Page 1: Saint James Catholic Church · Saint James Catholic Church A Stewardship Community ... Francisco and Jacinta Marto), Portuguese shepherds, had seen a vision of the Blessed Mother


Saint James Catholic Church A Stewardship Community

“Be doers of the word not hearers only…” James 1:22

1314 Newport Street, Denver, Colorado 80220

Parish Phone Number: 303-322-7449


Monday-Saturday………..8:15 a.m.

Saturday Anticipated…...4:00 p.m.

Sunday*……..8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., &

12 Noon (Spanish)

Holy Days….8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. &

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM:Preparation classes for baptism in English—of children under seven years old are held each month. Parents and Godparents, you need to register in advance at Call Jim Winders at 303-854-4446 for the English Class. Spanish Baptism Class, – call the parish office—303-322-7449.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: For Holy Communion, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, Viaticum, or a visit by a priest, please call 303-322-7449.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:Arrangements are made at least twelve months in advance. Call Parish Office for details.

*Babysitting available for the 10:00 a.m. Mass for children two to five years old.


Morning Prayer /Holy Hour...Mon.-Sat. 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Adoration Chapel..Monday-Thursday Noon - 10 p.m. 24 Hour Adoration…....Friday 9:00 a.m.- 8:00 a.m.(Sat)


Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri….….…...…....7:30 - 8:00 a.m. Every Saturday…...….3:00 - 3:45 p.m. or upon request Sunday……………………………...11:15 - 11:45 a.m.

PASTOR Father José de Jesús García

[email protected]

Deacon Francisco Basso

PARISH STAFF Parish Secretary…….…..……...…...…....Cathy Cancino [email protected]

Business Manager…………..…..Maria Yudelka Leonard [email protected]

Maintenance…………………………...Jose Luis Valdez [email protected]

School Principal…...………….…....Carol Hovell-Genth [email protected] Religious Education……...….……...….…Pat Smaldone 303-477-3562 Spanish Religious Ed………………….Soraya Gonzalez 719-650-2241

PHONE NUMBERS Parish……………………………...….….303-322-7449 School……………………………...…….303-333-8275 Parish Fax …………………………...…..303-399-2850 WEB PAGE:




Page 2: Saint James Catholic Church · Saint James Catholic Church A Stewardship Community ... Francisco and Jacinta Marto), Portuguese shepherds, had seen a vision of the Blessed Mother



Words from our Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

“You have faith in God; have faith also in me.”

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through

me.” These two quotes from today’s Gospel from Saint John try to express God’s words to us about how to live with the Lord Jesus. All of us, including these earlier followers of Jesus, can be with Jesus and still not know Him. We relate to Him and we strive to follow Him and yet there are enormous areas of our lives in which we simply do not know Him.

The first reading today, from the Acts of the Apostles, shows us that even in the earliest Chris-tian communities, there were problems and con-flicts. These early followers tried to solve prob-lems by dialog and taking counsel—and most of the time it seems to have worked, but not al-ways. We humans find conflict almost more natural than living in harmony!

Every Christian community will have con-flicts and differences and challenges. There is no easy way to deal with them. Yet we must deal with them or we break apart as a community. One of the great gifts in our Catholic Church is that we believe that there is an authority

structure in the Church and that individuals and individual congre-gations or individual Churches cannot solve problems alone. We must work together.

The second reading is from the First Letter of Saint Peter. Today’s passage reminds us that we shall inevitably stumble if we do not base our lives on the Word of God. Today so many of us want to base our lives simply on our own personal insights and ways of thinking and our own personal experiences. Surely our insights, ways of thinking and personal experiences are important—but they must always be judged by the Word of God and looked in in the light of that Word. We humans are mysteries in progress, not simply realities that can no longer change. Life is about living this mystery of God’s love for us and responding to His Word. That Word will change us and transform us. If we do not heed the Word, we stumble and fall.

This brings us back to the Gospel and to the knowledge that Jesus truly gives Himself to us and invites us to live in that personal self-giving. Once we acknowledge Jesus as Lord, our lives begin to change. We may fail over and over and over—but always we get up and keep on going because the Lord is with us and in-vites us to keep walking with Him.

Christ is risen and is alive. Christ is risen and invites us to walk as He walked and to live as He lived.

“...Father Jesus


This year’s Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal theme :

The Joy, Power, and Grace of Giving

A reminder of the joy we experience when we freely allow the power we possess to enrich the life of another through our charitable giving.

Please complete the Appeal pledge card that was sent to your home or complete a pledge card in the pew. Always remem-ber that our Lord will not be outdone in generosity.

Please visit www.Archden.Org/GiveToday or call 303-715-3111 to make your gift today.

Thank you! Archbishop Aquilla

Please Pray for Our Children who will receive the

Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday, May 16th

123 students and young adults will be confirmed with the

Holy Spirit &

On Sunday, May 21st 56 young people will receive

First Holy Communion Our Parish is very blessed!

Treat Mom to something special this Mother's Day!

At the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Sunday, May 14 th at 3:00 p.m. The Nativity of Our Lord Choir and Orchestra under the direc-tion of Dr. Marcia Marchesi will present a beautiful concert hon-oring the Blessed Virgin Mary...our Heavenly Mother!! Mozart's Coronation Mass will be featured along with works by Faure, Marchesi, Bach and more! Concert starts at 3:00 PM and is Free. Reception with free re-freshments will follow. Free Parking available at 16th and Grant

Page 3: Saint James Catholic Church · Saint James Catholic Church A Stewardship Community ... Francisco and Jacinta Marto), Portuguese shepherds, had seen a vision of the Blessed Mother


FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER.…..……....……….……...…...…………...….......MAY 14, 2017



Join Us Here for HIS FIRST MASS Sunday, May 14th at the 10:00 a.m. & 12 Noon Masses

Reception will follow in the Parish hall

FATIMA: Many Blessings

Exactly one hundred years ago this weekend, on May 13, 1917, an event occurred which set into motion extraordinary occurrences which would change the world and essentially define twentieth-century Catholicism. Meanwhile, 1,100 miles away and at precisely the same time, the Mother of God appeared to three shepherd children.

That story is well known: three children (Lúcia Santos, and Francisco and Jacinta Marto), Portuguese shepherds, had seen a vision of the Blessed Mother in the fields. For the next five months, the Blessed Mother appeared to the chil-dren monthly, always on the thirteenth of the month (With the exception of August; local authorities detained the children before they reached the field, to question them about the visions that had sparked such inter-

est. However, Our Lady still visited with them on August 19, after they were released). A recurring theme was for the children to pray the Rosary, asking for peace (in the middle of World War I).

The visits culminated October 13, when thousands witnessed the “Miracle of the Sun.” No one but the children saw Our Lady, but others described a sudden appearance of the sun (despite hours of rain), which changed color multiple times, and appeared to move around in the sky. Further, despite the prior drenching, people’s clothes and the ground itself seemed to dry immediately. Present at the gathering were several reporters from different newspapers, who in-terviewed many witnesses (independent of each other) revealing similar descriptions of the sun.

After October, the monthly apparitions ended. In the following years, Francisco and Jacinta both died in the flu epidemic. Lúcia entered the convent, becoming Sister Lucia, and lived until the age of 97.

John Paul II and Fatima On September 28, 1958, the newly appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków, Karol Józef Wojtyła was ordained. Through most of his life, Wojtyła maintained a deep devotion to Mary, but, though familiar with Fatima, did not feel the same

sort of closeness as Pius XII had. That would change, however, about two years after he was elected pope taking the name John Paul II. In 1981, John Paul II was shot in St. Peter’s Square. He survived the attempt, but barely: he lost three-quarters of his blood, requiring 5 hours of sur-gery. It was not lost on him that the date of the attack was May 13, 1981: 64 years to the day after the first appearance at Fatima. From that point forward, he felt a closeness to Fatima, seeing Our Lady as a protecting mother over him, and over the Church. Perhaps this is why, when he visited Fatima in 1991 (on May 13: the tenth anniversary of the assassination attempt), during Mass, he said the “Universal Motherhood” of Mary “is the secure anchor of the salvation of all mankind.”

That was the second of three visits made by John Paul II to the shrine. When he visited in 1982, he presented the diocesan bishop one of the bullets fired at him the previous year. This bullet now adorns the crown authorized by his predecessor Pius XII. Among the many beautiful jewels set in the crown out of love of Mary sits a piece of lead fired in hate. In 2000,he beatified the two deceased shepherd children, Jacinta and Francisco. Francis will visit Fatima. During this trip there will also be a canonization: Pope Francis will complete the process begun by John Paul in 2000 and name Jacinta and Francisco saints.

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Monday, May 15—St. Isidore 8:15 a.m. Kirven Family & Special Intention ……..………….…..Acts 6:1-7/Jn 14:1-12

Tuesday, May 16—Easter Weekday

8:15 a.m. +Stephen & Anthony Joy...…Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31

Wednesday, May 17—Easter Weekday 8:15 a.m. Patricia Forkner Fam. & Ricardo Najeria …….……………......Acts 1:1-6/Jn 15;1-8

Thursday, May 18—St. John I, pope, martyr 8:15 a.m. +Norbert Tschauder & Ted Sevier Fam. …….Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11

Friday, May 19—Easter Weekday 8:15 a.m. +Jose & Juan Jimenez…….....Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17 .

Saturday, May 20—St. Bernardine of Siena, priest 8:15 a.m. In Thksgvg. For true belief & graces & healing from Sacram

SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 4:00 p.m. Roy & Lydia Cazenave

ACTS 8:5-8,14-17/ 1 PT 3:15-18/JN 14:15-21

Sunday April 21, 2017

8:00 a.m. +Patricia Forkner & +Terry Tucker 10:00 a.m. St. James Parishioners

12:00 Noon +Jorge CastroDeras & +Ma. Dolores Rascon

Please pray for those parishioners suffering sickness... Pat DonovanApril MonroeMary Ann MillerGary Miller

Julian CarrilloPatty KaneMary KratzerAgnes & Bob Kratz Jack BlackwoodPatty CarrAndrea JanskyTerri Walker

April HueyJuana Moraza BanuelDana Tracy Marvine & Patricio LabatoLynda ValenciaJoseph Napoerola

Mike & Linda ThilvinSarah BruinElizabeth Flores Michael MaestasBeau MondragonFord McLiney Nancy GreweRose StoeberTony Heble Erick Ruiz Mary Lou HallerDebbie DawkinsLeonce LeBlanc Salvador HuichapaRobert Medina Betty Madonna

Leticia VitervoJames WoodKevin JarvisLinda Buckley Carrie KreslJim KindbladeAl Merendino Joan Dotson

Hope HernandezWalker Stevens Ford McCliney Patricia GibsonYusmari PereiraDick MorroniTerri Lenzo

Ron HuempfnerJames HaskellAngel Avelar Michelle Maestas Maximino FloresAndrea McKibbenKatlyn Stegman

Cindy FlickSantiago Ochoa Aurelia Diaz Rita Kadavy Jose Guadalupe DelgadoRicardo Najeria Marie Grumich

& Deacon Francisco’s mother—Ines Calzavara John Williams,Sr. Boone SchulteSheri O’NealJoyce BoehmeBrian Ardke


For First Week of Easter May 15—21, 2017

First Saturday Rosary at 7:15 a.m.

before the 8:15 a.m. morning


If you are inter-ested

Call Pat Nash: 303-399-1255 Meetings are the

3rd Thursday at 6:30 p.m.


ST. JAMES OFFERTORY: May 6 & 7—Fourth Sunday of Easter

………...….$ 4,681.26

THANK YOU!! eGiving Enroll in our electronic offertory program.

To sign up visit code is: CO394.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Mon.-Thurs. Noon—10:00 p.m. Fridays: All Night

MAY 14, 2017



-Read the letter you received in the mail about the project and -Answer the questionnaire and return it in the postage paid envelope.

OR -You may also go to the parish web site and click on the link to the Feasibility Study where you can answer the same questions online. Complete By: Thursday, May 18, 2017

Your Opinion is very Important!






Thursday, July 27, 2017 7:30 a.m. Shotgun Start

Arrowhead Golf Club 10850 W. Sundown Trail,

Littleton, Co 80125 Contact Matt Zeman: 303-908-1035 or email: [email protected]


FROM 8:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M.


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