
Sales Practices of the Industry’s Best

There’s a lot that goes into becoming a great salesman.

And successful sales people do things a bit differently than their counterparts. 

Let’s take a look at 5 characteristics that separate the best sellers from the rest:

A Latent Aggressive Attitude


An AVERAGE salesman can get a customer interested in a product.

1. A Latent Aggressive Attitude

An AVERAGE salesman can get a customer interested in a product.

1. A Latent Aggressive Attitude

The BEST salesmen emit a certain vibe or energy that sways the customer to complete the purchase.



2. Empathy

One of the best selling techniques to complete a sale is to empathize with the customer.

2. Empathy

One of the best selling techniques to complete a sale is to empathize with the customer. If a salesman can show that he identifies with the customer’s need or desire, he’ll show that he is going to help the customer find the product that is right for him.

A Dialogue Not A Monologue


3. A Dialogue Not a Monologue

The most successful sales associates understand that customer interactions are all about exchanging information.

The most successful sales associates understand that customer interactions are all about exchanging information. While it is necessary to describe products and services, it is the customer who should be the focal point of the interaction.

3. A Dialogue Not a Monologue

Assumptive Questions


4. Assumptive Questions

As a salesman is closing in on a sale, he should resort to assumptive questions to help sway the customer.

4. Assumptive Questions

As a salesman is closing in on a sale, he should resort to assumptive questions to help sway the customer. He can ask questions like “Can we use the same size as your last order with us?”.

Turn Negatives into Positives


5. Turn Negatives into Positives

Successful salesmen understand that difficult customers who question or criticize the business or its brands can prove to be an opportunity in disguise.

Successful salesmen understand that difficult customers who question or criticize the business or its brands can prove to be an opportunity in disguise. Some customers raise genuine concerns when considering products and it is the sales representative’s job to quell those concerns

5. Turn Negatives into Positives

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