Page 1: Sacred Heart of Mary Girls School...Creating a CV 9. Writing a personal statement and covering letter 10. 1-to-1 interview with independent and impartial careers advisor Year 12 Careers

Careers Education & Guidance

Strategy & Delivery Plan

Sacred Heart of Mary Girls School

Academic Year Sept 2018 – Aug 2019 Author: Mrs S Clohosy Position: Careers Leader

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Introduction There has never been a time when careers guidance has been as important for young people as it is today. The landscape of education, training and employment opportunities that students need to navigate is more complex and more challenging than that faced by previous generations. The raising of the age for participating in learning means that young people face a wider range of choices of courses and places to study. As a result, the school has a statutory duty to secure independent careers guidance for all year 8 to 13 students (The Education Act 2011 / “Careers guidance and access for education and training providers” statutory guidance, January 2018). Our mission statement at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls School is for all students to live life to the full. In careers education, this translates as every student making the right choices for their progression. We support students in making well-informed decisions by providing access to differentiated, impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of options (including academic, vocational, apprenticeships) that are most likely to help them to achieve their ambitions. By helping students with decisions at crucial stages, informing them of all their options and introducing them to the world of work, we aim to prepare them for whichever pathway they choose.

Students need help to make choices and manage transitions: to do this effectively they need good quality careers education, information, advice and guidance. The School Careers Plan sets out how the School provides a fit for purpose careers programme which will provide our students with the knowledge, inspiration and ability to take ownership of their own career action plans which will enable them to succeed in their chosen career paths.

Our whole school programme is supported by both the governors and the senior leadership team. Our Careers Programme has been informed and by the following documents;

DfE "Careers Guidance and Inspiration in Schools" dated March 2015

DfE “Career Strategy: Making the most of everyone’s skills and talents” dated

December 2017

DfE “Careers Guidance and access for education and training providers” Statutory

guidance dated January 2018

Good Career Guidance “ Gatsby Benchmarks”

Aims and Desired Outcomes Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) will:

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provide good quality independent and impartial careers advice to students which

inspires them and motivates them to fulfil their potential

provide advice and guidance which is in the best interests of the student

contribute to raising achievement; encouraging students to develop high aspirations

and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers

provide opportunities to work in partnership with employers, training providers, local

colleges and others to provide opportunities to inspire students through real-life

contact with the world of work

develop enterprise and employability skills including skills for self-employment

support inclusion, challenge stereotyping and promote equality of opportunity

encourage students to see career development as a life-long process

support students at key transition points

The outcomes of the CEIAG policy are regularly reviewed and evaluated. Details can be found in the School Improvement Plan under Core Priority 5 – Development and Welfare.

Careers Leadership and Operations At Sacred Heart of Mary Girls School, the CEIAG team co-ordinate and monitor the delivery

of the School Careers Plan. The CEIAG team comprise of:

Mrs Sara Clohosy (Careers Leader)

Ms Bronach McConville (Senior Leader for Safeguarding, Senior Leader monitor for

CEIAG and Citizenship/PSHE)

Mrs Karen Haberlin (Careers Assistant)

Mr Sean Hartley (Governor for CEIAG)

As we take a whole school approach to CEIAG all staff have the responsibility to ensure careers education is being delivered. However, the following additional staff are especially key in ensuring delivery of the Careers Programme:

Ms Laura Baker (SENCO) Ms Amanda Holman (Head of Sixth Form) Mrs Sharon Williams (Deputy head of Sixth Form) Mrs Helen Alder (Head of Year 11) Miss Paula O’Dwyer (Head of Year 10) Miss Francesca Joyce (Head of Year 9) Miss Nicola Ingram (Head of Year 8) Mrs Jessica Presland (Head of year 7)

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External Partners

The School provides in-school guidance and independent advice from external consultants

Prospects to ensure our students receive the impartial advice that they need. As part of our

careers programme, key stage 4 students are provided with a one to one guidance interview

with a qualified careers advisor. Students in years 7-9 and 12 - 13 can request a careers

guidance interview by speaking to Mrs Haberlin, who can be found in the Independent

Study Centre. Requests can also be made by e-mail to [email protected]

The Careers Programme is fully funded by the school budget. In addition, the Careers Leader makes use of considerable free resources available from external organisations such as the Careers and Enterprise Company, the National Careers Service, Apprenticeships Support and Knowledge for Schools (ASK Project), the Careers Development Institute, LMI for All, STEM Ambassadors, Job Centre Plus and Inspiring Futures. The School also works closely with a number of employers and apprenticeship providers to bring up to date and relevant CEIAG to students. Recent partners include the Metropolitan Police, Quantum Black, CITB, VSO, Career Ready, the City Brokerage, KPMG, CBRE, Thames water, City of London Green Spaces, Lloyds Banking Group, EY, JP Morgan, Lloyds Market Association, PWC, the Army, BT, M&G Investments, Transport for London, Premier Inn, NCS The Challenge, A Star Future, and Investment 20/20. We also work closely with Start education to ensure that we are meeting the requirements of the DfE “Careers Guidance and access for education and training providers” Statutory guidance 2018. More information about the resources provided by Start can be found in the ‘Information and Resources’ section below.

Information and Resources Students at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls School are provided with a number of ways to independently research their pathways and career options. The Careers Suite in the Sixth Form block contains a dedicated careers library where students can research different careers. The library also holds more general information such as how to make option choices, how to apply to university or for an apprenticeship, and how to improve employability skills. In addition, the suite contains three computers which can be used by all pupils to complete careers related research or tasks (for example, CV writing or applying for university or apprenticeships). Careers Interviews with the Prospects Careers Advisor take place in the Careers Suite. The Careers Suite is open to all pupils at all times. For help in using or locating the resources students can speak to Mrs Clohosy or Mrs Haberlin in the ISC. Careers notice boards containing latest information and opportunities can be found throughout the Sixth Form Block. There is also a careers noticeboard downstairs in D-Block, which contains information most pertinent to Year 10 and 11 students. Other information can be found on Careers Web, the Schools careers website.

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A dedicated Sacred Heart Careers Website can be found at The website contains a wealth of up to date information for both students and parents. Most information is available via the homepage, however registration is required to access the full range of information, which for students will take place in careers lessons during Citizenship and PSHE. For information on when these lessons take place, please see the Careers Programme in Appendix 1

A major online partner is Start. Start is an online careers platform designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential. It combines the most comprehensive source of information with a personalised experience and career planning tools, helping our students to make more informed decisions about their future study and career options, as well as developing their employability. Start includes:

A student profile: students build their profile and access personalised study and career information.

Modules: activities to guide students through the information on Start at the right time. Up to date information: engaging content on what to study, where to learn and the world

of work, including local market information. Locker: an online record of achievement to evidence skills for future applications and CVs. Employability action plan: Students can set goals and stay in control of their career

planning. START is used throughout the CEIAG programme of study but can also be used by both parents and students independent of this time.

Kudos is used throughout our programme of study and by the Prospects Careers Advisor to

encourage students to further research their choices. Kudos helps students to access the

information they need to make important decisions about future careers and what subjects,

courses and training they can do to reach their career destinations.

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If students are unsure of what careers they might be interested in, Kudos can give ideas

based on what they like and dislike. They can also discover what careers different subjects

can lead to.

Careers Curriculum

Careers education is mostly delivered through Citizenship and PSHE lessons. There are different units for each year group. Each unit has been designed to build upon the last so that there is progression as students move through the school. Departments are responsible for delivering aspects of careers education related to their subject in curriculum time. In addition to curriculum time, separate days and events are organised to maximise careers education for different year groups. Details of events and timings can be found in the Careers Programme in Appendix 1 Year 7 Careers Unit: ‘Knowing yourself and getting inspired’

1. Identifying personal traits, strengths and skills and developing confidence 2. Introducing careers resources and how to use them 3. Understanding employability skills 4. Having high expectations and aspiring to a career 5. Optional access to independent and impartial advisers (on request or referral)

Year 8 Careers Unit: ‘The Importance of Career Choices - The Real Game’ 1. Evaluating skills and careers knowledge, and building personal strengths 2. Knowing the realities of employment – wages, hours, responsibilities, entry

requirements 3. Introduction to how the world of work is constantly changing (LMI) 4. Budgeting in the real world 5. Learning about redundancy and unemployment 6. Making decisions around working patterns 7. Developing employability skills 8. Realising your dream – what is your path to the future? Beginning to think about

GCSE options in terms of career pathways and planning for the future 9. Optional access to independent and impartial advisers (on request or referral)

Year 9 Careers Unit: ‘Choosing subjects and researching careers’

1. Knowing decisions to be made and how to make them 2. Identifying personal skills 3. Exemplifying employability skills 4. Undertaking mock job panel interviews 5. Understanding the link between subjects and careers 6. Understanding LMI and the changing job market 7. Exploring Kudos / Start 8. Understanding the options process and the options booklet

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9. Knowing how to make the most of Options Evening 10. Optional access to independent and impartial advisers (on request or referral)

Year 10 Careers Unit: ‘Exploring career options and building skills’

1. Start module: ‘Opening your eyes’ 2. Employer encounters 3. Action planning 4. Introduction to Labour Market Information 5. Job Centre Plus Employability Skills Workshop 6. Actively using LMI 7. Introduction to university 8. Introduction to apprenticeships 9. 1-to-1 interview with independent and impartial careers advisor

Year 11 Careers Unit: ‘Making decisions and taking next steps’

1. Careers Web: Creating an individual careers profile and action plan 2. Discovering Post-16 options 3. Exploring post-16 options and the careers they could lead to. 4. Using LMI to explore career choices further. 5. Using KUDOS to explore careers 6. Developing employability skills 7. Completing application forms for HE and employment 8. Creating a CV 9. Writing a personal statement and covering letter 10. 1-to-1 interview with independent and impartial careers advisor

Year 12 Careers Unit: ‘Making decisions and preparing for the future’

1. What is UCAS 1. What are apprenticeships 2. Introduction on how to apply to university / apprenticeships 3. Writing personal statements 4. Using ULAS 5. Optional access to independent and impartial advisers (on request or referral)

Year 13 Careers Unit: ‘Moving into higher education and employment’ In Year 13 pupils are split into two groups based on their chosen pathways. Presentations/workshops attended by all pupils:

1. Interview skills (University of London) 2. Apprenticeships (Havering College) 3. Gap Years (Project Trust)

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University and FE applicants: 1. Applying to UCAS review 2. Writing personal statements review 3. Accepting offers 4. Choosing a University (University of Kent) 5. Life at University (University of Essex) 6. Student Finance (Student Finance Company) 7. Organising your money (University of Essex) 8. Clearing and adjustment

Apprenticeship and Employment Applicants:

1. 1-to-1 careers interview with prospects Careers advisor 2. How to find an apprenticeship / job 3. How to apply review 4. CV and cover letter writing 5. 1-to-1 and Group Interview practice with HR professional (Penny Hollington,

Hollington Associates) 6. Psychometric testing 7. Mock interview centre (National Apprenticeship Service ASK Project) 8. 1-to-1 support from careers co-ordinator

The Gatsby benchmarks The School careers plan supports the achievement of the eight Gatsby benchmarks:

Benchmark 1: A Stable Careers Programme Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by Students, parents, teachers, governors and employers.

Benchmark 2: Learning from Career and Labour Market Information Every Student and their parents should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make the best use of available information

Benchmark 3: Addressing the Needs of Each Student Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each Student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.

Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of careers paths.

Benchmark 5: Encounters with Employers and Employees Every Student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

Benchmark 6: Experiences of Workplaces Every Student should have first-hand experience of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing, and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

Benchmark 7: Encounters with Further and Higher Education All Students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.

Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance

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Every Student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a careers adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all Students but should be timed to meet their individual needs.

The Careers Programme Please see Appendix 1 attached for details of the timings and events delivered as part of the careers programme.

Course Offer Evaluation The Careers Leader, with support from other members of the CEIAG team monitors and evaluates the careers offer within the school. The Schools progress towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks is evaluated using the online Compass tool. This is carried out on an annual basis by the Careers Leader. The CEIAG development plan is based upon the outcomes of the Compass audit. Provision is also monitored through regular feedback from students, staff, governors and our partners. This feedback is collected through questionnaires and focus groups following key careers activities each year. Data from Careers Web, Start (Track reporting system) and destinations is also used to evaluate outcomes. This information is analysed by the Careers Leader with actions fed back to the Senior Leadership Team at regular SLT meetings and through school reporting systems. Key action points are also included in the annual CEIAG development plan and the School Development Plan. External provision is monitored and evaluated through the Schools Quality Assurance procedures including observations, work scrutinies, student, and if appropriate parental, voice. This is analysed by the Careers Leader with actions fed back the Senior Leadership Team at regular SLT meetings. Key action points are also included in the annual CEIAG development plan and the School Development Plan. The effectiveness of our careers guidance will be reflected in the higher numbers of students progressing to positive destinations such as apprenticeships, technical routes, sixth form colleges, further education colleges, universities or employment. Destination data (Dfe) is used to assess how successfully students make the transition into the next stage of education or training, or into employment and to inform future CEIAG provision. This is analysed by the Careers Leader with key trends and actions fed back to SLT and Governors. Action points are also included in the annual CEIAG development plan and the School Development Plan. A designated governor has responsibility for overseeing the quality of careers guidance.

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The CEIAG policy is reviewed on an annual basis by the Careers Leader. This is ratified by the Senior Leadership Team and Governors.

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Appendix 1 The Careers Programme

Key Stage 3

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Year 7

Writing a job application letter, delivered by the English department.

Employer Encounter: ‘Senior Careers for Women in the Police Force.’ Delivered by Superintendent Jo Edwards.

Year 7 Careers Unit: ‘Knowing yourself and getting inspired’

Year 8

Careers in Journalism unit, delivered by English department Careers in design: Illustrators Project, delivered by Art department.

Year 8 Careers Unit: ‘The Importance of Career Choices - The Real Game’

Year 9

Duke of Edinburgh Launch Event Employer Encounter: ‘Joining the cadets and careers in the police’ Delivered by Matt Ingram, Havering Police Youth Engagement Officer.

Duke of Edinburgh Programme Year 9 Careers Unit: ‘Choosing options and researching careers.’ Employer Encounter: ‘Girls in IT.’ Delivered by Ruth Ashford & Fiona Evans. Science Engineering Masterclasses KS4 Options Evening

Duke of Edinburgh Programme Mathematical Institute Seminar delivered by University of Oxford

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Key Stage 4

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Year 10

Duke of Edinburgh Programme GCSE Science Live Conference

Duke of Edinburgh Programme 1-2-1 Careers Interviews with Prospects Careers Advisor Post-16 Careers Fair Apprenticeship presentation: National Apprenticeship Service / Prospects

Duke of Edinburgh Programme 1-2-1 Careers Interviews with Prospects Careers Advisor Year 10 Careers Unit: ‘Exploring career options and building skills’ Employer Encounter: ‘Women in Construction’ Delivered by David Wake, CITB. Employability Skills Workshop. Delivered by Job Centre Plus.

Year 11

1-2-1 Careers Interviews with Prospects Careers Advisor Year 11 Careers Unit: ‘Making decisions and taking next steps’

1-2-1 Careers Interviews with Prospects Careers Advisor Post-16 Careers Fair Apprenticeship presentation: National Apprenticeship Service / Prospects Work Experience in Italy

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Key Stage 5

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Year 12

Career Ready:

Launch Event

A Capital Experience Presentation. Delivered by Action Jackson

Physics in Action Trip Royal Drawing School alumni presentation. University of Cambridge Talk and visit K+ Programme Talk (King’s College London) Employer Encounter: ‘Careers in the City.’ Delivered by The City Brokerage Employer Encounter: ‘Careers in Finance.’ Delivered by KPMG ULAS

Post-16 Careers Fair Career Ready:

Investment 20/20 programme

International Women’s Day Conference. Delivered by CMS

Employer Encounter: Creative Technology Workshop. Delivered by Quantum Black

Employer Encounter: Investment Management Insight Day. Delivered by Aberdeen Standard

“Knowing yourself” Masterclass. Delivered by SE1 Investments

Psychology Student Conference Gap Years and Volunteering Abroad Presentations Delivered by VSO and Brentwood RES team Work Experience in Italy The National Labour Market, delivered by Economics department.

Work Experience Career Ready Investment 20/20 programme Suntrap Ecology Trip – Ecology in Action Explore Maths at Royal Holloway Conference Visit to UCAS Convention University and Apprenticeship Open Days and Taster Course attendance Year 12 Careers Unit: ‘Making decisions and preparing for the future’ University of London Talk – Personal statements HE and Employment Evening for Parents and Pupils (1) – Options after Year 13 The National Labour Market, delivered by Economics department.

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Year 13

Physics in Action Trip Royal Drawing School alumni presentation. University and Apprenticeship Open Days and Taster Course attendance CP Careers Unit: ‘Moving into higher education and employment.’ HE and Employment Evening for Parents and Pupils (2) - Next steps? ULAS Careers within financial markets, delivered by Economics department.

Post-16 Careers Fair Psychology Student Conference Gap Years and Volunteering Abroad Presentations Delivered by VSO and Brentwood RES team Work Experience in Italy Careers Review Year 13 Careers Unit: ‘Moving into higher education and employment.’ ULAS

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