Download - Saffron

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SaffronCrocus sativus

Al Nahrain universityCollage of scienceDept. of Biotechnology

BYLena Kanaan

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Introduction Crocus is a genus in the family Iridaceae. ornamental plant has spice derived from dried flower

stigmas herbaceous plant growing to 20–30 cm tall. native to Greece slowly propagated in North

Africa, North America later. Iran contribute to 90% of production Adultration since expensive more than 150 volatile, aroma-yielding nonvolatile active components, many are carotenoids including zeaxanthin, lycopene and various α- and β-


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Identification of saffron

Saffron is a spice containing the antioxidant carotenoids

crocin and crocetin. Saffron has been known for its

antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cell protective effects.

Daily doses of up to 1.5 g are thought to be safe.

Crocin, which is the main carotenoid in saffron has a

stronger antioxidant activity than α-tocopherol and can

prevent the formation of peroxidized lipids and partly

restore superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity.

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Synthesis from vinblastine

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Crocin : digentiobiose ester of the carotenoid crocetinHydrophilic carotenoids

saffron's golden yellow-orange colour

Saffron: 2-hydroxy-4,4,6-trimethyl-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-

one,saffron's fragrance despite its being present in a lesser quantity than


Active compounds

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o enhances oxygen diffusivity in plasma also improves pulmonary oxygenation.

o help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, asthma

o slow down eye diseases progression like macular degenerationالتنكس البقعي

o Anti skin cancero Super high dosage of above

12 to 15 grams may be fatal.


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•Mechanisms by which saffron exerts its neuroprotectiveaction on retinal cells are different and include:

- Modification of gene expression levels working on repair pathways and protective mechanisms

- Anti-inflammatory.

- Inhibiting TNF-α induced apoptosis, by modulating Bcl-2 family protein expression.

- Suppressing caspase activation.

- Antiapoptic, leading to preservation of the photoreceptor morphology and function.

- Anti-neovascularization, preventing pathologic angiogenesis in wet Age-related Macular Degeneration.

Mode of Action

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Saffron Supplements by Millenium Nutritional


Saffron for macular degeneration eye disease. Age-related macular degeneration is a medical condition which usually affects older adults.Saffron macular degeneration treatment has

been shown to be useful to slow progress of disease and even heal damaged cells .Lutein with its isomer zeaxanthin are macular carotenoids of dietary origin. Lutein is a main pigment in macula of eyeand zeaxanthin.

Also named saffron 2020

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Saffron Supplements by Millenium Nutritional


for natural weight loss. Shown as a miracle appetite suppressant that help individuals struggling with emotional eating to lose significant weight in a relatively short amount of time.increasing the levels of serotonin. It has long been known that eating food has a deep interaction with serotonin levels in the brain which are responsible for regulating mood. Saffron extract has not negative side effects.

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Saffron Supplements by Millenium Nutritional


Saffron for Depression. for treating mild to moderate depressionSaffron exerts its antidepressant activity by increasing the levels of serotonin.

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Solid-liquid extraction:Two steps:

Crocin extraction:

• In ethanol 80% its semisoluble while other components are soluble

• filteration, crystallization to separate from completely soluble other substances

• Repeat at -5C slower, higher quality• more than 97% efficiency

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1) Adultration since expensive

2) more than 150 volatile, aroma-yielding compound

3) pesticidal and insecticidal

4) saffron 2020 to treat macular degeneration eye disease

By Lutein with its isomer zeaxanthin activity.

5) for natural weight loss by increasing serotonin levels in

the brain which are responsible for regulating mood,

also used for treating mild to moderate depression

6) Crocin extraction:In ethanol 80%, filteration, At -5C.

7) Active compounds: Crocin, Saffron, safranal, Lutein,


8) identification: Crocin, which is the main carotenoid in

saffron has a stronger antioxidant activity

9) Mode of Action: Modification of gene expression, Anti-

inflammatory, - Suppressing caspase activation, Anti-



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1) "Saffron – Definition and More". Merriam-Webster.

Retrieved 21 November 2012.

2) Kafi et al. 2006, p. 23.

Jump up^ Rau 1969, p. 53.

3) Hill 2004, p. 272.

4) Grigg 1974, p. 287.





7) Schmidt et al. 2007.

8) Ochiai et al. 2004

9) Oost, Thorten K. et al Discovery of Potent Antagonists

of the Antiapoptotic Protein XIAP for the Treatment of


10)Christen et al. 2008

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