Page 1: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

Sabbatical Travel Itinerary

July-18, 2016 through

October 22, 2016

Page 2: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

July 18-25 Rhododendron, Oregon: Private Cabin ( one week)


July 27-30 Berlin, Germany: Wyndham Garden

Berlin Mitte Hotel (3 nights)

Touring World War 11 Memorials and other places of interest

and history.

July 30-Aug. 1 Mueden, Germany (Hermannsburg area-2 nights)

Frau Hanssen’s apartment.

(distant relative)

Dear Mr. Mueller,

through Mrs. Sosna-Blancbois from ELM Hermannsburg

we heard that you and your wife are interested in visiting

our institution. Our University of Applied Science for

Intercultural theology (FIT) in fact is the institution of

theological education that followed historically on the

Mission Seminary which was for 160 years (until 2012)

exactly on this compound. Therefore we would be happy to guide you and your wife if you come to

Hermannsburg for a visit. It is wonderful to hear that families of former ELM missionaries even

remember the Spiritual and theological heritage in their family through grand- and great grandfathers.

Welcome to our University for a visit! Please, let us know the exact date of your visit as soon as you

know that yourself so that we can plan ahead of time. Thanks – and blessings from Hermannsburg/

Germany. Sincerely yours- Wilhelm Richebächer, Hermanns-

burg Mission Seminary. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Richebächer,

Systematic Theology in Intercultural Perspective,

Missionsstr . 3-5

Heinrich Dagefoerde and H.J. Mueller on same

ship that sailed to US to become missionaries. The

ship “Saxonia” sailed from Hamburg, Germany

to New York on Sept. 2, 1869

Page 3: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

August-1-8 Wittenberg/Leipzig Germany: Apartment in Leipzig (1 week)

It was here in Wittenberg, Germany, that Martin Luther lived and preached,

and on October 31, 1517, he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle

Church. The Protestant Reformation had begun.

The Castle Church. It was on the doors of this impressive church that (allegedly) Martin Luther

nailed his 95 Theses. Luther's grave is inside.

The Town Church. Another beautiful Medieval church where Luther preached many sermons.

Luther's Residence. Martin Luther lived in this converted cloister with his family for many years.

Now a museum.

The Oak Tree planted where Luther burned the Papal Bull.

Lucas Cranach's Home and art studio. This artist documented much of the Reformation with his

portraits and woodcuts.

The Castle Museum, in the castle part of the Castle Church building. History of Wittenberg, from

prehistoric times through the middle ages and later as a Prussian garrison town.

Philip Melanchthon's House, on Collegienstrasse. Luther's friend and fellow theologian, who

contributed enormously to Lutheran doctrine.

Birthplace of Katharina von Bora, born in Lippendorf, Germany was the wife of Martin Luther.

Beyond what is found in the writings of Luther and some of his contemporaries, little is known about

her. Despite this, Katharina is often considered one of the most important participants of the

Reformation because of her role in helping to define Protestant family life and setting the tone for

clergy marriages

August 8-15 Erfurt/Eisenach, Germany: Apartment in Bad Nuestadt (1 week)

Here we will visit Wartburg Castle.

Eisleben: is where Martin Luther was born and raised. He later died here as


Lutherhaus: When Martin Luther was a teenager, he was sent to school in

Eisenach (1498-1501) and boarded with the Cotta family. Their beautifully pre-

served half-timbered house is now a Luther museum. The two rooms he lived in

are restored to their original condition.


This medieval church witnessed the baptism of J. S. Bach in 1685 and the marriage of 14 year old Saint

Elizabeth in 1221. Members of the Bach family were the church organists for 132 years. Martin Luther

was a choirboy here; he also preached in the church on his way to and from the Diet of Worms in 1521.

Page 4: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

August 15 Rothenburg, Germany (1 night-hotel driving to Augsburg)

Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a town in the district of Ansbach of

Mittelfranken, the Franconia region of Bavaria, Germany. It is well known for

its well-preserved medieval old town, a destination for tourists from around the


August 16 Augsburg, Germany (1 night stay– hotel)

Luther in Augsburg

There are two important events involving Martin Luther that took

place in Augsburg. The first was that Luther was called to Augsburg

October 12 to 18, 1518 to meet with Cardinal Thomas Cajetan and

be examined on his teachings; this interview followed the 1518 Diet

of Augsburg (the parliament of German Princes and Dukes). The

purpose of the meeting was simple. Luther was to recant his

positions on indulgences, justification by faith, and the authority of

the Pope. Luther refused to recant. Cardinal Cajetan's instructions

were that if Luther failed to recant, Luther was to be arrested and sent to Rome. Luther's supporters got

wind of this, and helped Luther escape the night on October 20th. Luther returned to Wittenburg a

hunted man.

St. Anne’s Cloister Church: When Luther arrived, he stayed at St Anne's Cloister Church.

The second event in Augsburg was also very important. Charles V convened a Diet to meet at Augsburg

in 1530 to address unresolved religious issues. Phillip Melanchthon was Luther's representative at the

meeting and a primary author of the Augsburg Confession (of faith) which was written at the Bishop's

residence in Augsburg. The Augsburg Confession is the definitive statement of faith for Lutherans.

Bishop’s Residence: We will visit the Bishop’s residence. While it has been rebuilt in recent years, the

original towers are still there.

Page 5: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

August 17-19 Innsbruck, Austria (hotel 2 nights. We begin our driving into Italy)

Coveted by empires and republics throughout

its history, Innsbruck was the seat of the

imperial court of Maximilian I by the end of the

15th century. Trams make getting around the

city quick, efficient and cheap. Explore the

Tyrolean capital's history at Archduke

Ferdinand II's 10th-century Schloss Ambras,

the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum, the grand 15th-

century Imperial Palace and Maximilian I's

famous Golden Roof. One of Europe's most

idyllic cities, Innsbruck is nestled in the heart of the Alps.

Hofkirche: The Hofkirche in Innsbruck is a royal mausoleum built in 1553. It contains the ornate

black marble tomb of Emperor Maximilian I (although his remains are elsewhere), which is

considered a great feat of German Renaissance sculpture.

Innsbruck Cathedral:

Rebuilt between 1717 and 1724, this cathedral is roofed with domes and features a lavish Baroque

interior. The main attraction is the high altar painting of Mary of Succor by Lucas Cranach the


We will back track 1 1/2 hour drive to Fussen, Germany.

August 19-21 Neuschwantstein/Fussen, Germany ( 2 nights-hotel apartment)

Fussen (the German spelling is Füssen) is

often called the romantic soul of Bavaria.

Although the medieval city is a worthy

tourist attraction itself, Fussen's most

claim to fame is its location in the kings

nook (Königswinkel), and its closeness

to King Ludwig's dream castle.

One of the most scenic German holiday

routes, the romantic road (Romantische

Straße), from Fussen to Würzburg) starts

(or ends) here. You should really take a few days to explore the

Romantic Road, it is indeed one of the best tourist attractions

in Germany.

Surrounded by rolling hills and green meadows, the peaks of

the Alps rise dramatically south of Füssen. The scenery is just

beautiful, especially on a sunny day.

Neuschwanstein Castle

Page 6: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

August 21 Bolzano, Italy (1 night hotel on the road to Tuscany.

The Bolzano transit camp was a Nazi concentration camp

active in Bolzano between 1944 and the end of the Second World

War. It was one of the largest Nazi Lager on Italian soil, along with

those of Fossoli, Borgo San Dalmazzo and Trieste. We hope to visit

the various memorial sites dedicated to the Jewish people. It was one

of the largest concentration camps on Italy soil.

Monument to commemorate the

internees and the victims of the

concentration camp of Bolzano

1944-1945. Such a beautiful place

with so much sorrow.

August 22-24 Verona, Italy (2 nights in a hotel on the road to Tuscany)

Verona is a city in northern Italy’s Veneto region famous for being

the setting of Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet." It's home to a 14th-

century house said to have “Juliet’s balcony,” even though the build-

ing’s connection to the play is fictional. Verona is also famed for its

grand Arena, a 1st-century Roman amphitheater still hosting concerts

and an annual opera festival.

The next two weeks will be assimilating our experiences in Lutherland,

and having downtime-exploring and

enjoying the Tuscany Region of Italy together.

August 24-31 (1 week in Chianti Hills of Tuscany, Italy)

Apartments Il Castagno is a

family-run holiday houses rentals

in the central part of Toscana near

to Firenze on one of the most

beautiful hills of Chianti in the

quiet and beautiful village of

Poggio alla Croce.

Page 7: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

August 31-Sept. 7 Agriturismo (farmhouse-apartments) Gualdo Del Re

Suvereto - The town is a medieval village whose origins date back to before the year 1000.

Situated on the slopes of the hills overlooking the Costa degli Etruschi, rich in history and art,

set in the green valley of the River Cornia.

September 7 Florence, Italy (we drive to Florence and spend 1 night in hotel before

flying out of Florence and into Minneapolis-Sp. Paul).

cosmopolitan concept

hotel in Florence.

Page 8: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

September 8 Minneapolis-St. Paul (1night in hotel-pick up our car) Best Western Hotel - St. Paul East, Oakdale-close to Airport.

This is where we pick up our car and start the H.J

Mueller footsteps in Minnesota and Iowa.

Once we get our car we will

begin travel down into the

Mankato area of Minnesota

September 9-21 Mankato,

Minnesota (2 week farmhouse


St. John’s Lutheran Church (today) in

Willow Creek Minnesota, where H.J.

Mueller was Ordained and installed

Aug. 7, 1870

While staying in the Mankato area we will visit approx. 12

different churches & locations of historical/spiritual interest in

regards to H.J. Mueller. Jeff’s great-grand father.

Page 9: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

September 21-October 3 Spirit Lake, Iowa (Cabin rental for two weeks)

While staying in the Spirit Lake, Iowa area we will visit approx. 12 different churches &

locations of historical/spiritual interest in regards to H.J. Mueller. Jeff’s great-grand father.

We also plan on take a day trip up to Madison, Minnesota-

This is where Jeff’s grandfather Martin H. Mueller was installed

as LCMS Pastor of his first church.

Page 10: Sabbatical Travel Itinerary October 22, · Sabbatical Travel Itinerary July-18, 2016 through October 22, 2016 . ... Fussen (the

October 3 –October 18 Fly out of Minneapolis-St. Paul into Boston-

two weeks of down time, reflection and rest on a small lake in New

Hampshire. (Drive straight to Pine River Pond, New Hamphire.

1 hour and 45 minute drive.)


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