
African LionBy Sage Beaube

Photo Credit: Google Images

Statistics of the African Lion Some male Lions can exceed up to 550

pounds! On average, in the wild the African Lion will

live ten to fourteen years. Until about 10,000 years ago, the lion lived in

the most places world wide, aside from humans.

A pride of lions usually contain many female lions and their young, and a few male lions.

Source: Wikipedia

photo credit: google images

African Lion’s Habitat

African Lions have more than one certain type of area where they live.

Mostly, they will inhabit a Savannah or Grassland to live in.

Also, they might live in bush or forest lands.

Source: Wikipedia

Food Source Lion’s in Africa eat many different animals that

are often large. Zebras Antelope Wildebeests Warthogs Buffalo

Source: Catalogs

Population Surprisingly the lion population has been decreasing

over time. “Although the cause of the decline is not fully

understood, habitat loss and conflicts with humans are currently the greatest causes of concern.” (Wikipedia)

The decline has gone almost to 50% in about a decade. Source: Wikipedia,r:8,s:0&tx=140&ty=139&biw=986&bih=867

Hunting The lionesses, or the female lions, are the ones whose

do most of the hunting. Theses lionesses are great hunters and are very fierce

when they hunt. When hunting, the lionesses will bring back all of the

food that they hunted for the entire pride. (catalogs) If a male lion is not in a pride, he will hunt for himself.


Photo credit: google images

Habitat Map of the African Lion,r:16,s:54&biw=1181&bih=591

Scientific Classification

Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Kingdom: animalia Phylum: Chordata Species: leo Family: Felidae Data Source:,r:5,s:54&biw=1181&bih=591

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