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a. CZAR NICHOLAS II ROMANOV: unskilled leader, strict. Relied on army & huge govt to hold power.

b. Had 4 daughters, 1 son & wife ALEXANDRIA

• *Alex was German & kept him cut off from events during war



• I never dreamt that our married life would have been so perfect, such utter happiness you have brought me.Alexandra’s letter to Nicholas, 20 September 1898

• (don’t write)


The girls: Anastasia, Tatiana, Maria & Olga

Bloody Sunday (don’t write)• No political parties, no constituion• In Jan 1905, 200,000 people went to

place with petition for better working conditions, legislature, vote & freedoms. They sang “God

Save the Tsar” & were led by a priest)• Soldiers open fire, kill 500-1000?• Duma created

ALEXANDRA & RASPUTIN•Alex was under the influence of GRIGORI RASPUTIN, a Siberian peasant who claimed to be a holy man & could supposedly stop bleeding of son Alexei (hemophiliac)



•Rasputin helped Alex make bad decisions, causing military & eco disaster, rumors abt inpropriety, made people angry w/ Czar. •Aristocrats kill Rasputin.

PROBLEMS:1.Too big! little communication2. Not ready for WWI (few

weapons or factories) 3. Czar had no military training,

few competent military leaders, major losses (2 mil dead)

4. Out of date farming, poor working conditions

5. 90 % poor, uneducated serfs6. Lost war w/ Japan in 1905

•The DUMA, (legislative body), meets March 1917 even though Czar had gotten rid of Duma •Asked the Czar to step down & set up a provisional govt

•MARCH REVOLUTION-10,000 female factory workers strike in Petrograd, upset w/ bread rationing. •Call for general strike. Soldiers sent to stop it, end up joining in. Czar tries to escape to GB


•Czar abdicates Mar 13th, arrested & new Provisional Govt created by Duma headed by ALEXANDER KERENSKY •Gave freedom of assembly speech press, vote•Made mistake of staying in WWI, upsetting peasants, workers.

•The SOVIETS- city councils of workers & soldiers, challenged new govt over decisions

VLADIMIR LENIN was the leader of the Bolsheviks (Communists)

I was exiled, but the

Germans sent me back to



•Believed in book COMMUNIST MANIFESTO by

KARL MARX which said Proletariat (poor workers) will overthrow bourgeoisie (rich owners)

•Most Bolsheviks were lower class & had new radical ideas.

When there is state there can be no

freedom, but when there is freedom there will be no


•Bolsheviks want: 1. violent overthrow of govt 2. control of Soviets 3. Lenin saw Provisional govt as chance for Bolsheviks to take over

Bolsheviks promise to end war, redistribute land to poor, give factories to committees & govt power to Soviets (the councils).

•Oct 1917, the Bolsheviks had a majority in 2 important Soviets (Moscow & Petrograd, led by Leon Trotsky).

•Bolsheviks seize Winter Palace on Nov. 6th & destroy Provisional Govt. (Oct Revolution)• All Russian Congress of Soviets meets in Petrograd, but Lenin fakes

turning over power (kept it for himself)

•Bolsheviks(akaCommunists)•Treaty of Brest-Litovsk gave Germany land to get out of war, but humiliated Russia : Poland,

Finland, Ukraine & Baltics.

•Many oppose Communists (Cossacks, liberals, socialists). Known as White Army•Allies send troops & supplies to fight Communist Red Army.

•April 1918: royal family moved to Ipatiev House in Siberia. Reds panic, murdered on



Alexei, using forensic aging Heino Tammut

Alexei NicolaievichSovereign Heir TsarevichGrand Duke of Russia

Died at Burnaby General HospitalJune 26, 1977

Russian Civil War begins• 1918-1921: Communist Red Army fights against Anti- Communist White Army.

•By 1920, White army is defeated.

& Communists take over Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan & Armenia



•Communists used WAR COMMUNISM- govt control of banks, industry, wheat & centralization

of govt to get supplies for army.

THE CHEKA Used Red Secret Police – called the CHEKA- to destroy anyone against the new govt.

•DON’T WRITE•Trotsky was brilliant•Had single-minded purpose•Anti-communist disorganized & not united•Allies were hated for supporting anti-communists

1. What on earth is communism? 2.What connotation does it have (in other words, what first comes to mind, pos or neg)?

3.What countries do you think of when you hear it? 4.Can you have a society with no social classes? Why or why not?

5. Can you make everyone equal in a society?

-Property is shared equally-Each person is responsible for creating their own wealth-no social classes -property is not equally shared-has social classes-everyone earns the same amount of money (no matter what their job is)

Communism Capitalism

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