
Saint Francis de Sales Catholic Church

Let us run to her, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with perfect confidence.-St. Francis de Sales

Parish StaffRev. Ronald S. Escalante, PastorRev. Edwin Thayer Tewes, Parochial VicarDeacon Larry HammelMrs. Diane Morano, Business ManagerMrs. Cathy Mitchell, Director of LiturgyMrs. Angela Baker, SecretaryMr. James Blankenship, DREMrs. Janice Rees, CRE, Sunday BulletinMrs. Jane Treado, Director of Youth MinistryMr. Michael Galdo, Director of MusicMr. William Gibson, Facilities CoordinatorMr. Jerry Jones, CustodianMr. Phillip Goode, Custodian

Contact InfoParish Office - 540-338-6381office email - [email protected] Education Office - 540-338-4497RE email - [email protected] case of an emergency - 540-338-6440Fax - 540-338-643137730 St. Francis Court, Purcellville, VA

Welcome!Please register and become part of our parish community. You may fill out a registration form in the parish office during business hours.

Office Hours - M-F 8:30am-4:30pm(Office closed between 12noon and 1:15pm daily)

Moving? If you are leaving the parish, please let us know by calling or dropping a note.

Adoration/BenedictionEvery Friday - Adoration is held every Friday, following the 12 noon Mass until 5pm. The Rosary is prayed at 12:30pm and the Divine Mercy Chaplet is at 3pm. First Friday - Adoration continues throughout the night with Benediction at 8:45am Saturday. 7pm is the MIddle School Youth Group / MAC-PAC Holy Hour. A Holy Hour for Respect Life/Pro-Life is at 7am. The Rosary is prayed at 12:30pm and the Divine Mercy Chaplet is at 3pm.

Sunday MassesSaturday Vigil - 5pmSunday - 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 6pm (Teen Mass)

Daily Masses Monday and Wednesday - 9am; Tuesday and Thursday - 6:30amFriday - 6:30am and 12 noon; Saturday - 9amCheck the bulletin for Holy Days of Obligation

SacramentsReconciliation: Friday 10:45-11:45am; Saturday 8 -8:30am and 3:30-4:30pm; and anytime by appointment

Matrimony: Parish couples planning to be married must make arrangements with the Office at least six months prior to the intended date of marriage.

Baptism: The Sacrament is celebrated each month, the second Saturday at 9:30am and the third Sunday at 1:30pm. Baptism class is the last Friday of the month at 7pm. Call the office for details.

Anointing of the Sick: We are privileged to bring Holy Communion and ad-minister the Holy Anointing to the sick and homebound upon request. Please call the office to let us know your needs.

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2015

Catechists Appreciation Dinner at our new patio: "Thank you, dear catechists, for a job well done!"

Readings for the Week

Masses for the Week+ deceasedSat., June 20 Vigil: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm + Dan HowleySun., June 21 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am People of the Parish 8:30 am deceased members of the D’Elia, Curran families 10:30 am + Dave Miles 12:30 pm + Salvatore Firetti 6:00 pm + Herman RianoMon., June 22 Weekday 9:00 am + Jim LucasTue., June 23 Weekday 6:30 am + Jeanne KrebsWed., June 24 Nativity of Saint John the Baptist 9:00 am Lois GallagherThu., June 25 Weekday 6:30 am + John PetroskyFri., June 26 Weekday 6:30 am Holy Souls in Purgatory 12:00 noon Dottie GessnerSat., June 27 Weekday 9:00 am + Dan HowleySat., June 27 Vigil: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm + Al WheelerSun., June 28 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 am People of the Parish 8:30 am Leah Perdue 10:30 am + Dave Miles 12:30 pm + John Riggin 6:00 pm Collin Warner

Sun., June 21 Adult Basketball 7:30-9:30pmTue., June 23 Walking With Purpose 7:30pm, Parish CenterWed., June 24 Galatians Bible Study 10am, Parish Center VBS Meeting 7pm, Our Lady of Victory Hall Charismatic Prayer Group 7pm OratorySat., June 27 Compassioinate Heart of Mary 9:30am, Oratory

This Week

In-pew Offertory - June 14 $ 13,1812nd Collection - Parish Maintenance $ 2,432 YEAR TO DATE $ 864,155

Electronic figures for May:Offertory $ 25,938Building our Faith $ 4,799Faith in Action $ 6,013

Parish Financial Status

Choir CampOpen to children entering grades 2-8, Choir Camp is a fun-filled week where children get to learn more about their voices, gain some experi-ence reading music, deepen their appreciation for music and its place within the Liturgy, and yes, play games! Camp is daily from July 20-24, 9:30 am – noon. On the final day of Camp, the children will sing at the Friday Noon Mass and enjoy lunch together after Mass. Registration forms are in the parish office and online at the Music Ministry webpage. Cost of the camp is $25 per child. The registration deadline is July 8. Contact [email protected] for more info.

Monday: Gn 12:1-9; Ps 33:12-13, 18-20, 22; Mt 7:1-5Tuesday: Gn 13:2, 5-18; Ps 15:2-4ab, 5; Mt 7:6, 12-14Wednesday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6ab, 15ab, 17; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80Thursday: Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-16]; Ps 106:1b-5; Mt 7:21-29Friday: Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22; Ps 128:1-5; Mt 8:1-4Saturday: Gn 18:1-15; Lk 1:46-50, 53-55; Mt 8:5-17Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mk 5:21-43 [5:21-24, 35b-43]

I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 1:4 Please join us for cake and punch as we bid farewell to our beloved Father Tewes! He has been reassigned to Holy Trinity parish in Gainesville, and we will miss him dearly. Father Tewes has served St. Francis de Sales Parish since January 2010.

We thank you Father Tewes, with gratitude and appreciation for your priestly service.

Farewell Reception for Father TewesTODAY @ 1:30pm

Our Lady of Victory Hall

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary TimeJune 21, 2015

Whoever is in Christ is a new creation.— 2 Corinthians 5:17

Shepherd’s Notes

Ask the Priest Q. Why is there no “INRI” on the crucifix in our sanctuary behind the altar? –JoeA. There are other disturbing details on our church crucifix other than the missing INRI (Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews, in Latin) sign. If you look closely, you will also notice the follow-ing: Jesus does not have a crown of thorns (a makeshift rope was added later to his head to kind of make up for it!); there are no 5 sacred wounds on his body (hands, feet & side); many have told me that they are bothered by the “undergarment” of Jesus that looks more like yoga pants; others noted that the physique of the corpus (body) looks more like today’s bodybuilder than an average Mediterranean working man from Jesus’ time. The overall design of the crucifix is not very biblically accurate and I wish I could interview the artist that created it and find out why he constructed it that way. The nails on Jesus’ wrists don’t bother me because according to the Shroud of Turin that’s were the nails were placed. If a donor is found to replace the crucifix with a traditional design, I would gladly bring up the case at our next pastoral council meeting! Q. When you go to heaven, do you see everyone? How would you remember them? For instance, would you see your grandma as a girl or how she looked as your grandma here on earth? –Elizabeth, age 9A. In heaven we will recognize everyone instantly when we meet them. Theologians say that we would know the person in heaven better than how their parents knew them while they were on earth. It’s a remarkable mystery that we will understand later. This isn’t too strange of a phenomenon for those who are familiar with saints who could read a person’s soul. Some saints like St. John Vianney and St. Padre Pio had long lines for confession stretch-ing for days because they could read the penitents’ souls and help them understand the state of their souls. These holy priests could instantly tell them sins that they have forgotten from years ago though they’ve never met each other previously. But after the General Judgment, all the souls in heaven will be completely holy and will only have good things to share with others each time they have a face-to-face meeting. Regarding your grandma’s appear-ance, she will have a beautiful perfect healthy body of an adult around the age of 33! Q. Are there different types of souls? –SBCA. In general, there is only one kind of a human soul. All the descendants of Adam and Eve are made in the image and likeness of God and have an immortal soul. St. Thomas Aquinas says that other living things, such as animals and plants, also have souls but they are not immortal. They cease to exist after death. The human soul can become better or worse depending on the course of ac-tion a person takes. A baptized soul becomes incredibly better than a non-baptized because by grace it becomes the likeness of Christ and adopted in the family of the Holy Trinity; and, therefore, re-ceives the right to enter heaven. The soul that has been confirmed also reaches a higher state of perfection. But the most important distinction between human souls comes down to these two: those in the state of sanctifying grace and those that are in the state of mortal sin. Those who die in the state of grace will go to eternal happiness in heaven while those in the state of mortal sin will spend eternity suffering in hell. One important word of advice for those who were once in the state of grace: Return…or burn!

Farewell to Father Tewes We thank Father Tewes for his 5-1/2 years of service to the parish-ioners of Saint Francis de Sales. We wish him well at his new assignment in Gainesville, VA at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. If you get this bulletin before the 6pm Sunday Mass, you are invited to his reception at the gym in the Catholic Education Center. The gathering starts at 1:30pm. Swing by and spend some time with Father Tewes before he leaves on Thursday, June 25. Our new parochial vicar, Father Mark Mullaney will be moving in our parish on the same day.

Bishop Loverde warns of the fading religious liberty in the U.S.

Bishop Loverde is sponsoring a talk at Saint Ambrose Catholic Church in Annandale, on the danger of losing religious liberty in our country. He invited Rev. David Pignato, S.T.D., J.D. (St. John’s Seminary Professor, Boston), to address this very important issue. The decline of Christian moral principles in our nation is becoming more and more relevant around us and there is no sign of stopping. The talk is titled: RELIGIOUS LIBERTY…For How Long? – How to Prepare Spiritually for the Coming Persecution. The program starts with Mass presided by Bishop Loverde at 9am and the talk begins at 10amon Saturday, June 27. I hope you’re able to attend.

We have a powerful spiritual weapon: the Holy Rosary

In the last few bulletins I have expressed the need to be aware of the moral decline in our nation and the persecution of traditional Christians. Our parish response is going to include primarily the spiritual strengthening of our parishioners through the peace plan of Our Lady of Fatima: prayer, penance, sacrifice, Mass and the praying of the rosary. I plan on doing a mini promo of the Rosary Challenge in mid-July and a major parish-wide promotional launch of getting everyone to pledge to pray the Rosary regularly on September 12-13 weekend. We can’t do much what the powers around us are doing to dismantle our religious liberty but we can do some-thing about strengthening and protecting ourselves when we face persecu-tion. They can have their little victories here and there but we do know that in the end Jesus Christ will triumph! In the meantime, we have to prepare ourselves to remain strong in the midst of the persecution that is getting worse by the day. With Our Lady of Victory on our side, we will always remain on the narrow path that leads to the heavenly kingdom of Our Lord Jesus. Protect yourself and your family now by praying the rosary regularly. Contact me directly if you would like to help my team of Rosary Challenge apostles to help in the promotion of praying Our Blessed Mother’s Holy Ro-sary. We will be meeting very soon. If you are concerned about your family and what is happening in the world, stay close to Our Lady and her rosary and you will always remain strong. Your shepherd in Christ, Father Escalante

Our Military Members: Capt. Chuck Marshall; Lcpl John Owen Patterson; SPC Tim Marshall; 2nd Lt. Patrick Gutierrez, Capt. Andrew Cahan; LCpl Gary Martz, LTC Jay Hallam; 1st Lt Matthew Ryan, Capt. Patrick Godfrey, Col. Patrick Grady, LanceCpl Zachary Gingras, 1stLT Kristin Dembia, ENS Scott CypherThe Sick: Sofia Macaraeg, Dominic Corcoran, Jan Furlow, Brian DuPlessis, Jack Lehtonen, Mary von Bergen, Mary Jane Arens, Zach MillerThe Deceased: Shani Sands, Megan Gruneisen, Patty Stickman, Marion Schonder, Carolyn Watson, John Lovasz, Eileen Pomanski, Richard Nachajski, Otto Spokas, Grace Baran, David Miles, Ed Bighouse, David May, Pilar Vayas Galvan, Nedgelka Fourney, Alice Poel, Neal Brown, Don Mowe, Lloyd Tracey, Sand Dinh Nguyen

Our thoughts and prayers are with ...

* * * PASTOR’S WISH LIST * * *

Emerson Jay Emanuelson of Carl & Elizabeth Emanuel

Adelyn Lavay Gittings

daughter of Troy & Michele Gittings

Lucy Marie Nowakdaughter of Dustin & Erin Nowak

Matthew James Barrett

son of Michael & Erin Barrett

Andrew Charles BarrettRyan Patrick Barrett

sons of Michael & Erin Barrett

Ronen James Boweson of Shannon Lee Bowe

Kathleen Grace Marie Bratrud

daughter of Theodor & Ellen Bratrud

Joel Robert Stotlarson of Christopher & Shannon Stotlar

Claire Elizabeth Delaneydaughter of Michael & Rebecca Delaney

Lily Arakelian

daughter of Dennis & Danielle Arakelian

Welcome to the Family! The following new parishioners were baptized during the

month of April

First Holy Communion Banners The children’s banners from First Holy Communion are in the Narthex ready to be picked up. Don’t forget to get yours after Mass or anytime during the week. They make nice keepsakes of their 1st Holy Communion Day. We will not be able to keep banners that are not picked up.

• Catholic Advance Medical Directive—Deacon Robert Gillispie (also a practicing attorney) from St. John the Apostle in Leesburg will be giving a presentation on what Catholics are al-lowed to have in their Advance Medical Directive. This is very important so please come on June 24 @7:30pm in the Catholic Education Center. Free admission. • New women’s Bible Study starting in June!—We have a new Bible study group called, Walk-ing With Purpose, specifically designed for women starting on June 23 at 7:30pm. Jen House & Katie Magin are leading this exciting and popular 6-week summer program. lease check the bulletin for more info. If you are a woman who find yourself living a very busy life and in need of a spiritual rejuvenation, this new all-women Bible study is for you! • Rosary Challenge organizers—Those who have devotion to the Rosary, I need your help to promote our upcoming exciting parish Rosary Challenge. Call or email me if you’d like to help. Persecution of Christians including in our country is rapidly rising. We need to meet soon and put into action Our Lady’s peace plan! • Altar Server Training: July 14-15—Rising 4th Grade boys and up (and attend Mass every Sunday) are invited to the upcoming Altar Servers’ Training. The 2-day training is from 2-4pm on July 14-15 (Tuesday-Wednesday). New trainees must attend both sessions for the training. Call the parish office (540.338.6381) to register for the training. • Junior Altar Society Training: July 16—Rising 5th grade girls and up (and attend Mass every Sunday) are invited to join our elite liturgical team (currently 19 active members). The 1st train-ing day is tentatively set from 2-4pm on July 16 (Thursday). Their ministry consists of preparing the church for Sunday Mass. These specially trained young women wear the distinctive blue, white and gold sash as a sign that they have received the proper training on the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist and qualified to arrange the sanctuary for the celebration of the Mass. They set up the sacred vessels and make sure that the Roman Missal and Lection-ary are properly marked for the priest. They also reset the altar and the sanctuary after Mass. The JAS team work closely with the priest and the Mass coordinators. The JAS is proud of their important ministry and appreciate learning the intricate details of the Mass. Call the parish office (540.338.6381) to register for the training. • Jesus is getting “snubbed”! Eucharistic Adorers, where are you?—Are there more out there who would love to visit Jesus? We have Eucharistic Adoration every Friday from 12:30pm to 5pm in the Oratory but very few stop by to see and honor Jesus in his real presence. We’re having a difficult time getting enough people to be present especially between 2-4pm. After July we’ll need a regular to cover from 4-5pm. Think of all the graces and blessings you’re missing! • Big fundraising ideas?—We need you so that we will be able to pay off our debt for our new parish educational center. Please contact me or Paul Kerstanski ([email protected]) if you can help. • Adult ushers needed at Masses—No adults want to usher and help our little ones??? We need several adult ushers to assist the teen ushers at the Teen Mass and 10:30am Mass. For more details please contact our coordinator, Victor Blake (email: [email protected]). • Marriage convalidations—If you need to have your marriage “blessed” (convalidated) in the Catholic Church, please contact me directly. Help is available! Read my Shepherd’s Notes column (February 2, 9 & 16) for details & it’s available online:

* * * * * * * * * * * *

You may contact me directly for your response by phone (540-338-6381 ext. 102), by email ([email protected]), by “snail mail” or in person.

Got ‘em! • Many thanks to the organizers of our new Catholic Bereavement group organizers, Compas-sionate Heart of Mary. We had over 20 participants who came at our first meeting on June 13!


JaneTreado Youth Director 540-338-6381 or [email protected]

Registration is Underway for 2015-2016 has everything you need to register. Please look at the options carefully. As always class assignments are on a first come, first served basis. Please do not wait to register.There is a financial benefit to signing up early. Call the RE office if you have any questions. A major addition to the Religious Education program this year is the forma-tion of a formalized Adult Religious Education Class for adult Confirmed Catholics. The class is for Catholics who want a refresher in their faith, graduates of RCIA and recent converts who want to deepen their faith, and devout Catholics who want to know how to defend their faith. Attendance at this class is by registration only and the class size is limited to 20. Sign up today and reserve your spot!Also new this year is the formation of a Pre-School Religious Education class and will begin to introduce the truth of the Catholic Faith in an age appropriate manner. This class is for children ages 3-5, and will be offered at different times and different days of the week. Please visit our website for more information about these new classes.

The Religious Education office is in need of Catechists for the 2015-2016 school year. Please consider volunteering your time to teach the children of the parish about Jesus Christ. Requirements for teaching are a passion and love for the Lord. We have openings in all sessions. To volunteer please contact James Blankenship at [email protected]. The Lord will reward you for your generosity!

Catechists Needed!

The Ministry Of Praise Is In Need Of PRAY-ERSSt. Francis de Sales' group of dedicated people of prayer, is go-ing on its third decade of service. The faithful team of seniors and the homebound pray fervently for the needs of our parish with amazing results. We are currently inviting anyone inter-ested in joining our team to contact Angela at the St. Francis de Sales office (please designate Ministry of Praise on e-mail). Those who wish to have concerns prayed for may write their prayers and slip them into the Ministry of Praise box attached to the wall in the Narthax.

TEEN MASS - at 6pm every Sunday. All Teens are welcome. Join us in the front left 4 rows of church as we celebrate the Teen Mass together. No Youth Group - Sunday June 21. See you when we get back from Workcamp. Please keep us in your prayers. VEHICLES NEEDED FOR WORKCAMP - Vans, SUV's, or pickup trucks with 6 seatbelts (or more) are needed for Workcamp. Please let us know if you are willing to loan us one. Each vehicle we don’t have to rent saves us $600. If necessary, we can swap a smaller vehicle for your larger one. WORKCAMP MEETING - Sunday June 21, 7-7:20 pm, will be a very short final logistics meeting. GOLF TOURNAMENT - Thanks to every one who sponsored a hole or played in the tournament. Your support is greatly appreciated. It was wet and green just like playing golf in Ireland. What a great success. WORKCAMP Commissioning Mass & Packing - Saturday June 28, 5 mass. Packing will begin shortly after Mass. Bring all your tools and luggage. We hope to be finished by 8:00 pm. WORKCAMP Departure - Sunday June 29, 6:30am. WORKCAMP Return - Saturday July 4, around 1pm. WORKCAMP Reunion - Sunday July 5, 7-9pm after Teen Mass. Please bring a side dish to share. Bring your family and hear stories from our week at Work-camp. Sign-up begins for 2016.

Facing TemptationsYour temptations have returned and although you have not said a word of consent, still they oppress you. You do not consent to them and that is good but you fear them too much. They would not be able to harm you if you did not fear them. You are too sensitive to these temptations. I was recently near some beehives and some of the bees landed on my face. I wanted to shoo them away with my hand. “No”, said the beekeeper, “have no fear and do not touch them; they will not sting you. But should you touch them, you will indeed be stung.” I believed him and was not stung by a single one. Believe me in turn: do not fear temptations and do not touch them and they will not offend you. Pass them by and take no interest in them. In the end no human remedy had proven capable of healing this injury, which causes you a pain that you must wisely transmute into a perpetual penance. This is a blow from divine providence, so that you may have cause for patience and mortification. O what treasures will you be able to store up by this means! You must preserver and live as a true rose among thorns.Roses Among Thorns” by St. Francis de Sales


Vacation Bible SchoolJuly 13-17 ~ 9am-12noon


SIGN UP NOW!!! Absolute deadline for t-shirts June 26

Final deadline July 6


email [email protected] for more info

Walking With PurposeEnabling women to know Christ through ScriptureWe are excited to announce that Walking with Purpose (WWP) is coming to St. Francis de Sales! A 6-week course entitled “Living in the Father’s Love” will be starting in the Parish Center on Tuesdays at 7:30pm begin-ning on June 23rd. In this brief but powerful study, we learn how the Gospels are deeply relevant to our relationships, both with God and with those we love. “Living in the Father’s Love” consists of at home study and meeting once a week as a small group to discuss the weekly lessons. The cost is $30. To register for this class or for more information please call Jen House at call 571-271-2515 or email Jen House and/or Katie Magin at [email protected] or To learn more about WWP go to and stay tuned for our announcement of fall offerings.

Universal: That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come.

Evangelization: That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life.

Summer Bible StudyGalatians: Set Free to LivePaul’s letter to the Galatians speaks directly to the heart of Christians and addresses the most important question we can ask: “What must we do to be saved?” This fascinating letter reveals the merciful love that God the Father has for us, his children. It speaks of the extraordinary gift of salvation that Jesus has won for us, and it explains how we can unite ourselves to Christ’s redeeming sacrifice through faith and love. Galatians is a study that will reignite your love for God as you learn of the astonishing love God has for you. Join us Wednesday mornings at 10am starting June 24th. For more information or to register, email James Blankenship at [email protected].

CAMP JOSHUAAre you a high school student who wants to learn how to be a pro-life leader? Come to Camp Joshua and learn how to help bring down the walls of the culture of death. The camp is a weekend summer camp July 24-26. Filled with pro-life education and fun times with other high schools students from around the state. Email Sue Cypher [email protected] so we can see if a group will be going form our parish. Web site for information and registration:

Advance Medical Directives (Living Wills)What is the Catholic Church Teaching?On June 24th at 7:30pm, Deacon Robert Gillispie will be speaking on the subject of Advance Medical Directives (Living Wills) and the Catholic Church’s teaching on end of life issues. Following the presentation, he will be available to answer general questions on other estate planning issues as well.

ELIJAH CUPPraying for VocationsTake my word for it, you won’t regret hosting our own “Holy Grail.” We launched our new vocations program called the Elijah Cup on Sunday, October 27, 2013. Those participating may take the chalice/paten used for the Sunday Mass for a week and pray for vocations (click on our website Worship—Liturgy—Elijah Cup for more details). Please contact Bob Craig directly to sign up: [email protected], 540.751.9832 (H), or 215.285.4885 (C).

THAT MAN IS YOU! – Coming this Fall!“That Man is You!” is an interactive men’s program focused on the development of men in the modern world. It combines the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of authentic men capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society. The program is divided into two 13-week sessions. The Fall session emphasizes the development of the Scriptural vision of man, especially in his relationship to his family and society. The Spring session emphasizes the practical means of becoming that man. We are currently assembling a core team of dedicated men to help run this group. If you are interested, please contact James Blankenship at [email protected].

St. Francis Council 11136 NewsUpcoming events:• Monday June 22nd at 7pm, Installation of Officer’s / Pass the Gavel Dinner. This Ceremony will be held in the church, dinner following in the Knights Hall .RSVP by Friday June 20th.

As Grandknight for this past Fraternal year I would like to thank my Brother’s in Christ for their support in helping to keep our council active, it’s the small things that you volunteer for that add up. Our new Grandknight, Brother Steve DeVita, will lead our council for the Fraternal year 2015/2016, We are a special Band of Brother’s.May GOD BLESS You All.

www.kofc11136.orgGrand Knight Bill Talamantes [email protected] or 310-717-9503

Spring Schedule 2015 Walking with Faith: A Study of the Rule of St. BenedictProf. John Cuddeback, Ph.D.Thursday, June 25 @ 7:30pmSt. John the Apostle Church Hall, 101 Oakcrest Manor Drive, N.E., Leesburg

Becoming a Knight of Columbus can transform your life.A man does not only strengthen his faith in the here and now.Through his support of com-munity and church,he will form friendships with his fellow Knights that last a lifetime.And, he can do his part to make a difference in his family, our parish,our community and our world for generations to come. If you have been thinking about becoming a Knight or saying to yourself “I’m busy” now is the time to give back what God has Blessed you with.

Men of the Parish 18 or older, Men of the Parish 18 or older, we are waiting to welcome you to the Knights of Columbus, we are a unique “band of brothers” if you have considered becoming a Knight, consider no more. Please contact Dave Matheson our membership chairman at [email protected]

Join our growing number of fami-lies that have elected to make their

contribution online through Parish Giving. Please consider using Parish Giving to support St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, and help us reach our offertory goals!• It’s Simple ○ Log on to the St. Francis de Sales website ( and click on the Parish Giving Logo and follow the easy registration instructions.• It’s Secure ○ Parish Giving is Payment Card Industry compliant and uses the strongest Secure Sockets Layering encryption technology available.• It’s Convenient ○ No more searching for the checkbook or Sunday morn ing stops at the ATM machine. ○ You can pick the day of the month for the recurring contributions to be processed• Tax benefits ○ You will be able to print out a report detailing your contri butions for the year.• Parish benefits ○ Stable monthly contributions. ○ Significant reduction of parish administrative costs.To get started log on to: and click on the Parish Giving Logo and follow the easy registration steps. Any questions, please call Diane in the parish office, 540-338-6381.

Saint Francis de Sales HomeschoolersAre you a homeschooling family looking for support? Are you thinking of home-schooling, but not sure where to start? The Saint Francis Homeschooling Min-istry is just beginning and we would love for you to join us! If you are interested in joining our group, please contact Molly Smith at [email protected]“Parents are the first and most important educators of their own children, and they also possess a fundamental competence in this area: they are educators because they are parents.” Saint John Paul II, Letter to Families 1994

Compassionate Heart of Mary Bereavement Support Group

Our newly formed Catholic bereavement group led by Beverly Elero, Laura Burgess, Helen Mautner & Nora Hamilton will hold its next meet-ing on June 27 @ 9:30am in the Oratory. See May 10, 2015 Shepherd’s Notes online for more details. Come and invite others as well.

The Year Round Giving Tree New tags have been placed on the Giving Tree and donations will be given to Birthright, Catholic Charities, the Loudoun Abused Women's Shelter, the Leesburg Homeless Shelter, local nursing homes and needy families within our parish and community. Items can be left in the Narthex. Gift cards can be put in the Poor Box. There will no longer be a can in the Narthex. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.” Luke 4:18 The Giving Tree Committee. For more information, please contact Erin Bucci ([email protected]) or Marilyn Gugliotta ([email protected]).

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