Page 1: Sainsbury radio advert analysis sheet

Radio Advert Analysis (Sainsbury’s)The second advert I analysed was an English supermarket chain called Sainsbury’s, which was advertising its beef roasting joint at half price. It was the standard 30 seconds which again, advertised its English beef roast joint, but also gave advice on how to cook it to enjoy for the whole family by cooking in whole grain mustard then sprinkling a little bit of brown sugar after cooking. The style of voice used was a woman maybe in her mid-30’s to 40’s who had a soft voice which makes it easy on the ear to hear. I think they used a woman’s voice as a woman is usually in the kitchen, which again, might make it easier for women out there to take it as advice to try from a fellow woman.The language used was a chatty informal tone because she’s describing cooking tips. It’s a conversational tone, which is usually the tone for cooking shows etc.. It is quite The slogan, ‘try something new today’ only appears once in the entire advert which is at the end. It isn’t really a catchy slogan as its not repeated or said in any certain way which sticks in the audience’s head. The company’s name was mentioned twice throughout the advert, once at the beginning to advertise the company and what the advert would be for, and once at the end when the slogan is mentioned as the two are associated with each other.Contact details were not mentioned on this advert. I think this because supermarkets are everywhere you go and it is easy to google the closest location for one, and most people would know where one is as it would be their local supermarket. Music used was a simple uplifting soundtrack that starting playing around 5 seconds into the video, this occurred when the voice over starting mentioning the cooking tips. The soundtrack is sort of a summery/spring type genre which makes the listener feel good. A sound effect used would be at the end of the monologue when the voice over makes a ‘oofft’ sound as if to say the product is really tasty.The main purpose of this advert was to advertise Sainsbury’s beef roasting joint, to which it did, but then went a step further and promoted it even more by suggesting how to cook it, which would intrigue the listener to want to try it, therefore go and buy the product.Overall, I think the advertisement for Sainsbury’s beef roast joint was good, to an extent of advertising that particular product, but I think It could be a little more jokey but Sainsbury’s take their advertisements more serious than humorous.

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