
Survival week is coming soon

Survival week is coming soonBy Wonders teamInspired by Draper UniversitySpring 2016

Hello everyone! I'm very glad to say survival week is coming soon. 1

I have one question? How are you feeling today? Are your ready?2

Northern California

California is absolutely wonderful place. But "In both northern and southern California, risk of human infection for ticks greatest in late spring and summer. 3


What's a Tick?tick is part of the arachnid family, which also includes mites, spiders, and scorpions. A tick attaches itself to the skin of an animal and sucks blood. Life cycle has 4 stages: egg, 6 legged larvae, 8 legged nymph and adult. Must consume blood from a host at every stage to develop each stage must find a new host. Feed on mammals, bird and lizards. Larvae and nymphs prefer smaller hosts. 4


Tick crawls upward on vegetarian, waits with raised forelegs for host to pass by and latches onto victim. Need moist shady habitats to breed prefer high glass, brushy areas and woodland. Ticks live 1-2 years depending on species and environmental conditions. For us is very important to know how looks is blacklegged tick or deer tick.IdentificationMales and females ticks are dark chocolate brown but rear half of adult female is red or orangeBiologyFound mostly in | or near forests areasAdult ticks feed most commonly on white tailed deer all stages will feed on people 5

Tick diseases

Tick diseasesCarries Lyme diseaseCan infect a host with two or more diseases simultaneouslyInfected tick 36 48 hours before disease transmission6

Tick Removal

Tick RemovalRemove tick ASAPDo not crush, squeeze, or puncture tickAvoid touching tick with bare handsUsing needle-nose tweezers grasp tick as close to skin as possibleUse steady pressure & pull straight outAfter removal, disinfect bite & wash hands

Do not use a hot match or cigarette Do not apply solvents or other materialsDo not twist or jerk the tickDo not try to dig out broken mouthparts

Disease transmissionTick injects saliva through mouthparts while feedingSaliva may contain disease causing bacteria not all ticks are infectedFeeding is delayed until tick is able to penetrate skinRemoval of tick before feeding begins prevents transmission of disease


In case of tick bite

If tick is imbedded, follow tick removal procedureSave tick for identificationRecord date of tick biteSee your doctor if symptoms develop, & report tick exposure to doctor


Early symptoms - expanding bulls-eye rash at site of tick bite within 3-30 days in 70-80% of cases, also fatigue, chills, fever, headache, muscle & joint aches, swollen lymph nodesImmediate antibiotic therapy requiredIf untreated may cause other lesions, facial palsy, meningitis, shooting pains, heart palpitations, dizziness, pain & swelling in large joints days or weeks after tick bite60% of patients may have intermittent bouts of arthritis & 5% develop chronic neurological complaints months to years after tick bite


Use repellants with DEET (at least 25%)

Use repellants with DEET (at least 25%)Avoid tick infested areas


Tuck pants into sock tops or boots

Wear light-colored clothing so ticks can be seen

Check yourself frequently Thank you!

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