Page 1: Saint Mary’s Church · 12/18/2016  · Brian Wiggins Peter NielsonNeed Two Need One Lauren Meerman Need TwoServers Madelyn Thomas ... Altar Zeke Dykstra Cadence Dykstra Need Two

Saint Mary’s Church

4th Sunday of Advent

December 18, 2016

Page 2: Saint Mary’s Church · 12/18/2016  · Brian Wiggins Peter NielsonNeed Two Need One Lauren Meerman Need TwoServers Madelyn Thomas ... Altar Zeke Dykstra Cadence Dykstra Need Two

Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael.

Mass Schedule and Intentions MA=St. Mary’s MI=St. Michael’s

Saturday December 17

4:00 p.m. MA Gordon Dietrich by Sharyl Dietrich & Family

Sunday December 18

7:30 a.m. MI Angela Steffes by Arno & Judy Driedger

9:00 a.m. MI Ladonna (Whitman) Jonio by Roger & Madonna Whitman

11:00 a.m. MA Mary Bradley by Phyllis Mervenne

Monday December 19 No Mass

Tuesday December 20

9:00 a.m. MA Joan Forslund by M/M Paul Kirkwood Adoration begins after Mass until 4pm

Wednesday December 21

9:00 a.m.

MI Marlyn Anderson by Lucy Marshall Family Adoration begins after Mass until 5pm

Thursday December 22

9:00 a.m. MA Ann Keena by Sue Keena

Friday December 23

9:00 a.m. MI Bob Emelander by Marjorie & Marty Marshall

Saturday December 24

4:00 p.m. MA For Our Parish Cluster Parish

4:00 p.m. MI For Our Parish Cluster Parish

9:00 p.m. MA For Our Parish Cluster Parish 11:00 p.m. MI For Our Parish Cluster Parish

Sunday December 25

9:00 a.m. MI For Our Parish Cluster Parish

11:00 a.m. MA For Our Parish Cluster Parish

Sunday Fourth Sunday of Advent Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24 Monday Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 Tuesday Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38 Wednesday Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45 Thursday 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Friday Saint John of Kanty, Priest Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14; Lk 1:57-66 Saturday Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27 and 29; Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Sunday The Nativity of the Lord Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 11-12, 13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14

Submissions to the bulletin must be made in writing and sent via mail or email to [email protected] or [email protected]. The deadline is Monday at noon for the following Sunday’s Bulletin. Thank you!

St. Michael’s Liturgical Ministers for next week. Dec 24-11PM Dec 25-9AM Dec 24-4PM

Altar Servers

Brian Wiggins Peter Nielson Need One

Lauren Meerman Need Two

Madelyn Thomas Jonathon Monroe Peter Nielson

Eucharistic Ministers

Need Seven

Maureen Russell Melanie Mayse Rose VanDenBrink Ken Schwallier Angie Syrek Paul Schmidt Need One

Need Seven

Greeters Need Four Winnie Spencer All Spencer Marjorie Cristell

Need Four

Lectors Need One Lyndsey Kosten Need One

Sacristan Need One Deb Mull Need One

Ushers Mark Veneklase Need Three

Simon LeMieux Mary Turbessi Julia Kozminski Cliff Kozminski

Need Four

Music Craig Bleckley Barb Rohen Anna Jonaitis

St. Mary’s Liturgical Ministers for next week. Dec 24—4PM Dec 24—9PM Dec 25 11AM

Altar Servers

Zeke Dykstra Cadence Dykstra

Need Two Need Two

Eucharistic Ministers Host

Vito Dolci Chris Morgan Michele Dykstra

Need Three Need Three

Eucharistic Ministers Cup

Gary Karr Deb Hapon Need One

Need Four Need Four

Hospitality Ministers

Joyce Schwallier Jim Schwallier

Need Six Need Six

Lector 1 Rita Carmody Need One Need One

Lector 2 Angie Hanks Need One Need One

Music John Vesbit John Vesbit John Vesbit

Readings for the Week of December 18, 2016 December 18, 2016 / 4th Sunday of Advent

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Third Sunday of Advent December 18, 2016


Visit for all church happenings! “Like” St. Mary’s Catholic Church—

Marne on Facebook and “Follow “ us on Twitter and download our MyParishApp


Dec 24 Mass 4PM / St Mary-Fr Mel Fox Mass 4PM / St Michael- Fr Ayub Mass 9PM / St Mary -Fr Ayub (8:40 Choir Program) Mass 11PM / St Michael-Fr Ayub

Dec 25 Mass 9AM / St Michael-Fr Ayub Mass 11AM / St Mary-Fr Ayub

Jan 8, 2017 Knights of Columbus Community Breakfast

Jan 14, 2017 Sled-wings Fundraiser Dinner at Parish Hall

Feb 4, 2017 Valentine Dinner & Dance

Feb 12, 2017 Knights of Columbus Community Breakfast

Feb 25, 2017 Chili Cook Off & Parish Auction

Mar 12, 2017 Knights of Columbus Community Breakfast


Giving Back to God

Thank you for your continued support!

Dec 10/11

Adult (127) $6084.00

Loose $180.20

Children’s $21.50 Total $6285.70

Capital Improvement $235.00

Religious Retirement Fund $1507.00


William Brown, Pat Goodwin, Doris Kowalczyk, Ken Malewitz, Jon Perrin, Jim Poley, Ann Pols, Mabel Siemen, Kathleen Sobie, Judy Wensink and the personal intentions that St Mary’s Parish parishioners hold close to their hearts. If you or a loved one would like to be added to this prayer list, please contact the parish office at 677.3934 or Linda at 677.3269 for evening requests call Darlene 616.453.0157 or email: [email protected]

Pre-School thru 2nd grade Children’s Liturgy / 11AM Mass

Today in Children’s Liturgy of the Word we asked the question: “What did Joseph do and can we do as Joseph did?” An angel appears again in today’s Gospel passage with a mes-sage. On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we heard the angel talking directly to Mary about God’s plan. This time, the angel shares God’s plan with Joseph in a dream. The angel’s message was to remind Jo-seph of the promise God made to the people of Israel a long time ago. God promised that a young woman would have a very special child. Through this child, God would be with His people. Many people trusted that God would make the promise come true and they waited. The angel told Joseph in his dream that God’s promise had come true and that his fiancée, Mary is that young woman who is going to have that special child. The angel reassures Joseph that it is okay to get married and even tells Joseph what to name the baby, which is Jesus, a name that means “God saves.” Joseph trusted God. He didn’t hesitate to follow the angel’s instruction. We too can be like Joseph when we hear the words of God’s message for us, we can trust that they are true and do what God asks us to do.

The Family Christmas Dinner is this Wednesday, December 21st at 6:15pm. The Religious Education children have prepared a short program for this night. This is a special time for all of us to share a meal together and celebrate the coming of Jesus at Christmas!

There will be NO Children's Liturgy of the Word on Decem-ber 25th and January 1st. Children's Liturgy of the Word will start up again on Sunday, January 8, 2017.

There will be NO Religious Education Classes on Decem-ber 28th. Religious Education Classes will resume on Wednesday, January 4, 2017.

I pray that God blesses you all with a wonderful week as we await the coming of our Savior. Theresa Steffes-Director of Religious Education 677.5065 / [email protected]



Saturday, Feb, 25, 2017 - 5PM Chili Cook Off and Parish Auction!

(Fundraiser for Church Operating Expenses) Watch the bulletin and church website for more details soon!

Chili Entrée’s, Chili Tasters, Judges, Auction Items, and Volunteers Are Needed!

Please call the Parish Office if you would like to be involved in anyway.

WE NEED YOU! Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Hospitality Ministers are ALL needed for Dec 24, Dec 25, Dec 31 & Jan 1 Masses. Please sign up on line or by calling the parish office.

VOLUNTEERS FOR GODS KITCHEN NEEDED: Volunteers are needed from 10AM to 2PM, Jan 14, Feb 12, Mar 12. Sign-Up forms available in the Narthex. For More Info please contact Pat H at 616.677.2276

We would like to thank Fr. Ayub for his many visits,

prayers and blessings for our mom. We would also like to thank our parish family for all of your love and support. Of course the luncheon after our mom's funeral was delicious...Thank you to Kay and her wonderful crew. Sincerely, The Ann Keena Family.

COLLECTION / MONEY COUNTERS NEEDED: Responsible for counting all of the monies collected from the Masses. Accuracy and Confidentiality is required. Counters arrive on Mondays at 9:30 AM and usually done by 11:00 AM. For More Info contact Todd at the Parish Office.

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It is not too late to enroll your child. There are still spaces open. Tuition discounts and scholarships available. Preschool meets on MWF from 8:45—11:45 am. Your child must be 3 or 4 by October 1st, 2016. For more info, call our Preschool Director, Annette Lown at 616-384-4026.

St. Michael’s Parish family remembers in their prayers: Rosemary Stevenson, Art Klein, Sr., Ken Heflin, Bill Spencer, Lee Marshall, Helen Langlois, Kevin Johnson, Chase & Har-rison Tasker, Dawn Stevens, Anne Pols, Lucille O’Bradovich, Bill Corner, Rose Vargo, Margaret Langlois, Al & Winnie Spencer, Ruth Langlois, Alexandria Gordon, George and Gladys Langlois, Brooke Campbell, Linda Abel-Carroll, Jackie May, the victims of abortion, and the men and women in the military.


ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH NEWS St. Michael’s Sanctuary Lamp For C. Wesley Wilbur

By David & Lisa Wilbur

Giving Back to God St. Michael’s Contributions from last week. Adult Envelopes $3,921.00

Loose Cash 195.00

Holy Day 590.00

Children’s Envelopes 2.35

Total $4,708.35

Budgeted Income $5,833.00

Surplus/Deficit (1,124.65)

Cemetery Collection 60.00

Building Fund 230.00

Retirement Fund for Religious 1,048.00

Thank you for your continued support!

Third Sunday of Advent December 18, 2016

Scrip News: We are carrying Amazon $10 and Barnes and

Nobles $5 for Christmas. Thank you to our 26 families that pur-chased Scrip this week. Our total profit was $228.98


Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Do you want to become a full member of the Catholic Church? Join us!!!! RCIA Classes meet following the 9:00 Mass at 10:15 in the Library. Anyone is welcome to attend, just show up. For more information, please contact Deb Wiggins at 616-837-5142.


Children’s Liturgy of the Word this program is offered on

Sunday during the 9:00 Mass for children ages 3-7 years. Each week we pray, read and explore the Sunday Gospel from a child’s viewpoint. We include the Gospel Acclamation so children understand the importance of preparing our mind and heart for the Gospel reading. We hope that all of you have a very blessed and joy-filled Christmas! Elementary Faith Formation The elementary program is for students in grades 1-5. We meet on Wednesday from 6:00- 7:30 pm. Our program begins in Church. Contact Debbie if you have any questions (616)384-4026. Elementary Faith Formation is on Christmas break and will resume January 4, 2017. Have a safe and blessed Christmas! Middle School Faith Formation: Grades 6, 7 and 8 will

meet on Sundays after the 9am Mass from 10:15 to 11:30 in the Youth Room. The Eighth Grade students will also receive Confirmation Preparation. Middle School Faith Formation will be on Christmas break and will resume January 4, 2017. May your family experience the true meaning of Christmas and keep it throughout the New Year!

Youth Ministry (YM2): LIFETEEN: ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS BREAK! Classes will resume on January 15th. For more information see our cluster page. Contact Michael Hurst at (616) 384-4026 or [email protected]

Christmas Eve Children’s Choir Practices are today,

December 18th at 4pm & Wednesday, December 21st at 6pm. This is open to ALL children & teens. Contact Anna Jonaitis at (616) 498-3480 with questions.

MASS TIMES CHANGE Beginning January 1st through

February 26th the Sunday Masses at St. Michael’s will change to 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM.

OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED : Monday, December 26 &

Monday, January 2nd.

THE DENNISON FEDERAL CREDIT UNION DFCU is seeking a manager to take over the daily operations. If interested, you must be a member of St. Michael’s Parish. Please send resume to: DFCU PO Box 73, Coopersville, MI. OR drop off resume at the parish office. Questions call Joan (616) 308-3069

LIVE BROADCAST of Midnight Mass on FOX17, this

year the broadcast will include the Prelude of Carols with Brass, Strings, and Choirs beginning at 11 PM.

MIDNIGHT MASS CHOIR…...Interested in singing with

the choir at 11PM Mass please let Craig Bleckley or contact the church office, Practice is Sunday, December 18th after the 9:00 Mass for our ONLY practice.

Mens Retreat @ St. Francis Retreat Center All men are welcomed to join us for our annual Men’s retreat at St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt, Michigan, The retreat will be hosted the weekend of January 27th through January 29th This years topics will be ”Topics will be Gather the People, Tell the Story, Share the feast” We have reserved a limited number of rooms Suggested Donation is $175.00. "Knights of Columbus have Scholarship funds available - Contact Father Ayub Nasar for Details Car pooling will be available, For more information about the Retreat house. If you are interested in attending , contact Mark Phillips, 616-550-2766. Or Joe LeMieux 616-238-8527

Don’t let the holiday’s get the best of your Marriage – Next Retrouvaille Weekend Announced Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage? Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse? Are you constantly fighting? Or, do you simply shut down? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Does talking only make it worse? Rediscover healing and love and find hope by attending Retrouvaille (pronounced re-tro-vi with a long i). The program offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. The next Retrouvaille weekend is Feb. 24-26, 2017. For more information, to register or to sponsor a couple, call 616.752.7004, email [email protected] or visit

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Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael.


Loving God, Raise up dedicated leaders who will shepherd your people and guide them to your Son. Give generous and willing hearts to the seminarians of our Diocese who have heard your call to live a life of service to the Church. Help us to encourage and sup-port them as they strive to become priests who are models of discipleship, possessors of wisdom and on fire with love for your people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

We especially pray for: David Bridge




Steven Jewell & Madeline Fischer - Feb 18, 2017 (St Mary) Josh DeVos & Caley Bartman - June 3, 2017 (St Michael) Austin Lampe & Ashley Rose - June 17, 2017 (St. Mary) Aaron Reens & Alisha McKie—July 15, 2017 (St. Michael) Julie Brown & Nathan Zielinski - August 19, 2017 (St Mary) Alexis Yost & Randy Looks - Sept 30, 2017 (St Michael)

Euchre Party—January 21 @ St. Michael’s Doors open at 6:30, Games begin at

7pm. The cost is $10 per player. You don’t need a partner to play. You must be 21 or older to attend.

(Adult beverages available for purchase) Can’t make

it to this one? Join us again: Feb 18 and Mar 25.

St. Michael’s Council #9909 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS:

The St. Michael’s Knights meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Holy Day Mass Schedule

Christmas (The Nativity of the Lord) December 24 Mass 4PM / St Mary-Fr Mel Fox Mass 4PM / St Michael- Fr Ayub Mass 9PM / St Mary -Fr Ayub (8:40 Choir) Mass 11PM / St Michael-Fr Ayub December 25 Mass 9AM / St Michael-Fr Ayub Mass 11AM / St Mary-Fr Ayub

The Solemnity of Mary The Holy Mary Mother of God December 31 Mass 4PM / St. Mary

January 1 Mass 8AM & 9:30AM - St. Michael-Fr. Ayub Mass 11AM / St. Mary-Fr Ayub



St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council #11581 The Knights meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8:00PM. For more info please contact Grand Knight: Steve Lampe:(616) 293-7355 Next Breakfast— January 8, 2016


We’ll Get You Moving!”




Classes will resume on Jan 15, 2017

March for Life – Jan 26 -26, 2019 More info to come-

watch the bulletin board in the Narthex!

Summer Mission Trip – July 16 -23 More info to come-

watch the bulletin board in the Narthex!

Youth/Life Teen Nights - Sundays from 7:00 p.m.—8:30

p.m. at St. Michael’s. All High School students are welcome, bring a friend!

For more information on any of these events, please contact Michael at 616-384-4026 / 616.677.5065 or

[email protected] STAY INFORMED- Check the Youth Ministry News Bulletin Board in the Narthex for other Upcoming Youth Events and Activities.

ST MICHAEL’S MASS TIMES CHANGE Beginning January 1st through February 26th the Sunday Masses at St. Michael’s will change to 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM.

Catholic Connect is a faith sharing group for young adults

(ages 20-35) seeking to grow closer to God and understand the Catholic faith. Through Bible study, praise and worship, service, and fellowship, young adults are connected to others who share their passion to learn and grow closer to Christ. Connect meets weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:30-9 p.m. at Holy Spirit Parish, and adults of all faith levels are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Connect at [email protected].

A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar: December 18, 2016: Fourth Sunday of Advent The child born to Jesus and Mary was named Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” Every child is EMMANUEL, reminding us “God is with us.” Children are signs of God’s continuing presence in our lives.

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