  • Saint Mary’s Church 17 Pompton Ave.

    Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 Telephone: 973-835-0374

    Fax: 973.835.8173 Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected]

    All are Welcome!

    January 10, 2021

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 2

    Contact Us

    TO CONTACT PARISH OFFICE: 973.835.0374

    FRANCISCAN FRIARS SERVING YOU: Fr. Frank Critch, OFM - x708 [email protected] Fr. John Aherne, OFM, x139 [email protected] Fr. John Alderson OFM, [email protected] Fr. John Coughlin OFM, x169 [email protected]

    SPIRITUAL DIRECTION– Please contact any of the Friars DEACON - 973.835.0374 Thomas Kimak [email protected] CHILDREN & YOUTH FAITH FORMATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/FAITH FORMATION - 973.835.7750 Toni Wong– Director of Faith Formation, Grades 1 to 6 x102 [email protected] Debbie Borroto -Rel. Ed. Administrative Asst., x130 [email protected] Patricia Newton, Coordinator of Faith Formation Grades 7 & 8 , Confirmation x160 [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY - 973.835.5594 Patricia Newton, Confirmation, x160 [email protected] Bill Reul, Interim High School Ministry, x117 [email protected]

    R.C.I.A. Fr. John Coughlin OFM, x169 [email protected]

    SPECIAL NEEDS MINISTRY Marie Cioletti, Special Needs Ministry x181 [email protected] Morganne Vogel, Special Needs Ministry for Adults, x 181 [email protected] HISPANIC MINISTRY Milagros Anto - 973.835.0374, x 703 [email protected] Faith Formation Administrative Assistant /YOUTH PROTECTION Debbie Borroto -Rel. Ed. Administrative Asst., x130 [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRY - 973.835.0374 Craig & Dorothy Limey, Dir., x158 [email protected] Carrie Stewart - Accompanist, x192 [email protected] STEPHEN MINISTRY Fr. John Aherne, OFM, x139 [email protected] Mary Lovely, x113 [email protected] SOUP KITCHEN - Patricia Brady - 973.839.2896 [email protected] FOOD PANTRY - Kenneth Weinheimer-973.831.4442 [email protected] MISSION & MINISTRY Anne Silversey, [email protected] Dir.,x108 BUSINESS & OPERATIONS, 973.835.5841 Marissa Diaz (bi-lingual) RECEPTIONISTS - 973.835.0374 Lynda Rogalski — Receptionists – 973-835-0374 Carol Scala - Director of Finance x190 [email protected] Connie Maritato-Parish Life Coordinator x120 [email protected] Keith Orotosky-Director of Facilities and Operations x 145 [email protected] Mike Cunningham- Director of Information Technology, x107 [email protected] Jill Whitney-Controller- x122 [email protected] MAINTENANCE - 973-768-1544 Phillip Epstein, Director of Maintenance [email protected] Hayk Allahverdi, Gareth Tarlo

    Mass Schedule: Saturdays

    Public Masses in Church: 5:00 PM-English 7:00 PM-English


    Public Masses in Church: 7:30 AM -English

    8:45 AM-Español & Online 10:30 AM- English & Online 12:00 PM (Noon) -English


    Online Masses & Public Mass 8:00 AM

    Monday to Friday in English 9:30 AM

    Thursday en Español

    Procedures for Public Masses: You will no longer need to call or email the parish office to attend a public Mass. We will admit people on a first-come, first serve basis, with a maximum capacity of 150 people per legal guidelines. Visitors will be counted, masks are required, and social distancing will be in effect.

    Watch Masses Online at: or or

    Confessions in Church Thursdays

    4:00 to 5:00 PM Saturdays

    4:15 to 5:00 PM

    Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday

    9:00AM – 4:00PM (Closed for lunch 12:00 Noon– 12:30PM)

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 3

    Eucharis�c Celebra�ons Para-Liturgical Services (PLS)

    All those who are sick:

    Bob, Rowan, Kathy, Kim, Judy, Thomas Neglio Sr., Tom Meich, Sandy T., Nadia Grenyukh, Logan , George Conklin, Kathy Marshall, Floripinas Buyser, Sr., Rachel Palma, Carol Buyser, Ned Madsen, Erica Koepfler, Rosemary Croker, Chelsea Scarpelli, Ed La Barr, Lourdes Atanoso, Veronica Szenzenstein, Jean Bell, Al Loeffler, Ray Grimes Sr, Lisa, Bob, Eileen, Luz Zavala, Margaret Brodeur, John, Steven L., Sandy T, Carol B, Mary Crusco, Gloria Edwards, Jack Bergeson, Robert Provost. Please note: to add a loved one to the prayer list, please call the Parish Office at 973.835.0374 - names for healing will be listed for 30 days.

    All those who are serving in harm’s way: Lt. Jessica T. Atterbury, PFC Nathan Hunt, CMCN Michael LeTennier, Joseph P. Roberts, MCS, PFC Sean Jennings, SPC Sean J. Carey, SGT Ryan Cronin, Chris Sabatini, US Navy SO, David Welsh, US Navy SO Justin Bensinger, US Navy SO, LTJG Brian Schoenig, LCpl Michael Formisano III, SSG Kevin Carey, SPC Brian R. Sudol, CSM Robert Hammerle, Sgt. Mark Ashley, SGT Ryan J. Heppel, SPC Dean V. Lucas, LCpl Michael Vignuli, Major Daniel J. Ciccarelli, HM Jaeson Henderson, Jake Shovlowsky, Cpl Justyn Shovlowsky, Captain Austin Canning, 1st LT Joseph Sameski, 1st LT Thomas Sameski, Tyler DeVito, Petty Officer 3rd Class, SSG Tiffany Thumann, 2nd LT Matthew R. Brice, LT. Zak-id Gamarra, TSSgt. Scott Miller, 1st Lt. Alyson Garino, Capt. Krystal Thumann, ENS Ryan M. Hackett, Brian Hansen, Uii, Cpl F. S. Raza, Sean Flanagan, 1st Lt. Matthew W. D’Amico, USMC Lt. 1st Thomas Seneski; Sgt. Anthony W. Gabriel; Brian Hansen, Sgt. Ashlee Quigle; Capt. Daniel M. Kearney, USMC; Navy Lt. Ryan Hackett

    Please Pray for:

    Through the waters of Baptism we welcome into our Community:

    Angel M. Santiago

    Recently Deceased:

    James Patten, Joseph Sampogna, Frank Addice, Richard DeGeorge

    MONDAY January 1 1 8:00 AM † Rita Cateline TUESDAY January 12 8:00 AM † George Graf WEDNESDAY January 13 8:00 AM † David E. Cu�s † Grace French THURSDAY January 14 8:00 AM † Marjorie A. Dwyer FRIDAY January 15 8:00 AM For The People of the Parish SATURDAY January 16 5:00 PM † Josephine Lavina † Danny Dennehy 7:00 PM For The People of the Parish SUNDAY January 17 7:30 AM † Rose Mingione † Cathrine S�er † John Vasquez 8:45 AM For The People of the Parish (Spanish Mass) 10:30 AM † Nicholas Viole� † Tom Hanrahan † Frances Ivankovic 12:00 PM † Ida & William Rocco

  • So much is different this Christmas season, yet the focus and dedication of our parish ministries remains constant – as people in need throughout our community turn to St. Mary's Parish for warm meals, comfort, and shelter during the holidays, we must be there for them … which is why we are reaching out to our parishioners. Your generous online donations are needed now to help sustain Christmas ministries that reflect the promise of God’s love. The upheaval and distress caused by COVID-19 give these ministries added importance, and your kindness will help families all around us. We are the body of Christ. Please help to continue our mission by maintaining your financial contribution to our parish. You can do this in several ways: �� Donate trough FaithDirect by logging on to or call 866.507.8757. St. Mary's Code is NJ23.

    �� Text a one time donation by texting the dollar amount to 973-500-6123.

    �� Mail in your donation.

    Thank you for your continued support of our parish


    God Bless You, Fr. Frank J Critch

    Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 4

    Homebound Connections Ministry If you or someone you know is homebound and would like a visit and receive Eucharist, please contact our Parish Office at 973-835-0374 so we can set up a time. Fr John Alderson will be there to brighten your day!

    On the feast of the Epiphany, we chalked the doors of St. Mary's Church and invited God to bless everyone who comes into our Church building. We invite you to adopt this custom in your family. The family gathers and chalks their doorway to ask God’s blessing on their home and on those who live in or visit the home. It is an invitation for Jesus to be a daily guest in our home, our comings and goings, our conversations, our work and play, our joys and sorrows. A traditional way of doing this is to use chalk to write above the home’s entrance, 20 + C + M + B + 21. The letters C, M, B have two meanings. They are the initials of the traditional names of the three magi: Caspar, Mel-chior, and Balthazar. They also abbreviate the Latin words Christus mansionem benedicat, “May Christ bless the house.” The “+” signs represent the cross and 2021 is the year.

    Chalk was blessed at the masses on January 3rd. You can pick up pieces of blessed chalk in our parish office.

    Instructions for Blessing the Home Using the blessed chalk mark the lintel of your front door (or front porch step) as follows:

    20 + C + M + B + 21 while saying:

    The three Wise Men, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar followed the star of God’s Son who became human two thousand and twenty years ago. May Christ bless our home and remain with us throughout the new year. Amen. Then offer the following prayer: Visit, O blessed Lord, this home with the gladness of your presence. Bless all who live or visit here with the gift of your love; and grant that we may manifest your love to each other and to all whose lives we touch. May we grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of you; guide, comfort, and strengthen us in peace, O Jesus Christ, now and forever. Amen “Chalking the door” is a way to celebrate and literally mark the occasion of the Epiphany and God’s blessing of our lives and home. With time the chalk will fade. As it does we let the meaning of the symbols written sink into the depths of our heart and be manifest in our words and actions the Latin words, Christus mansionem benedictat, “May Christ bless the house.

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 5

    Collection Update

    The Sunday Collection for the month of November 2020 was $106,415. The breakdown is as follows:

    Sunday Collection $52,664 Faith Direct 53,751 $106,415

    The Sunday Collection for the month of November 2019 was $106,973. There was five Sundays in November 2020 vs four in November 2019. The breakdown is as follows:

    Sunday Collection $ 66,127 Faith Direct 40,846 $106,973 This represents an decrease of $558 for the month of November and a decrease of $71,290 for the 5 months ending November 30, 2020.

    During the month of December 1 thru 21, 2020 we received donations other then Sunday collection of $20,934. We also, had a special collection for the Retired Religious Campaign and was able to raise $2,983.00.

    We count on your generosity and continued support to fulfill the pastoral needs of our parish.

    Thank you for all you do for St. Mary’s.

    In his book Against an Infinite Horizon: The Finger of God in Our Everyday Lives, Father Ronald Rolheiser writes of preaching on Jesus’ baptism one year and remarking that the words God speaks over Jesus — “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” — are words that God speaks over us, every day of our lives. Father Rolheiser was later approached by a young man who had heard the sermon and was both moved — and distraught — by the priest’s words. Father Rolheiser writes: “[The young man] had not been to church for some time but had gone on this particular Sunday because he had, just that week, pleaded guilty to a crime and was awaiting sentence. He was soon to go to prison. The sermon had struck a painful chord inside him because, first of all, he had trouble believing that God, or anyone else, loved him; yet he wanted to believe it. Secondly, and even more painful, he believed that nobody had ever been pleased or delighted with him: ‘Father, I know that in my whole life nobody has ever been pleased with me. I was never good enough! Nobody has ever taken delight in anything I’ve ever done!’ This man had never been blessed. Small wonder he was about to go to prison.” Then Father Rolheiser recalls how different his own family experience was: “When I left home as a seventeen-year-old boy, my father and mother blessed me. They made me kneel on the old linoleum floor of our kitchen, placed their hands on my head, and said the ritual words of Christian blessing. In effect, however, what they were saying to me was: We love you, we trust you, we are proud of you, and we send you off with our full spirit. You are our beloved child and in you we are well pleased. I suspect that had the young man I spoke [with] had been blessed in the same way by his parents, or by anyone else significant to him, he would not have been on his way to prison. To be unblessed is to be bleeding in a very deep place. “So much of our hunger is a hunger for blessing. So much of our aching is the ache to be blessed. So much of our sadness comes from the fact that nobody has ever taken delight and pleasure in us . . . When has anyone ever made you the object of delight? When has anyone taken . . . delight in . . . your beauty, your intelligence, your person? When have you last felt that you are someone in whom others, and God, take pleasure and delight?” In Baptism, God claims us as his own, expressing his delight in us as his own beloved daughters and sons. From the waters of our baptisms, God then sends us forth to be a source of blessing to others: the work of reconciliation and forgiveness revealing to others that they are loved by God; the work of justice that honors the dignity of every human being as made in God’s image; the work of peace that realizes God’s vision for the world God so lovingly fashioned. On this feast of the Lord’s Baptism, may we hear the Father’s expression of joy in his beloved Son as addressed to us, as well and, with gratitude, may we seek to be God’s “blessing” to all. Blessings and Peace, Fr. Frank

    The Friar’s Desk

    Pathways Counseling Center in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey is seeking to Hire:

    Fully Licensed Professional Counselors LPC

    Licensed Clinical Social Workers LCSW

    Our posi�ons are part– �me so you have some flexibility in crea�ng a work Schedule. We offer a congenial, flexible work environment, opportuni�es for in-service educa�on and the ability to help people in the local area in mental, emo�onal and spiritual needs. We do require a commitment of 6 client hours minimum work capacity in order to be considered part of the Pathways Clinical Staff. Please send resume to Dr. Pamela Hall Clinical Director, Pathways Counseling Center [email protected] or call at (732)309-4744.

    Employment Opportunity 2021

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 6

    Mark your calendar for School Bag Pickup for Grades 7 and Phase 1 Confirma�on/9th grade.

    Your schoolbag will have all the lesson materials/books you will need for your Zoom classes. Stop by Spina Hall a�er masses on the weekend of January 9/10 to get your bag.

    Attention Parents:

    The 1st, 2nd and 5th grade Religious educa�on classes will begin the week of January 11, 2021.The classes will be virtual at this �me.

    If you wish to have your child a�end please contact the Religious Educa�on department as soon as possible. There is s�ll availability at this �me.

    Toni Wong DRE 973-825-7750 ext 102 We would love to have your child con�nue their faith journey with us.

    Church grants plenary indulgence for year of St.


    By Vatican News staff writer Pope Francis announced a special year dedicated to St. Joseph starting from 8 December 2020 until 8 December 2021, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as the Patron of the Universal Church, as well as the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. D AL-SO

    Pope Francis proclaims “Year of St Joseph” During this period, the faithful will have the opportunity to commit themselves “with prayer and good works, to obtain, with the help of St. Joseph, head of the heavenly Family of Nazareth, comfort and relief from the serious human and social tribulations that besiege the contemporary world today.” Conditions for the plenary indulgence The plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful under the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the Pope’s intentions) to Christians who, with a spirit detached from any sin, participate in the Year of St. Joseph on these occasions and manners indicated by the Apostolic Penitentiary: - The plenary indulgence is granted to those who will meditate for at least 30 minutes on the Lord’s Prayer, or take part in a Spiritual Retreat of at least one day that includes a meditation on St. Joseph. - The indulgence can also be obtained by those who, following St. Joseph’s example, will perform a spiritual or corporal work of mercy. St. Joseph “encourages us to rediscover the value of silence, prudence and loyalty in carrying out our duties,” the decree notes. - Everyone who entrusts their daily activity to the protection of St. Joseph, and every faithful who invokes the intercession of St. Joseph so that those seeking work can find dignifying work can also obtain the plenary indulgence. - The plenary indulgence is also granted to the faithful who will recite the Litany to St. Joseph (for the Latin tradition), or the Akathistos to St. Joseph (for the Byzantine tradition), or any other prayer to St. Joseph proper to the other liturgical tradi-tions, for the persecuted Church ad intra and ad extra, and for the relief of all Christians suffering all forms of persecution.

    January 11th is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. We pray for all victims of trafficking and work to #endtrafficking and #stopslavery.

    National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

  • Year End Tax Statements Annual contribution statements for 2020 are now available. Please call the parish office if you would like to request one and it will be mailed out to you. Please remember that if you give through Faith Direct, you will receive your contribution statement directly from them.

    St. Mary’s is looking for ushers for the new mass schedule:

    Saturdays 5:00 PM & 7:00 PM

    Sundays 7:30 AM, 8:45 AM (Spanish), 10:30 AM

    & 12:00 PM

    If you would like to volunteer, please call Keith Orotosky at the parish office 973-835-0374 ext. 145.

    Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 7

    Give us a Call/Send an Email/Go Online! Has your address, email address or phone number changed?

    Has a child been married and moved?

    We want to keep our records current and would appreciate receiving any updated information you can give us.

    [Call 973-835-0374, email [email protected] or go to website and click “update records”]

    Thank you! Daily Readings for the Week

    Baptism of the Lord

    Sunday: Is 55:1-11; 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Mk 1:14-20

    Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Mk 1:29-39

    Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Mk 2:1-12

    Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Mk 2:13-17 Offering cards for the Bread and Wine for the Liturgy of the Eucharist are available at the

    Parish Office. These make wonderful remembrance gifts; the suggested donation is


    Offering cards for Altar Flowers are available at the Parish Office. These make

    wonderful remembrance gifts; the suggested donation is $50.

    St. Mary’s offers

    Gluten-Free/Low-Gluten Hosts

    Please alert an Usher or Eucharistic Minister before Mass if you would like to receive a gluten-free/low-gluten host. We will make sure that the priest has one available for you. These hosts are in compliance with the United States Council of Catholic Bishops.

    Support St. Mary’s Parish through AmazonSmile!

    During these times, it has become more important than ever to support our local businesses. Wherever possible, and whenever it is safe, we encourage you to support all the local businesses that make our community great. We especially ask that you support those businesses that advertise in our bulletin! However, if you do some shopping on amazon, did you know that if INSTEAD you shopped at you’ll get all the same merchandise and pricing BUT .5% of the purchase is donated to your favorite charity –St Mary’s?! It’s easy to sign up and choose our parish - “Our Lady of the Assumption” in Pompton Lakes on! Thanks for giving in all the ways you do!

  • We wish to thank all who made donations toward the Altar Flowers and decorations this Christmas Season. Listed below are names of those in those honor/memory these

    Christmas Flower Donations

    Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 8

    Adubato, Lou & Dolores Amato Family Andelora, Joseph Anna & Russ Deremer Baudoux Family Bonham, Maureen Bonham, Ray Bonne�, Robert Bragado, Constancia Bragado, Diomedes Bragado, Nestor Brooks, Cole�e Byrne, Mary Cafone, James Caldarone, Ferdinando & Maria Capaci, Louise, Anthony, & Frank Charyak Family Chris�e, Boyd Cichy, Celia Cichy, John Clark, Joseph Clark, Josephine Cleveland, Beverly Cocuzza, Aurelia Cocuzza, Don Cocuzza, Joe Cole, Paul Corrado, Jackie & Danny Corrado, Mr. & Mrs. James Czajkowski, Andrzej Czajkowski, Helena & Edward Darmofalski, Steven Davis, Anne Davis, J. Robert Davis, John DeMuro, John DeRosa, Carmine & Lee DeRosa, Marisa Ann

    DeVito, Pa�e DiCarlo, Andrew & Lucy DiCarlo, Bob DiIoria, Gaetano Farulla Family Farulla, Sal Feehan, Catherine & Stephen Feehan, James Feehan, Rev. Stephen Felizzola, Rudy Ferrarella, John Finn, David MD Forlenza, Dorothy Forlenza, John A. Fritz Family Galloway, Jacob Gemborys, Helen Gemborys, Joseph Giacoio, Frank & Dora Giger, Bruce Gillen, Bob & Judy Gillen, Juliet & Sylvester Glass, Richard & Elizabeth Grazioso, John Grazioso, Timmy Guiliano, Jack Guiliano, Rose Hanley, Alice & Tom Held, Mr. & Mrs. George Hicks, Andrew Jr. Hroncich, Biaggio T. Hurs� Family Jachera, John Jachera, Michael Jachera, Ted Jones, Carole Kayal, Michael Keane, Kenneth H. Kelsey, Barbara Koonjy, Diane Lango, William

    Legdon, Bill Lombardo, Christopher Lopez, Julio Lucente, John Mace, Eileen & Thomas Malone, Tomas Marosits, Joan Marturano, Gloria Marturano, Joseph Matoushek, Ann Marie McCaig, Joan McCrum Family McNamara, Brad Mellilo, Thomas Middlehurst Family Mike & Al Syperda Mohl, Robert Mulhall, Ed Mulry, Ann, Tommy, Thomas, & Steve Mulry, Ginny O'Brien, Jeanne O'Connor, Mary O'Driscoll Family O'Flaherty, Deirdre O'Flaherty, Sean & Nancy O'Hagan, Rose O'Keefe, Pearl Orizola, Emma Osefchen, Mary & Joseph Ospino, Amira, Isabel, & Waldi Pacelli, Alfonso Pacelli, Josephine Padalino, Ann Padalino, Linda Pagana, Russ Pales�s, Brian Pasciak, Stanislawa & Kamil Pasquale, Angnes Patlen, E�a Pavero, Angelina & Louis Payant, Edward

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 9

    Christmas Flower Donations

    Pecchia, Gloria Perone, Yvonne Perro�e, Mr. & Mrs. P. Pe�e & Orsula Piccini, Giovanna Piccinich, Dominick Piccinich, Dora Piccirillo, Anthony A. Piccirillo, Anthony R. Piccirillo, Joanne Picinic, Franceska Pignatello, Patrick Pinches, Walter Jr. Pinckney, Kathleen Pineda Griffin, Patricia Pocheco, Freddie Pointes, Rebecca Pordon, Kristy Ann Primavera, Philomena & Edward Pucci Rafferty, Josephine & Elbert Rainey Family Rainey Kiersten, Elizabeth Rainey, John Rainey, Thomas Ramiccio, Peter & Susan Raspan�ni, Carmella Rauschart, Mary & Fred Razon, Jimmy Razon, Jumeily Razon, Nicanor Redl, Theresa Reformat, Michael Rehberger, Ma� Reilly, Thomas & Anne Reinhart, David Reinhart, Margaret & Irwin Reinke, Ted Repko, Sally Resin, Daniel Revel, Teri

    Ricci, Basil Riese, Mary & Emil Rivera, Francisca Rocco, Thomas Rogacki, George Sr. Rogan, Michelle Romei, Alexander Romei, Erma Romei, John Romeo, Lucy Rose & Bill H Rosone, Angela & Charles Ro�mund, Arthur Ro�mund, Hedwig Rubine� Family Russell, Jim & Spadafora, Minerva Russo, Charles & Inez Russo, Kenneth Sailus, Rose & Joe Salameno, Dan & Dot Salameno, Daniel Salleroli, Isabel Salleroli, Patrick Salvata Salvatoriello, Patricia R. Sarro Family Scarpelli, Chris�ne & Joseph Schetlick, Lynn Schlitzer Family Schouten, Neil Schumacher, Charles & Mildred Sereda, Ann & Charles Sereno, Angela I. Sereno, Michael E. Shaw, Mary Edith Shippee Family Short, Art Silva, Angel Simmons, Eleanor Simmons, Elizabeth Simmons, Floyd

    Simmons, Neil Simons, JoAnn Siri, Mary & Denis Slater, William Smith, Charles Smith, Eleanor Smith, Roger Sokalski, John B. Sokalski, John M. Sokalski, Rose Sorace, Ma� & Mary Sosa, Amanda Spages, Clem & Phil Spages, Philip L. Speck, William Spincken, John Stamler, Tony & Mary Stamler, Tony & Viola Stampur, Pauline & Henry Staudinger, Bryan Steffich, John Francis Struble, Al Struble, Alyssa Struble, Frieda Struble, Glenn Sudol, Bill & Jean Sudovar, Mary Sudovar, Stephen Susko, Frances Szaro, Cas Szenzenstein, Kim Tancredi, Gail Taranto Family Tarsitano, Cecelia Tarsitano, Ralph Ta�, Grace & Lou Terkanick, Valerie Terkanick, William Torres, Carlos Torres, Esteban Torres, Victor Torres, Vincent Jr.

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 10

    (More Names will be listed next week...)

    Christmas Flower Donations

    Tortorella, Paul E. Traynor, Lucy Traynor,David & Lorriane Trocchio, Joseph & Benigna Tuason, Rita Gardner Tumminello, Ed Urresty B, Anita Urresty B, Carlos Urresty B, Isabel Urresty B, Miguel Urresty B, Rosario Utz, Julie

    Van Winkle, Marian & Bernard VanLenten, Jacob P. VanLenten, Peter Wm Jr. VanLenten, Peter Wm Sr. VanLenten, Thelma Vanore, Nicola & Antone�a Vasquez, David Vasquez, Juanita Vece, Kaitlyn Velardo, Karen Velardo, Nicholas III Velardo, Nicholas Jr. Veloso, Damiana Vidal, Jose & Elena Vidal, Ricardo Andres Vieira, Errol & Jessie Vieira, Joan Vieira, Richard Villanueva, Elara Vindigni, Melina Violand, George J. Violand, Mae C. & George Sr. Violand, Timothy E. Voge, Susan Vozzo, Louis & Jackie Vuoncino, Ida M. Vuoncino, Ruben A.

    Wakenell, Dorothy Walsh Family Walters, Andrew H. Walters, Robert Walters, Theresa M. Warren, Mary & Thomas Wasilewski Family Westover, Barry Wiecek Family Wilderson, Ruth Wilkin, Mildred Wilkin, William Wilson, Don Winchue, Mark Wiswell, Glenn & Elaine Worell Family Worell, Roger S. Wozniek, Kay, Marty, & Marie Wray, Ann Wyss, Carl & Joyce Yodice, Tillie Zangara, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Zavala, Hortencia & Cesar Zembrino, Nonno & Ma Ziegler, Evelyn & Carl Zollner, Robert

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 11

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 12

    Food Pantry News

    NEW ITEMS! Fresh Meat

    We are now accep�ng much-needed fresh meat, only at the food pantry during our regular distribu�on sessions. When dropping off meat, please park your car and call 973-831-4442 for assistance with your dona�on. Do not leave fresh meat in the box truck or una�ended at the pantry or church.

    �� Hamburgers �� Hot dogs �� Ground beef (one to one-and -one- half pound packages) * Chicken (all varie�es, except roasters) �� Pork chops * Bacon

    Please bring your meat dona�ons to the food pantry, 22R (Lower level, Rear) Lakeside Avenue, Pompton Lakes

    (accessible from the municipal parking lot) on the following FOOD DISTRIBUTION and meat collec�on dates/�mes:

    Saturday, January 16th, 9:30am– 3:30pm Wednesday, January 20th, 4—7 pm

    Saturday, January 23rd, 9:30am—3:30pm Wednesday, January 27th, 4—7 pm

    Monetary dona�ons may be made by sending a check to the parish office (17 Pompton Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442) and made out to "St. Mary’s Parish", with “Food Pantry” wri�en in the memo sec�on.

    (Continued next column)

    Food Distribu�on Changes in January. This Month, and for the foreseeable future, we are distribu�ng pre-bagged food, with “curb-side” Pickup. Shoppers are to follow the direc�ons they have been given, and signage at the pantry upon arrival. Call the Pantry at 973-831-442 for informa�on. To donate food and household cleaning supplies please drop items off ONLY in the GRAY VAN (no longer in the box truck) located in the church parking lot. Do not drop off food at the Parish Office. Turkeys may be dropped off at the Parish Office or the Food Pantry (note dates/�mes below). Please, no perishables or frozen food accepted in the GRAY VAN. (NOTE: We do not accept clothing.)


    Mayonnaise (30 oz.) Canned ham (16 oz.)

    Cooking Oil Deodorant

    Amazon Orders Also, you may order from our wish list on Just click this link and place your order. Orders are to be shipped to: St. Mary’s Food Pantry, 17 Pompton Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 h�ps://

    Gi� Cards

    Visa Gi� Cards, Amazon Gi� Cards, ShopRite Gi� Cards ($20 and $25 denomina�ons), may be dropped off at the parish office (in the mail/drop box on the wall to the le� of the front entrance and at the back entrance). Please mark the envelope "St. Mary's Food Pantry".

    New members/shoppers New members/shoppers may come to the Food Pantry any date/�me listed above.

    Volunteers wanted – NOW Volunteers for the food pantry are needed now to help dur-ing the week with picking up food from the van and moving it to the Food Pantry. Volunteers are also needed to help with food distribu�on on a monthly basis. This will typically be a three-hour period of �me on either a Saturday or Wednesday. If interested, please call 973-831-4442 and leave a message or write to the pantry at [email protected].

    St. Mary’s is having a COAT DRIVE! You can donate a new or gently used coat after all the masses on the weekend of January 9/10. Members of St. Mary’s Confirmation program will be there to collect your coats. Thank you for your generosity and know the coats will be delivered and distributed to our sisters and brothers in need in Trenton, NJ. Questions? Call Pat Newton at 973-835-5594 x 160.

    St. Maryr ’ry’s Coat Drive e

  • Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 13

    Ministerio Hispano de Santa María


    Todos los MIERCOLES a las 8:00pm vía ZOOM CODIGO DE LA REUNION

    893 7978 3105 CODIGO DE SEGURIDAD 878314

    Bautismos en español - Requisitos: Certificado de Nacimiento del(a) niño(a), padrinos y asistir a una clase antes de la celebración del Sacramento (padres y padrinos) vía ZOOM. Información: Milagros Anto. Si desea bautizar su hijo(a) en inglés debe asistir a una clase y llamar a Connie Maritato 973.835.5841, ext 120.

    Catequesis/Preparación para la Primera Comunión en español - Este programa consiste de 2 años de preparación de septiembre a junio. Las clases son los martes a las 6:00 PM via ZOOM. Requisitos: Partida de Bautismo y tener entre 8 a 13 años de edad. Nuestra directora es Angelina Nuci. Información: Angelina Nuci (973.866.8431) [email protected]

    Preparación para la Confirmación en español - Este programa consiste en 2 años de preparación de septiembre a junio. Es un camino juvenil muy interesan-te y una oportunidad para crecer en la Fe Católica. Las clases son los miércoles a las 6:00 PM vía ZOOM. Requisitos: Partida de Bautismo, certeza de que ha hecho la Primera Comunión, padrinos y estar cursando la escuela secundaria. Nuestra directora es Milagros Anto. Información: Milagros Anto.

    Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA)- El propósito primario de RICA es la iniciación de los adultos y niños no bautizados que han llegado a la edad de la razón; sin embargo, el Rito también se extienda a los adultos bautizados, pero no catequizados. Las clases son los martes a las 8:30 PM vía ZOOM. Los Sacramentos se reciben durante la Vigilia Pascual, en la noche del Sábado Santo. Información: Milagros Anto.

    Ministerio de Proclamadores de la Palabra. Por favor comunicarse con Lourdes Huerta (973.270.3453). Este Ministerio se reúne los segundos y cuartos lunes de 7:30pm a 9:30pm vía ZOOM.

    Visita y Sacramento de Unción de los Enfermos.- Los enfermos necesitan ser acompañados por su familia. La Iglesia es una Gran Familia. Permítanos organizar la visita semanal, para acompañar, dialogar, escuchar, compartir un tiempo con el enfermo o el adulto mayor que ya no puede venir solo a la Eucaristía. Por favor comunicarse con el Padre John Coughlin o Milagros Anto.

    Sacramento de la Reconciliación (Confesión)—En el año realizamos varias jornadas de Reconciliación (Confesión), especialmente en Cuaresma y Adviento. Todos los jueves de 4:00 PM a 5:00PM un sacerdote está disponible en el confesionario de la iglesia principal para escuchar su Confesión en inglés. Si desea confesarse en español, por favor hacer una cita con el Padre John Coughlin.

    Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía. - Los ministros de la Eucaristía sirven a la comunidad durante las misas de la semana, fin de semana, domingos y días de fiesta, ayudando a distribuir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesucristo durante el rito de la comunión. Este Ministerio se reúne los segundos y cuartos lunes de 7:30pm a 9:30pm vía ZOOM. Coordinadora: Ana Cadena (201 665 8020)

    DESPENSA DE LA PARROQUIA (FOOD PANTRY)- Nuestra despensa de alimentos de la iglesia de Santa María está abierta para atender a todos los que necesiten de comida en el siguiente horario: EL TERCER O CUARTO MIERCOLES O EL TERCER O CUARTO SABADO DE CADA MES. Para más información póngase en contacto con Milagros Anto, Angelina Nuci o Lourdes Huerta.


    Nuestra celebración eucarís�ca dominical en español es a las 8:45am en nuestra iglesia


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    Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Page 14

    Ministerio Hispano de Santa María

    Community Newsws

    News from the Vatican: Congregation for the Doctrine

    of the Faith It is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and produc�on process. Due to the situa�on of the ongoing pandemic, “all vaccina�ons recognized as clinically safe and effec�ve can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that the use of such vaccines does not cons�tute formal coopera�on with the abor�on from which the cells used in produc�on of the vaccines derive.” The Va�can’s Congrega�on for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) made these statements in a note signed by the Prefect, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, and the Secretary, Archbishop Giacomo Morandi. The text was explicitly approved by Pope Francis on 17 December.


    Este domingo celebramos El bautismo de Jesús y con ello culminamos el tiempo litúrgico de Navidad. El bautismo de Jesús es un momento ideal para reflexionar también sobre nuestro bautismo.

    Como en Jesús, el día de nuestro bautismo desciende sobre nosotros el Espíritu Santo, nos envuelve con su presencia y desde

    ese momento pasamos a ser sus hijos amados, sus predilectos. Dios nos ayuda, nos protege y quiere que seamos felices. Esto debe ser motivo para sentirnos contentos, para tener alegría, para tener confianza, para no perder la calma y para mantener siempre la esperanza.

    Debemos ser conscientes de lo que supone para nosotros el Bautismo que hemos recibido para poder vivir y actuar como hijos de Dios. Necesitamos dedicar un tiempo a nuestra formación permanente como cristianos, necesitamos tiempo para la oración, para la reflexión, tiempo para la escucha de la Palabra de Dios, para el estudio que nos haga madurar en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida.

    No hay en nuestra vida nada más urgente ni negocio más importante que el ser y vivir como hijos de Dios. Tenemos una misión que cumplir, un proyecto de vida. Nuestra condición de hijos de Dios nos pide vivir en sintonía con Él, vivir en su presencia, cuidar nuestra relación e identificación con Él, ser con Él una misma cosa, tenerle a Él siempre como referencia. Debemos manifestar el amor de Dios con nuestra forma de pensar y de actuar, con nuestro modo de vivir por el que Dios debe ser reconocido y amado a través de nuestras obras. ¡El Señor espera de nosotros que cumplamos nuestra MISIÓN!


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