

Is No Accident!

Accidents are the leading cause of death in children!

• The good news is that with a little information, common sense, and forethought, most accidents can be prevented.

Car Seat Safety

• One of the most important pieces of equipment is a child safety seat.

• The safest place for an infant is facing the rear of the car in the middle of the back seat.

Car Seat Safety

• An infant 20 to 40 pounds should face forward

• Never place an infant in front of a car’s air-bag

• Buckle the infant in correctly on every trip


• Cribs cause 150 to 200 deaths each year and another 40,000 accidents needing doctor’s care.

• Here is how to choose a crib you won’t have to lose sleep over.

Crib Safety

• Slats should be no wider than 2 3/8 inches apart

• No corner posts higher than 1/16 inch

• No cutouts in footboard or headboard

Crib Safety

• Mattress should fit snugly, no more than two fingers between mattress and crib sides

• Sides securely held in raised position by latch that cannot be released by baby

Crib Safety

• No rough edges

• Bumper pads should run around the entire crib and tie in at least six places

• Should not have any long ribbons

Crib Safety

• Crib gyms and other stringed toys that stretch across the crib should be removed when baby is 5 months old or is able to push up on his hands and knees

Childproofing Your Home

• Here are some steps to take to help reduce the chance of accidents.

• 1. Never leave a child alone in a bathtub or near water.

• 2.Turn pot handles inward on the stove.

• 3. Install smoke detectors, plan fire escape routes.

• 4. Never leave a child on a changing table.

• 5. Block off stairways with a mesh gate.

• 6. Keep dangerous materials out of reach (knives, guns, matches, cleaners)

• 7. Remove poisonous plants.

• 8. Use safety plugs on electrical outlets.

• 9. Examine your child’s toys.

• 10. Check for outdoor hazards.

Just in case…

• Keep first aid supplies handy.

• List emergency phone numbers near the phone. Include your doctor, emergency room and poison control center.

• Teach children how and when to dial 911.

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