value. 

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Learning as conceptualized by Vygotsky’s as being cognitive and social (Powell & Kalina, 2009). Mobile learning is defined as virtual learning which facilitates use of digital, portable and mobile devices used anywhere, anytime and on-the-move as well. (O’Connell & Smith, 2007). The net tablets encompass extension of mobile learning for just-in-time, available anywhere learning opportunities (Belshaw, 2011) have fostered flexibility in training-learning processes positioned to ‘mobile’ perspective supports personalized, approach to learning. The mobile learning, approach emphasizes, on-the-movement and for-the-moment learning, leveraged to encourage open, Independent, Interactive, connective and collaborative learning where the notion of m-learning, e- learning and virtual learning also leveraged. Mobile learning favors adult learner as adult learners are learners with work and family, having priorities (Day 2012), here mobile learning, is referred as being on-move access to cloud-based applications through mobile application while learning contents and modules are stored on virtual servers at a remote location.Visualizing Organization and Workforce centric view     In knowledge-based economy, the effectiveness of technology based training-learning-assessments systems and how it makes an impact on training-learning-evaluation process (Johnson 2011) were needed to restructure training methodology, for higher performance with greater effectiveness. The training needs in a knowledgeable society are elusive as clear enunciation to which particular learning modules or pedagogy sustains in knowledge-based economy. Which training can be classified as generic skilled training and task specific training, needed to be developed among, professional image, leadership skills, developing effective alliances and partnerships, time management, customer an analysis, case study, computer-based simulation, planning etc. by professional trainers. The role of traditional training in developing the motivation has been significantly constrained by pedagogical imperatives that do not empower learner-centered approach which most likely to empower the workforce with the skills needed in the knowledge economy. Although many organizations were aware of the benefits of technological learning in skill development issues, but rarely using it. (Global Coaching Survey, 2009).  

Different insights of emerging technologies have been explored, according to Siemens and Tittenberger (2009), technology that incorporates organizational philosophies and ideologies. In Veletsianos (2010) view emerging technologies as new technologies in specific organizational context, while Johnson et al. (2012) argues for innovative pedagogies supplemented with technology, whereas Veletsianos (2010:3) point seems to be that, a combination of tools, concepts, innovations, and advancement used for learning. The e-learning or m-learning approaches had a short history (Pachler, Bachmir & Cook, 2010); mobile learning (m-learning) refers to learning through digital mobile devices that can be carried and used anywhere, any time as well as on-the-move (O’Connell & Smith, 2007), whereas computer and network enabled electronic learning, termed as e-learning. Traditional training for development of motivation has been significantly restricted by pedagogical imperatives that enhance learner focused learning as an approach which likely to enhance skills needed in knowledge based economy. In an era of dynamic and knowledgeable market, professionals were demanding flexible and personal learning environments for skill enhancements (Johnson 2010). Workforce are in need for a learning approach that could aid mobility (Pachler et al., 2010), enables on-the-move learning thereby promote active learning. The workforce can access learning contents, in a manner that suits their work-life needs and constraints and that too without physically attending the classroom sessions of instructional training. Emerging technologies do have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships and e-learning. Emerging technologies for personalized learningUses of emerging technologies to conceptualize, design, enhance, and foster sales training by collaborating learners and trainer are evident. Few technology reduces technical barriers to e-learning (Cochrane, 2010), can perform competency-based assessments and incorporated in workplace-based learning as well (Chan, 2010a; Chan, 2010, b). Notions of continual lifelong learning in knowledgeable economy coupled with rapid advances in emerging technologies have enabled training and learning processes that can be serviced in customized ways, previously unimaginable. Mobile learning with Cloud computing and net tablet facilitate synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve staff’s engagement with learning and skill development. Emerging technology not only surface new technology, but also incorporate innovative pedagogy (Johnson et al. 2012), i.e. on-the-move learning likely to influence on teaching, learning, or creative expression (Johnson et al. 2011), embedded with philosophies and ideologies (Siemens and Tittenberger 2009), i.e. flexibility and empowerment and provide interactive learning with peers and experts which are context-specific Veletsianos (2010), i.e. address several challenges. Model reflect the close proximity with Veletsianos (2010:3) concept, which states of emerging technologies as ‘tools (tablet, cloud computing), concepts (flexible learning), innovations (on-the-move and for-the-moment learning) advancements (technology, pedagogy) used in diverse settings (sales training) to serve varied purposes (skill enhancement and transfer).  Its much likely that professional trainers and organization can empower staff to become lifelong learners, implement progressive pedagogies in staff learning, and focus on the role of trainer and technology within this evolving landscape. The first anomaly relates to a presumed workforce desire to learn using a learner-centered learning experience. We oppose “one size fits all” tendency that treating workforce as a homogeneous group. We strongly object to this approach

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and suggest the scope within mobile learning models to offer workforce more than one learning modules by allowing them to select their preferred module according to their need and learning philosophy. The second anomaly refers to issues of choice for training staff may it be internal or external, as learning philosophy insist the notion of ‘empowerment’ and the exercising of ‘empowered’ with authority. The need to incorporate critical behaviors, increasing numbers of performance indicators, diversity in workforces and requirements to remain flexible and responsive, has damaged learning autonomy. The third anomaly relates to workforce' perceptions of impractical and irrelevant content, improper delivery, a personal discomfort with change and motivation from seniors to resist change. (Broad and Newstrom, 1992). The term mobile learning refers freedom and diversity in selecting needed to learn modules by workforce, focus on the unique needs of individual learners, not according to trainer or manager. It totally empowers workforce to decide when, what, and how to learn, by initiating mobile and virtual learning. Thereby emerging technology could change the role of trainer from direct instruction in classroom to just a facilitator of virtual knowledge source and manage learning resources. The mobile learning, approach offers workforce and trainers the choice between two pedagogical approaches; either a learner centered virtual approach or interactive instruction approach or a mix of both. We argue that the trainer and content developers role to be central in both approaches mentioned, however, an innovative style of training, or innovative way of promoting learning, required to be practiced. Pan (2006), suggests that the empowerment of choices provides workforce with individualized learning pathways in control of the learners themselves, which promote empowerment for personalisation of learning (Hartley, 2007). The empowerment of choice has appeal to both work staff and professional trainer. Now onwards organization likely to engage themselves with emerging technology and because of contemporary, innovative pedagogies being preferable to align with the new mobile approach. Authors perceives greater opportunity of success when organization simultaneously offers choice in using preferred pedagogical approach to promote workforce learning thereby to acquire skills. This advanced learning technology could provide twofold usefulness and more effective pedagogy at substantially lower costs. Notebooks, Laptop, personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also facilitate mobile learning, however, tablets have numerous advantages as tuned with appropriateness in level of technology integration supplemented with distinct features: Portability (anywhere, any time, on-the-move); Mobility (no plug-in power supply); and a range of useful generic apps with accordance to transform learning into skills.ConclusionsIn the era of knowledge based economy, learners when socialized to the online environment, results in enhanced technological capabilities, critical thinking and time management skills. Become proficient in collaborative and interactive learning by community formation. Emerging technologies does have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships, integration of sales and service, customer oriented selling, flexible, active, continuous, lifelong and active learning. Approach perceives that personal learning systems with flexibility and mobility are more likely to be better than classroom learning, i.e. direct instruction. The approach can address several challenges being currently faced by sales-force, few of these are, time constraints, changing roles, accountability, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, self-directed learning, use of social media and cultural diversity. The model does recognize sales organizations, content developers and professional trainers as a key player in the development of mobile learning mechanism. We invite further discussion of the model by academics and professional trainers and sales organizations with a view to implementation in actual practice.  ReferencesAnne M. Kressly. (2010). How Teaching Methodology Affects Learners Outcome (pp.sAlexander, B., (2008). Social Networking in Higher Education. In Richard N. Katz, ed., Te Tower and the Cloud: Higher Education in the Age of Cloud Computing. Educause: 2008.Baldwin, T.T. (1992). Effects of alternative modeling strategies on outcomes of interpersonal skill training. Journal of Applied Psychology. 77, 147-154.Belshaw, D. (2011). Mobile and wireless technologies review. London, United Kingdom: Joint Information Systems Committee.Chan.S. (2011b). Constructing e-Portfolios with mobile phones and Web 2.0. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 177, 243-253.Creanor, L., & Littlejohn, A. (2000). A cross-institutional approach to staff development in Internet communication. March, 271–279.Davidson, C.N. & Goldberg, D.T. (2009). The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age. Cambridge, Mass; London, England: The MIT Press.Derry, S. J., Murphy, D. A.(1986). Designing systems that train learning ability: from theory to practice. Rev. Educ. Res. 56:1-39.Durante, D., & Snyder, N. (1999). Mastering virtual teams. San Francisco: Josey-Bass Inc.Dweck, C. S. (1988). Goals: an approach to motivation and achievement. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 54:5. Engestrom, Y. (2004). New forms of learning in co-configuration work. Journal of Workplace Learning. 16(1/2), 11-21.Fisher, K., & Sauer, P. (2011). Enhanced learning through development of interactive etextbooks on net tablets (pp. 1–51).Garrison, D.R., & Anderson, T. (2003). E-Learning in the 21st Century. London: Routledge-Falmer.

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Haider, H. & Frensch, P.A. (1996). The role of information reduction in skill acquisition. Cognitive Psychology, 30, 304-337.Harrington, T., Staffo, M., & Wright, V. H. (2006). Faculty Uses of and Attitudes toward a Course Management System in Improving Instruction. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 5(2), 178–190.Hsu, Y.-C., Rice, K., & Dawley, L. (2012). Empowering educators with Google’s Android App Inventor: An online workshop in mobile app design. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E1–E5. Lambert, B. B. (2010). Barriers to Appropriate Sales Training. ASTD.Littlejohn, A. & Stefani, L.(1999). Effective use of communication and information technology: bridging the skills gap. Association for Learning Technology Journal, 7, 2, 66–76.Liu, C.-H., Chiang, T.-C., & Huang, Y.-M. (2007). Assessment of Effectiveness of Web-based Training on Demand. Interactive Learning Environments. 15(3), 217–235. Mayer, R. (2003). The promise of multimedia learning: Using the same instructional design methods across different media. Learning and Instruction. 13, 125-139.Nagy, J., & Mcdonald, J. (2010). New models for learning flexibility. Negotiated choices for both academics and students. 737–746.Powell, Katherine C.; Kalina, Cody J. (2009). Cognitive and Social Constructivism: Developing Tools for an Effective Classroom. Journal of Instructional Psychology. 130 (2), 241-250Segers, J., & Group, S. H. L. (2011). Structuring and Understanding the Coaching Industry. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(2), 204–221.Wong, L.-H. (2012). A learner-centric view of mobile seamless learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E19–E23.

LR - THE INFLUENCES OF DIFFERENT sales training approaches and contents TO ACHIEVE TRAINING EFFECTIVENESSThe first section provides a definition of human resource development (HRD), reviews the fundamental concepts of system theory and presents a definition of training and learning. The second section reviews the fundamental concepts of social learning theory. The third section provides an overview of three training approaches, structured on-the-job training (S-OJT), on-the-job training (OJT) and classroom training, and also generalized training content used.The fourth section provides an overview of the concepts of training outcomes and also defines self-efficacy and describes strategies to develop self-efficacy and the relationship of self-efficacy to training; in addition, methods which can be used to measure self-efficacy are discussed.The fifth section provides a conceptual framework for the information in the review of literature.

1    Introduction to Human Resource Development            System Theory Applied to HRD        Training and Learning            2    Social Learning Theory3    Training Approach        Introduction to Training Approaches        Types of Training Approaches-        Classroom Training;    OJT;    SOJT                        Training contents- Generalized4    Training Evaluation        Training outcomes   Self-Efficacy    Developing Self efficacy    Self-Efficacy and Training    Measurement of self-efficacy5    Conceptual Framework


Different insights of emerging technologies have been explored, the technology incorporates organizational philosophies and ideologies (Siemens and Tittenberger, 2009); is a new technologies in specific organizational context (Veletsianos, 2010); a innovative pedagogies supplemented with technology (Johnson, 2012) and a combination of tools, concepts, innovations, and advancement used for learning (Veletsianos, 2010). In knowledge-based economy, the strength of technology based learning-assessment arrangements and how it creates a consequence of the learning - evaluation process (Johnson 2011) is needed for anticipating workforce performance. The learning needs in a knowledgeable society are elusive as clear enunciation to which particular learning pedagogy sustains in knowledge-based economy. Therefore, which learning can be classified as general and task specific learnings require  differentiation. On the course, what is essential among professional image, leadership skills, alliances and partnerships, time management, and customer analysis also come in the manner. Nevertheless, emerging technologies does have the capacity and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships and e-scholarship.

Emerging technologies for personalised learningNotions of continual lifelong learning in knowledgeable economy coupled with rapid rises in emerging technologies have enabled self directed learning into service that too in customized ways, previously impossible.  The use of emerging technologies to conceive, design, enhance, and foster learning by collaborating with content developers are evident.

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There are technologies for workplace-based scholarship that can perform competency-based assessments as well (Chan, 2010a; Chan, 2010, b). Individual learner centred, integrated with technology, facilitates interaction with other learners, peers, mentors and experts. Self learning, interactive instructions, learning with peers and experts, or a mixture of both with cloud computing and net tablet facilitate synergies of technological and pedagogical approach to improve individuals' engagement with scholarship and skill development and potential to influence creative expression (Johnson et al. 2011)It's an advanced concept that can be applied in diverse scenes to serve varied purposes like skill enhancement and transfer. Its much likely that professional trainers and organization can empower staff to become lifelong learners, implement progressive pedagogies in staff learning, and focus on the role of trainer and technology within this developing landscape. The first anomaly relates to a presumed workforce desire to determine using a learner-centred learning experience. We oppose “one size suits all” tendency that treats workforce as a homogeneous group. We strongly object to this approach and suggest the scope within mobile learning models to offer workforce modules by allowing them to select their preferred module according to their need and learning philosophy. The second anomaly refers to issues of choice for training staff may it be internal or external, as learning philosophy insist the notion of ‘empowerment’ and the exercising of ‘empowered’ with authority. The demand to incorporate critical behaviours, increasing numbers of performance indicators, diversity in workforces and requirements to remain pliant and responsive, has damaged learning autonomy. The third anomaly relates to workforce' perceptions of impractical and irrelevant content, improper delivery, a personal discomfort with change and motivation from seniors to resist change. (Broad and Newstrom, 1992). The term mobile learning refers freedom and diversity in selecting needed to learn modules by workforce, focus on the unique needs of individual learners, not according to trainer or manager. It totally empowers workforce to decide when, what, and how to learn, by initiating mobile and practical learning. Thereby emerging technology could shift the role of trainer from direct instruction in classroom to just a facilitator of virtual knowledge source and manage learning resources. The mobile learning, approach offers workforce and trainers the option between two pedagogical approaches; either a learner centred virtual approach or interactive teaching approach or a mix of both. We contend that the trainer and content developers role to be fundamental in both approaches mentioned, nevertheless, an innovative style of preparation, or innovative way of encouraging learning, required to be done. Pan (2006), proposes that the empowerment of choices provides workforce with individualized learning pathways in control of the learners themselves, which promote empowerment for personalisation of learning (Hartley, 2007). The empowerment of choice has appeal to both work staff and professional trainer. Now onwards organization likely to occupy themselves with emerging technology and because of contemporary, innovative pedagogies being preferable to adjust with the new mobile approach. Authors perceives greater opportunity of success when organization simultaneously offers choice in using preferred pedagogical approach to promote workforce learning thereby to gain skills. This advanced learning technology could provide twofold usefulness and more effective pedagogy at substantially lower prices. Notebooks, Laptop, personal digital assistants (PDAs) can also facilitate mobile learning, however, tablets have numerous advantages as tuned with appropriateness in level of technology integration supplemented with distinct features: Portability (anywhere, any time, on-the-move); Mobility (no plug-in power supply); and a range of useful generic apps with accordance to transform learning into skills.CONCLUSIONSIn the era of knowledge based economy, learners when socialized to the online environment, results in enhanced technological capabilities, critical thinking and time management skills. Become proficient in collaborative and interactive learning by community formation. Emerging technologies does have the capability and potential to effectively deal with theoretical and practical aspects such as e-collaboration, e-partnerships, integration of sales and service, customer oriented selling, flexible, active, continuous, lifelong and active learning. Approach perceives that personal learning systems with flexibility and mobility are more likely to be better than classroom learning, i.e. direct instruction. The approach can address several challenges being currently faced by sales-force, few of these are, time constraints, changing roles, accountability, technological capabilities, collaboration, partnerships, integration of sales and service, self-directed learning, use of social media and cultural diversity. The model does recognize sales organizations, content developers and professional trainers as a central participant in the evolution of mobile learning mechanism. We invite further discussion of the model by academics and professional trainers and sales organizations with a view to implementation in real exercise.

REFERENCESBelshaw, D. (2011). Mobile and wireless technologies review. London, United Kingdom: Joint Information Systems Committee.Creanor, L., & Littlejohn, A. (2000). A cross-institutional approach to staff development in Internet communication. March, 271–279.Engestrom, Y. (2004). New forms of learning in co-configuration work. Journal of Workplace Learning. 16(1/2), 11-21.Fisher, K., & Sauer, P. (2011). Enhanced learning through development of interactive etextbooks on net tablets (pp. 1–51).Garrison, D.R., & Anderson, T. (2003). E-Learning in the 21st Century. London: Routledge-Falmer.

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Liu, C.-H., Chiang, T.-C., & Huang, Y.-M. (2007). Assessment of Effectiveness of Web-based Training on Demand. Interactive Learning Environments. 15(3), 217–235.


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