

Factors Affecting the Activities of Microbicides

Jean-Yves MaillardCardiff School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK



The activities of microbicides (antiseptics, disinfectants and pre-servatives) can be profoundly affected by a number of factors that are inherent to microorganisms and microbicide chemistry as well as the field use of such formulations. While these factors are considered in any efficacy test protocols for microbicidal activity, they need a wider awareness [1–3] to forestall failure of microbial control [2–4]. In addition, improper use of the widening array and applications of microbicidal products may increase the risk of emergence of microbicide resistance and also cross-resistance to antibiotics [5].

Overall, factors affecting the microbicidal action of chemicals can be grouped depending on the degree of their relevance to the initial development of a given formulation, its field use and in assessing the outcome of its actual field application. This chapter is a general review of the topic with references to other chapters where additional details are given.

The impact of factors such as concentration of the active(s), pH, temperature and the presence of soiling on microbicidal activity is more widely recognized. Much less is known on the synergistic and antagonistic influences of excipients in a given formulation [6–10]. Likewise, there is insufficient information on what influence different surface types have on disinfection of environmental surfaces. Differences in microbial susceptibility to

microbicides are now generally better understood [11–13], except when it comes to protozoan cysts/oocysts, fungi and yeasts. The generally higher resistance of microbial biofilms to environmen-tal surface and medical device disinfectants is now fully acknowl-edged [14–16].

It is also recognized that environmental isolates often show higher resistance to microbicides than their reference counter-parts from culture collections [17], and that microorganisms in general are highly versatile in their ability to express and acquire protective mechanisms to overcome the detrimental effects of chemical and physical stresses (see Chapter 6).

Factors affecting microbicidal activity during the development of a given formulation

A key factor affecting the activity of a microbicide during its initial formulation is the way the target microorganism is main-tained and cultured for testing, and the importance of producing standardized inocula is emphasized in commonly used efficacy tests (e.g. European Norms, International Organization for Standardization, ASTM International, AOAC International) with details required on microbial source, culture media, passage history and the conditions of culture and processing (see Chapter 12). In case of viruses, particulars are needed on the passage history and handling of host cells as well (see Chapter 9).

Russell, Hugo & Ayliffe’s: Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation and Sterilization, Fifth Edition. Edited by Adam P. Fraise, Jean-Yves Maillard,

and Syed A. Sattar.

© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2013 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Introduction, 71Factors affecting microbicidal activity during the development of a given formulation, 71Factors affecting microbicidal activity during field use, 73Factors affecting recovery: microbial viability after microbicide exposure, 80Conclusions, 81References, 81

Section 1 Principles


Culturing microorganisms for test inoculaIn standard test protocols, challenge microorganisms are nor-mally grown as batch cultures with inevitable variations in the age and physiological state of individual cells in the population. Though continuous cultures from chemostats can be more uniform [18], they are rarely used as inocula. Composition of the culture medium and growth conditions can induce changes in the structure of the bacterial cell wall [19], thus influencing suscep-tibility to microbicides [20, 21]. However, such differences may depend on the type of microbicide. For example Staphylococcus aureus [22] and Listeria monocytogenes [23] in the exponential phase showed greater susceptibility to cationic and oxidizing microbicides than those in the decline phase of growth. However, Gomez-Escalada et al. [24] observed that high concentration of triclosan was bactericidal against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus hirae regardless of their phase of population growth, although bacterial populations in a stationary phase and, particularly, washed suspensions, were less susceptible to the microbicidal effect of the bisphenol.

An early study observed aerobic microorganisms to be more resistant to phenol than anaerobic ones, although facultative anaerobes were found to be less susceptible to phenol when grown under anaerobic conditions [25].

The age of the culture might also affect microbial susceptibility to microbicides, notably by affecting the cell wall composition. For example, the cell wall of yeasts, notably their glucan and man-noprotein composition, has been shown to act as a barrier to chlorhexidine [26]. The age of the culture was shown to affect the porosity of the cell wall [27], with older cultures being less sus-ceptible to the biguanide [28, 29]. Bundgaard-Nielsen and Nielsen [30] noted that the resistance of ascospores to 70% (v/v) ethanol increased with age.

Composition of growth medium and physical parametersThe composition of the growth medium can markedly affect the susceptibility of microorganisms to antimicrobials. This is well recognized for antibiotics but with limited information with regard to microbicides [31–33]. “Fattening” of bacterial cells by culturing then in glycerol altered their susceptibility to phenols [34] and the parabens [35]. Culturing bacteria with different amino acids can also affect the cell structure and microbicide susceptibility. Adding l-alanine instead of l-cystine produced more permeable E. coli cells and increased their susceptibility to microbicides [36]. Magnesium limitation was shown to affect the structure of P. aeruginosa cells [37], subsequently affecting their susceptibility to ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) [38], to chloroxylenol [39] and to a combination of chloroxylenol and EDTA [40]. Gilbert and Wright [41] proposed that magnesium limitation caused the replacement of the Mg2+-stabilizing bridge with polyamides, which effectively reduced bacterial cell sensitiv-ity to ion chelators and microbicides.

Not surprisingly, the susceptibility of spores to microbicides has been shown to be affected by the composition of the medium

used for sporulation [42]. Knott et al. [43] observed that the type of water used in preparing spore culture also had a profound influence on germination, outgrowth and sporulation of Bacillus subtilis. Rose et al. [33] observed that spores prepared in liquid- or agar-based media showed different susceptibility and germina-tion patterns, with those prepared in a liquid medium being the most susceptible and prone to germination. These observations probably resulted from a difference in the composition of the spore inner membrane, since no difference in levels of dipicolinic acid, core water, small acid-soluble proteins (SASPs), coat protein and cross-linking of a coat protein were observed.

There is little information on the effect of pH change on the susceptibility of microorganisms to microbicides. It is well known that bacteria, for example, will change the pH of their environ-ment when they grow [44, 45]. A change in pH has been shown to affect phospholipid content of batch-grown bacteria [46, 47], but there is little insight as to whether or not these changes would affect microbial response to microbicides.

A change in temperature was shown to affect spore composi-tion and their response to heat and radiation [48]. An early inves-tigation reported that the germination of B. subtilis spores produced at 37°C was more sensitive to chlorocresol-induced inhibition than spores produced at 50°C [49]. Melly et al. [50] showed that spores produced at different temperatures had dif-ferent susceptibility to moist heat and a number of microbicides, with spores produced at a high temperature (48°C) being the most resistant.

PretreatmentsPre-exposure to surface active agents can affect bacterial suscep-tibility to microbicides. Polysorbates are non-ionic surface active agents that find application in the formulation of certain phar-maceutical products. An early investigation showed that pretreat-ment of P. aeruginosa with polysorbate-80 produced bacteria more sensitive to benzalkonium chloride and chlorhexidine dia-cetate [51]. A possible explanation for such an observation is that polysorbate-80 increases the permeability of bacterial cells [52].

Pre-exposure of P. aeruginosa to benzalkonium chloride enhanced its susceptibility to polysorbate-80 and to phenethyl alcohol [53, 54]. This is not surprising as cationic agents are known to affect membrane permeability [55] and as such can be microbicidal in their own right.

The benefit of using permeabilizing agents to boost the activ-ity of antimicrobials has been well documented with Gram-negative bacteria. Permeabilizers investigated include polycations, lactoferrin and transferrin, triethylene tetraamine and EDTA [8, 56–65]. The effect of EDTA on potentiating the activity of cati-onic microbicides has been particularly well studied [8, 65–67] and has found some important applications in the cosmetic industry [68]. EDTA is a chelating agent that removes cations, especially Mg2+ and Ca2+, from the outer layers of Gram-negative bacteria, making the outer membrane more permeable through the loss of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs). At a high con-centration EDTA can be toxic to bacteria. Likewise, citric and


Chapter 3 Factors Affecting the Activities of Microbicides

malic acids can chelate Mg2+ from the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, while polycations displaced from the membrane release LPS. The iron-binding proteins, lactoferrin and transferrin, can cause a partial loss of LPSs. Ethambutol has been shown to increase the activity of microbicides against mycobacteria, presumably by affecting the arabinogalactan in cell wall structure [69].

There are also instances where an inappropriate pretreatment might interfere with microbicidal activity. Maruthamuthu et al. [70] observed that the pretreatment of a cooling tower with a combination of morpholine phosphate and zinc prevented cor-rosion, but the addition of zinc in particular abrogated the activ-ity of the microbicides.

Factors affecting microbicidal activity during field use

Factors that can influence the activity of microbicides in their field use can be divided into those inherent to: (i) the microbicide formulation; (ii) the conditions of application; and (iii) the target microorganism(s) [1, 3, 71]. Failure to understand these factors may lead to ineffective microbial control and possibly in the spread of the microbial target over a wider area during decontamination along with an enhanced risk of human and environmental toxicity [72–80]. From a practical perspective, an appreciation of these factors is essential to avoid a false sense of security for the end-user. Additionally, using microbicides inappropriately may lead to the development of microbicide resistance and also cross-resistance to antibiotics and other microbicides [5, 79].

Factors inherent to microbicidesConcentrationThe right concentration of the microbicide in the formulation as applied in the field is an important prerequisite [81]. This is particularly important nowadays with increasing restrictions on the environmental discharges of potentially harmful chemicals [82]. A given product may contain barely enough active(s) to make it price competitive and even slight deviations in dilution, storage and actual application may render it ineffective in the field [2, 75, 78, 83].

The influence of changing the concentration of the active(s) on microbicidal activity can be measured experimentally, with the determination of the kinetics of inactivation. Measuring the exposure times necessary to kill the same number of microorgan-isms at two different concentrations (all the other factors remain-ing constant) allows for the calculation of the concentration exponent η (sometimes named dilution coefficient). If C1 and C2 represent the two concentrations and t1 and t2 the respective times to reduce the viable population to a similar degree, then η can be calculated from the equation:

C t C t1 2 2η η

1 = (3.1)


η = − −(log log ) (log log )t t C C1 2 1 2/ (3.2)

Equations 3.1 and 3.2 are based on the expected first-order kinetic obtained from the logarithmic plot of concentration versus time. However, it should be noted that a first-order kinetic is not always obtainable and adjustments may need to be made.

Practically, knowledge of the concentration exponent indicates the effect of dilution (or increase in concentration) on the activity of a microbicide against a given microorganism. Indeed, dilution of a microbicide with a high η-value will result in a marked increase in the time necessary to achieve a comparable kill (i.e. an overall decrease in activity) providing that other conditions remain constant. Microbicides with a low η-value will not be affected as much by dilution. Examples of η-values are given in Table 3.1.

The calculation of η-values allows the predictability of: (i) using a low concentration of a microbicide; (ii) excessive dilution of the microbicidal product; and (iii) increasing concentration of a microbicide on the overall microbicidal activity, particularly in the following applications:1. The use of dilution to quench the microbicidal activity of a chemical using standard efficacy (see Chapters 12 and 13) and sterility tests [85].2. Deciding what level(s) of dilution are reasonable for field use of a microbicidal product.3. Deciding what is the lowest concentration of a microbicide that can be used in practice, notably for the preservation of phar-maceutical and cosmetic products, but also for microbicidal products containing a low concentration of a microbicide (e.g. antimicrobial surface, textile, etc.)

A knowledge of the η-value also provides some valuable infor-mation on the possible interactions between the microbicide and the microbial cell [55, 86] (Table 3.2). Concentration is also central to the definition of microbial resistance in practice (see Chapter 6.1). Hence the measurement of lethality rather than

Table 3.1 Examples of η-values (partly based on [84]).

Microbicides η-Value Increase in time factor to achieve a similar kill when the concentration is reduced to:

One-half One-third

Alcohol 10 1024 59,000 Phenolics 6 64 729Parabens 2.5 5.7 15.6Chlorhexidine 2 4 8Mercury compounds 1 2 3Quaternary ammonium compounds 1 2 3Formaldehyde 1 2 3

Section 1 Principles


inhibition is essential for microbicidal products. Unfortunately, there are many reports on microbicide activity solely based on the measurement of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) [5]. Such a measurement does not provide information on the concentration exponent and fails to recognize that concentrations above the MIC level are usually used in practice [81]. In addition, there is evidence that microorganisms showing an elevated MIC are nevertheless susceptible to higher (in-use) concentration of a microbicide [87, 88].

The available concentration of one or more active(s) in a microbicidal product, often referred to as bioavailability or avail-ability, is an important but complex concept that will be discussed in the sections on pH, formulations, soiling and biofilms below.

pHThe activity of a microbicide is affected by the pH of the formula-tion in two ways: (i) a change in the microbicide itself; and (ii) a change in the interaction between the microbicide and the micro-bial cell (Table 3.3). A change in pH has been shown to affect the activity of a number of alkylating and oxidizing microbicides [45, 89–97]. pH was recently shown to affect the level of injuries in E. coli following copper exposure [98].

A number of microbicides, mainly acids, such as benzoic acid, sorbic acid and dehydroacretic acid, but also phenol and hypochlorites are effective in their un-ionized form (see Chapter 2). Thus, an increase in pH will affect their degree of dissociation and will decrease their overall activity. The inhibitory activity of organic acids at different pH levels can be predicted. The relation-ship between pH and degree of dissociation is given by the Hend-erson and Haselbach equation where [A−] is the concentration of ionized molecules and [AH] the concentration of the un-ionized molecule:

log[ ] [ ]A / AH pH pKa− = − (3.3)

The calculation of the proportion of ionized and un-ionized molecules at a specific pH allows the calculation of the change in activity based on the relationship between MIC and the level of dissociation of the molecule:

MIC at a given pH AH at given pH MIC of AH( ) [ ]( ) [ ]× = (3.4)

In contrast, for microbicides for which efficacy depends on the ionized molecule (e.g. dyes) an increase in pH will produce an increase in activity.

For other microbicides, a change in pH will affect the stability of the microbicide. For example glutaraldehyde (GTA) has been shown to be more stable at an acid pH, but more effective as a microbicide at an alkaline pH [89–93]. Practically, GTA stock solutions used, for example, in endoscope washer-disinfectors are usually acidic and GTA is “activated” before use (i.e. the pH of the in-use solution to be increased). Another aldehyde, ortho-phthalaldehyde has been shown to be less pH dependent but was found to become sporicidal at an alkaline pH [92, 93, 95].

A change in pH can also affect the charge on the cell surface. As pH increases, the number of negatively charged groups on the bacterial cell surface increases. Thus, positively charged mol-ecules have an enhanced degree of binding, for example quater-nary ammonium compounds (QACs) [99] and dyes, such as crystal violet and ethyl violet [100], which remain essentially in their ionized form over the pH range 5 to 9. Surface charge and isoelectric point (pI) have been shown to affect the susceptibility of P. aeruginosa exposed to QACs [101]. The effect of pH on activity is recognized in standard efficacy test, notably for micro-bicidal product used for cleaning in-place. A buffer solution providing a pH of 5.0 or 9.0 is recommended for use (see Chapter 12).

Table 3.2 Possible relationship between concentration exponents and mechanisms of action of microbicides (based on [86]]).

η-Value Examples Interactions

1–2 Chlorhexidine Membrane disrupterQuaternary ammonium compounds

Membrane disrupter

Mercury compounds

–SH reactors

Glutaraldehyde –NH2 groups and nucleic acids2–4 Parabens Concentration-dependent effects: transport

inhibited (low), membrane integrity affected (high)Sorbic acid Transport inhibitor (effect on proton-motive force);

other unidentified mechanisms?>4 Aliphatic

alcoholsMembrane disrupters


Table 3.3 Change in pH and antimicrobial activity.

Activity as environmental pH increases


Decreased activityPhenols Increase in degree of dissociation of the

moleculeOrganic acids (e.g. benzoic, sorbic)Hypochlorites Undissociated hypochlorous acid is the active

factorIodine Most active form is diatomic iodine, I2

Increased activityQuaternary ammonium compounds

Increase in degree of ionization of bacterial surface groups leading to an increase in binding

BiguanidesDiaminidinesAcridines Competition with H+ ions leading to an increase

in interaction with target such as nucleic acidTriphenylmethane dyesGlutaraldehyde Increased interaction with –NH2 groups


Chapter 3 Factors Affecting the Activities of Microbicides

FormulationThe formulation of a microbicide has a profound effect on its microbicidal activity. This is actually an important issue when one considers the practical application of efficacy in vitro test results, which are often based on the non-formulated microbicide [3]. Various excipients can be found in microbicidal products including solvents (e.g. alcohols, urea, propylene glycol), emulsi-fiers/surfactants (e.g. lecithin, sodium lauryl sulfate, potassium laurate, non-ionic and other surfactants), thickeners (e.g. poly-ethylene glycol, pectin, alginates), chelating agents (e.g. EDTA), alkalis or acids, buffering agents (e.g. disodium phosphate), cor-rosion inhibitors (e.g. nitrates, phosphates), colors and flagrances (e.g. essential oils) [102–105]. Most of these excipients can inter-act with the microorganisms or the microbicide itself and ulti-mately affect the activity of the formulated product.

There is, however, relatively little information on the effect of different excipients on the activity of microbicides in the public domain. This is not surprising since the correct combination of excipients and microbicides is often a trade secret. Information available in the public domain is often derived from investigations performed in the 1960s and 1970s. In many cases it is not possible to develop a successful product without the use of one or more excipients.

Metal ionsCations might have a profound effect on the activity of microbi-cide. For example, while Mn2+ reduces the activity of salicylalde-hyde against Pseudomonas spp., Zn2+ reduces it. The activity of anionic surfactants against staphylococci increases with low con-centrations of divalent cations, whereas that of long-chain fatty acids is diminished greatly in the presence of Mg2+, Ca2+ or Ba2+ ions [106]. The presence of Mg2+ or Ca2+ reduces the activity of formulations containing EDTA [40], as presumably the addition of divalent cations counteracts the effect of the ion chelator. The activity of other microbicides such as chlorine dioxide is also affected by divalent cations [107] and such interference might be an issue in water and food industries, for example.

Bioavailability of microbicidesOne of the problems with complex formulations is the decrease in activity of a microbicide, which on its own might have a good activity in an aqueous system. This is particularly the case where oil is present, for example in creams. Microorganisms are found in the aqueous phase of the cream, while the microbicide might be partitioned in the oil phase. Bean [108] derived the following equation whereby the concentration of a preservative in the aqueous phase may be obtained:

C C Kw ow1 / 1= + +( ) ( )ϕ ϕ (3.5)

where Cw represents the concentration of preservative in the aqueous phase, C the total preservative concentration and φ the oil : water ratio. The partition coefficient (Kow) may vary widely for a single preservative, depending on the type of oil used. If Kow is

high, then an adequate aqueous-phase concentration of preserva-tive can be achieved only by means of an excessive total concentra-tion. The pH of the cream must be considered, since pH may affect Kow, and cause dissociation of the preservative molecule.

Partitioning of the microbicide might also occur between a rubber closure and the aqueous product. The distribution between the rubber and the water for phenol is 25 : 75; for chlo-rocresol 85 : 15; for chlorbutanol 80–90 : 10–20; and for phenylm-ercuric nitrate 95 : 5 [109–113].

The available concentration of a microbicide can also be decreased by the addition of an inappropriate chemical. For example, the activity of the parabens (methyl and propyl p-hydroxybenzoates) and QAC is reduced by macromolecular poly-mers and by non-ionic agents such as polysorbates [114, 115]. The concentration of a microbicide bound to a non-ionic sur-factant can be calculated with the following equation:

R SC= +1 (3.6)

where R is the ratio of total to free preservative concentration, S is the surfactant concentration and C is a constant, which has a unique value for each surfactant – preservative mixture and which increases in value as the lipid solubility of the preservative increases. The interaction of microbicides with non-ionic surface active agents has important repercussions in the preservation of various types of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, notably creams and emulsions.

However, the interaction between the non-ionic surfactants, the microbicides and the target microorganism can be more complex, whereby the non-ionic surfactants can increase the activity of the microbicides at certain concentrations. Indeed, at a lower concentration, the non-ionic surfactant affects the micro-bial cell surface, possibly increasing its permeability to the micro-bicide. At a higher concentration, the non-ionic surfactant will have some microbicidal activity of its own. However, the micro-bicide in the aqueous phase (and not bound to the non-ionic surfactant) provides the microbicidal activity.

Factors depending upon treatment conditionsEnvironmental temperatureTemperature can have a significant effect on the activity of nearly all microbicides, the relationship being directly proportional [116, 117]. For example, a decrease in environmental temperature from 30°C to 10°C resulted in a decrease in susceptibility of E. coli to benzalkonium chloride (BZC) [118]. Similar results were reported by Taylor et al. [119] for 18 disinfectants following a decrease in air temperature from 20 to 10°C. Recently, Pinto et al. [120] showed that a rise in air temperature dramatically increased the virucidal activity of polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB), although in this case the effect was due to preventing the forma-tion of viral aggregates [120, 121].

Most standard efficacy tests for environmental surface disin-fectants specify the air temperature of the test site to be around 20°C (see Chapter 12). Microbicides to be used in automatic

Section 1 Principles


endoscope reprocessors usually require testing at an elevated tem-perature as specified in label directions.

The effect of a 10°C change in environmental temperature on microbicidal activity can be measured by the Q10. The Q10 is derived from the temperature coefficient (θ), which describes a change in activity (time to kill the same number of microorgan-isms) per 1°C rise [84], and is equivalent to θ10. The formula used to measure a change in activity with a change in environmental temperature is:

θ( )T T T T1 2 1 2Time needed to kill at /time needed to kill at− = (3.7)

where T1 and T2 are two different environmental temperatures in °C. Knowledge of the Q10 is useful for a number of applications such as the combination of a microbicide and heat (see Chapter 15), the storage of chemically preserved products (e.g. pharma-ceuticals and medicine) at a low temperature, and the disinfection of surfaces at a low temperature. Examples of Q10-values are given in Table 3.4.

Elevated air temperatures can also have a negative impact on microbicides either by accelerating the denaturation of the active or its enhanced evaporation, or both. For example, alkaline GTA formulation is less stable at 40°C [89, 91]. Landry et al. [122] recommended that the thermal instability of nanosilver formula-tions for antimicrobial dressing be evaluated.

OxygenationOxygenation might also affect the bacterial susceptibility to microbicides. Langsrud and Sundheim [123] observed that aerobic conditions rendered E. coli more resistant towards BZC whereas S. aureus became more sensitive. Saby et al. [124] showed that both oxygenation and starvation produced E. coli cells less susceptible to chlorination. More recently, Bjergbæk et al. [118] reported that E. coli cells exposed to BZC were less susceptible in an aerobic condition at 30°C than in an anaerobic condition.

Type of surfaceThe type of surface to be treated has a profound influence on the activity of microbicides [125]. Porous surfaces may harbor micro-organisms and are more difficult to clean and disinfect than hard, non-porous ones. Ideally, the types of surfaces common in field

settings should be used as substrates or carriers in tests for micro-bicidal activity (see Chapter 12). Since that is often not feasible for a variety of reasons, one or more materials are used as proto-types of those common in a given setting.

While the debate on the need for routine disinfection of envi-ronmental surfaces continues [126, 127], there is increasing rec-ognition of the potential of many such surfaces in the spread of nosocomial pathogens [126–128]. Therefore, renewed efforts are needed not only to better understand the relative significance of environmental surfaces in the spread of infections in general but also to develop clearer criteria [129–131] for the need and proce-dures for their routine disinfection.

There is burgeoning interest in the development and marketing of “antimicrobial” surfaces that either contain or are coated with microbicides; the “self-sanitizing” ones mostly contain either silver or copper [132–135]. The potential benefits or drawbacks of the widespread use of such surfaces remain unknown at this point [136]. Chapter 20.1 is a more detailed treatment of this topic.

SoilingSoiling is a well-recognized parameter that affects activity of the majority of microbicides. Indeed, standard efficacy tests describe the use of soiling, usually in the form of bovine serum albumin (3 g/l) when testing for activity in “dirty conditions”. Other inter-fering substances can be used depending upon the final application of the microbicidal product; for example milk (1% v/v), yeast extract (10 g/l) and sucrose (10 g/l). Other types of soiling have been used [137–139]. In practice, soiling (also refer to as “soil load”) can occur in various forms: serum, blood, pus, plasma, semen, vaginal charge, food residues, urine and fecal material. Soiling can affect microbicidal activity in three different ways: (i) it may interfere directly with the microbicide by reducing its “avail-able” concentration; (ii) it may interact with the target microor-ganism, conferring protection from external damage; and (iii) it may promote the formation of microbial aggregates. Highly reac-tive microbicides (see Chapter 2) such as oxidizing and alkylating agents are affected by soiling, although for the latter there are conflicting reports [91, 140, 141]. There are numerous examples in the literature on the effect of soiling on the activity of microbi-cides against different types of microorganisms [1, 78, 142–147]. The limitation of microbicidal activity because of interference with organic material in certain applications is well established. Ionic silver (at a concentration of 10−9 to 10−6 mol/l) is an effective broad-spectrum antibacterial which finds application in wound dressing. However, silver ions adsorb rapidly to surfaces [148] and their “bioavailability” is further decreased by complexing with chlorides, sulfides and hard water to form insoluble inactive silver salts [149]. The maximum concentration of ionic silver in a physi-ological environment has been reported to be 1 µg/ml, presumably following interactions with proteinaceous fluids [150].

In the cosmetic industry, the continuous presence of soiling following usage of a product is a challenge for the preservative system. The strain put on the preservative system during usage can be tested somewhat with capacity tests that measure the

Table 3.4 Examples of Q10-values and their applications.

Microbicides Q10-values

Phenols and cresols 3–5Formaldehyde 1.5Aliphatic alcohols 30–50Ethylene oxide 2.7a

β-Propiolactone 2–3a

a Combination of these microbicides and heat is used for some sterilization processes.


Chapter 3 Factors Affecting the Activities of Microbicides

efficacy of the microbicide following repeated challenges with a microorganism (see Chapter 12). In the food industry (notably the dairy industry) the presence of soiling is recognized as a problem for disinfection regimes [151, 152] so cleaning prior to disinfection is recommended. The use of pretreatment on sur-faces is considered below. In the healthcare industry, cleaning should occur prior to surface disinfection or the disinfection of medical instruments such as endoscopes [153, 154]. For the latter application, enzymatic solutions are often used [138, 155].

Pretreatment of surfaces, especially when visibly soiled, is crucial to assuring or improving the microbicidal efficacy of their disinfection. The antagonistic and synergistic effects of non-ionic surfactants on the antibacterial activity of cationic surface active agents are well documented [156]. Below the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the non-ionic agent, it is believed that potentiation occurs by an effect of this agent on the surface layers of the bacterial cell, resulting in an increased cellular permeability to the antimicrobial compound. Above the CMC of the non-ionic agent, the microbicide is distributed between the aqueous and micellar phases, or complexes with the non-ionic surfactant. However, it is only the “bioavailable” concentration of the micro-bicide in the aqueous phase that is interacting with microorgan-isms, producing an inhibitory or lethal effect.

Hard water must also be considered here as it is included in most standard microbicide efficacy tests (see Chapter 12). The presence of cations, for example, has been shown to decrease the activity of some microbicides [40, 157, 158].

Contact timeThe microbicidal activity of chemicals usually increases with an increase in contact time. However, there is not a direct correlation between contact time and microbicidal activity, since first-order kinetic of inactivation is not often observed in practice [151, 159, 160]. The lack of correlation between concentration and contact time might reflect the effect of other factors on microbicidal activ-ity [121]. Standard efficacy tests do not always reflect the exposure time on application. For example, the hygienic handwash protocol (CEN1499) [161] required demonstrating activity within a 1 min exposure time. In practice, this time is rarely achieved [162]. Likewise, for surface disinfection, the European Standard CEN1276 recommend a microbicide to achieve a 5-log10 reduc-tion in bacterial viability within 5 min of exposure [163]. However, the relevance of such a contact time in practice is questionable [164]. This common disparity between the contact times in testing and label claims and those in actual field situations substantially increases the risk for ineffective microbial control [162].

Relative humidityRelative humidity (RH) has a profound effect on the microbicidal activity of gaseous chemicals in particular and this is discussed further in Chapter 15.3. RH can influence the microbicidal action of ethylene oxide, β-propiolactone, formaldehyde [48, 165–167], chlorine dioxide [168] and vaporized hydrogen peroxide [12]. Pre-humidification and notably the state of hydration of the

microorganism are determining factors for their sensitivity to the antimicrobial processes (see Chapter 15.3). RH can also affect the activity of liquid microbicides applied on environmental surfaces by impacting on the rate of evaporation of water (see Chapter 20.1).

Factors inherent to microorganismsType of microorganismsThe well known and often extreme diversity of microorganisms can directly or indirectly influence their susceptibility to micro-bicides (Table 3.5). Such differences may be partly due to basic differences in the structures of microbial cells or virions [55]. The observed differences in the relative susceptibility/resistance of certain closely related and structurally similar organisms to a given microbicide are most likely due to differences in their metabolism and expression of “resistance” mechanisms (see Chapter 6). Such metabolic and resistance factors are better known in bacteria and bacterial endospores, but are still poorly understood for fungi, fungal spores, protozoa and viruses. Table 3.5 is an attempt at clas-sifying the response of different types of microorganisms to micro-bicides. However, this table does not account for subtle differences within species or for some environmental isolates challenged with a specific microbicide. For example, Martin et al. [78] isolated some Gram-positive bacteria (Micrococcus luteus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Staphylococcus intermedius) from endoscope washer disinfectors that survived an in-use concentra-tion of chlorine dioxide.

Prions, the unconventional agents responsible for transmissible degenerative encephalopathies, are deemed to be the least suscep-tible to conventional chemical microbicides. However, their proteinaceous nature makes them more susceptible to enzyme inactivation and chemistry that denatures proteins, such as alkalis and possibly some oxidizing agents [169, 170]. More information on prions is provided in Chapter 10.

Bacterial endospores show relative resistance to many chemical and physical agents [170]. It is thus not surprising that they are used as biological indicators to validate many decontamination processes [85]. Endospores of B. subtilis, for example, are particu-larly well studied and certain factors behind their resistance to chemical and physical processes documented [171, 172]. The need for sporicides in healthcare settings is now evident with the mounting importance of Clostridium difficile (an anaerobic spore-former) as a nosocomial pathogen [128].

Aldehydes, such as glutaraldehyde and ortho-phthalaldehyde have a slow sporicidal activity (c. 6-log10 reduction in viability in hours) whereas halogen- and non-halogen-based oxidizers are more rapid as sporicides (c. 6-log10 reduction in viability in minutes) [128]. Other microbicides such as QACs, biguanides, alcohols, phenols and parabens can be sporistatic by inhibiting germination [173]. The structure of the spores, spore coats [174–177] and cortex and the presence of SASPs [178, 179] have been implicated in the lack of activity of many chemical microbicides (see Chapter 6.2 for more information). The presence of superdor-mant spores is of a particular concern for the food industry [180].

Section 1 Principles


Table 3.5 Response of microorganisms to microbicide activity.

Microorganismsa Examples Comments Further information

Prions Scrapie, Creutzfeld–Jakob disease (CJD), new-variant CJD

Highly resistant to conventional microbicides due to their proteinaceous nature

See Chapter 10

Bacterial endospores Bacillus spp., Geobacillus spp., Clostridium difficile

Bacillus used as biological indicators for sterilization processes due to their high intrinsic resistance

See Chapter 6.2

Protozoal oocysts Cryptosporidium Particularly challenging for water disinfection; associated with infection outbreaks

See Chapter 8

Mycobacteria M. chelonae, M. avium intracellulare, M. tuberculosis, M. terrae

Environmental mycobacteria M. chelonae, M. massiliense might show a capacity to develop resistance to repeated microbicide exposure, and might become a challenge for high-level disinfection

See Chapter 6.3

Small non-enveloped viruses Picornaviruses, noroviruses See Chapter 9Protozoal cysts Giardia spp., Acnathamoeba spp. Might harbor pathogenic bacteria and contribute to their

survival when exposed to microbicidesSee Chapter 8

Fungal spores Aspergillus spp. Very little information on microbicide activity against fungal spores

See Chapter 7

Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas spp., Burkholderia spp., Esherichia coli, Acinetobacter spp.

Pseudomonas and Burkholderia are particularly challenging for preservative systems; pathogenic E. coli (e.g. O157) associated with surface contamination is often embedded with organic matter

See Chapter 6.1

Molds Aspergillus spp. Very little information on microbicide activity against molds See Chapter 7Yeasts Candida albicans, Saccharomyces

cerevisiaeYeasts usually considered more susceptible than molds. Overall very little information available on yeast susceptibility to microbicides

See Chapter 7

Protozoa Acanthamoeba spp., Giardia spp. Important to control for water disinfection and contact lens disinfection

See Chapter 8

Large, non-enveloped viruses Adenoviruses, rotaviruses Certain rotaviruses more resilient, viruses often associated with soiling

See Chapter 9

Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococci, streprotoccoci, enterococci See Chapter 6.1Enveloped viruses HIV, HSV, influenza, RSV Viruses on surfaces often associated with fomites See Chapter 9

HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HSV, herpes simplex virus; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus.a Listed in order of resistance to microbicides from high to low.

Mycobacteria in general show a higher resistance to many microbicidal chemicals as compared with other types of vegeta-tive bacteria. While many regard mycobacteria as a group to be more resistant than non-enveloped viruses [181, 182], this is not necessarily correct as such relative resistance may be formulation-specific and also related to the actual type of mycobacterium and virus involved.

The higher resistance of mycobacteria to microbicides is linked to their structure and particularly the high lipid content in their cell wall, which gives them higher hydrophobicity [183, 184] (see Chapter 6.3), although the composition of their cell wall arabi-nomannan/arabinogalactan might play a role against some microbicide such as glutaraldehyde [185]. Environmental isolates showing increased resistance to chemical disinfection with glu-taraldehyde have been isolated [75, 94, 95]. Mycobacterial resist-ance to aldehydes has been associated with a change in cell wall structure [140] and enhanced hydrophobicity [94, 185] (see Chapter 6.1).

Gram-negative bacteria are often considered less susceptible to chemical microbicides than Gram-positive ones, and this view is

mainly based on differences in cell permeability to antimicrobials [183, 186, 187]. Among the Gram-negative bacteria, P. aeruginosa and to some extent Burkholderia cepacia are of particular concern, notably for their resistance to preservative systems [119, 188–193]. It is interesting to note that environmental isolates might be less sensitive to microbicide activity than their reference coun-terpart from culture collections [194]. Among Gram-positive bacteria, differences in susceptibility occur when exposed to dif-ferent microbicides, but there is generally no rule of thumb. However, an increase in resistance to microbicides in Gram- positive bacteria has been demonstrated, notably with the acqui-sition of new genetic determinants (see Chapter 6.1). The amount of cell wall lipid content has also been associated with microbicide susceptibility in staphylococci [34, 195, 196]. An increase in anti-biotic resistance in clinical isolates of Gram-positive bacteria has, however, not been associated with an increase in resistance to microbicides [162, 164, 197].

Fungi are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms comprising yeasts and molds, which are associated with many types of infec-tions and also contamination of surfaces and spoilage of


Chapter 3 Factors Affecting the Activities of Microbicides

pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food products [198, 199]. The fun-gistatic and fungicidal activities of microbicides are overall poorly documented, although there is a renewed interest in these organ-isms because of their increasing resistance to available preserva-tives and mounting significance as nosocomial pathogens. Fungi are generally considered to be less susceptible to microbicides than non-sporulating bacteria [89, 200–203] and molds are less suscep-tible than yeasts (see Chapter 7). Although there is paucity of information on the mechanisms of action of microbicides against these organisms, especially molds, the differences in their suscep-tibility are believed to reside in the cell wall structure. Fungi also possess effective efflux systems and repair mechanisms. Surpris-ingly, there is little known about the susceptibility of fungal spores to microbicides, probably owing to the structural and size diver-sity of these spores. Jones et al. [204] observed that ascopores of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were significantly more resistant than vegetative cells to QACs and hypochlorite but not to peracetic acid. Likewise, it was found that ascospores were significantly more resistant to alcohols than vegetative cells [30].

Viruses can be separated into two main structural groups and their corresponding susceptibility to microbicides: envel-oped viruses show higher susceptibility to even weaker microbi-cides, while the non-enveloped ones are comparatively more resistant but with a wider reaction range depending on the for-mulation and the specific type of virus under consideration (see Chapter 9). Among the non-enveloped viruses, the smaller ones (e.g. picornaviruses) normally show a higher degree of resistance to microbicides [205–209], with expected variations depending on the type of microbicide under consideration [210]. In com-parison, medium-sized (e.g. adenoviruses) and larger-sized (e.g. rotaviruses) non-enveloped viruses possess a lower level of resistance to microbicides in general (see Chapter 9). The hier-archy of disinfectant resistance of non-enveloped viruses has been suggested as a predictor of activity against new and emerg-ing viruses [211].

The relatively small size of viruses and their strict dependence on host cells limit our ability to know exactly how microbicides act on them. In very broad terms, essential lipids in enveloped viruses are the most likely targets for many actives, solvents and detergents in microbicidal products [55, 206, 210, 212, 213].

Because of their relatively simple structure and chemical com-position, viruses as a group are less likely to develop the levels of microbicide resistance seen in certain types of bacteria [214]. In a recent study on the microbicidal activity of environmental surface disinfectants [215], there was incomplete inactivation of hepatitis A virus (a small, non-enveloped virus) while a myco-bacterium, a vegetative bacterium and a bacterial spore-former in the test mixture were all rendered undetectable under identical conditions. This was most likely due to protection afforded to the virus by the uneven topography of the carrier surface, as well as the shielding by the soil load and the organisms in the mixture.

We now know a lot more about the susceptibility/resistance of protozoan trophozoites and their cysts to microbicides [216]. The renewed interest in free-living amoeba is due to the protection

they give to intracellular bacterial and viral pathogens against damaging environmental factors including microbicides (see Chapter 9). The differences in microbicide sensitivity between trophozoites and cysts has been studied in a very few amoebal species such as Acanthamoeba castellanii [217–222]. Protozoan oocysts are known to be highly resistant to water disinfectants such as chlorine, although most of the available information is on Cryptosporidium spp. [216].

Number of microorganismsThe total number of microorganisms (“bioburden”) on a given surface or object can also affect the activity of a microbicide by adding to the level of soiling and by providing protection to other organisms at the site. Most standard protocols for microbicidal activity employ a relatively large number of organisms in the test inoculum. Depending on the purpose of the test and the type of target organism, the level of viable organisms in the inoculum per tube or carrier may range from a minimum of 104 to a maximum of 108 viable units. Even though a microbicide may encounter much lower levels of the target organism(s) on a given unit surface area in the field, such high inocula are believed to repre-sent the “worst case” scenario [3]. However, the relevance of using such high inocula has been questioned [162, 164, 223].

While it may not be necessary, or indeed feasible, to kill every single organism on an environmental surface for successful infec-tion control in healthcare, the inability to do so in the case of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products can be quite detrimental, where the presence of even low levels of viable organisms could lead to rejection of a given lot [80]. Likewise, a given microbicide should be able to bring the levels of genetically modified micro-organisms (GEMs) to undetectable levels [224] to forestall their accidental release into the environment. Similar considerations apply to infectious bioagents such as anthrax spores [215]

Microbial biofilmBacteria are frequently found in the environment in “biofilms”, which are often complex microbial communities growing attached to submerged surfaces [225]. In the biofilm state bacteria are generally much more resistant to antimicrobials than their plank-tonic counterparts, thus presenting a major challenge for both antibiotics and microbicides in healthcare [14, 141, 226–232] as well as in the food and manufacturing industries [233–235] (see Chapter 4). Even though biofilm-associated contamination/infec-tion is common, there are no standard efficacy protocols for testing microbicide activity against biofilms [236]. Several mech-anisms have been identified for the decrease in susceptibility of biofilms to microbicides:1. A reduction in the available concentration of microbicide due to the production of exopolysaccharides within the biofilm.2. The presence of different environments caused by a reduction in oxygen and nutrients, allowing for different bacterial growth rates and the presence of dormant cells (persisters).3. An increase in the production of degradative enzymes.4. An increase in genetic exchange and cell-to-cell signaling.

Section 1 Principles


Biofilm resistance to microbicides is given in more depth in Chapter 4.

Factors affecting recovery: microbial viability after microbicide exposure

A number of parameters will affect the recovery of microorgan-isms following exposure to microbicides. Understanding these factors is crucial, notably for the proper design and performance of microbicide tests as well as for the correct interpretation of the data generated. Indeed, standard efficacy tests describe in detail the neutralization solutions to be used for quenching the activity of microbicides as well as the recovery medium to be used (see Chapter 12).

Injury repair: viable but non-culturable microorganismsMicroorganisms are able to repair injuries following exposure to physical and chemical agents [237]. Bacteria are particularly effi-cient at repairing injuries caused to their genome following ultra-violet and ionizing radiations. Early studies on bacterial ability to repair injuries following exposure to a microbicide were based on plating treated bacteria and a culture medium that enhanced lethality to injured bacteria alone, but not to uninjured ones [238]. Such an approach was also used to study sublethal injuries to spores [239–242]. More recent approaches have made use of the difference in viability count between a traditional agar plate method and the use of the Bioscreen C Microbial Growth Ana-lyzer that measures optical density/absorbance of bacterial growth in broth. Indeed, the difference in viable count between the two methods was deemed indicative of the extent of bacterial injury following treatment [9, 162, 243]. To date, the Bioscreen C Ana-lyzer has, however, not been used to measure the repair capability of the treated bacteria.

Sterile distilled water, one-quarter strength Ringer’s solution, 0.9% w/v saline, peptone water, tryptone sodium chloride and nutrient broth have been employed as diluents by various inves-tigators. It should be noted that the use of an inappropriate diluent might enhance stress caused to injured bacteria.

Injuries caused to bacteria have been thought to produce viable-but-non-culturable s (VBNC) cells in normal recovery media [244]. The use of live – dead stain based on membrane permeability has indeed demonstrated that bacteria that could not form colonies on agar were actually viable [245]. The type of recovery medium is also important to consider. In standard effi-cacy tests, one common medium is tryptone soya agar. This medium allows for rapid growth and, when combined with optimal growth temperature, encourages rapid metabolism, which is unfavorable to injured bacteria. The formation of free radicals following rapid metabolism contributes to further inju-ries and results in bacterial commitment to cell death [245]. In short, the combination of a “rich” medium and optimal growth temperature enhances the lethal effect of the microbicide, by con-tributing to the killing of injured or stressed bacterial cells.

Neutralization of microbicidal activityWhen tested for efficacy some microbicides can be transferred to the recovery medium at the same time as the microorganisms. Cationic agents and dyes in particular can bind strongly to the microbial cell surface (see Chapter 2). The microbicide concen-tration transferred can be inhibitory or microbicidal. It is thus crucial that the microbicide tested is neutralized effectively before recovering surviving microorganisms [246]. Failure to quench the activity of the test microbicide may overestimate the activity of the formulation being tested. Quenching of microbicidal activity can be achieved by adding a neutralizing chemical (inactivator, antidote) and/or by dilution for those actives with a high concen-tration exponent (see above). The neutralizer must itself be non-toxic to the test organisms and any reaction by-product of neutralization must likewise be harmless. Thus, the toxicity of the neutralizer and the efficacy of the neutralizer to quench the activ-ity of a specific microbicide should be tested prior to the efficacy test. The use of neutralizers needs to be validated in standard efficacy tests (see Chapter 12).

In some instances, the use of a neutralizer is not possible. Microbicide removal by membrane filtration provides an alterna-tive to quenching [247]. This offers a suitable alternative for a number of microbicides, but might be inefficient for those micro-bicides that attach strongly to microbial surface.

In tests for virucidal activity, any neutralizer used must also be non-toxic to the host cells and it also must neither suppress nor enhance the susceptibility of the host cells to the test virus [248]. Since membrane filtration to washout the test microbicide cannot be readily used in virucidal tests, gel filtration is often employed for the purpose [249]. Here, the virus – microbicide mixture is passed through a column of Sephadex or equivalent material to recover the virus while retaining any low molecular weight sub-stances in the gel [248].

Recovery mediaSeveral investigations have shown that the addition of specific compounds to the recovery media can reduce damage caused to microorganisms. Harris [250] showed that the addition of char-coal or various cations reduced both the rate and extent of damage of phenol-treated bacteria. Durant and Higdon [251] showed that the numbers of colonies from P. aeruginosa treated with bronopol were several-hundred-fold higher on recovery media containing catalase than on unsupplemented agar, pre-sumably because of a better recovery of injured bacteria.

Incubation temperatureAs mentioned above, bacteria exposed to a microbicide might recover better at a temperature below the optimum for undam-aged bacteria. Harris [250] showed that the optimum tempera-ture for phenol-damaged bacteria was 28°C. Williams and Russell [239–242] observed that the optimum incubation temperature was 30–37°C for spores exposed to halogen or glutaraldehyde. Spores exposed to a microbicide also required longer incubation periods before germination and growth [239].


Chapter 3 Factors Affecting the Activities of Microbicides


The understanding of the factors affecting the activity of micro-bicides is vital to ensure an effective application in practice. In the healthcare environment, concentrations and exposure time for the application of a surface disinfectant do not always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations or standard operating proce-dures [162, 164]. This might be, in particular, a concern for those organisms that are intrinsically resistant to many microbicides such as bacterial endospores. Indeed, for these microorganisms, an effective microbicide needs to be applied for several minutes to achieve an appropriate reduction in number, especially where soiling is present [128]. The inappropriate use of sporicides leads to spore survival and spore persistence, but it also can lead to an increase in sporulation [252] and increase in spore aggregation, the latter being associated with a further decrease in microbicide efficacy.

Factors affecting the efficacy of microbicides were mainly studied in the 1960s and 1970s, but some new information has been published more recently. A better understanding of these factors – but also of the use of chemicals to enhance microbicide activity – is paramount to ensure efficacy in situ, as well as improving microbicide efficacy in preservative applications in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food products. This is particularly pertinent given the restrictions imposed by regulators on the microbicide to be used in certain applications (see Chapter 14).

Finally, within the last 10 years, a better understanding of the role of microbicides in emerging microbial resistance to these agents and to chemotherapeutic antibiotics, is adding pressure for microbicides to be used appropriately in a number of applications [5].


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