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INDOMITUS Many hobbyists have been fortunate enough to play the Space Hulk game from Games Workshop. Originally designed by Richard Halliwell, the 1st edition of the game was published in 1989, and was expanded by Deathwing and Genestealer. Additional rules were published in White Dwarf magazine, and many of those were later collected in the Space Hulk Campaigns supplement. The 2nd edition of the game was published in 1996 and also enjoyed support in White Dwarf magazine, with many missions and campaigns being updated for the new edition. The 3rd edition of the game was published in 2009, with some support in White Dwarf magazine. The 4th edition of the game published in 2014 was similar to the 3rd edition, but added a new mission and a few rules. In addition, that edition saw three supplements published in the form of the Duty and Honour, Bringer of Sorrow, and Return to Kalidus mission files. There was also a Warhammer 40,000 4th edition Kill-Team variant published on the Games Workshop website.

Despite a few articles in White Dwarf magazine, Games Workshop has given very little further support to the Space Hulk game. This project seeks to fill that gap. One notable limitation is that this project limits itself to Space Marine Terminators, including Chaos Space Marine Terminators, versus Genestealers.

Using the publications that are included in this project, players can substitute their own Terminator miniatures, including character models that aren’t part of the official Space Hulk game. Players can also create custom missions that incorporate elements from the officials missions as well as expanded elements provided in this expansion.

The Duty and Honour, Bringer of Sorrow, and Return to Kalidus mission files published in 4th edition presented some rules that expanded upon weapons and rules in the base set, including advice on using the Ultramarines, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves and advice for creating custom missions. Those files were only published for Apple products, though, leaving non-Apple users in the dark. Some of the rules presented in this rulebook may cover weapons and terrain that have official rules in the mission files, in which case these unofficial rules should be ignored in favor of the official rules.

Indomitus is not a standalone game. You will need a copy of Space Hulk in order to use the contents of this book.


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EXPANDED BATTLEFIELD Missions aboard space hulks and within other zone mortalis settings are conducted with a variety of objectives, ranging from reconnaissance to purging threats to recovering archaeotech. The xenos that lurk within space hulks aren’t the only threats to their safety – traps, the vacuum of space, forgotten defense mechanisms, and many other threats can kill the unwary. Fortunately, Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes can draw upon a variety of weapons and tools within their armories to even the odds.

This section presents expanded rules that can be used to incorporate into custom missions for Space Hulk. When adding these to official missions, the dynamics of the mission tactics can change considerably, so this should only be done when both players agree.

AMBUSHES Ambush counters are used by the Genestealer player to represent Genestealers that remain hidden until they can launch a surprise attack on a Terminator. Ambush counters have a rubble & debris graphic on the reverse side and are always placed using the hidden setup rule. The mission setup rules will indicate the number of ambush counters that may be used and may provide additional requirements or limitations on the placement of ambush counters.

Hidden Setup Each ambush counter is placed facedown with the rubble & debris side up. A Terminator does not pay the additional AP to move into the space with the ambush counter. When a Terminator moves onto the square in which the ambush counter is located, the ambush counter is removed and the hidden Genestealer will be revealed and will immediately launch a close assault as if attacking from the space immediately behind the Terminator. If the Terminator wins the close assault, turn the Terminator to face the Genestealer. The Terminator player may use any remaining APs or CPs to attack the Genestealer through shooting or close assault.

Best Practice: There should be at least two rubble & debris markers for each ambush counter. This will ensure that the exact location of ambushes remains unknown until the Genestealer attacks. In addition, there should be no more than one ambush counter for every five Terminator models.

Converting Ambush Counters The Genestealer player may convert an ambush counter to a Genestealer during the Genestealer Action Phase. The ambush counter is flipped over to reveal the Genestealer, then removed from play and replaced with a single Genestealer model with any facing desired, and is treated as a normal Genestealer for the rest of the game.


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Clearing Ambush Counters The Terminator player may attempt to clear possible ambush locations by firing area effect weapons. The Terminator player fires the appropriate weapon as normal and rolls the dice as normal, rolling 1D6 for each rubble and debris counter on the tile. For each result of 2+, one ambush counter is removed from the tile. The Genestealer player does not have to reveal any ambush counters that survive the area effect attack. If the area effect weapon has the persistent effect rule, persistent effect dice are only rolled if a surviving ambush counter is converted into a Genestealer.

AUTOFIRE WEAPONS Autofire weapons are weapons which can be attached to the deck, ceiling, or wall. These weapons are slaved to a sensor array and a machine spirit, enabling them to fire automatically at any lifeform passing within their line of sight and range.

An autofire weapon may be carried exactly as a large object (see later) and placed in position. It costs 2 APs to emplace and activate an autofire weapon. When emplaced, the autofire weapon marker must be oriented with a facing and is treated exactly as a Space Marine Terminator for purposes of line of sight and line of fire. The mission special rules will indicate whether autofire weapons may be placed in advance or if they must be carried into position and placed as part of the mission.

Once activated, an autofire weapon fires as if on overwatch, but does not benefit from the sustained fire bonus.

Autofire weapons come in two variants: storm bolter and heavy bolter. Regardless of variant type, autofire weapons destroy targets (Genestealers, Terminators, and doors, but not containment doors) on a roll of 6.

Storm Bolter A storm bolter autofire weapon is treated just like a storm bolter being fired by a Terminator on overwatch. If a storm bolter autofire weapon rolls a double on the shooting dice, it jams. Place a 'jammed' marker on the autofire weapon.

Heavy Bolter A heavy bolter autofire weapon is loaded with enough ammunition to fire ten times. Heavy bolter autofire weapon ammunition is kept track of on the Indomitus mission status display. At the start of the game place the heavy bolter autofire weapon ammunition counter on the 10 space on the track. Each time the heavy bolter fires, the Genestealer player must move the counter one space down the track. Once all ten shots have been used the heavy bolter may no longer shoot.


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Reloading a Heavy Bolter Autofire Weapon Some missions allow the heavy bolter autofire weapon to be reloaded. A heavy bolter ammunition reload must be carried as a large object (see below). A space Marine carrying a heavy bolter ammunition reload may reload the heavy bolter autofire weapon if the autofire weapon is in the space to the Terminator's immediate front. It costs 4 AP to reload the heavy bolter autofire weapon. Return the ammunition marker to the 10 space on the track. Note that the heavy bolter autofire weapon may be reloaded even if it still has ammunition, and the autofire weapon may be reloaded as many times as the mission allows.

Clearing Jams If an autofire weapon jams, the jam may be cleared by any Space Marine model. The autofire weapon must be in the space to the Terminator's immediate front. It costs 2 AP to clear an autofire weapon jam.

Deactivating Autofire Weapons The Space Marine player may deactivate an autofire weapon. The autofire weapon must be in the space to the Terminator's immediate front. It costs 2 AP to deactivate an autofire weapon.

Autofire weapons do not block line of sight, but block movement. Autofire weapons may be attacked just like doors. If destroyed, remove the autofire weapon marker.

Autofire weapons may be attacked just like doors. If destroyed, remove the autofire weapon marker.

Optional: If players agree, destroyed autofire weapons may be replaced by rubble and debris. If an autofire weapon is destroyed, replace the autofire weapon marker with a rubble and debris counter. An autofire weapon cannot reactivate once it has been destroyed.

Hidden Setup Some missions allow autofire weapons to be placed in hidden locations, concealed among rubble. In these cases, the autofire weapon marker is placed facedown with the rubble side up. The autofire weapon facing must be such that the counter can be flipped with the same facing. Any action that takes place within the autofire weapon’s line of sight and overwatch fire range will immediately cause the autofire weapon to be revealed and fire. If a blip caused the action, the blip is converted. If an autofire weapon was emplaced with a hidden setup and is later destroyed, flip the marker over to the rubble side. The autofire weapon cannot reactivate once it has been destroyed.


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BLAST DOORS Often referred to as bulkheads, blast doors are much tougher than ordinary doors and can be sealed permanently shut. Blast doors are placed as open doors at the start of the mission. During the mission the Space Marine player can close blast doors in the same way as other doors. Once closed, blast doors cannot be re-opened. Blast doors are so thick that they cannot be destroyed.

The blast door counters that are provided with the basic Indomitus counter set are placed under the standard door tiles to indicate blast doors. Alternately, players can use suitable models.

CONSOLES & CONTROLS A mission may require that one side must access or attack a console or control. The location of the console or control will be indicated on the mission map. Specific rules for accessing or attacking the console or control will be provided in the mission.

Consoles and controls may not be picked up or moved. Models attempting to access or attack the console or control must have line of sight to the console or control. The console or control must be in the space to the model’s front in order to be accessed.

CONTAINMENT DOORS Containment doors are similar to regular doors except that they are much more durable. Close assault attacks against containment doors suffer a -2 penalty to the dice roll and models do not benefit from any close assault bonuses when attacking containment doors. Genestealers must roll a 6 on at least one of their close assault dice in order to destroy a containment door. Shooting attacks against containment doors suffer a -1 penalty to the dice roll and models do not benefit from the sustained fire bonus. This means that bolter type weapons (storm bolters, combi-bolters, and the bolter portion of combi-weapons) are useless against containment doors. Flamer weapons are also useless against containment doors. Shooting attacks that automatically destroy normal doors (such as meltaguns) must roll a 5 or higher in order to destroy containment doors.

The containment door counters that are provided with the basic Indomitus counter set are placed under the standard door markers to indicate containment doors. Alternately, players can use suitable models.

CONTAINMENT TANKS Containment tanks are devices in which creatures can sleep in stasis for years (often called "cryogenic tanks"), or which store dead specimens. They are fixed in place and cannot be moved, but can be attacked in the same way as doors. If a tank is destroyed, flip the marker face down. Containment tanks block line of sight and continue to block line of sight and movement when destroyed.

Containment tanks can be represented by counters provided with the basic Indomitus counter set, or players can use suitable models.


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CRATES & BARRELS The battlefields in which Indomitus battles take place are often littered with various crates and barrels. Crates and barrels cannot be moved and block both line of sight and movement while intact. They can be attacked in the same way as doors. If a crate or barrel is destroyed, remove the marker from play.

Optional: If players agree, destroyed crates and barrels may be replaced by rubble and debris. If a crate or barrel is destroyed, replace the crate and barrel marker with a rubble and debris counter.

Some crates and barrels contain special objects and any rules for these objects will be provided in the mission.

Crates and barrels can be represented by counters provided with the basic Indomitus counter set, or players can use suitable models.

LARGE OBJECTS A mission may require that one side must carry a large object into position, or retrieve it for themselves.

Unlike regular objects (see the Space Hulk Rulebook), large objects limit movement and prevent both shooting and close assault. A model carrying a large object can never move more spaces than its base AP – CPs can’t be used to move them further. A model carrying a large object can’t perform any shooting or close assault attacks. If a model carrying a large object is attacked by close assault, the model may not defend and any dice roll of 3 or higher successfully kills the model. If a model carrying a large object is killed, the large object is dropped in the square in which the model was standing.

A model may drop a large object for 1 AP in order to perform other actions. A model may pick a large object up for 2 AP.

Additional rules for large objects may be specified in a mission in which they are used.

A large object counter is provided with the basic Indomitus counter set, or players can use a model or counter.

LIFTS Lifts allow models to move to different levels safely and quickly. Lifts come in a variety of sizes and are accessible by a door. Lift tiles have two sides. One side shows the floor of the lift and is used to indicate the level at which a lift is currently located. The other side shows the lift shaft and is used to show all other levels that are accessible to the lift. In addition, the lift door counters that are provided with the basic Indomitus counter set are placed under the standard door markers to indicate lift doors.


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Lift Doors Lift doors are treated just like blast doors, but may only be opened if the lift is on the same level. They ignore the normal rule preventing blast doors from being opened, though they cannot be destroyed. Unless the mission special rules indicate otherwise, lift doors will normally be closed until commanded otherwise (see below). Regardless of lift occupancy, lift doors will automatically close at the end of the player turn unless the mission special rules indicate otherwise.

Lift Commands Lifts may be given commands from both outside and inside the lift. Commands from outside will be access commands and will both call a lift to the level on which the command is given and automatically open the lift door when the lift reaches the level on which the command is given and automatically open the door when the lift reaches the level. Commands from inside a lift will generally be to move the lift to another level and automatically open a lift door, or they may be to open or close a lift door.

Lifts will generally follow the commands they are given in the order in which they are given, though all commands given on the current level are followed before commands given on other levels.

Lift Movement When a lift is given a command to move to another level, it will begin its movement sequence at the end of the current player turn. Lift movement sequence begins with the door shutting automatically at the end of the current player turn. The lift will move between levels during the next player turn and will reach the other level at the end of the next player turn. The lift door will open at the end of the current player's next turn unless opened by command (1 AP) from either inside or outside the lift.

PITFALLS A pitfall is a hole in the floor, opening onto the next lower level. The pitfall doesn’t continue through to the next floor.

Space Marine Terminators and Pitfalls Roll a dice when a Space Marine enters a square that contains a pitfall. On a roll of 1 the Space Marine falls down to the space below. Alternately, a Space Marine may intentionally jump into a pitfall by announcing that he is doing so as he enters the space. Jumping into a pitfall costs 1 AP after entering the space where the pitfall is located. Whether falling or jumping in the pitfall, the Space Marine maintains his facing upon landing, but loses any action points he may have had remaining at the time that he fell (command points may be used to perform extra actions as normal). Any model in the square below is destroyed.

Terminator armor is too bulky to climb up through a pitfall.

Genestealers and Pitfalls Genestealers and blips can enter and pass through pitfall squares without risk of falling. They can climb up through a pitfall at a cost of 3 APs. They can jump down into a pitfall at no extra cost by announcing their intention to do so when entering the space, or by paying an additional 1 AP if they decide to jump down the pitfall after they have already occupied the square. The Genestealer player may give the jumping model any facing upon landing.


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A Genestealer may only jump down into a square occupied by a Space Marine if it launches a close assault, in which case the close assault is resolved as if the Space Marine is not facing the Genestealer. If the Space Marine survives the close assault, the model is moved either backward or to the side of the Space Marine player’s choice and is turned to face the Genestealer who now occupies the square.

A Space Marine standing in a pitfall square may shoot at a Genestealer in the pitfall square above or below. An area effect weapon in a section with a pitfall does not affect the section above or below.

Hidden Setup Some missions allow pitfalls to be placed in hidden locations, concealed among rubble and debris. In these cases, the pitfall marker is placed facedown with the rubble and debris side up. Hidden pitfall markers can only be placed in spaces where there is a corresponding space on a lower level. Any model moving into the space pays the additional AP to enter the space. In addition, there is an increased chance that the model will fall into the hidden pitfall. Roll a D6 for the model moving into the space. A Terminator moving into a hidden pitfall space will fall into the pitfall on a roll of 4+ while a Genestealer or blip moving into a hidden pitfall space will fall into the pitfall on a roll of 6+. Once a model moves into the space, the pitfall is no longer hidden and remains face up for the remainder of the game. In addition, the pitfall above marker should be placed in the corresponding lower level space at this time. A hidden pitfall will be revealed if a Genestealer or blip moves through the pitfall. Additionally, if a model from the opposing side that placed the hidden pitfall marker moves into the corresponding space below the hidden pitfall, the pitfall will be revealed.

Best Practice: When the hidden setup rule is used with pitfalls, there should be at least one rubble and debris marker for each hidden pitfall. This will ensure that the exact location of hidden pitfalls remains unknown until they are activated.

RUBBLE & DEBRIS The battlefields in which Indomitus battles take place are often damaged during combat. This can leave large amounts of rubble and debris. Rubble and debris do not block line of sight, it hinders movement. Spaces strewn with rubble and debris are marked with one of the rubble counters provided in the basic Indomitus counter set.

It costs an additional 1 AP to enter a rubble and debris space. The move from a rubble and debris space to another space has no additional penalty (unless the other space also has rubble and debris).

When a Space Marine or Chaos Space Marine fires a bolter, storm bolter, assault cannon, or reaper autocannon at a target in or behind a rubble and debris space, there’s a chance the shot is deflected by the rubble and debris. The Genestealer may re-roll each of the D6 that hits. On a 5 or 6, the shot is deflected and has no effect. On any other result, the shot hits as normal. If the shot passes through or into more than one rubble and debris pile, the Genestealer re-rolls for each pile.


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Optional: If players agree, destroyed doors may be replaced by rubble and debris. If a door is destroyed, replace the door marker with a rubble and debris counter.

TRAPS Traps cover a range of devices used to attack the unwary and notify the defender of a breach. These devices will automatically attack any lifeform passing through the square in which they are located.

Traps are placed during mission setup and guidelines for placing traps will be provided as part of the mission rules.

Any model passing over the trap counter is attacked. Roll a single dice. The model is destroyed on a 6.

The mission rules will indicate whether the traps are perpetual or one-use.

One-Use Traps These traps are simple devices that are expended after one use. They will attack friend and foe alike. Once a one-use trap attacks a model, the trap marker is removed from play.

Perpetual Traps These traps are complex devices that will continue to attack for the duration of a mission. If a model survives a perpetual trap attack, it may attack the trap just as a door. If the trap survives the attack, it will not attack again until a model moves into the square in which it is located. If a perpetual trap is removed, the trap marker is removed from play.

Hidden Setup Some missions allow traps to be placed in hidden locations, concealed among rubble. In these cases, the trap marker is placed facedown with the rubble side up. If any model moves onto the square in which the trap is located, the trap will be revealed and will attack as normal.


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EXPANDED WEAPONS The Adeptus Astartes, known as the Space Marines, are the most elite of the military forces of the Imperium of Mankind. Created thousands of years ago through the experimentation of the Emperor, these transhuman warriors have endured painful surgeries, psycho-conditioning, and intense training to become the Angels of Death. All Space Marines are formidable warriors, easily the equal of any ten normal men. Those that survive long enough become veterans, heroic warriors that are inducted into the veteran company of their Chapter and trained in the use of tactical dreadnought armor, also known as Terminator armor. These warriors are trained in all aspects of warcraft and have access to extensive Chapter armories.

Many players use their Warhammer 40,000 miniatures to play games of Space Hulk. The basic rules of the game present the standard weapons and equipment used by Terminator armor clad Space Marines, but there are many other weapons within the armories of the Space Marines. This section presents rules for additional weapons and equipment that might be carried by your Terminator miniatures, allowing you to find new challenges by playing missions with non-standard equipment. All weapons should be accurately represented on your models.

In addition, there are some weapons that are peculiar to certain Chapters, or which are only carried by the Heretic Astartes. These are covered in the sections on the Chapters and the Chaos Space Marines.

BOLTER A bolter follows the same rules as a storm bolter as found in the Space Hulk Rulebook, except that a bolter has a slower rate of fire and rolls only 1D6 when shooting at targets over 12 squares away.

COMBI-FLAMER The bolter portion of a combi-flamer follows the normal bolter rules.

The flamer portion of a combi-flamer is a smaller version of the heavy flamer typically carried by terminators, projecting a gout of burning promethium that can incinerate a swath of enemies, and coating the room or corridor with fuel that continues to burn for a short period after firing. It costs 1 AP to take a shoot action with a flamer. This can be combined with a move or turn action, paying only the 1 or 2 APs for the move or turn action and firing the flamer ‘for free’ after the move or turn action has been completed. A flamer can target a model or square up to 12 spaces away. This may be an empty square.

Area Effect Flamers affect entire map sections in the same manner as heavy flamers as described in the Space Hulk Rulebook, except that the target models are destroyed on a roll of 5 or higher.

Persistent Effect Flamers have a persistent effect in the same manner as heavy flamers as described in the Space Hulk Rulebook.


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Limited Ammunition A combi-flamer only carries sufficient fuel for one shot. Use one of the flamer counters provided, setting the counter aside when it has been used. If other models on the same side also carry heavy flamers and/or combi-flamers, use the mission status board to keep track of which models have fired their heavy flamer or flamer shots.

Flamers and Doors Flamers cannot destroy or shoot through closed doors, just as heavy flamers as described in the Space Hulk Rulebook.

COMBI-MELTAGUN The bolter portion of a combi-meltagun follows the normal bolter rules.

The melta portion of a combi-meltagun is capable of reducing rock, metal, or living material to molten slag or ash. It costs 1 AP to take a shoot action with a meltagun. This can be combined with a move or turn action, paying only the 1 or 2 APs for the move or turn action and firing the meltagun ‘for free’ after the move or turn action has been completed. A meltagun can target a model or door up to 12 spaces away. Roll 1D6; the piece is destroyed on a roll of 4 or higher. The melta portion of a combi-meltagun may not be fired on overwatch.

Limited Ammunition A combi-meltagun only carries sufficient fuel for one shot. Use one of the melta counters provided, setting the counter aside when it has been used. If other models on the same side also carry combi-meltaguns, use the mission status board to keep track of which models have fired their melta shots.

Meltaguns and Doors Meltaguns are highly effective at destroying doors. A Space Marine armed with a meltagun automatically destroys a door if they shoot it with the meltagun. No dice roll is necessary.

COMBI-PLASMAGUN The bolter portion of a combi-plasmagun follows the normal bolter rules above.

The plasma portion of a combi-plasmagun fires a plasma 'bolt' that explodes on impact, generating the destructive heat of a small sun. This can be combined with a move or turn action, paying only the 1 or 2 APs for the move or turn action and firing the plasmagun 'for free' after the move or turn action has been completed. There is no maximum range and the plasmagun may target a model or door. When shooting at enemy models or doors within 12 squares, 2 dice may be rolled. When shooting at enemy models or doors more than 12 squares away, only 1D6 is rolled. If any of the dice result in a 4 or higher the target is destroyed and removed from play. The plasma portion of a combi-plasmagun may not be fired on overwatch.

Limited Ammunition A combi-plasmagun only carries sufficient fuel for one shot. Use the plasma counter, setting the counter aside when it has been used. If other models on the same side also carry combi-plasmaguns, use the mission status board to keep track of which models have fired their plasmagun shots.


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Gets Hot Plasmaguns are prone to overheating and can prove as deadly to the wielder as the target. If the Space Marine player rolls a double 1 on the shooting dice while shooting a plasmagun, his plasmagun has overheated and exploded, killing the wielder.

FORCE SWORD Same as power sword (i.e., parry), but with ability to channel psi points as Force Axe.

FORCE STAVE Same as force axe.

FORCE WEAPON, UNUSUAL Same as force axe.

POWER AXE Same as power fist.

POWER LANCE A power lance functions as a power fist. In addition, a model armed with a power lance may take advantage of the power lance's extended reach in close assault.

Charging When a Terminator armed with a power lance moves forward and a Genestealer is in the square to his immediate front, the Terminator may make a free close assault. This close assault is part of the forward movement and doesn’t cost any APs. Roll 1 dice. If the dice scores either a 5 or a 6 the Genestealer is destroyed and removed from play.

The Terminator only benefits from the free close assault if the Genestealer is in the square to the immediate front when the Terminator moves into the square. If the Terminator has to turn to face a Genestealer in an adjacent square, the Terminator does not benefit from the free close assault.

Being Charged When a Genestealer moves forward into a square to the immediate front of a Terminator armed with a power lance and the Genestealer is facing the Terminator, the Terminator may make a free close assault. This close assault is resolved in the same way as when a Terminator armed with a power lance charges.


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The Terminator does not benefit from the free close assault if the Genestealer is moving laterally across the front of the Terminator.

If the Genestealer survives the free close assault, subsequent assaults are resolved normally (i.e., with the power lance functioning as a power fist).

POWER WEAPON, UNUSUAL Same as power fist.

RELIC BLADE Same as power sword, but the wielder may add 1 to their assault dice.

SINGLE LIGHTNING CLAW When only a single lightning claw is used it is less effective than a pair. A Space Marine armed with a single lightning claw fighting a close assault to his front rolls one dice in close assault and adds 1 to the result of the dice.

The fruits of the Tactical Dreadnought Armor project conducted during the Great Crusade, Terminator suits are the ultimate advance in personal armor technology the Imperium has developed. In the 41st Millennium, the most commonly used mark of Terminator armor is the Indomitus. There have been various other marks of Terminator armor, however, including the Tartaros and Cataphractii and others. The differences between the various marks are negligible in confrontations with Genestealers. The rules for Terminator armor apply to all of the variant marks.


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CHARACTERS The instructions for a mission will tell you which characters, if any, to use in the mission. In general, missions will be balanced for the characters that are specified.

Players may substitute alternate characters, if they desire. This may be due to the composition of the Chapter (for example, the Black Templars Chapter does not have any Librarians), model availability, or simply to change the dynamics and challenge of the mission.

SPECIAL CHARACTERS Special character models follow the standard rules for their character type and weapons. For example, Darnath Lysander of the Imperial Fists Chapter would be treated as a Terminator Captain equipped with a thunder hammer and storm shield; while Zhufor of the World Eaters would be treated as a Chaos Lord equipped with a power axe and storm bolter. In some cases, models are not equipped with weapons that have rules in Indomitus. In these cases, use the closest weapon type. For example, Njal Stormcaller is equipped with a bolt pistol that should be treated as a boltgun. Note that the special rules for special characters and their wargear are ignored when playing Indomitus.


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TERMINATOR CAPTAINS Each Terminator Captain is an inspirational and determined leader, able to coordinate the Space Marines under his command whatever the opposition. A Terminator Captain is a hardened veteran, a master strategist who has proven his prowess in battle. The instructions for a mission will tell you if a Terminator Captain is part of the Space Marine force.

MASTER OF WARFARE Terminator Captains are highly experienced combat veterans. To represent this they add +2 to the dice in a close assault in a manner similar to a Space Marine Sergeant.

RITES OF BATTLE Terminator Captains are masters of the battlefield, able to read its ebb and flow as ancient mariners would judge the changing of the sea. A Terminator Captain has a superhuman grasp of strategy and tactics, as well as the wit to employ them in the ever-changing arena of warfare. If the Terminator Captain is in play, the Space Marine player receives two additional Command points. If the Terminator Captain is removed from play for any reason, the Space Marine player may spend the remaining extra Command points during that turn, but will no longer get them in subsequent turns.

WEAPONS Terminator Captains are armed with a power sword and storm bolter, following the normal rules for those weapons.

The Terminator Captain rules represent a broad class of Space Marine officers from all of the various Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, from the ranks commonly referred to as Lieutenants, Captains, and Chapter Masters. Regardless of the differing titles, such as the Marshals of the Black Templars, the Wolf Lords of the Space Wolves, and the Company Masters of the Dark Angels, all are represented by the Terminator Captain.


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CHAPLAINS Chaplains are the spiritual leaders of the Chapter. They administer the rites, preserve the rituals, and perform ancient ceremonies of initiation, vindication, and redemption that are as important to a Space Marine as his roll of honor and skill at arms. Chaplains are daunting figures even for other Space Marines to behold. Their armor is jet black and adorned with icons of battle and tokens of ritual and mystery; their skull helms are death masks that evoke the stern visage of the Immortal Emperor. The instructions for a mission will tell you if a Chaplain is part of the Space Marine force.

COMBAT VETERAN Chaplains are highly experienced combat veterans. To represent this they add +1 to the dice in a close assault in the same manner as a Space Marine Sergeant.

INSPIRATIONAL When war calls, a Chaplain fights wherever the conflict is fiercest, leading from the front and rejoicing in the slaughter of the enemy as one doing righteous work. He chants the liturgies of battle with every breath, punctuating his praise with strikes from his Crozius Arcanum. By his example and his piety, the Chaplain exhorts his Brother-Marines to the pinnacle of dedication, so that they might conquer with valor that which would resist all else. Any Space Marine model that is within 12 squares of a Chaplain adds +1 to the results when resolving a close assault action. The Space Marine is considered to be within 12 squares of the Chaplain if it can trace a path to the Chaplain model in 12 squares or less, and may not be separated from the Chaplain by a closed door or wall.

Terminator A is 8 spaces away from the Chaplain, within the 12-space limit, so Terminator A may benefit from the Inspirational rule.

Terminator B is more than 12 spaces away from the Chaplain, so Terminator B may not benefit from the Inspirational rule.

Terminator C is 4 spaces away from the Chaplain, but there is a closed door between the two models, so Terminator C may not benefit from the Inspirational rule.

WEAPONS Chaplains are armed with a crozius arcanum and storm bolter, following the normal rules for those weapons.

CROZIUS ARCANUM The Chaplain's Crozius Arcanum serves as both a badge of office of a Chaplain and a weapon of war. A Crozius Arcanum functions as a power fist.

The Chaplain rules represent a specific type of leader from all of the various Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. Regardless of the differing titles, such as the Wolf Priests of the Space Wolves and the Interrogator-Chaplains of the Dark Angels, all are represented by the Chaplain.


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ONE THOUSAND CHAPTERS The Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes are fearless champions of humanity. Genetic modification and psycho-conditioning have made them superior to normal men in all respects. Space Marines are organized into independent armies, called Chapters, of which there are roughly one thousand spread throughout the galaxy. Each Chapter has its own fleet, heraldic uniforms, and distinct identity.

As a general rule, Space Marine Terminators will follow the normal rules regardless of the Chapter to which they belong, except as indicated for specific Chapters in the following pages.

<<pictures of lesser known Chapters>>


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BLACK TEMPLARS CHAPTER The Black Templars are one of the Chapters created from the Imperial Fists Legion during the Second Founding, and these proud sons of Rogal Dorn were led by their first High Marshal, Sigismund, the Emperor’s Champion. All Space Marines are renowned for their fervent dedication, but the extremity of the Black Templars’ faith is often described as fanatical. They lust to crush the enemies of Mankind and profess absolutely no tolerance for heretics, mutants, warlocks, aliens, or any other abomination against the Emperor. The veterans of the Chapter, known as Sword Brothers, serve in the household of their Marshal and often enter combat clad in Terminator armor.

As a general rule, Space Marine Terminators of the Black Templars Chapter will follow the normal rules, except as noted below.

CHARACTERS In missions for which the Librarian is used the Black Templars player may substitute either the Terminator Captain or Chaplain. The standard Terminator/Terminator Sergeant rules represent Sword Brethren Terminators; a Chaplain represents Black Templars Chaplain; and a Terminator Captain represents a Castellan, Marshal, or the High Marshal in Terminator armor.


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DARK ANGELS CHAPTER The Dark Angels and their brother Chapters among the Unforgiven do not seek glory or the adulation of the masses, but are instead consumed with punishing transgressions and delivering the Emperor’s vengeance. No matter the foe, no matter the odds, the Dark Angels stubbornly refuse to accept defeat. However, behind their roll call of victories and the façade of their steady disposition lies a dark obsession. Haunted by their past, they are wholly dedicated to their war of redemption, relentlessly fulfilling their secret crusade. The Dark Angels are unusual in that their First Company, known as the Deathwing, is only ever fielded in Terminator armor; and the squads of the Deathwing are a key component in the Chapter’s quest for salvation.

As a general rule, Space Marine Terminators of the Dark Angels Chapter will follow the normal rules, except as noted below.

CHARACTERS The standard Terminator/Terminator Sergeant rules represent Deathwing Terminators; a Librarian represents a Dark Angels Librarian; a Chaplain represents an Interrogator-Chaplain; and a Terminator Captain represents a Lieutenant, Company Master, Master of the Deathwing, or the Grand Master in Terminator armor. In addition, in any mission that calls for a Terminator Sergeant, the Dark Angels player may replace the Terminator Sergeant with a Deathwing Champion or Deathwing Knight; and in any mission that calls for a Terminator Captain, the Dark Angels player may replace the Terminator Captain with a Knight Master.

Deathwing Champion A Deathwing Champion is equipped with a Halberd of Caliban and a storm bolter, but otherwise follows all of the normal rules for a Terminator Sergeant.

Deathwing Knight A Deathwing Knight is equipped with a mace of absolution and fortress shield, but otherwise follows all of the normal rules for a Terminator Sergeant.

Knight Master A Knight Master is equipped with a flail of the Unforgiven and fortress shield, but otherwise follows all of the normal rules for a Terminator Captain.

FLAIL OF THE UNFORGIVEN Same as power fist.

FORTRESS SHIELD Same as storm shield.

HALBERD OF CALIBAN The Halberd of Caliban functions as both a power sword and a power lance.

MACE OF ABSOLUTION Same as thunder hammer.


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DEATHWATCH CHAPTER The Deathwatch Chapter is unlike any other Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, for its members are recruited from Chapters that have pledged to tithe a portion of their strength to the endless war against the alien. Each battle-brother that serves within the Deathwatch retains remnants of his parent Chapter’s heraldry, notably upon the right pauldron, but the rest of their armor will be ritually painted in the black and silver of the Deathwatch.

As a general rule, Space Marine Terminators of the Deathwatch Chapter will follow the normal rules, except as noted below.

CHARACTERS The standard Terminator/Terminator Sergeant rules represent Deathwatch Terminators; a Librarian represents a Deathwatch Librarian; a Chaplain represents a Deathwatch Chaplain; and a Terminator Captain represents a Watch Captain or Watch Master.

COMBAT SHIELD When fighting a close assault to his front a Space Marine armed with a combat shield can parry an attack, just as if armed with a power sword. If the Space Marine is armed with another item or weapon that confers a parry, the combat shield grants an additional parry.

DIGITAL WEAPONS When fighting a close assault to his front a Space Marine armed with digital weapons may roll one additional dice.

POWER FIST WITH AUXILIARY MELTAGUN Same as a power fist and the melta portion of a combi-meltagun, but is not subject to the Limited Ammunition rule.


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GREY KNIGHTS CHAPTER The Grey Knights are the Emperor’s final gift to Mankind, an entire Chapter of psychic Space Marines dedicated to defending Humanity from the Daemons of Chaos. As Humanity’s only true defense against the creatures of the Warp, they possess the finest skills and rarest wargear available to the Imperium, allied with a strength of purpose unmatched by any other force. Despite their specialization in fighting Daemons, the Grey Knights have been known to board space hulks that have emerged from the Warp, cleansing them of the taint of Chaos.

As a general rule, Space Marine Terminators of the Grey Knights Chapter will follow the normal rules, except as noted below.

CHARACTERS The standard Terminator/Terminator Sergeant rules represent Grey Knights Terminators and Paladins. The standard Librarian represents a Grey Knights Librarian; and a Terminator Captain represents a Grey Knights Brother-Captain or Grand Master. The Terminator Captain could also be used to represent Brother-Captain Stern, Kaldor Draigo, or Grand Master Voldus. Each Grey Knights Space Marine will be armed with either an incinerator, psilencer, or psycannon, or with a Nemesis weapon (see below) and a storm bolter.

PSYKERS All Grey Knights Space Marines are psykers. Grey Knights Librarians start each mission with 20 psi points. All other Grey Knights Space Marines start each mission with 5 psi points. All Grey Knights Space Marines may use their psi points to charge their Nemesis weapons (see below). In addition, Grey Knights Librarians may use Psychic Powers as a Librarian (see the Space Hulk Rulebook).

NEMESIS WEAPONS Nemesis weapons include the Nemesis daemon hammer, Nemesis falchions, Nemesis force halberd, Nemesis force sword, and Nemesis warding stave. Psi points can be used to add a bonus to the Grey Knights Space Marine’s dice roll in close assault, just as a Librarian’s force axe.

INCINERATOR Same as heavy flamer.

NEMESIS DAEMON HAMMER Same as thunder hammer.

NEMESIS FALCHIONS Same as power sword.

NEMESIS FORCE HALBERD Same as power fist.

NEMESIS FORCE SWORD Same as power sword.

NEMESIS WARDING STAVE Same as power lance.


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PSILENCER Same as assault cannon.

PSYCANNON Psycannons are heavy weapons that can be used by Grey Knights Space Marine Terminators. It costs 1 AP for a Grey Knights Space Marine to fire a psycannon. When firing in this way, there is no maximum range. To resolve the effects of the shooting roll 2 dice. If any dice score a 3 or higher the target is destroyed and removed from play.

A Grey Knights Space Marine can combine a move or turn action with firing a psycannon, paying the normal 1 or 2 APs for the move or turn, and firing the psycannon 'for free'. There is no sustained fire bonus when firing the psycannon.

Psycannon Ammunition A psycannon is loaded with enough ammunition to fire ten times. Psycannon ammunition is kept track of on the mission status display. At the start of the game place the psycannon counter on the 10 space on the track. Each time the psycannon is fired, including when it is fired on overwatch, the opposing player must move the counter one space down the track. Once all ten shots have been used the psycannon may no longer shoot.

Psycannons and Overwatch A psycannon can be put into overwatch for the same AP cost as a storm bolter, entitling the psycannon to fire at any eligible target as long as it has ammunition remaining. A psycannon will not jam (they are built for rapid fire).

Reloading the Psycannon Psycannon ammunition is held in slide-in magazines mounted on the bottom of the weapon. The Grey Knights Space Marine armed with the psycannon carries a spare magazine of ammunition, and can reload it at a cost of 4 AP. Return the ammunition marker to the 10 space on the track, but flip it to the 'reloaded' side. Once these additional ten shots have been used, the psycannon may not be reloaded again.


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SPACE WOLVES CHAPTER The Space Wolves are amongst Humanity’s greatest defenders. Where they prowl, the enemies of the Allfather cower in fear, for the Sons of Russ are mighty warriors all, ever hungry to earn glory in battle and a place in the sagas of Fenris. The Wolf Guard are an elite band of seasoned warriors comprising the mightiest champions of each Great Company. Heroes all, every member of the Wolf Guard is hand-picked by their Wolf Lord to be one of his trusted huscarls, and it is the Wolf Guard that are trained in the use of Terminator armor.

As a general rule, Space Marine Terminators of the Space Wolves will follow the normal rules, except as noted below.

CHARACTERS The standard Terminator/Terminator Sergeant rules represent Wolf Guard; a Librarian represents a Rune Priest; a Chaplain represents a Wolf Priest; and a Terminator Captain represents a Wolf Guard Battle Leader or Wolf Lord. The Terminator Captain could also be used to represent Arjac Rockfist or Logan Grimnar.

FROST AXE Same as power axe.

FROST BLADE Same as power weapon.

RUNIC WEAPON Same as force weapon.

WOLF CLAWS Same as lightning claws.


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CHAOS SPACE MARINES Chaos Space Marines are merciless reavers, intent upon slaughter and pillage. For ten thousand years, those who were once Mankind’s greatest defenders have waged a bloody war on the universe. The Traitor Legions have remained the sworn enemies of Mankind since the time of the Horus Heresy. Over the course of millennia, the forces of Chaos have been further swelled by renegade Space Marines who have turned from the light of the Emperor to pursue their own agendas. Many strange and hideous changes have been wrought upon them since their retreat into the Eye of Terror, and their bodies have been re-forged by the raw power of Chaos into forms more pleasing to the Ruinous Powers.

Chaos Space Marine Terminators may be used instead of loyalist Space Marine Terminators in any mission. Chaos Space Marine models follow the normal rules for their loyalist counterparts, except as noted below.

CHARACTERS The standard Terminator and Terminator Sergeant rules represent Chaos Space Marines and Aspiring Champions; the Librarian rules represent a Sorcerer; the Chaplain rules represent a Dark Apostle; and the Terminator Captain represent a Chaos Lord. The Chaos Space Marines do not have access to some of the weapons that are available to their loyalist counterparts. Instead of storm bolters, the Chaos Space Marines use combi-bolters. Instead of thunder hammers, Chaos Space Marines use power mauls. Instead of the assault cannon, Chaos Space Marines use reaper autocannons. Chaos Space Marines do not have access to storm shields.

Chaos Champion/Chaos Lord Chaos Champions/Chaos Lords are treated as identical to Terminator Captains. The standard weapons for a Chaos Champion/Chaos Lord are a power sword and combi-bolter.

Dark Apostle Dark Apostles are treated as identical to Chaplains. The standard weapons for a Dark Apostle are the power maul and combi-bolter.

Sorcerer Sorcerers are treated as identical to Librarians. The standard weapons for a Sorcerer are the force axe and combi-bolter.

COMBI-BOLTER A combi-bolter follows the same rules as a storm bolter as found in the Space Hulk Rulebook.

POWER MAUL Same as power fist.

REAPER AUTOCANNON Reaper autocannons are heavy weapons that can be used by Chaos Space Marine Terminators. It costs 1 AP for a Chaos Space Marine to fire a reaper autocannon. When firing in this way, there is no maximum range. To resolve the effects of the shooting roll 2 dice. If any dice score a 3 or higher the target is destroyed and removed from play.


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A Chaos Space Marine can combine a move or turn action with firing a reaper autocannon, paying the normal 1 or 2 APs for the move or turn, and firing the reaper autocannon 'for free'. There is no sustained fire bonus when firing the reaper autocannon.

Reaper Autocannon Ammunition A reaper autocannon is loaded with enough ammunition to fire ten times. Reaper autocannon ammunition is kept track of on the mission status display. At the start of the game place the reaper autocannon counter on the 10 space on the track. Each time the reaper autocannon is fired, including when it is fired on overwatch, the opposing player must move the counter one space down the track. Once all ten shots have been used the reaper autocannon may no longer shoot.

Reaper Autocannons and Overwatch A reaper autocannon can be put into overwatch for the same AP cost as a storm bolter, entitling the reaper autocannon to fire at any eligible target as long as it has ammunition remaining. A reaper autocannon will not jam (they are built for rapid fire).

Reloading the Reaper Autocannon Reaper autocannon ammunition is held in slide-in magazines mounted on the rear of the weapon. The Chaos Space Marine armed with the reaper autocannon carries a spare box of ammunition, and can reload it at a cost of 4 AP. Return the ammunition marker to the 10 space on the track, but flip it to the 'reloaded' side. Once these additional ten shots have been used, the reaper autocannon may not be reloaded again.


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EXPANDED ACTION POINT TABLE Action Space Marine Genestealer Blip Fire weapon 1 - - Clear jammed weapon 1 - - Reload weapon 4 - - Emplace autofire weapon 2 - - Activate/deactivate autofire weapon 2 - - Reload autofire weapon 4 - - Clear jammed autofire weapon 2 - - Drop large object 1 1 1 Pick large object up 2 2 2 Command lift door 1 1 - Jump into pitfall +1 +1 +1 Climb pitfall - 3 3 Enter rubble & debris space +1 +1 +1 * The Space Marine may fire any weapon other than a heavy flamer, flamer, or incinerator as part of the same action, after moving, at no additional cost in APs ** The Genestealer may turn 90 degrees as part of the same action, before or after moving, at no additional cost in APs

EXPANDED SHOOTING TABLE Weapon Range Dice Kill Notes Assault cannon Unlimited* 3D6 5+ Overwatch, 10 shots, reload, sustained fire Bolter Over 12 1D6 6+ Sustained fire Bolter 12 2D6 6+ Overwatch, sustained fire, jam Flamer 12 1D6 5+ Area effect, persistent, 1 shot Heavy flamer 12 1D6 2+ Area effect, persistent, 6 shots Meltagun 12 1D6 4+ 1 shot Plasmagun 12 1D6 4+ 1 shot, gets hot Storm bolter Unlimited* 2D6 6+ Overwatch, sustained fire, jam * Range is 12 squares when on overwatch

ASSAULT TABLE - MODELS Weapon Assault Dice Notes Terminator Weapon - Sergeant Weapon +1 - Chaplain Weapon +1 Inspirational Librarian Weapon +1+? Psi Points, Psychic Powers Terminator Captain Weapon +2 Rites of Battle Genestealer 3D6 - Broodlord 3D6 Mighty Blow

EXPANDED CLOSE ASSAULT TABLE - WEAPONS Weapon Assault Dice Notes Crozius arcanum 1D6 - Force axe, force stave, unusual force weapon 1D6+? - Force sword 1D6+? Parry Lightning claws, pair 2D6+1 - Lightning claw, single 1D6+1 - Power axe, unusual power weapon 1D6 - Power lance 1D6 Charging, Being Charged Power sword 1D6 Parry Relic blade 1D6+1 Parry Storm shield - Block Thunder hammer 1D6+1 -

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EXPANDED CLOSE ASSAULT TABLE – WEAPONS (DARK ANGELS) Weapon Assault Dice Notes Halberd of Caliban 1D6+1 Charging, Being Charged, Parry Mace of absolution and fortress shield 1D6+1 Block Flail of the Unforgiven and fortress shield 1D6 Block

EXPANDED SHOOTING TABLE (DEATHWATCH) Weapon Range Dice Kill Notes Auxiliary meltagun 12 1D6 4+ -

EXPANDED CLOSE ASSAULT TABLE – WEAPONS (DEATHWATCH) Weapon Assault Dice Notes Digital weapons - May re-roll 1 extra dice in assault

EXPANDED ACTION POINT TABLE (GREY KNIGHTS) Action Space Marine Genestealer Blip Fire Psycannon 1 - - Reload Psycannon 4 - -

EXPANDED SHOOTING TABLE (GREY KNIGHTS) Weapon Range Dice Kill Notes Incinerator 12 1D6 2+ Area effect, persistent, 6 shots Psilencer Unlimited* 3D6 5+ Overwatch, 10 shots, reload, sustained fire Psycannon Unlimited 2D6 3+ Overwatch, 10 shots, reload

EXPANDED CLOSE ASSAULT TABLE – WEAPONS (GREY KNIGHTS) Weapon Assault Dice Notes Nemesis daemon hammer 1D6+1+? - Nemesis falchions 2D6+? Parry Nemesis force halberd 1D6+? - Nemesis force sword 1D6+? Parry Nemesis warding stave 1D6+? Charging, Being Charged

EXPANDED CLOSE ASSAULT TABLE – WEAPONS (SPACE WOLVES) Weapon Assault Dice Notes Runic axe, runic stave, unusual runic weapon 1D6+? - Runic sword 1D6+? Parry Frost axe 1D6 - Frost blade 1D6 Parry Wolf claws 2D6+1 -

EXPANDED SHOOTING TABLE (CHAOS SPACE MARINES) Weapon Range Dice Kill Notes Reaper autocannon Unlimited* 2D6 3+ Overwatch, 10 shots, reload * Range is 12 squares when on overwatch


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