Page 1: ru - Parliament of Victoria


DAY; 1'tu!ci41W, 29th Nowmw.

NottO.IS o• llottol'. 1. Ill. FAWKNIIR: To me't'e, That thll BoUle do

rtaotJe itaelt lat. a aommlttea of the wh'lle, for tbe purpos, ofo>llllde~ac tha propriety of preaeotlac u M<lresa to Rl1 E:aoe1lelloy tha Lleateaut-Gonraor, t~t he wlll ba pleued to plate on the Eatlm•tea tor 1114. tbe aum of &OOl., tor the purpose of ereotlllr a lllOUurnellt to tba m••ol'y of the late J. B. N. C&SielJ, Eat .. Collector ot Caatomt of the Coloay of Vlotorla.

2• llr. W, NICHOLSON : To moYe, That thlt CoWl ru do r .. oln ltJtlf into • oommlttee of the who!e, tor

~e.purpote ot 00'.1aidedng tbe propriety of adopting au • r•a to 1M presented to Bia E&oelleuy the Llellre. :•t-Gonrnor,Jprayl Hit Excellaor to plaoe on the

1 atl:ml\ta for 185-t a rum of J21J,OOO,. to ba appropriated 11

hUdiar a brtd,e oYer the Yarra Yarra, at Rich-•'>n4.

or 3

· Capttin DANB : To mOYe, That a a elect oomnal\tee tltla Couuoll be tormd, tor t!le pu•po•e of enquirinr

ia~ .the -u" c.r anoh a Ytr7large 1upply of fora;: e at!Cl atoreJ b,:.:',_~r aooumutatd at the dirglngt ; u woll u to aaoert&t!l. th,;' lltGbt.blt lou arlaing from their tranaft at 1!1 improper te&a~o'.." ot the yet.r; the hlg)t p?ioe tf the a•tlolea at the time ·or !>~rebate; and the OOD&et'}nent dettr!oratl?n trom 1oar dorare, Bath committee to tonala\ or llr, Annand, llr. CampfleU, !(r. Cowie, D ·• Tbo111JOD, llr, Cole, the A:nd'tor-Gener&l, ki". H.tae1, and the lllovar, to nlienoe alld to oall for -plJI&:J.

t, Tht AUDlTOR.GENEBAL : To mon, That lhlt ~~~· rtail!tltltlf ~~! ~ ~~~~~!! ~~ ~~ !~Ole, ~gr

tbt purpose < f co sldtrln« t\e proprle ~ of preaentlng , D a t. drest to Ria E~oeileney the Lieat,eG&Dt.G,Jvernor, prayin~r that bt will te plllale4 to pl•oe up"n the aup­plemellt&Pf ,estimate• tu~ th• o'IUTent l eu the aum I lO, aid oft·'e fuude appropriated tor Ule of u .. tional !6111 --!~!ou.

:tG~~:. RODGSON: To move, That the C:>anotl rea(\lve ttaelf into a oommltteo c t the whole to con­alder the proprlet7 of pr&EtntlDi' o adtil tal to Bi!_ Jl:s:~ellenoy tho L1ollteu• t-{L;;irrnor, x;r .. ylng ~h•i he whi he ~!~~~~ \o plaoe on ihe Estlm•k• for liU, tho su'll o! £1e,eoo for the ereotlou of u Orpbtu AsJlam i'!t llt-lb31U't,e -6. Dr GBEEVE:!J : 'l'e mne, That the Bonae :S lve lta!lf into a commt~tee ot C:e whole to ton-

1 alder the pJ epridy of preaeotlnr &D Addt eu ~ Bla Exoellenoy tht ta1eateusnt..CiloYernor, eJ;pr81alng the opl lon of tho CouooU t'lat It Ia t eoe:wry for tht a~tet7 ofltfe .-~::d property lfltbln the Ci!y of V:el­bou ne, to tUe immediate atepa b pruvlde, pending tho construction of the aomp1ete worka undertJken by t,be W•ter aad se~erage Commlilion, an adequ'to apply of wr.ter for tile pu~~Y.·a• of extl!lgu!ahlng lhe!

• o•gaa er nn: ».lY. 1. P . ..rtoenhlpa Llmlted LlabUHy BlU.:-Beoond

readintr. ;~ Acljoal'!led Debatea;on ib. l'awkuer•a Hoijon h

t\U l~;~to 0)118lderation thb ~et!tloll of P&trlok Reid. S. SO.b in Sheep Prnentbn Aot Amendm .. nt Btl!.- · ,

BO'iSOnd reuU.uc. ' '· Gold-Field• alanagement ~ill (t.)-Adoptlon ot

report, &. Helbo;une Cor-pon.U'ou Aota Amendment Bill-

860Cml reading. ..._ MEBTIKGS o• 8EL'I01' OOb~~lil:ll.

Pabllo Worlts-at balf· 11 o'ok~i.~ New C.>DaHtaUon-at n .o'clook.

Page 2: ru - Parliament of Victoria

ooune had been agreed to (it would have Deen·more opportune beforf) the Colonifl Secretary expressed hil regret that the motion had ~een withdrawn, but he hoped that it w9•ld be distinctly under­stood that 'it was in order to have the same ohject carried out more effectual1y by other means. With much emotion the bon. gentleman paid a merited tribute to his lamented friend, which was responded to by the entire House.

A vote of £20,000 was proposed for a bridge over;the Yarra between Richmond and Prahra11. It was opposed by Mr. Fawkner OIJ the narrow ground that the city and neighborhood were unduly favored. He was, of ,course, supported, in this in­stance, by the gentlemen t.f the interior; but without succe!s, for the dURl was voted,-and wisely so, for whatever tends to improve the metrepo is, tends to at tract population to the colony. When­ever Me.bourne shall acquire a reputa­tion for possessing the comforts, con­nnience~, and luxuries of ciYiliaed life, emigration will be deprived of half its ter­rors in the fyes of the Britiah people.

A motio~ brought forward by Captain Dane for enquiring into the aeeumulation of forage a11d stores at the diggings, was rejected by a large majority.

The subject of natiunal educatr >n came, for the second time this sesaion, be(()l'e the House, in consequence of a niotion on the part of the Auditor-General for a vote of £10,000 in aid of the National Board. It wa;; attempted,. on the plea of a point of order, to throw the question out. 'I he plea was, that thuubj~ct had been already before tlte C'mnci11 but, as the Attorney-General clearly shewed, its former introduction was in the form of an ame!:lldment, and not as a positive motion. In this view the majority concurred. 1 The Speaker, then, as chair­man of the board, gave some interesting details respecting the prog:r es> and present state of their operations. A long and fac­tious discussion ensued, in the course of which many questions were raised alto­gether ex:tran·~ous to the subject actually befbre the committee. Mr. Parker, io reading an extract from the Report of the ~ atiDnal Board,. feil into the- same mis­take lhat he committed when quoting the evidence of the .Balaarat digger in the debate ·on the Gold-Fields Bill.. The pas­sage was open to ot-j.ection; bu.t, as the Auditor General Bbewed, he had miscon­ceived ita· meaning. It became, however, a suhjeoi of contention, though Dr. II Greevc~ shewed the aluurdity Gf opposing il the deured grant on the ground> of dis­sent from &n opinion il!> the Report.. The common sense of this appeal prevailed, and on the House dividing, the grant was carried by n large majority. In the-course of the debate (if debate it could be called) the Attorney·General anuounced that his promised Bill on Education would be ready in a few days.

Dr. Greevea moved that immediate stt>ps should be taken to nrovida oa.n llileanate supply of water for·extinguishiag fires. and detailed nrioua plans which would tend to tffect this obj~ct. Captain·Cole inflicted a tremendous castigation upon the Wo&ter and Sewerage Commissicn, and ex·

-r·----------~~-~===d· preesed his conviction that the real cause THE LEGBLATIVE.. OOGNCIL. of delay arose from the fact that the legal

. ON taking the chair yesterday (whieh he adviser of the Commission was one of the proprietors of the steam pump for

did at thirteen minutes put three), the S k supplying the water-carts.

pea er announced that three members of th C ·1 h d · -.> h . ' The House rose at a late hour; e ounc1 a res1~n.,.. t e1r seate namely, the Chief Commissioner of ,­Police, Mr. Goldsmith, and Mr. Aldcorn, (a nominee), and that Captain M'Mahon h ld been nominated to one of the vacant seats. At a subsequent part of the evening, the new member wa11 formally introduced

e to the Houst>. S11ndry rettlrns were laid on the table

by the Colonial Secretary, The third reading of the Bill for the.

Better Management o1· the Gold- fields ' took precedence of the other businesa

on the programme ; blolt beyond s few verbal amendmente, there was no material alteration made in it, and very lit.tle discus. sion a-ttempted. Discussion, in fact, was useless on a Bill whi~th it was imper!.tive to pass at once, that u might become law on the day following. The Report af the Committee was accal!dingly adoptea; the amended Bill was sent to the printel"; and when it came baclk, it was read a third time.

At the eleventh hour, how-ever; . it w.a~ announced that a deputation from Ba·aarat had arrived to lay their opinions before- the House. The At­torney-Genera\ said that he had bad an interview with. the deputation i.n the cour10e of the enning-had listened to their

·· statements-had eRdea;ore<L to r-emove their objeptions-and in respect to one suggeatioa which they had, made relative to a · righ• of appeal in cer.tain cases he

' .. t. 1• ' propose .. · o msert a c aw;e to that dl:ect. The Auditor·General took. the oppor­

tunity Gf. announcing that the Gold Ex­tiOrt D.u.ty :Bill would be withdrawn.

P\IJ"-s-nt to notice, Mr. F-a "~ kner moved the a,ppropriatl~f £:500. for t&e erection o~ a. suitahle memori~e late Collect· r of Customs. The Speaker -h.~· ~ • \u a quef-tiOn of finance, the- House was in

, mil tee) was of opinion that the efficient discharge of the &rdinary duties of official life was not a proper reason for llCceding

.r to such a grant ;: but he thought tha.t special had been rendered to the community b.y tke late Mr. Cassell,. in

• introducing and carrying out with such l compl'Olte success the present admirable d ,, system of customs duties, and that on th;s

ground be was entitlud tCI. the honor proposed.

Concurring fully in the opinion univer­'t 11 sally entertained in reference to the public f sen ices and private worth of the late bon.

memb .r, Dr. Greeves opposed the motion r from what he called conscieRtious objec­~ tions to grants for such purposes, Sev,ral a members seemed to share this opinion, and ~ Mr. Fawkner withdrew his motion on the o assurance which he had received, that ~~ more money would be raised by voluntary ,r contributiolls; and substituted a resolution :~ of condolence with the friends and relathu , of ~a~ deceased reqtlem~n. After this

LEGISLATIV.E COUNCIL. 2'<aoooiGY, 29111 Noomabtr, 1853.

The llt:••ker took tho chair r.t thlftoon minutes put thl."l.e, when he t.IUIOunc'ICI 10 tb• H01ne th•t he bad re~olvtd,. commuuto•t!Oll frrm Blo El'oLe. oy t he Lleuteruu t Gove nor, lnt'm>ticg t.lo•v WJlliam H. F. Ml nh<><J,. Esq., allcl Dr. Aldcorn, no· -elective mem· bora of the ()ounolt, and Ado pt 11t Qoldsmi :h, Esq , . the !Wimber for Ripon, Bam!><len, and Polwartll, h, d •••poe~ vely roslg>.ed their aoata In tho Coanoll; t.t d that Cllatles M'MohoD,~lq, lnd beon. nomioateda mot:>Qer of CoWJ&il In lho p.Me of W. H F. MitobaU, E"''.

Thll COif NlAL SE@ltE,rARY laid upon lho table a return ot tho amount of bus 'neaa 'ran:aoted in the Co~mQ- Courta througoout the a<!ony ; aloo, a ro(nrn eont\i.Uog tho harbor re. alati<>DI or t ee Port of Gee. k>ng, al>ll the number ct caaca ad}udloated upon under tbclm ; a.ho, aupplemeut&r1 oorr,.apond.ance m oon­ttnu•tlou Of d•>eumeD.Ia,aJre&dy laid U¥0n t~e t , b'e Of t~. o HouM, witb. rclt.rd te the Colo Ia! Agent Gqnoral lo. Lon4oa; •lao," rewm lhewlng tho eatabl!Bbn.eota 011 t.1l the gold-Beida !If the eoloay; alltf ,.bleb were ordered to ~. pt i ted.

Mr. HODGSON preaer.ted a petltlon feom the !a>,abita!lta a<d rate ll•yora of F .I1Roy Ward, Ia \he oity of lfelbonr> & iu favor of tlle Melbourne Corpera­tlon Act Ame,~meot BilL

THE LATE GOLD EBCOR'l' ROB.i Ef..Y. Captain DAN& ro1e te glv• notice, t..'>t.t,lo-morrow

he 1t ould uk lho ColoDlal Seeretarr when It was likely that the e10ort robberr propert1 woold be dtv:d _ w among t t.e ol.hnanta

The COLONJ)&L f!ECBE t'.\RY 11rou'd state at once, that aboat. • fortoi &hl Alnoe, or( e:a were gluo that it should be immedhtely P•id oo.r,

ORP~N ASYLU A IN ME., BOURNE. Mr. HODG3GN nld, that lo conse.tu•"ca Gf • cam.

mltlllcat\o~ Thleh he h>d recelYed from the Cotolial l.!ecretarr anol the Auditr r-Get e:al, tht £6000. h<d a\roady boell placed apo!l the Balllll•teo f,,r tb_• D!ITP te of tbe ertellon of an Orphan A.,:ylum, 111d tba.t li wat the ltten\lon of lhe Goternmeat th•t an &d<lltional a m a h . u.1d te plaee J upon tb• &jtimalfa ~and t ' at th• worloa ahould te lmmadlat<ly proceeded w\tb, h<l should withdraw tke m~tlon cf wlllch he had jp!ven no.lce up on ;hi.& 111l jeot.

GOLD-FIELDS M~)!iAGB'IENT BILL. 'l!he variOUJinotlce• of DIPIIOn ar<Lordo:a of tl:e day

al&ncllng on tbo paper bef>ro thi.o;BUI h •ving been p< atpomed until t.fte .- >be oonalderal!on &f this mtamre, th~ Holl!e agr.ln went. Into o'mmuteo uron BiU, when ouhln verb&l amendonaats. wen I11tr daceJ In I' me of the clau <ea.

Oll the tenth o'&jl••• _ Dr. GRE 'ilV~3 move4 th~ the provl•o, !Dtrodunrd. on tbt ruo:lon. of the ho11. m•miMor for Soulh Boonl<o ( Capt&u. n oco) t ;at r o p&:110n a l'tsted for not ~a ring a ltoer.10 ahotM. he 1 &t lnei in t out dy for more than forty .eight h:ura wr-., beln~ brought before a ju•­tlt e, lh >cl~ be lirnck oat. "B• thought t!l•t ins!o•d of proteoll11~ the llborty of tbe aabJo•\. tt wruld h ive a totally dtf!'ere;.t tlfe>t, aa penona might be tal<en t~te cas'ooy &ad ret.lned for torly.e ght httw;, a>d &ben be db· hu~ wtthoat kllew:ng for what the;v were lmlated.

Ctptaln DANBuldthatbe hadsugge1ted " lln.ltat or/ of toren!y -four hours, ·eblch "'""extended to forty -otghl hoan •t the •reb of the Attornt>y-Got e a!. He th ught no lnoor.venlenoe oou'd ar:te from lite limitation, a, ullder the Aot 11n orreot must be IQI<'e" wllbtn vi-"" o: a o:mmlaaionel or asalat&n&O<'m:nluloner, all of whom weN ma&btratea, bef, re whlm the pat;v mi&ht be placed.

Tho ATTORNEY.GENERA.L thou~ht tloo proyla~ bod bttter be emitted for tho rotiOD. ualgnd by the h' n, member Cor Melbourne {D1. Qreena), 111 whloh be on II ~ely oonearred.

The motion wu &btll IIB"ed to, Iliad tho proviso llruok out,

On tho otauo pNorldlng aa~ jarLt~lQII It .. ~~~·iliA

Mr. 11'4WitNBR 11114 lh•t &Ito m~era &hcalla& 1\ wca d be es.tremeiJ detlrablo &bat &be GonrD.IDnt ahoul:l appolot ua ... ota tum lhe bodr ot llll.o.e 1 to 111iot the j oulloea In adj odloallog on a.. Yarioq­Ulllnr uodor this and oll>er ol•u&el.

The A l'TOR)!I"IliY .OENER.U. 1ald &bat thla aa!Jeot baol reoelv d lh~ eonaldor.tton of lbo Gonromeat bat lt wou!d reqalr• a YIQ CllmblvumaobturJ' to~ tho attellAial>ce ,or uaeuora, •hioh woald lr.Yo!Yo .., graat a delay u lf a aummor.a were luuld a114 ~"t whole prcoeed!Jig• wore ta~l l•to a _,t of Jaatlalft"' att4 he old Lot aea h :w It oollld priGtltallJ' bo oarrw Oil,

On the hterp e\athn olaaae, 'flu ATTOR.NEY-GENERAL mOYei the ln1erttoa

of the followiDII' defioltton ,, ll:e term [Oid.mltea or gold-6eld&, 11•.-" llDY part of Llle wu e la•d• of the OJiony, oa whloh any pono~ lhall be ~ctoally •"Pled In mldug for go!!l."

Tile HOU!I tile> renmed, and the Bill WU Nperted With fur<ber ametdme>ll.

0.1 Llle motion of lbo Attoraey.General, lbe report wa, · •o;tol an t 1e Bi,J on:e,ed te be reul alhlzcl &l.u alalakr ptrlod o · the d•y.

NEW MEMBER. Captain II'KAllON wu lion anDOIIDOtll bJ' tho

8er,•ma, ar.d batlog been lntrCHluoed 117 the Co.onlall!eoret .. y, to.k tbe calha anol lola ltlllll 1 aoo-•lo.tlve m~mter or tbe Ooancll.

THE LA fill COLLECTOR OP CUS rOMS Mr. FAWK!I'ER then roae "> mo•-·'That.llll•

Houae do rcaolve uaelf !Lto a c .mmlttoo of tho wbol• for Llle pllrpole cr C>raiclorlng the pr. P•lety or p eaeA~ In! u ada ... a to Hla Ex,eUenoy the LtenttiU nt. Govoraor, th . t ho wi,J be p!e .. ed to fl&Oo 0111be .. u. on•tea tor 185' the IWII of £100, tor Lllo parpJio of eroollag • Dhoume •* te Cle n.em ry f tse1ote J, If. N. C1a&ell, E ,q, C lleetor o. Caato101 ot the() .l••r" Vootorh." He otl ., lh•t no llad bee" lndu~e<l to pat thla motloa O> llle paper, fro.., a •nowl..,ge that 1a. l••t.emcn •hoao •-•m• """ montlorad in U had bu• ·~· cf .be be.\t t ffioou In the co.ony, Yery •tlendYe .. bts busln~ta, aDd a wontleaoan of hlgb ollaiJimeok. Jh lo114 been lpokon to by senral membora of the &uae, wb' be t. ve<l lh&t II would be far tetter Ilia* tllil stout~ be doae oy £abeotlyllon, "> Wi>lolt no w .. •r•••able; bot l.n order tu be.r wlo.t tho opiA on or the Hou1e wu, be would mon tLe Boult l11to c<>mmlttoe.

•rbo H .u•e aooordlng!J woLt IQto- o m d&!H. Mr. FAWKNER tun a.t<t,.U..tlt "1111 teenropre.

ae.r.te<l ti!AI this o~lo. y wu not ,..iillog to"""~'~ merit lu peraoa. "ho hill <118Ua~t>llhe<l &t.emaelttt lo ih •, nd In orter to re\!et'o It from tid~ odllllll he liad. broag.~llorw.rd tbls moUIJ: ;· bot It he fvUI.d ~ hon. mombera wore wlllhlg to iub'"ibo privately tor tLI• ot>jeo' IIHbould muob prefer obat a prln!e 1nb. scrl.-llen should bo ral•ed, u he 1 e .• nod that lllal would aff r ~ a. much mur•gent.l e exprusloo ol the bl6h estim•li ;o in whlch the l&te rOijACted bon g-e:at!e­oan ..-... beld U.•o a mere ''"" of tho publlo mvoey "out.1 oor.nJ. He:h.ught UJ•t-aome.hloc wu Clae t.~ t~e mcmor;, vf Ul ... t late non. ger1tleman fur.._ Yery Sr<ll\t p..JQI U Ill><! taken In the ol!obarge of ilia pub lo ""tiea. Thal gonUomoa had beeu CJOilltaot In 11.1 •<~end:&nce In tte Houae, •nd wllhl~ r. v .. , ;p. few ho bad oomo to the hcuoe whea ho w .. ...,, .. ;.u1 1a • dyiol!' • .,,., l>eoa.u"'he thoo;ht tht.t he might be·alke4 $u lflVO aomo explaoation• DJ!O'Illho Cu•toma Bill.

'l'ho iil:'EAKER rogreliO!I that tk> llon. member baa •~ r ... "ur • ase .. te<i sa w ilhdr .. w tllll motlaa. Alt •onlh he ll8Jevo.1 tb&re wero vo>y tow preae.t·who W<lllli not oo"trtbll e to the. objeot In viow, y.e' be tllJUgt.t It would be ' tm_.,roper to tel a p~ent· th&G, aa m•mbora or tho 4!Jouuoil lt<lltilladly, boa, se1111emen lhoald be oalle<!•apon to d1 a·· Be did 1101· flliNit te the gener..tpro~K.on t:at m~nnme_ta lhoal4. oe ,...., ed •' tho vubao &Ife . ae to Ill& hoaor or all ·

.l•dloidaal whu h •d merely Giloharieil, a!Lilull&-h In .. Yery tffiole. t manDIIr, tr.o datea of lila office; bllt In l~e oaae ot •h• la~e Mr. Oul9l.l., he thoacnt tbere.• wu a Q'rcama:anoo why thla vote ahuold be· ••reetl to, whloh wu t.h&t 11 wu prlno[. pll.lly throll.h lllo lnakniOIA~ity or .Mr. c ... ell thai tiu tarltf, 1101 Only In thla •COIOB7, ~llt in all &Ill aaj-..t DU!Onlea, had been VOl'$ lll.tori&lly almpW!ed i and be coualae_o<l th .t_thatlliml'<:atlo• wu a work of 10 maoll ll8ue4. "> the oulun.)', U...t it did ohalleDII'• a ""'Uowar m~rk ot the appwbat,on of the Cua<o:l.

Dr. GR •EVE:I a.icl &bat he· apoae "illl m11oh p.ln When be a,(~ tb•t LO WU.Cl IIOt GOl..IOIOt:• lloaaiy. vole for 1ho grel8»t motloa, for a.o one ill 'be H u)eJ or in lhe oolOh)',_ otlula. appreohte more &.nail he nu1 Ill• amiable lharaoter lht bi,b ability, or the grea~ ualdllitJ" an~ atlootioll to 11>11 Ule deyoulu>eota ... t hU office, o.ap~:yed by tbo !ale tt.r. C'*'» .. u.l• bu~ be oonOU,.ted "Wit.O. Lb.e .tlon. tnt 8pe&kor, tha• H """ 1>ul for tile mere ordinary dla· on.r&e o~Diot ~u .. lo na :iea that tue Conncilaho.wt tole lte; D.CJW pr w•pt80d. 1:I.Oii.Ora~lo memDCfj Welt ,..,o4 tJ eot•bllob a preoooc!e t waiob he bad no heal· l&tl<lu I" uyra. U. . t be COilld i,d. DO OII.DIJlo of l.n llle m"Lor acuatry. Willl fiforenoe to the mo.ltfio•tlo~ of tho briff, had-··tllas bHa an orl,i.l&l oonuo.,llon oa lho port of IIU. CuoeJ, lhere m 1ht li.,.e n.e > aome fore• 1 .. the argamtAI of Sill Hoo. tbo iiP••I er, but II. ; Cutell, In ..toptlllg tho" 1'•140 pl .. • ,.. .. 0•1 fvllowwgout I.GIO.IIO&l pr • .aci~lt:j~, whloh had-Deane .anolated, and ca'rle~ oM 10 per,ooliou, by lUll sre.tec mlndl l.n roo molllor GOtu&rr. lt W&l Ollli on •<>Doulll ot .ho wu IOn&kl to ettaCihh, lllal llo tel& OOU<tralned to OP.P<" the Pr<lient rn..tio.o, fo: 110 bo•. member oollid uteom the "o~tl•m •u lt!IO h&cl bee4 "'~•n !tom -~at &kem more h ;ghly tll&n llo dtd. He beU.vodiLI!ere waa bu& uno opU.Iou ,.lib roaatd "> h.l8 ( Af. CuaeJJ.'s) abtuti ... hla •mlable t111, <all!on, llllol •11e man• or io wbioh lot ha1 d ·sch. r 6 ed hio d .. t .e,; bu; loo ll*u-ctf11.11 lllb­mttte~ th•t '-"' waa not a >UfB.o 011& groulld fer a m<Hio.ll ot th a ob.u&, r.n>l thezt·f.,re b .. muat mo" u an """•~:llm•nt t .at lhe Chairman h&Ye the ek\lr and repo.t pro~reli, whloh aolion WA&.qreed to, aad title H us5-aeaumod.

Mr • .I!'.AW.It EK eaa that u be f"IDd lh>tDUlD.J' bo . momben OOIIIllerocl thai tho oum. •ametl 1n tho mot•on wu.~vo 1maU to llliUk the hlgk reapeat lhOJ • •tersatnoll wr ar. c.aaell, aLd tbet. a !ar0er aam wouu1 be rr.lae1 bJ pr.v~te sutaorl, t!Jl!1 .which mtsht bo p.aven:o<llt tllfa mollon we.-. llj;reod w.-ke would, lo cowp;l.o• ca wlllllhelr wllhu, a10k 1.-• •••v• of tile B ·u.o• to Wlth<lraw the motion •l">iotllor, He "'­liev<ld tll•l a p !vAt> aub ,ortpllon have a mach better effeot, th•t tbero W vUid be a lari[er 10111 ""seJ, aLd tS..1 groat.r honor and greater respeol a"&wn to tho memory or the Jato kon t entlt. m .u. flo woo!d therefore, with th•l• ve of the Hout, m''o tba!<J,towl.g •••elution-'" Tllat thla Houa• be&• to df·Jr t nelr d••P reo I•£• ot condole en te tho wltlow cf ke l at.. J H . N. Ca!ael!1 E•q., C~lleoter or Caa. tom•, w place on reco d their h •gh. appreciation ot h:s servia<& •• a public uffioer, an• tb&t a oopy of thil ruolutloa bo placed up o tho JourU&ll ot the Bouae:• (Hoar,lteu.) '

The. COLu IAL SE ~ RE1'ARY gtestly re0re&tecl &ho oour•• which bod beeA talr•n lf &lle amollllt named by tbe ho , Diem er for Talbot vu teo amall, l. ,woulcl baye bee a oompeteut &o tl.e, Bonae te ba.voiA· creased it > but bo {lho Colon t•l.8-orelary) did thlalo: that. aomo;bing wu due from tile H. un to tho 1&10 tlon. Collootor <>f Cuaooma. lt a y hon. mem-ber "i.shei to make • p lvate aablor!ption, whloh be , w•• 111. e would e .eoponded to m.ost cordially, be olid . Dol a<;e why tbe t"o shoulll not Ill. 'I" gou on o' ncar- . reutly. With r, f,rence tJ lbo obaervatloa of Oro , o,...... he lle.lleved t ' at preoe~•·ta mtght ba, fo1111d d h .me where monum.s .. t hcd been erected te ) the momory <f men wh .~OEe vice· ll.rlle , 1 as worth~;"'· d pu~l,o • pp ec;atlon th&n the•• or !.he lr.te Mr. CuaeU. the te•t yeaTII of who•• llfe · had teen s pent in Iilli, aerv.lee ar tuo lOiony, and hlii der.lh ao,elerded by hill devoted attentl n tv thlt aenl.e. (Hear, ha.r.) He wl1btd It to g • clear:y &C~re the publlo In order tu,. nor.ooly mlgb.< mi take tho..motho d the Roue, tha$ by the 0011 ae wh cb h•d be•n lllkon It ti11J the .wlah, ana the iLt<lntlOD <>f the .Roue $<>do more honor and •l>ow more respect 10 the m >mory ~r tbo !ale. llr •. G.a•oll, tban iC me moliOA ha.i been ~a.rtied. (lie aft. h!ll.t- )

The moUo11 wa1 t~en pu' from the chair, Uld.A\rlleol . 01!1\D!movsly.

BI!.ID UE OVER 'i\_HE Y <-RR.l .A.T RlCRJIOI!U). Tbe Houao br.•lvg to .. e h. t o com·mlt~ee-

Mr. W. NICHOl.SON. 150Vod tberdoptiOil.c.!ruud­drO!B t<> lila ExceJle~c:r t he LjeakiiAilt-.Go\'OIIlOr1 pra,lng Hla ExO<i e :o1 to plaoe oll the <atlma!ll !lr 1851,., 6um of 20,00CI-., toLe &~proprbkd to bolldiDII' & brid!e 8ver the lluta Yarra r.t R Cll~QtLd. Pu~U.

meet!nga h&cl t <lliJl bel·i In Rtchmocd u.d l'rall.ran., at wblch resollltlona.b&<l been uaan:mouoly pa;...J,•ellilll forth tho great lleo01si :y which ox!o.,ed for sao~ a brld&e; and, " de,llt&tton f om tbota meau 8'1 bad ha:1 an tntorvi!I.W wUh H & Exoollency, wbo luid 6Ug­;eated to th'm. the pr prlot.r of sab~till&: the m.tter t~ t • e Lcgllllatlve Coancil. Therefore lt wu that be. {Mr. N.} bad broughlfo·wardtllepr31entmJtlon. The. Govenm(l..,t aulh ritt~ ball t •II.IIA \be profeulollll., <pl .• loa of <mloent en. in<OOIS on tbe au J<~~t. atd t~oy tad re;nrt•d in f vor of an Iron br·d. e, aa. the most suitable fer the local! y. the cost cf •bieh. would be defra7ed bJ' the IU!Il te had l ••erted In bla­moticln. A bridge was abocwtely needed in t!Je1hce. co~mplahd, t~e amont of popal•llonli•lnt on HOII. a~d e of tbe river It RlohJII!Nld and Ptahran 1to1nr be... t,..eon tb\rty a •d forJy thouundsoula.

Mr. GRIFFITH asked. wb&t tfU the e>Uol•i-' ln. toa;e r

' lllr. W. NICEIOL.SON be'!eved a\. tte foot or . Churob.o reet, t ut he toft that qu .. tlen open.

The CO!..ON[J.L SE - RET.iRY lllltd th1re were s >me grave obJ•ctL ns to tho Chnr:b:a~roo:~le. There was a high hill t~· o to be cu~ t~r~u. h, a t d lllo roads on e:tber&i( e oftbe r iver r.tthat spot did net me, t; wbllat therowereeq~>.>lly goo reuo .. a fa.. ~~001lng tbelooaliiJ ot Ina pre&<~nt Pu ' t as the cite i-a p~eforeuoe. Hcwoterti wllhod~<o!ilci o~; th .tmatterf~~thr,te ,-e.;red Lray Stat lhe G wernmonl nw the a-l~ of a bridge !11. lhal lloiQ'Ilborb l.'d, ard th• y wonld twl refll!o the apprctjltla• U~n ot the monoy uked for, But he tb• U}bt IIWol a question for the RouEO to con!~ or how tu tboJ should pu1aue the praotloe t f •ctirgdlst1r.ctud sepa.rale sam r,f money to be expe d oi on ~·· loular loo>I!Ul" lm­sre.ltlvo of tll• Iar,o aum of fUO 000 11b.cb h•d ben r !&ned at tho dl1roa •I of lbe Central Road B lUd to te EX; en ; ed GD the roada &nd brl gta of the Ct•'llny In th•youl85t. Itwu apr•ot'c• a' letded with OOD· • tcer.ble luoll.venleaoe, and In th'a ouelis opentloo wu to tbe •um to .he r.m · at.t of ttTo,oeo. Tile ropc1ed work, h·>•• V6r, w.a mol l d .. lrablo, aa4 ••

hoped lt would be ar.rr'~ ou•. ICr. F.lWK.NEBoppoaedrho moUoD. Theu11'1NICI

more arrent &rOIIuda shown fo: a bride• thort, &ll.aJlla • thor looalll!"' f<>f t~llloll t1 tlllllltor do~ ~Ill~ -~~ .

Page 3: ru - Parliament of Victoria

-;. IIIlTH weald aapport the -:1om. Tho bridle ... a•IJIIPortaot work, and 'fo' y •aOh needed.

ll(r SPt.ATT opP'*d the molloo. ll(r• QBIPII'ITH alao oppoted tho motlo-s, n kt eon­

..... ~ lbo troll.o- the !>1111 IUIB.Ilonl torepsy, b7 tolla. a eom '"'Y o b11Ud a brldr•·

llllllr BUTuEDGll wo11'd Y>te •r-latt the molloa. Capla!D DANE tap;Klrt<d tbe m tloa. The bridge

- 'alJlola elv roqutrel by &lae laorooalq tr&lllo and ......!~ai!Oil ~!>.e aotcbborboo4. ~"'M:7."r. : ...JlPEI,Y lo,tm•tod tb•t tho 450,0"'1. p~aoed

lbe dispiial <f <be Road B Jt.l'd, b\4 beeo op,l!'o .. ~ted and tb•t !ho,..foro, tnore wu no porlloo of lila& 1~m aYaU.W. f,>r tbe fonr.atloo of a brldre •' BlohJDODd.

AiW' a few word' from Captain Cole and Mr. J. ftompaon ln nppoaltlo:t 10 the motlon,

llf, lULL!: i erp-e!l>d blmaelf Ia t&YJr of the aollon. Henw no ol>jeJtloo to lnare>alng the orlghal ,.a1 of .&!ID,OOO plao•d at lbo dl•l"'"l o! the l\oad Board bJ the pro)!Ot&l, or eveQ a lar~er a~>:Oilnt, It obon 10 bo ne~ .. .,. for a w ·rk I? Jmpantt,..ty 4o!IIAD'Ied u thla pr>poo•d Rlolomo'Od BriJgo wu. Wllb regard 10 tho llh, be thoggbl t >e •oioe ot the palllio meetings te(errei t> wu atroodr In f••or of tuend o1 Oba ·oh at• eet as the moat eligible.

Jlr, SP !.~ TT • tb agM thai a pile bridge would ....,.. aU parp;aea, a"d be therefore moved, as IUl _.,dm>d, tba~ the 1 ro;cu:i anm be .&1000 lllatead tf ;£10,oot. - ll(r. BIG-iBTI' aupportel tbe orlgla~t motion. Im io olbor ltoalitf l'l the oolooy was a brld.,e more nnte4.

111r. r.A.WS:NER move.! •• an amendment th•t the ObalriDUI report proif91S, aad aal!; leuo w 1~t llal day al:r montba.

llr. ANN AND woa Ill faYOr of the formation of a b·!dge a' Rtobmon4, &ad th911ght a w,•cdoa ~l!o oae would ara~rer oil parro~<l; lrat tbe' it would r<q Ire 111ttou tball no,ooo.

Jllr. r. MUBPBY e:rp:alned tbat the et' lma'e wu lbat lhe Iron lnltge or arob, ~~ 300 reo~ •P•n wo11\d 1011tll, eoo, aod &bat the formatioa or plera, oa:tur•. 111111 enba Juoa•ta ,..,uld ap tbo outlay to nry aearly t30,00,. To &bow tbo ne­eeultt of a aeoo d bridge O'l'er tho Yarra, 11o might montloo tb>.t be bad oaa, ed, In Soptemher Jaat, a note 10 be lakeD of the trallla ever the Prlnoe•• Brl\lt Ill ooe woek, ~iz., from the 2~ d to the ~dth of ilepiember, Md libe reaal' Wai as fol•owa:-

}',ot pa;uogera IS &Ool Bonemon ... o1,5JS One-horae oarto 9 68& T•o-•.orae.., -lo" 1,706 Ballook team' 1G8

And lhla large !r.t!IJ, lei t em rear In mind, took plaot over a bridge ooly 21 feel w!Je-tt na oanaiDg 011111ldtrab·e ~a•sor &o ure.

Mr. 0'8H&NAS~Y •upp,.ted the motloll There hat beea t o•at !ldctuoed 10 ahew tbo bridge wu ao'DtOeaa.ry, where .. """'gb bad been t•H \o ahtw It wu muoh t •edeJ.

lit. W NIOHOLS')N, In reply, oboerved tbat tbo lnbabltaots of lbo oetgbborbood Ill quatioo bod au eapeeial oi.Jm oa the pmbllo tun" 1 of tho eo!ooy for nob a work, be1111nse there wu not ar.y ot>er POrtion otthe oom:ntnUy h•d o:>otrl~ute , m re by lheir pllt­obatea than they h•d to tho Land Fa< d .

The C.l&lrJII.>I! tken pat lbe two ameadmenta aaooea­l!nlJ, and \boy were • ob aegatlved ~nthou; adhlalou.

On the o>ij,lna\ moUon belqr pmt, llr. 8PL \ TT m,ve:l a further am,ndmoot tbal tb• ·= I» .&10,800. llr.II.It.LEB protei e ~ ag11Dst tho committee being

O&!le! upon te Nle a I U!ll wWob ,..., a •mllleJ te be lllacl<qtlllte 10 o .. mjllde the werk. It woul.l be m 10b lleller 10 vt te none at all. Lot tbom either vete the filii amount neo~ei If they approve:1 of t he wort, or II& them not Yot • r.rythtng a; all.

llr. MURPdY lnt•matooJ that a b-lr.•d, eooaia'lnr ot tbo Gove 1\ollent E •trlDoer, tba ptbolpal Eagtoecr of tbo Ca tr•l Boad Bo.rd, tho Snrnyor.General, and olber profeoalooal mu, tld oo~aLle etl tho m&lter Yery fllllJ', aad bad formed a ooro'ul eatim,te or tbo outl•Y ~Jut would be r'"'uire10 and that amouut•d '' £:17,886, "'nl'da wbloh tu~ C >utral Ro.&d Board. would t11 a~le 10 eoottlbu<O &bon; £10,0G0; tllU' Je,derlng tbe IDm aakel for, v11., £10,0001 ro~ulsllol for tile oompletlo' of tho work.

llr. GOOEl fAN ezproa.od his •pprob~tloa or \be aile belq .,t ~· pu ''• ~ moved all •m• •amant to tb .t oJI'dOt.

Th• BP<!iA.KE& suogestod tha adj •nrnmont of the Cl-lion, u 1ta a r •port bad bee!> reo61vad from a aotll­polenl engll!.e~'• u 10 wblo!l was &be 01oat e.l$b,e tl.e

The OOLONI L SE~RETA&Y uked why lbo Roue ahoutd lo 'ne priilent llll>ttlloo, de put lrom lbe eoune Ul(lto 1 oa. IU¢b. ouoaa!ona. Who h~:..d ever .t.ear..1 of that Honao fis:,og \be site ~f a brldgol Let \hom llealde whet"'' tbe mJ>.eJ a&k8l for •hould be Dppro prlated to ereot.!o~ of the brld,o ; and then lei the pre;oer om .or of tbo Es:e•utivo-tbe Preaidut or tb, Ceolral Road Bo,.,-d-doolde un h\a O'fD reapol.ltblllly wllloh wu tbe mo1t addsable aile to adopt.

Tho amor.dmut of »r. 8pla\t (£tO,OOO) wu then pot from tho Cb<lr a nd ne0atlv0<1, and the or•¥in•l motion waa agre•d \o.

llr. GO JD>aAN be;c..t t.? wltbdraw h 1 amendment Ylth ••••I'd h tile 1 h, &I>d after a fo• words f."Cm Mr. lllller, 1o fuor of tl1e Cbaroh.a r<et ate,

Tho H <ouae reoume;!: tho Ch•lrm .u reported tbe rewluthn 10 tbe &ouse, a.d it w.a adopte1.

On the 010Uvn of Mr. •NN .&.ND, lt belq thou six O'olook, lbe Bonae •djourne l for o. e hour.

The s; .. t.r again teolt &be Ob&\f It seven C>'olcok STURE& ON raE GOLD-l'lliLDS.

CaptlU. DANE ruoe t>mtve, "'fha\ aaeleoteom. 1&1ttee or tbta C~unoll be formel, for t •te parpo.e of en­t111rlos ln\0 the oaun cf aucb a l'ery J.aorge supply of forAC• &'>d otorea belnc aooama\ateil a\ &be dlg,logo ; M well u 10 U08rtaio the p«>baole leas from their trton~ll at &a Improper aeaaoo of U!o year; tho blgll p rloe , C the a·t\o!OJ ~t the time of purob&!o; and the ooooetlen& ~e~riora' loo from to.,. 1torage. 8aQb eomm!th> to oou111 of Hr. Atmud, Mr. Camrbell, llr. C ,.!e, D ·• Thomson, Mr. Cole, the .t.ud.IOr­QoneraJ, llr. H;J~ea, and !be mov•r, 10 toke ovitf.onoe aa4 to aall for popen." Ho &aid t oat by returns up>n tbe tal>le .. r Ute H "''"• il appearad thaS on the la\ of AaJIIIt Jut tbe-e were O!l lhe digging a 70,0()0 obi. of .., ... , 161 e9& lba. of dour, 367,0:11 lilt. of !Iran, and Oelll'ly & m•lllom Of pODDdC of Oalll. 'I'bose It l e. bod beu 10at op In tbe depth of wl.ater, at ..,. lmrne>Se ooat, and tho dji'DI'.Dd 'Jy t:~e G Jvel'Lm mt for earrlage at tb&l time of lho year b ,d ln­eretaa1 to aa en >rm , ua extout the coat 10 prhato Individuals of aeuaing up auppll11 \o tbo 41gglogt. l'be large ruroh• es of the .. aup~UeJ b•d &lao bad th eJFeot of ve;y ltJn!ida a >IY raising the mi!ket In Melbou•oe to tbG prejuilea of tbo publlo poerally ; and the luaa r .. om wute and alor-'ie at the dl~i!Ogl uf tbOJe br;;e "UJ'I'Iiea w uld, he tor u ,ht, u:oeed o •toul. tlo '· On a former OJOaBioo tho Clliof Commis!tOher of Go\d.fio ds ha<t s!atad thai bo oonld not lnrorm th' House wno o' dat6d the1e tllinga, He (Captain Dane) tbou~ht It WI.S essentiAl that whes 111101leao:mollS onpplles were ordered tllat tbe Houae &1111 the puiJlio ah ;uld know who W&S lo blame for auoh au enormous outl•y, and th~t the bl•m• &b•u d not apon tbo r itbt shoulders; and he lhoutbt that If a oommlt•eo • ere appoi.r.ted, this iofos m.tlO"- wou d Ill obtaloed.

llr. SNUDGRASS opp·aed tho motion. He 'oold aee no g ood r&l U t to be gaiotd by •h·• oommlt·oe. He thoaght lbero were suro ground a for bello•i ng that tbere bad been a omo amount cf waste, atd tb ; t an lm­p:oper aea1on of the yoar bad been fixed upon for the ltanalt or the siOrea to the diggings; but as tte'o was 110w a Commlnarl~t e3labllshed, he tbougat it wculd be naeleas to take u' the tlm& of bol. meill era by enquirlo;ldo !beae oLculiiSia coa by a oommitloe.

Toe CalEF COIUUSSIONER o r the GOLD­PIE L DS uid lbat very great apparent exeaaa of atona ~" the dll!rlnga was shewn, whlob arcae from tbe ata.delvory of stores, and wbloh he thou bt might be f&lrly attrlbu ei totbo1oantlr o a ofthed>partmeltoft'le Colon al St•,rekeefer. Tlle1 m not er atoresoa tbedlg­si.Dp OB 3llt August, altboagb It ap o&re;! Y•ry large, woad, on oalou.alllll, bo roun 1 to be oa'y " aumoionl aup~y for 188 days, or six mo:>t'>s; and lar.oo par­•- ~f o•l• bd been m tde &I the beJlllniog of the wlo~er, ~hen tbtrewt.a&lallln the ~ rico, and whe> It wu doemei de .trable to 11\y h wbQt stock woald be req o.trad tiH the r ex~ ~est.

Tbo COLONIAL 8EORE rAli.Y nid it na Mt tho lnleo,lon ~f tbe GoveroJmeni to oppo"' tho appointment of tbla oommlttee, a ' thougb ba did Mt opprebend thai Yery much prao lc~l •dv•d>;~e would ••suit from it. I!Jo}()dy w•a m>l9 alive tb 111 tbo G.:vemmeLt 10 the faot or t he trregularll[e• which h td otcur• ed retr.. ~"' 10 lhe 1torea at tb• dlggiai a, aod thordore !hay bid p>opcaed au &lteratlou In tile system, relative to tho •torn, and a Commlsar.rlat Depntg: ent wu lo­IUintod. If, bo •evor, tho Bo••• thought that there w,y any uae lu outt'ng a m•n's he.d oil •fti!r te waa do..S, by appointing a commit(ee to aaoart•ln thLt the e wore lrteglllatlttea uude• a ayateru wblob ball. beea wholly done aw&y wit~. tb 1 Government would oot opp010 tllo moll>n, but be could not aoa tk&t ll>Y good woalrl relU!t fram the &ppol;.tmont of a commtltee.

llr. B.UliBI •••n 10 a polat of orllllr, u4 -­ua•ed &lu.& U>e ra' Joo~auHer •f IIIla ao&toa bid been p,.'l'louly doh•ml ed by &be Bouo, aDd &lid tt wu D< t eompehnt for tbo B 111e l' eoatlder U .pill iarl.,. &be pnae• t alllloa.. Oa tbo Jt'b of Ootober, oa a motloa m""o by the Cn.irallll of Geaoral Sn­alolll, tb&t tbelau!ll of 1001. illou'd bo ~ ot of cbo Donomlu&tlellal Sohool B•l'd, abo bon. tbe Audltor-Geaeral mOY:d, u au amendz:e>t, " That 20,0001 ahould be approprl•hd &o prim~ edaoatltJD to tbe proportioa Yoled by the e1Umatn :tor lf63," by wbl<b tbat aum would ban beta dl'l'lded between the denomlnatioor.l &Ld at.lonr.l aobool baardo, r.D4 pre,\aely &be aum no• .._.eJ for would b••• beeo pl,.o&li at &be dlaponl oBh o lr.Uer boord. 8n tbel oooaalou U!o ame.~~dme"t of tbo Aadltor-Gonoral wuaept!Yed, It tbo prnentm tlon were ar.rrled, It w >uld atlerly nt.!'dlve the oonolnaion wb!Db the Hcu le bad arrhed at on a farmer &lOU! on, wblok na ooatrary 10 plll'llamentary praotloe, u laid do11'Dbyllay.

The AUDil'OR-Gl!:NEI\AL aald tll&t loe bad made aome enquiry befJre be pot tbe motloa on tbe paper, and be bad beou rlvon to nodentand tlut It wr.t not In oontn.vootbo to the or era Lf tho Bouao or be would 11ot bve bro• bt the matt.., forwal'd. The real. o:ostloo 10 oe detom~intd, Wat whether an ametu!mont belug mo••d In oommlltee wb!ob wu never agreed to, aad never reporttd to tbe l:louae, would be a bar 10 aay fu ·tber 'I'Ote of tbe Bonae with reape:t to the aame aubjeot.

Afteraome dlsoaaalOII U;IOO point of order,

Tbe SPE~ItER 1&\d that be thought this wu a oue lu whloh be allouH not be oaUed upon to rin btl opinion, but tbet tbe queelion obould te de.ldell by tu Houle.

llr. SNODGRASS thall mond that tho ~:o~loo 6f motion gl•eu by tho Aa4ll0r-Gelltral Ia alrlolly lo ordor.

Tho Oo1111oU cll'l'ided UPOII tbla motloa, whn tkert appeared-

AJtJ ................................. 18 :Nota ................................. 13

MajorUy ..................... II

'l'bo mot! .. wr.1 aooord!Jlgly oarried, and the Boaat went I.<. to eom m I ttee.

T • SPE&ItER thou I'Oie tom ye "Tbat tbla o;m­mltteo oonaldor It e:rpedleot to prftont aa alidr- 1e Bla Excel'tuoy the Lleutenaut-Go'I'Ornor, prayiDI tb•t be wrll be phased to plr.oo upon tba aupplement..r)' ••tt­m&tel for tho our11at year tko sum of £10,000 Ia ol4 of the fanda appropriated for the pnrpooes of Na:lon&l Eda­o•tloa." Tbeboo. pnttemUlaal4 that be w•uld lira: b, lng "aodor tho :cotke of tho oommlltes the : otalll 1lato of tho National B'tlrd of Edno•t on at the preu' t time. Tbo B>ard had beta. vory rooootly ooutttato1 lu tbla 410lony, althon~h there were a few se~oola eslab\lahed bore under tho BydniJ Board Durl"l the bot q or.rter of lhe l e&r l~U. tbe number ol oollco•aio thla oo!ony under the national a; tom w&a •ke, &r.d the number <>f oobolua 651. In tbe 11aarter eodlog Septeml;er 1863, the oam~er 1 f ao'o<lo nnder the National Board, oonatitutei by tho Aot of thh Legisldure, bod looreaaed to ~3. I he number of aohola1a to U\8 And on the 12~b of the present montb tile nnmlur of aoholau kad looreued to 1575. Tblrtoeo additloaalaoboola weu nowln oon"H of ereotlo•, r.a4 wou'd, It waa autlo•pated bJ tho Board, b> In qporatloa by tbe eild or tbil 3 eAr, or urly In uxt ) e..-. Bealdto tbh, aobor,la bad been eatabiisbed at the aoL-fleld1, aad tbo oom)ln~•t•on wu tloat n<t len tba11 1600 children kad rotelted edocati'JD lo them during the o'ght IDQttba for wblob tho 1obools bad been In exl•to· oo. The relative prop·rlloll e>f 10b•,l n ate l<llnJ tho DenomLa. tiona! aohoola, tbcso attending he N•ttonal aoboola bad In the last twelve month• b 11u reduced from twenty 10 <·ne to f ur to one, wbloh be th aght shewed t·>~lttere wu a very llll'(e prop?rt!oa of tho lnbablt­r.ata of the oolooy, who aupperled t e de1rs , f tho Nat onal Board, and tboagbt lhat tho& ay1te>1 wta the best a!!aptell for the oolony. Tbe aut qaestlon wbhb he would bring before t t e Co•aoll ,. .. &lu.t or llnanoo On,. fermer oeoa~lon bo bad alated b 'a opinion tb•t tbo Natloaal Board bad llo.-t Witbln proter llnr.nolal llmltJ, and f'e:Jag that they bod ody a oorhia amount or money to ape"d• hod not tr""agreaaod 10 lillY great extant In a laraer sx; ondltore t'lao tl1ey were authoriled 10 lnoa?. He waa b< wen -, quite t oe to on!eaa that be bid round tbal tile am .aot ty •blob they btd erooeded tho fllYI at t~olr cla;Oial WU greater th \ D be &I tluit time IDPP' se' ; for there wore before tbo HoDSo papers wblob formed the grc.a.1d work Gf the prueot l&ppl o.Uon, by •h oh II would ba oe•n &bat the r.otualllabilltlet of the Bo;rd al preant 1tere £2SI59.

The aum for •h~ob a;>plloatloas lud been to the B .ard u graula In ald of aoh ola, amcuuted 10

11,1091 In tho aggregate, a"d of lb't the B61rd bad given pt. d e1 of aid to \.10 r.molll!t d ~et~.; ao4 they wo1e det!rou, It the Legislative C1ano1l •onld enabh them, t o g!Ya all tbo aid wblcb htd teoa applied t .r However tile qu•tlon mlabt be deolded,be wa1 glad, at all eve>ta, it bad not been thrown oat upu a point nf or e ·. The bou. B•>tlemaa oonolado4 by m •"l"g tho reaolutloo In ooof .. mlty with t1u t..rmt of the notice

Mr. HAINES mo..t aa au am,odmer.t that the Obdrman report progreu, aDd cblalnleave b alt apln thal day "eek. He wu hkoo b.y surprise, for he oonld not tbo Roue wou'd &g&ID e::.terlalo tbe question, and be wu, thoref .rt, not prepared to e11ter upon a disonn\on of Ita morlta.

Mr. POHLMAN aupporttd the ameodmect. II wa1 too tb'n a B 1ue for auob an lmporhot qoeatloo to be 111<11nued to; beliJn, be oould not anppoa~d t·••t the Boa•• wou\1. ;ubvert o o of il! own al\odiag ord&ro be•uae 11 llappened eot to be amreoable &o them u far •• regardel one par­t·anlar qatltion, and he i hqref 1re w.a1 Jikewtae u · p!epared 10 enter upon t•e dilousslon or the 1ubjoo t Ill .t nlsbt Be must, be1r1ver, expreaa baa aurprloe at •loeN•tlonal Board,afhr hyJog, latbe preiOol year, tho tame am,ant, '1'11., 21,0001., ~~;lveo to them fo' the eduoatloo or 1100 'btldren, .. hld been given to the Denomlndlooal Board for the •dno..t'oaoOOOD ohilrlreo should a~:a!o onme forward and pleai a deflo'.t In their funds to the &moo ;;I or ~6tl, ••• (iroand for obtaining a aupplementary crr.nt of 10,0001. How had they • p . p'oprl.&ted thai large amolll'\tof 21 0061 WhJ ll,'TOI. of It were spent In erootlog a normal aoh'Xll upon a large 1oale, wblob we-ald r rqalre £4000 f ; r Ia oompletlon-~ • •orm· us r,uthy, whdly u o•llo1 Cor ardor tb• oir. oum~ :a-,oes. and sa~t avptoved of by lbe Govomme~t I. was blghty lmpolltlo or that Bo>rd, "'ll\le Ike final tettemant or the quostloa or •be ruture bosla of U.o edaoat'on of tbe couot ry wsa still uad•oldel, and wu oa !be eye rt being submlt~ed to tho Leglst.turb, lb'll to endow l 'aelf largely oul e>f the l ublh fa.nda Bbould their aystem not be adopted as tne 1 eneralsy1tem of edn<>.tloa fvr tbe COUl try, lbbC:e&t!Oll tf iliis OXiOOiiVO iaatltutloa wu only reL'derlr g more •omplloated and diiH IU t tbe ultimate se\tloment of lbo question or edut&tlo~ Ia lho oolony. He dli not think a olio bad heeo made out ror the ,grant.

Tho AOD!'rOB.GENERAL ll'>rl dared tbal a oue wa• mtde ont In tbe ••ry preoodo•t which bad bee~ eshbllsbtdwllutbe!eruen whoapobla•lba1 br~ugbt a similar motion tor a grant to tho Donominl­t'onal Ro•rd. Not only w a I he amoll!ot which he b d asked f~r granted, but a larger amollDt, ond not fetterei by any llmUatlon to tho Preaby­terl'\nl and Wesleya.,, aa lhe bon. sentlemau h•d demanded, but glVOil f>r tile benefit Of a 'l th'l recognlaed donomlnationa without uoeptlon. Aaf to the oorm>l •ohool, a ll admitted the oeceralty o creating a 10hool for training up teaobers, 10 u that tbey ahould uu~erstnd tbelr bust· e.,, and It wa' therefore DI'St uoge·e;OIII or \heROD. gootlem&D to tau >t them with their upend! tare on that aooro.

Mr. O'!IHANASSY laid, the Government were only toytur with the tmrortaut qnostlon of education. Wbere was lbo genera\ m01aure for llx!Dg tho basis of tho eduoatloo oftre colony, whlob they btd beoo p o­mued laat ye•r! It ba4 beon dllllnotiy u odorotJod on that ocouloo that uo lute outlay wn to t e incurred Ia any ost•hll•hmu ts, norm&! aohool1, or others, nLtll tbe go , oral meuure ct the Goverumont < o eincatlo' bad b!e!l settled ; ud ' ow beo use tb ~t uodeutat.dlng bad been departed fr>m; there wr.1 a domand made for £10,000. As the Board ba \ ginu pledgea of ua!slat co to tl1e &lllOu t of 25691, be 1hould a <t o'joot to erant \a g tho aum, bu\ bo objeotell te the 10,0001,; and be begge4 to move, 11 n amendmen\ that U!o former anm ;;e tho amount granted

Mr. A:Nl'IAHD aal4 &1111 wr.1 a qonUon of&beulea­aloD of ed~•Uoo, and oay boa. m ... ber wbo YOW r.zr.!uat U wu •otLDs 1111 exteuloa of adnea. tloa-

Mr. J TBOIIPSOX ad'I'OI&tet nllllar edua.tloll without the re\lgloat element.

ltr. F. llWae.tY dealed the oorreotasu of the ob· aonatloa of I tho bon. sonlloman oppo1lte (lfr. Aaaaod). Theie who Yokel •sot at lhe mo\.I' D did LOt •~h &J&inal tbee:rteoaloaof eda ·atton, blltagoina; a parUoular mOdo ~f the exleDalon of e<luoaUoa. It "'' boo. momber'l obaor'I'&UO", waa. oot a moat ob'l'leua f&llaoy, tboa IUlY boo. member might propoae auy ayatem of eluoa ion wbah'l'er; a'd tboso who lbould oppoae It, woalrl be open to the charge of opporlng &bo exteo •on ot elu .. tloo. (Hear, bear.) Bo was In f•<ror neltler ot the N a\i •D&I nor the Donom'o•t!,pn.l l}llem. He wa~ the chalrmllll of a oomm.lttee!wllhb b\Ci hat year proPOiod, In their raport, a •r•tem different frem either ; bat It waa not bla fault th .t a Bill, emllodytag tbe reoemmearlatloa. oftbtot refort, bad not been •ubmltied to the Bonae b ofore thia. Be d!d not ttlnk the National Board bad made out • o..., f"r the gra•t asked ror.

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL "ld &be me&auro allude to by (be bo"• geotleman ('lr. F. ll.urpl1y) wou'd bo la'd on tbe t.blo In a row daya.

Dr. GREEVES •ould anpPOrt 1be motlo11. Tho CHAIRMAN then pat t~e qaeatioa of tile

am•ller amo110t-lfr. O'SbaiiUty'a amondmon~ 'tis., £216t.-T~e O' mmiUee dl'l'ldet!­

Ayoo,~. Me111n. Grill. .b

P .. rur B.tnea Smltb O'ShanaaaJ' O'Br:u MIIIM" ' Banla1 POIWull(to'lo•J

' Moj>rlet,.

Non,l9. 'l'be Chief C· mrululour of

a>!d. Fieldl ll.oaua. Ce'e

J!erf8J' Batlelge Spatt C•mpball .l'Beok<" Hotgaoa .ba&Dd M'Maboll My IN J. ThomptOII

Dr. Groeveo Tt.e Attomey.(hneral Tbe S .ed:er Tile Colonial Seo·eta•y The Auditor-General Tho Solio'IOr. Ganeral Mr. Go);JIII&II (telle.)

• It


Tbeameodmntwu aooorJlatlyloal T Je orlSI.aal m tloo waal.bea pnt from lite obalr,atd

ogretd t•. The Bonae reaumed: tbo Cbalrm ·n reporhd !lao

resolution w the Houao, aad II w" adoptid. Tho H· nae thou rnumed, and tbo res lutloa ogrtel

10 Ia aommlttee waa reported 10 tbo Boooe; and on the mot·oa of tho Aadltor-Genoul, t •e rep~rt wu adopted.

SAFETY FR011 FIRB IN MELllOUBNE. On tho m olton of Dr G reere•, tba Houao wellt IIllO

oomml·t..o upon this aubjeot. Dr GBEEVE~ then moYed the followlnr ruoln­

tlon : -" That In tho opla!oa of tb'• oommlltee, it Ia u~e'le.t tba\ a'l Addroa1 ba preaeoted to Hla Jlluellenoy the Lienlellont..Qovernor, e>preulng the opl loa of the Counotl t1at II 11 ! OOOJ••ry tor tho ufoly of life 1111d property wlthlu the City of Mcl­bou ne, to tale lmmedl&te a'ep1 to provide, pondlnr tho CODSiruotiOD ( f tile t ompiete worka DDderhkeD bJ abe W•ter aad Se< Commlaaloa, aa adequle oapply of ••ter lor too purpoao of extlngo'abi•g ftre"

llllr. GRIFFlrEI •''d &bat tba &atjeot had engaged the attention of tbe Wat.r a>d Sewerage <J<mmloalo•­era, whoso eoglneu h•d made a •e'lf)ft t> them up' a tho au 'Jeot, and tho BJ&rd were moat anxloiH to oo­ope•ato In any way tboy 0< a'd t? render u <IB.oleut u posl!b:e aoy plan wbicb ~lgbt be dete•ml· eJ upon.

Mr. MYLES eu g11te<1 th•t a 1eleot oomm.ttae thou d be appointed to delermlno U;>OD wbat 1chorue &benld be adoptei f"' etrootlog tho o' joct Ia -.Jew.

Tho re.tolullon moved by Dr. Greens wasthonagtee4 10.

On tbe motion of Mr. O'ii:IANAISY, tho aocond reodlnJcf tho Partunhlpo L 'mlte:1 Llr.blllly BIU wu l'O'tpo• ed to Friday next.

Tho order ol the day f .r thell<'j>nrned dell.te upon Mr. Fawkl or•• motlo ' • to take loto ooulderatlon tbe oue or Patrick Beld, wu poalfOned \() tbla day week.

ab.ll I pol

~ IDII tbd a~al miU

bdt nat\

0 ama Dl. tlon bebi gold I wbio pro !I proc

Tb the Us he

l ..


tend! oortol !I, Go parlt raly Ya~

c W&l

bout ~·oct

o mo thla~ lefl j sroy. lf&DJ Oapt.

Tb agiO! a U!elr post pusej celel!l OK;Itj tbttel

In w .. a. m:>raj GUlkO! Ia tho remed trlt.a~ tbl1 I to tal WbO!II ftlgao1 senoe1 allies. elm• I ra'lon bOna II oocoJ

ex amp made hltrl,, wblob al•bonl tho fe tho ra1 repn*~ il.rly not •1 u that oophul v.ded I olalma t iJO oaa

The 1eoond ••••ling of tho Scab In &beep PtonntiO!I .lot Amendment B1l. wu po.lp'>lltd 10 Fri~•Y nut. be ex

Oa tho motion of Mr. HODGSON, tne I<O llld re•d­log of the Kolbe arne Corpor.tlua Aota Amlll!dmont Bill waa postponed 10 Tburedoy ned, upoa the UJJdtr­ltlllldtog 1b&t on tbat day It abOilld toke preoe4hl:te of all otl>er buaioeaa.

GOLD-FULD8 IIANAGE ~ENT BI . L. The ATTORNEY-GEl'IERAL then moved that the

B~lr.or do le&'1'8 lbe obalr wllh the Ylew or farther oooaiderl• g tblo BUlin oommltteo.

llr. MYLES moved u an ame d ne:.t thatl!le far­ll·et d!ao 11loa or the Go! -Fltlda BUt "' p<:atpoar.4 to --.v•Tv• {~l .J:rau:d..thu tf;hindeltaaha bad arriYc.d frem Bal&ar~t for l!ii pnrpot• "'" .......... ._

,.! o.v r.uanlt tbe rig! U>roug]

oornpl~ bul tbe hrbarJ ohargll Tbta II but II

•urf••llono re' ll\in to thla BIU, aad be tbou&bl tb•t tbo "elbga of lho dlggera •pol tbe mal tar b .. a rlcht to te teapeoteJ. They woald tblok thomae!••• nry dlacoarteoualy treated If tbe Blll weco b11 rledly ratted t • lgbl, and he tr111hi tbo boa. tbo Attorney G•nerol wuald not, &Ddor tne olrouma anoea, prosa It UfOG the H'u e. P,.-out.

No boa. member ba'l'iag aeeondel tbe amendmeo~ be abo tbe orl&lnal motloo wu pal &"ld asreed 10, &n4 the manyl

now, tJ Jmow tbatlbi 61ld Ulli

ror Ita 1

Henao •eot toto oooomiltee aoaordt~giy.

Tho alder&b ctra.oa, goodl ( colonie

Tbo ATrORNEY-GENEI\&L 10i<1 tbet bo h d blmaelf soon the delegates fr .. m Balaarat who hod been referred so by tile b:>r, member, and h .d dl5ou aol with tbom their varlona ol>jeotlona to th• Bill, •nd &be only poLl upon whiob theJ aeemed to r . lae any real o oje<tion at all, w.u tbat thor. w .. no power of apfe&\ ginn I• tho Bill. B• aow propooed to loaort the ri1bt ot appe•lln 0&111 wbue tbo pen&lty e:roeeded 101. He thought It moat desirable that oren the shad ,w of an exo ~•e Cot compl&ltl ab uld be hlttn &way bean " ftom tbe diglfel', and that they abou d aee the 1plrll tllo fret In which .he Hollie wu d 1p01ed to dul wilh lhem; are foal a~d ho therefore moved tbo lntertloa of a olaull Tke .lvlog, tn all oasn whore the fiae Imp 1ell by th• trade, m•glat·ate exotodod J~l , a power of ap;eal to tt.e nexl tbe exo Coart of Oo oral S,aslona.

llr. MYLES expr<a10l hla fear lb&t If tho Bill W•l forood forward te-olgbt under the olrcnm•h~oo• wblob be meot!onad, It wou\4 be looked upon aa a mo1t uuntllhoiOry mode of !fglah t ion ror lbe gold­flelda. At the last momo• t a deputallon bad arrl'l'ed In town to urge oe:talu very r r.n ohjullon• t ' lbo Bill, a~d we1e anxioaa to bavo an op ortonlh of •rhglr g tb011o eljeollona befJre !.he HoOJe, aad if lhat were •.ot ~!forded, he fo~~red th•t a aerl us •gl'at 0 l WOnld again COt l'alse the SOid-fte'ds.

Too ATrORNEY-GENERAL aa14 If the bon. mo;n~or would point out lillY olause, or any pulioular objection whlob W<l eotortalned lly tbe delegates, bo wou!d ot t objeot to a postponement. Rehadi<OJ th oe se,tlomeo, Qtd poln!e:l oul t!at all the objeotlooable olaoaet b~ been ex ungc;l, except \be PO""" to lea10, whtob they oppcaei In toto, hu', aa be lhlugbl, Ulldor a mlaapprobonslon that all tho gold-fieldJ were te bo , pen tO be le sed, to the praotlolll eXOlllllOn of tba lo· divldual m\cer.

Mr. MYLES s; ld tb&t the ~elosattl otjeoled 'l'ery

any, aud be be, the oflhom

Tba mot~ey

tend 10 thoro been re market a lOcke

II II keep1p lttoie p alve In b• regr

You pr!DI ~ by tile ahledia

s~rongly to tbe ohargoa Imposed upon 1torakeepen. They o J•cte:liO tho fOWer to l••ae, not from tbe mlo­apprebanaioo ang;;oated by the bor . the Attorney- menla 1 G·oeral, bat becAuse they J;e:d til at lt'II'U lmpo•alble to bore In auppose th•t any gold.fleld •u ab&rulooed. They alao wb'ch, lnvlt>d something like a ayakm cf arbltrltloo est&b- market !Iabeil amongst the din en, wbo, a1 a body, bad aet

I am n1 h.!d dOl th•t be B011kol

most i a far g credit, take pi bank& . paper tl tho aoo<

OOi fidenoe lu tho dOOlsiODI Of tbe DIISIItralol Dpon tbe gold-fiel ' a.

Mr. &UrLEDGE llld that tho boa member wu belding ~at some of the oil threat, that agitation wu ne>t •t IUl end; tnt au; tho dluen who had been ex­amh,ed In the aoleot eommittee bad expro .. etl. It u tboir opinion tbat the dlggera had filii ooolldouoolu the lllll'atralel ao4 oommlasbnera onlhe gold-lioldL

Mr. O'SHAN ABBY lr•d see a the delegatoa from Balaarat, r.t d hr.d e:rplalced 10 tb&m that all the POidl In tbe Blll to wlllob they bad objoctea bld beoa re­moved. a•d that tho rules regulatloDll for le••lng wo11 d ba aeon aucl dlaouued by tbe Honao bet "re they w•ro fi 1ally adoptoi. Thoao e:rplr.aa~!OJI, bo til u,bt, had aeomoj t ntlafy t ' ""'·

Tbe olauae W&l •greed to. The Bouse >esQme.l. The Bill, u amended, wure

porte•!; ar d, oa the mot on or tbo AT r OB.NEY­GENEBAL, n1 read a third tiO>e, a ·. d puacd.

The AUDI OR-GENERAL said, u the Bill wu row poaood, be should hke tb•t opportnlllty on tne p>rt ,,f the G-~vernmo•t or moving tl!at lhe order of tile dlly tor U>eaeoord reading of lbo Gold Es:port B;ll, whlob stood on the p per for F lday next, should t e dlo­

of apoJ altle ve jut aa they we aadtbe tbo co gre·tl•

W ith ltl•. klo@ 1nYeate: It apea tlm!ae If the 1 lt d lot the bet!

The except! Mr. M

Caphlo COLE .OPiOled tho m::.tion, tb\nktng that 110 &dvantace could result from lt.

Tao COLONIAL S il:CRl!lTARY nld t"'t the Go­nr ment bai refa•ed &o grant r.ay aid to tbo DeMml­nLtlooal Board wheu oskod tor It, ~.erana• the ge~e'111 measar• oa eduo•t\oa was about to be aubml\t'd to tho Leglolttive Cuuooll; but u the Couooll bad mado a anpple:ne >lary gr.nt to the DenomloaUooal Board, It ought In hbness now ma\ e tbo propnaei grant to the NAtional Baud. He did not a denta"Od the rivalry wbioh •P eared to exlstl'etweon the two ayotemt. There wt.a. be tbtJU3'b\. no crct1nd fJt it, for there • • • ro:>m onough fur both In tho oolooy. He presumed that, wbe~ U!e gooeralayatem to be r•rop·!e 1 by the Gove·nment wa• broagblloto oparati?o, all the existing acboola &f tho otber ayatem• would mer;e In It, and tb•t thus ~o loss w~ald H !liCU"red by the 1 u'>lh in Yell g any 1nm of mo ey In aid of tho National 8 boola on tbe pro ent oootslan. At to tl:e amcuut expendei ou the Nrrm>l Bobool If anything ,ike \he advantageo wb!ob wore derived from Norm.! •4~oe!s Ia tbe U llt..d Killg-

obld'K•d. (Heor, be.r.) Tho .Government bad not excee \ altered thett opiolon u to tbe genera\ poUoy of that dra, er'• m •a•ure; but after tbo s\roog objectlaoo whtob had for :u.e beeo ur&ed a galoat It from allaldea of the R ease, they renlal ~ dld not wisll to prEIJ ' t. good oi

11r. MYLEi!Ald tb4t pLrllea might bo suppoaed to be 1a;!ly 1o the10 tr.lll .. ~tiont, "Ito •• o porfeotly lllDooont, and Ia order te nUevo them f om t be stlgm• Yblebmi M be out apon tl:.em, he tb' ught tb.t thll ao\loa should be agrud to.

Mr. GRIFFITH lhlnghl tl•t wh:lll t' o sy•tem u<der whlob the t ...!ona o•onrred bad beon altered, It weuld be cerf«t y oug&tory t erqn.' o ln'o them.

ll.r. BAINE!! did not think tl1e mot! n weald be praotlo•l'y u•olau, u it wonld dem>r1trate to tho < • ,., .. who wore oow eugt g•d in the Cowmlaaarlat, tba\ tho Bonae dlrl hll.e oog• inooe 6f their pro. eeedioga.

Aller a few wordl from c, t&t. DANE In re;ly, tbo 191Dmlttee dlv dod, ,.hen I hero oppeved.

l'or lho app .!Ltme;. t of tbo o••mmlttee It


'l'be mot\011 w1a ... ordlo< ly nell'&ll•ed. B0.\110 OF NATIONAL EDUCATJO}{

'l'be AUDITOR GENEI\At.thu move ', 'TIIM tbla Ilona rnoho \lao~ toto a oom!IIitteo of tho wllote f r tho purpose of oo, aldorlng tlr.o p·oprle.y of pretentlns &II ad4reu 10 Hla Ecoe:toacy the Llonteoant-GovorDOr, PRJ'llll t~t be will be pleued to phoe up'o the aap­,-onla'T oatllll>tea f>r tho current l•r tbe 1am ot IO, &14 oft,. faodl appropriated tor Ill• Pill~ otDMtoa.a ed•eaUoa.·~

dom s 1c.u'd d tlW from tbi2 o -::e lu MelbouTne the com. muulty woald bave oo re s•o tJregrettho outlay which had been tnruryed u ron it.

Mr. PARKER quoted the report of tbo Nat'oru;l Boud to Bb<W tb>t they did cot mea.n to rl'l'e ap tbo prol'erly wiU! •bto!l tbey 1ro1e l.avos~od so e .. l y, and tb t t hey aet u~ cl•lm1 as a oorpora!e body t • the m.•int:msnce or tbfir rl~b·.a. •• troette,, whioh tbov oonWerel t 1 be lnd•feast h. II waa on tbat g routd that h• obOald rp~r10 t be motloo.-

Mr. HAINFS wl h lreO' bla arne-dment He CIO!l-

1·dered th•t the N•t!o · al Bo.rd bad ma~e out n> o "bai<ver rqr tb's ed aordlus·y ' cmand.

The i Pl!l !KER oontond<d lh't It oould not •·a n. peoted that r• ao · a wbo b 4 sal,.orlbed their money to build and r oprort aooool1 of a oorlaln, should r.ftorw>rdl oon1ont to tuko O'I'Or tbooe 10' oot. to another ayatem ot edn a~lon wh' ob they might ngard as erronenu•.

Mr GRIFFITH aatd, ou the l&llle pr!Dolp\e tho pe>ple ot Bosbnd at the p·e1ent ~•Y wo:lld t &l'e no llabt to t 1o prne!IIC.n or tbe endowment• of Oxford and C•mbrl!«e U •lnlllt\ea. He bad late .ded to Y&to for tho m" ioe, bet af'er tbeobllrntlot aof tbtiJptNQr be altoll!tl, ••te againat It

llllr, O'BKlBM Opt*ti 4ht • "" tlOlo

Tbo motion wa 1 &Jreed to. At I Tb.e Roan roae at twenty mlnulea past eleYell Matte!



w-.a.udatf, 30th NottflnW,

Gon&!IMEH Buatnss . O&DBil or TBII DA.T.

lOs. & Rulll Oe~.:e

on tloe to 19a.

B10r to 7s. 1

Botti 1. l!laUa~,;tol for 1851, a: d 8u?plem•nhry Estimates tor 1863-l'o te farther eoa.'dor<!d In o mm•.t ~•· ~ to ~11,. -

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